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Kingdom Hearts:Rise of the DarkHearts

Kingdom Hearts:Rise of the DarkHearts


What will you do? Open the doors to darkness, or close them.

2,295 readers have visited Kingdom Hearts:Rise of the DarkHearts since Damioa created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


The Keyblade makers made the keyblades in order to fight against the original wielder of the "Keyblade" and his minions of darkness. In the end of the battle the "Keyblade was split into different shards and taken to the fault of wonders on top of the Tower of light. For a time there was peace.

It wasn't long however, for the peice to be shattered when on of the Keyblade hero's lashed out in anger against using the shards to free the traped souls in kingdom Hearts. Of course the order of light were against it. Well, everyone besides one of the Keyblade makers. The Maker promised him that if he could get the shards then he would make the "Keyblade" once more.

Late that night the Warrior broke open the vault and stole the shards. Giving them to the Maker he was made a new Keyblade that would open Kingdom hearts. It wasn't the exact "Keyblade" But instead a Dark keyblade which only created a small portal of entrance to Kingdom hearts. The warrior saved the people stuck inside of the realm of Darkness but after being paired with the Dark Keyblade for so long turned into the first Dark Heart, A keyblade Wielder who is either evil or is turned evil by the power of the Dark Keyblade. In his madness he fell under control of the Dark keyblade maker and went against the Order of light creating his own order. The order of Darkness. With the other shards of the old "Keyblade" The Dark Keyblade make made several Dark Keyblades. With this came the second coming of the Keyblade war and it would last for generations.

Being apart of this generation where there are countless worlds of Light and Darkness, Representatives of both Light and Darkness recruit young teens with the healthiest hearts to either join in the fight to lock the gates to kingdom hearts, or to open enough gates for Kingdom hearts to swallow the universe. Who will come to choose you, Light or Darkness, and, if you are chosen, will you betray your side?

Toggle Rules

Character layout.

Keyblade:The amount can change near the end of the story.
Alighnment: Light or Darkness
History including how you became a Keyblade master/ Dark Heart:
Your thoughts on each side:
Your Class: Valor - The warrior class. Lets you dual wield.
Wisdon- The mage class. Lets you fire off magic spells more easily.
Judgement- Increases strenth and lets you carry heavier Keys.
Hero- Gives you Light powers added to your attacks.
For Darkhearts
Void- Class that lets you control dark Balls around you
Shadow- Lets you take on the form of a shadow
Summoner- Lets you summon Darkhears created by the power of the Dark keyblade
Wraith- Lets you Dual Weild
Select one class at the begging
Strengths- Add your spells and overdrives
Weaknesses- Not power wise, but emotionally. What can make your character unstable.
Romantic interest?
Single or taken? Maybe you're a huge flirt?
Add tons of pictures
Your characters intro poem.
Theme song give three: Opening. Ending. Battle theme.
Might add more later. So hurry and make yours now so you can slip past the cracks.

Browse All » 4 Settings to roleplay in

Treasure's and Pirates.

Treasure's and Pirates. by Damioa

The world of Treasure Planet

Traverse Town

Traverse Town by Damioa



Phantasia by Damioa

A world where the light of the universe dances and creates Chaos in some places. Also the home to the tower of light.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tora Lyoji Character Portrait: Ryuukasu Shinozuka
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#, as written by Damioa
It was as if he was dreaming. Inside his dream, he saw a boy, much like himself. When he walked to himthe boy was smiling. Smiling the most demented one he'd ever seen. It scared him to say the least. The face became bigger and bigger until it ate him whole. Everything was dark. Everything......
[hr] [/hr]
While looking up at the crescent moon that overlapped Traverse town, Tora let out a huge sigh. He turned to his friend wondering why they always lived so calm. Maybe it was because they didn't see the need to do anything. Being the wielders of the keyblade and not doing anything felt like a waste, but what could he say, it wasn't as if he wanted to pick a side. "What are we supposed to do today?" He asked Ryuukasu. "I mean, looking at the sky is fun and all but I'm starting to get really bored. We should do something."

