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Akamatsu Hiroshi

"Who am I?"

0 · 886 views · located in Namimori High

a character in “Katekyo Hitman REBORN!: Undying Will”, as played by taigaxx


β€œI just want to be someone."


[url=link to theme song]Theme | Artist[/url]


      Akamatsu Hiroshi

      Hiro || Just a shorten version of his name. Hiroshi doesn’t really care what people refer to him as.




      Student || He had just recently transferred to Namimori High


      Hiroshi has heterochromatic eyes; his left eye matches the color of his pale blue hair while his right eye takes on a lighter shade of silver. It’s said that his right eye suddenly start to lose its blue tint as he was growing up. The reason is unknown but it doesn’t seem to affect his health or vision in any way. He’s on the pale side, which really makes his eyes stand out. Hiroshi has a lean built but might slightly be underweight. He has a height of approximately 172 cm while weighing 66 kg.

      He has piercings on both sides of his ears; 2 on his left and 3 on his right but ever since moving toe Namimori, he had taken them off. Hiroshi also wears around two rings on his fingers. While he himself doesn’t know the significance, he feels the need to keep them close to him whenever possible so it’s rare to see him take them off.

      In school, it’s quite obvious that you will be seeing him in the proper uniform provided. Out side of school, Hiroshi tends to go for a clean look by wearing a simple white or black dress-shirt and jeans. Of course, his clothing will differ depending on the weather.



      Overall, Hiroshi seems like a gentle person with a bit of clumsiness. He’s rather soft spoken and seems to advocate peace rather than violence. However, it’s unknown if this is his true nature or not considering Hiroshi doesn’t remember 14 years of his life. He was given this identity as Akamatsu Hiroshi once he had woken up from a coma and thus lived four years thinking that was who he truly was.

      There are times, however, he questions himself; in fact it has been happening a lot more frequently in which he will suddenly zone out or behave a little oddly. Hiroshi also suffers from occasional headaches, which, according to doctors is just a small side effect from the injury he sustained when he was 14 and that it is completely normal despite the fact that the wound has healed almost completely. Sometimes, Hiroshi can have sudden mood swings or become extremely emotional. This may sometimes lead to a breakdown.

      βœ“ Classical music || It somewhat helps him calm down.

      βœ“ Cute things || He seems to have a strange appreciation to cute things such as stuffed animals, rabbits, hamsters, etc.

      βœ“ Tea || He has nothing against coffee but he prefers tea.s

      ✘ Bitter food || He doesn't like anything that leaves a bad taste in his mouth.

      ☠ Losing himself


      βš› Hiroshi can speak 3 languages fluently: English, Italian, and Japanese.

      βš› He's also very good at playing instruments and has a tendency to learn quickly.

      βš› Hyperthymesia || Hiroshi posses incredible memory. Aside from the past 14 years he had lost, he remembers almost every detail from the moment he woke up to now.

      ❆ Playing the piano





      A Scythe || This was a weapon Hiroshi used before he lost his memories. He has not used his weapon ever since he woke up from his coma.



      βš” Reflexes & Intuition

      βš” His incredible memory

      βš” As of now, Hiroshi isn't completely mentally stabled




      Not much is actually known about Hiroshi. There are a selected few who may know but Hiroshi himself is not one of those people.

      He was told that at the age of 14, he was shot in the head and miraculously survived. However, Hiroshi fell into a coma for a year. When he woke up, he did not remember who he was or the past 14 years of his life for that matter. He was given the name Akamatsu Hiroshi and lived with his Italian foster parents for six months before being transferred to Japan under unknown orders.

      There have been rumors that Hiroshi was associated with the mafia but nothing has been confirmed. Just recently, he moved to a house close to Namimori and transferred to the high school there. He supposedly lives with an uncle but he’s constantly out on β€œbusiness trips” so he practically lives alone.

      [Note: More to be added as the rp progresses.]



So begins...

Akamatsu Hiroshi's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izaya Ryujin Character Portrait: Nami Gokudera Character Portrait: Roni Hideaki Character Portrait: Fia Leone Character Portrait: Enon Nakada Character Portrait: Chester Sterling
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"Listen here, young Ieharu."

At the mentioning of his name, Ieharu's ears perked up, but he didn't turn to look at the source. He was too busy playing his video game, torso hunched to the side, shoulders scrunched in concentration, the clicks and clacks of his controller nearly as deafening as the sound of gunfire emanating from the massive flat screen before him. This wasn't the first time he had to multitask while an adult was talking.

"I probably shouldn't be telling you this–in fact I shouldn't be, but I believe honorable men like myself should show some good charity toward the families of their targets."

Ieharu's eyes narrowed slightly, but his concentration on his game didn't falter for a second. Though he was only halfway paying attention, he did recognize the voice. Male. Upbeat. Sanguine, but with a hint of danger. It was Godot, though his twin brother Ieyoshi always called the man "their new nanny".

"You might not believe me–I get it, it's a little sudden–but I am an assassin sent by an anonymous payer of mine to knock off an heir of the Vongola family."

From where he stood in the room, Godot took a few steps closer. Ieharu didn't notice, nor did he respond. On the TV, a rival's body exploded in a plume of blood and body parts. Presumably the boy's doing, because he snickered softly.

"Namely, that would be you, Ieharu Sawada." Outside, thunder boomed, ravaging the skies. It was several moments before Ieharu reacted, but then it was as if he'd been physically slapped. The clicking and clacking from the controller ceased immediately as he slowly turned his head, looking over his shoulder at the man who had just threatened his life in no uncertain terms. He was standing pretty close, too. Eyes wide, Ieharu moved his lips as if to form words, but nothing came out.

"Indeed," Godot continued, shrugging as if it were none of his business, his attitude cavalier. "Your Daddy-o's quite an important guy, and there are certain people who are quite concerned as to who takes his nice leather-padded throne."

Ieharu dropped the controller. The sound of an explosion erupted from the TV soon after, the flat screen flashing wildly before going black. There were only two words on the screen now: Game Over.

It was then that Ieharu found his voice, high pitched and wracked with incredulity. "Wait... what?!"

"I don't think you'd be all too interested in the details, seeing as you're going to die anyway." Godot took another step closer. He was within arm's reach of the boy now. "But just think of this as my diagnosis for you."

While gaming, Ieharu had been seated on the edge of a particularly comfortable reclining chair. Having closed the distance between them, Godot leaned on the chair's back, causing it to shift and Ieharu to slide backwards. Slowly. They were practically face to face now.

"I've decided that it's going to happen tomorrow." He said, matter-of-factly. "I can't delay it any further, please understand that I really wish I could."

Ieharu simply stared in horror, the weight of Godot's words imprinting themselves onto his psyche. Could it be true? Is he serious? He sounded pretty serious. Looked dead serious, in fact. But his father would never put an assassin so close, right? ... but what if he didn't, or he made a mistake? What if it was all part of the plan? What if he was going to die?!

"I've grown to like you, young Ieharu, so this is about all I can do for you."


"You've got one day to live, or at least until the next time I see you. I'm giving you the opportunity to clear up whatever remaining regrets you might have. It really hurts my conscience to think about good men dying with regrets..."

