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Katekyo Hitman REBORN!: Undying Will

Namimori Café


a part of Katekyo Hitman REBORN!: Undying Will, by Lloyd999.

A quaint place to enjoy coffee and baked goods.

Lloyd999 holds sovereignty over Namimori Café, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

653 readers have been here.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


A fairly well-sized building, despite having a relatively small staff. This coffee shop close proximity's to Namimori High makes it very popular among students.
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Namimori Café

A quaint place to enjoy coffee and baked goods.


Namimori Café is a part of Namimori.

2 Characters Here

Lilith Dusk [2] "I would never steal! How dare you!"
Cambrey Bovino [1] "If I needed something from you, I would have asked you. Thanks for nothing."

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9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilith Dusk Character Portrait: Rosa Kuromaku Character Portrait: Crostoph L. Stings Character Portrait: Akira Shinsato Character Portrait: Neri Mantovani Character Portrait: Lala Wakahisa Character Portrait: Luka Character Portrait: Lyndis Kyori Character Portrait: Florence Sterling
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Cross was watching until some kid showed up and told the other kids that some other person was in trouble. He noticed the name and thought that was enough info for one day. Any more and someone would have to pay him up front before the week was through. "Well, that was weird. I guess people do have woes in this school," he said, playing with one of his bangs. "Watching those guys made me hungry. We should get something to eat."

Akira tore his eyes away from the fight, which had stopped when the brown-haired kid with a serious look on his face ran with the other brown haired student - oh hey, it was Aobane! Akira wondered what was up for him to have that look on his face—it was probably something bad—and looked at the scene curiously, wondering what was going on. Maybe he should ask?

Well, it wasn't any of his business. Plus, Akira didn't think they'd be pleased if a complete stranger followed them. He watched neutrally as the blonde boy blocked the white-haired boy's kick and yell something that stopped the white-haired first year mid-punch, causing him to cock his head to the side like a confused bird. He wasn't close enough to hear what the blonde kid said, but evidently it had been serious enough to stop the fight, since the white-haired student dropped his fighting stance to run after him as the blonde-haired guy chased after Aobane and the brown-haired first year.

"Schools aren't normally like this, yeah," Akira said wryly. The third year flailed and followed the first years as he turned to face the two of them, face thoughtful. He was getting hungry, and eating alone at home was unappealing when compared with eating with his new found friends. "That reminds me, I guess there's a place we could stop by for dinner - oh, hi Luka!"

"Yo." Luka gave them a lazy wave from where he was, walking towards the gates. "What's up?"

"Nothing much." Akira shrugged. A thought occurred to him, and he smiled. "Hey, wanna come join us for dinner? We're going to the cafe. To scout out the lay of the land. Before the battle begins."

It wasn't often that Luka went out to eat; he often enjoyed having his meals alone at home. But having company once in a while wasn't too bad, he supposed. Besides, Akira can be a pretty persistent guy sometimes. He was off from work today anyway, so... "Why not?" Luka decided, shrugging. He could leave the "lay of the land' thing to Akira. He turned, waiting for them to catch up. "You can introduce me to your friends while we're walking. It'd be pretty rude if I just called them "new guys", after all," he teased, flashing a small grin at them.

Florence has yet to consider the thought of dinner, but eating out was probably better than whipping something up for herself. Making a mental note to go shopping soon, she followed Akira, Luka and Cross into the cafe. It was larger than she had expected, with several chairs and round tables in its interior. There was a stall there, with a menu board on top tilted slightly to make it easier to see. It seemed to be offering a variety of pastries, from muffins to croissants. Coffee was sold too, as well as several other varieties of soft drinks.

"Wow," a girl's voice exclaimed, "You're a genius, Rosa!" At a table in the middle of the cafe were a group of five girls, with their purses to their sides and a bunch of schoolwork on the table, as well as several beverages and muffins. In a clockwise order, they were Tomoe Tachibana, Rosa Kuromaku, Lala Wakahisa, Erin Saito and an unfamiliar third year student. Looking at Erin and the third year, one would have to wonder if they were all girls. They were in the process of doing their homework, or at least Tomoe was. All the other girls were pretty much finished (with the exception of Erin, who didn't seem too enthusiastic about her work) and Rosa was assisting Tomoe with some rather challenging math problems—only that Rosa was merely answering all the questions Tomoe would get stuck on, which was at least half of them, and wasn't doing anything to actually help Tomoe understand what she was doing. Tomoe wouldn't stop showering her with praise every time Rosa answered a question merely by glancing at it.

"Well, this stuff is really quite simple," Rosa told her, spreading her fingers and touching her own chest, "or at least they're rather simple for me. I just happen to have a gift for math." Rosa happened to have a gift for a lot of things, it seemed, and Rosa definitely wasn't humble about these 'gifts' either. Rosa talked a big talk, but no one could ever remember a time when Rosa didn't just meet expectations, but surpassed them.

"You need only remember the formulas." The third year - Neri Montavani - said, flicking a lock of wavy pink hair behind his shoulder. It fluttered down to rest against his back, ending at his waist. The teen was dressed in drag again, this time in the girl's school uniform. The only difference was that there was a smooth grey vest underneath the jacket, that flattered his lithe figure and gave it a more elegant look. He looked at Tomoe seriously, sipping a cup of black coffee. "It isn't hard, so long as you focus in class."

Tomoe pouted. "Yeah, but y'know, sometimes I just can't focus! Like, y'know when you have something on the tip of your tongue, but it's not something you're saying but it's something your thinking, but it's not all that important to you, but you can't help but think about it?" Tomoe received silence from every direction. "Well," she reiterated, "I was thinking about those boys in their underwear." Erin gave a sudden, curt chuckle. "You know," Tomoe continued "Those boys that ruined Rosa's clothes, and her phone!" An air of uneasiness had suddenly swept over the table as many eyes looked toward Rosa to see how she'd react. Rosa acted as if she didn't hear it, however. Tomoe leaned forward and asked Lala, "By the way, Lala, are you keeping those clothes?"

"Hmm..." Lala looked at Tomoe thoughtfully and then looked at the uniform she was wearing which is technically Rosa's. It's very notable to the eyes as well, though not in the manner of a fashion statement. More of, it was making a bold declaration due to the mud and dirt stains splattered about. At the very least, it was a good thing that it was dry now. "I don't think so. They're not mine to begin with. I'll just grab my gym clothes later and get changed." Lala added with a smile and then took a sip of her bottled water, before showcasing a slight pout on her lips due to remembering about Math, because of Tomoe asking about it to Rosa. Numbers do not mix well with Lala and that is simply that. "It would be best if Math just didn't exist..." Lala sighed after that as she knew that it was just wishful thinking in the end.

Rosa glanced at Lala. Then, with an air of dignity, she told her, "Perhaps you should return those clothes to me on the weekend. Clean, I'd expect. For now, I'll give you permission to keep them. Just treat them with the utmost care." Rosa brushed her hands through her hair as her eyes were shut, giving her a sort of aloof look as she was speaking to Lala. Rosa then gave a light smile. "Possibly, if you aren't busy," she offered, "you could stay over for a little bit when you return them." Tomoe seemed rather intrigued. Erin sucked loudly through her straw where there used to be an iced coffee. It wasn't often that Rosa invited her friends to her house.