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xion Character Portrait: AKIHIRO Character Portrait: Kianne Valentine Character Portrait: Crow Character Portrait: Master Orion Character Portrait: Ygdrasil
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#, as written by Damioa

Master Orion was feeling cheery today. No, nothing could bring her down. It was because this day was the day that both her young students would start their long journey's onto becoming keyblade masters. She has practically raised both of them teaching them some of everything she knows. The boy was her adopted son of course but he showed a slacker nature to himself. The girl on the other hand was rough around the edges but focused. Together they would make a great team. At least she hoped. She folded her hands on her desk and closed her eyes.
If their not ready, then the universe will be bathed in darkness.

Ygdrasil walked through out the corridors with the boy at his side.
"I have to help her?"
"That is what I said."
"Pft." The boy spat.
Ygdrasil turned and grabbed the boys throat slaming him against the wall. "I may not have the same power I had when I was younger, but, I will show you something more terrifying than the darkness if you disrespect me boy." He glared at the kid and let him go.
"Now then. The reason your with Xion is because she has the power to summon the beast. You have the power of teleportation through the darkness."
"So thats what you want."
"Exactly. I need more dark energy flowing."
"Why?" The boy said.
There was no answer. He then opened the meeting room door. "Xion. This is another apprentice of mine. Meet Crow. He will accompany you on this task."
Crow took a seat next to Xion in front of Ygdrasil's desk. "Yo." He said, trying to cut her with his eyes.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tora Lyoji Character Portrait: Ryuukasu Shinozuka Character Portrait: Jericho Caiphas
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Jericho walked out of an alleyway that had no other outlet, arriving in where he assumed was this Traverse Town he had heard of. Survivors of the heartless gathered here, bits of worlds adding on to allow their survivors some respite in the face of such loss. It could be considered an inspiring tale, really, if such losses did not unbalance the power between the Light and Dark, or have the potential to do so in a clear manner. He walked, his attire standing out rather starkly, which he realized but did not hardly care about, walking the streets, looking for residents to interrogate, to put it bluntly. He had purpose here, especially if his goal was still residing in the town, and spotted two boys on a bench. Lazy, undriven as they looked, they had to have some knowledge of whom he sought.

Approaching the two, he paused several feet in front of them, arms clasped behind his back, and addressed the two, his voice calm, terse, and his statement to the point, not wanting to waste time with the two more than necessary. "Hail, do either of you know whether Merlin resides here still or not? Or at least, if he does not, where his former quarters reside?" His face was unreadable under his hood, the eternal night more than hiding him within the shadows of the hood that was normally cast, and he analyzed the two, waiting for their response. He had work to do, and standing around ill suited accomplishing those goals at this time.

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#, as written by Valor
Kianne slowly made her way through the corridors of the Tower of Light, winding her way through the corridors slowly towards the Master's chamber. With every small step, her armour would rattle a little, making her coming obvious. In a more dangerous situation, she would find a way to muffle such sounds, but here it did not matter. Her hair hung loose from their bunches, sandy blonde wisps falling just over her shoulders, the fringe of which helped to shadow her eyes. Stone grey eyes were surrounded by great dark circles. Ever since the attack from Luca, she was unable to sleep without having vivid dreams of their last battle - perhaps they were nightmares, she hadn't decided. Since being here, she had not had a full night's rest - though she did her best not to let it show. She would adapt to it.

