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The World's Greatest Detective

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a character in “Legends of The Dark Knight”, as played by DeviousWolf



Name: Bruce Wayne

Alter Ego: Batman

Occupancy: Crime-fighter/World's Greatest Detective


Age: 27


Physical/Mental Capabilities:Peak Human Strength: He can break steel chains and cuffs, support a ceiling that weighed over 1000lbs, bent steel metal bars with his hands. Batman even punched a SWAT officer through a brick wall. He utilizes his strength/power so effectively, that a near-meta such as Deathstroke comments that Batman "hits harder than most beings with superhuman strength." During his exercise regimes, Batman regularly bench-presses at least 1000 lbs.
Peak Human Reflexes: Batman's reflexes are practically superhuman.

Peak Human Speed: He can run at speeds comparable to the finest competing athletes.

Peak Human Endurance: His endurance was comparable to that of the finest Olympic Decathlon participant. His lung capacity is so great that he can hold his breath underwater for 3 minutes and 15 seconds.

Peak Human Agility: His agility is greater than that of a Chinese acrobat and an Olympic gold medalist gymnast. His main phase of movement is Parkour which he learned in France and uses it to scale the cities rooftops in an acrobatic manner. He is capable of completing a triple somersault.

Expert Acrobat: Proficient in gymnastics and acrobatics, to the peak of human ability.

Master Martial Artist: Batman is one of the finest human combatants Earth has ever known. He trained in the US for various martial arts for 10 years. He has mastered 127 styles of martial arts including Muay Thai, Escrima, Krav Maga, Capoeira, Savate, Yawyan, Taekwondo, Judo, Jujitsu, Ninjitsu, Kendo, Fencing, Kenjutsu, Kali, Bojutsu, Francombat, Boxing, Kickboxing, Hapkido, Wing Chun, Parkour, Shorin Ryu, Silat, Chin Na, Hokuto Shinken, Kyudo, Aikido, Varma Ati, Jeet Kune Do, Shaolin, Ba Gua, Hung Gar, Tai Chi, Kung Fu, Kenpo, and Karate. His primary form of combat is an idiosyncratic admixture of Tae Kwon Do, Judo, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Karate, Boxing, Jujitsu, and Ninjitsu.

Weapon Master: Through his martial arts training, he has become an expert on virtually all types of weaponry. He is an exceptional swordsman as evident in his fight with Ra's al Ghul, his proficiency in Jui Jitsu can proclaim his swordsmanship skill. Proficient with most melee weapons due to his mastery of Okinawan Kobudo. He was trained and became proficient in all arms. He soon learned expanded melee weapon techniques and he has learned expanded weapon/device sciences. He still practices during his combat sessions to keep his skills intact, though he prefers unarmed combat.

Master of Stealth: His Ninjutsu training has made him a master at stealth capable of breaching high security facilities with ease and without being detected.
Expert Marksman: Due in part to his training in Ninjitsu, Batman almost never misses his targets, 9/10 times he's successful.
Genius Intellect: (Batman's IQ is possibly well over 200) Batman is a brilliant, virtually peerless, detective, strategist, scientist, tactician, and commander; he is widely regarded as one of the keenest analytical minds on the planet. Given his lack of superpowers, he often uses cunning and planning to outwit his foes, rather than simply "out-fighting" them.

Polymath: He has studied Biology, Technology, Mathematics, Physics, Mythology, Geography, & History. Gained degrees in Criminal Science, Forensics, Computer Science, Chemistry and Engineering by the time he was 21. He has mastered Diverse Environmental Training, Security Systems, and illusion/sleight of hand by the time he was 23. He gained even more degrees in Biology, Physics, Advanced Chemistry, and Technology by the time he was 25. He has learned Forensic, Medical Sciences, Expanded Computer and Engineering Sciences, and Expanded Device Pool use of personal powered armor and system, database creation on underworld crime bosses, rogue's gallery foes and other supers; improved material sciences for body armor and micro-machinery by the time he was 26. Has also learned Advanced New Development in Forensic and Medical Sciences.