Lala looked at Rosa with a bright smile on her face and somehow, it felt like there are invisible sparkles around her. "Of course, I'll return your clothes in pristine condition." Lala nodded her head visibly energetic to serve as assurance. It was already a given that Lala would return the uniform, but she did not expect the offer of staying at Rosa's house. Lala was aware that Rosa was not the kind to readily invite anyone to her abode, even them. Lala did not doubt Rosa of course, for she knew it was a nice gesture extended. To Lala, Rosa was a nice person and that was it. "That would be lovely indeed." Lala answered with that small yet gentle smile before glancing at Tomoe and Erin. There was something up and about, and Lala was about to speak of an idea to Rosa when Neri took her moment which she was not offended at all.

"Allow me to visit then." Everyone stared at him. Even if he looked convincingly like a girl, everyone around the table knew he was male, and the idea of him staying at Rosa's place for a sleepover, painting nails and talking about boys, was disturbing. Neri raised a perfectly arched eyebrow at them, placing his now empty cup of coffee back on the table with a sharp click. "Not for a sleepover," he said in disgust, as if he knew what they were thinking. He saw no point in joining in on girly activities. "I've made that dress you asked for last week, as well as a shirt for Lala. Going to your home to check on the both of you will allow me to save time. I do not think there will be any misjudgements in my measurements, but it is better to be safe than sorry."

"Oh! You made me a shirt, Neri-kun?" Lala asked with those eyes of hers twinkling in excitement, similar to the precious rubies found in jewels. "I can't wait to try it on! You always make very beautiful and cute pieces!" She clapped both of her hands before looking at Rosa. "Don't you think so, Rosa-chan? It would be nice. We can try Neri-kun's clothes."

Rosa glanced at Neri while stirring the last of her cappuccino at the bottom of the cup with her straw. With a slight pause beforehand, Rosa answered, "Fine, as long as it doesn't take as long as last time. Also, those measurements better be perfect this time." Rosa had a strange tendency to pause before answering people, as if she were either considering how to answer them or was reluctant to. It was this sort of aloofness, this lack of overfriendliness, that somehow attracted others toward her instead of repelled them. Many female students, both her age and younger, aspired to be as talented and mature as the glamorous idol Rosa was.

"Please," Neri's voice was full of contempt and distaste from the memory. He sat back against the chair, reaching up to tuck his hair neatly behind his ear. "I do not take as long as other tailors do. The only reason it even went that long was because you wouldn't let me near-"

The doors swung open with an extreme force. A silhouette of a figure carrying an umbrella stood at the door breathing a bit heavily. "Finally!" Lyn yelled being a tad loud compared to the fairly quiet coffee shop. She gazed around swinging her head left and right to scan the room. "Bingo!" she said out loud. Rosa was in her sights sitting next to Neri and the others. She walked over a bit fast in a silly manner still a bit tired. She approached the table, grabbed a chair from a different one and eased her way in. "Hey guys, sorry I'm late! You see, there was this guy that said girls can't play football so I put down my umbrella and," she continued her highly detailed story and how Lyn ended up performing better than the star players of the team. "..And then I headed here! Pretty fun day overall!"

"Ah, another person at the table?" Lilith said a bit sarcastically. "You need anything?"

"Nah, I'll be fine. Good to see you coffee lady!" Lyn happily replied.

"Good to see you also," she responded with a grin on her face.

Lala perked up in seeing Lyn as she smiled and spoke her welcome, "Hello Lyn-chan!" She even offered a small wave to emphasize her greeting before looking back at Erin, recalling her need to say that idea of hers, yet again the moment was taken, this time by Erin.

"How about a water, lady," Erin spoke up, sitting up from her slouched position, "Glass'a water, that is, if that's, uh, alright." Although Erin was never allowed to wear her black leather jacket in class, she sure enjoyed wearing it over her uniform everywhere else. Erin glanced at Rosa, who's gaze was fixed elsewhere. Erin called to her, "What's up, Rosa?" Erin looked in the direction Rosa seemed to be interested in, a quartet of students who entered the cafe recently. Erin recognized one of the students. "Hey, that's the new guy," she mentioned, "In my homeroom, he's, uh, new... Come to think of it, I think that girl's new too."

"New students, hmm?" Rosa seemed very interested in them. Understandably so. New students weren't completely familiar with the social order of the school, after all. Rosa had to make sure they knew who were the right friends to make and who were the wrong ones. "Lala, Lyn," Rosa ordered, "I think it would be best if we gave them a warm welcome to the school. What do you girls think?"

"Of course! It's wonderful to meet and have new friends! I'm up for it!" Lala said with a rather cheery smile on her face, and was sincerely concluding nothing but good intentions in what Rosa meant as warm. Her eyes looked towards the direction of the new students. Lala had a thoughtful look while biting her lower lip. There was something odd about those two new students. It was something she can't put into words, but it won't be nice to avoid them because of such a bias. Then, Lala had a flash of recognition when she recognized Akira. "Oh, Akira-kun is there! We should go and say hi."

"If you do, pass this to Shinsato." Neri said, reaching into his bag. He pulled out a brown paper package and passed It to Lala,. "It contains the outfit he asked me to make for him. I had intended to pass it to him tomorrow, but since he is here, I might as well hand it over now. Thank you."

Lala looked at the package on her hands thoughtfully before giving a enthusiastic nod. "No problem, Neri-kun! I'll give it to him!" She ended that with a smile and a thumb's up to prove the positivity of her answer and also the confidence that it will be done.

"I love giving warm welcomes! Hmm, but like...what if it's too hot today? Should we give them a cold one?" Lyn said as she began pondering. She placed her hand to the side of her face in a thinking pose. "That really would be a problem with this rising temperature with weather. How would we go about this," she continued rambling to herself in deep thought.

By this time, Lilith had already come back with the glass of water for Erin and the rest of the requested items. Lilith was pretty entertained by their commentary since they all had distinct personalities to say the least. Out of all of them, Lilith found Rosa the most interesting. As the coffee lady at school, she's heard countless stories about her influence, bullying, and rule over the school. Certainly doesn't effect Lilith though seeing as she isn't a student, but it was one of those things she's found intriguing.

Luka gave a yawn as they entered, covering his mouth with his hand. The place was alive with chatter, and both Akira and Luka noticed Rosa's crew as the source. The duo simultaneously chose to ignore them and look at the menu instead. Rosa and her 'minions' didn't target anyone who wasn't disrupting the peace or on their blacklist, but it was best to not attract their attention. Akira did shoot a friendly smile Towards Lala, Lynn and Neri before they took their seats around an empty table, though it was brief.

"Hmm..." Akira hummed under his breath thoughtfully, flipping through the menu. The chocolate milkshake was delicious, but the set meal A served fruit tea and would make a proper meal instead of just a drink. Well, he could always get the shake later. He turned to the others, an easy smile on his face as he rested his elbows against the table. "Alright, decided! Set meal A, passion fruit tea. What about you guys?"

