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Shadrack Lieffers

Well-known Negations expert. Steadily going blind in favor of sight through sensitivity to magic and sound. "And so the blind will lead the blind .. "

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a character in “King/Soul: Moonlight Assassin”, as played by ViceVersus


Played By: ViceVersus

Name: Shadrack "Shad" Lieffers

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Race: Enhanced Human

Nationality: American

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Marital Status: Single

Appearance: Wiry frame, lean diver's body. Brown hair in tight curls. Strong features.

Clothing: Dress shirts, black vests, dress pants.

Melee Weapon: NA

Main Firearm: NA

Fighting Styles: Stays backline. His specialty is not hand-to-hand or any sort of run-and-gun. Can disengage oncoming offensive spells with a thrust of his palm. Can disable opponents passively. More of a compliment to any offensive team, not the forefront of it.

Powers: Negations. The art of negating, countering, dissipating magic. In layman's terms, Negation is the difference between throwing water on a fire to stifle it, and removing all the oxygen in the air from the immediate area. It's more than just curses and countercurses -- it's the stark anti-thesis to the paranormal, to magic.

Negations is an unforgiving study.

Once you get into Negations, there's no turning back. It starts with unlearning everything about magic, and it ends with the subject's senses completely rearranged. To be successful Negator, you have to be quick - almost instantaneous - with your understanding of the forces around you. Sight through eyes is limiting. Makes you dependent on what is there, not what isn't there. For someone to be truly skilled in Negations, it's not entirely uncommon to undergo an operation removing the eyes completely.

This process forces the Negator to rely on heightened sound and magic senses, making them much more effective on the field. It's considered the 'final step' into becoming a true expert. In the United States magical community, someone with no eyes is respected and feared more often than the most powerful mage.

This ability allows him primarily to identify magical signatures in the air; it allows him to re-trace steps in a magical battle.

Weaknesses: Despite the gift of Negation, Shad is still hindered in his daily life from being blind. He can "see" shapes and sense body heat signatures, but things like colors and things without texture are lost to him. Relies sometimes on his guide dog Tiberius "Ti" for menial tasks.

Personality: During his time interning with the Senate, Shad made a reputation for himself as disciplined and practical, with a voracious appetite for work. If campaign sticker sheets needed to be organized, he would do it. If calls needed to be made, he would do it. There was a singularity of focus to the young man that caught the attention of a few Capitol Hill particulars, with the underworld in mind.

Post-training, Shad has retained the same personality traits. He is prone to private moments of misery, but his determination to do good against all odds manages to prevail.

Bio: Born in Virginia but raised in the DC area, Shad's always had a shrewd understanding of politics both on Capitol Hill, and underneath it. He was initially interested in government, interning for a well-known Senator's campaign office, when he encountered the world of the paranormal.

Noting that he held the necessary personality traits for the craft, the Senator privately approached Shad discussing the opportunity. By the time Shad realized what he was fully getting into, he realized his vision was already starting to fade.

However many years later, Shad has lost all sight in his eyes. He is a critical figure in the Untied States underworld, a backpocket secret. Currently receiving gentle pressure from governmental higher-ups to undergo the all-too-important procedure of complete eye removal. Despite Shad's skill in Negation, it is a final step he is wary to take.

Theme Song: "Give Me Your Eyes" by Brandon Heath

So begins...

Shadrack Lieffers's Story

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Character Portrait: Asher Evans Character Portrait: Shadrack Lieffers Character Portrait: Dagran Laszulis
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Asher had so many responsibilities to take care of. Hiding his identity, killing Immortali... Getting a present for his angelic (literally) girlfriend... But right now he's stuck on his homework. Sure, it's easy. But Asher doesn't even know why the teachers even try... Well, that's what you get for choosin the body of a fourteen year old.

Asher was currently replaying the memories of his 2000 year life in his mind. From beginning to this very moment right now. However, his thoughts were interrupted when he saw a couple getting chased by what would look like hoodlums. A normal human would mistake them for a bunch of teens from a gang. Asher was no normal human. In his eyes, he knew what he was looking at. Vampires. Asher could tell by the way they moved, and his prediction was confirmed when they started feasting on one of the couple. Asher quickly ran to the front door, picked up his keys, and locked himself out of the house and started running to the site. Then Asher felt the temperature rise, like an explosion occurred. But no boom or smoke cloud? Weird. Asher thought as he neared the site. When he got there, no one was around, except for one silhouette running.

