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a character in “Lab Rats, and Tigers, and Bears. Oh my.”, as played by TheMadBlackRabbit



NAME: Wynter Woods
AGE: 16
GENDER: Female
SPECIES: Damen (Rabbit)
EXTRA MUTATION OR ABILITY: Fast Runner, Enhanced Hearing Senses



She is quiet, shy and very innocent. Usually she puts on a poker face. She is scared of any other being except for rabbits. Once she is comfortable with a person, she would show a bit more emotions to him/her and would act like a child (a bit like Honey-sempai from Ouran High School Host Club). Also because of an accident, she is very gullible.


Wynter Woods was a daughter of one of the scientists who is working on the experimentation of Damen. At the age of 5, she was forced to be an experiment against her mother's wishes. Because of her mother's rejection of the idea, she was murdered. During the first try to transform Wynter, her brown hair turned white and her brown eyes turned blue; the same features of the DNA of the rabbit that they placed in her. After a few months, a fortunate event happened for the scientists; Wynter lost her memories but for some reason she could only remember her first name. It doesn't matter for the scientists though, it only made her more cooperative with them.

So begins...

Wynter's Story

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"Here." a female scientist placed down a plate of chopped carrots on the floor of a cage.

Wynter came out into the light in her white dwarf droopy-eared rabbit form. She immediately nibble on the carrots, not caring if her ears get an orange color again. The scientist patted her fluffy head as she ate. Yep, the scientists' favorite little experiment. Always obedient and never questions their orders, but then her memories are clean and they told her that they needed to do those experiments on her so that they could "cure" her.

When Wynter was done eating the carrots, the scientist took away the plate and gave her usual spare clothes, "We'll be transferring you to another cage later."

The little rabbit nodded and waited until the scientist exit the room. For some reason, she was the only one in the room; she has no other companions, except for the rabbits that is. She changed back to her human form and because of the dwarf rabbit DNA, her height is only a 5 feet flat. She grabbed the clothes left for her and put them on. Once she is fully dressed she went to the back of her cage and got the old scarf and smiled, "They said this was given to me by mother before she passed away." she thought. But it isn't what she thinks it to be, especially since the scientists gave it to her. The scarf is always worn by Wynter (since she thinks it's from her mother) even in rabbit form she would try to wrap it around her, not wanting to lose the only thing that connects her to her mother. What it does is that it would shock her just in case she started to have a rebellion against them and to wipe her memories clean if she ever learns the truth.

The door opened and revealed another scientist, male. He walked up to her cage and unlocked it, "Come on, Wynter." he held out his hand to her, "Time to see your new home."

The short girl obeyed and took the hand of the scientist and left.

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Character Portrait: Wynter
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The scientist lead Wynter to a room filled with trees and such, the little girl awed, "This is where you will be staying, Wynter."

Her white eyebrows scrunch in confusion, "Why? What if my illness will get worse if I stay here?"

The scientist looked down at her, "Your other doctors and I would never do that to you, Wynter." he let go of her hand and pushed her a bit forward, "Now go, if you can master your rabbit transformation, then you might as well be cured." then the doctor left her with a smirk on his face, "Such a gullible child."

On the other hand, Wynter is still uncertain whether or not she should take another step forward into this place, "The doctor did say they wouldn't do anything to harm me so I guess it's okay." She took a deep breathe and started to wonder around the rain forest.

"Ah~ this is boring." she exclaimed as she walked around with her arms at the back of her head. Kicking all the rocks that were on her way with her red rubber shoes, "If I could master my rabbit transformation? How in the world can I do that?" a sudden sound of wood breaking stopped Wynter's train of thoughts and looked at the direction of where it was. Without thinking she ran away from it as soon as possible.

