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a character in “LEGEND OF THE HAT GIRL”, as played by tobycat4


small for her age, (14) long three shades of brown hair, light brown eyes. Wears a coca-cola t-shirt and navy jacket, black boots and black leggings. There is nothing about her except is that she lives with her mother and father and is happy.

So begins...

Eras's Story


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Character Portrait: Eras
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Eras stood next to her small dirty window tracing long spiderwebbing cracks that run down the surface, staring out at an endless velvet night sky sparking with tiny white dots dancing there, in midair. She stared at her distorted reflection, tears gently tricking down her face. "I want to go home! Please...ANYONE!!!" she banged on the window with her fist, scratching at the glass.
"Please..." You're not the girl you once were...suck it up! Eras shook her head covering her eyes with her gloved hands. Would the others, if there were any, hear her screams?


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Character Portrait: Ann Character Portrait: Eras
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Ann sat on the thin, spring filled mattress curled up in a ball, she was rocking back and forth while humming to herself, she'd just arrived here last night but she already knew that there was nothing to bring her back to the orphanage, no one ever wanted her before hand. She hears another girl scream in a nearby room but she doesn't move, only covers her ears. "I don't want to be here either..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vyri Veyer Character Portrait: Ann Character Portrait: Eras
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Vyri woke up on the floor his head throbbing and his vision a bit blurry as he propped himself up with his left arm his right hand rubbing his eyes and his head. He faintly heard the banging in the next room. He thought it was one of the guards making a fuss about their shift starting, but looking around the room he was in he realized he wasn't with his men or anywhere near where he should be. The shock of it however did little to change the stoic appearance of the man with the eye patch featuring the black cross. He simply stood up looking around at the various devices. He came to the conclusion that this room was meant to torture him and the shackle around his ankle also gave him the impression of it. Vyri walked over looking at the window the chain giving him quite the room for freedom as he looked at the bars before hearing the girl once more in the room next to him.

"Would you please silence yourself, screaming will accomplish nothing right now. No use in giving them the satisfaction of knowing they have gotten to you." Vyri's commanding stoic tone would easily make it through the walls of the old building.

The one thing that disturbed Vyri the most was his lack of sword and shield. He now had to rely on his hand to hand training in Pankration.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seung Ki Kwan Character Portrait: Vyri Veyer Character Portrait: Ann Character Portrait: Eras
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Seung was startled awake by the sound of someone screaming. she turned her head when she heard another shouting at them back, telling them to stop screaming. Looking around, she realized she wasn't home anymore. At first she thought she had been kidnapped by some sort of creepy person. She could visualize this person: a middle-aged man with the face of a criminal and covered in sweat and the smell of alcohol. However, she had the feeling that this was more than that. More dangerous; more insidious. She listened closely to the girl's response as she rubbed her feet. She peeled back one of the bandages to see that her big toenail had been healing ever since it spit in half from dance. She looked at her mangled feet before wrapping he feet back up. "Why are we here?"

A figure watched them all in containment. Let's play a game. A game where the only end is permanent, and where loss is guaranteed, She thought with delight, but kept a stoic expression as she thought and planned. Let's play a good game.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seung Ki Kwan Character Portrait: Vyri Veyer Character Portrait: Ann Character Portrait: Eras
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Vyri continued to look around the room looking at everything carefully his eye sharp as it looked at any possibility of getting himself and the others out of this place. The reality though looked bleak and if it came down to it he would make the sacrifice so the others may escape. He finally took to leaning against the wall as he looked at his shackle.

"I do not wish to sound mean but if you continue to act this way you are only giving our tormentor the pleasure of knowing he is winning. If you allow your emotions to grip you now and you not remain calm worst things may happen. How am I suppose to free you if I cannot even free myself." Vyri's voice hadn't changed it is how he has always been.

He heard the other voice in another room nearby as he listened. She at least didn't sound as panicked as this other female.

"Well someone seems to have a problem with themselves and they wish to take it out on us as you can clearly see." Vyri's voice unchanging as it has been.


