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Christian Willow

Music is the strongest form of Magic

0 · 468 views · located in Cathedral University

a character in “Killer on Campus”, as played by unicorns.are.real




Name: Christian Willow
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Year: Senior
Sexuality: Straight

-Used to be part of Nu Sigma Beta. Christian doesn't mind people knowing he used to look and be a little lamer when he first started college. He really doesn't want people knowing that he used to buy into the whole Greek system, 'brothers for life' bullshit. Since it was so long ago, before almost every at the college even started, and he looks so different now, this secret is pretty safe.

-On physics scholarship. Christian prefers to keep his gift for physics, and his scholarship on the down low. People tend not to think the musician thing is so cool once they learn that he is also a massive physics nerd. Of course he has shared this little secret with people, and some people just know, but his secret is pretty safe because it is so unexpected.

-Learnt to play music from his church choir days. Not a massive secret or anything, but it certainly is a little lame. Christian tends to tell people he learnt from his dad.

Christian has a boyish charm to him. He is always up for a crazy scheme or adventure all in the name of harmless fun. Though often he is called out for acting too recklessly. However he refuses to be part of anything that is at the expense of other people. He is frequently criticized for acting to much like a kid for his age, but he claims that he has the rest of his life to be an adult. People often find themselves drawn to his fresh and youthful demeanour, which is how he has rounded up a seemingly random collection of friends from all walks of life. Christian is a very easy guy to befriend, and once you’re friends with Christian, there is nothing he wouldn’t do for you.

Anyone who is friends with Christian know that he is always goofing off. So unless it’s about physic or music, expect him to be unreliable. He is well known for neglecting his responsibility and obligations. He can identify his flaws though, and that’s why he chooses to never make many commitments, he hates the pressure of being locked in like that, whether it’s going for coffee in a weeks’ time or getting a pet with someone. He also knows if he makes that commitment, he’s probably just going to let the other person down, and he hates disappointing people, even though he should be used to it by now.

Christian is rebellious at heart. Growing up in an all-male household meant he never really had any rules, he could do what he wanted, when he wanted. Which is where he got his taste for freedom. Now he can’t stand rules. He hates being told what to do and being dictated to. He believes that everyone should have ultimate freedom over themselves and no one should be able to take that away. Hence he has a bit of a grudge against authority.

Surprisingly Christian can be incredibly dedicated. He was lucky enough to be born with two passions in life, physics and music. Both are very different, but Christian is equally dedicated to both, and although he enjoys goofing off and having fun, he is super serious and passionate when it comes to his music and his studies in physics.

Christian is the youngest of five boys. Which is a handful for most, but his mother couldn’t have been thrilled with her brood, she only ever wanted boys. Of course, that’s just what Christian has been told, he doesn’t remember his mother. Unfortunately she wasn’t around for much of Christian’s upbringing as she died in a car accident when he was 5.

Other than that though, Christian’s upbringing was pretty happy and normal. As he grew older he found himself with two passion in life. Physics and Music. Christian’s mother had sung in the church choir and all of his elder brothers were into music, so the whole music obsession was not a surprise. The passion and talent for physics was a big shock for his whole family though, and none of them could figure out where it came from. In high school Christian, one of his brothers and two other friends from school started a band together. Christian is the lead guitarist and back-up vocals. The band is still together today and actually pretty successful. They play gigs in bars and things all around.

After graduation high school with top marks in physics, he received a physics scholarship to study at Cathedral University. So six years ago he packed up his stuff and started study at the college. Though the Christian back then was a much different Christian to the one walking around today. That was before he had any tattoos and piercings and he used to keep his hair neat and cut short.

Entering College he immediately applied to join Nu Sigma Beta, which he actually got into. He was excited and thought being in a fraternity would be just like back home, living with his four brothers. He was pretty experienced at having lots of brothers after all. Christian just did not blend in the culture of the fraternity though, he found himself not feeling like a brother to any of the other guys, and thought the majority of them were dicks. Then he found out that he only really got accepted because he was a physics nerd and they assumed they could talk him into doing their assignments.