"I'll get the same." Florence said after a brief study of the menu. She didn't know what the food here will taste like, not that it'd matter much to her supposed skewed sense of taste. Flavor was not something very important, as long as the meal was enough to fill her stomach she'd be fine with pretty much anything.

"Set B for me," Luka said lazily, closing the menu and placing it down on the table. He relaxed back against his chair, placing his hands behind his head. He had been about to declare the same set meal Akira and Florence had chosen until he'd spotted the drink choice for set B. It was a no-brainer after that. "Strawberry milkshake for the drink, please."

Staring at the menu intensely, Cross placed his fingers on line to read the smaller printing more easily. He was having a tough time trying to figure out who's idea it was not to put pictures on this menu, though the reason it was something he aimed for was unknown. "I'll get meals A through C. Ooooh, and maybe a side of the rich coffee."

"Great decision," Lilith said smiling. She memorizes the orders instead of jotting them down for practice on memorizing details of a heist. Doing these type of orders are child's play.

Meals A through C? “You can eat all that?” This guy must have an endless pit for a stomach. Luka leaned back against his seat when he caught movement from the corner of his eyes. He made the mistake of turning his head to look, a single brow rising when he saw that Rosa was walking towards their table. Wonderful…

"Why, hello guys," Rosa greeted with a grin. She tried her best to make her tone seem friendly, but she just managed to make herself sound somewhat sinister and vaguely condescending. "I wasn't interrupting anything was I?"

"Not much, really," Akira replied cordially, turning to face the girls. "We're just waiting for our meal, that's all." he smiled politely at Rosa, shooting a more friendly one towards Lyndis and Lala. "What brings you here?"

"Well, I've just heard that we had a few new students come to school," Rosa continued, glancing at Florence and Cross consecutively, "and I just thought that it was absolutely vital to introduce myself—ourselves—to them." No matter how hard Rosa was trying to give the impression that she was being friendly, she could never lose her hubris no matter how hard she tried. She looked at Florence. "My name," she put her spread fingertips on her chest, "is Kurokmaku, Rosa Kuromaku. Of course, you can always call me Rosa. I don't need formalities when speaking with friends, after all." Once again, Rosa's tone and her intentions were mismatched in her voice. "Of course, these girls," she gestured to Lyn and Lala on either side of her, "are my friends," her tone made her sound possessive of them, "Lala Wakahisa and Lyndis Kyori." 'Can't you see what pretty friends I have?' is what she might have will been saying with her pose.

"Yep yep! We're good ole friends," Lyn said reacting to Rosa's sudden kindness.

Lala smiled warmly at the group. "Hello there! It's a pleasure to meet you all!" She then looked at Akira. "Akira-kun! Here! Neri-kun wanted you to have this!" She handed the bag which contained the outfit. "I bet you would look good in it for sure." She made a thumb's up at that.

"Thanks. Lala! Sweet," Akira grinned, the appreciation at the gesture clear on his face as he took the package from her, placing it inside his bag gently. "I asked him to mend my stage clothes," he explained, turning back around to face them again. "They had a tear in them from one of the swords in the box that night. I had a spare, but I asked Neri to help me mend it since he does it for free."

"Glad to be some help! I can't wait to see you in it." There was not an ounce of insincerity in Lala's words as she truly believes that Akira would look good and the fact Neri makes wonderful ensembles.

Cross looked over his eyes widened slightly in surprise. He had seen some things throughout the day, but this confirmed it. Truthfully, he was more phased by the fact that it took him that long to realize, but he glad he did. No, he was glad he mad the choice to start talking to Akira. Boy, was he a pimp. He waited for Akira to get his shirt back, then nudged him and winked, giving him his proper kudos. He was relieved too. At first when those girls came out of nowhere he thought they had wanted something, especially when the one who seemed to be the main talker referred to them as "friends". However, he imagined that if they were cool with Akira then they were alright. When she finally finished talking, he looked over at her friends that she seemed to be presenting. More and more this was starting to look like a street affair even though he was sure these girls went to the same school that he did. He tossed it up to everyone having there types of people. Usually he wouldn't go for the floozy types, but he figured they'd be okay since they were dressed well.

Lala felt something nagging at the back of her head. It was not that idea which she had yet to say, but more of an instinct telling her to pull Rosa away. It was all due to her sights landing on one of the new students, specifically, the male one. "Ah... Rosa-chan, we -" Her sentence was not completed as once again, her best efforts were thwarted by the said new boy who did what was her gut feeling was probably warning her about.

Without a moments hesitation, Cross stood up and wrapped an arm around the girl who called herself Rosa. "Nice to meet you, Rosa," he said slyly. "My name's Cross. How about we get out of here and get something to drink eh?"

A girl approached them? "It is a pleasure to meet you, Rosa, Lala, Lyndis." Florence's eyes rested on Rosa disinterestedly as she introduced herself and her friends, not feigning her boredom one bit. She wasn't too interesting as far as Florence was concerned, they were new students, sure, but Florence saw no need to reply. All she wanted to do was to get her dinner, anything else was a slight hindrance. However, her interest was piqued when Cross wrapped his arm around the girl that seemed like she was the 'leader'. A mixture of surprise and amusement filled her eyes for a second as her mouth quirked into a half smile that faded as soon as it came. This was definitely something else. Was Cross trying to flirt with another girl? Her eyes looked a little confused as she turned to Akira, tilting her head as if in a question of what to do next.

Akira stared, eyes wide as Cross hugged Rosa, Queen of the school and its dictator, around the waist. His jaw dropped with shock, and only his stage training prevented him from dragging Cross to hide with him under the table or laughing at the colossal, massive blunder Cross had just made. The urge to laugh maniacally out of the sheer impact of Cross's social life ending on his first day (first day man, first day!) was suddenly overwhelming, and Akira made sure that any hint of even a smile was off his face and stuffed into a locked box into a closet where it would never see the light of day. If he laughed, it'd make things even worse for Cross than it was already, and Akira didn't want that. Distantly, Akira knew that he should be dragging Cross into apologizing so that Cross might get off Rosa's blacklist, but he was too stunned to do anything other than stare and gap like people who had seen his magic shows for the first time, only with the feeling of rapidly arriving doom instead of wonder.

With his chin resting against the palm of his hand, Luka watched with mild interest until Cross hugged Rosa. His eyes flickered over to look at Rosa’s face, just to see what kind of face expression the Queen will have. “Pfft—“ Oops. Luka cleared his throat and managed to hold back his laughter; but the smile on lips still lingered.

Rosa cried "Bletch!" It almost sounded as if she were giving a violent scold to a delinquent child. In that instant, whatever she called a friendly attitude turned into one of complete hostility as in one swift motion, Rosa swung around and smacked the boy, Cross, with the back of her hand. It was beyond audible and could be heard throughout the small cafe. Cross's face followed through with the smack, leaving his face turn to the side. He rubbed his cheek as if he were a boy who had just been smacked by his mother. "Wow. Here I thought we were being friendly," he grinned. "Either that or you're just a tease." He was beginning to think that maybe everyone was like this in school. Hard to understand by what they say, so he decided to be more focused on what he sees and not hears.

