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Kono Defense Force



a part of Kono Defense Force, by Aniihya.


Aniihya holds sovereignty over Kono, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Kono is a part of Kono Defense Force.

4 Characters Here

Jessica Aretold [0] Jessica is a combat cyborg in the body of a young girl. She's not fully aware of the power she possesses.
Virgil Devsone [0] Virgil is a dangerous cannibal, and has a very violent personality. But beyond that he's absolutely charming.
Yuki Marusa [0] Yuki is a cyborg who is a member of the defense force.
Leon "D" Emmitt [0] Leon may not be like all the other cybernetic allies of the city-state Kono, but he chooses to fight just like the others.

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Virgil walked the streets of Kono, assault rifle in hand. He walked cautiously through this sector, as it had completely overran by the enemy. His eyes scanned the corners and straightaways of the city. His current job was a military mercenary. Virgil despised the military for what they had done to him, but that didn't mean he liked the invading one any more.

He moved closer to the walls, keeping his back close to them, moving around the urban enviorment with ease. He continued one untill he saw a convoy in the distance. Peaking around a corner, he saw four soldiers standing around, and an APC. Virgil would could make quick work of soldiers...but the APC was a different matter. He didn't have explosives... He moved from cover to cover, crouching behind a broken palisade. Again, closer, he examined them. They seemed to have no extrodinary weaponry...nothing of particular danger.

But he'd need a distraction...

He looked around for improvised materials.... He saw a tin trashcan...which would work for now...He made a quiet roll across the sidewalk to the alleyway, crouching next to the wastebin. He picked up the lid slowly, and didn't make a squeek. He was in luck. The can was empty as he hoped. He let his rifle hang on it's sling, and pulled out his sidearm. He pulled the magazine from the grip. Pushing five rounds from the clip, and returning the magazine, he picked up the trashcan and walked slowly and quietly walked over to the border of the building. He placed the trashcan on it's side, and put the rounds inside the trashcan, before closing it's lid. Turning out from the corner sharply he placed his boot on the wastebarrel, and pushed off roughly. The can rolled in the direction of the convoy, clanging and clattering on its way.

The soldiers looked around, and walked to the other side of the APC, looking at the trashcan. They then looked in Virgil's direction. The slowly plodded towards him, weapons ready. The reached the building he was hiding behind. He could hear them now.
"You think it was a dog, or something?" One of them said.
"Yeah, more than likely. What else could it be? We cleared this area days ago." Another responded.
"Private, check it out." Their commander said calmly. "And if it's the boogieman, tell him we said 'Hi'". He chuckled out.

The rest of the footsteps walked back in the direction of the convoy, while a voice said "Bu-but! But!" Virgil knew it was the 'private' they spoke of. His footstesp grew closer. Virgil bode his time...waiting, waiting...untill he saw the man come around the corner. He was tall and lanky, but Virgil didn't care about what he looked like. He took a few steps past Virgil(as he had taken to a small nook hidden from direct sight), and continued walking. Virgil took a few steps behind him and placed his rifle's stock into the man's right kidney, before letting go of his rifle, and punching him in the back of the head. He assumedly fell unconcious, as he made no more movements as he clattered to the ground, his gear making quite the racket.

Virgil's head spun around sharply as he expected this soldier's comrades to come running any second. He readied his rifle, and looked in the direction they had come from earlier...sure enough, three other soldiers came jogging to check out this noise. Virgil didn't wait to open fire upon them, gunning one down before the group could react. The others scattered for cover, as did the blonde haired cannibal, and they exchanged shots from behind their cover. The other two soldiers took behind cover completely.

Virgil grinned as he thought his gamble over in his mind. What was life without excitement anyway? He thought, as he ran out from behind cover, towards the enemies. He caught them both mid-reload! What luck on his gable. He raised his rifle and lined his sights up on one's head...and to his dismay, his rifle too clicked empty. He reached to his side, grapling his pistol as he drew it rapidly from it's holster. He aimed at the first soldier, pulling the trigger rapidly, the handgun doing it's job and striking down it's foe with three shots. He then turned to the other soldier, whom had taken ahold of what looked like a combat katana, and ran at him. He pointed his pistol at him...and it clicked.
OHSHIT. I didn't reload my-! Screamed Virgil's mind, before getting kicked in the chest, sending him toppling over. He raced to get up, but it wasn't fast enough. The soldier ran over to Virgil, and planted his boot on the mercenary's chest, raising his blade up in the air.

