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Leonard Swift

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a character in “Kidnapped and in Love”, as played by Annalee2010



Leonard "Leo" Swift


Relationship Status:




Why you kidnapped Aquala:
Leo was hired to kidnap Aquala and hand her over once the heat died down.
His pay out?
Half a million up front, and the other half once Aquala was delivered.

Leo comes from a poor family. His mom died when he was little, his dad never talked about it, so he doesn't really know how she died. Just that she got sick, too sick for any medicine they could afford, to help her. His dad worked odd jobs whenever they came his way, barely making enough to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. Once Leo got old enough, he started doing odd jobs as well, eventually learning to fend for himself. He left his father's house the day he turned 18 and never looked back.

So begins...

Leonard Swift's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leonard Swift Character Portrait: Aquala Moonlite (Remake)
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Dialogue Color Code: Hotpink

When Aquala heard Leonard's voice, she just kept running but every time she looked behind her he was closer each time. It wasn't much longer until she was caught and knocked to the ground by his body crashing against her's. "Ow!" she mumbled to herself as she was pulled from the ground and back to her feet. She could hear his words and sighed, "You really thought it was going to be that easy? I don't want to be here. I want to go home! Of course I'm going to try to get away from you," she responded back to him, not caring to hold her tongue anymore. Yes, this guy was clearly attractive but she didn't care, she wasn't going to use that as a reason to be ripped away from her entire life.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leonard Swift Character Portrait: Aquala Moonlite (Remake)
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Leonard Swift

A quiet growl of aggravation escaped Leo's lips as they reached the house. He walked into the house and slammed the door behind them. "So, I can't trust you to be in the room that I set up for you. Good thing I came up with a back up plan." He said, pulling her down the hallway none too gently. He got to the door to the basement and opened it. "Come on." He said as he pulled her down the stairs. In the corner of the basement he'd set up a small bed next to an old heater that was attached to the wall. He'd managed to find a good spot to attach a chain. He drug her over to the matress and pushed her down to it, quickly clasping the ankle cuff around her ankle, making sure it was tight enough that she couldn't get it off, and locked it into place. "I was trying to be nice, but now I guess I'm really going to have to be the bad guy." He said, slipping the key to the ankle cuff into his pocket.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leonard Swift Character Portrait: Aquala Moonlite (Remake)
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: Hotpink

Aquala started crying as she was dragged throughout the cabin and brought down into the basement. She tried her best to get out of his grip, but it was no use. She was pinned down to the bed while he chained her ankle. There was no getting out of here, she thought to herself. She was never going to see her friends or family again and there was nothing she could do about it. As she heard the male speak she just ignored him, not caring about anything he was saying at the moment. All she wanted was to be left alone. She needed some space.

Though in a way she knew she would hate that time alone because after everything that has been going on, she knew that once he left she would be down there alone for possibly hours on end with no one to talk to. As much as she hated it, she would much rather have this man as company to her than to be alone in the dark for hours on end. Still, Aquala made sure to keep her mouth shut, she didn't want to associate with this man any more than she had to.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leonard Swift Character Portrait: Aquala Moonlite (Remake)
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Leonard Swift

Leo took a step back, running a hand through his hair as he looked down at Aquala. "I don't get any enjoyment out of this. I know the situation is less than desirable, but I really wanted to make you as comfortable as possible while you were here." He said with a quiet sigh, glancing around the basement. Across the room, he saw a small desk and a chair. He pulled them over next to the bed so Aquala could reach it. "I'll bring your drawing stuff down here for you." He said, looking at Aquala once more before walking up the stairs. He'd done bad things in the past, but nothing like this. He didn't like the man he was becoming, but he knew there was no going back now. 'What's done is done,' He thought with a quiet sigh as he walked out of the basement.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leonard Swift Character Portrait: Aquala Moonlite (Remake)
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: Hotpink

When the male stepped out of the room she brought her knees up to her chest, hugging them as she laid her head upon her knees. She could feel the tears flowing down her face, she kept quiet as she sat there, crying, wishing this had never happened to her. All these years she was told that God was real, that he had people go through things for a reason, but what crazy reason did he have for this? Aquala did nothing to deserve this, to deserve being taken away from her family, her friends, have them worrying about where she went, what happened to her. She hated being here, but now she knew there was no getting out. Aquala was chained to a fucking chain for Christ's sake.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leonard Swift Character Portrait: Aquala Moonlite (Remake)
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0.00 INK