"Akira? Is this... normal greetings in Japanese Schools?" Florence was genuinely curious. Akira didn't seem too disturbed, so it must have been something commonly seen, right? Perhaps it was the norm in this country, to flirt with someone as a first meeting. Maybe Cross was more learned than her on that subject, and she's been doing things wrong ever since she got there. So many possibilities.

"...No, Florence, it's not." Akira said, speech suddenly coming back to him. Ahaha shit. Akira had a sinking feeling that Rosa wouldn't let this slide even if Cross apologized a thousand times. He shook himself back into closing his mouth before any flies got in and quickly made sure that the expression on his face was a neutral one that showed no emotion on what he was feeling - namely, the urge to laugh and never stop, which suddenly became a lot easier when Rosa slapped Cross. It was nice knowing you, Cross. See you in the afterlife... if Rosa or Akako doesn't eat your soul, that is.

But maybe the slap was all there would be to it. "Uh, dude," He said uneasily, getting up from his seat. "Sorry about him, he doesn't have much manners." he said apologetically to Rosa, pulling Cross away from her by the arm. He smiled at her, all charm and goodwill. He shot a meaningful look at Cross that said Don't talk and let me handle this, and continued to turn up the charm, hoping to defuse the situation, "Rosa, this is Cross, its his first day here. He's also not from Japan, so he doesn't really know the culture. What did you come here to talk about?"

"Rosa-chan, may be we should just leave it at that, okay?" Lala looked at Rosa with concern and then back at the group. "They're new and they're about to have dinner. We should let them have it, right, Lyn-chan?" Lala turned to Lyn to at least dissuade the tension she could definitely feel rising. It's unexplainable, but Lala knew that something from this point would only escalate into a bigger scene which she really didn't want to happen. "I bet Tomoe-chan needs help in math and you know, I'm no good at that. Okay, Rosa-chan?" The problem was... Rosa was set on her sights.

"He's certainly unenlightened," Rosa muttered with great contempt, "a typical woman-hungering creature, an inferior kind of a human, a man." The trio of guys frowned at that, displeased. Rosa shifted her glare away from the boy and looked toward the girl, who hadn't yet introduced herself. Rosa chuckled sardonically as she examined her own fingernails. "I'm sure you understand," she told the girl without addressing her, "how very unfortunate it is that somebody like yourself ended up with a crowd like this. Honestly, girl, I feel for you," Rosa grabbed Lyn's hand to examine her fingernails, "You're new, after all, so I suppose you don't really understand... how things work. You're deserving of better friends, ones that will teach you how things actually work." She let go of Lyn's hand to examine Lala's fingernails. Rosa then offered her hand out to Florence, in order to check her fingernails. "What do you say, girl...?"

Grab the hand girl, Rosa thought, and pledge your allegiance to your Queen. Offering to check Florence's nails may have been a way for them to be able to touch hands, a sign of friendship and trust, but Rosa's true intention was a different sort of bond. In having the girls allow Rosa to check their nails, a very small and insignificant gesture on its own, was a way to display that not only they were her friends, but that they were submissive to her and would bend to her will without Rosa having to say anything. They were her property, which like any curator of treasures or shepherd of a flock, she examined carefully to make sure they were in check. In a seemingly harmless gesture to check Florence's nails, without saying a single word, Rosa was checking to see if Florence wasn't only trusting of her as a friend, but was also ready to bend to her will, without a single word needed.

Florence observed the exchange with feelings mixed with confusion and amusement. That girl, Rosa checked their nails? It was perhaps some sort of ritual unknown to her, and as a hand was extended presumably to check her own Florence glanced at her hand before looking back to Akira, Cross and Luka quizzically. She never did like making decisions all by herself, this was a troublesome matter. However, she didn't agree to Rosa's words. "Firstly, I will not offer any excuse to your first statement for Cross, but Akira appears to be quite different from my observations. Secondly, I am certain that the friends I have now will teach me the ropes, or at least, I do not need anyone else to tell me which crowds I should stay with, or which friends I should make. And lastly... It's Florence. Florence Sterling. A pleasure to meet you as always, but I'd appreciate it if you could stay out of my business."

This made Lala worry. She wasn't offended by Florence's words. The new girl had the right to speak her mind, but it was a different matter when it comes to Rosa. Her ruby red eyes filled with trepidation as she reached out to Rosa by placing a hand on the shoulder. "Rosa-chan, we should just go. It's their first day after all. We can come back and talk to them, next time." Lala was doing her best to appease Rosa for she knew what was to follow. Her instincts were telling her that without fault. "Ro---" She was unable to continue her next words as Rosa, much like panther jumping on its prey, grabbed hold of Florence. This was bad!

There were hundreds of things you didn't do to Rosa, but no matter what Cross had done or could have done in that cafe to Rosa would have compared to the sort of action Florence had just preformed. Florence directly defied her. Many students had done things to displease or attempt to disgrace Rosa in the past, but not a single person was ever stupid enough to defy her, and speak up against her at that! Florence may have been careful with her words, but her tone said it all. You aren't the boss of me. Oh how little this naive little upstart even knew. Now, sure, accidentally defying her may have been slightly excusable because she was new, but Florence didn't even take her hand. One didn't refuse the hand of a Queen as if it was a dirty beggar's fingers. Rosa's face shifted into a look of sheer disappointment, one that made anybody want to shrivel up in shame, as she stared directly into Florence's eyes, her hand resting right in front of her, palm down. Did this girl even care? Then, with a sudden, violent jolt, Rosa snatched at Florence's wrist, like a toddler's. "Listen–!" Rosa caught herself suddenly as somebody approached, releasing Florence's wrist and holding her own elbow.

"Excuse me." It appears that she had offended Rosa for whatever convoluted reason. How was Florence to know why? She was just considering her options when the grip on her wrist loosened.

The clicking sound from plates and the refreshing smell of fresh food began to fill the area. The meals are ready accompanied by the drinks requested from the table. Lilith held it easily with one hand walking towards the table, then stopped right between Rosa and Florence. "Your food is ready," she directed towards the table. "But before you guys dig in, I have one thing to say," she paused for a brief moment as her face shifted to one with dire seriousness. The pleasant aura around her changed as she said, "This shop prides itself on having a peaceful atmosphere so if you're not willing to cooperate, then I'll have to ask or force you guys to leave. With that being said," she regained her waitresses smile, "please enjoy you meal!"[/color][/b] Her last line was said with almost an award winning actresses smile. She shifted to a complete different persona. She walked off and began to tend to other tables.

"A-Ah, thanks. Sorry," Akira turned around jerkily, his heart beating fast in his chest.The serious look that appeared on his face when Rosa grabbed Florence faded away into a thankful smile. The tension receded, and he reached out to help distribute the meals to their respective buyers, mentally bracing himself for impact. The tension was still there, and the wide-eyed stare of excitement and curiosity Cross had been shooting at Rosa like he'd been expecting a catfight had morphed into a frown after the waitress Lilith warned them, like the one he and Luka had (nd which Luka still had) only seconds ago.

"Ah, such a nice lady," Lyn replied misunderstanding the situation. She may have not pieced together that Rosa and Florence were arguing. "Florence and Cross seem pretty nice also, just weird." Forgetting they were right in front of her.

