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Mark Miles

0 · 247 views · located in Iveir, Continent of Dhaemar

a character in “Kings of Elements: Reboot”, originally authored by No-one-special, as played by RolePlayGateway



“Funny thing about that name, I was actually an archer in training but I was horrible, all I ever heard was 'you're miles off the mark!' well, one day during class I trip and hit my head...they ask me if I can remember anything and I immediately said...well...Miles off the Mark...I did eventually remember what my name was but people liked this one better”

Age: 26 || Sexuality: Bisexual ||Protector



Mark is best described as the beaten clown, while he externally he is strong willed just for the pleasure of laughing at the worlds attempts to bring him down he is affected by the wounds and things he has seen within his life time, he doesn't brood but he does think and while he may sound awkward at times when trying to pull off another horrible joke in an attempt to break the ice the hesitation in his voice is clear as if what was once a proud and optimistic young man once had not got the memo that what now stands before people is a solder decimated by the club of the world. Its's hard to attribute what part of Miles is stubbornness to not change and what part of him is lack of self awareness, he is hardly smart nor intellectually endowed in any specific areas and yet he retains a sense of wisdom in his battle against not only the darkness of the world but within.

Miles is an idealist first and the easiest way is to get on his bad side is to go the pragmatic approach however on the other hand he is just as hateful of idealism being an end to justify the means, wedging himself between the two although his growing cynicism and exhaustion shows at times when he can offer advice or say things that seem disturbingly out of character not only for Mark himself but a general Paladin of Nep. Proud and determined to keep his image up to only to himself but to others stout hard man ready to fight for himself and others it takes a lot to put him down, words funny enough slide of his back being able to take mountains of verbal abuse at any volume with hardly a shiver in his confidence or general comfort however his disabilities he keeps secret in fear of facing pity from those who would upon him as a warrior, be that a warrior of good deed or bad.

Stubborn in optimism also makes him annoyingly a good holder of a grudge, once you get onto the wrong side of Miles even if you are on the right it can take a lot of persuasion and time to get ass back to talking to you again however he is just as to hold the grudge against those who hurt his friends he is just as swift to utilize it on those he calls companions when they make moral choices he considers fundamentally evil as he expects better of them. His devil may care attitude can serve people well in many areas but it also can make him disappointingly dismissive of peoples emotional issues, while not exactly cruel he is not really sensitive to the private and personal scenarios that play in peoples if they fall out of the scope of his limited view of things that serious, lacking the ability to analyze people and what is important to them very well and thus trivializing their concerns...this flaw also makes him a bit easy to betray due to his stunt social people skills.


Round Helmet with a protective cage visor: Good against projectile magic such as fireballs, rocks, bolts and so on. Very effective against stabbing or slashing weapons and arrows.

Steel Buckler Shield: Good against slashing weapons, projectiles both magical and none-magical and reasonably good defence against blunt weapons.

Steel Short Sword(with waist Sheath)

Finely Crafted War Sword-One Handed-(Back Sheath)

Armored boots: Capable of defending the wearer from stabbing attacks and hazardous ground such as sharp rocks, horns and hot or overly cold areas, also can offer protection from harmful liquids.

Armored Gloves: Protects the users hands and wrists from slashing attacks.

Steel Breast Plate: Defends against arrows, glaciers and throwing weapons as well as slashing attacks.

Seven Pouches for various items such as herbs, spices, general tools for camping survival and fishing along with maintaining armor.

Three moderately sized bags that sit at the front of his waist filled with 4 solid iron ingots.

Chest Strap with various smaller pouches holding tiny pieces of Jewelry.

The Guardians of the Gift do not actively practice magic nor any elemental manipulation due to their belief that things must remain in constant balance and that they;the outside force and observers of these powers must act as the antithesis to these elements and the enforcers of directed change which demands neutrality not only from nation but from elements. Of course the group would be poor constables of these forces if they didn't battle them on their own grounds and as such stock and develop many stone wands and torches that have the power to cast specific magic and spells, a standard guardian can be seen carrying around seven at least of these weapons in their daily life.

All wands consume 1 ingot or metal substitute(jewelry or metal art works)

Relic of Rust:
A spell that causes metals both formed or pure to instantaneously rust and lose their potency for spells or as items within a five second period.
Target has to be within ten feet.

Architect of Annihilation:
Release a massive amount of deadly energy within a specific location in a 5 foot radius, causing crippling blunt damage to any foes caught within its stated area of effect.

