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Keep It A Secret

Keep It A Secret


When Five teens are leading different lives but share the same secret, what happens when the ones they are working for suddenly goes off the map?

1,537 readers have visited Keep It A Secret since Areomancer created it.


Well you know there's more to life than what actually meets the eye. Yes I know sound's a bit Transformer cliche right? Haha well let me give you an example. Say you take Five strangers who just so happen to go to the same school, test them for a certain chromosome that oh so few have and then when you find them, train them to become the governments most valuable assets. Again I know it sounds like something out of a remake that went wrong but here me out. What if the leader of this group decided to change the rules a bit, still working for the government but now he would fulfill the needs of his team as well. It just so happens that this is what's going on. All the damn power in the world couldn't stop these people from running wild if they wanted to. That's where you guys come in, no your not baby sitters, more or less like monitors for us. These kid's have no sense of right or wrong, they were made to be killers but they are human just like anyone else. They are what make up NightGale University, your jobs are to go in make friends with them and keep them under control. If anything goes wrong you immediately pull out and recon back to base. Now I know you guys are fresh out of the academy but I'm trusting you lot.

They are what control and supervise all operations in The L.A.B. Trusted by all they work undercover and are ranked depending on two different things. Experience and Power Capacity. There is a chain in command follow it, it is your bible and your way of life.

~~Agent Rankings

Commander (1/1)~~ Michael Green (Lime999)
Allowed acess to all parts of L.A.B, Highest order, Full Power Capacity, Three powers maximum.

Elite A's (2/5) ~~ Acess to Almost all parts of L.A.B, Take orders from Commander, Control underlings, Average power capacity, Two powers Maximum

Rookies/ Trainees (0/10)~~ Allowed Minimal acess without clearence, Takes orders from Elites, Minimal Power Capacity, Onower Maximum

The "Blessed", or so they are called, are the governments property but they refuse to obey orders and cooperate unless their boss says it's ok. Each one of The Blessed are gifted with natural abilites which hold some limits. Their code is simple.

Blessed (5/5)

Leader~~ Arrow BlackHeart.
Advisor~ Stirling Engetsu (Engetsu)
Medic~ Rebecca Lewis (Laura-Dora)
Weapon Spec~ Shell Redcliff (IzzyVamp)
Analyzer~ Olivia Griffin (Lucy100)

Character Skele
Appearance~Insert Image, or detailed description

Toggle Rules

Godmodding will be seen a few times only if I approve
Be creative, Imagination is key
No controlling other characters
No one liners (On ocassions ok, I understand writers block)
Swearing is ok, don't go overboard though
No text talk, be literate
Romance is accepted
Just have fun and run wild

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sterling Engetsu Character Portrait: Arrow Blackheart
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Engetsu
Sterling closed the door behind him and Shell, than leaned against the wall. He smiled at Arrow's remark and merely shrugged it off, waiting to hear there new mission. His smile faded as Arrow spoke of the job and what it entailed of.
"Your kidding right? Thats all the information you were given on this job?"
Sterling used to be cautious when taking on a new job but while he worked for this team he had no say in what jobs he would take. He could only suggest how to best handle each one, as he was the adviser. He sighed once more and rubbed the tip of his nose between his eyes. He wanted to immediately begin making preparations and retrieving more information but there simply wasn't enough to go on for him to make a solid plan. He looked at Arrow with a serious expression, and than redirected his sight towards the window.
"Well a jobs a job i guess. Do we have any solid info on the chemicals?"
Why is the son our target though and not the father? Surely the son cannot be behind the cause of the trafficking. There must be more reasoning.
Sterling thought silently to himself as his trust with the boss and the entire organization was becoming strained.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sterling Engetsu Character Portrait: Olivia Griffin Character Portrait: Arrow Blackheart Character Portrait: Rebecca Lewis Character Portrait: Shell Redcliff
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0.00 INK

Arrow saw the expression on everyone's faces change as he spoke about the mission. Not being the type to give too much information out to anyone else but this was his team no matter what they were willing to do it just so long as it was clear what they had to do.
Arrow specifically noticed Shell's and Sterlings expressions, a grinappeared on her face and her eyes seemed to go darker than usual. "You say it as if it's really simple, Arrow. And I'm curious, whose the unlucky guy were killing?" Arrow laughed a little a Shell's remark, knowing she was the few of the group who could take a blade to someone's heart with second guessing themselves. "Well if you must know, it Dylan Tate, of Tate Industries." Arrow stated simply beforing hearing another question from Sterling.