As Godot spoke, Ieharu brought his hands to the sides of his face, a sound like that of a dying animal escaping his lips. One day?! It wasn't fair! He had a math test tomorrow that he'd already studied for. He had so many people to meet... so many friends to make... all of it for nothing. His hands traversed his head, moving from the sides of his face to his forehead. Tears came to his eyes at his next thought.

I'm still a virgin!

"Regardless, that doesn't stop me from doing what I'm paid to, I just like to get an extra minute of sleep later on. So, I suggest spending the night to give it some thought, just make sure you sleep good, alright?" Ieharu didn't respond, his hands still plastered to his forehead. "... Oh, and make sure you don't tell anybody like your brother or something. You don't want to get your family involved, else I'll be forced to... Well, I'm sure your a smart kid–in fact, I know you are." Again, Ieharu didn't even respond. Didn't move. Didn't dare to. Never in his life was he so intimidated by the presence of another.

After a momentary silence, Godot turned, releasing the chair and nearly causing Ieharu to fly off it as it snapped forward. "Guess I'll be seeing you tomorrow." Almost as an afterthought, he added: "Oh, and good luck on the quadratics test."


"Yoh, I'm not kidding. I'm serious." Ieharu threw his hands up, a gesture meant to implore. "Didn't you hear me?! He's going to murder us all!"

The boy was sitting atop his bed, covers wrapped around himself like a burrito. Only his face and hands were exposed. He looked like an Eskimo, wrapped in his layers. Standing across from him was literally his mirror image save for their hair color. It was his twin brother, the self-proclaimed "older brother" Ieyoshi, casually slipping on a T-shirt while laughing his head off. When it came to someone as eternally relaxed and laid back as Ieyoshi, "laughing your head off" meant a few soft, curt chuckles. If you weren't actively listening for it, you might even miss it.

"Pfft. Murder you, maybe." Ieyoshi's voice was gruff, his tone sober, his face stoic. It was as if someone had turned his "energy" dial way down and then broke it off. "He did say only one of us would be offed, right?" He turned from sizing himself up in the mirror to look at his brother, who hadn't yet responded. "Right, Haku?"

Ieharu sighed, his big brunette bushel of hair poking out from under the covers. "Right," he mumbled, dejected. He cast his eyes downward before speaking again, this time in a hushed whisper. "You'd save me, right?"

The response was immediate.


Almost instantly, Ieharu brought both hands to his left cheek, where Ieyoshi has unceremoniously slapped him, a look of surprise and anger fresh upon his face. "Yoh! What the fuck?!"

Ieyoshi took a stance, leaning to the side, hand gripping lightly the base of his skull, a somewhat exasperated expression overcoming his otherwise neutral countenance. Ieharu recognized it as his brother's lecturing pose. He'd seen it a million times before. "Look," his brother began, pointing at Ieharu's face. "He's obviously not going to kill you. Think about it." Ieyoshi brought his hands together, marking off his points by counting his fingers. "A, that no-good Tsuna might be stupid, but do you think he's stupid enough to bring a killer into the house? To sleep in our beds? Eat our food?"

"Hey!" Ieharu interrupted, his voice shrill. "Dad's not no-good!" He said, referring to their father, Tsunayoshi.

Ieyoshi shrugged, continuing, his voice as low and monotonous as a boring college professor's. "Whatever. B, the guy's been here for, like, two weeks already. If he wanted to kill you, why not get it over with quickly? Why play buddy buddy with us for nearly a month? C, we don't have time for this. Get up. We have that math test, remember?"

Though he nodded at a couple of his brother's well-articulated points, when Ieyoshi told him to get up, he responded by pulling the covers over his head and rolling back into bed. "I think I'm gonna be sick..." He mumbled, peeking out from under the sheets after a moment.

Ieyoshi sighed, grabbing his backpack by the strap and swinging it onto his shoulder in one smooth fluid motion. He then sauntered out of the room as if the universe owed him a favor. Sauntering seemed to be his natural form of locomotion. From his mannerisms and personality to the way he picked up his bag and walked out of a room, in Ieharu's eyes, his brother was the pinnacle of cool.

After hearing the customary slam of the downstairs door, there were several moments of blissful uninterrupted peace, with Ieharu nearly falling back asleep. Before he could drift fully into unconsciousness, however, he heard someone at the window. He could tell without looking that it was Ieyoshi. Reluctantly, Ieharu rolled out of bed, the frigid air biting into his exposed skin. Slowly but surely he made his way to the window. After a moment, he opened it.

"Ieharu." Ieyoshi was standing on the grass outside of their home, looking up at their shared bedroom window. Their bedroom was on the second floor.

"What? I said I'm not going."

"Yeah, I know. I just remembered something."

Ieharu raised an eyebrow. Ieyoshi had that look on his face again. The one he always got several dozen turns before he won at Monopoly.

Ieyoshi's lips morphed into a slight grin. In response, Ieharu gulped involuntarily. That grin was never a good sign.

"I know something you think I don't know. And it'll make you come to class, too."

Ieharu ducked down so that only his eyes shown over the windowsill, as if his brother were going to start hurling rocks. "Wh... what are you talking about?!"

There was a moment of silence before Ieyoshi responded, but when he did, his brother's eyes grew wide with fright. "I know who Ieharu likes."

Ieharu shot up, his upper body practically leaning out the window at this point. "W-What are you talking about?! I don't l-like anyone!"
"Yes you do."
"No I don't!"
"Then you should have nothing to worry about when I confess to them on your behalf... unless you can catch me, of course."

And with that, Ieyoshi turned and began walking away with that slow measured pace of his.

"Wait! Yoh! Don't! Stop!" Ieharu pleaded, but if his brother heard his protests, he didn't act like it. His fears of being assassinated evaporated instantaneously, replaced instead by the terror of complete social doom at the hands of his brother. Ieharu brought his hands to his face. Unlike his brother, he didn't think of himself as very cool, or smart, or anything. He didn't have many friends. No one respected him, but at least they left him alone. If Ieyoshi was serious about telling, and he's always serious...

Well, he'd never be able to show his face at that school again.

Like a hurricane, Ieharu threw on whatever clothes were lying around. He and his brother shared a room, and they were the same in size and height, so they shared apparel too. In roughly eight minutes time, Ieharu had gone from half naked to mostly ready for school. Brushing his teeth would have only slowed him down anyway. As he rushed towards the door, open book bag swinging off his shoulder, it began to dawn on him that, even if he were to run his very hardest, his brother had an insurmountable lead. Immediately, he began to regret not stopping his brother while he had the chance. Still, maybe there was hopβ€”

Upon bursting through his front door, Ieharu tripped over his own feet and face-planted on the stairs outside. Slowly but surely, he raised himself up off the ground, propping himself up with one arm and holding his injured face with the other. He was trying his very hardest to resist the urge to cry, but it was yet another fight he just wasn't winning. That same bitter thought that always hobbled him reared its ugly head once more: the loser Ieharu has failed.

Little did he know, a shadow slowly crept up behind his unprotected back.

