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Xenyx Peterman

A kid with electric abilities he can barely control. Sorry, brief isn't my style, that's the best I can give.

0 · 341 views · located in The S. T. Ranger Academy for Gifted Youths

a character in “Kingdom of the Strange”, as played by skycatdog


Name: Xenyx R. Peterman
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Appearance: A relatively short (5'3) and skinny kid, Xenyx is not a very intimidating sight, unless the onlooker fears the color white. His shirt is a simple, bright white, button-down dress shirt. His trousers are black, to contrast with the white. His hair is a silvery white, which makes it all the more reflective. It's obviously dyed, seeing as he also has two streaks, one light blue, the other a light green. His eyes match those colors, his right being blue and his left green. He wears a checkered scarf, which covers most of his neck, and is expandable enough to cover his lower face if he desires. His hands are covered with soft, wool, black gloves. Upon closer inspection, his gloves are slightly burnt in places. His facial structure is somewhat gaunt, and strangely long for such a short figure. He has thin, pale lips. He is fairly pale, seemingly due to artificial efforts. Underneath his clothes, several electrical burns are painted across his body.
Special Ability: Control of electricity, although he often has trouble controlling it.
Extra (Optional):

Xenyx was born a Peterman, and given his upbringing, is quite used to luxury, but has learned to be kind and gracious. The Peterman family is a long running line of rich, and their business has not had any failures in quite a long while. Xenyx used to be a very social young man, until he reached the age of ten.

The party was going quite well. Xenyx grinned pridefully at the amount of guests. It must've been at least twenty more than last year. He checked his watch: five-twenty three. In ten minutes, he would officially be ten years of age. He whistled, calling the massive group of kids inside the ballroom of the Peterman manor, to a large table set in the center. The maids were just finishing the preparations when the group burst in, and each took a seat. Xenyx smiled at the sight, before standing in the perfect center, next to the massive cake. He cleared his throat before speaking. "Excuse me, excuse me, everyone. As you know, in four minutes, I will officially be ten years old. I plan to time it perfectly, so if you wish to blow out the candles with me, get close!" He grinned at the group, then snapped his fingers. The candles were promptly lit, and after a quick singing of 'Happy Birthday', Xenyx paused to line the time perfectly up on his watch, before blowing out the candles. At least, that was what he thought he would do, but immediately, he was surrounded with a field of electricity. All the other children were either blown back, or caught in the sudden storm. It spread all around him, electrocuting most of the children. Luckily, there were no deaths.

Ever since the event, Xenyx grew the reputation of a freak. He had no major outbreaks like that, but there were times when he lost control and destroyed a device, shocked someone, caused a fusebox to blow... He grew more and more self-conscious, until his ability was the only thing he could think about. He dyed his hair, changed himself completely, to seem somewhat ghost-like. Eventually, his parents grew desperate, and sent him off to the academy.

So begins...

Xenyx Peterman's Story

Xenyx watches the dean carefully as he speaks, raising his hand to accept the key, and tuck it safely in his pocket for now. He clears his throat before saying, "So, uhm, which way to the rooms, and, stuff?" His fingers nervously wander to his scarf, and pull the ends up just a bit to hide his chin. "And, uh... There's no fuseboxes or anything near my room, right? Probably, uh... Not the best set up for me... I tend to, uhm, break those." He chuckles nervously, twiddling his gloved fingers.

"Right, sure." Wynona snorts. "So what are you doing here in the caf anyway? Skipping class?"

"Your room is in the West wing, room 3W, and rest assured every precaution has been taken to make sure your room suits your special needs. You will have a roommate, also a fairly new student here, but I'm sure you two will get along just fine." He leads you out of his office and into the hallway. The West wing is within sight, though it looks vacant. "Take your time finding everything and settling in. It's your first day so no one will expect you to be too punctual." He chuckles to himself.