When she reached the Master's chambers, she gingerly knocked on the door with an armoured hand before pushing the door open enough to slide through and gently shut it behind her. As she approached the desk where Master Orion sat, she tucked one side of her hair behind the ear, having already been scolded once for trying to hide behind it.
"Master Orion," She greeted her master, giving a low bow - having to re-tuck her hair behind her ears afterwards. "You summoned me?" She wondered what her Master had planned, a flash of curiosity crossing those stone grey eyes of hers.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tora Lyoji Character Portrait: Ryuukasu Shinozuka Character Portrait: Jericho Caiphas
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#, as written by Soki
Ryuu had been enjoying his day completely, lazing about doing absolutely nothing. What more could you possibly want? Well his question had been answered slightly in the form of his younger friend next to him. "If you want something to do, go talk to the moogles maybe they've a deliver you could do, I'm perfectly content wasting the day right here relaxing" He said calmly, closing his eyes once more. Though again his peace was disturbed, but this time in the form of a stranger. He reopened an eye to look at the man, oddly clothed and hood up, the type of person you wouldn't keenly trust right away. He sat up a bit leaning forward into a slouch as he yawned off his laziness. "Merlin huh? I do believe he's still living here, but before I delve out his actual living quarters.." He paused standing up and stretching. "I'd ask why, you need to know?"

Ryuu was in no way going to give out where Merlin was living to someone he didn't know, and frankly didn't look like he could trust. "I'd like to help, but you look like someone I can't trust, I mean no offense you could be the nicest person in the world; but lets start with a natural assumption, you've got your hood up." He raised a single finger for that. "You obviously have an agenda with how you didn't waste time asking who we were, for all you know we could be the town's residential thugs!" He rose a second finger. "Third you said hail, I mean who says hail anymore? Tor, do you say hail, cause I pretty much just stick with Hi or hello personally." He said with a shrug as he raised a third and final finger. "Anyways, totally got off topic, What do you want with Merlin, and or his home?"

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tora Lyoji Character Portrait: Ryuukasu Shinozuka Character Portrait: Jericho Caiphas Character Portrait: AKIHIRO Character Portrait: Kianne Valentine Character Portrait: Master Orion
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#, as written by Damioa
Akihiro woke up in a cold sweat. His eyes were wide open, his head pounding, and heart racing. He looked around and already knew he had been late, just like in his dream. He quickly got dressed and rushed out of his room passing threw the spiral staircase all the way down to the last floor. He passed pictures of various order members, some dead and some still alive. He kept running and panted until he reached the picture of the current leader. He made pivot and headed down the corridor towards her office and flung the door open, tripping on the hinges. "Oof." He grunted on the impact from the sharp pain that filled the crown of his skull. Slowly he got up rubbing the top of his head. He noticed the girl standing next to him and said, "Oh. Good morning Kianne."

Not soon after did the master clear her throat, stealing his attention from the girl. Quickly he bowed to her. "Good morning to you too, Master Orion. I'm sorry I'm late."
The woman's eyes pierced through him with her gaze as she said, "Well. You could have came later, I suppose." and gestured him to stand up straight. "Now then. As I was about to tell Kianne, I summoned you both for an important task. As you both know, the balance in the universe thus far have been equally divided into light and darkness. Just recently however I have felt a disturbance in this balance. I don't quite know what is causing it, but it seems the light is starting to be overrun by the darkness."

Tora's face frowned at his friends suggestion. He didn't necessarily like working for the moogels. You know, all work, no play, and definitely not enough pay. "I'd rather just stargaze." He said looking back up at the sky.
I'd rather actually see the stars up close.
He thought, remembering something one of the store owners told him once about stars. Each star out there is a planet. At least, that's what he was told. He would've wanted to see for himself whether that was true or not. Then again, getting off the planet and traveling made for a heavy workload. He let out a sigh thinking of how much his friend was rubbing off on him.

It wasn't long before something to do did come up as a strange man asked where old man Merlin was. He watched as Ryuu gave a plethora of reasons why they shouldn't trust the guy. One reason of course, being the main thing that confused Tora about him. "Hail? I've never heard someone greet someone like that before." Tora shrugged at the question. He waited for the man to answer Ryuu main question before he could decided for himself whether the guy was friendly or not.