"Your kidding right? Thats all the information you were given on this job?" Sterling stated. Arrow felt the cautiousness drawing closer and closer because of the lack of information. However it was nothing for him to worried about since he would kill as well. "Well a jobs a job i guess. Do we have any solid info on the chemicals?" Sterling sighed as he asked, staring out the window.

Arrow nodded his head and opened the window slightly letting a bit of cold air in. "Well yes, the new Revert Drug that Tate Industries has been producing underground has become a problem for L.A.B. so they would like us to go and intervene. I'm letting you guys know, were not killing Dylan, were taking his 7 year old son. I know, I'm not a fan of killing kids either but Green want's Tate to recieve the message to shut down loud and clear." Arrow stated with his serious, leader expression.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shell Redcliff
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0.00 INK

"He's seven? Well then..." Shell muttered, feeling a bit confused. Shouldn't she feel sorry for this kid? Or at least unsure about killing him? What scared Shell was, she wasn't unsure. It was a job and she'd kill whoever she was told to kill. Tucking her hair behind her ear, she took a step back from the group, close still so she could listen, but feeling like someone horrible for feeling nothing over knowing he was seven. Then again, at least she had the decency to know it was wrong.

"Whose killing the boy?" Shell asked, speaking up again. She wasn't going to let her inner nerves get in the way of the mission. Besides, there was a good reason to kill. Arrow never told us to kill anyone unless it was helpful. We weren't randomly stealing babies and murdering them, that's just sick.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arrow Blackheart Character Portrait: Rebecca Lewis
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0.00 INK

Listening to the conversation with mounting dread Becki's face paled and she spoke up for the first time. 'Arrow, I can't help kill a kid. I'm not even sure if I can be in the same room when it happens.' She told him. Arrow knew that she felt compelled to heal all injuries and that she felt their pain if she didn't. It went completly against her nature to kill, she would do it if needed, but this was an innocent kid. Becki knew there was a good reason, Arrow wouldn't allow it otherwise. Dreading the outcome she thought to how she could be useful.

'I can help track down the drug, or the drug users atleast. I will beable to detect it in their blood stream, just get me a sample and I can get started. And of course I can heal the team if anything goes wrong.' She suggested and looked around to see how the rest of the group was taking the news of thier new job.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sterling Engetsu Character Portrait: Olivia Griffin Character Portrait: Arrow Blackheart Character Portrait: Rebecca Lewis Character Portrait: Shell Redcliff
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Engetsu
Sterling lowered his head for a moment at the age and listened to what the others had to say and after hearing the general unease of killing a child. He sighed and lifted his head and looked at Arrow.
"I'll kill him. Depending on the situation, i'll be as quiet about it as possible."
He didn't hesitate at all, nor did he eyes change. It wasn't the first time his target was a child. Though he was exiled from his clan, he carried out several assassinations in order to sustain himself. His eyes now fell back onto the window and felt the cold breeze, and closed his eyes to feel the breeze better. Becki's suggestion than crossed Sterling's mind and he opened his eyes once more.
"In order to get a sample we need to know its effects to determine someone with it. Do we know about the Revert Drug?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sterling Engetsu Character Portrait: Shell Redcliff
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0.00 INK

Shell looked at over at Sterling, a little surprised. She figured she was the only one in the room who didn't have a problem with killing. Folding her arms, she shrugged it off. She should have known he'd be like that. It wasn't really what he said that bugged her. It was the way he had no emotion about anything. It made her uneasy, which she did not like. But unlike other people that scared or bugged her, she couldn't "get rid" of him. He was on her team. Plus she had nothing serious against Sterling. Just thought he was a bit annoying and, well, so far kind of an ass.
Sticking her thumbs in her pockets, she walked to the back of the room where she could be confused on her own.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sterling Engetsu Character Portrait: Olivia Griffin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lucy100
Olivia gasped and looked at Sterling. That was too much, in her opinion. She felt his clear determination- no hesitation whatsoever. It gave her the creeps just thinking about killing a child, and it was even worse knowng that Sterling would do it. The government was cruel, they could approach this problem in many different ways, but they had to choose the sacrifice of a child who had nothing to do with it, except for the unfortunate fact that he was the son of a drug dealer. She would write this fact about Sterling down later, if she did it now, it would look too conspicuous, instead she dropped her head and sighed. It was tragic, but she couldn't do anything about it. She turned around and walked back towards the desk she had sat at in the back. She approached it, and rocked back and forth on her heels, beggining to bite her nails, which she often did when she was nervous, or in deep thought. This time, it was both.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sterling Engetsu Character Portrait: Olivia Griffin Character Portrait: Arrow Blackheart Character Portrait: Rebecca Lewis Character Portrait: Shell Redcliff
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0.00 INK