From another room, the scientists are monitoring Wynter, "Seems that even if she isn't in her rabbit form, she can have the hearing frequencies and speed of a rabbit." he noted that on his paper along with other scientists, "Interesting."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wynter Character Portrait: Connor Chordeilinae Character Portrait: Hope
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#, as written by ceh12
Connor laughed to himself when Hope tried to speak in her animal form. It was laughable really. He could talk somewhat in his animal form but not perfect English. She finally got a few words and nodded. "Okay then nightly night. " he started to go to his nest but heard a sound of running. He looked over and saw a girl dashing away. She didnt look normal in the slightest so she had to be another Damen. She was fast but Connor took flight and caught up by cutting corners. He perched himself on a branch and saw her stop and he changed form. He waved slightly. "Hello there speedy who are you?" He said with the slightest bit of eligance in his voice. He was fighting the urge to devour her but he had a good bit of self control when it came to living things.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wynter Character Portrait: Connor Chordeilinae
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Wynter looked up and a boy older than her by the branch. She kept an emotionless face but she was really confused and a bit scared to see another human being besides the doctors, "Is he a patient too?" she wondered. She looked at his clothes and saw they weren't in the best shape and titled her head a bit, "Why does he wear rags?" her blue eyes widen a bit, "What if he's one of those murderers that the doctors told me about?!" She started backing away then ran away in full speed. She then saw a good bush to hide her clothes and jumped in it and immediately transformed to her small white dwarf lop-eared rabbit and wrapped the scarf around her quickly went back to fleeing away from the stranger, "I just hope I could remember where I placed my clothes."

After a few moments of running, she found a nice hole to have shelter and jumped in, "This would do." then went fast asleep.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wynter Character Portrait: Connor Chordeilinae
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#, as written by ceh12
Connor rolled his eyes as she ran away again. He followed her and saw her change form quickly leaving her clothes in a bush then running in animal form. She was a rabbit which was different from the usual predators he was used to seeing. He flew after her then lost sight of her as she went into a hole. He peered inside and his night vision made it clear as day. He changed back to human form and reached in gently and grabbed the rabbit by the ears and pulled her out. He sat her down infront of him and smiled. "I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just like you, I just want to talk so can you stop running please?" he asked hoping the girl would comply. If he was in the jungle a bigger group is better than being alone with a hungry big cat.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wynter Character Portrait: Connor Chordeilinae
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Annoyed by the fact that he woke her up after a few seconds of sleep and that he grabbed her by her ears, she immediately scratched him with her claws leaving a scratch on his hand. She went back inside the hole to get her scarf and bit it to carry it. She then came out to find the boy rubbing his scratched hand and slowly hopped towards the direction she thinks her clothes are left. She stopped when she saw the boy not following and made a small noise to get his attention, "Like I'm going to talk to him in human form without clothes!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wynter Character Portrait: Connor Chordeilinae
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#, as written by ceh12
Connor was furious when the girl scratched his hand. It stung like hell and he wanted to scream but thought it probably wasn't the best thing to do. He rubbed it and looked at the rabbit motioning him over. "I'm coming. I'm coming. " he said grumpily. He dashed behind her but still was a bit curious as to why she had a scarf around her but he didn't spend to much thought on it. He decided it was best not question it right away. He wanted to get her as a friend not a foe.She seemed faster than most which must be her power, if he had that on his side he might have a better chance of living.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wynter Character Portrait: Connor Chordeilinae Character Portrait: Hope
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#, as written by Haas33
Her ears twitched as she heard a strange girl running. She looked up as Conner chased after her. It must be another Damen. She leaped down from her tree and watched as a bunny crawled out of a hole. Her instincts kicked in and her mouth watered. In an instant she was in a crouch, ready to sprint and pounce on the juicy rabbit. A thought creeped into her mind What if it was a Damen?. Hope pushed the thought away and moved back onto her hind legs, ready to spring. You don't want to kill a Damen! Hope relaxed the tension in her legs and watched as Connor picked up the rabbit. The rabbit bit him and scampered into its hole, and creeped out a while later. Hope had enough, the animal inside her wanted to kill and eat that rabbit. It's a Damen! Stop! Don't eat it! Her mind was screaming but her instincts wanted it. She sprung, and sprinted toward the rabbit. She instantly regretted it but her instincts told her so. She saw Connor and mangled out a few words "STO...STOP...ME!" She bounded forward, her instincts kicking into action and she leaped, going in for the kill.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wynter Character Portrait: Connor Chordeilinae Character Portrait: Hope
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Wynter was frozen in her spot unable to move when she saw the leopard going towards her, "I-is this it?" But then she heard the leopard talk and looked at the boy, saying that she must be stopped and with that she was able to move again and dashed to the hole again and began digging to have more room for her not be clawed by the big cat, "Gotta keep digging...gotta keep digging..."

"I think we may have to use the scarf now, if not we may lose our obedient experiment." one scientist said as they watch what was going on in the rain forest. The others agreed in the thought of using the scarf now.

Another scientist shook her head, "M...maybe not." all the scientists look to her in question, "If we use it now, then the two witnesses we have here may want to get that scarf away from her as possible."