Master Detective: He is widely considered as the World's Greatest Detective, capable of observation, forensic investigation, and inductive and deductive reasoning of the highest caliber. Human intuition is an unlearnable trait and one of Batman's most effective tools. Given any mystery, he can arrive at any conclusions with a fraction of the data.

Master Strategist: He commonly utilizes cunning tactics to outwit his foes. He is an excellent leader and at times commands the Justice League and the Outsiders.

Escapologist: He has been described as second only to Mister Miracle as an escape artist. He has been seen escaping from a straitjacket in less than 52 seconds, and remarked afterwards that the time was way too slow for him.

Expert Mechanic and Driver: Batman is proficient at combat driving. He has also pioneered improved vehicle designs. In addition, he has been trained and is proficient in basic vehicular operations.

Equipment: Bat-Suit: Batman's costume is composed of Kevlar and a small percentage of titanium; it is bullet-proof and resistant to most forms of attack (explosions, blunt trauma, falls, etc.) It is also flame-retardant and insulated. The gloves and the boots are reinforced to nullify the impact of punches and kicks. Batman's gauntlets have metallic blades on their sides. The cape is extremely light and can be used to glide long distances. The cowl is composed in small part by lead, which shields Batman's face from identification via x-rays. It has also an infrared viewer and auditory sensors. The cowl is outfitted with security systems (aggravating gas, electric blasts, etc.) like the utility belt. The mask is also a transmitter-receiver.

Utility Belt: Batman keeps most of his personal field equipment in his iconic yellow utility belt. Over the years, it has produced plastic explosives, nerve toxins, batarangs, smoke bombs, a fingerprint kit, a cutting tool, a grappling hook gun, and a re-breather.

Weaknesses: No presumable physical weaknesses
The memory of both Martha and Thomas' Wayne dying on the tragic night after attending a Zorro play. (Cause of death was bullet trauma via a thug named Joe Chill.)

History: After the untimely death of both parents Thomas and Martha Wayne, Bruce traveled the world in search of mastery among many different subject types. Returning to Gotham as a grown man years later, Bruce dawned the cowl of Batman after noticing a bat in his study at Wayne Manor, calling it an omen.

(NOTE: I chose the Batman Arkham Origins screenshots in good sport of the game as well as my hype.)

So begins...

Batman's Story


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Character Portrait: Batman
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0.00 INK

Every night remains the same for me, swiftly making my way for the stand-still clock in my study and turning the hands to the time it happened. 10:40. The clock shifts from it's position with a crack, sliding open to reveal the dusted set of stairs plummeting down. "It seems you've found yourself down here again sir, would you like the bedroom to be moved as well?" Alfred said with a chuckle while he made company with me to the Cave.

"No Alfred, but I do need a new tool to utilize from Fox down here quickly." I say with both a slight smile and snap, facing the glass-enclosed sets of armor waiting to be used once more. Sliding the pane away, the first suit is taken for the changing area behind the computer with haste. It is easy to slip into, both comfortable and durable enough for my liking. Next my utility belt is clipped across after being handed over by Alfred, his sigh exaggerating the fact of my departure. "Alfred, please contact Lucius tonight and tell him I need another set of batarangs and explosives as soon as possible."

The Batmobile turns to face a distant waterfall, it's engine revving in preparation of my 'nightly-duties.' Alfred gave and nod and faced the stairway, elegantly slipping away without another word. I do the same with the exception of going the other way, leaping from the ground into my vehicle as it rides away and leaves behind the eerie silence of the Cave once more.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Batman Character Portrait: The Joker
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0.00 INK

Gotham Police Department- Rooftop

The signal had shown and like usual I was there, silently waiting with narrowed eyes. Jim furrowed his brow as he handed over the file, all contents inside gruesome but nonetheless moving. "Male, mid-twenties and said to have worked for that Joker fellow..." Jim said with a slight drink of his coffee and rubbing of his mustache. "What can you read from it?"