Walking through the halls, you see very few other students. Presumably many of them could be in class, but every school has kids who'd rather skip class and loiter and this one is no exception. The students you do see don't seem terribly friendly.
Apart from classrooms, you see a cafeteria, an exit leading to the courtyard, and the entrance to the auditorium, the last of which is obstructed by bright yellow caution tape.

Wynona nods. "Yeah, most new students need the first day just to start finding their way around this huge school, I guess." She smirks slightly. "And by the way, it wasn't an accident you ended up at your first class. I have your file, remember? I took it upon myself to look up your class schedule. You looked a little lost."

"Good." Primrose smiles, a little more earnestly than before. She turns on her heels and walks away without another word.
The boy from before looks at you for a split second, shakes his head, and goes back inside as well.

Xenyx takes a look at his schedule, attempting to ignore the unfriendly faces. Of course, he fails, and shocks his schedule paper by accident, setting it on fire. He shrieks in surprise, and drops the paper, then quickly attempts to stomp out the flames. Once finished, he darts out of the halls, into the courtyard, looking for someplace to hide. He curses silently as he realizes he now has no idea where he's going and what he's doing today.

"Basically." Wynona grins mischievously. "Hey, you wanna go do something?"

You enter the library, which is filled from wall to wall with shelves of books and rows of desktop computers. Students wander among the shelves and work at the tables, probably glad for the peace of the quiet space.
The books are sorted by title in alphabetical order, each shelf marked with letters to indicate its contents. None of the computers are currently in use, their screens dark except for the academy logo floating on the screensaver.

Several students wander around the courtyard, going about their business completely oblivious to you. There is a dried up stone fountain not far away. It's top tier appears to have been broken off, and now lies half-crumbled at the bottom.
There are still some ashes from the charred paper clinging to your clothes. From across the square, a lanky girl about your age with strawberry-blonde hair spots you and bounds over excitedly.

Xenyx takes a moment to notice the girl, but when he does, he freezes, not knowing what else to do than to stand and wait, watching the oncoming girl. He pulls his scarf to hide his lips, and runs a hand across his shiny white hair to smooth it, since the running undoubtedly ruffled it.

Wynona takes your hand and leads you briskly out of the cafeteria and down a nearby hallway. She stops abruptly and you can hear something that sounds like tearing tape or ribbons.
"Have you heard anything about the auditorium?" she asks slyly.

The girl eyes you up and down, then smiles. "Ash," she says. "And smoke. Just a little, but I'd know the smell of smoke anywhere. Here, watch this." She tilts her head back, draws in a deep breath, and blows a long puff of dark, sooty smoke into the open air beside her. "Not bad, huh?" she grins.

Xenyx blinks for a moment. "Yea... Cool. I... Can't really control, what I do..." He rubs the back of his neck, chuckling nervously.

The girl smiles sympathetically. "Hey, neither could I, at first." she says. "Me and some of my friends are starting a study group. You should join us. 'Practice makes perfect' and all that." She points in the direction of where she came, where a few other students of varying ages are playfully practicing their abilities. They don't so much like a study group as they do a group of easygoing kids, but maybe that's better than a super-serious group after all.

"Oh! Uh... Thanks. I'll go over, I guess... Oh, I'm uh, Xenyx, by the way." He watches the group of kids for a moment, before returning his gaze to the ground. "I don't wanna hurt anyone, though..."

The girl introduces herself as Liza, and shows little concern over your comment. "Are you new here or something?" she inquires. "Nobody who gets sent to The Strange House is any stranger to danger. Plenty of kids show up with no control at all, all messed up inside 'cause of what they do or what they've done, but they get better. They get better 'cause they practice and make mistakes and learn from 'em." She nudges you playfully, visibly filled with energy. "That's the point. So if you don't want to hurt people, learn not to."