Christian stuck it out for a year before taking a year off from college to focus on his music. After his year off he spent the next year studying abroad, before finally returning to college looking much more like he does now. He didn’t return to the frat, and no one recognised him from back then, so he went on with his life. He is now in his final year of study, because of his two years not actually spent at campus though he is slightly older than his counterparts.

So begins...

Christian Willow's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tobias Young Character Portrait: Candie Jones Character Portrait: Lucius Blake Character Portrait: Francesca Marie De Luca Character Portrait: Jordan Carpenter Character Portrait: Cassie Martins
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August 14th Weather
High: 96 Degrees Fahrenheit || Low: 71 Degrees Fahrenheit || 10% Chance of Rain || Wind 7 mph

Image Image
Dialogue Color: Magenta || Thought Color: Cyan || Nickname: Spirit || Sophomore || Delta President || Dorm Mate: Cassie

"Ah, the first day back," Candie stated as she climbed out of the limousine that her father sent her back to school in. This was always a tradition her father did for her on the first day of school ever since her freshman year of high school. Of course knowing the kind of girl Candie was, she ate the entire situation up.

The brunette climbed out of the limo with her bags at her side. Do you want me to bring these to your room Ms. Jones? her driver questioned and to that question she gave a slight nod of her head. "Just set them on the side closest to the window," she stated before letting out a soft sigh. It was time to go searching the campus for her sorority sisters and possibly in the process run into Tobias Young, her English professor. Going the entire Summer without being able to see him was horrible. All the things she wanted to say and do to him just ate at her. The brunette bit at her bottom lip as she slid her hands into the back pockets of her jean shorts as she walked through the Cathedral University campus.

Many of the students she noticed were freshman or transfers, which she honestly didn't seem to understand. After the murder of Miranda, the previous Delta president, she didn't think parents would want their kids enrolling at this school. But apparently she thought wrong.

Every day that goes by without Miranda kills her. Out of everyone in the world Miranda was the most important person to her in her life. But just like everything else that seems to happen to her, she was taken away from Candie. Though Candie couldn't help but to feel guilty about Miranda's murder. If anyone were to find out that she witnessed her death, many questions would be asked and her reputation would quickly plummet to the ground. This was definitely not something she wanted to happen. People at this school looked up to her. Well, it's true for the students who don't truly know her. Anyone who got a chance at getting to know Candie, found her to be a spoiled rotten bitch.

Candie turned a corner of the main building before letting out a sigh and giving up on the search. She sat down on the edge of the fountain in the center of campus and pulled her phone out, sending out a text to Professor Young.

To: Tobias:
Wasn't sure if you knew or not but I'm on campus now. I really want to see you. Let me know where you meet you when you're not busy.

Candie sent the text message and slid her phone back into her pocket as she let out a sigh and pulled her journal out of her purse and began writing as she sat there on the edge of the fountain, waiting on any one of her friends or Tobias to show up or text her.

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Character Portrait: Christian Willow
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[Shitty Double Post]

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Character Portrait: Christian Willow
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Hex Code: #000000

Christian groaned and sunk further into his seat as he forced to listen to his brother, Jake and Jake’s girlfriend, Piper discus their band’s upcoming tour plans. They had all started a band together back in high school; Jake was the lead singer, Christian and Piper were both guitarists and back-up vocals and they had this other guy Raven on the drums. Over the recent years their band had gotten pretty successful and now they were going to be spending most the year touring about and playing all over the country. Since Christian was at college for the year he couldn’t go with them and they had found a temporary replacement for him in the band. “I can’t believe you guys are going without me,” Christian moaned from his place, sprawled across the very small backseat of his brother’s car. Of course Christian had been all for taking another year off, or even dropping out of college all together, but no one had let him.

“Bro, you gotta go to college. You’re the only one in a family with any sort of brains, and mum would roll over in her grave if she thought you were wasting your potential, you got plenty of time for music after you get your degree,” Jake replied. He was older than Christian by two years, and frequently used to dead mum card to force Christian into doing what he wanted. They had also had this conversation many, many times. Jake was the one who had forced Christian into going back to college after his year off.

“Yeah, I don’t get you man, if I was as smart as you I’d get a hundred degrees in smarty-pants science stuff, and then show off to everyone,” Piper added enthusiastically.