Asher chased this man to a bus stop and sighed. I might as well stay hidden an find out what he's waiting for. Asher took out a cell phone, charged it with his lightning manipulation, and called his high school office. With a disguised voice, Asher said to the secratery "Hello? This is Mr. Evans, father of Asher Evans. Our family will be going out of state for a while and Asher can't go to school for a few weeks. Bye." Now that he has an excuse, it's time to see what's going on. Of course, Asher might have to get out of the high school permenantly, since this adventure might take longer than a few weeks.

Of course, Asher's attention would be drawn to anything that would have an abnormal presence. So of course, Asher's presence was drawn to another man waiting somewhere nearby. Asher followed his sixth sense and was led to a blind man with a seeing eye dog. Well... That was anticlimactic. However, Asher had a bad feeling about this man. After all, you never judge a book by its cover, and this guy felt… weird. So, Asher waited behind a building, covered I. Whatever darkness he could find and watched the blind man.

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Character Portrait: Asher Evans Character Portrait: Shadrack Lieffers
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Fortunately, Asher has a lot of patience, which was obtained for living for a few thuosand years. However, he is starting to get bored. Come on... Asher thought to himself. No one waits outside for someone in the cold unless it is a seriously important occasion... That or you're just waiting for you're girlfriend, one who you are seriously devoted to. Asher mentally sighed.

He stood still, like a statue, for... Aw crap... what time is it? Suddenly Asher felt the cold wind hitting against his clothes. Luckily, Asher was practically immune to temperature, due to his manipulation of fire and ice. However, Asher was tired, mentally. The teachers at the high school are trying to make him get an F, even after all those tests and assignments the handed to him to do during class. Then the homework. They always pull off a hundred essay or something at him for every subject. Those teachers are way too persistent. They need to let go.

Usually what happens in these occasions is that Asher's mind would drift off to some random memory... And the one chosen this time was his view of the Incident at Honnō-ji.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malrin Koduen Character Portrait: Shadrack Lieffers
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Malrin was almost at her apartment. it was a big apartment, 10 stories. she lived on the 4th. she was almost there when she thought of something in her past. she was just standing there next to an old bar she remembered. the first bar her parents had brought her to. she remembered her first drink of alcohol. she hated it. she spit it out when she first tasted it. she smiled as she remembered her dad, laughing and rolling on the ground. i loathed him that day, but i couldn't stay mad at him for long. Malrin walked on, and looked behind her once more at the old bar.

Malrin was almost at her apartments when he saw a man standing at a bus stop. she sensed something odd in that man, but she couldn't put her finger on it. she almost walked away from him when she noticed something spark from his hand, and she stared wide eyed at the man because she just noticed that he was an enhanced human. she tried to act casual, but she tripped, and 5 handguns went sprawling out of her pocket. she yelped and tried to pick them all up. when she had finally concealed all of them, she hoped that the man hadn't seen her. what a fat chance that was.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malrin Koduen Character Portrait: Asher Evans Character Portrait: Shadrack Lieffers
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Asher ran through the flames as fast as he could. He had to stop Nobunaga Oda from comitting suicide. Why? That means there will be one more powerful Devil's Immortali. It would be a matter of time before... Shit! I can't see! Asher was under the infuence of dark manipulation. He can't see anything at all. He was too late. However, Nobunaga was not that strong. He could still hear the floors creak where he stepped. Immediately, Asher calmed himself down and drew his sword. He could hear the wind being split by Nobunaga's sword, and Asher slashed at that direction. Nobunaga tried again, and again, and again. However, Asher intercepted each attack. Nobunaga tried one last time, but then Asher sensed another person. Eva. She drew her own sword and stabbed Nobunaga from behind, turning him into ashes. At that moment, Asher could see again, but at this moment, it was infused with another memory.

This time, Asher was on the floor, bleeding. Eva laid him on her lap as she cried and tried to heal him, but to no avail. In the background stood a clone of himself, Dark Asher. He had black hair and crimson red eyes. Dark Asher is the exact opposite, and he is standing with a bloody knife in his hand. "Damn.... You...." was all Asher could say before everything turned to black.

Asher woke up as soon as the dream ended. Damn... There I go again with my memories.... Asher thought as he tried to find the man again. Eventually he did, along with a girl who had dropped five handguns. Oh. Like that's not suspicious. Asher started walking toward the girl, his sword sheathed in something that resembles a walking stick. Asher walked up to the woman and tapped her on the shoulder. "Hello? Ma'am? I couldn't help but notice the five handguns you have there." To anyone else but him, Asher was in a coat, jeans, and white sneakers. His hair had also turned black instead of white, but Asher decided to keep his eye color.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malrin Koduen Character Portrait: Shadrack Lieffers
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Malrin looked at the man, and cussed under her breath. "please dont tell anyone, i was about to be mugged by a bunch of meth dealers, and i didn't have time to hide the bodies." Malrin said. she looked the man up and down, and saw a cane under his coat. probably a weapon of some sort. she tried to stay cool but she couldn't, and trembled. "look, i know what you are. you are an enhanced human. my name is malrin" she said under her breath as she waited for the man to reply, she automatically saw an image of 2 police officers finding the 12 bodies, and calling it in. she had these flash-ins frequently, like what someone was ordering for lunch, and what other people she saw were doing at the moment. she could also look into the past of other peoples minds, but that left a sensation in their heads. and this enhanced human might be able to feel that and fend her off, but she tried anyway. she probed into the mans mind, but the man blocked her out. Malrin moved her hand to her PB-3 pistol just in case stuff got dirty, and waited for the man to reply.

