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Kingdoms of Galearia

Kingdoms of Galearia


This primary universe takes place on the continent of Galearia. It Includes 4 kingdoms Daeyonca, Tratin, Elyzibetia, and Landor. Each has a unique set of terrain and exports as well as a detailed capitol city...


2,013 readers have visited Kingdoms of Galearia since Annabean created it.



Galearia is a continent that holds home to four kingdoms who once lived in peace. The four kingdoms Landor, Elyzibetia, Daeyonca, and Tratin all hold their own people, cultures, exports, terrains, and rules. Please keep reading to find what kingdom you belong to and the lore and plot of this universe!!!


The four kingdoms lived in peace, long ago. However times have changed...

Tratin the kingdom of Industry has risen up for unknown reasons and has begun to attack the surrounding kingdoms. Some theorize that the royal family was overcome with sadness after the unknown disappearance of their beloved prince, some believe that the royal family was possessed by demons and succumbed to wanting the whole world for their own kind... however no one really knows. The Tratin citizens are held captive and if they don’t support the royals they are executed, and those who escape often find the loneliest places in the world and hide until they pass on. Other royal families from the other kingdoms think something more sinister lies behind the curtains, and few will ever know. The other kingdoms are striving for peace, some simply ignoring Tratin and others planning to fight back for peace...

Elyzibetia stays quiet and hides in the snow barren lands far to the north ignoring the war, nobody has heard from their royal family in close to 5 years. Tratin has been taking their land for awhile now, though due to the harsh weather conditions they won’t go any further north.

Landor while not yet touched or threatened by Tratin is making plans to fight back if they do. The citizens of Landor often murder those who have escaped Tratin if they are found... To them all that matters is keeping the Citizens of the innocent kingdoms alive, they do not care if a Tratin escapee hold remorse or have done nothing wrong they simply want to end the war and often hold public burnings of the Tratin escapees...

Daeyonca has since gave their mainland property up to Landor and have since isolated to the small island off the coast of Galearia. This small island will fight if necessary but are more for talking it out and not starting conflict. They are very prominent in the war, but not directly involved.

—————————Kingdom Information

This is where you can decide which kingdom to join. ALSO I am looking for people who want to be part of the royal families. The Kings and Queens while being Roleplayers will also hold high roles in this roleplay in general. I am not sure if I can or not yet, but would make them admins alongside me. They would help me moderate the roleplay while just looking over and being responsible for their own kingdoms chats. They can also help me hold events for kingdoms or the roleplay as a whole.

If interested in joining part of the royal family please apply here: http://

Before I describe the kingdoms for you decide which kingdom in which you originate, if you want a simpler option please take this quiz to see where you fit best:http://

Of course if you want to decide manually too keep reading, and even if you take the quiz please keep reading as well as the up coming descriptions will be vital to knowing about the world and what each kingdom believes in.


Starting with our aggressor and antagonistic kingdom we have Tratin. Tratin is a rocky mountainous environment littered with small volcanoes, mines, and lakes. The land is thickly forested as the land is not developed except around the capitol. The capitol is where most of the population lives with the exception of a few small villages scattering the outer edges of the kingdom and military camps as they take land from other kingdoms.

The Capitol is set up like a Japanese shrine grounds. The style of architecture is also very similar to that of Japanese shrines and temples as well. The castle looks very similar to the Matsumoto Castle in Matsumoto, Japan. The surrounding grounds have that of Japanese housing, and religious families houses look like that of temple grounds. Please search google to have reference of these beautiful buildings and their meanings and history.

People from Tratin are typically Humans, but there are several Shape Shifters around here as well that hide amongst society. In early times when things were normal the shapeshifters were not looked down upon, however in the times of war they will be killed on sight as they are seen as manipulative old bastards.

Tratin citizens are known as Tratinthians, Tratin is pronounced as Tray-Tin and what they are known as is Truh-Tin-Thee-Ins

the kingdoms main exports are precious gems, metals, stone, advanced technologies, and armor. The kingdom was founded on the trust in faith and allowing the people to be free and lively. The original founder named Ginsuoe Tratin had travelled far and wide from his small village in north Daeyonca and fought for the land with pride and grace with the Landorian people. They did finally settle and live happily, and eventually built good relations with those of every kingdom, Though as you can assume that is not the case today.

Tratin had used religion to Maintain peace and love through the kingdom, they used to worship a religion named Yurulinism lead by a god named Makipae and while this religion had no religious texts the whole idea of the religion and widely accepted by all was to take time one step at a time, and for every day without a stumble we thank Makipae for his time and patience. If you have a bad day however you cast your frustration and anger to Makipae through a small ritual known as Gamto. The ritual was done by finding a quiet place you find spiritual between you and Makipae and bowing to the sky and speaking out everything that is bothering you. However this can also be done and commonly was done by hiding in a closet and lighting a candle to bow to.