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Character Portrait: Tora Lyoji Character Portrait: Ryuukasu Shinozuka Character Portrait: Jericho Caiphas
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Jericho looked between the two, their attire hardly notable when it came to knowing people of power such as Merlin, but looks were often times deceiving. The questions were sound, if a waste of his time, but these two were at least intelligent enough to remain silent as to not undermine each other in their interrogation, which he smirked at, an unseen gesture, in which he was glad. They need not know he was entertained, rather than stunned or annoyed at their refusal to aid him in his task. He remained in place, deciding to respond to his three reasons first rather than bother answering the second question first, which would be a rather backwards way to answer the question, so he resigned himself to playing a game of twenty questions with the two lads, starting with the three statements.

"One, hoods are useful for travelers who need not have their identity spread openly, as in this day and age, such things bring about trouble. You need only ask, as I hardly have anything to hide. An old habit, of course." He shrugged, moving on, letting his hood fall as if it was mere accident it would do so at this point, which it hardly was. "Secondly, you two hardly look like thugs of the town, and even if you were, you could hardly cause me harm, even if I did intend such for other people. And as for your names, it is rude to ask of one before giving ones own name first. Thirdly, hail is an old phrase, common in my homeland, one that I will not release its use of lightly. It functions as a hello, so I need not worry about its antiquity." Their last question, of why he wished to see Merlin, was one that he could speak days of, and not fully answer, but none present had the time for that, so he made it brief, clearly.

"I assume you are familiar with Orders of Light and Shadow, who would seal or throw wide the gates of Kingdom Hearts? They cannot function without each other, one casting the darkness in which the other so readily uses. The brighter and stronger the light becomes, the stronger the shadow, and if light fades, so does shadow, replaced by utter blackness. Of course, this is an eternal conflict at this rate, one I seek to strike a balance to, which requires the knowledge and archives of Master Merlin. A Twilight cannot be reached without knowledge." He looked at the two, watching them closely and gauging their reactions, waiting to see if they were liars or speakers of truth, arms linked behind his back still.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: AKIHIRO Character Portrait: Master Orion
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#, as written by Valor
Kianne glanced over her shoulder as the door to the office flew open, a familiar boy tumbling inside and cracking his skull as he fell. She pursed her lips slightly, neither a smile nor a frown - looking more unimpressed than anything else.
"Akihiro," She murmured a reply, acknowledging his greeting as she turned her attention back to Master Orion. She tried her best not to let her amusement show as the Master chided him for being late. At least when you can't sleep, you can't oversleep and be late. She was still as Master Orion explained of the strange tipping of the balance between light and darkness as of late.

She couldn't help but think about the attack on her home not so long ago, and how the darkness had managed to corrupt Luca. If hearts as strong as his could be broken and taken in by the Dark Order, then who knows how many others had fallen prey to them in the same way. Kianne had self-assigned the mission to bring peace to those lost souls: with the help of Heaven's Seeker. She knew the same had to be done for Luca when the time came, it was just a matter of whether she was strong enough to take on that task yet. She mentally shook the thought from her mind, concentrating on the Master's words as she seemed to finish.

"Where ever you need me to go, Master - I'll restore the balance between our Orders." Kianne said, armoured hand raised to her heart. She naturally assumed that the pair would be sent off their seperate ways. Since Luca's corruption, she had not taken on a new partner for missions. On occassions she had gone with one of her brothers - whom were already well established within the Order of Light, but that was not the same as taking on a new partner. She wasn't sure whether she would be able to work with another person that closely again just yet. After almost being killed by the last, it would take a while before she could trust another to work with so closely.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryuukasu Shinozuka Character Portrait: Jericho Caiphas Character Portrait: AKIHIRO Character Portrait: Kianne Valentine Character Portrait: Crow Character Portrait: Master Orion Character Portrait: Ygdrasil
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#, as written by Damioa
Tora listened to the hooded mans explanation about his words and his dress. He didn't really care much for what he was saying. He did however come to a single conclusion.