Was this it? Virgil's mind though, everything else in slow motion. Is this how I'm going to die?


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Leon slammed his feet up onto his desk--looking pleased at the work he had done. His office was meticulously cleaned and his prized G36C hung from the wall. He smiled.

Nothing quite as satisfying as having a well organized office. He thought to himself. His day couldn't go wrong. Just as that thought crossed his mind, the computer screen on his desk flashed. Leon turned to the screen, removing his feet from the desk. The map displayed on his screen flashed a distinct circle around Section 4.

"Great. That's my jurisdiction," Leon said as he stood up from his chair. He walked over to the wall where his rifle hung and slung it over his shoulder. He left his office and headed straight for the armory. All through the halls red lights flashed, illuminating the wall red and sirens flared. People were scurrying around here and there--trying to get to their sections as quickly as possible. Leon moved much more calmly than his allies. He eventually found the armory and moved to the nearest ammo locker and removed an ammo satchel and slung it across his shoulder. Leon then quickly made his way to the garage.

As Leon arrived in the garage, he could see every vehicle departing swiftly.

This must be a large-scale invasion to have this many people departing at once He thought as he walked to the garage operator, Manny. Manny stood inside a hut with rows and rows of keyhooks--mostly empty as of now.

"Hey, Manny," Leon screamed over the screeches and wails of the departing vehicles.
"Yo, "D," what'cha need?"
"Just a Jeep. I don't think it'll take too much firepower for this one."
"One with a mounted .50cal?"
"Yeah, sure."

Manny walked to the back of the hut and picked up a pair of keys and tossed them to Leon. Manny pointed to the end of the garage where Leon's Jeep was parked. Leon sprinted over quickly and tossed his things into the back seat and drove out of the garage.

Leon sped through the streets of Kono as fast as the Jeep would go. The GPS on the dashboard flashed the location where Leon was to go. He wasted no time in approaching the target when he noticed someone else engaging them already. Leon stopped the Jeep several yards away from the engagement, grabbed his G36C, and jumped out of the Jeep. He sprinted as quickly as he could to what was left of the engagement. He could clearly see now that it was a Defense Force mercenary taking down several enemies. Leon was close enough now to hear the clicks of the enemies weapons as the mercenary gunned them down. He was almost close enough to assist as he could hear more distinct clicks of empty guns--one of which was the mercenaries. Leon watched as the enemy kicked him down. The enemy raised his blade above the mercenary's chest and began to bring the blade down. Leon was more than in range. He swung his G36C and snapped the enemy's arm. He howled in agony as Leon kicked him behind his knee, toppling him. Leon took aim as the enemy looked into his eyes. Leon fired, turning his head away so the blood wouldn't splatter into his face. He then turned to the mercenary and extended his hand.

"You alright?"


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Virgil's eyes widened as his mind raced. The soldier's blade inched closer to his body in slow motion. He closed his eyes, and waited for the end.... But it didn't come. He opened his eyes, to the sound of the soldier that had pinned him arm's cracking, following by his cry of agony. It didn't take long for Virgil to realize that his bacon had been saved. The soldier stumbled off of him, and he rolled out from under the man's foot with a coughing spell. He then heard the loud cracking of a firearm crackling close to him. His head turned sharply to take view of his situation. A new soldier had gunned down foe, quite nastily as well, as blood splashed across Virgil's back(not that he could feel it through his armor).

"You alright?" The voice offered to Virgil, along with a hand. The blonde mercenary smiled as he took the hand, and pulled himself to a stand, holding his gut with one hand. "Hah...Ha, yeah, thanks boy. Saved my ass big time." He panted out. He stood upright, and looked back over at the soldier that pinned him down. he took a high step, and brought his boot down heavily on his body, with an angry shout. "Shit got the best of my ammoless situation, no excuse though." Virgil said with the last of his current breath as he exahaled heavily.

He turned to the man whom had saved him, eyeing him up and down, giving him a full view of his entire face. "Lt. Louis Virgil Devsome. Ex-soldier made mercenary. Thanks again." He said, his scarred face scrunching to show his almostly flawless, pearly teeth.