Lala felt that a big bone was pried out of her chest when the waitress entered the scene. The disaster was averted and she was really grateful for that. "Yes, she is really a nice lady, Lyn-chan." Lala agreed on that statement but on a different context than what Lyn was commenting about. "Lyn-chan, please it's not nice to say they're weird in front of them." Lala glanced at Lyn before looking back att the group. "Uhm, please enjoy your meals." She noted before looking back at Rosa.

Rosa was somewhat caught off guard by the sudden, stern warning the woman had, although she didn't show it. She waited untill the waitress had left before she gave off an indignant huff. She turned toward her girls, Lala and Lyn and looked at them up and down, as if she were trying to figure out what to do next. Rosa looked back at Florence, biting her lip, and then at Akira. "You understand," Rosa told him cryptically, "don't you? What happens them now, that is." Rosa sighed and turned her back toward the table. "Come on, girls," she declared, "we have no reason to associate with those two. We have things to chat about."

Lyn picks up her umbrella as she gets up from the table. She opens it elegantly and does a random spin. "Goodbye guys," she says with a wink. She does a slight bow with her right hand pulling up her dress only slightly as a formal farewell. "May we meet again," she says as she's quoting some movie she saw about the history of Japan culture. She began following Rosa as she skipped along.

Lala nodded at Rosa's words and then looked back at Akira and his companions. "Have a nice nice day, everyone." Her eyes landed on Akira as she silently mouthed an apology made of one word. 'Sorry...' Akira's lips twitched into a minuscule smile that meant it was okay, and she then smiled at all of them kindly. "I hope you do not close your doors for all of us being friends. Because you'll never know when that person after all will become a big part in you life, right?" She asked and the quickly added. "That is what Lucci-sensei said earlier. Well, I'll see you around!" She waved at them before turning her back at them going to where Rosa and the others are.

"Mm?" Florence sipped at her tea slowly, her mind already forgetting what events had just conspired. In her mind she had done nothing that notable, Rosa had tried to tell her to reconsider her choices, and Florence just disagreed. Why she had offended the other girl was frankly not a matter of interest to her at that point of time. Not to say that she wasn't curious to know more about Rosa, but it was none of her business what she does anyway, so as long that it didn't concern her.

"Well," Cross said as the ladies left the area. "That was sure something wasn't it? Not everyday you have some girls talk to you for no reason." He looked over at Akira and nudged and winked at him again. "I suppose that's what happens when you hang around someone with pick up skills like you, eh Aki?"

"Dude!" Akira said, sounding both scandalized and amused. Luka snickered as Akira shoved Cross away lightly, his cheeks pink tinted a faint pink at the implication. "I'm not a pimp man, look for someone else." He leaning back against his chair with a shudder, trying not to laugh himself. The idea of Rosa dating someone was both funny and disturbing, and now that the tension had died down Akira had the sudden urge to laugh with relief. "Especially not for them, I want to live a long life, thank you very much."

Cross nodded. "I see what you mean. Marrying someone who likes to play rough might breed for a short life."

"More like playing till their limbs break off instead of rough." Akira sighed, humor receding back into seriousness. The situation was really bad now that the two of them had gotten into Rosa's shitlist. On their first day too, what were the odds? Akira grabbed his cup and took a sip of the tea, wetting his lips. He had to explain what was going to happen next, and that wasn't something he liked doing. "They're not all that bad, but I guess I should start at the beginning. Luka, help me if I get anything wrong." Luka nodded as he drank his milkshake through a straw, and Akira leaned forward, resting his head on against his hands. "That girl Cross hugged just now was Rosa, and..."

"Hey Rosa!" Erin spoked up slightly above indoor voice. "Spot-on with that hit! I would have punched him in the mouth if I were you, or twisted his finger, maybe." Rosa gave Erin a wordless glare, which caused Erin to slink back a bit, looking to her side as she slurped away at her water. Tomoe fought the urge to snicker and just stared at her textbook like it was spilled milk. Rosa merely sat back down wordlessly, giving a sort of uneasy silence to the table. Erin broke it. "So, uh, I guess we're not talking with those two anymore, huh?"

"I personally don't care about the womanizer, Cross," Rosa said truthfully, "but the girl, Florence, is a moron." Rosa examined her own fingernails again. "She's also quite vicious, a person of the wicked sort. Perhaps we should tell people to avoid her, for their own good of course. Somebody text Akako."

"Yeah, uh," Tomoe spoke up, having given up on the homework, "Where's A-ko again?" Tomoe squinted, before lighting up in realization. "...Oh yeah! I remember. She's with those club boys, huh, doing you know what." Tomoe giggled at that while Erin clicked her tongue. "You know, just giving those twins a bit of a scare. They're not actually hurting them, right?" Rosa didn't answer. "And do we have to do anything about them as well?"

"No, not really," Rosa responded surprisingly suddenly, "we don't have to worry about those two upstarts, at least not anymore. The boys will have dealt with them and those two will be out of our hair. They will have learned their lesson. If they haven't, well, Akako is supposed to bring us their underwear." Tomoe giggled as she unwrapped her BluScreen from her wrist and began idly browsing. Erin chuckled before giving her water one big gulp to finish it. "Although, to be perfectly honest, I don't care too much about those boys anymore. They weren't really much of a threat anyway. Honestly, they probably don't even deserve whatever's coming to them, but whatever." Rosa glanced around the cafe and saw the clock. "Besides, they should be finishing up soon anyhow, so we should as well."

"Uh, Rosie?" Tomoe was reading text messages when she spoke up. "I think you should see this."

Collaborative post between Lloyd999, Alle9009, moahi, Pandora's Melancholy, taigaxx and KumoriKitsune.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cambrey Bovino Character Portrait: Joel Lambe
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Damioa
Leaving the school grounds, Joel watched as more groups of people walked and chatted, headed in the same direction as him, towards the cafe. It seemed that the place was one of the many attractions for kids to go after school. He was sure there was both a mall and an arcade that people could go to, yet the students seemed to favorite the cafe. Beginning to wish he'd been asked to meet at the mall he rubbed his neck. "That guy. If it was just the wall I wouldn't be sore right now, but that vice grip of his." Joel sighed and brought his left hand from his neck to his pockets as he approached the cafe doors. His hand left his pocket with a hold on his phone and he flipped through the messages just in case he had gotten the meeting location wrong. Unluckily for him, that wasn't the case and he sighed once more and walked into the building.

Though people were talking around him outside, nothing compared to the volume of the inside. The place was packed so heavy that he wasn't sure if he'd be able to get a seat.

"Hey there!!!"