However it was done it needed to be private. The day before the Calender year resets and new year comes the citizens of Tratin would hold a festival known as Yongsumatseo where people would bring an offering from their life that held meaning to them and hold a public burning to commemorate how Makipae takes on our problems and helps him release them so he is no longer burdened. Some say it was the day of the year all felt happy and light and free once more of the burdens life puts on all of us. Before burning there are many festivities that citizens participate in such as elders telling the kids stories, traditional foods, lantern painting and lighting, and also dressing in traditional clothes and spending time with family and friends. Some say those married during Yongsumatseo will live happy and long lives and their love will always remain light and unburdened.

However since the war started the royal family changed, and banned all forms and practices of Yurulinism all shrines and temples were abandoned, and town centered with the sacred fire pits for the end of year Yongsumatseo festivities where either destroyed and covered or replaced with statues of the royal family. Town grew glum and those who were found to practice the religion were arrested and held in prison till the end of the year, to which the Capitol must gather to watch the practicers of Yurulinism be burned alive on the day of Yongsumatseo. People have since renamed the the festival Seoshimatseo for the death that happens on this day.

In the time this roleplay takes place the people fear their lives everyday but manage to live as if nothing is happening. However they know the royal family is insane, and their lives are at risk...

Also all exports have been banned and so have imports. The people in Tratin are starving and also being forced to build war armors and weapons.... most families dont see their fathers for months as they stay at work camps, and young boys go into the army so its mostly women at home just trying to make it as food supply grows less and less.


Next up is Landor. Their terrain consists of flat grass lands, thin forests, and rich soil. Landor worships nature and all it brings, they welcome damages from storms, as well as embracing the power it brings. They are very natural loving people and enjoy the solitudes nature brings. The capitol is set up likes rings, the castle being in the center, the inner ring being 1st class wealthy debutante individuals, middle ring being 2nd class workers who make a good wage, 3rd ring being poor people who are either immigrants or simply cannot find work or just moved from a parents home, and then 4th ring is farmer class people who generally live very cushioned Lives on the country side. Landor also have several villages all over the kingdom, and some are large too. The capitols name is Sarlynth City, the second largest city that holds wealthy families only is Scarseth Village and the third largest that holds forestry workers is called Lombir Town. Other ones are small cities scattered around mostly
made to farm.

The architecture here is made closely of European farmland and old English villages. Its very tight knit and beautiful. Please reference

People from Landor(Lah-NN-Doh-RR) are typically humans and Elves, and call themselves Landorians (Lah-NN-Doh-Ree-An-Z)

This kingdoms main exports are various fruits, vegetables, plants, and woods. They feed most of Daeyonca and also fed most of Tratin, before the war broke out. They do however have the only contact with Elyzibetia and know they are alive and well, and have the only safe path to get there. They often send men on missions to deliver packages to the royal family and its citizens.

Landor is not very religious and simply believe in nature and themselves to get the job done. The people here are very jolly and hopeful, but also believe everything their royal family says. And if the royal family says they hate Tratin, then their subjects do as well and will do anything to please the royal family.

Landor is not as complex as most of the other kingdoms and they lead simple lives, however something you must know is that people from here are also very slow to make weapons. While they are preparing for battle just know anything they will make wont be enough to fight off Tratin...


Elyzibetia is the arctic kingdom of the northern peninsula. They have no exports but a few imports from Landor. Their terrain is cold and icy all over the place, Their kingdom is only made of the caption and Tratin has taken the land from southern Elyzibetia and slaughtered villages. Those who survived made the week long journey to the capitol for a safe life. Tratin tried to follow but many of their people died trying to follow in the snow unprepared.

Elyzibetia (Eh-Lhi-Zee-Beh-Tee-Yah) call themselves Elyzians (Eh-Lhi-Zhi-Ans)

This kingdoms exports would be Animal Hides, Clothes, Ice, Precious Stones, Fish, and Pine woods. However since their borders are closed all but to those few of the Landorian kingdom they do not export anymore. The Capitol of Elyzibetia is called Katinal Tribe. People of this kingdom are said to be insanely beautiful and also to be very mischievous while not completely true people are very pleased to be called beautiful. People who live in this kingdom are mostly Human, Witch/Wizard, and Northern Merpersons. The Merfolk that live here migrate south sometimes, but generally stay in the icy waters of the north and all merfolk from the north are mixed blood rather than pure blood, though on occasion the pure bloods visit.

Elyzibetia have mixed populations who believe in Christianity and also those who believe in Yurulinism (read about it in Tratin’s bio) The two religions leave peacefully side by side and respect one another, but secretly the royal family wants to ban Yurulinsim and punish those who believe in it as Tratin believes in it. However if you read Tratin’s bit you would know they banned it, but no one knows whats happening inside of Tratin so a lot of kingdoms assume that this religion may have something to do with the war....