"That's a 50-50 percent chance, Dr. Hollow." a male scientist in his late 50's objected, "It's best if we act now." the others agreed to his statement.

Dr. Hollow sighed, "I don't see why though we're keeping her like this, sooner or later she'll find out and I just don't see the logic in this."

"And what logic can you not see, Dr. Hollow?"

She looked at him dead in the eye, "Why only her? Why not the every Damen we have in this facility?"

He smirked, "That's why we made her a rabbit, she just a test experiment and if her Damen is only a rabbit." he chuckled, "What harm can she do?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tina Vanhaskan Character Portrait: Wynter
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Tina woke up with a start as she tried to figure out where she was. It didn't feel like the cold metal floor of her cage. No, it felt more like dirt. then she remembered that she had gone to sleep in this hole so she could be away from the other damen for a while. She stood up shaking off the thin blanket of dirt that had settled around her. She slowly opened her eyes yawning pleasantly remembering her dreams of runnig through clouds last night. She gave out a shrill "eek" as she saw the fluffy white mass in front of her. It wasn't a dream, she was up in the clouds! She tried to take solstice in the fact a cloud can't hurt her. Then the cloud turned around and started digging at the walls around them. She regarded the claws that seemed to tip this clouds legs. She gave another cry. Okay maybe clouds could hurt her. Her white fur stood on end as she realized this cloud would start digging at her any moment now. She franticaly looked around for a possible escape route but the killer cloud blocked the entrance. She grabbed her thin pink tail and brought it around so she could hide behind it.She could feel her whole body trembling as the cloud made another swift turn to claw at yet another wall. "Please don't hurt me scary cloud." she pleaded using her round ears to cover her eyes.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tina Vanhaskan Character Portrait: Wynter Character Portrait: Hope
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Wynter stopped digging and looked where to the voice came from and saw a white mouse beside her, "Cloud?" she titled her head a bit, "Oh! She must think that I'm a cloud!" she giggled at the thought in her rabbit form and stopped digging and started to write on the dirt with her claws: I'm not a cloud, I'm a white dwarf lop-eared rabbit. Now can you help me dig so we can get away from the hungry leopard that's going to be here any second?
After she wrote it on the floor, she went back to digging frantically. She can't really talk in her rabbit form, only make small sounds. What can she say? A rabbit has vocal cords but it's true nature is to be quiet.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wynter Character Portrait: Connor Chordeilinae Character Portrait: Hope
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#, as written by ceh12
Connor was appalled that Hope tried to attack. He watched her attack the hole then heard the digging noise. Wynter was trying to dig away. This was both a good and bad thing. If she got away from Hope she would be fine but also unable to talk to him. Connor had an idea. He jumped on Hope's back and pressed down on her pressure point right between her shoulder and neck. It made her collapse down and would make her change form so it would hopefully take her craving away. He pushed her away trying to get her away from the Damen.

He put her up against a tree and pinched her neck hoping to get her to change back. "I'm sorry for this. " he said saddness in his voice.He then felt somewhat sorry for her, she was a major predator and could eat him or the rabbit girl in a few bites. He didn't care right now he wanted to protect her right now.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tina Vanhaskan Character Portrait: Wynter Character Portrait: Connor Chordeilinae Character Portrait: Hope
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Wynter heard some noise from the outside but kept on digging, not sure if the mouse is digging along with her or not, "Just keep digging and everything would be okay." she thought. Then all the noise stopped and she heard the boy apologizing outside. She momentarily stopped digging and hopped near the opening and saw that the boy was holding a female down. She slowly went out of the hole and slowly hopped towards him and the female dragging her blue and black scarf with her. She looked back at hole whether or not she should leave the mouse behind, "She did talk so maybe she's like me..."

"Is it ready?" the male scientist asked.

"In about fifteen minutes, sir."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tina Vanhaskan Character Portrait: Wynter Character Portrait: Connor Chordeilinae Character Portrait: Hope
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Tina froze as the cloud turned towards her. "Maybe if i don't move she'll think i'm another cloud." she thought trying to be hopeful. She looked back to the cloud and was puzzled to see it writing some kind of message in the dirt. Clouds aren't supposed to do that she marvelled padding a litttle closer to it. When it finished it went back to digging at the walls with no apparent straregy. Tina's fear and curiosity battled inside her to see if she would look at the message or cower even farther back into the hole. She thought about it a moment before inching towards the message scrawled in the dirt wary of the cloud's fast moving paws that teared at the wall with intense determination. When she finally got to the message she had to stand on the tips of her paws to see it clearly, tail out behind her for balance. "I'm not a cloud, I'm a white dwarf lop-eared rabbit." the message explained. Tina thought for a moment and then chuckled at her own stupidity. Of course it was a rabbit, why else would it be digging in this whole instead of up in the clouds. But why was it in her hole digging at the walls like there was no tomorrow? She read on. "Now can you help me dig so we can get away from the hungry leopard that's going to be here any second?" At first she looked down at her tiny pink paws. They couldn't move big clumps of dirt like the rabbits paws. She wasn't actually sure what these paws were good for. All this was forgotten as she read the part about the hungry leapord outside the hole. She darted to the side parrallell the rabbit and started digging. Digging for her life.