Touch of Entropy:
An incantation that gradually weakens others spell effects in the area weaker until the point of ceasing to function even ones of a friendly nature. Each passing second that the caster wields the active wand in the air and twirls it barriers, boosts, traps, curses or even travelling magical attacks will dramatically weaken with most moderately powered spells diminishing within a 5 second span.

Wand of Mutilation:

Specter of the Crying Crows:

Finger of Faith:

Obsidian Tongue:

Whistle of Nep:


One Handed Swordsmanship: Moderately skilled with one handed blades Miles is capable of standing on even footing with trained warriors and wild beasts although he is a worthy foe to the common enemy his skills as a blade master dwarf in the shadow of elite or specialized enemies.

Heavy Armor and Defense: While not heavily equip in the defensive area Mark has come to learn to make the best out of his choice of defensive items, able to expertly use his buckler both for attack and his own protection he as well reflexively assumes positions that allow his steel shell that don his body to absorb large amounts of damage aimed at him.

Magical Knowledge: As a guardian of the gift and a general anti-magic warrior he is well versed both in the practices, writings and types of spells and magic out there which allow him to react and transcribe both item or spell itself once he gets a good look at them.

Look upon me and know despair: Mark has highly damaged eyes, only letting him see distorted warped colors of the original world, while he understand that something is a table and another is a person within 5 feet of his face that ability is rough and vague. He loses no sanity from sight and is immune to eye to eye based spells more than 5 feet away.


Squinting your eyes won't help: Can't use arrows, throwing weapons, long range spells. He loses twice the sanity to touching and hearing based attacks that cause psychological trauma. His sense of sight is terrible and without enough light he will act more or less blind, having to use echolocation to determine where he is. Echolocation of his shield also allow him to determine where allies and enemies are when they exist his field of vision, this fact makes its really obvious when he searching for an opponent to cast one of his spells at.

Religious Horror: Mark loses twice as much sanity when dealing with illusions, hallucinations, spells or any other psychological attacks based or tied to religion.

Warrior of Nep: Thanks to the princes of nep, the paladins that once were loved are considered rather poorly to the world thanks to them being marginally not being involved and unaware of the battle and politics inside the chapter due the Guardians of the Gift preference to keeping as much information inside their own circles as possible. It is without a doubt that if "the gift" was known it would only darken the guilds image even more. Now days the last paladins are seen as the fragments of a fallen group of holy men to the religious, earning them silent discontent from their fellow local churches and deluded brutes that gave into their self righteous high by agnostics and atheists. Many of those with extensive military history and old age view them positively but the words of the old didn't do as well to influence others as the swords and damages of the fights.

Tall and Traumatized: Once proud and able Mark finds pity or sympathy to be a deep personal insult and feeling so ashamed of how his dignity has been lost due to his injuries he routinely will stand about in cities with his helmet on as he waits for his charge or his fellow protectors to accompany him so he may follow their footsteps and voices. Having the information public of his disability is a serious insecurity of his to the point that his personal life and ability to socially interact is crippled in public areas.




His blindness, whenever he can he wears his helmet meaning that a great deal of people are not aware of his current condition and those that do are normally trusted or respect his decision to keep it a secret but naturally some whispers do escape some lips from time to time.

“Day 234

How does one go into becoming a paladin?

It's a question I used to hear all the time in my novice days, once you get out of the chapel all the kids in any nation run up to you wanting to hear stories and touch your weapons. I remember the way their eyes would light up at us and how the people would comment they felt just a little bit safer with the Paladins of Nep around....yes...

Their faces never left me and I shed tears when I realized that their faces would never come to visit again.

One goes into paladin-hood by trying to become a ranger like his father but finding out you couldn't throw an arrow straight yet alone shoot one, Anyway one day I'm out hunting with my dad and he asks me to hit a deer...I couldn't do it so I aim a bit higher with the intention let it fly into the came down...right next into a Paladin flask of whisky. We were sure he was going to kill us but instead tells me that I must either be an ace shot with an hatred of drink or I am an unwitting hand of Pulup for he hates drink.

That's how I got into Paladin-hood; by almost killing one of them”

“Day 252

How do you cope?

Surprisingly the idea of giving up your security and your familiarity with your loved ones and home seems to disorient and fascinate many people for this question always appeared in one city or another. It seems like any man in metal and working for their gods is empowered by faith alone but I found this question not only in the walls of kingdoms but within the hallways of my mind constantly.