as Malrin was waiting, she had another flash-in.
"sir, we have found 12 bodies in an alleyway, all shot directly in the heart, two of them through the back. they looked to be meth dealers." an officer said. "well, we will send 2 more squadrons there, and some bloodhounds to sniff the killer, or killers, out." the radio replied, and 2 minutes later, more police came and identified the bodies. 2 bloodhounds came out, and started sniffing. after 5 minutes, they couldn't find anything, because Wood elves dont have a scent. so they got body bags for the 12 pot dealers, and left back for the station for a synopsis.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malrin Koduen Character Portrait: Shadrack Lieffers
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"hello there, Asher. sorry, its just a habit i have, trying to get into others heads." she brought her voice down to a low whisper. "i am a wood elf, one of the only few left in the world. my name is." Malrin looked around, and saw a police car headed their way, and Malrin quickly looked back at Asher, and said to him "those cops are looking for anyone suspicious. im glad that their bloodhounds cant track our scent, lest we even have a scent. but they can sense whenever someone is near the suspect, and that cop car has a bloodhound in it. if we dont hide soon, they will find us. quickly, into my apartment, we need to stay safe, or else they will get suspicious" and she went into her apartment.

and at that moment, Malrin had a flash in, but she blocked it out of her head. it flew out and bounced on the edge of her memory, seeming to whimper for attention. Malrin had went into the apartment whether the man was following her or not. they got into her apartment, and Malrin saw all her sword, dagger, dirk, crossbow, bow, and gun collections along the high class apartment wall. she took out all the guns, and looked them over. they were all crappy street pistols, she had 5 of them, now 15. she looked at the dining room, and took out her huge wad of 5 grand, looking it over. she saw Asher looking at her, and she frowned. "all these pot addicts on the street who buy that stuff. here, ill give you some." and he gave Asher 2 grand. she looked into her living room, and almost forgot about the Flash in on the edge of her memory. she let it in, and it flew into her head like an arrow:
There was a cop in a car, and he was driving down one of the main roads, looking for anybody suspicious, when he saw a girl walking down the street, and she tripped. 5 things flew out of her sweatshirt, and she quickly picked them up. he was about to get out and help her when a man came and talked to her. the officer couldn't hear them, but he imagined he was asking what was in her sweatshirt, and the girl looked back at the cop car, and quickly looked back and said something to the man he couldn't make out. "we've got suspicious activity on 5th boulevard, im gonna go check it out." the officer talked into his radio, and the 2 went into the apartments behind them. the officer got out, and went to check it out.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malrin Koduen Character Portrait: Shadrack Lieffers
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Malrin looked at Asher, and got surprised when he turned down the money. she shrugged and put all her money into a safe box. she got worried from her Flash-in encounter, and grabbed her special knife from her pocket. she tested its magical capabilities, loving the rush of speed she got from it. she swung up and down, did some martial arts, and almost forgot that Asher was here.

it was late, and she needed to get some supper into her. knowing that Asher had placed a Dark Tag, she calmed down. she got up, and decided it was not dafe for Asher to go back out there, he had been seen, and he needed to stay for a little bit. "you can touch the weapons if you want, they cant harm me, so you couldn't kill me with them even if you wanted to." she said, and decided to hand Asher her most prized possession, her modified MK-14. it was sleek, elegant, and barely ever missed its shot. "you are going to need to stay here for a little bit, those cops saw you, and the man in there probably would have shot you if you didn't place down that Dark Tag. that was a risky thing you did back there." and Malrin turned on the television, which she didn't use often, but went to the news. nothing of her act was on the news. yet. she asked if Asher wanted any food, and made some regardless his answer. she didn't eat often, but tonight she just needed to eat. that was probably the most riskiest thing she could have done. "wait here, im going to go take off this sweatshirt, watch the soup for me. and dont do any of that fancy sparky hand charge your phone thingy, and she went into her bedroom to change her clothes, after she closed the door