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Character Portrait: Vyri Veyer Character Portrait: Eras
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"Soldier, I do admire your strength, much the same as my father, whom I greatly grieve for," Eras said quietly, her tone changing from anger to a bitter calm. She twisted a strand of her long light brown hair around her finger lost somewhere buired in memories seeping through her own mind not caring what state this man was in despite her remark. "I will always hate soldiers for what they have done to Aren, you had nothing to do with his death so consider yourself lucky, sir." Something about the way she spoke made it seem that she wanted to see who had ordered her to keep quiet but she hid this in a way that only covered it up slightly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seung Ki Kwan Character Portrait: Vyri Veyer Character Portrait: Ann Character Portrait: Eras
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Ann listened to the two bickering as she sat on the bed, the shackle around her ankle was cold and uncomfortable. She was afraid to make herself heard but she at least needed them to know there were four of them. She called out timidly. "I will help in anyway I can, but no one has ever escaped the hat girl."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seung Ki Kwan Character Portrait: Vyri Veyer Character Portrait: Ann Character Portrait: Eras
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“As for escape I shall not want my mind this thought,” Eras replied bitterly. “Perhaps we should let the solider lead an escape attempt, for THIS man shall always know what to do, they are trained by equal, buffoons. Thank you much for social standing,” the young girl added sarcastically, digging her fingernails into the concrete. Her next words were in pieces, not made to make the slightest bit of sense to either the soldier or the other girls. “Midnight, I dare say, escorted by fire shall the souls remain. Ah, yes here shall the souls, bound and shackled, under insidious eyes and filthy...ill-gotten gain?” She presented it as a riddle and a rather odd one at that.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seung Ki Kwan Character Portrait: Vyri Veyer Character Portrait: Ann Character Portrait: Eras
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"Our fates at the hands of the hat girl..." Ann shivered at the haunting riddle, knowing full well that it was referring directly to them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seung Ki Kwan Character Portrait: Vyri Veyer Character Portrait: Ann Character Portrait: Eras
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Vyri simply listened to the conversation not wishing to interject with those speaking, his mind continue to go over a solution to get out of this prison. After all he is a tactician better then most along the lines of war and strategy planning. His first thought was using the ethereal leash in order to stun his captors before trying to choke them out either with his arm or using the chain that they shackled him to. Vyri also figured he could possibly strap them into one of the various torture devices within the room as well but that would be a bit more tricky. For now though he simply waited patiently, his face still the stoic appearance of a man or in his case a high elf man unmoved by all of this.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seung Ki Kwan Character Portrait: Vyri Veyer Character Portrait: Ann Character Portrait: Eras
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"You do not get it, we WILL die here," Eras finished, smirking. "Yes, of course will well, Ann is first."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seung Ki Kwan Character Portrait: Vyri Veyer Character Portrait: Ann Character Portrait: Eras
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Ann's eyes widen and she curls into a tighter ball and starts humming to herself. Despite how tightly she is curled up she is still takes up a bit of space due to her lengthy height.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seung Ki Kwan Character Portrait: Vyri Veyer Character Portrait: Ann Character Portrait: Eras
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Seung listened quietly to their conversation, looking around her room. There was no way out. Though, it seemed as if someone found a different way out. Something rather unconventional and permanent. She listened to talk about the hat girl. "I've seen her. She's not like us. She's a shadow of us, yet so much power. I've seen her empty eyes and claws," She spoke in a solemn yet distant tone. "She watched my though my windows. I kept my curtains closed so she wouldn't see me." She then heard a creepy laugh that was childlike, but seemed off. It echoes all around them. It seemed unearthly.

Trap me? Fool, you arrogant, little fool, It thought. It pried into the others thoughts, reading their fears, ideas, experiences, motivations, and cares. Not a thought was safe now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seung Ki Kwan Character Portrait: Vyri Veyer Character Portrait: Ann Character Portrait: Eras
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Vyri merely smirked as the creature pried through his mind. He had come to terms with all his past deeds a long time ago, for the most part he was unfazed by any of the talk of the others, who either seemed afraid, hid their fears or seemed to be draining themselves of their energy.

"Well this seems like it will be quite the challenge then. I suppose if we lose this cruel sadistic game that it will cost us our lives if not some eternal servitude?" musing his question out loud for the others to hear.

Though Vyri still continued to calmly take in the situation as he thought of the best escape plan.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seung Ki Kwan Character Portrait: Vyri Veyer Character Portrait: Ann Character Portrait: Eras
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Ann felt the probing fingers in her mind and her greatest fear surfaced, that she would spend the rest of her life alone, and that she would die alone, without anyone having ever cared about her. And now that she was here, she knew that that was really going to happen, a tear slipped down her face and she tried to keep from sobbing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seung Ki Kwan Character Portrait: Vyri Veyer Character Portrait: Ann Character Portrait: Eras
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You think you're a Saint, don't you? Eras buried her head in her hands, tears tricking from her eyes. "P...p-please...g-g...o away..."she protested weakly through her tears. Framing a lowly, arrogant thief. The creature tore through every bloodstained memory of a life long past. "V...V...Vyri...I didn't...m-mean to..."The others will all know what you became..sending a soldier to DEATH just so you could live.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seung Ki Kwan Character Portrait: Vyri Veyer Character Portrait: Ann Character Portrait: Eras
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"Think what you will and spread what lies you wish amongst the others." Vyri responded before silenced himself and going back to his stoic leaning position.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seung Ki Kwan Character Portrait: Vyri Veyer Character Portrait: Ann Character Portrait: Eras
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"I was a thief," Eras muttered. "I did put a soldier to death so I could live, the girl is correct in saying so. However, I will never regret putting down the bastard's soul as trade and if I were to meet him I would kill him with my scythe. Whatever the witch forces out of my mouth is not truth, for I have no regrets, as to what happens if I escape with my life I will take his for mine. You all will never get it, really..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seung Ki Kwan Character Portrait: Vyri Veyer Character Portrait: Ann Character Portrait: Eras
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Ann felt as if she was being strangled on the inside. She started crying more.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seung Ki Kwan Character Portrait: Vyri Veyer Character Portrait: Ann Character Portrait: Eras
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Seung took a deep breath as she felt her thoughts being read like a book. She imagined the hat girl tearing her head open and clawing at her mind. Her fear of persecution and being watched surfaced, and the hat girl read her fear of losing control of herself and becoming violent and destructive. She was struck back when she felt the ethereal claws run into her face, hearing a scream in the background. She tried to calm down when she hit the ground, but the ceiling turned to snakes. She saw a snake drop the floor next to her. She leaped up and onto a narrow ledge, away from the snake.

The hat girl appeared as a shadow next to Ann, gently dragging her claws against Ann's skin. "The world has been moving on without you. You're gone, but they don't care. You didn't change anything, and they don't care. All you've done for people is take up space," She said with conviction and calm.

Seung closed her eyes as the snake slithered closer. They were gone when she opened them. Impalement, She heard a woman sing. Seung leaped down off the ledge gracefully, as she did in dance. She started to get nauseous at the idea of having her head impaled by a dagger. She stared at the higher part of the wall, where she saw a kitten's foot. "Blood. All in a good game is blood. I don't want to play in the damn game."