((Sorry for my very late post. But I'm at MYRTLE BEACH!!!!))


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Leon quickly threw a salute.

"Corporal Leon Emmitt," Leon said as he gave his stern salute. Leon surveyed the area quickly. He could count about three soldiers that were already killed and the fourth he made quick work of. He could also see the APC that he suspected they all came in.

Wait, don't most modern APCs hold at least 9 personnel? Leon thought. As soon as that thought crossed his mind, the back door to the APC swung open and a man tumbled out of the carrier, brandishing a RPG and quickly locked on target. Leon had to think quickly. Leon raised his G36C and activated the laser sight. He trailed the sight onto the enemies arm that held the RPG in place. Leon released three burst, shattering the enemies arm into a red mist of bone and flesh. He screamed an agonizing scream as the RPG pointed downwards and fired, blowing the APC and the firer to bits.

"We should get moving before any more surprises pop out," Leon said as he turned towards the Jeep, "I've got transport this way."


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Virgil nodded picking up his collective weapons, and begining to reload them. "Sounds absolutely delightful. I've had enough of these dogs." He said ,looking at the saluting soldier. "And no need to salute...." He started with before the soldier turned rapidly and brought fire upon a man that had popped out of the APC that Virgil had forgotten all about. The man fired upon had an RPG, and was about to launch it. Luckily for the two, when Leon had fired on him, his aim went straight down and blew the back clean off of the APC.

"Shit, boy. Nice shooting! You're a hotter shot than Hornst was." He said with a laugh at the explosion. "Nice, nice nice...well, you have a Jeep? What are we waiting for? Let's get away from these dicks." He said with enthusiasm, following the man to his Jeep, and hopping in the passenger seat.


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Leon jumped into the driver seat of the Jeep and started it and sped off. He looked at the GPS on the dashboard and several green "assistance needed" circles flashed all over the map.

"They're really going all out this time," Leon said as he turned down the road to the nearest one, "It's as though they plan to crush us in one go."

Leon took a turn onto the interstate and began to accelerate to top speed. Just as he did, the GPS flashed several small, red circles on the screen. Leon looked around and could see several enemy vehicles driving onto the interstate through the exit ramps--all carrying several men, or armed with heavy machine guns. Leon looked over.

"Lieutenant Louis, can you operate a .50 caliber machine gun," Leon asked as he pointed to the mounted gun on the back of the Jeep, "Because if so, you might need to before we're crushed in one go."


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Virgil sat quietly in the jeep as the soldier talked to him, as he nodded slowly to each statement. Then he looked over to the GPS-like device, seeing all the red bleeps. "Oh, goody. They like us." He said with a frown.

The soldier asked him if he could operate a .50 caliber machine gun. "Are you kidding? This is a good memory to me! A FANTASTIC memory! He turned around in his seet, and hopped over the boundry between the seats and the machine gun. He checked it completely, and pulled the bolt back agressively with a loud "Chank".
"Let's rock these fuckers!" Virgil roared, pulling the dual triggers on the machine gun, causing the gun to light up with gunfire, each round booming like a cannon. Virgil opened fire upon the fire vehicle closest to them. The troops in the vehicle near explosded into bits of meat as the fifty caliber ripped into them. The vehicle also took to bits of shrapnell as it was peppered by the machine gun.

"HEEELLLL YES! That is what I'm talking about!" Virgil screamed at the top of his lungs, as he swung his weight, aiming the machine gun in it's next target: the next vehicle. "Eat this, you BASTARDS!" He cried again as the barrel again came to life with gunfire, spitting out high-caliber death at the next car. And again the target he aimed at was quickly reduced to bits of meat and chunks of metal. He repeated the process a few more time, each time with the same result. Bullets wizzed by him, causing his mind to race. Adreniline pumped through his body, and he was experiencing a combat high.... Once all of the targets had been disengaged, he pumped his arm in the air a few times. "That is how it is DONE!" he slung his head around wildly.

"Alright...that's what I'm talking about!" He said looking around, before smiling down to Leon, as they drove high speed through the streets. "So! Leon! How long you been in service?" he yelled over the hum of the engine as they raced down the road.