They say bravery is acting despite fear and insecurity but I would hardly call my steps brave. Altruism? all honesty I don't even understand honor. I guess I cope with what I did simply because I was already walking down that road, the lack of security became my humble abode much like anyone fire lit front room was theirs.

Once you go miles off the mark you find different goals, just like how a wayward arrow led me into ranks of warriors and just like how my vague goal of balance led to me into the hearts of people that I helped. A little bit of chaos can install harmony.”

“Day 278

How Could you do it?

The quest always festered in my mind once my chapel brother; Yunod stare at my bloody sword, whenever I look back at those times the image of that flaks impaled within my mentors hand came to mind as it pour forth fluid with a noticeable babble to it, clapping like pebbles as it fell upon the ground in a puddle that gave off a powerful stench of the hedonism of drink.

It was much like the days of then, reliving that single mistake that brought me here and the first time I had to own a decision no matter how much I wanted to chart them up as further mess ups in my life. The chapel was at war and to retain balance we had to fall into fighting. I recall my was the same answer as to how I coped.

'A little chaos can install harmony'”

“Day 292

How could this happen?

This was my question but robbed of my sight I never could give the answer, I questioned many others but all I get in return are whispers of delusions and broken recollections of a world that seems implausible to exist. It was the final push against the princes and the chapel had come under their rule, with our vast armoury under their control and huge metal supplies they created “the gift” and in an attempt to stop them we picked up our left over regiments and charged.

I never thought I would be brandishing a sword at the very place I called home, we called home but in the end when we entered those doors we didn't find a warm welcoming back into the embrace of the chapter. It was a cold and gold ridden place, a love of coin was one of the Princes chief attributes...I recall Unud's words clearly

“Hedonism, petty materialism....a disgrace to the virtues of the chapel”

He said this all while pocketing a bunch of it for himself of course. Didn't see the point of him taking any myself, He wouldn't have it for long. He had a wife.

We made it into the center of the chapel when something just...exploded and my sight was damaged, perhaps that is the only thing keeping me from madness like the others. How could it happen...suppose the world just needed more chaos to put things back into place that we originally thought.”

“Day 300

How can you live with yourself?

I don't know...”

”A new Day

It was no easy task escaping the belly of my old home, the change from the paladins chapel to the princes chapel only further dramatically warped and distorted into a hollow version of itself with the aftermath of the explosion. Undoubtedly I would be a former version of myself if it weren't for the impairment of my eyesight but what also saved me from the horrors drowned me in the maze of that place, how is it standing I do not know for by touch and my crippled sense no debris seem to be around and thus I can conclude, the building itself has sustained any damage.

With my leaving of the chapel I knew immediately that the first thing I needed was a drink, a shag, a good vacation and finally to search for my other brethren”


The Guardians of the Gift were formulated by a league of retired charges of the orb and thus the kings, the students were all unaware of this fact due to the assigned kings bodyguards oath of secrecy so the devotees of this group merely believed that their masters were former royal warriors. There are only 3 devotees that came to know the truth which was passed down since the orbs first appearance, however after the first 3 generations the knowledge was deemed too fragile to trust even to ones own regiment.

The Ritual of Secrecy was introduced later on which entailed the cutting out of one tongues and the use of special gloves that made writing impossible for those chosen, due to the level of sacrifice being made the group became more and more fanatic in their demands for loyalty and belief until the extreme nature of its deviation from the original life style caused a splitting of the guard, in this small skirmish many secrets were lost and in an attempt to stop the information of the orbs leaking out the last of the fanatic ruined countless documents, ended many lives and forged false information.

What arose from the group who had won was the victory of knowing the whole truth of their guild and the right to rule in a way they saw fit, the orbs were no longer transcribed as objects but as gods which led the group to worship 4 false beings:

Nep- The Taint of Truth.

Kuth- Ruler of the Righteous.

Pulup- Callous of the Clear.

Deem- Villain of Valour.

These four deities were depicted as the dangers of the virtuous and in constant battle for the elements, that as long these beings didn't win over one another the world would remain in balance and also does who simulated the same would be balanced themselves. A final idea of the Gift was transcribed, an item that would ensure that these four beings never truly reach their conclusion...and that there was only a gifted few who could wield it.

The group was built on a lie but soon developed into a regiment of paladin like warriors, living in isolation and only sending out its members to do good in the world and retain balance. They aim to combat magic, not using any form of elemental control or wizardry themselves they craft tools designed to slay witches and warlocks alike if need be.