Elyzibetia’s King had passed away so this is the only kingdom to be run by one ruler and that is the Queen!


Daeyonca was once a big kingdom that inhabited the islands of the south as well as the south of the mainlands, however when war struck they surrendered their land to Landor and Tratin and exiled themselves to the south, They closed and destroyed the docks that now fall in Tratins territory so they are no longer able to be reached. However the docks beween Landor remain open so the only way to get to Daeyonca is through those docks and through the narrows straight. The land in Daeyonca is very slanted meaning the main island is a slope. The westernmost side of the island is beach And the easternmost side is huge cliffs and from the cliffs is a smaller island that is almost all beach, The Capitol is the island itself and castle sits at the tip of cliffs and the city is built all down the hill towards the beaches.

Daeyonca (DAE-Yho-NN-Kah) call themselves the Daeyonci’s (DAE-Yho-NN-Khee-SS)

They export exotic fruits,vegetables, and animals along with magical potions and spells. Most people here are humans, Witches, Wizards, and Merfolk.

The history of Daeyonca is short as besides Tratin is one one of the youngest kingdoms. Daeyonca is a very free loving place and enjoys the tropical weather. They are all for the beach life. As for now they are very not involved in the war, but note they will be in the future so this page will be updated

Tribal Folk

Tribal folk live in the “unoccupied meadow land... However secretly the land is inhabited and Tratin is slowly learning of these powerful people who are ready to fight for their freedom. The largest tribe is that of the Benquin People a small tribe in the meadows forests that hunt the deer through the woods.

They believe in Mother Nature as their god.

Highly Populated Species

Humans are the base population being highest in numbers. They hold no special powers or unnatural skin, eye, or hair tones. they are very limited in their bodies limits, but they reproduce exponentially fast, and are highly intelligent. As fast as they multiply they also create. Humans are also fast learners and highly emotional beings. Even when they are good at not showing emotion they are full of it. However humans are also prone to over stimulation and things overwhelming them and multitudes of other mental weaknesses.

Elves are closets to human, but unlike them they hold the ability to talk to nature and have a few standout-ish features. They have a few different ear types that are purely genetic but show no difference in ability. They can also have natural and unnatural hair, eye, and skin colors. They are also very lean and tend to be very quick and agile when it comes to physical activity, its hard for elves to gain weight, lose weight, or gain muscle. However they do lose muscle fast if they don’t keep up with maintaining it. They are otherwise very similar to humans mentally

Wizards/Witches are wonderful human like species. They are just like humans but tend to often hold darker hair colors that can be unnatural, they hold mostly natural skin tones though it has been in rare occurrence some unusual skin tones, and they also hold unnatural eye colors they can be bright or dark. They are not physically equipped for battle but mentally and magically they are. Some wizards and witches have magic that allows them to cats spells, while others are only half-lings that have the exceptional ability to create potions. The ability of potion making for non wizards/witches and half-lings takes years to develop in elves and humans while in the Witch/Wizard and Half category it comes naturally. Mentally they are stunted however. They’re experience emotion is small quantities and don't quite understand emotion unless it hits them in a large “dose” aka if something so huge happens in their life that triggers and loud emotion.

Merpeople most similar to Wizards/Witches and Humans hold features of a human whilst being magical. There are pure blood Merfolk that can make other people merpeople with their magic, and mixed blood Merfolk That are made from any species that isnt one from pure mermaid lineage. All Merfolk have the exceptional ability to heal with magic they possess and also control water. However only pure bloods can lure with a mermaids trance (aka sirens call), and also are the only ones who can make other merpeople. However Mixed Bloods can take on the form of their old self and have legs, unless a pure blood can find a potion to make them human they will always be a merperson. Also they all have the ability to change their hair, skin, and eye color at will.

Any other species you want to be are accepted, just know if you are anything else there will be very few of your kind. We also want every species to have strong powers and weaknesses so please make sure your species will not over power others if you are making one or choosing one yourself.

Toggle Rules

~Hey all! Galearia will be open to all and welcoming of nearly everyone! Though we have a few rules that we expect you to follow and respect.

First of all please read our lore and understand it before hopping into any roleplay and engaging in the stories that this universe will allow you to make.

Secondly please stay active ^^ This is a universe that thrives off of many individuals being involved to make the story feel alive, so please if you join dedicate some time to say hi every day or every other day. Inactive users in this universe will be kicked.

Of course be kind to all, keep character drama in the roleplay! Please don’t associate what one has their character do with the person playing them.