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Leon watched as Louis shredded through target after target, screaming at the top of his lungs. Leon focused as he maneuvered the Jeep away from the bits of debris and wreckage that lay after the enemy vehicles had been destroyed. Enemy body parts and fluids sprayed from the hellfire of bullets. Leon eventually had to turn on his windshield wipers to clear some of the blood splatter from his windshield. Leon occasionally ducked from the bullets flying around his head, however he kept his cool and drive expertly. Leon could hear a bullet whiz right by his ear and a small explosion. He looked down to see that the CB radio had been shot. Nothing but white noise screeched out of it.

We won't need it, right?

Soon all the engaging enemies had been taken care of. Leon took the nearest exit to their intended destination. Leon slowed from the top speed of the Jeep to a more street-manageable speed. Leon heard Louis ask him how long he'd been in the service.

"A few years, I suppose. It feels like forever," Leon said as he sped through the city streets. He turned onto a four-lane road and began to speed up again. "I'd much rather not think about the past and focus more ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- here and now." There was a loud hum--like the hum of machinery right in the middle of his sentence. Leon's face suddenly changed to a more stern look.

Did I just hear something just now? Leon thought to himself. He looked back to see if they passed by an enemy installment, but Leon didn't see anything. Suddenly, the ground began to shake violently as they drove. Leon looked into his rear-view mirror and saw that the scenery was distorted.

Camouflage? Leon said to himself. Just as the thought crossed his mind, he could hear the rearing of motorized parts. He felt a swift wind as the ground behind the Jeep was crushed into bits of flying concrete and steel.

"Oh shit," Leon screamed, pushing the gas petal as far as it would go, "I think we have a big problem." Leon kept driving, swerving to avoid the crushes that came from behind the Jeep.

"Call for support," Leon screamed while trying his best not to get them crushed, "Just activate a blip on the GPS--that's about all we can do without a radio!"


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#, as written by Aniihya
(Double post.)


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#, as written by Aniihya
(Sorry I was in Berlin for the past week)

Yuki stood there as she noticed the enemy attack the city. She dashed forward to find an enemy jeep skid around the corner. The jeep locked on to her and shot at her head. The bullet ricochet off her head with a clang. "Ouch that hurt." Yuki said and ran towards the jeep. Meanwhile the enemy was wondering if she was a drone or a robot. Yuki landed her fist in the side of the jeep, flipping it over. Then she tore the door open and began to tear the enemy soldiers apart.
Yuki then noticed some soldiers in the distance in need for help. Her back began to move and her arm transformed. Suddenly metallic wings came out of her back with two thrusters. During the duration of the transformation, Yuki screamed in pain. After the transformation the pain stopped and Yuki took off towards two soldiers who were in need of help. She could make out the outline of a vehicle that used active camo. Yuki then shot at the vehicle with her autocannon and the camouflage became inactive. It also revealed a group of soldiers that was following the vehicle from behind. Yukis left hand turned into a metallic claw and then flipped up revealing a machine gun. She shot at the enemy soldiers with the mg while weakening the shield of the tank with her autocannon. It didnt seem to be enough, so she spit out a small missile. It hit the tank immobilizing it and its turret.
Yuki then landed in front of her fellow soldiers and saluted: "Captain Yuki Marusa of the Cybernetic Defense Squad reporting in after immobilizing the enemy tank and eliminating the escort troops."


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Virgil nodded at the man answer. "I feel you there. I wouldn't be fighting for these dicks if the invading ones weren't bigger on the asshole scale!" He laughed over the jeep's engine. The two went back to doing their own thing. Virgil looked around, seeing that they were clear for now...

Or were they?

He noticed the awkward silence between the two would seem not even the wind spoke between them. His eyes drifted behind him, as he too saw the distorted matter..."What the hell is-" Was all Virgil could utter before the ground behind them quaked. "Shit! What the hell was that? Is that a Lazurous Tank?!" He yelled. He wheeled around on the fifty, and pulled both triggers, causing the gun to rev up and start spitting the destruction. "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuccck!" He roared as he discharged the gun on the camoflauged vehicle....

But he wasn't 10 rounds into the spray when the gun stopped firing, clicking empty. "She's empty! You got another-" Again, Virgil was cut off by somethign soaring right beside the vehicle. It a girl. Virgil only watched as the woman's arms transformed into weapons of mass destruction, and began to soak the pursuing vehicle in demolition.