Tina stopped after a few moments to catch her breath. She turned her head back towards her work. She had made a long, dark tunnel away from the main corridor barely large enough to accomodate her much less the rabbit. She sat back on her haunches loathing the amount of work it would take to make this tunnel big enough to fit the rabbit. She started to pad back to the entrance of this hallway when she realized she could no longer hear the rabbit digging. Maybe the leapord got her she thought already thnking the worst. she started to run even faster down the hallway until she entered the main part of the hole. when she couldn't see the rabbit she cast out her enhanced hearing to see if the rabbit or leapord were nearby. She heard the sound of a big creature being held to the ground and guessed that was the leapord. Then to her surprise she heard the sound of a boy apologizing. Great now there were two potential predators with a death wish on her. She was about to go back and hide in her hallway until she heard the sound sound of something being dragged accomponied by the thud of what was probaly a foot. The rabbit! she had gone out there to try and stop the leapord. Tina's loyalty kicked in to overdrive and before she knew it she was half-walking, half-cowering beside the rabbit as they embraced their attacker.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wynter Character Portrait: Alexander Flem Character Portrait: Connor Chordeilinae Character Portrait: Hope
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#, as written by Haas33
And odd sensation, sort of painful, traveled up her back. She arched her back in pain and collapsed to the ground. The world shifted around her and she was back to normal. She looked up at the bunny she had attacked not seconds ago. She put her hands to her head and sighed. SHe almost ate a Damen. Her second thought was: Oh my god I'm naked. She scrambled up and dashed through the trees, somewhat concealed. She ran to where she stashed her make-shift clothes and yanked them. She walked back to the group and sighed. She yanked her fingers through her gold-colored hair and sat down. "I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me." She wasn't quite sure what to do, she felt horrible. She heard a distant sound. She stood up at went back to where she had stashed her clothes, unchanged and shifted to Leopard. She could hear it much better now. She avoided going back near Connor in fear of loosing control again. She crept low to the ground, hidden in the bushes. She followed the sound and came upon a lion. She wasn't quite sure what to do. The lion could, and most likely was a Damen. But if she stepped into the open, he would most likely attack her, because he didn't know she was a Damen. But she could take down a lion right? She had never really fought with any animal before, especially not one that could just as easily beat her. She decided to take her risks. She stepped out into the open and tried to speak " I am Hope.....ah...a Deman....Damen.....Hi I am...Hope a...Damen." She said, finally getting the right words out. "Hi, I am Hope...a Damen." She just hoped this lion wouldn't attack.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tina Vanhaskan Character Portrait: Wynter Character Portrait: Connor Chordeilinae
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#, as written by ceh12
Connor stopped as he saw Hope run away. H e scoffed then turned to the girl and saw a small mouse beside her.He knelt down beside the two. "That little kitty cat was Hope she's nice just don't make her mad or hungry." he said slightly scared of her himself. He then looked at the mouse and smiled. " Hello there are you another Damen or just a little mouse?" he asked slightly tempted to eat her if she was simply a mouse. But it seemed almost too white to be a regular mouse and chances are she was one to get out of the hole with the rabbit.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tina Vanhaskan Character Portrait: Wynter Character Portrait: Connor Chordeilinae Character Portrait: Hope
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Wynter looked at the direction of where the sound came from and saw that the leopard lady went towards that direction. She then turned her head to the boy when he said that the leopard's name was Hope and not to mess around with her. He smiled and looked at something beside her and saw the small white mouse beside her, surprised that she came out with her.

"It's ready, sir." the assistant said as he was ready to push down the button to activate the electric shock of Wynter's scarf.

The scientist smirked, "Time to test this little experiment." he then turned to several scientists, "Be ready to get her." they nodded and exited the room, "Activate it now!"