Last of all for now, please be at least proficient in semi-lit to literate role playing style. We want this world to be detailed and still accepting of everyone. Script Style and one liners will not be tolerated and you must have at least 3-4 lines, and the maximum will be up to you. We do however ask to keep things nice and easy and don’t go off writing a novel for someone to be intimidated by.

Thank you for checking over these rules, over time I am sure I will be adding more and changing things... But for now I have what I have as I am just starting out here.

Browse All » 5 Settings to roleplay in

War Struck

War Struck by Annabean

This is our OOC chat. Feel free to talk amongst yourself. Links to other locations will be in the descriptionQ

Landor Castle Entrance

Landor Castle Entrance by Annabean

Welcome to the castle! Please explore the gardens, but never step inside unless requested or with purpose.

Inner Circle Garden [left/area 1]

Inner Circle Garden [left/area 1] by Annabean

You enter the Garden entrance to left from the castle entrance. You are greeted by the warm aroma of honeysuckle and roses.

Inner Circle Garden [area 2]

Inner Circle Garden [area 2] by Annabean

You find a small sitting area with stone benches and a statue of what seems to be the queen as a young princess. You are drawn to sit and stare at the Lavender and Foxglove that are growing around you.

Inner Circle Garden Entrance [right/area 5]

Inner Circle Garden Entrance [right/area 5] by Annabean

You are welcomed by an open grassy area and a large tree. The flowers in this area are potent and crisp. The flowers are that of Lilys and Beebalm they grow tall as a border on the hedges lining the gardens.

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War Struck

War Struck by Annabean

This is our OOC chat. Feel free to talk amongst yourself. Links to other locations will be in the descriptionQ

Landor Castle Entrance

Landor Castle Entrance by Annabean

Welcome to the castle! Please explore the gardens, but never step inside unless requested or with purpose.

Inner Circle Garden [left/area 1]

Inner Circle Garden [left/area 1] by Annabean

You enter the Garden entrance to left from the castle entrance. You are greeted by the warm aroma of honeysuckle and roses.

Inner Circle Garden [area 2]

Inner Circle Garden [area 2] by Annabean

You find a small sitting area with stone benches and a statue of what seems to be the queen as a young princess. You are drawn to sit and stare at the Lavender and Foxglove that are growing around you.

Inner Circle Garden Entrance [right/area 5]

Inner Circle Garden Entrance [right/area 5] by Annabean

You are welcomed by an open grassy area and a large tree. The flowers in this area are potent and crisp. The flowers are that of Lilys and Beebalm they grow tall as a border on the hedges lining the gardens.

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View All » Add Character » 1 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Makipae


Character Portrait: Makipae

I am god aka the roleplay leader. I will not be involved directly but please feel free to call me when needed


Character Portrait: Makipae

I am god aka the roleplay leader. I will not be involved directly but please feel free to call me when needed

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Makipae

I am god aka the roleplay leader. I will not be involved directly but please feel free to call me when needed

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War Struck

War Struck by Annabean

This is our OOC chat. Feel free to talk amongst yourself. Links to other locations will be in the descriptionQ

Landor Castle Entrance

Landor Castle Entrance by Annabean

Welcome to the castle! Please explore the gardens, but never step inside unless requested or with purpose.

Inner Circle Garden [left/area 1]

Inner Circle Garden [left/area 1] by Annabean

You enter the Garden entrance to left from the castle entrance. You are greeted by the warm aroma of honeysuckle and roses.

Inner Circle Garden [area 2]

Inner Circle Garden [area 2] by Annabean

You find a small sitting area with stone benches and a statue of what seems to be the queen as a young princess. You are drawn to sit and stare at the Lavender and Foxglove that are growing around you.

Inner Circle Garden Entrance [right/area 5]

Inner Circle Garden Entrance [right/area 5] by Annabean

You are welcomed by an open grassy area and a large tree. The flowers in this area are potent and crisp. The flowers are that of Lilys and Beebalm they grow tall as a border on the hedges lining the gardens.

Inner Circle Garden Entrance [right/area 5]

You are welcomed by an open grassy area and a large tree. The flowers in this area are potent and crisp. The flowers are that of Lilys and Beebalm they grow tall as a border on the hedges lining the gardens.

Inner Circle Garden [area 2]

You find a small sitting area with stone benches and a statue of what seems to be the queen as a young princess. You are drawn to sit and stare at the Lavender and Foxglove that are growing around you.

Inner Circle Garden [left/area 1]

You enter the Garden entrance to left from the castle entrance. You are greeted by the warm aroma of honeysuckle and roses.

Landor Castle Entrance

Welcome to the castle! Please explore the gardens, but never step inside unless requested or with purpose.

War Struck

This is our OOC chat. Feel free to talk amongst yourself. Links to other locations will be in the descriptionQ

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