Virgil watched as the woman than began to zoom along side of his vehicle. He looked over to Leon, and back to her. "Holy shit...did she just spit a rocket?! Man, talk about a DME addict's worst nightmare, Eh?!" He cried over to Leon.


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Jessie looked around her location: A rough, quickly established camp, where wounded were being brought. It was a sad sight to see all the soldiers coming in with wounds that would cripple them...but someone had to do the fighting. She walked out of the tent she was in, waving to a couple of soldiers in armor as they went on their patrol. Brave men.

She streched idly, and began walking towards the edge of camp. She was the only cyborg that looked as she did... a small child. And she was generally treated as such. It irritated her, but she wouldn't protest. She didn't always like the fair "Grown" world that they lived in. Sometimes, she felt used. Like she was a tool, and other times, like a souless husk. Most of the feelings were caused by the way some soldiers treated her. She was a thing. She wasn't a person anymore. She was an object.

She shook such depressing thoughts off. No time for pessimistic feelings...they probably need her back at the medical ward. It was wherer she was made to stay, due to her...less than soldier like appearence. She turned on her heels, and began to walk back towards the medical facilities when she saw a vehicle moving towards the camp at extreme was a jeep, carrying four men. It raced to the border of the camp where it's brakes slammed on, and soldiers tumbled out, scrambling in the her direction.

"ENEMY ATTACK FORCE! GET SOMEWHERE! WAAARRN THE OTHERS!" They began to yell. Jessie gasped deeply, and scanned the horizon...sure enough 3 heavily armored signatures and lesser transport signatures were on their way, and at alarming rate. She turned and began to run to her own tent.

Once there she raced to her bed, reaching under it, and pulling out a metal case. Opening it, she armed herself with her trusty rifle. She then reached under her pillow, and retrieved her sidearm, jamming it in the holster on her leg. She aquired a few clips for each, before running out the door. She was greeted by the outpost's non-wounded soldiers arming themselves as well, before running to the north side of camp. The captain of the group looked at her as he ran by. "What do you think you're doing? Fighting? Hah. At least send out a distress signal before you sacrifice yourself, tin-grin!" He yelled as he ran off. She frowned. That is what she was thinking about earlier...not enough respect.

But he was right. She looked to the tent with the communications hub. Not surprisingly, it was unamanned. She sat down at the main chair, and adorned a small headset. Opening all friendly com networks in a 10 miles radius, she pressed the record button, before the speak button.

"This is Outpost Delta-XRay- Foxtrot; NC(1) Medical Station reporting a confirmed assault. Exact enemy numeral unknown, but LFB(2) and on their way at increasing speeds. ETA four minutes and counting from 1754 hours. Requesting all available assistance to report for immidate backup, Over! Coordinates: 30,44,12, 56. Bingo(3) on ammo and offensive supplies. We have 30 soldiers operational, and over two-hundred recieving medical treatment. Please assist!"
((1. NC- Non-Combat: Refering to that this outpost is not ment for conventional combat. 2. LFB- Loaded for Bear: Heavily armed, often with rockets or artillery. 3. Bingo: Military code for "running out"))

She pressed the repeat button on the player, setting the recording for 30 second intervals between repeats. She took the headset off, and pushed up from the seating, before running outside the tent, and north. She arived to the front soon, most soldiers armed with rifles behind makeshift cover made of roadblock palisades or barriers. They were all set in, rifles propped up on their cover. Jessie ran behind one of the barriers, and examined her rifle. Chaimbering the first round and peaking over, she scanned the distance again. The vehicles were closing in on the location...

Suddenly she saw their targets: A black BTR, with a large 30 mm cannon mounted on top. Joining it was a CRAAR Quadriped Tank
( , and a Mammoth Tank( Both were war machines built for sheer destruction. Both larger than a normal tank by three multiples, at least.

The CRAAR was a machine build to bring high firepower that wasn't constricted by urban enviorments, being literally able to climb over near anything. It's 150mm smothbore cannon brought death from all angles.