"Buongiorno, young Ieharu," his terrifying home tutor greeted him as casually as ever, his hands buried in the pockets of his jacket, "I didn't think you'd be so eager to go to school today, especially on such a terrible day like this." Godot looked up toward the sky, of which was blanketed in thick clouds. The air was moist from the remains of the previous night's downpour, and water glistened on the soaked grass and wet concrete. For his part, Ieharu yelped audibly at the sound of his name being called. Godot's pleasant demeanor would have eased the boy, had their last conversation not ended so terribly. Instead, his stomach did a backflip and his chest turned to ice. Gradually, he turned his head, once again looking over his shoulder. The feeling of deja vu was practically nauseating. The man always seemed to approach from his blind spot.

"M-mi-uh-G-g-g-godot... h-hi..." He managed to stutter his tutor's name, eyes wide with fear as he suddenly remembered: he was going to die today.

"Oh, by the way, about our little agreement last night... I got word from my client that there's been a change of plans." Again, there was that peaceful smile, as if all was right in the world. "It's sort of exciting, I suppose."

Iehari inhaled sharply. Deep in the recesses of his gut sparked the faintest glimmer of hope. "A change?" The pitch of his voice inflected as he spoke, making his question come out as more of a plea.

Godot nodded. "Yes," he replied, "a pretty big change. You see, I'm not going to kill you later." At that very statement, in one swift motion, Godot brought his hand out of his pocket, a black pistol in hand. All so suddenly, Ieharu found himself staring down the barrel of Godot's Beretta. That flicker of hope in his gut disappeared just as swiftly. Too scared to move, too scared to even think, Ieharu did what came natural.

He screwed his eyes shut.

There was a delay, however. Godot hesitated, although he smirked when he did so. "Seeing as you've accepted your fate already," he said, "I guess that must mean you don't have any more regrets. There's no special person in your life? No unfinished business with somebody close, not even your family? Nothing, eh?"

After several moments of silence devoid of a bullet to the face, Ieharu gathered that the question hadn't been rhetorical. Still, he didn't dare open his eyes. Maybe this way, he still had the chance to wake up from this nightmare.

From under his breath, the boy mumbled something.

"Speak up, boy," Godot demanded, "You're only getting one chance to say it, so spit it out!"

Somewhat startled at the command, Ieharu repeated himself, this time with a bit more volume. His kept his eyes closed. "W-why do you care about what I regret, M-mr. Godot?" Ieharu could almost swear he heard Godot chuckle.

"You'll understand if you die." With that cryptic statement, Godot rotated his wrist sideways and squeezed the pistol's trigger.

And that was it. A loud pop!. A flash of pain. Pressure around his forehead. And then nothing. Ieharu Sawada, son of Tsunayoshi Sawada and Kyoko Sawada, brother to Ieyoshi, friend to few, and most of all, still a virgin, died at that moment.

However, while dying, Ieharu regretted. He regretted parting with the world. He regretted what a waste his life had been. He regretted spending the time studying for a math test he'd never take. But there was one thing he regretted more than anything else. One thing that, even as the bullet pierced his skull and robbed him of life, he wished he had accomplished with all his heart.

I should have stopped Ieharu from confessing for me... from saying something stupid... I could have stopped him...

His body was cold before it even hit the ground.

... with a dying will.

On the other side of the street, several passersby screamed in horror. One was even so bold as to yell, finger pointing in violent accusation: "That thug just shot that kid!"

Ieharu's body slumped on the ground, blood pooling under his head. One second, he was certainly dead. But then in the next...


Ieharu literally exploded, most of his clothes burning away to ashes, his then-dead body springing to life like round two in any good video game's boss battle. Though he was still scrawny and mostly naked, he sported a look that'd never crossed his face before. His eyes were wide and full of determination, his pupils dilated, his irises practically glowing. He was grinding his teeth in seething rage. Most noticeable was the massive orange flame located smack dab in the middle of his forehead, the blaze shifting and pulsing to some unknown rhythm.

His sudden re-emergence from death and accompanying roar of rebirth startled everyone in the area, excluding Godot. One of themβ€”an old womanβ€”fainted where she stood.


And with that, Ieharu sped off, his feet carrying him as fast as an Olympic athlete as he raced with all his might towards Ieyoshi and Namimori High.

Godot watched as the half-naked boy sped off like hell on wheels, and so did the rest of the neighborhood. People looked at Godot, flabbergasted at what they had just witnessed. Godot smiled at them affably.

"Things are going to be a lot more interesting around here from now on."

The setting changes from The Sawada Household to Japan


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akamatsu Hiroshi
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#, as written by taigaxx
Hiroshi looked at the piece of paper stuck onto the fridge with a message that had him almost choking on the water he was drinking. "S-School...?" He had spent the past couple of days unpacking and he knew he would be attending school but he didn't know it would be this soon. "At least give him a heads up the day before," he sighed softly. It was a good thing he was an early riser. Rubbing the back of his neck, Hiroshi looked at the school uniform that was neatly folded on the table. It wasn't like anything will happen if he whined to someone who wasn't even here so he might as well just get ready. He knew exactly where the school was since he had the map of this town memorized but the problem will arise once he got there. The only instructions left on the paper was: Go to school. The uniform is left on the table. The man who was supposedly his uncle wasn't even here to guide him properly.

He reluctantly put the uniform on, properly tucking in his shirt and adjusting the belt to his pants. He didn't have any books so it felt a little awkward leaving the house without anything. He had attended school in Italy for a while, of course, but Japan was probably a lot different.

It didn't take too long to get to school and when he got there, the first thing he witnessed was a crowd of people. He wasn't sure what was happening, nor was he sure if he wanted to stick around and find out. This was a high school after all, so something is bound to happen. His curiosity did poke at him but right now, his priority was to find the principal and figure what he was supposed to do from here on. Hopefully was he registered properly or he'll make a fool of himself on the first day. Ah and he'll have to get his class schedules too.

Hiroshi hurried past the crowd into the school building, hesitating in the middle of the hallway. Right... he had no idea where the principal's office was. "Ah..." Heterochromatic eyes looked around desperately in search of someone who can perhaps help him to find his way around in this foreign building.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chester Sterling Character Portrait: Rosa Kuromaku Character Portrait: Ieyoshi Sawada Character Portrait: Akamatsu Hiroshi Character Portrait: Damien Gokudera Character Portrait: Florence Sterling
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#, as written by moahi

Chester immediately stood after he helped Yoh up, moving back into the crowd of curious students and blending right in just like a chameleon changing its colors. Queen Rosa had just unleashed β€˜Paparazzi’ on them, which resulted in flashes of light as many of her lackeys took photographs of them. He couldn’t help but feel a tinge of pity for Haku, the reign of Queen Rosa was something that he had grown accustomed to over his life in school. It was close to the bullying that he had encountered in his past, only this time much more organised and cruel. Not that it was any of his business though, and as long as it wasn’t Chester was going to keep as far away from the matter as he possibly could. Though it was terribly amusing when Rosa was knocked back into a puddle of water. It was honestly just what she deserved, and Chester fought hard to hide the small smile that was forming on his face. Japan was a place of infinite possibilities indeed.