This guy either likes to hear himself talk or talks to much.

He decided to agree on both. The next words came as a light shock to him. The man told him of what he wanted from Merlin. "Pft. If you need to use Merlin for his studies than I can't say no now can I. But, I don't think either side will listen to you just because you have knowledge." He grinned. "My name's Tora." He said sticking out his hand for a handshake. "And you are?"

Master Orion cuffed her hands together and placed her elbows on the table. With a sigh she leaned in and said, "I'm afraid it wont be as easy as it sounds my dear. Whatever is causing this imbalance is also tampering with my powers as well. I fear it wont be long now. With each passing day I will loose my power over the light. It is up to you two to stop the darkness. You're going to need each other in this task."

"W-what are you talking about master?" Akihiro asked. "You're suppose to be all powerful."
The master gave a small chuckle. "I wish I could say that I am boy, but, with age, you realize how weak you truly are by yourself. That's why I need you two to work together. You must protect each other from the darkness." Orion place a small crystal on the desk. "This is a transportation crystal. It's good for multiple trips but each time it will take you to a different destination. It follows dark signatures so you should already know what to do when you get to your destination. Are there any questions?"

Akihiro didn't have anything to ask but he couldn't help but glance at Kianne. He knew that she wasn't the partner type. Not after what happened to Luca. Around that time, he was still new in the order. Still, he remembered the changes in her attitude.
He then looked back at Master Orion. She was of course the woman who raised him and now she was talking as if she was going to die soon. Well he wouldn't stand for it. He never really wanted to be a keyblade master, but if it meant saving her, then he would fight all of the darkness out there. This he swore to himself.

"Hey, wait a minute. There's no one here." Crow snapped.
"It seems you wont be having backup for a while." Ygdrasil informed him. "Until then, take this." He paced a black marble on the table.
"What am I supposed to do with this?" He picked it up and looked around it, even shining it in the light. "It's just a marble."
Ygdrasil just smiled evily as he gave Crow his instruction.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tora Lyoji Character Portrait: Ryuukasu Shinozuka Character Portrait: Jericho Caiphas
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#, as written by Soki
Ryuu listened to all the ex-hooded man had to say. Though the reason for needing to reach Merlin's home just made him shake his head. "Twilight, you want to achieve a balance between light and darkness.." Ryuu looked to Tora who was ready to shake the man's hand, which made him sigh. "Tora, put your hand down" he said rubbing at the back of his head. "Well regardless, you want to learn from Merlin's books a way to achieve twilight, even if both parties disagree on it." which was a safe assumption. Ryuu knew of the darkness, and there was no way it'd come to a compromise with the light just because someone waved a book around. "Alright though your desire is obviously one that is going to go no where, I suppose I can let Tora show you the way, I'm personally gonna stay right here. I mean I still don't really trust you, but if Tora wants to possibly get beaten by some stranger then go for it. I on the other hand, I'd rather just relax here, going to Merlin's place with all it's musty old tomes; it's too much work for me." He said moving back to the bench and reclining on it.

Ryuu didn't much care what Tora did, if he took him to Merlin, he was quite sure Merlin could handle the stranger if it really came down to it, but personally he just wanted to laze about why help a stranger when you could sleep the day away? He was sure Tora would complain if he stayed, but he figured this new stranger wouldn't care. Ryuu still thought something was off with this guy, if just his desire to reach a compromised balance between light and dark, there was something else, but he didn't have the energy nor the desire to waste what energy he did have on figuring it out. "I suppose wake me if you survive and make it back Tora I'll still be here"