Looking over the photographs, it is obviously one of his thugs. With an abrupt drop of the file from my hand to the desk, I look up to Gordon sternly. "Facial trauma from a knife, presumably large. He was quick with the kill as his usual actions are, but sloppy. Where was the body found?" Turning to face him with this posed question, Gordon stood still with his chin rested on his fist and eyes shallow but focused. "Cathedral Square, north of Blackgate. But wh-" my disappearance was usual at this point but the mutter of wonder still escaped Gordon when noticing my unseen departure.

Cathedral Square

The Joker hadn't done this himself, while standing at the crime scene this was obvious to the eye. The cowl tapped in to standard detective vision, all dried blood in the dumpster making the carrier of the corpse seem ridiculous. Scanning in more, the blood is highlighted from a dull blue to a bright yellow. The trail forms from the start of the alleyway down, brightened liquid stains showing the forceful drag across the street. Pathetic. Emerging from the cape with my Bat-Claw in hand, the tool snaps me upward and over onto the rooftops with a simple jerk. With both a sharp crunch and nicely accomplished landing, my boots move below as my path continues for the route to my killer's area. The Joker.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Batman Character Portrait: The Joker
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0.00 INK

Occupied Warehouse- Joker's Property

I stand overhead the few thugs talking quietly about their boss, analyzing the property. Silently finalizing my scouting, a more tactical approach was being put into place. 5 of his men outside, three armed and two unarmed. I could go for the eastern guard watching overhead, he seems well equipped with thermal vision and more... therefore taking out their personal siren.


My boots move from the gargoyle to the rooftops below; the sound even more hidden due to the immense amount of snow tonight. The first target is uneasy, his handle on the thermal childish and pathetic. From a steady amount of walking I rip away from the few feet of snow providing cover and grab the man from behind. His hands continued to bat at my forearm which was locked in place, but this stopped after slamming his body into the snow with a crunch. Unheard and silent as it should be. The other two guards stood as they already had been, complaints of the weather ruining their drunkenness ringing throughout the lot as my cape carried me to the snow-ridden asphalt below.

Slipping a batarang from my belt, I watch as it whips into full position for flight. The blade smashes through the barrel of one rifle while the other man prepares his to shoot. Two more batarangs are thrown to each kneecap, impaling his legs with a howl of pain coming for a result. In the process of throwing the rifle to the ground my leg catches one of them in the face with a tremendous snap against my heel. This blow sent him tumbling through the now blood-sprinkled snow in agony while the impaled thug reached for me with his blade drawn.

The remaining two men of Joker's raced for me with clubs and other pointless weaponry, chanting of my death and more. My hand fixed around a smoke pellet, slamming it downward for no visible contact. The shadows of the wall behind provide enough camouflage but are too close, making me have to take them out as a group.

My foot slams each batarang deeper through the knees to finish my previous enemy off as both hands balled into fists. A barrage of blows was sent into the club-holder until he slumped like gelatin, then found their way to the last 'guard.' To finish him off my cape swept across his face to cause confusion as he tried to regain full view. However, I leg-swept him to the snow before he could and reassured he was silent before moving for the building to once again regain silence. Time for the true enemy inside that warehouse.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Batman Character Portrait: The Joker Character Portrait: Two-Face
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0.00 INK

This news was most welcome. Joker knew his stupid henchmen would not be able to adequately dispose of a body. He in fact counted on it. He wanted a bit of notoriety that he was scheming, but did not expect that Bats himself would make an appearance. This was all going according to plan.

Joker paced back and forth with his hands behind his back. "Well you know how it is Harvey, some people just don't share the same sense of humor we do. Haha. And people like that are better suited for... other purposes." He smiled widely and stopped pacing. Two-Face inquired about the recently deceased. Joker was ecstatic. He bounced with his hands clasped. "Oh yes, this is my new favorite."