But what really worried her, was the so called "Titan of the Battlefield": The Mammoth tank. Armed with dual Railcannons, the Mammoth tank could rip a hole in a fortress at it's lowest power setting. This menace was protected by three inches of carbon steel with uranium depleted coverings. The was only one account of a mammoth being defeated in combat...and only because it's power source shut down. Rockets bounced from this beast like they were toys. And at well over 5000 horsepower, this giant could plow across the battlefield, hauling it's 200 ton hull around at speeds up to 30 mph.

Suddenly, chaos and panic began to break loose around the small platoon of soldiers. Cries of "Oh sweet Christ." and "Why the fuck are they bringing a Mammoth?!" filled the air. The commanding officer tried his best to calm his soldier's but they were too far in an ocean of despair. Jessie was also confused...why bring so much firepower for an NC Med-Camp? But she didn't dwell on it long. Because the war machines were almost upon them.

"Calm down, you Goddamned maggots! Train your Shredders on those vehicles!" The captain yelled over them, getting their attention. A few soldiers nodded shakily, and pulled out the modified rocket launchers. ( Wait. Jessie thought. They're going to engage them?! Those things wont-! Her though was cut off by the firing of the high explosive rockets. They soared at their targets, before the missles broke up into lots of smaller explosive charges, sticking to their target like glue, before an echoing explosion resounded through the area.

Jessie uncovered her ears after a few seconds, and poked her head up from behind her cover. The smoke slowly cleared...and the mechanical monsters were still present. As if it was a surprise to the cyborg...but the soldiers were in complete awe. "How on earth!?" "What are those things made of?!" Cried the soldiers. The BTR was inoperable, and had cease moving. The CRAAR was still moble, but obviously missing a few pieces of external armor...and the Mammoth looked like it hadn't taken a scratch. Perhaps, it had ran over a rock. Suddenly, the two vehicles decided to retailiate, charging their weapons. Jessie didn't just duck down behind her palisade...she jumped to ground, and covered her head with her hands.

The familiar sounds of a railgun firing filled the air...she dare not look up...she heard their screams of terror and their cries of agony. She felt splashes of blood on her backside....She wimpered..."Make it stop...make it stop..." Soon following the rail cannon's fire was the loud sound of the Howitzer Cannon on the CRAAR as it shot one of it's amazingly large shells in their direction. Being on the ground, she could feel the destructive waves wash over her as the rocks and softer debrise hit her. The force of the explosion was more than enough to send her flying a few yards, landing quite a few from her original location...

Jessie finally gathered the guts to look up around her...and all of the other soldiers were strewn across the northern side of the outpost. Bits and pieces lay everywhere. Gore flung everywhere, and blood covered everything...including her. She stayed on the ground. She heard footsteps approaching. Enemy soldiers...she knew it had to be. They stopped treading right before they reached her.

"Is this what we're looking for, boss?" A voice asked over short-wave radio.
"Mnn. Yes." A voice responded, this one not hampered by a helmet. "Indeed it is. Our little Cyborg princess...Hahaa."
Jessie pushed herself up, onto her hands and knees, before she felt a light boot on her backside. "Mnn. Awake are we?" The unhampered voice spoke again. "Well, do us a favor, sweetheart, and don't resist...if you comply with us fully, we'll pack up and leave now. No more harm to your little friends here. Jessie hated it...but she didn't want these men to pay with their lives for her uncooperation. " whatever you want with me...but don't hurt them anymore." She said quietly.
"Good girl. Now, get up, and let's go." The voice told her. She looked up to view the man: A high bearing commander, with armor decorated with medals. She couldn't place her fingers on a name...but she knew he was an important figure...

The men helped her into the Mammoth tank and confiscated her weaponry. They then bound her, and sat her down .

"You'll make a fine prisoner of war. But first, we must take you to the tech center. You're going to share a few things about your blueprints, little one." The commander said, looking down to her. "And my reward for capturing you. And you will make a fine slave." He said with a malicious grin.

Jessie frowned, and set her gaze on the floor. This was terrible...but, it was unavoidable...she was almost positive that nothing could save her now.


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#, as written by Aniihya
Suddenly Yuki got a transmission from an outpost: "Mayday, mayday! We were under attack. They took Jessie! Dont let them hurt that kid!" "I am on my way." Yuki said boldly. She lifted off and headed towards the outpost hoping to find enemy heavy machinery. After some time she came across two large tanks. She sensed Jessie in one of them. Yuki went lower and shot at the tanks tracks to immobilized them. She could immobilize the CRAAR but the mammoth still moved slowly. Yuki had to protect Jessie because Jessie was like a little sister to her.