Wynter felt a wave of electricity flowing through her body which made her scream in her rabbit form. Once it was over, she was slowly turning back to her human form, unconscious.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tina Vanhaskan Character Portrait: Wynter Character Portrait: Connor Chordeilinae
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Tina turned to look up at the boy as he adressed her. She was slighly unsure about what she should do. She thought of playing dumb and scurring away but decided that he would probaly just come and get her. "I'm a Damen." she replied in the high squeaky tone her voice always asumed when she was in mouse form. She pushed against the rabbit's fur beside her hiding her embarrasment at her voice. She could feel why she had mistaken the rabbit for a cloud because her fur was pretty soft. She lost herself in the rabbit's fur giving a purring noise at her delight. She felt herself drifting back to sleep. She had only woken up a short while ago and after all that had happened since then sleep was welcome. She jumped back from the rabbit's fur realizing how awkward it would be to fall asleep against the fur of this stranger. Not to mention Hope could come back at any moment with that same hunger as before. "Hi my name is-" she started to introduce until the rabbit convulsed in a agonizing scream. The scarf had started to emit electricty and it had nowhere to go but through the rabbit's body. The shock kickstarted her inner mouse and before she knew it, she had turned tail and ran in the opposite direction. Stop, she needs help she commanded the mouse as it continued to run away from the damens. She hadn't gone far when she rained in the creature and ran at full speed back to the rabbit, cursing the mouse for abandoning her. When she got back the rabbit was slowly changing into a white haired girl. Thinking quickly she started to run for the scarf but stopped when she realized it could still be spewing electricity. She looked around for a branch to snag the scarf with meanwhile worrying about the pain the rabbit must be in. "Hurry, hurry." she muttered to herself as she finally found a suitable branch. It was about as long as her human forearm but thicker than her thigh. She went over to it and tried to move it but her muscles were to small to even move it an inch. She changed back to human form feeling her body growing and tail receding. She picked up the branch (which was much lighter now that she was human.) and rushed over to drag the scarf off the rabbit who had now settled as a girl with white hair much like her own. She was almost oblivious to the fact that this boy was watching her naked as she hooked her hands into the girl's armpits and started pulling. It was hard work and she wasn't very strong. She made a note to ask the scientist for more food from now on, because if this kind of thing became normal she'd need way more. Suddenly she became angry at the boy for just watching and turned to him sreaming "Don't just stand there help!" Commanding people was comepletely out of her pacifist nature but this girl needed help and she couldn't pull by herself.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tina Vanhaskan Character Portrait: Wynter Character Portrait: Connor Chordeilinae
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#, as written by ceh12
Connor was shocked as the rabbit girl collapsed then turn back infront of him. He growled but decided not to go postal yet. He watched the mouse girl freak out slightly then change form and start to drag her away. "Fine don't get your tail in a twist." he picked up the girl by the ankles but turned his head to avoid looking at her body. He wasn't a pervert and he wasn't going to start now." You guide I'm not gonna look." he said blushing.

(Sorry Short post)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tina Vanhaskan Character Portrait: Wynter Character Portrait: Alexander Flem Character Portrait: Connor Chordeilinae Character Portrait: Hope
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Confused, Tina looked down and saw that both she and the rabbit damen were naked. she had completly forgotten she wouldn't change back with clothes in the heat of the moment. She fought the urge to drop the girl and run to conceal herself in the forest. She realized how awkward it must be for the boy exposed to two naked girls. First impressions meant alot to Tina and this was not how she wanted to remember their first meeting. wow he's already seen me naked and we don't know each others names she thought to herself. "My name is Tina." she said shyly quickly trying to change the subject. To distract her from the awkward situation , she thought of where they would take the rabbit? Her first thought was to go back to the hole but realized the rabbit wouldn't fit in this form. She cursed how little she knew about this forest. She'd been wandering around here since yesterday morning and yet couldn't think of a place to take the damen. She scrunched up her eyebrows as she struggled to think where they could go. She wasn't a leader, she wasn't supposed to figure out these things. She wished she were more compatent in these situations. At the word competant she was reminded of hope, who had run off after who knows what. "were going to find hope." she said trying to be brave about that idea. There was something about bringing the unconcoius version of Hope's intended prey that didn't seem right. Either way she picked the girl up a little higher and started to walk off towards where Hope had disapeared. Though the boy helped her muscles could still barely support the girls weight.

(OOC: ceh12: nice job summing up my entire post; "He watched the mouse girl freak out..." lol )