He approached the body and grabbed the pie pan. With one quick movement he ripped the pie away from the mans head, tearing his face off with it. The exposed muscles and bones were exactly what Joker had in mind when he came up with the recipe. He showed the pie to Two-Face. "Funny thing about crazy glue. It doesn't come unstuck very easily." He cackled and dropped the pie. "AHAHAHA. Oh I do love it Harvey." He danced backward a bit.

"But I digress" He turned to face the man once more. "My 'scheme' is one for the ages, I do hope you enjoy it as much as I will. Unfortunately for now, It is a secret." He brought his finger to his lips. "shhhhh" He then moved his fingers to point upward over his head, resembling Batmans cowl. "oh, but rest assured" he said with a giggle. "This will be quite a hoot."

He strolled to Harvey's good side and whispered into his ear. "Listen here my boy, If I were to get captured you have control over my lackeys. Dress them in your cute half 'n half clothing. And cause as much destruction and mayhem as you wish. Just get them home by eleven. The real plan shall be revealed at a later date. Just steal and murder and flip your little coin until you are silly." He laughed loudly into his ear and slunk away, heading for his throne.

"I look forward to a fruitful partnership. AHAHAHAA"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Batman Character Portrait: The Joker Character Portrait: Two-Face
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0.00 INK

Occupied Warehouse- Joker's Property

As I remained suspended from the warehouse ceiling, my hand slipped away an EMP for usage of strategy. This has something to do with me, and doesn't sound to be easily spoken about. Too many guards below means I'll have to go with an alternative method; and this EMP will do what is needed. Beginning the approach, I activate the EMP and send it flying down below as well as myself to go unnoticed. My cape wrapped around the Joker so his laughter and actions would be muffled for stealth, but is not necessary after strings of gunfire ring throughout the warehouse. Threats and shouts of anger exchange with this, everybody including Harvey himself dazed by the event. All of these things become unimportant when we both reach the rooftops above and the Joker is sent tumbling across the snow-dense steel of the warehouse.

Scooping him from the ankle, I haul him over the edge of the warehouse and begin questioning without interruption of his laughter.

"You said you wanted me. What for?" I questioned with bared teeth, loosening my grip with an eased tension.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Batman Character Portrait: The Joker Character Portrait: Two-Face
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0.00 INK

Harvey was suddenly blinded and deafened. His hearing returned first, and he heard the sounds of gunfire, Jokers men probably, and...a cape? He heard it whoosh in front of him before he could see. His vision finally returned, and the first thing he saw was the absence of the Joker. Where could he have gone? Joker was quick, yes, but he didn't just disappear. But the Batman does, Harvey thought with a wave of anger. Joker's men approached Harvey, guns raised. "What have you done with the Joker?" one of them asked, holding his gun towards Harvey. "Has he not told you what he told me?" Harvey said, watching as the Jokers clowns surrounded him. The big one who spoke before said, "Yes, that if he were captured, we answered to you. But then he disappears, which makes you suspicious."

Harvey smiled, and said, "You misunderstand. He included the possibility of his capture because he knew it was going to happen. His face plastered all over the news, Batman showing up again, it's no coincidence. Joker knew that the Batman was gonna show up, and arrest him." He could see the realization creep across the man's face. "I-I'm sorry, sir. I hadn't thought of that," the man said, lowering his gun. The other clowns lowered their guns, too.

"Alright, just so we're clear. You all work for me until the Joker returns. First things first," Harvey said before he pulled his coin out of his pocket. "Uhh...what are we deciding on?" one of the clowns said, obviously having heard of some of Two-Face's decisions. Harvey smiled an evil smile. He holds the coin in his palm, clean side up. "You all get a costume change, then we rob a bank," Harvey said. He then flipped the coin in his hand so it sat with the scarred face up. "Or we rob a bank, and you all wear whatever you please," Harvey said with a smile. He flipped the coin, caught it, and put it on the back of his other hand.

