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Travis Wesley

"You have to lose everything, before you can truly understand what pain is."

0 · 513 views · located in Spy Headcourters

a character in “Killing Me Softly”, originally authored by cosmopolitanlove, as played by RolePlayGateway



Full Name
Travis Anthony Wesley



Agent Number

The Spy’s Wing Man

Theme Song
So Far Away
One Last Breath
I'd Come For You

-Being a Smartass
-Not taking life seriously
-Fast Cars

-Being told what to do
- Prison
-Stupid People
- Drama
-Ice Cream
-Seeing someone hurt

He has a scar over his heart where he was stabbed
One above his knee where he was shot

He has a half sleeve on his right arm. He has his son and daughters name tattooed under the inside of his elbow.

No piercings

After getting out of prison, Travis learned not to take life so seriously. He’s doesn’t exactly taking anything seriously, only when he has to. He is very careful about what he does, cause he knows one wrong move could get him locked back up. He’s point blank a smartass and a player, he’s a womanizer and he’s not ashamed of it. Even though he is constantly watched he is still as reckless as ever, he likes the thrill of danger. He misses his kids and thinks about them every day and he wishes he wouldn’t have been so selfish. He likes to drink and have a good time. He loves his job, I mean who wouldn’t love working alongside one of the world’s best spy’s and hacking into shit all day. Despite all of the above he does have a heart and he is human, he’s just not very good with showing his sensitive side. One day he hopes he’ll be able to see his kids again.

Travis wasn’t exactly born into the best of homes. He grew up with feuding parents and was often left to care for his little sister. His father was involved in drugs and a deadly gang earning him prison time. His mother was a prostitute and stripper who often brought her work home with her. Travis always took care of his sister, practically raising her most of the time. At sixteen he started to follow in his father’s footsteps and became less and less involved with his sister. One evening while he was out and about with his new gang friends his sister was murdered on her walk home from school. Travis blamed himself and tried to find the person who had taken his sister’s life but it was useless.

With nothing left for him there he left. At nineteen he meet a girl and they quickly fell into a life style much like his parents. He wasn’t married to the girl, but he had to kids with her his daughter Anna and his Son Christian, that he tried his best to take care of. But, his girlfriend didn’t want to continue down the path and it wasn’t hard for her to get full custody with no visitation. Travis had lost his kids and in a fit of rage he went a little crazy. For two years he stole expensive cars, murdered a man and hacked government computers. He was finally caught and put in prison.

After four years of being in prison he realized how badly he had actually screwed his life up. He knew he wasn’t getting out anytime soon, that was until he was visited by three interesting government men. He would be granted freedom if and only if he worked for them. They were interested mostly in his ability to hack into government computers and security cleanly. This was his chance to start over and he took it. Though he wouldn’t be completely free, he was a convicted after all and was kept under close watch. Soon he was partnered with Jonathan Hamilton the two men got along surprisingly well. They both knew that the other like to work alone and somehow they could make that work. Now 29 Travis is the best hacker in the world and he’s not a bad sharp shooter either. Him and Jonathan have become pretty close, though the two would never admit that.

Height: 6’0
Weight: 190
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Hazelly-Blue

So begins...

Travis Wesley's Story

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Character Portrait: Travis Wesley
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Character Portrait: Tom Hansen Character Portrait: Travis Wesley Character Portrait: Jonathan Keith Hamilton
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The boy seemed to have panicked, he even went on to apologize and said, "I'm sorry sir, it's today has been a tough and busy day for me, please do forgive do you have any time now."
"Ah, doesn't matter kid, I don't need much from you today," Jonathan replied calmly as he rubbed the back of his head, rather unsure whether or not he should continue being a total jerk to the poor boy. He nibbled at his lower lip for a while before he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a triangular yellow envelope, the red string had been the only thing to have held the lid in place as he held it between two fingers. He tapped the other end of the envelope against the side of his face, trailing it up and down once and a while, thinking what he should say to the boy to make it sound a bit more... Nice. Jonathan's brown eyes eyed into the boy's own brown eyes as he instructed, "Alright, I want you to look into this target, there's two. And this one is your age. However, the thing is, I just want you to watch from afar, don't get involved or interact with this one. Got it?"
He handed the envelope into Tom's hand before he turned away and walked on. He didn't have anything else to do with the kid, that was all he wanted to say to him, and the target in that envelop was someone he actually didn't want to look into on his own.

There were two targets that were written in the note given to him by Mr Hamilton, and the fact that he didn't agree with who his new targets were, he decided to separate the job towards Tom and his ol' pal, Travis.

Wandering through the halls of the HQ, he greeted, waved, faked a smile here and there towards the other employees in the building. Although he wasn't exactly an employee there, Mr Hamilton requested he stayed in the HQ building to keep in touch, but Jonathan knew that it was under Mrs Hamilton's request that he were to stay there so she could visit him whenever she could. He pushed his hands into the pocket of his black pants, his boots stomping away against the marble floor as he reached a certain point. He took a turn and on the third door to the right, he saw the door ajar. His lips slightly parted as he sighed and he leaned against the door frame, his foot pushing the door wider as he saw the back of his ol' pal, Travis. The two had a great partnership, and the two were like Brothers, but heck, why the hell would he even have to say it when people saw it? Besides, admitting it would make him lose on the prideful battle.

"Hey, Cobra," Jonathan grunted a greeting out of him. "Got any leads?"