Joel looked over towards the waiting spot and there was a young man shooting him a glance and gleefully smiling. Judging by his attire he had to be one of the waiters there, but that still didn't ease Joel's nerves. He wasn't the type to go to nice crowded restaurants. In all honesty, there was nothing that could beat a home cooked meal and it was even better when he was able to cook two. Sure, those times were limited, but it was better than eating around strangers. Hearing about how good and easy their lives are. Confirming, that unless a crazed man kills them, they don't have to worry about dying every time they walk outside. It wasn't something he was jealous against. It made him feel complacent. This was one of the reasons why he either works or goes home after school. Unless it's with family, it's not needed. If it was in any other situation, he'd think he would be complacent around the family too. However, his past and his current situation will never fail to loom over his head. Most would think of it as a good thing, but Joel had forgiven a lot of it. However, he would never forget, for it made him stronger. Each event in his life good or bad was another piece of the his life's puzzle. That's why he couldn't necessarily hate the sheep in the world. They didn't have to worry about death at every corner, but they will also not see their death coming. He'd constantly wondered, if any of them stopped baa-ing long enough to think what they would do if the person next to them took out a gun and pulled the trigger. Would they still laugh? Would they smile? Would that confident look be on their faces? He already knew the answer.

"Excuse me.... sir."

Joel looked the waiter again. Realizing he must of blacked out in thought he brushed it off and walked towards the young man. "Yeah. Table for two. I'm waiting for someone to get here," he said slowly and calmly. He didn't like to raise his voice, but sometimes, every once in a while you meet a person who can't understand good Japanese.

"Sorry sir. We're quite full as it is and we can't really seat two people at this time. Maybe one, or a group booth."

"Really?" Joel reached in his pocket and grabbed his wallet. He put enough money to pay for his electric and gas bill combined and asked, "You have any VIP area's? Tables you don't use for any type of reason?" He proceeded to pull the exact same amount, this time slowly and neatly grouping the papers together so that the waiter could see how much he had. "It's my first time here and I was planning on tipping my waiter with the greatest of all interest for my meal." Once again, with the same amount of money he pulled and folded.

"We....well. I'm sure that if anyone can find a table in all this mess, it's me. Please, allow me to be your waiter. Just hold still for one second and I will be right back to accommodate you."

Joel nodded. The smile on the waiter grew, but Joel wasn't bothered by it this time because it wasn't fake anymore. He was smiling for a reason now and that reason was obvious. Once he was shown to his table, which seemed like it was located in a whole in the wall that was sectioned off from the rest of the place, he ordered some coffee and proceeded to wait. Waiting was never a problem for him. It was necessary actually and welcomed. It gave him time to calm his thoughts and think. He sat there wondering what was he thinking about before he was interrupted. "Oh yeah," he said lightly on an exhale.

It was a memory of a few years ago. Not really something he really cared to remember, but the Vongola have ties with both crime organizations and government. He use to wonder what the heck the family actually did that was mob like, but when he started working, he saw that there wasn't any difference between the two. It made the Vongola the perfect middle man. Though, the reason they had to leave Japan to go to America while anyone else could have done so was behind him. He hated going to different countries for work. Usually when you don't mess with family and friends and rely on a third party, something goes wrong. Many asked him why it was America that he despised going most of all and his only reason was the fact that when you go to make any type of business deals in America, you don't only have to prepare for what the Americans will do. For whatever reason, dealing with Americans meant dealing with the Chinese, the Russians, the Italians, and any other group of people you could possibly fit in there. Each with their own way of doing business and their own version of respect.
He remembered he was forced on the ground once. He wasn't one to fall from a punch, but a sucker punch with brass knuckles would do that to anyone he thought. The man even bothered pulling his gun out afterwards. He thought he was the bigger man because he had the gun. Joel knew otherwise.

"Aye cuz. I ain't no fag you feel me. If you keep staring at me I'ma buss two in your eyes and empty the rest in your chest."

The only reason the man was able to get the better of him was because he was surprised. Were Americans so ballsy as to pass his father to get to him just because he was looking around? It didn't make sense. He'd seen others get rowdy before even in Japan, but when the big boys are all together talking about money it would happen. Maybe it wasn't even because he was American. Maybe it was just because he was an outsider. It didn't matter. Joel stood up and brushed himself. The man pulled the trigger and unluckily for him Joel wasn't going to let surprise happen to him again. With the sound of the blast echoing, it wasn't long until more followed and the blood to flow. Luckily none of the important people, as the American rep said, got injured. It was important, because money could still flow. People died and someone got what came to them. He remembered the man's face before he emptied his own gun into his belly, afterwards and during. Eventually pity would set, but what was done was already done. If you're a sheep all along, then you shouldn't bark like a wolf.

As time would go on and he met more people and got into more gun fights, he realized something. It was becoming more and more easier to see the sheep who hid in the wolves clothing. Whether it be the man who looks for the weakest person in the room to puff his chest at or a downright dirty snitch. To Joel, these inbreeds of both wolf and sheep were the scourge of society as a whole. However, there was one type of breed above the wolf. A breed he would call the snake. He was glad that he was part of family where they would at least fight with you if things went wrong and wouldn't take a fallen member lightly. For there were those who had members of their club who's only purpose was to die. The saddest part was, they didn't even know they were being used only for that purpose. Not until it was too late. For a long time, Joel thought he was just like them, but if he was, would he still be alive. It was a lot to think about. Something he thought about on the daily. The place of a grunt. A peon. A pawn. From the kids selling drugs on corners, to the kids cutting people. From the ones stealing to the ones blowing themselves up.

He was sure he wasn't thought of that low to his boss. Although he never gave much thought to how his boss feels about him. All he knew was that he was still alive, he got paid fairly and he didn't get into many situations where someone wasn't watching his back.

He looked at the time using his phone. It seemed like he'd been waiting forever and seeing as the sky was changing colors he was sure the sun was setting. Maybe it would be dark in another hour in a half and the thought of being stuck in a cafe that long didn't rest well with Joel. It was his job though, and he let out a sigh to get rid of the anxious feeling he had. He saw a brown haired kid leave the shop and was reminded of the boys. He was happy to see that they're not one of the sheep. Even the one whom he feared would become one was energetic today. He imagined he'd talk to him the next day to see how he was doing. The fact that the two were fighting and one of them had their flame showing meant things were getting interesting for them. He'd only hope in return things would be interesting for himself. He'd much rather be a part of whatever they're apart of than go to another oversees meeting where the other person has the home court advantage.

He thought of the time when him and his father walked straight off the plane just to get captured and almost have their heads cut off in the middle of the dessert. The whole rock. North and south. He just wished he didn't have to go there. The America's were crazy. He'd imagine if the third world countries the east coast seem to want to war with were richer, he'd have to go there to, but at least they'd send a video to whom it may concern.

Just like that, he found himself wondering why he was even thinking about the America's to begin with. He quickly concluded the whole thought was a way to ease his boredom. A way to pass the time. "Maybe it's not the America's, but just being around many different gangs at one time." That was bad anywhere. Even for gangs apart of the same nationality, if there are seven different gangs with seven different bosses in one room anything could happen. Like the time in Russia just a week ago. Probably the most creative men he's come across when it comes to just putting a beating on someone. Joel considered himself lucky, because anyone falling down spiral stairs while tied to a cheap plastic chair would probably break some bones. The thought of it made him remember how he paid them back for their hospitality and also brought a smile to his face.

"Sir. I don't mean to be rude, but would you like to order something else."