However, that might be the climax of it all, but it wasn’t the end of the action. Before he knew it, Yoh had given his clothes to Haku and stripped down to only his shirt and underwear this time, and brutally assaulted a student trying to take pictures of them. The heck kind of school is this? It wasn’t the first time Chester had questioned it, but it wasn’t going to be the last. This wasn’t the kind of peaceful school life he was expecting from his mother’s description. This was too violent for a simple photo, and as much as he hated himself for it he wasn’t going to stop Yoh. Should he confront Yoh directly, it would bring attention to himself and risk his chances of going unnoticed most of the time, destroying the front that he had so painstakingly built. All he could do was to bite his lip and wait for the beating to stop. A student did try to approach him, but was blocked by Damien as Yoh flung the phone over the fence, causing it to smash and the sound of the car alarm making Chester wince. Yoh destroyed an expensive phone. From personal expereince, Chester had almost being killed for it once, though if anything Yoh was more likely to be the one doing the killing in this situation.

As Yoh finished threatening the crowd and marched off as dignified as can be in his batman boxers, Damien then reached into his pocket and threw smoke bombs onto the ground. Smoke bombs! What even is this school? Why was he still in it? It had already proven itself to be a dangerous place. If they allowed students to bring smoke bombs in, who knows what would happen if someone brought a gun. Chester pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed quietly. He felt surprisingly calm in this situation, more amused than appalled by what was happening in school. It was the first time that he had encountered a smoke bomb, but it might as well have been a daily occurrence from the calm way Chester dealt with it, holding his breath nonchalantly as he took the opportunity to sneak away from the crowd into the doors leading to the school. Not the best way most mornings could go, but oh well, things happen sometimes. All you need to do was to learn to deal with it. Now the most important thing at hand was class, and Chester wasn’t going to be late for it, smoke bomb or otherwise.

Halfway down the hallway, his phone beeped as a text notification appeared on it. It was a mass text message, and Chester prayed silently for it to be different from what he was expecting. Did someone have the gall to post the pictures of the twins in boxers after all? He really didn't want anymore people to get hurt in the process. However, upon opening the text, Chester wasn't sure if it was better or worse. 'Oh look, the Alpha Bitch Rosa, taking a dip in all of her elegance.' was apparently the caption for the two images depicting the humiliating situation the supposed 'queen' of the school had been in. This was just going to result in a full out war at this rate, but perhaps he was thinking a bit too deeply into this. Maybe it could just die down into a childish prank, but Chester had a feeling that expecting that was a bit too unrealistic. Rosa had never reacted very well to even the more minor incidents, and one could only pray for the people she unleashes her rage on. That said, it really was none of his business. Letting out a soft sigh, Chester tugged at the hood to position it more firmly as he walked down the halls and into the classroom, taking a seat quietly at the very back of the room. If he tried hard enough, the rest of the day should go peacefully, but after what happened prior to this the thought seemed a little ludicrous.


β€œAh, I’m going to be late.” The words came with little more than a flat tone of apathy as Florence stepped before the school grounds, cold blue eyes landing disinterestedly on the crowd gathered just outside the school. A fight? It wasn’t something that interested her, Florence had seen worse before and this was only between children after all. Nothing important or worthy of any sort of involvement. She only stopped in her tracks momentarily as a phone of the latest technology flew over the fence she had just passed and broke a car window, causing her to pause momentarily in surprise. That was unexpected, she didn’t know that fighting in schools could escalate to such an extent, though it wasn’t something that she would know. After all, she had spent the majority of her life being homeschooled and killing people in the mafia, one rarely has time to lead a school life with those involvements. She had just transferred into the school the very day under special circumstances, and already there was something she did not foresee.

Since most of the students were in a state of panic, Florence decided to simply walk past the commotion and step into the school, just in time as plumes of smoke seemed to rise from outside, causing the sounds of coughing and gagging to rise behind her. A smoke bomb? Did she get herself into more trouble than she warranted? Still, Florence shrugged it off nonchalantly. It was nothing she couldn’t deal with, and above all her top priority was to find the principal’s office and get her classes allocated to her, after which she will embark on seeking out her brother. Everything else can and will come later. The fact that she had honestly no idea where to go in this building didn’t bother her the slightest, or rather Florence didn’t choose to acknowledge it. In the worst case, she would have to walk around the school all day or approach someone. There were only that many storeys and different rooms to a building after all.

She was halfway down the halls when she spotted another figure lingering there, looking lost. The student had pale blue hair, an oddity that made him stand out completely from the other students she had seen in the crowd. He probably won’t be of much help, seeing that he looked as confused and lost as she felt. Nevertheless Florence approached him carefully. β€œGood morning. You look as though you are lost, do you happen to require any assistance?” She spoke quickly, only realising after she had finished her question that she was still speaking in fluent Italian.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crostoph L. Stings Character Portrait: Akira Shinsato Character Portrait: Akamatsu Hiroshi Character Portrait: Florence Sterling
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Been out till sick, huh? That sucked. Akira waited patiently as the new guy answered his phone, idly noting out of the corner of his eye the way his face changed expression from what seemed like normal to somewhat annoyed. In the courtyard, the crowd was pretty rowdy, and Akira wondered what was going on. A fight, maybe? His eyebrows rose as an object blurred over the fence and landed with a crash, followed almost immediately by the sound of a siren wailing in the distance. Then Crostoph hung up, and Akira turned his focus back on him.

As he introduced himself with the name Crostoph, the instigators - a pair of boys with the same face and state of undress - appeared out of the crowd. Akira ignored them, although he briefly wondered what had happened. A fight didn't quite explain losing ones pants (although the underwear was pretty cool), so what had happened?

"Oh, I'm a second year too," he responded, surprised. A smile spread on his face like cards fanning out to be picked, and as Crostoph moved Akira took it as a sign that he wanted to go to the office straight away and began walking himself, leading Crostoph past a staircase at the right. "Great! Maybe we'll be in the same class together. Don't worry about the maps, they're like five years outdated, but you're suppose to head towards the principals office to get your schedule. I'll lead you there," he decided, turning around. "C'mon, lets go!"

Akira knew the path towards the place so well that his mind wasn't really on the route. Instead, he chattered to Crostoph, introducing himself and pointing out which staircases lead to what and other tidbits of information like what was in each level, which should be useful to someone new to the area.

"... And that's why if you want to escape to the back of the school quickly, its best to do it from the chemistry lab," He explained, turning left into the halls almost on automatic. "We're almost the- oof," he said, bumping into someone. He moved back a bit and looked up, spying long blonde hair and light blue hair, "Ah, sorry," He apologised, a sheepish expression on his face. "I wasn't looking where I was going."