The Group Today:

Guardians of the Gift are a fragmented version of themselves, it was declared that the various forces would break off into their own chapters in order to ensure a wider field of observation and task keeping upon the land.

The Walls of Deem.

The Keepers of Kuth.

The Redeemers of Pulup.

The Paladins of Kep.

The Walls of Deem set up their fortresses and towers on the borders of cities and the outskirts or town, providing aid in the most dangerous and unnatural areas of the world in order to protect the kingdoms from foreign invaders both beast and man alike.

Redeemers of Pulup dramatically turned from warriors more to monks, setting up school and libraries with the goal to make sure that people have the tools needed to be as objective as possible, ironically they became more heavily armed charity workers than anything else.

Keepers of Kuth travelled the world confiscating and trading/ fighting for and finding as many magical items as they could in order to make sure that no rogue magic threaten to tip the already delicate dynamic that the world is in with many of the strongest actively under research in ways to be destroyed.

Paladins of Kep are destroyed with only a few left roaming the world with no real defined purpose but to keep balance, many theorized that the chapter did have a task but after the rise of the Princes of Kep; a series of anti-paladins with ideals to forcefully take over kingdoms the chapter fell into inside war that eventually resulted in the use of magical device named after the gift being utilized, causing the chapters home fortress to be engulfed in darkness...those that wandered out were half mad and crippled.


So begins...

Mark Miles's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amon Ad-Raza Character Portrait: Siya Ukomo Character Portrait: Taki Hattori Character Portrait: Renardine "Minnow" Lunvari Character Portrait: Kanan Thiyer Character Portrait: Reynard Enide
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#, as written by Siryn
He stood up on the mountain top, the cliff edge peering out over the tops of the trees just barely. The sun was rising over the lands, some portions somewhat darker than the others as rain clouds began to wash in from the seas to the east. He watched the warm sun as it doused everything in its golden rays. Reaching up, he let the hood of his long cloak fall away from his face.

One eye was a pale blue color while the other was green. Lifting his other hand, he opened it to reveal a large sized orb in his fist. Holding the ball between two fingers, he watched the blue colors of the sphere swirl around as the power inside of it was writhing without a vessel. He had been in these lands for long enough to know what it took to contain the orbs with all their power. At first he'd been confused at how the lands hadn't gone into a chaotic mess. However, his assumptions were confirmed when he met the man who held the orb of power. The 'Water King' so he was called.

These lands were run on elemental magics. Most everyone cast their power via sacrificing metals to gain the energy needed to do so. A handful of these people could do it without sacrifices. That was his starting point. It lead him to the Water King soon after and sure enough, the man had the orb.

Twisting the ball between his fingers slightly, he lifted it upwards higher to catch the light. With this, I can locate the other orbs. The other orbs that are rightfully mine. Once I find them, I'll have to be quick... before he gets to them, the man thought, his mismatched gaze growing darker as he narrowed his eyes.

He waited a while longer until the sun was fully over the mountains, but still early enough in the morning. Pressing the orb against his chest, he allowed it to enter his body. Almost immediately after it sunk down into his chest, he felt a reaction. The power exploded and he dropped to his knees, doubled over. Cursing softly to himself, the cloaked man clenched a fist over his chest and fought back, struggling to contain the power.

Eventually he got a hold of it. It's been so long... too long. I'll need to be careful, he thought as he stood up and directed his focus out to the lands. The next thing was to locate the other orbs as they were all connected in one way or another. Closing his energy around the orbs, he allowed it to stretch forth from his frame and sweep the land before him. With both eyes shut, he concentrated only on finding the others.

Finally, he touched the fire orb locating it to the south west of his location. Moving on, he stretched further and touched the air orb, brushing it briefly, but enough to feel it. It was located north of the fire orb. Lastly, he located the earth orb which was to his west and slightly north. Once he touched them all, he could feel them reacting to his touch. Drawing back, he released his pent up air that he'd been unknowingly holding. Panting slightly, he dropped down to one knee.

All that's left now is to get them before that man does. Or everything is lost.


The audience chamber was filled like it always was and after the Duke had left there was a sour taste in Siya's mouth. He wished that he had one of his protectors with him. They made things all the easier to deal with, well... at least Reynard did anyway. Mark was a bit different, harder to handle but even so. The man did have his merits, if he weren't in a drunken stupor most times. Even so, Siya over looked it. He was sure the man would change. Everyone changed. That much he was positive of.