"Get everyone in your cars, and follow me. Let's get you out of those ridiculous clown outfits," Harvey instructed the big one he had spoken to earlier. He turned, and left the warehouse, listening as the men ran back and forth, readying everything. He walked back to his van and told Rick, "Take us back to the hideout. But wait a moment, we'll have some company." As he finished, he saw a small army of cars pull out of the warehouse, and drive his way. He waved to show which van was his, then he stepped inside. "Let's go."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Batman Character Portrait: The Joker Character Portrait: Two-Face
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0.00 INK

A bright flash, a deafening sound. That was all Joker could register before he was accosted and swept from his Grand Hall. It must be Batsy. He must have wrapped him up in his cape. That was to be expected. Joker's relentless cackle couldn't be heard through the magical fabric that this cape was made of. Nevertheless, he still laughed happily.

They made it to the roof and Bats released Joker, sending him sprawling over the roof top. When he finally stopped sliding he was lifted into the air by his ankle and dangled over the edge. He never was quite sure why Batman did this. It's not as if Joker thought Batman would actually drop him...

"You said you wanted me. What For?"

Joker chuckled. "OOOOh, Batsy's getting a little cranky." Joker tried to squirm out of Batman's grip, but that wasn't happening. "C'mon Bats. Do I really need a reason to want to see my bestest friend in the whole wide world???" Joker giggled and then went limp. There was no use getting all tuckered out trying to resist Batman. He let his arms dangle beneath him and looked down upon the snow covered concrete below.

"So... How've yooou beeen?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Batman Character Portrait: The Joker
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0.00 INK

Upper Warehouse- Joker's Property

Gritting my teeth, he slips further from my hand with another laugh. "What were you planning with Harvey?" I say with a growl as his smile fades. I'm running short of time, soon his men are going to investigate. Good thing our location is not the most obvious.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Batman Character Portrait: The Joker Character Portrait: Two-Face
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0.00 INK

"what were you planning with Harvey?"

Joker giggled. "Oh Bats. I thought we were past this point in our relationship. You should know by now that I only divulge information that is of the utmost importance." He giggled some more. He looked down, it was a long way. Should be an interesting fall, though he knew for a fact that Batman would never drop him. He would never kill him. Batman needed Joker, just like the Joker needed Batman.

"All you need to know Batsy boy, is that something really, really, FUN is in the works. All you have to do is sit back and enjoy it. AHAHHAHAHHHAHAHAHA" He smiled brightly and looked at his watchless wrist. "I think it's about time you go find Mr. Dent. He's probably got a Hell of a heist in the works." Joker giggled some more.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Batman Character Portrait: The Joker Character Portrait: Two-Face
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0.00 INK

Ignore this.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Batman Character Portrait: The Joker Character Portrait: Two-Face
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0.00 INK

Upper Warehouse- Joker's Property

I grunt, slipping him from my hands as his laugh echoes from below. It is cut off when the realization of dangling happens, as he was in fact suspended from the ground just inches away. The screech of a van from the northern warehouse entrance signals Harvey's departure. This heist needs to be cut off quickly. Going after the vehicle on foot would be failure, so a way of blocking passage is necessary.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Batman Character Portrait: The Joker Character Portrait: Two-Face
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0.00 INK

The grip loosened and Joker could feel himself falling. He began laughing hysterically. No way the Bat would let him die though. His thoughts were quickly confirmed when he felt an angry tug at his ankle from the rope he was dangling with. "Pansy Bat will never kill me" Joker grumbled behind chuckles while he reached into his coat for a knife to cut himself down. He retrieved one and sliced the cable. It cut like butter, Joker kept his knives very sharp.

Joker fell the extra few feet and landed on his head with his feet hanging lamely above his head. That hurt a bit. "Hehehe." Joker chuckled as he rolled over and rose to his feet. He returned the knife to his coat pocket and began to walk down the alley. "Hehe, I wonder what Dent is up to." He mused.

He figured if he wandered around a bit near the biggest banks in town He'd see Harvey making a move eventually. He didn't give a communicator to Harvey during their meeting, so He would just have to wander about, probably kill a few people along the way if he felt like it.