The setting changes from Japan to Namimori High


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crostoph L. Stings Character Portrait: Akira Shinsato Character Portrait: Akamatsu Hiroshi Character Portrait: Luka Character Portrait: Yume Hibari Character Portrait: Florence Sterling
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#, as written by taigaxx

Luka merely shook his head at the show the Sawadas put on so early in the morning. In the end, nothing serious seemed to have happened and he lost interest quickly once he was sure the twins weren't in any immediate danger. The flame on Haku's head did raise some questions in his head but now wasn't the time to dwell on it for too long. The corner of his lips twitched up into a slight grin when Ieyoshi took of his pants so boldly and offered it to his twin brother. They certainly were a unique pair. Shaking his head, Luka continued towards the school building.

Kumo leaped off his shoulder in one graceful movement, meowing up at him before rubbing against his leg as if to say goodbye for the time being. "Stay out of trouble," he reminding, crouching down to give the cat a quick scratch behind its ears. With another small meow, the feline was off to go about his own business. Luka stood up to head into the building when he noticed movement upstairs by the window. He jerked his head up, just in time to catch sight of long black hair.

"Yume nee-san?" Luka was well aware Yume had taken a leave from school for a while now but he hadn't really heard anything about her returning. It's been quite some time he had seen her so he hurried into the building and up the steps in hopes to catch her before class started. At the least, he wanted to welcome her back.

"Nee-san," he called out from down the hall.



Luka nearly jumped when he heard a voice coming from behind him. He turned around and blinked down at the pretty looking blonde then offered a small smile. While he spoke fluent Japanese, he was happy to hear the language he was most familiar with: Italian. It had only been a week since he came to Japan but he still missed the place he was supposedly raised in. "Why yes. Today happen to be my first day here and I'm at a loss of where to go. Can you perhaps direct me to the principal's office," he replied back in Italian. There was a momentary pause before he spoke again, "Ah, my name is Hiroshi," he said introducing himself. This time he spoke in Japanese, hoping the girl understood the language. But given that she was here at Namimori High School, he would assume she did know or at the least understand Japanese.

Before he could say any more, he stumbled forward clumsily when he felt someone bump into him. "O-Oh, it's alright..." Was he blocking the hallway by any chance...? He looked at the pair of males, one with bright red hair and the other with brown hair. He looked to the one who he presumed bumped into him.

"You're not hurt, are you?" It wasn't like the two of them fell or their collision was severe enough for either one of them to get hurt but he felt like it was polite to ask anyway.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crostoph L. Stings Character Portrait: Akira Shinsato Character Portrait: Akamatsu Hiroshi Character Portrait: Luka Character Portrait: Yume Hibari Character Portrait: Florence Sterling
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"The relationships you build shall be your foundation for your sanity."
There was a voice a familiar one calling for her, with that of a familial title. A hint of recognition flashed deep inside and a series of faces appeared in her thoughts, until it stopped to one. Her steps came to a halt as she looked over her shoulder as her body was now in an angular position. Eyes of gentle moon reflected the same image of whom she had welcomed to her circle of family as a younger brother. There he was at a distance as her eyes crinkled in delight of a reunion. "Luka-kun..." She called out in return as it held the sense of a cheerful surprise. At that point, she fully faced him with a smile adorning her lips. Her hair much like that of an abyss fall around her like night's curtain, contrasting nicely with her natural white skin.

She was indeed a vision that most of the students could not help but have a moment to contemplate about her existence.

"This is a wonderful surprise." Instead of walking towards her classroom, she went to the path leading back to Luka, a student of her father, whom she had met when they were younger. The meeting was at best uneventful as her father made it out to be, but it was a surprise and a good one, if she would describe it. She had been shown that her father was not as distant to people as she had initially thought. But, she had been told by Uncle Tetsu that this only came to be when he married the Himemiya Priestees, her mother. Truly, she had wondered what kind of relationship her parents hold, because even if they had not seen each other, they still hold such trust and respect. In any case, being far sociable than that of her father and brother, she had engaged Luka in a more amiable manner and became an older sister to him which she was fond of to be look at that in such a way.

Reaching him, she stopped before him, while assessing him in a polite manner. Those eyes of silver lit with such joy. "You have grown into a fine young man when I was not looking, Luka-kun." It had been a long time since she had seen him. As she grew up, her social interactions with others had become limited due to her training of becoming a fitting heir to the Himemiya Clan. It is why she could not see him or the other children of her father's famiglia as much as possible unless it was deemed as an official matter. That is why she was also not aware that Luka is apparently studying here as well which she could tell from the uniform he wears. She had believed that he was still in the company of her father and Uncle Tetsu, but that was not the case. It was also a given that she had taken a leave of absence in her attendance to this school which contributed to her ignorance of him being here.

"How long has it been since I last saw you?" The sound of fondness clearly heard on her voice. "Are you doing well? Enjoying your time here as a student?" She asked in smooth succession much like how a doting sister would do towards her little brother. "I am really glad to see you, Luka-kun." Her hand then was elegantly placed on his head, a gesture she had done to him to show her appreciation and indicative of her familial affection. She patted his head with a gentle and warm smile shown upon her face. "I hoped Ani did not cause trouble to you in any sort of manner." The hand on his head was removed as it returned to her side and that eyes of hers held a degree of concern meshed with a hint of melancholy. "Do kindly forgive him if so."

For in the end, there was no denying especially towards to Luka that the relationship between the Hibari twins are not ideal.

ImageIt was a mighty fine morning! That much he could tell when he woke up earlier and prepared everything needed for school. This was his vision as he roamed around the hallways of Namimori High, doing his usual patrols of sorts. He spotted a ruckus at the main entrance. As a dutiful teacher, Zenith Lucci traversed the stairways to reach it in hopes preventing students getting hurt. However, the obstacles were enormous in the image of the large-bodied (from a sumo-wrestler lineage) vice principal who asked him about the latest drama shows.

It only ended when the ever-manic obsessed History teacher confused him to be a sort of Babylonian God. He was lucky to find an opportunity to slip through, by literally slipping as he took a step back. He rolled through the staircase but managed to make it look like an acrobatic act, it does help when one watches cirque du soleil, but his epic landed him in a puddle, and also a lot of muscle cramps. He was simply getting too old for this. Through it all, the students who witnessed and knew him could not help but laugh at their teacher's antics. He welcomed it with a smile though, he was down when the seemingly trouble he spotted earlier had now dispersed. He got wet and back pains for nothing. Taking a deep breath, he proceeded to enter the building once more. He would need a spare change of clothes as he took of his coat and twisted it hard as water came out of it in volumes.

"Lucci-sensei! Don't wet the hallways!" He awkwardly laughed and apologized before excusing himself from the elderly janitor. There was a couple of students out there in the hallway, new faces, a blue hair, blonde girl, a brown hair. "Good morning, children! How are you all this fine morning? Don't mind my appearance, there's a good reason behind it. I assure you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crostoph L. Stings Character Portrait: Akira Shinsato Character Portrait: Akamatsu Hiroshi Character Portrait: Florence Sterling Character Portrait: Zenith Lucci
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#, as written by Damioa
The red haired boy introduced himself as, Akira. Cross didn't mind Akira. He wasn't talking much about studies and when his conversation went into school survival and escape points Cross even noted a feeling of interest towards him. He definitely wasn't a bad first contact to have. As he was walking on his tour of the school, Cross threw exclamations of amazement at the scenery. As they were walking, they suddenly bumped into another pair of students. Cross tripped on his own feet as he tried not crash into them, falling on the floor, slamming on his side.