"Jeez easy everyone, no one's going to kill this kid." Arrow stated sensing more and more nervousness grow inbetween the group. He liked the fact that if be necessary for someone to be assassinated then he could count on either Shell or Sterling. This team was really rag-tag but they were accepting each other with some doubts. "Now look, Sterling I'm glad that your willing to do this without any second thought but I can't have a simple emotion come in the way of the true objective. Speaking of which theres something else I'm going to have you be doing." He stated in his half leader, half joking voice. "Actually I have alot for each one of you to do. As for the conditions of The Revert Drug, it's almost like a jump start. Meaning people become overly active, if you see someone running next to a sports car that doesn't mean their like us, it's probably the effect of the drug. Sterling instead of killing the child your going to be interrogating his father. Rebecca, all you need to do is put everyone at the party to sleep and take samples of everyone's blood. Shell you and Olivia are going to be doing some recon. I want notes, maps, security, weaponry and any type of technolody that they have stashed. And as for the murder, I'll be taking care of that personally." Arrow said in full leadership as he sat back down and resumed his phone activities.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sterling Engetsu Character Portrait: Arrow Blackheart
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Engetsu
Sterling listened as Arrow spoke and when he finished speaking, the left corner of Sterling's lifted a little. He turned his gaze towards Arrow, his eyes giving a small sense of excitement. He turned his gaze back towards the window and allowed his face to slip back to its statuesque stillness. He reached down into his pocket and pulled out his metal case, retrieving a cigarette and his lighter. He placed the case back and walked over to the open window. He opened it fully and turned to lean his back against the next window. He lit his cigarette and took a slow and long drag, he held the cigarette in his right hand and crossed his arms as he exhaled through his nose and lowered his head.
"You love to test the waters don't you? Throw a couple small pebbles first, create some ripples. Than a handful of pebbles all at once to create a larger wave but that would die down quickly once all the pebbles split apart."
Sterling turned his lowered head towards Arrow, as to only reveal one eye. The real reasoning Arrow was the leader had nothing to do with strength, and it was slowly clicking. He took another drag, and exhaled it as he brought his free hand up to his face and than reached for his hood and pushed it back so it would fall. He lifted his head and looked at Arrow, he took his third and final drag and flicked the butt out the window. He now made his way towards Arrow with his hands tucked away in his pockets. He reached the desk and slightly leaned over it, so his gaze could reach Arrow's eyes just over the phone. Sterling's eyes were cold, but focused on Arrow and him alone.
"Whatever you say, Leader. Just send me the details later."
He turned and made his way for the door, as he lifted his hood back up to veil his face better.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sterling Engetsu Character Portrait: Arrow Blackheart
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0.00 INK

Arrow smiled a bit feeling Sterling's presence. "Don't get me wrong Sterling. There are many reasons why I'm the leader, and yes strength being one of those reasons. So you'd be wise as to not forget that." Arrow said glancing up with one eye to meet Sterling's. "Haha ok Advisor." He laughed as Sterling walked towards the door.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grant Onceler Character Portrait: Sterling Engetsu Character Portrait: Olivia Griffin Character Portrait: Arrow Blackheart Character Portrait: Rebecca Lewis Character Portrait: Shell Redcliff Character Portrait: Sarah Woods
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0.00 INK

(OOC:Sorry about not posting in a while, school work started being a hastle. And I'm going to make a quick time skip so the agents could finally post, other than that the post is going to be short and I'll update it tonight. And for the posting anyone is free to keep the story flowing if they want."

Arrow stood up as Sterling walked out of the room. He stepped towards the door and gave his fellow Blessed a signal of goodbye and walked out. As he stepped towards the stairs he noticed there were more than a few unfamiliar faces in the crowd, people he had never even seen at the school a day in his life. "So what's this about?" Arrow thought to himself as he looked around and kept on walking. Turning a corner he accidently bumped into teo people he knew too well. They were friend's of his. Grant and Sarah laughed as they looked up to the see the semi-short boy looking at them with a smile and a cheesy grin. "Sorry about that guys."