So when the double doors opened allowing the exit of the duke, whom Siya had dismissed and was currently listening to another, his protector Mark approached. The room was silent as he entered, definitely far later than the King himself. Siya smiled, allowing himself a brief respite as one of his two entered the room. I wonder where Reynard is... he thought. There were very few things that would keep the man from Siya's side. Perhaps it was something urgent.

He mentally shrugged and pushed the thought aside. As much as he missed the dark haired, cold shouldered protector, he would continue doing what he was supposed to do. Which was hold this audience. If he didn't do it right, Reynard was sure to be on his back about it later.

“Sorry. I was busy studying the architects of yender and how their works on the old groves could improve our magical applications of crops.”

Siya nodded slightly as his protector told him of his 'reasons' for being late. Should Reynard have been there, the dark haired protector surely would have said something in return. Even so, Siya knew better. He could tell the man was still in a stupor, the way he moved was sluggish, done so by alcohol.

Finally he made it to the side of the throne where his usual place was, "Continue, don't let my tardiness interrupt you."

Siya waved his hand at the woman who had stopped in her speech during Mark's arrival. She looked briefly to him a few times before stuttering and beginning again. The young king listened intently, as he did with the other seven who came before him. It was going to be a long morning, his audience chamber was completely full. As he worked through the many occupants, he began to feel... strange. Something passed through his body. A heavy power that touched his very core. He froze for a mere moment, suffocated by the power before everything returned. Then it faded away as if it had never been there. However, it left behind, a storming wake.

Leaning back in his chair, he gently pulled at his clothes. Hot... he thought to himself. Which was odd being the fire King. Why was it he was hot in the first place? What I just felt... what was that... he thought to himself as he panted slightly. He never felt hot before. In fact the only thing he'd ever felt was cold, never hot. Siya tried his best to ignore it. He worked through two more of the occupants. Slowly he was beginning to feel pain in his chest and he winced slightly. The man before him stopped as Siya raised his hand. I can't continue...

"I'm sorry, but I'm not feeling very well. Please forgive me, we'll continue tomorrow."

He ordered and ground his teeth as even his own voice sounded strained. The pain was growing steadily and it was all he could do to keep still and not writhe in his seat. Every limb was shaking ever so slightly, his breath was short as he fought back the burning. Eventually the entire audience chamber was empty and he doubled over, unable to hold it anymore. For the first time since gaining the orb he could feel it. And it was painful.

Panting heavily, he clenched his hands over his chest. Giving a slight moan, he toppled forward onto the floor at the foot of his throne. Trembling violently, his voice was cracked as he writhed slightly on the floor. Soft cries of pain escaped his lips as he tried to get his orb back under control, though he wasn't even sure what he was trying to control really. It felt as if he was burning alive, the heavy pressure in his chest was crushing.

"Stop..." he moaned softly, "Stop... please make it... stop..." delirious in pain, he wasn't even sure if he'd spoken the words.


As per usual, Kanan was hard pressed to find his charge. He strode through the halls of the castle knowing that he wasn't going to find the man inside anyway. Still, the young protector had a routine. He moved through the entire building, his senses stretched as he read the air around him. It was raining outside, a pleasant feeling if he said so himself.

As he moved through the building, he caught the familiar feel of his King and the other protector, Minnow. They were both in the throne room. The throne room? Kanan thought to himself. It was rather odd to have the King there of all places. So he worked his way towards the room and entered. Padding across the stone floor, he dropped down to one knee right before the King's throne before getting to his feet again and taking his usual place at the man's side.

"Sire," was all he offered before standing next to his King.

He noted that there was a towel in his hands and that Minnow had one as well. Both smelled of the rain. Kanan turned his one good eye to the window where the smaller protector had put a potted plant. It was another one of different color this time. An odd ritual in Kanan's eyes, but something he'd grown used to seeing. Outside, the rain was pelting hard against the glass and he almost wished that he could be out in it like the other two had been.