Joel shot the waiter a piercing glare which made the waiter move his head away from eye contact. "I'm still waiting. Come back in about an hour."
The waiter bowed out, but his face had this looked that screamed for more detail of who or what Joel was waiting for. The screams were ignored though and as Joel went back to staring at the window, he went past reminiscing about his exploits in the mafia, to thinking about those who have yet to join him. He imagined if he had Yoh with him, they'd wind up retiring a lot of want to be families, but if it was Haku, he'd be fighting all of time. It was just his imagination though, which he took into being. How amazing it would be though. Joel wasn't the type to get his hopes up and wasn't planning on his dad or any of the Vongola's guardians to give up their position anytime soon. They were old, but they weren't that old. Only time would tell. After all, he was sure he had a few more years left of growing and the kids were just starting high school. "So in the end, it's best to wait. Best to take everything slow."

It sure was better to take things slow, just as it was good to wait. For in life there are times when things crash down on both wolves and sheep. So being in the now, the safeness of the now was good enough for him. If he wasn't in the now he'd be in the future and who knew what that would hold. He'd probably be meeting with Godot and be getting chewed out for messing up another deal even though he was the one who was pushed down the steps while tied to a chair. Maybe he'd even get a raise. "Maybe that's too close to wishful thinking," he said to himself. He could try to reminisce some more, but as a kid he wasn't able to think about things in a positive way for his situation. At least not like he can today. It made his life harder for him too and almost got him killed. So patience was a virtue. As his father said. "Gotta stay calm." Words he would repeat himself. For he knew if he didn't things wouldn't be as peaceful as they were. "And if I can call this peace, then what is my definition of war?"

"Who the hell cares?"

Joel turned once more away from the window. Who he saw, proved that even wolves could be surprised by their demise. However, as a wolf he decided to take it head on. "Do you always intrude on other people's thoughts." He said to none other than Cambrey, who must have been stalking him again.

[color=tan]"Only when they're thinking out loud. You should work on zipping it, or do you think it makes you look cool to talk to yourself."
The Bovino boss took her seat across from him and crossed her arms, seeming a little too comfortable for Joel's comfort. "So, what's got you day dreaming in a public cafe with over an empty table?" [/color]

"I'm waiting for Godot."

"I'm sorry, who?"

Joel sighed. "Did you get to school on time today?"

Cambrey shook her head. "If I get to school on time, what time do you think I'll have to wake up? The Bovino need their sleep. You know. You look a little bit tired yourself. Must be why I'm noticing bags under your eyes. Are the Vongola overworking you?"[/color]

"I've been off for a week. I think they're giving me a good load of rest time."

"Spoken like a true dog. Loyal to your master." Cambrey's eyes narrowed and the way she looked at Joel made him feel like she was trying to pierce him with them. Cambrey could tell she was making Joel uncomfortable. "I usually don't get to see my own cousin because you're always working. Yet you're okay with it. I suppose since they allow you to live and go about life now a days you're alright. Hehe. Seems like you've just become complacent."

Joel's eyes opened in surprise. It wasn't as if what she said carried any weight because he knew her main goal was to get him to join her family, but he realized something important. "So you mean to say you're not complacent too? Aren't you prideful? I would assume someone who has all these glorious things to say about her family and nothing, but bad things to say about others would be. So wouldn't you be just settling if your family is not the best, but under the best."

"Under the be-"

"I'm not done, Ms. Bovino." Joel's eyes went cold and looked at Cambrey as if she were just another business contact. "The Vongola may have a questionable way of doing things, and maybe sometimes work can be hard, but if you think saying phrases out of your mouth that pertain to me when you don't even really know what you're talking about will get me to follow you instead of Vongola then you're wrong. I'd just be a sheep in wolves clothing if I betrayed my pack."

Cambrey puffed her cheeks, looking a tad bit embarrassed before shrugging the feeling away. "Well, should you decide to change your mind, the offers always open. Tell your dad too and let him know I said hi."

"Sure thing."

Joel made sure the last thing she saw from him was a smile. He didn't want her to think he had something against her.
Cambrey on the other hand was determined now than ever to have Joel join her family. He was loyal and she'd know she could call him anytime she wanted. Not only that, but they were technically family and she wanted to make sure he was living the good life. The only question was what exactly did he want? She had offered him almost everything and he turned it down every time. She figured she try again the next day, but for now decided to leave him in the cafe to wait for whoever it was he was waiting for. Hopefully he'd be in a good enough mood to say yes.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilith Dusk Character Portrait: Ieyoshi Sawada Character Portrait: Ieharu Sawada Character Portrait: Damien Gokudera Character Portrait: Yume Hibari
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0.00 INK

"So you're saying people fight over the pastries?" Ieyoshi walked along Damien's right side as he spoke, his tone as paced and even as ever. He had the voice of a old sage that had long since grown bored of his mortal coil. "Sounds dumb," he muttered almost offhandedly. "I already have a lunch from home anyway."

"No Yoh you don't understand!" He shook his head while moving slightly in front of the twins to face them. "Godbread wars is a way of life!" He said with an unnecessary loud voice. He shifted his pose as if he were a samurai holding his invisible long bamboo hat. After a dramatic pause, he gave a deep voiced chuckle as if he were the final boss in a video game. "Little did you know peons, I am," he quickly clasped both of his hands together then swiftly moved them in various positions like a ninja performing a jutsu. After reaching his final hand gesture, in a old Japanese man tone, he said, "The Hokage!"

Ieharu giggled in response, his grin big enough to brighten the whole hallway. Though soft, his laughter was rich and bubbly. Ieyoshi, on the other hand, narrowed his eyes and sighed.

"Godbread wars give you a chance to show your heart, valor, and soul. To battle all of the other warriors fighting their way to be blessed by the gods!" He clenched his fist and pounded it on his chest producing a slight thump noise. "Will you both not heed the call?! Will you both not join the ranks of the chosen few?" He looked up to the sky with a gleam shining in his eyes. His arm now extended upwards with one finger pointed to the stars. "The god's invitation stands before you both! Join me for this battle, for I shall have victory once again! Earn your own Godbread!" By this point, he was no longer looking at the twins, but towards the sky like a dreamer. He whispered with a loud voice, "Be Legendary," while providing his own recurring echo of the word 'Legendary' as if it were fading out. He maintained his pose pointing to the sky fixating his gaze on the same spot. He was awaiting a response from the twins and didn't move an inch like a statue.

"Well... I think it sounds pretty cool," Ieharu said, chiming in from Damien's left. For some reason, the older twin was maintaining a noticeable distance between himself and his younger counterpart, though Ieharu was not sure why. It'd been this way all morning, ever since they'd woken up. Maybe he had done something wrong? Or perhaps he'd angered his elder twin by dragging him into that fight yesterday? Just the thought of yesterday's antics with Ishiki made Ieharu's chest seize up, but the moment passed rather quickly. Though he remembered being bruised and bloodied before falling asleep that night, most of his injuries were healed by morning as if they hadn't even occurred in the first place. He looked past Damien and to his brother, shooting him a smile. "Not that I wanna fight again or anything," he continued. "I learned my lesson, huh!" The moment Ieharu looked towards Ieyoshi was the moment Ieyoshi looked away, his eyes trained in the opposite direction. Ieharu's smile melted into something resembling a frown, betraying for a moment his inner frustration with being ignored, but with his hand he wiped the expression from his face. He didn't dare ask Ieyoshi what was wrong. Not yet, anyway. He knew better than just about anyone that only way to fix a problem involving his brother was with extreme patience.