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tora Lyoji Character Portrait: Ryuukasu Shinozuka Character Portrait: Jericho Caiphas
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Jericho noted the rather heavy amount of distrust and skepticism from the lazy boy, nay saying his 'desire' before it could really reach any sort of fruition, and decided to mildly dislike the fellow. The Tora boy on the other hand was more agreeable, to say the least, and was being civil in both manners and action. Before he could put his hand down, he grasped it firmly and shook, but not attempting to crush it or anything, inclining his head formally. "Jericho, a pleasure to make your acquaintance Sir Tora." He often used such mindless honorifics because they often flattered, and could not be taken offense to on most days, so they were safe to use, and it was not a waste of his time at all to do so, hence his use of them. Both of them brought up him not being able to convince the Orders to stand down, and he laughed easily, retaking his position of his arms linked behind his back, calmly replying. "I'm afraid neither need to agree with me to see this done, although it would be mildly helpful, and most surprising if they did."

Jericho addressed the one that didn't trust him still, an understandable standing, a calm expression on his face. "Sir Tora needs not fear from me, he has not intended me any ill will or clear harm. As long as I would travel with him, even if it as brief as to Merlin himself, I would not willingly allow harm to befall him. Of this, you have my solemn word." He spoke truth, as he would indeed defend the lad should it be necessary, as he had something he needed and he would be traveling with the boy to see Merlin. These two were curious, and he had a minor feeling they would not part ways here, never to see each other again. Even if their travel differed, he would simply cross paths with them again. He turned to Tora again, inclining his head. "Whenever you are ready, Sir Tora."

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#, as written by Valor
Kianne's hard gaze broke as Master Orion spoke of how this growing darkness was affecting her strength, and that every day is a step closer to her death. Their Master went on to explain how they needed each other to keep the darkness at bay. She glanced at Akihiro, uncertain for a moment. It would be hard, getting used to another person's company during such a tough mission. As Orion placed the crystal on the table, she looked back to their Master. This woman had taken her in when she was practically on death's door, healing her and granting her safe shelter. She had helped her overcome her initial fears of returning to the outside world and brought her battle instincts back into focus. Everything she had today was thanks to Master Orion. She could not let her down.

At the mention of questions, Kianne shook her head a little. She slowly approached Orion's desk, gingerly removing her gauntlets and placing them on the desk near to the crystal. Kianne then took Master Orion's frail hands between her own slender fingers, gently lifting them from the desk. She lent over to place a small sweet kiss on the back of Orion's hands. She held the hands there for a moment, eyes closed as she took in the moment. As she lowered her Master's hands, she opened her eyes again, her stone grey stare having lost its uncertainty.
"This is not goodbye, Master." She said, her voice barely more than a whisper. Any louder and it would have trembled and broken her confidence. She then managed to let go of Master Orion's hands, recollect her gauntlets and take the transportation stone from the desk. She stepped away, giving Akihiro a moment to say whatever goodbyes he needed to, distracting herself by examining the crystal in the light.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tora Lyoji Character Portrait: Ryuukasu Shinozuka Character Portrait: Jericho Caiphas Character Portrait: AKIHIRO Character Portrait: Kianne Valentine Character Portrait: Master Orion
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#, as written by Damioa
Tora ignored half of what his friend said. He was the type of guy to give respect and kindness to people until proof was presented that they weren't deserving of it. Still, this guy must have been from one of those old language types of worlds with knights and dragons because he put sir in front of his name. The more the man talked, the more Tora couldn't make out what was being said. He just gave a slight nod here and there. "Alright Jericho, lets get a move on then. Don't know when Merlin's going to decide to switch houses again. See yah Ryuu."

He continued on to lead the man towards Merlin's place. "Oh and by the way. You can just call me Tora. Either that or Tor. After all, we're buds now, aren't we?" He chuckled. He gave a brief explanation of where they were walking seeing as the man looked new to the area, letting him know of the different shops and stores as well as the people who ran them. The tour ran all the way to the third district, through an alleyway, and into a red door with the symbol of fire on it. Tora whipped out his keyblade. "Fire." He muttered and the door opened. He turned to Jericho. "Alrighty. Now all we have to do is go through this door and his house will be over the moving stepping stones. Watch your step though because the like to move."