He was regretting his decision not to push whoever was in front of him over until he looked up and got a good look at them. He quickly sprung to his feet and began brushing dust off of his pants. 'Not cool at all.' He felt lucky that Akira quick to start apologizing. Once he did, Cross just bowed and played the silent role. He didn't want to say the wrong thing to these students and didn't want them to think he was weird. He couldn't risk putting himself in a bad situation. After the his display of clumsiness, he began to doubt it was even necessary to care about these two. He'd just have to hope they weren't one of those gossip type of people. It was kind of irritating. School was the greatest of all evils compared to places you could be in life to him. At least on the street he wasn't forced to sit in a class room full of the same people everyday. That meant everyday he'd have to act a certain way, watching every single move of his, less he gets put in a position where other people of interest might be involved. Which made him think, 'This is exactly why I hate lying. Too many things you have to keep up with.' Though he knew the world din't care what he favored. It was going to keep spinning regardless.

He looked back and forth between the guy and the girl, looking the girl up and down a few times to get a better look at her figure. It only too a second, one that he counted in his head. IT was better to count he learned, because if a girl looked good enough one could spend about a good second too many on one area. He spent that second on the hole frame. It was gift to be able to look at someone that fast if you asked him. He wondered if the rest of the girls in his class were going to be as cute as her. Though he noted she looked like she wasn't interested in the event at all. Maybe that was just her face or maybe school really bored her. He was actually about to ask her about it before seeing an adult who looked like he just got quick hosed came up to them. He gave them the normal adult to children in school greeting that Cross expected to here. It was good and everything, but Cross was getting impatient. He'd feel a lot more comfortable if he knew where his class was. "Sensei," he said, hoping that this guy was at least someone who worked in the building.... for the children s sake. "I don't know what class I'm in. Do you know where I can find a class roster?"

The setting changes from Namimori High to Japan


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crostoph L. Stings Character Portrait: Akira Shinsato Character Portrait: Akamatsu Hiroshi Character Portrait: Florence Sterling Character Portrait: Zenith Lucci
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"Oh, I'm alright! No worries," Akira said to the blue-haired student. He smiled and took a step back, smoothing down his school jacket with a sweep of an arm that looked like a bow. "It was just a bump, nothing damaged," he said reassuringly, eyes automatically scanning the blue-haired student. Nothing seemed bad to his eye, but that was to be expected. The blue-haired student looked a bit older than Akira, so maybe a third year? There was a girl with blonde hair beside him too, and Akira wondered if they knew each other.

I wonder what they're doing here when class is about to start... Maybe they were on a date and we interrupted them? Nah. Though, maybe they're both new like Crostoph...

"My name's Shinsato Akira, you can call me Akira. Or you can call me Aki! That works too." Akira introduced himself. "That guy over there is Crostoph," he continued, gesturing towards the brown-haired boy. Somewhere outside the hallway, a janitor yelled. "I'm showing him the way to the principals office, so if the two of you are going there I could show you guys the way-"

Behind him, a green-haired man dripping with water appeared and called out to them.

"-Or we could just ask Zens- Zenith Sensei," Akira continued without pause, smiling brightly. In his head, Akira always called him Zensei (Zenith Sensei to Zen-Sensei to Zensei, it was cool!), but never out loud. What if the teacher reacted badly? Akira really didn't want detention. He turned and gave a wave to Zensei. "Zenith Sensei, good morning! Do you need a towel? The nurses office should have one I think."

As Crostoph asked Zensei about the schedules, he turned back to the two other students and added "We'd better hurry though, class is about to start."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crostoph L. Stings Character Portrait: Akira Shinsato Character Portrait: Akamatsu Hiroshi Character Portrait: Florence Sterling Character Portrait: Zenith Lucci
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0.00 INK

#, as written by moahi

Florence was pleasantly surprised that the boy spoke Italian too. It gave her some time to think of her response, as he explained his predicament. They seemed to have the same problem, so it was probably for the best that they find the office together, if watching horror films had taught her anything. However, the next sentence he spoke was in Japanese, causing her to frown ever so slightly, tilting her head to the side as her mind sped to interpret it. Clearing her throat softly, trying to think of the words before she spoke.

β€œIt’s nice to meet you, Hiroshi. My name is Florence, Florence Sterling.” Florence struggled with the vowels slightly, but she was able to get the statement out clearly enough to understand. Her grasp on Japanese was still a little vague for her liking, but she could understand most basic phrases despite having a little trouble pronouncing them. That was when Hiroshi suddenly stumbled forward, causing Florence to take a quick step backward in case he bumped into her. Leaning slightly to the side, she heard an apology coming from a boy with fiery red hair seeing yet another boy with brown hair and green eyes fall down on his side.

Ice blue eyes studied the two individuals quickly, scanning them in a split second without lingering for too long. Judging from their looks alone, their ages were about the same as hers. Are they going to be in the same class as her? They looked rather harmless, but looks can be deceiving. Thankfully, another voice saved her from the need to speak the accursed foreign language of Japanese again. Her clumsy pronunciation wasn't the best way to form first impressions, so Florence would rather not try before she was completely sure she had it mastered.

The boy with red hair introduced himself as Akira and introduced the brown haired student as well, before offering to guide them to the principal's office if they needed. Florence gave them a small nod in acknowledgement. It was fortunate that she had met a person that can help in their predicament at least, but before she could say anything the four of them were greeted by what she would assume was the teacher with shocking bright green hair, his clothes dripping wet. This was what an educator looks like in Japan? She was used to being home schooled most of her younger years, so this was completely new to her.

Curiosity aside, the boy with brown hair and green eyes questioned the teacher figure for a class roster and Florence wondered vaguely if that was something more important than going to the principal’s office to get properly registered. The right process was only getting confusing at this rate, so she chose to step back and observe. The question has been raised after all, and she saw no need for herself to add an imput. However, urgency hit her as Akira mentioned that classes were going to start soon. She didn't want to be late for her first day of school, as much as she didn't choose to care much about it.
((Will post for Chester once he has more to respond to probably.))

The setting changes from Japan to Namimori High


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crostoph L. Stings Character Portrait: Akira Shinsato Character Portrait: Akamatsu Hiroshi Character Portrait: Luka Character Portrait: Yume Hibari Character Portrait: Florence Sterling
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#, as written by taigaxx


Luka smiled when Yume turned to face him and lightly jogged up to the female Hibari. As usual, Yume was as beautiful as ever. While Mamoru resembled more of Hibari Kyouya, Yume was a splitting image of her mother. Not to mention, she had been kind enough to accept Luka as a younger brother. Perhaps it was thanks to the young princess that Luka had felt a little more welcomed in the Hibari family when he was young. To him, it was nice knowing he had someone to call a family despite not sharing a single drop of blood. Of course it was hard to tell what Mamoru thought but the male didn't express complete hatred towards him. Then again, the two never had a full conversation to begin with so Luka wasn't sure of anything concerning Mamoru at the moment.