However, he had duties to attend to, unlike his other two companions. He wished at times that the King would be more 'kingly' but he was not. He knew that Minnow as a hard worker as well, but sometimes he would find the boy sleeping in the green house outside on the castle grounds. He would be covered in flower petals and leaves every time. It was... cute... to say the least. Still though, the taller protector wished the other would be a bit more realistic in his sleeping schedule.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Siya Ukomo Character Portrait: Reynard Enide Character Portrait: Mark Miles
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There are certain things in this world that are known to be constant and true. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, truth is stranger than fiction, sacrifices are required to manipulate the elements, and Reynard Enide is always on hand. That last fact is one of the more important ones because for most people out of sight means out of mind, which is, quite honestly, exactly what Reynard is banking on. Unlike most protectors, Reynard was not always an obvious presence by his king's side and for very good reasons. Sometimes it's better not to crowd the king, but rather to watch from a distance, all-seeing and undistracted by chatter. There's also the fact that he's not always… welcome due to his intimidating the general crowd who flock to the amiable and all too trusting Fire King and subsequently sending said king into a childish state of pique. Or, as is the case this morning, said protector simply wanted to give his charge the responsibility to wake himself up and make it to the meeting on time. After all, Lord Siya had been pestering him for ages about letting him have more freedom to move around as he pleased. If the King couldn't even handle himself at a meeting, a strict part of his duties, he certainly couldn't be trusted to wander around the kingdom with limited guidance. It was a test.

A test which, Reynard realized as he mingled towards the back of the audience, gaze flickering from the empty throne to the growing irritation of the crowd around him, he was already failing. Not that he should have been surprised- Lord Siya had had a tardiness problem since the day Reynard was assigned to him. Maybe it was due to his age or the simple fact that he was used to people like Reynard dogging his every step, waving a schedule in his face while ushering him from duty to duty, but some things, Reynard noted ruefully, never changed.

It is to be noted that, while a part of the crowd, Reynard somehow stayed bellow notice, more of a fixture in the room like a curtain or candle than one of the milling members of humanity whispering in an agitated state. For all of his height and his long black hair pulled back into a tight ponytail, he stayed below notice by simply not moving, like a shadowy, besuited statue hovering in the back. Which was, of course, exactly how Reynard wanted it; he was here, after all, to do his job, not to mingle.

"Sorry!" The impatient advisers turned to their king as one, faces a sea of frowns with none more disappointed looking or as exasperated as Reynard himself. The throne looked bare with his fellow protector an apparent no-show, Lord Siya looking more his age than ever by himself in front of the crowd. It was with intense restraint that he didn't move himself through the crowds and to Lord Siya's side, drawn to his proper spot by his side like a moth to a flame(ha, a joke. He'd made a joke, Reynard realized with a blink. How bizarre).

He didn't take the time to dwell on the fact that he was apparently developing a sense of humor because that was when Duke Lukair made his entrance, as pompous and irritating as ever. Of course Reynard was inclined to agree with him on certain issues like Lord Siya's tardiness habit or lack of good explanations, but the man didn't need to be such a pretentious ass about it, did he? And then, to have the gall to challenge his own king in a room full of his subjects, well, that just wasn't on.

It was too bad for the Duke, Reynard noticed with an almost imperceptible smirk playing on his lips, that Lord Siya was far too professional to be visibly bothered by such things. He handled the case with the sternness and dignity of his office, which apparently only served to upset the Duke even further as he stormed out of the room, acting more like a child than even their young king. However, any lingering amusement dissipated instantly with the staggering entrance of Miles. Oh, Lord, he was still hung over. And then, to put on a show about it, hamming it up for the captive audience. Oh, they would be having words after this, Reynard decided, lips twisting into a scowl. They would be having words.

The audience with the King proceeded smoothly after that little interruption, and with something akin to pride swelling in his chest, Reynard watched his young charge listen dutifully and pass judgement or offer promises to those that stood before him, as benevolent a king as one could want. These moments were the ones that Reynard looked back on every time his trust in the King's abilities began to waver, however infrequently that may be. He had some growing up to do, of course, and there were issues that needed to be worked on, but no king was perfect. Besides, that was what the protectors were there for, to complement the king and to keep him alive and well so that he may improve and grow as a ruler. It did help that Lord Siya was quite charming in an almost naive sort of way, idealistic, kind… And he put a stop to those dangerous thoughts then and there because that was certainly not a path his mind needed to go down.

Perhaps it was only because he was watching Lord Siya so intently that Reynard first noticed a change in his expression. His pale face was flushed with heat and he tugged incessantly at his clothing. It was enough to spark Reynard's concern because, in all of his time knowing the young king, he had never seen him look like that, not when flickering flames licked at his surroundings, not when the Summer sun beat down on the kingdom, not even when he was ill. It was disconcerting and Reynard's own anxiety only heightened as the Fire King (politely) asked his subjects to leave. It wasn't until the last person made their way out the door that Lord Siya collapsed.