Once inside the door, Tora hopped over the stones and knocked on the wizards door. "Hey." Bang Bang Bang. "Merlin!!! You in there?"
The door opened slowly but there was no one to be seen inside. Tora turned to face Jericho. "Well he may just be hiding so lets go in."

Akihiro couldn't help but to smile at Kianne's words. It gave him hope in the fact that this wasn't a goodbye. It was just a mission.

"You're right dear." Master Orion said, "This isn't a goodbye." She looked at Akihiro. "Come here boy." He slowly walked to her and knelt down so she didn't have to get up. "I gave you your name for a reason. You never stood up to most of my expectations because of your laziness, but you always surprised me by your actions. I expect the both of you to do the same thing here." At that moment the boy leaped and forced a hug on her mostly to hide his own tears. "I'll do whatever it takes master." He said, his voice a little cracked.

Master Orion gently pushed him off. "Do not cry. You're a man. Act like it." She said as she whipped away his tears. "Now. The both of you remember. Whatever happens from here on out there is not such thing as failure. Only bumps in the road. I believe in you just as you believe in me. You two are the pillars of light now."

With her speech, Akihiro got up and nodded his head. "Are you ready?" He asked Kianne, more confidence showing in his voice.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tora Lyoji Character Portrait: Ryuukasu Shinozuka Character Portrait: Jericho Caiphas
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Jericho nodded, bowing slightly towards Ryuu, a smirk appearing briefly on his face. "Fare thee well then, prince of the bench." He turned, robes billowing behind him as he strode calmly after Tora. The lad was much more pleasant in company than the other one was, which was a relief since, rather than head straight for the realm of Merlin, they went on an entire tour of this town. Not what he requested, but he did not say a word of negativety to avoid ruining his chance of reaching Merlin and his resources. He had to hope the old man would want to cooperate, but he was prepared for the worst, should the man not decide his cause was worth aiding. It was a grim thought, certainly, but he did not wish for conflict, as it would be a gross waste of time and energy having to square off against the wizard, and Tora himself as he no doubt would be inclined to side with Merlin instead of himself. When told to use either Tora, or Tor, he shrugged. So be it, then. "As you wish, Tora, I will refrain from using Sir."

The boy producing a keyblade was quite the unexpected event, and Jericho made quiet note of the design and way he held the blade as he opened it. Interesting, that the doorway to Merlin required a keyblade to access then, and that this young man knew the pass phrase to find entrance into the realm. Of course it was not some tower alone, a series of floating, broken apart, platforms stood before him, and Tora adeptly went across them, and Jericho found himself following right behind him. When he knocked and opened the door, Jericho could not help but assume that was not a good sign, hand clenching briefly before relaxing. "What reason would Master Merlin hold for hiding within his own abode? Either he is not home, or there is something amiss. Regardless, we shall cross the threshold then." Jericho calmly walked in, arms linked behind his back, his voice raised and carrying clearly into the home of Merlin, using the same phrases as before. "Master Merlin, I seek audience with thee!"

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Character Portrait: AKIHIRO
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#, as written by Valor
Kianne couldn't stop the corner of her mouth creeping up into a small smile as Master Orion told Akihiro that he was a man, and that there was no need to cry. She remembered that Luca had cried on a number of occasions, though it had been related to death of family members and such - so it was not unlike this situation. She understood that Orion had been a mother-figure for Akihiro, and so could forgive him for being upset. He had to stay strong though, or their mission would surely fail. Nobody would forgive them if they failed.