"I just grew a bit taller, Nee-san," he chuckled, "I didn't think it was possible for you to get any prettier but I guess I was wrong. Ahhh, there's gonna be a bunch of perverts trying to go after you," he grinned, his tone light in a jesting manner. No but seriously, he wouldn't be surprised if he saw the male students crowding around her. "How long?" Luka looked up at the ceiling as he gave it a thought, trying to count the number of years. "I'm not sure. But it definitely feels like it's been ages since I've seen you." He blinked at the string of questions and let out a small laugh, "I'm doing fine. More than fine, actually. School is kinda boring but..." Luka trailed off towards the end of his sentence, remembering the scene he witnessed this morning. Surely Yume had seen it too. He ducked his head a little when the pale hand gently ruffled his hair, returning the affectionate gesture with a soft smile.

"--Uh, Mamoru-nii?" Right... The older of the twin had managed to make a reputation for himself but he hadn't done anything Luka... yet. Possibly because Luka had been smart enough to avoid making Mamoru angry. "He never troubles me but I think the number of patients in the hospitals increased lately because of him. There was a momentary pause before he spoke again. "Hey, Nee-san. Don't worry about him too much." He was sure Yume had other important matters to be concerned about.

"Anyway, I didn't hear anything about you returning." Which might be a given since he's sure the Vongola was busy. Ever since Luka decided to go off and live alone here in Namimori, he hadn't have much contact with the man who raised him. It was Tetsuya who often sent him messages of how they were doing. "It really is a pleasant surprise." Though he's not too sure if Mamoru will find the news exciting. "And... I wasn't really going to ask but have you seen the Sawada twins this morning? Haku had a flame on his head. I might be thinking too much of it but I can't help shake off this feeling, you know? Do you think there's something going on?" Luka cared about the Vongola just as much as he cared about the Hibari Family.


From the corner of his eyes, Hiroshi witnessed the brunette falling but didn't have the chance to ask if the other was okay--especially since the redhead got right into introducing himself. "My name is Akamatsu Hiroshi. It's fine if you just call me Hiroshi," he replied. His eyes flickered between the two males then back to the blonde standing beside him. It was now confirmed that she wasn't a fluent speaker of Japanese as he assumed she was. This told him she was most likely a transfer student just like him. "Is that so? Actually, I was just asking Florence here if she could help me. Though, it seems she's new here as well. It'll be great if you can show us the way--"

The sound of the janitor's voice interrupted the four students, which was quickly followed by a tall green-haired male greeting them all. Hiroshi took a small step away from the drenched male, his lips twitching into an awkward smile, as he wasn't sure what the make of this situation he was currently in. "Zenith-sensei...?" He repeated after Akira, looking back over at the redhead once more. Ah, so this man was a teacher at this school. He certainly seemed like an... interesting individual.

"Good morning, sensei," he finally greeted, being as polite as possible. "Oh, I am also in need of a class roster. And preferably as soon as possible... please." It wouldn't be good to be late on the first day, right? Despite the fact that he was just thrust into this situation this morning.

Hiroshi's first impression of the school wasn't great but it also wasn't bad. Except, he had no idea what the say about the duo who were missing parts of their clothing earlier this morning. Aside from that and the wet teacher in front of them, this school seemed like a normal high school. Or at least he hoped.

The setting changes from Namimori High to Japan


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crostoph L. Stings Character Portrait: Akira Shinsato Character Portrait: Akamatsu Hiroshi Character Portrait: Luka Character Portrait: Yume Hibari Character Portrait: Florence Sterling
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"Remember, you must never get involve. Your role will always be to watch, child."
It was always wonderful to be in the presence of Luka. Yume could not help but have the seemingly perpetual joy attached to her demeanor. "You did not only grow taller than me. You have become quite handsome." There was not an odd tone in her voice that could be related to deceit or the equivocal appreciation due to a bond. It was simply her honest assessment. "The girls must be fawning all over you." She noted as a fun afterthought and then gave a light laughter with an elegant cover of her mouth with the hand. "You also became quite the flatterer, Luka-kun." That was largely true of course, however, she was much as humble as that of a turtle when it comes to her physical attributes.

She settled down her chuckle when Luka described the school was a bit boring. That was understandable especially to someone like him who had grown to the lifestyle of a mafioso. At the same time, she knew who his father truly is. Then again, it does not make who he is, that can only be determined by his actions. It was the same for her and her twin. Their father and their mothers are separate entities and they are different from them, even if she was going to be taking the position of her mother. As for her brother, Luka said that Mamoru had not caused him trouble, though, it was not the same for others. The Principal's words sounded as an exaggeration to her before, but now, it might not be so, with hospital cases.

She could not help but released a sigh in which Luka advised her not to worry about Mamoru too much. Her little brother even not by blood was endearing in every sense. She gathered her negativity into a box and hid it away for now. "Thank you, Luka-kun." Then, the conversation shifted towards about her return to school. That is right, it had been abrupt which was by her own doing actually. "Ah yes, I was not scheduled to return until next week. However, I wanted to come back as soon as possible." She looked at Luka apologetically for not informing him, but she could not do so, for she had no idea he was even here. As for Uncle Tetsuya, the information should just be known to him about now. "That is probably why no one has been made aware. I apologize."

Luka then said that it was a pleasant surprise which made her appreciate this little brother of hers, he was adorable. The moment soon passed as he asked about what had occurred at the grounds which was related to the Sawada Twins. She was well-aware that Luka cared about the Vongola and it was the same for her. She does care for them greatly. "From this point on, it will be their decision." She gazed out through the windows beside them. She recalled the many spectrum she had seen, not only with the twins but also to the people around them. She was certain that nothing truly is merely a coincidence. "Luka-kun, watch over them as much as you can. " Her eyes then returned to Luka as those silver pools reflected a sense of understanding and trust.

"They will face trials and plenty of it. Like their predecessor, it will groom them to what they could be, that is yet to be known of course." She stopped there and changed the subject to another. "However, before all of that. It is time for class. We cannot be late for it. Shall we go?" She turned her back at him and begins to make her way to where her classroom is, but after a few steps, she looked over her shoulder as her eyes landed on him once more. "School will probably be not boring as you think it would be." She then focused ahead of her path, but there was a certain melancholy to her eyes that disappeared instantly.

ImageZenith was 199% sure that he looked completely a mess, and was not really the poster image of well-bred educator. The janitor in the background was the first proof of that and also how one of his students, the one who is Shinsato, Akira asked if he was fine. It was good sentiment, but was rather demeaning. though he really appreciated the care. "Ah, yeah I would need those towels, but maybe later! I would need to help these fine new students! But thanks, Shinsato-san!" Never a frown and never an air of anything but affability on his part.

"Hello there!" He waved at them with such energy. "The name is Lucci, Zenith and I'm a teacher here despite what I look like. You can call me Zenith-sensei like this cool guy here did!" He pointed with his thumb towards Akira with a bright smile. "Okay as for the rosters..." He began to look inside his suit, hoping that somewhere inside was still dry."I think I have a spare here... Just wait a second..."