Christian didn’t reply, he just sighed and just sunk back in his seat, he was never going to win the argument against these two. Finally they arrived at Cathedral University.

“So this is what Murder College looks like,” Piper said sitting up straight and peering out the dirty window of the car, looking at field where all the sororities and Frats were set up. “Oh, look it’s all the Greek houses!”

Christian groaned, “I’d hardly call it Murder College, and that Greek stuff is nothing to get excited about.”

“Geez, just because you’re all ‘disenchanted youth’, don’t bring down Piper with you, or unless you forgot this is as close as either of us will ever get to college,” Jake said. He grabbed Christian’s bags out of the back of the car and passed them to him. “See you around Little Christina.”

“Yeah, laters Christina, I’m gonna miss you,” Piper added on giving Christian a hug. Christian gave a sarcastic laugh, his older brothers had been calling him Christina since he was a baby, because his mother had enjoyed dressing him up as a girl when he was a babe. Of Course, Jake had made sure the nickname made its way to the band too.

Christian watched the two of them drive off before heading to his dorm. When he got there he found that his roommate had already been and unpacked, Christian couldn’t be bothered unpacking so he just shoved his bags under his bed and headed back outside since it was such a nice day. He found himself a nice shaded grassy patch to sit down on, then he pulled out a cigarette from his back pocket, lit it up and took a long drag. Completely relaxed he laid back on the grass and let himself drift off.

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Character Portrait: Christian Willow
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[Shitty Triple Post]

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jasmine Lena Riley Character Portrait: Christian Willow
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#, as written by Lottie
Cassie Martins:
Thought Colour: #883EBA
Dialouge Colour: #34cb48
Mood: Unravelling

Cassie took a longer look at her hair squinting to see if there were any telltell signs of roots but the coverage was impeccable. Of course she used decent dye, she’s greek. She laughed a little though. “I don’t think anyone's seen your natural colour since you were born.” She cracked the joke easily, effortlessly and with so much blasĂ© that even she was surprised. “And don’t blush like that,” She nudged her a little, “People might start to think we’re flirting, and god you know how those frat boys would love to watch.” She rolled her eyes. Again, another joke, she was over doing it. She took a breathe and blushed heavily. Her social skills sucked, but she was socialising which was all her brother had wanted.

“I’d like us to be friends. You seem pretty cool.” Cassies eyes got wide and she stammered. “Y-you don’t care about what happened?” For the first time she properly looked at Jas and for the first time she realised who she was looking at. Jas, the one with the two siblings also involved with Greek events. Jas who had hated Candie so venomously, and who Candie had hated back, But Greek didn’t really “Hate” so it was more of a mutal dislike. Here she was this all Greek all American sorority girl and she didn’t care. “I’d love that,” Honestly.[color=#34cb48]“I would love to be friends, just don’t braid my hair and tell me all your dirty secrets, please.”

“I don’t think it’s done.” Cassie nodded. “I agree.” Cassie hadn’t noticed any embarrassment and had all of a sudden become oblivious to Jas’ blushing. “I mean why just Miranda? I don’t think anyone disliked her that much.”
Cassie looked at Jas. “I’d love to not-gate-crash your party!” She laughed a little and then smiled a little running a shaky hand through her hair, “Just not in your clothes, I have a thing
 about clothes, I got all these new ones. They are not just sitting in the closet until the end of the year because yours is better.” She tilted her head and then pointed at her own neck though “Your necklace by the way, is lovely, my own brother went through a stage like that I mean, he went hard core though, serious, all the tarot cards maybe had a crystal ball I don’t know, but he stopped after the tarot cards showed him something.” Death, car crash, lies
 “It spooked him seriously. I never really got it but the tree of life, that always was a nice symbol” She didn’t know enough, or much but she knew that Jas thought it had gone unnoticed by her.