Leonard Swift

Leo walked into what was going to be Aquala's room and grabbed the notebook and pen he'd given her just after dinner. He walked back downstairs, he stopped in his tracks when he saw the girl crying on the bed. He felt terrible, but knew there was nothing he could do, he just had to act like the bad guy, keep her out of sight and relatively unharmed until the guy who hired him came to get her. He took a deep breath and walked over to her, setting the notebook and pen down on the table next to her bed. "Here you go." He said quietly, so as not to startle her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leonard Swift Character Portrait: Aquala Moonlite (Remake)
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: Hotpink

Aquala heard the door open and didn't even bother trying to act all cool. There was no use in it. She just sighed and kept her head down on her knees as she heard him speak. She raised her head and wiped the tears from her eyes and figured she could at least thank the guy. He could have just left her down here with nothing to do. "...Thanks..." she responded with a soft sigh. The blonde retrieved her notebook from the desk and opened it up to the page she was originally writing on and continued writing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leonard Swift Character Portrait: Aquala Moonlite (Remake)
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0.00 INK

Leonard Swift

"You're welcome," Leo said quietly. He stood there for a moment, not sure what to do now. He knew there was nothing he could really do to make things any better. "Well, I'll leave you alone." He said, turning on his heels and walking out of the basement. He went up to the living room and sat down to watch the news again. They were talking about Aquala once more, there was now reward out for her safe return. It wasn't as much as Leo was getting paid, but it was still a hefty sum of money. The thought of letting her go in exchange for the reward money crossed his mind, but there was no guarantee that he wouldn't wind up in prison. Plus he didn't want to double cross the who had hired him, feeling that the guy was definitely a bad dude.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leonard Swift Character Portrait: Aquala Moonlite (Remake)
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: Hotpink

Aquala sighed as she set her pen down and started reading over the lyrics written down in the notebook and she started singing them. She always had a love for writing music. Every now and then she would change the words around and shorten the phrases a bit so it would sound right. She had been doing this for about an hour before she felt her throat going dry, she was beginning to get thirsty. Deep down she wished Leo would come back down so she could have something to drink, but in a way she didn't want to have anything to do with him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leonard Swift Character Portrait: Aquala Moonlite (Remake)
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0.00 INK

Leonard Swift

After a while, Leo turned off the TV to get ready for bed. He was about to head to his room, but stopped at the door to the basement, deciding to check and see if Aquala may need anything. He unlocked the door and walked down the stairs. "I'm about to head to bed. Do you need anything? Need to use the bathroom or anything?" He asked a little uncertainly, running a hand through his hair as he looked at her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leonard Swift Character Portrait: Aquala Moonlite (Remake)
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: Hotpink

Aquala jumped a bit from being startled by Leo opening the door and speaking. She turned her head towards him and answered. "Bathroom and something to drink," she stated softly, trying her best to keep her composure. It was already bad enough he already seen her cry once, she needed to try her best to keep her cool for the remainder of the time she is here. Aquala can't show that she is weak, she needs to be strong in order to deal with all of this.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leonard Swift Character Portrait: Aquala Moonlite (Remake)
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0.00 INK

Leonard Swift

Leo nodded his head at Aquala's words. He walked over to her and pulled the key out of his pocket. "If you try to run, I swear, you will be locked in this basement the rest of the time you are here." He said, giving her a stern look, wanting to make sure she believed him. He didn't want to have to do that, but he would if she tried to run again. After a moment, he reached out and unlocked the ankle cuff from around her ankle and reached out a hand to help her get to her feet. "You will be locked down here for tonight, but tomorrow, I'll let you out. Give you a second chance. Just behave, and this will be relatively painless." He said, glancing away from here.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leonard Swift Character Portrait: Aquala Moonlite (Remake)
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: Hotpink