The trio walked in deafening silence for a few awkward moments before Damien spoke again.

Damien picked up on the unusual vibe in the air between the two. He typically performs something witty as comic relief between the two, but for once, he was at a loss of words. Well best to keep them on task. "Batman!" He suddenly blurted out. "Yoh, if you actually got a Godbread, you might be known as Batman throughout the school!" He shifted his gaze over to Ieharu and his eyes squinted a bit. A grin came upon his face as he said, "and you ole little you. You'll be Captain Underpants the hero." Damien chuckled as a look of horror raced across Ieharu's face.

Ieyoshi simply grunted in response. It was neither approving nor dismissive.

As they rounded the corner, they were greeted by the a large metal sign that hung from the ceiling: Namimori Cafe. Loud chatter overflowed from the room, nearly drowning out their conversation. As they stepped through the double doors, they were forced to raise their voices.

"Do it, Yoh! Do it!" Ieharu urged. Ieyoshi? Didn't want to fight? Truly, his brother was behaving strangely today.

Ieyoshi shrugged, turning back towards the entrance. He had no qualms with a little friendly sparring, but with all the crap that went down yesterday, he just felt tired of it all. In fact, he wanted to go back home and sleep more than anything. "Meh," he sighed, preparing to walk out of the room. "On second thought, I'll catch you guys later."

"Oh, come on, Yoh!" Ieharu groaned, "don't be like that."

Ieyoshi stopped in his tracks, seemingly at the behest of his brother.

"Oh jeeze," Ieyoshi muttered, his voice taking on an unusually high pitch, his shoulders slumping slightly. Literally a moment ago he was the image of cool, the posterboy for suave, the unshakable stale-face Ieyoshi, but now he looked like a kid who'd been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

If he didn't know any better, Ieharu would describe his brother's strange behavior as bashful, but that was an impossible role reversal. The boy followed his brother's gaze towards the cafeteria's entrance. Standing there

"Woah!" Ieharu began. "Is that Yume-nee?!"

Damien shifted his head immediately at the name. "Did you say," without pause his eyes went from his normal expression to a love struck teen, "Yume?"

A smile that would even shatter the moon's gentle light in reverence decorated the lips of the Himemiya Princess as she stood at the entrance with those eyes of her gazing at the visage of three individuals though, it was clear her attention was commanded strongly by one. Words were not spoken as she took a step towards the group in her eloquent grace. A crown of starless obsidian trailed behind her with every elegance intrinsic in her being. It was like a vision of a lady meant for the greatest illusions of mankind had come to reality, as such it was clear as to why the onlookers of the cafeteria were attracted to her form.

True to that, a companion of the Sawada twins was obviously enamored with her. Ieharu glanced over to his left to see Damien looking as if he'd taken a shot of adrenaline to the chest. Ieyoshi, on the other hand, seemed to shrink backwards... though surely it only appeared that way.

"Good day to you." Yume started as she found herself now before the group. "Ieharu-kun. Damien-kun." Her sight then settled on one. "Ieyoshi."

At mention of his name, the elder Sawada twin flinched ever-so slightly. It was a nearly imperceptible micro-movement, though Ieharu honed in on it like a missile, eyebrows rising. He noted that, for as long as he could remember, his brother always acted... weird? in front of a small handful of people. Ieharu enumerated the list in his mind. There was Mom, Dad, uncle Ryohei, that actor that played Batman in that one movie, and then there's...

The smile on Yume's face did not relent, though her eyes held a deep understanding that none can decode, perhaps, only a selected few could hope to. "I am glad to see you all attending Namimori. I would like to apologize I had not welcomed you as early as I am able." To show her sincerity, her head lowered in a bow as her hands delicately placed at her front. "I also would like to extend my apologies if my Ani had done anything untoward to you all." She then lifted her head to look at them with an expression of sweet affection relating to her brother. "It would be a great favor if you would dismiss his disorderly conduct."

Haha, it's cool, Yume-nee," Ieharu said, smiling as he scratched the back of his head. "I don't think we've really seen him around, though I heard he threw someone out a window."

"She called me Damien-kun," an infatuated Damien muttered, causing Ieharu to snicker quietly. For his part, Ieyoshi simply stared at his shoes.

Then like so, Yume's emotion shifted to that of gentle joy. "I do hope that you three are enjoying your time here." She showed familiarity towards them and this was a natural course as her father after all serves as a Vongola Guardian and above reason, she had been her father's representative in the Annual Famiglia Meeting. Something she is only able to attend when her schedule would allow it or is endearingly asked by her Oji - Tetsuya. It was rather enjoyable even with the consistent questions and overfriendliness provided by Rokudo in which she is often protected by Sasagawa. Most of all, she was glad to meet the others as well, specifically the children of her father's friends, though she had been told many times that it was not that case. Though, there was one she had met far more than the rest.

In any case, she stopped her thoughts of before and focused at the now. "How have you been, Ieharu-kun? Damien-kun? Ieyoshi?" Each time she mentioned a name, she looked at them with her eyes filled with tenderness yet, held that profound meaning as if seeing through them. "It has been quite a while since I have seen you all." She had a thoughtful smile before continuing with her words. "How all of you have grown. Such handsome boys." And as swift as a wind passing, her lips pursed ever so slightly. "I do wonder. Have you boys been into trouble?" Just like so, she looked at each of them before fixing her gaze a bit longer on Ieyoshi's profile and then proceeded looking at them in equal light. In the end, the things needed to be tackled cannot be revealed in the light, for now.

Ieyoshi remained silent, and Damien just stared awkwardly, so it was up to Ieharu to respond. He'd turned a shade redder at Yume's compliment. "Pretty good, Yume-nee," he replied. "We haven't seen ya since Dad was last around. How's--"

Suddenly, the room grew silent, which gave Ieharu pause. Everyone looked towards the front of the cafeteria, where a woman began placing containers out along several pedestals.

Yume looked at the breads being placed in interest.. Her eyes seemed to be in trance as if observing it or rather seeing something more than that. She does recall that there had been mentioned of an event for the cafeteria during Thursdays. It was indeed interesting as she could see some of the students focused rather in an excited manner, yet with a predatory gleam in those faces. Though, she could understand why they appeared so invested on the breads being displayed. They do look exquisite, that much she could tell. "Those Godbreads do look rather appetizing." She noted and then looked back at the boys. "Now, I know why they seem eager for it, though, I do not think I would be able to get one myself." She smiles gently and it was just simply a good after thought for her as she take another look at the breads.

Ieyoshi stole a glance at Yume, then at Damien, then sighed, a smirk worming its way onto his face despite himself. "Fine, Hokage. I'm in." He raised a fist, pointing it towards the Godbread statues. "I just gotta punch my way to one of those, right?"

And then it happened. "Welcome to Namimori Cafe! We are Now Open!"