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grant Onceler Character Portrait: Yoochun Character Portrait: Arrow Blackheart Character Portrait: Sarah Woods
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0.00 INK

It had been a chilly, snowy morning--Horrid weather, many people said. Personally, Grant Onceler didn't agree. Winter wasn't much of a problem; if you were cold, you could simply throw on some more clothes--he didn't see much sense in those characters who dressed skimpily then proceeded to shiver and complain. Grant grinned as a rhyme came to mind, If you want to keep your heat, wear attire that's complete, or find someone to hug--someone sweet.The Agent-training also helped but... That's aside from the point.

Aside from the winter cold, today was pretty much like any other day. Watching over "the Blessed" was the task--simple enough, albeit slightly boring.

After arriving at the school, the golden haired man had proceeded to seek out the other Agents as well as members of the "the Blessed". This was how he typically went about in the mornings.

Typically, however, Grant would meet up with Agent Yoochun first--they were good friends and, if anyone had received news of a change in the mission, it would be Yoochun. That wasn't the case today; he had found Sarah, a fellow agent, instead. Sarah Woods was a younger agent with darker hair and a slightly darker attitude. It wasn't that Grant didn't like her--Deities, don't tell her that--, it was just that he was slightly afraid of her.

In any case, the blond man wanted to find his friend and had been about to inquire as to Yoochun's whereabouts when, while turning a corner, he ran into Arrow--one of "the Blessed" as well as one of Grant's friends.

Looking at his dark haired friend, Grant couldn't help but smile. To him, "the Blessed" were just like normal people. Normal people with special powers, yes, but still normal. The breathed like normal people--excluding those who could breath under water--, talked like normal people--excluding those who had persuasive powers--, walked like normal people--excluding those who could fly like birds--, and were even clumsy like normal people.

Grant laughed as he twisted his cane in left palm, regaining his balance in the process. "What a way to start the day." Then, unable to resist the urge to rhyme, the blond man asked, "Arrow, are you quite okay?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grant Onceler Character Portrait: Yoochun
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Engetsu
Yoochun walked slowly through the snow in his normal attire of no more than a half-buttoned shit and his khaki pants. He came to a stop and exhaled in relief as he looked upon the school building with a bit of contempt in his eyes.
So this is where those Blessed are.
He thought to himself as his eyes scoured the locationing. He took in every detail that could help him in any type of situation, best ways to escape, the best areas for his abilities and style of fighting. A small smirk appeared on his face as he continued to walk towards the building. His eyes traced upwards slowly as he watched the snow fall and the sky slowly creep past.
"When will this weather end i wonder...AND WHY WAS I LEFT BEHIND BY THAT DAMN GRANT!!!"
He yelled to himself, several students looked at him with puzzled looks. He forced a small smile and waved politely to them until they looked away.

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View All » Add Character » 9 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Olivia Griffin
Character Portrait: Rebecca Lewis
Character Portrait: Sterling Engetsu
Character Portrait: Commander Green
Character Portrait: Grant Onceler
Character Portrait: Yoochun


Character Portrait: Yoochun

The weak must perish, this world will only bloom when no other but the strong exist!

Character Portrait: Grant Onceler
Grant Onceler

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing will get better--it's simply not."

Character Portrait: Commander Green
Commander Green

Hope can only keep people going for so long.

Character Portrait: Sterling Engetsu
Sterling Engetsu

Nihil Sine Nefas

Character Portrait: Rebecca Lewis
Rebecca Lewis

This will only hurt for a moment.

Character Portrait: Olivia Griffin
Olivia Griffin

You can never plan the future by the past- Edmund Burke


Character Portrait: Grant Onceler
Grant Onceler

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing will get better--it's simply not."

Character Portrait: Sterling Engetsu
Sterling Engetsu

Nihil Sine Nefas

Character Portrait: Commander Green
Commander Green

Hope can only keep people going for so long.

Character Portrait: Rebecca Lewis
Rebecca Lewis

This will only hurt for a moment.

Character Portrait: Yoochun

The weak must perish, this world will only bloom when no other but the strong exist!

Character Portrait: Olivia Griffin
Olivia Griffin

You can never plan the future by the past- Edmund Burke

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Olivia Griffin
Olivia Griffin

You can never plan the future by the past- Edmund Burke

Character Portrait: Rebecca Lewis
Rebecca Lewis

This will only hurt for a moment.

Character Portrait: Sterling Engetsu
Sterling Engetsu

Nihil Sine Nefas

Character Portrait: Yoochun

The weak must perish, this world will only bloom when no other but the strong exist!

Character Portrait: Commander Green
Commander Green

Hope can only keep people going for so long.

Character Portrait: Grant Onceler
Grant Onceler

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing will get better--it's simply not."

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