Aquala just nodded her head and placed her hand in his with a bit of hesitation and stood to her feet. She remained in silence the entire time, not sure about what to say to him. She slid her hands into her pockets and didn't move until he started to lead her out of the basement. This place was so dark and cold, she knew she didn't want to be stuck down there anymore so she would behave. As long as she would get out of that basement she'd be happy. She just hated being with some stranger, away from her family.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leonard Swift Character Portrait: Aquala Moonlite (Remake)
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0.00 INK

Leonard Swift

Leo hesitated a moment, before leading the way out of the basement. He glanced back over his shoulder a Aquala to make sure she was following him. He wasn't sure what to do first, if she needed to go to the bathroom worse than she wanted a drink. He decided to let her use the bathroom first, so she could just take the drink back downstairs with her incase she got thirsty during the night. He walked down the hallway to the bathroom, he opened the door for her and waited for her to go in before pulling the door closed, though not all the way, leaving it cracked a little so he could hear what she was doing incase she tried to escape again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leonard Swift Character Portrait: Aquala Moonlite (Remake)
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: Hotpink

Aquala followed him out of the basement and to the bathroom in silence she started doing her business as she sat there, relieved that she had some time out of that dark, dank basement. Although it wasn't going to be much longer tonight, she knew she would be able to handle it for one night. She had to get her act together if she wanted to at least be comfortable during all of this. After using the bathroom she flushed the toilet and washed her hands before stepping back out into the hall.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leonard Swift Character Portrait: Aquala Moonlite (Remake)
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0.00 INK

Leonard Swift

Leo stood outside of the bathroom while he waited for Aquala to finish. When she walked out, he led the way to the kitchen without saying a word. He walked over to the fridge and got a bottle of water for Aquala, handing it over to her. "Here you go. After tonight, I hope you won't have to spend another night down in the basement." He said, his eyes meeting hers. He looked at her for a moment before motioning for her to lead the way back down to the basement, not sure he could trust her not to try to run or attack him with the water bottle if she was behind him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leonard Swift Character Portrait: Aquala Moonlite (Remake)
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: Hotpink

Aquala nodded her head as she reached for the water bottle and started making her way back to the basement, with no sense of any emotion on her face. She was tired of feeling, at least right now. All she wanted to do was get through the night, alive and safe. Well that is as safe as she'll ever be. She opened the door and went down the stairs, sitting back on the bed. The female opened the water bottle and took a couple sips from it before setting it down on her desk. She leaned against the wall, bringing her legs up to her chest, but left enough room for Leo to hook her back to the chain, like she knew he would be doing. She placed her head into her hands and closed her eyes, trying her best to keep her cool around the male. She needed to hold in her hears until he left the room. There was no way she would show weakness to him. Not right now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leonard Swift Character Portrait: Aquala Moonlite (Remake)
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0.00 INK

Leonard Swift

Leo followed Aquala back down into the basement. He stood there a moment, letting her take a drink of the water before reaching out and grabbing the ankle cuff once more, clasping it around her ankle. He was going to be leaving her alone for a while in the morning, not that he was going to tell her that. He had to go get a new window to replace the one she broke before he could let her back into that room. "Good night," Leo said quietly, before turning on his heels and walking out of the basement. He made his way to the bathroom to take a shower.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leonard Swift Character Portrait: Aquala Moonlite (Remake)
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: Hotpink

Aquala sighed as she watched Leo step out of the basement, and waited for him to close the door behind him. She laid back on the cold, uncomfortable mattress that was randomly down there and closed her eyes. She figured if she just went ahead and went to sleep, the faster she could be out of there, but it was easier said than done. It took her hours of tossing and turning before she finally fell asleep.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leonard Swift Character Portrait: Aquala Moonlite (Remake)
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0.00 INK

Leonard Swift

Leo finished his shower before going to his room and climbing into bed. It didn't take too long for him to drift off to sleep, and he slept through the night. In the morning, he woke up early, quietly slipping out of the house, hoping that Aquala was still asleep, not wanting her to hear the car start up. The last thing he needed was for her to realize that they were actually closer to town than he'd led her to believe. Once he got into town, he bought a new window to replace the one that Aquala had broken the night before. He quickly hurried home and replaced the window before heading down stairs to see if Aquala was awake yet. He walked slowly down the stairs, trying to be quite incase he was in fact still asleep.