About pledging though, she sighed a little and shuffled her feet and as they walked she caught a glance at Christian. “I don’t know about pledging I was thinking of taking a leaf out of his book and not conforming, not taking part in Greek Life, a new form of abstinence.” She nodded at him and then shrugged a little. “Greek life isn’t for everyone, we can’t all be Barbie, I’m just little old Cindy.” She took out another cigarette offered one to Jas and watched as she dropped a text before trying to and failing to light the cigarette her hands now uncontrollable when it came to the shaking, she groaned looked at Jas and winked slightly before calling over to Christian by the tree “Hey! Hey you with the black hair! You got a light?” She turned back to Jas and shrugged. “It’s a new dawn Jasmine, and it’s going to be a beautiful day if only I can get another puff before having to find something to do.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cassie Martins Character Portrait: Jasmine Lena Riley Character Portrait: Christian Willow
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Hex Code: #000000

Christian had completely zoned out. He was watching the clouds, with his right hand hovering in the air, holding an almost forgotten half-smoked cigarette. After he watched a cute bunny turn into a crossbow, he saw this cloud that looked like a boat rocking through rough waves. It had reminded him of the Skye Boat Song, which his mother always used to sing to herself when she was cleaning, it was one of the only things Christian remembered about his mum, that someone hadn’t told. So smiling at seemingly nothing, he mumbled the song to himself.

“Hey!” Snapped out of day dream, Christian took a drag from his cigarette and lazily looked over in the direction he heard the voice. “Hey you with the black hair! You got a light?” He saw a blonde girl who was definitely talking to him. Grinning he got up, swiping at the few leaves that had fallen on him and the grass that had clung to him. For a girl like that he always had a light. Her heavy eyeliner and serious grunge look, she was exactly his type.

“It’s dark brown!” He called back sarcastically, before he wandered over to the blonde and her red-headed friend. As one who didn’t keep up with campus gossip or social activities he didn’t really know either of them. “Here,” He said shrugging as he tossed her his lighter, presuming she had fairly good reflexes. It was a cheap, black, plastic one, but last weekend his brother had scratched a guitar decal into the side, giving it a little edge.

“Who says you gotta find something to do?” Christian asked easily, having walked in on the end of the two girls’ conversation. Shrugging his shoulders, he dropped his cigarette butt on the ground and stomped it out. “I reckon, a day spent achieving nothing of importance is a pretty good one,” He grinned. Christian spent a lot of days not achieving a lot. Sure he had a lot of fun and got up to a lot of trouble, but he was not one for productivity. Why waste a good day with boring thoughts and activities?

“I’m Christian by the way,” He said introducing himself before looking directly at the blonde girl that had asked for a light. “You’re new right?” He asked, pretty confident he would have noticed a girl who looked like her around here before. He also hoped the red-head wasn’t talking her into join a sorority, which was pretty likely considering where they were. Christian didn’t think he could like a sorority girl.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jasmine Lena Riley Character Portrait: Christian Willow
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#, as written by Lottie
Cassie Martins
Thought Colour: #883BEA
Dialouge Colour: #34cb48

She watched him come out of a daze and laughed a little before turning her face into a mask of indifference only nodding at his sarcasm biting her lip slightly and feeling a subtle rise in the hue of her cheeks.

She then promptly caught the lighter, just, but she caught it and she waved it in the air in a triumphant gesture almost playfully. She took a brief look at the cheap lighter and fondly ran her finger over the guitar etching remembering her first lighter she'd found om a pub table with an etching of initals, they were no one she'd known but she'd still loved the way that the scratchings felt on her skin. Then came the slightly more difficult part of the procedure. As he continued to walk over she flicked the lighter a few times with the cigerette slid between her lips but her hands were shaking so violently by now that she couldn't, if she didn't light it any time soon she was convinced she was going to have a panic attack but as he got closer she in defeat just stopped trying and extended her arm to give it back.

She heard him to say that “Who says you gotta find something to do?” and she shrugged not dignifying it with an answer Otherwise it's that room... but she gave him a lopsided smile all the same. As he introduced himself she rolled her tongue along his name a few times, and then caught his eye, holding it for just a couple of seconds as she said "Cassie." bluntly and matter of factly before tagging on"former delta delta delta sister but I cut the cord and no, It's my second year... I don't recognise you" she put emphasis on the former and then nodded to Jasmine and smiled as she stupidly held her unlit cigerette "This is Jasmine" but her mind was already reeling from the prospect of him not knowing her, the starting over was so much easier than she thought it would be.