"Siya!" No time for titles, no time for formality; just Siya.

Reynard was already moving before the King hit the floor, sliding to a stop and collapsing onto his knees by the King's side. He was writhing, pained gasps and begging for and end to this pain escaping his lips. Reynard's hands fluttered over Siya's face and he could feel the heat radiating off of him like a furnace, almost scalding to the touch. But if Reynard was afraid of a little heat, well, he was in the wrong occupation. He manhandled Silva quite literally, pulling his head onto his lap for some meager amount of cushioning and, that task done, his left hand shot back to the small bag attached to his hip, pulling out a small metal marble.

There wasn't much he could do to help the younger man, to Reynard's growing distress, because he simply didn't know what was happening. This was out of his depth, out of his expertise, but, as the metal marble dissolved in his hand and cool water subsequently wrapped around both right and left hands almost like a glove, he could try to assuage it, whatever it was. He cradled the King's face in his hands delicately but with some pressure to allow the cooling waters to actually be affective at combating the heat, all the while muttering under his breath soothing words that really seemed out of place from the stern looking man.

"Siya, listen to me, Siya- You'll be fine, it will be fine. Bear with me, please, bear with me. You'll be fine."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amon Ad-Raza Character Portrait: Siya Ukomo Character Portrait: Taki Hattori Character Portrait: Renardine "Minnow" Lunvari Character Portrait: Kanan Thiyer Character Portrait: Reynard Enide
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#, as written by Siryn

The burning pain was unbearable. It was seemingly escalating, making him feel as if he was burning alive. The young king's breath panted heavily from his chest as he shuddered, soft cries of pain still falling from his lips. This pain was unlike anything he'd ever felt before. Stop... he cried silently. Someone was holding him, but he couldn't tell who it was. Their voice had resounded in the hall when they shouted for him. He knew that voice very well, but he couldn't place it right then.

He felt his body being moved up onto something soft, hands cradled his face, cold and wet. His fingers tightened over his chest, clenching the fabric of his clothes tighter by the second.

"Siya, listen to me, Siya- You'll be fine, it will be fine. Bear with me, please, bear with me. You'll be fine." the voice called to him. The soothing tone was something he tried to focus on.

Ah... Reynard... you're here. his thoughts were slightly delirious as he peeled open one eye to glance up at his protector. His vision swam so he couldn't quite make out the other's facial features. Soon after he closed his eye again to try to fight off the growing pain.

Each breath was growing shorter, quicker. Reaching up, he snatched the arm of the one who was holding him, his fingers digging into their arm tightly. He let out a sharp scream as his back arched and a slight ring of fire erupted out from his trembling frame. The fire didn't last long though, fading away almost instantly. Falling still against Reynard, he panted, though not out of pain. He was weary. The sudden attack was over almost as quickly as it had come, leaving nothing behind to say that anything had happened, aside from a very tired Fire Lord.

His fingers unclenched the cloth of his robes and his hand fell down against the cool stone of the dais as he rested there in the grip of his protector, "Reynard," he breathed softly. After a while, his breathing became regular and he relaxed somewhat. Turning his head into his protector's abdomen, he didn't want to move. Rather, he couldn't move. Taking a deep breath, he let it out in one long sigh. Opening his eyes, he was greeted by the face of Reynard who was leaning over him.

"Reynard... the orb. Something happened to it. I... We have to contact the others. I don't like what just happened. I've never read anything like this in the books and journals that have been kept," he sighed heavily, "Ugh... so tired. My head..." he reached up and brushed his fingers against his forehead which was now starting to pound slightly, "Hurts a little..."

What just happened... that was so strange and so terrifying. Did it happen to the others? Are they okay? his thoughts were slightly jumbled as he tried to piece it all together. As much as he wanted to sleep though, he had to start getting things prepared. Lifting his other hand, he pushed against the floor to try to get up, but between Reynard and his own weakness he failed miserably. Collapsing against the other, he groaned slightly. So weak... that took so much energy out of me. Why?

"I have to get preparations ready to see the other Kings. Write and send letters, prepare for the journey, food and water, clothing and lodging along the way..." his voice trailed off as he tried to keep awake. This... is ridiculous. None of the other Kings would allow this to happen to them... he thought to himself as he fought to keep focused.


”Good Morning. Did you sleep well, Kanan?”