At the thought of failure, it was as if Orion had read her mind, speaking of only bumps in the road. She looked up at the Master, taking in her words and nodding once as they were told that they were the pillars of light. So much responsibility was unnerving, but she was prepared to take the weight. Her attention turned as Akihiro addressed her, turning to him with the transportation crystal in hand. She nodded again,
"As ready as we're ever going to be," She said quietly as she offered Akihiro her hand that held the crystal. They needed contact with eachother to be able to transport together. The crystal began to glow with light as it anticipated Akihiro's touch, burning bright with energy as it prepared to throw them into a world tainted by darkness.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tora Lyoji Character Portrait: Jericho Caiphas Character Portrait: AKIHIRO Character Portrait: Kianne Valentine
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#, as written by Damioa
Tora looked at Jericho in amusement. "Oh, you don't know? This is Merlins second home of use. The other place being a world he calls Hollow Bastion or whatever. I'm pretty sure he teleports from one area to the next at will so he should be here if you call for him." He turned and walked around searching for a book to read on fire magic. He loved those types of books. It was the first spell the wizard ever taught him after all. Seeing as you have to use it in order to gain access to his living area here. Was Traverse town really that bad of a place? Nah.

"Master Merlin, I seek audience with thee!" Jericho called.
Just like Tora said, with a huge puff of smoke and a little cough, Merlin basically popped out of nowhere. "Cough, Cough. Yes. What is it?" He said fixing his glasses.

With the bright flash of light, it almost felt as if he was being spun around and flattened as well as stretched. Akihiro had never felt any sort of thing like this before, but he knew one thing. He didn't like. It happened in a flash. In one moment they were in Master Orions office, the next they were in a realm of rainbowish shinning colors, and finally, they were in the middle of what seemed to be a harbor of some a mountain or something. "Kianne..... I'm gonna..." He then ran into the cliff area where he almost became reintroduced to his last meal. That was, until he saw some kid riding on what looked like a hover board. "Uh.... Do you have any idea where we are?"
(ooc: I'm going to go re-watch treasure planet in order to make the planet more fun for you guys. Aren't I nice XD?)

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Treasure's and Pirates.

Treasure's and Pirates. by Damioa

The world of Treasure Planet

Traverse Town

Traverse Town by Damioa



Phantasia by Damioa

A world where the light of the universe dances and creates Chaos in some places. Also the home to the tower of light.

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View All » Add Character » 9 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Ryuukasu Shinozuka
Character Portrait: Jericho Caiphas
Character Portrait: Kianne Valentine


Character Portrait: Kianne Valentine
Kianne Valentine

Even the brightest light can cast the darkest shadow. Believe me, I know.

Character Portrait: Jericho Caiphas
Jericho Caiphas

"Light, Shadow, it matters not. The end result of one winning over the other is oblivion of both."

Character Portrait: Ryuukasu Shinozuka
Ryuukasu Shinozuka

"All fun and games until I stab you in the eye with a keyblade


Character Portrait: Kianne Valentine
Kianne Valentine

Even the brightest light can cast the darkest shadow. Believe me, I know.

Character Portrait: Ryuukasu Shinozuka
Ryuukasu Shinozuka

"All fun and games until I stab you in the eye with a keyblade

Character Portrait: Jericho Caiphas
Jericho Caiphas

"Light, Shadow, it matters not. The end result of one winning over the other is oblivion of both."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Ryuukasu Shinozuka
Ryuukasu Shinozuka

"All fun and games until I stab you in the eye with a keyblade

Character Portrait: Kianne Valentine
Kianne Valentine

Even the brightest light can cast the darkest shadow. Believe me, I know.

Character Portrait: Jericho Caiphas
Jericho Caiphas

"Light, Shadow, it matters not. The end result of one winning over the other is oblivion of both."

View All » Places

Treasure's and Pirates.

Treasure's and Pirates. by Damioa

The world of Treasure Planet

Traverse Town

Traverse Town by Damioa



Phantasia by Damioa

A world where the light of the universe dances and creates Chaos in some places. Also the home to the tower of light.

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Alright, I'm making my character sheet up now.

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