The computer pulls up an unfamiliar browser, marked with that same school logo. You put your search through and a surprisingly few book titles pop up on the screen. You notice most of the books were written by a "Susan T. Ranger". The other authors don't strike up the same sense of familiarity, but one of them apparently co-wrote one of Miss Ranger's books, the first on the list actually.
Encyclopedia of Abnormality: 14th Edition- written by S. T. Ranger; edited and co-written by A. Valantin
There's a picture of the cover on the screen. The book has a slightly old-fashioned look to it, but it looks the most reliable and complete of the list. The computer reports of one copy not yet checked out, and where to find it.

Xenyx nods slowly. Liza should feel a small, static shock when she touches him. He offers a smile. "Thanks... I... I needed that." He runs a hand across his hair again, keeping it from rising due to the small pulses of electricity going inside him.

"No prob." says Liza sunnily. "So, if you don't have any place you have to get to right now, I've got an idea for a way you could practice doing your... sparky thing." She wiggles her fingers to illustrate her point. "No one gets hurt, promise."

The book is thick, old but not worn. The title is written in gold, neatly-stenciled print. You check out the book and notice that it's almost time for your next class to start. The classroom is right down the hall.

Xenyx chuckles nervously. "Uhm, sure. How?"

"Sometimes the gym teacher lets kids use the gym for practice between classes, mostly the kids with abilities that could be dangerous. They set up the floors there with these rubber mats to keep students from hurting themselves. I may not be a scientist but I know rubber cancels out electricity. It's worth a shot, right?"

Several other students walk the halls to get to their respective classes. You look at the schedule and recognize the room number listed beside the class name. It turns out being not too difficult to find, as many of the passing students confirm that they are heading that same way.
It looks like an ordinary classroom in pretty much every way, and the students are definitely more orderly in this class. A male teacher walks in and, dismissing with any formalities, immediately begins drawing some sort of chart on the board and ushering students to their seats. The book sits heavy in your bag and in the back of your mind.

Xenyx coughs. "I did some research on it... Rubber is actually an insulating thing, so if I do stuff on a rubber mat, I'll build up electricity, because I'm not grounded... So I'll just be more dangerous... Yea..." He looks up, then grows an expression of fear. "Not to shoot down your idea or anything! I just know it won't help... But thank you for suggesting! Rubber is just like insulating, electricity doesn't cancel or stuff, it goes from one source to the next, and spreads out, and condenses, and... yea." He looks down, and pulls his scarf all the way up to his nose, hiding half his face.

Liza looks a little disappointed, but lights back up at the sound of a bell ringing from inside. "Guess there's no time for that anyway, I've got class now; science. And speaking of science, you really know your way around your powers." She laughs a little. "I hope you end up in my class. My friends are fun and all, but they're not all that serious, and I want to Graduate as fast as I can."

The teacher wastes no time getting the class started, though students are still filing in. He introduces himself as Mr. Parks and directs the class's attention to the chart on the board.
"This," he says. "Is a Periodic Table of Abilities, so to speak." He points to the first main column on the far left. "Abilities that come from the mind." To the main column on the far right. "Abilities that come from the body." To the main column dead center. "Abilities that come from the 'heart'. Obviously that's not a technical term, but it should get the point across. And all these spaces inbetween are abilities that share qualities from two or more of the main sections. Everyone here has an ability that falls into one of these categories, and you're here to find out what that means for you. Can anyone pinpoint where on this table they fall?"

Xenyx mumbles "Justbasicelectricity..." At the bell ringing, he looks up. "... Damn, I... accidentally set my schedule on fire... What do I do?" He shuffles nervously.

The teacher takes his time getting to you, selecting a few other students to speak first, but he does eventually call on you to add to the table.

"Hmm, well I guess you could ask the dean for a new copy, but maaan I'd be way too embarrassed to tell him I-" She stops and backtracks. "Er, I mean, you could do that, or there's this one girl you could talk to. I heard she can get any information. She could definitely get you a new copy in like a second, no problem."

Xenyx looks down once more. "Who's this girl?"