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As Yuki fired upon the war machines, her weaponry did adequate amounts of damage. The unarmored legs of the CRAAR were quickly jammed, and the treads were spinning in place. It's turret was still operational. However, the shots smashed against the Mammoth Tank's treads, and ripped and evicerated them. Inside the hulking monster, a soldier turned to the Commander. "Sir. External treads are damaged. We're also picking up signals of something else outside the tank. We're unable to identify it!" He stated.
"Hmph. Fine. Whatever wants to attack us can. It's not like we're in a mobile fortress. They can't stop us from rolling." He said with an evil chuckle. "However, let's have some fun with our target. Charge the Rail cannons!"
Jessie's eyes drifted up from the floor of the tank, sensing something near her. It was a familiar signature that she hadn't felt in a long time... Is that....Could...could it be? her mind thought. Or was it playing tricks on her. She then snapped to attention. They were targeting whatever was attacking the tank. Jessie couldn't let them, even if it wasn't her dear friend...

She needed to devise a plan...when it suddenly hit her! She knew what she would do!

She yelped out as a sharp, ripping pain jolted through her sides. Smoke began to pour out of the holes on the side of her body; thick bellowing clouds of it. It soon filled the Mammoth tank's hull, causing it's crew and operators to become choking, blind balls of wind. "What the hell!?" Nearly all of the crew shouted as their vehicle was polluted with grey clouds smoke. "Open the hatch! We'll sufficate if we don't!" They shouted. Sure enough, the tank's main hatch popped open, allowing the smokestorm to begin to flow out of the opening. Part one of her plan had for part two...

Jessie began to cry in agony. Her body felt like it was being set ablaze with gasoline and tar. Electrical jolts arced around her body and even on her body, jumping from place to place across her form. Suddenly, the tank began to shut down. Operating her electromagnetic field had worked!

"Sir, all of our systems have shut down! All of them! We're completely useless!" The war machine's crew cried.
"Damn! What's happening!? I still can't see!" The commander yelled.

Jessie closed the electromagnetic field, panting now, her cybernetic lungs unaffected by the smoke. Tears still dripping down her face, she pushed herself up, and stumbled towards the tank's hatch. She jumped out, and landed only briefly on the rim of the hatch, before stumbling off. Her legs were shakey, and weak from using her field. She pushed herself up again, and began to shamble away from the tank, not getting far before her face met the ground again. She looked around...and began to ready herself for capture again...but wait! What about that other energy signature she felt before?


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#, as written by Aniihya
Yuki saw the hatch of the mammoth tank open with lots of smoke coming out and the crew trying to get fresh air. Then the tank seemed to shut down and a girl jumped out. It was Jessie and she seemed to be a bit wobbly. That let Yuki know that she could annihilate the enemies now. She looked into the sky and her head split apart with her screaming. The missile was to big to come out of her mouth. So a large missile shot towards the mammoth tank. A couple of the crew members noticed it in time and got away, only to find Yuki in front of them with her head back together. Yuki then began to tear the enemy soldiers apart with her claw. One got his head torn off, the other was turned into bloody chunks and the rest had similar fates. When it was all over, Yuki went to Jessie and said: "You alright? I will bring you to a safe place."


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Jessie looked around, her vision blurring as she was lying there. It made her head hurt, as her eyes tried to focus. All she could hear was a high pitched whine in her head....She rolled over, and looked around her...the crew of the Mammoth had also baled out, and somehow...been ripped to shreds. W-what? She thought, before she saw it...the soft brown haired figure coming towards her. Her eyes strained to focus...and finally the picture cleared. And her cybernetic heart nearly jumped out of it's chest.

Jessie pushed herself off of the ground and hastily stumbled over to the woman, tripping as she got to her, falling into an embrace. She nuzzled her head into the other Cyborg, sniffling as she spoke. " saved me...! T-thank you so much!" She fumbled over her words. Her head pulled away from Yuki's chest, and looked up at her face. Her seagreen eyes shimmered with tears. She wanted to thank Yuki somehow, but couldn't think of any way at the moment...she just continued to cuddle her savior.