He then finally broke into a wide smile as he unearthed from his suit the said class rosters. "Ah ha! Found it!" He broke into such an infectious cheer like that of a child and then he handed it to the two students who asked for it. ""Here you can have this. Just look for your names and the room should be there!"" He then looked around. "Upstairs would be the room for the freshmen and the juniors. You can read them in room, like 1-A, 1-B, and I-C so on. For juniors, it is number 2 and seniors 3 where the rooms are at the 3rd floor." Then he tilted his head to the side, to wonder if he forgot something. "You should get to your classes! It would start soon and if you need the Principal. he just left so, maybe some other time? Now go go! Time is best use for learning!"

The setting changes from Japan to Namimori High


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Izaya Ryujin Character Portrait: Roni Hideaki Character Portrait: Chester Sterling Character Portrait: Lilith Dusk Character Portrait: Ryuu Morimoto
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0.00 INK

The loud chatter of the cafeteria filled the room. The cafe was spacious and contained more than enough space for every student in the school as if they planned for another incoming class. Although it seemed like a normal day, there was a bit of 'tension' floating around in the air. It was Thursday, but not your average one. More specifically it was Godbread Thursday, the day where boys become men.

"Only a few more minutes to go," Lilith said watching the oven. She was still waiting to produce the gift from heaven and bring it to life on earth. The Godbread. Perfectly seasoned, buttered, and prepared with love. The ultimate bread that for today, was only one eighth of the regular price. Typically, only fully grown adults with a well-paying job could afford such a delicacy or a few students that came from rich families, but this special was made with the students in mind; however, there was a large catch with this. Only five were being made. In the spirit of competition, each Godbread will be placed separated and equal distance from the opposite side of the coffee shop. Whoever brings it to Lilith's cashier stand in the small coffee shop section located in the cafe, gets the sale. Once the Godbread container was handed to Lilith, then it is considered safe and no longer eligible for anyone to take. This was the honor rule in placed for all those who battle for it. This was a monthly affair and allows students to release any stress they have built up through school along with the chance to be blessed by the Godbread.

Today marked the second Godbread Thursday of the school year which tends to be the more popular one. By now, the nicknames of those who have participated have been given and more people would have garnered strategies in preparation for war. The first war was interesting to say the least. There five winners were the Hokage, the angry Mad Hatter, the Ghost, the Doll Queen, and the Still Reaper. This time, the fight will be more rigorous since more students have prepared their own strategies in preparation. You could see among the students that some have matching shirts to represent their factions, others have sat in certain positions closer to the Godbread locations where they would be placed. "This'll be a good show," Lilith said to herself. This was one of the few things that gave Lilith a slight rush other than stealing valuables. "I guess I'll check what's on TV then," she said as she motioned towards the remote. There was a slightly large television used to create ambiance with background music while the store ran. *Click* She flipped to the first channel, hah the news.

"This is AMAZING," the reporter obnoxiously yelled. "Tempest! From Blast of Tempest is rumored to be coming to Namimori to perform, SOON!" Her excitement was very apparent accompanied by the fans standing behind her trying to get their five seconds of fame. "I love you Tempest!" one of the teenagers shouted from behind the reporter. "Oh yeah! We love you Tempest," another fan shouted. "But that's not all folks!" the reporter could barely contain her excitement, "But Kunyo! Kunyo the model! He'll be accompanying her! Both of these idols together!"

"Her music is alright, but Kunyo is pretty attractive. Not my type though," Lilith muttered while changing to the next channel. Another news jingle came on again, "Oh great, more news."

A male reporter with a larger build stood there with a serious demeanor. "This is scary news folks. Last week, we went from covering the mysterious gamer N1E5β€”pronounced Niesβ€” and his many achievements, but this week we have a notorious hacker NAMIMORI." "This man sounds like the conspiracy theorist that are on television....oh wait," she stopped midway realizing this in fact is the news. "But alas, we have hope! We have another hacker on our side!”

"Conspiracy, conspiracy, next," she clicked the remote again.

"Here we are live with the famous Wushu Master, Alois!" The reporter shifted the mic while the camera focused on Alois. "Hello Alois, I've heard you're coming to Namimori soon, why is that?" She continued to ask him probing questions on and on.

"Eh, that's cool I guess." *DING DING DING* The oven continuously beeped. It's time. Lilith pressed the power button on the remote to shut off the annoying news reporters. As she walked towards the oven, she could notice the shift in atmosphere in the cafeteria. The voices slowly began to fade as she went to open the oven. She grabbed her Namimori cafe specialized mittens with Bertha's image holding a coffee mug, then opened the oven. The irresistible aroma overwhelmed the cafe and overtook Lilith for a moment. The smell started to spread even further into the cafeteria causing an eerie silence to fill the area. "The God bread," one student muttered quietly, "Praise the gods. "The Pastry Goddess has finished the ritual," another student said while beginning to kneeling down in respect. Lilith somehow earned the title of Pastry Goddess as the legends of God Bread Thursdays began. The nicknames and different factions of students were always interesting to say the least.

Lilith pulled out the long strip of Godbread out of the oven and already prepped five durable sturdy containers out on a table. She carefully divided them up, spread butter, a bit more seasons, and finally completed the legendary God Bread by placing them in the containers. "It's time," she said while holding each container stacked on top of each other like a professional waitress. She walked slowly towards the first pedestal on the opposite side of the cafeteria. The pedestal was white and in the form of ancient Greek god. The five gods that had a pedestal design were Zeus, Hera, Athena, Ares, and Apollo and it is said that whichever bread you receive will cause you to earn a different blessing from the respective god. Each pedestal god held their hand out as if they were holding something up which conveniently could be filled with a God Bread. All five god pedestals that lie equal distance from each other while they all stand on the opposite side of the cafe. As Lilith placed the final God Bread, she began walking back like a model in all her beauty. She lived up to her title as the Pastry Goddess because as she slowly walked, her hair flew which helped show her natural allure. By this point, the entire cafeteria population was silent and watching Lilith head back to the cafe. The war doesn't start until she says those magic words. Students sat there with their fist clenched and ready.

The sound of running footsteps began near the Zeus Godbread statue. Someone tried to get a false start ahead of everything. "Sorry love," Lilith said as she quickly turned around. She reached for a small yen coin from her pocket, held it with two fingers with her left hand, and prepared her right hand to flick it. She closed one eye, then released the flick. The yen flew at a terrifying speed directly toward the student. BAM! It hit the child bulls eye on the back of the head. He fell down temporarily knocked out from the impact. Some students shook their heads, knowing that you should never try to get an early start. The Pastry Goddess is beautiful but merciless. Without saying any further words, Lilith turned around and continued walking towards the cafe. She finally reached the cashier with her back facing the wall opposite of the students and the Godbread. The tension in the air was more evident since it was about to be that time. She quickly turned around with the 'coffee lady girl' persona and smile and said, "Welcome to Namimori Cafe! We are Now Open!"

"To the Godbread!" "Ahhhh!" I'll get it!" A multitude of students had begun yelling while chasing their respective god pedestal. This was the beginning of the second bread wars.