The smaller protector greeted him warmly, his contagious smile almost making it's way to his own lips. When was the last time he'd smiled? Kanan couldn't remember. However, the bubbly protector was always filled with a kind of energy that seemingly attracted Kanan to him. The warrior wasn't sure how to deal with that though. It wasn't like he was open to anyone, or allowed anyone close to him. The air protector shut out those thoughts rather quickly and was thankful for the distraction.

"I know, I'm actually in the throne room! I'm starting to think I should do this more often just to see the looks on everyone's' faces. Figured I get some king stuff out of the way while I take a break, dry off a bit as well maybe. I figure another thirty minutes or so then grab something to eat, then back to work!"

Kanan lifted an eyebrow as he gazed down at his King who was situated on his throne. If he hadn't been paying attention, he would have missed the shiver that passed through the man's large frame. Something was wrong, but Kanan wasn't entirely sure what it was. Then, he felt something. It passed through the air like a force of energy he'd never felt before. It rocked his senses, throwing him off entirely. Stunned, Kanan was unsure as to what to do or what was going on for a mere moment. To his horror, it touched his King. The man stood up then, or tried to rather.

"Ok...I uh.....need something to eat..."


Kanan gave a shout as well as he rushed to the two of them as Minnow took the full weight of their King. The young protector wasn't built to handle such a heavy load and so Kanan quickly moved to help him at the beckon call of the cute boy.


"Sire!" Kanan dropped down next to him, having been slightly delayed from his earlier stun to do much to help Minnow. Taking his arm, he pulled the man upwards. It wasn't until he touched the King that Kanan realized how cold his body was. What is going on? he thought frantically. Immediately his next reaction was that of the defensive. Several items sacrificed, turning blue and swirling like little flakes around his frame to sink down into his skin. With the added energy, he dropped his hand down to his sword in preparation to draw it and unleash all hell upon any who approached them.

Minnow, on the other hand was tending to their King and once his fingers touched Amon as well, he gasped, drawing Kanan's attention. Glancing over to the young, blonde haired protector, the warrior's blue eye watched him carefully. The only thing that kept Kanan from drawing his weapon and attacking on sight was the boys following order.

”Move him to his chambers and grab extra firewood and as much hot water as you can find.”

Turning his attention to the King in his grip, he shifted around and hauled the man upwards to his feet with one arm dragged over his shoulder. He snaked his own arm around the man's waist and secured his hold on him. He gave a short nod to Minnow before making his way to the King's chambers. Hurry, Minnow... whatever it is you're going to do, do it quickly he thought. Once in the room, he laid the King upon his bed and started the fire.

The water, however, he couldn't do much for. There was one pail of water and so he put that over the fire, but he refused to leave the man's side. Sacrificing another set of metal, he drew his sword and stood guard over the bed, his good eye wandering the room, his senses stretched to their maximum as he waited for Minnow's return.


It had been ages since he'd last set foot in the earthen kingdom. At least, that's what it felt like to Hebi. Though, the moment he stepped into the castle, he immediately felt confined. He didn't like the stuffy walls or the people that surrounded him. He hated every aspect of it. Even so, he remained because he had to and he valued his life far too much to do anything about it.

Still, he found entertainment even if it bordered dangerous. Which was what he did right then. He'd worked his way through the castle and couldn't find either his King or the other protector around. Hebi knew Taki well enough though to go looking elsewhere. The man was not one to stay indoors, that was for sure. He knew immediately where the King was once he stepped foot out into the open land that was behind the palace. The sprawling pasture, the lake not to far off, the many trees and the many, many dogs. All of which were barking hysterically.

Hebi's features turned from bored to amused within seconds. Working his way towards the obnoxious noises, he stumbled upon a peculiar sight. Looking down, he noted that Taki, his King, was on the ground seemingly in pain. His lips twitched into an evil smile as he slowly knelt down, shooing away the dogs with a certain kind of disdain as they got too close to him. With one eyebrow raised he watched his King writhe on the ground for a moment.

"My my... what a difficult position you find yourself in, my Lord," Hebi offered after a while of watching the man suffer.

Hebi didn't move or make any other attempts to help the man, simply only watched him, "Hmm... maybe I should fetch our other dearest protector whose doing such a wonderful job of watching over you. Though, I doubt anything can be done. I don't see any wounds, there is no blood. Poison perhaps? What a pity, and I'm no healer. Say, my Lord, what would you have me do right now?" Hebi grinned as he continued his horrid speech.