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Simon Gadfeather

Up with Carpe Dium

0 · 316 views · located in The Academy

a character in “Levitas Schola Veneficus”, as played by RacoonMoon()


My Full Name Is... Simon Wulf Gadfeather

I don't have any pictures so here's a description with words: The only thing I gets from my father is that instead of hair atop my head I have my father's white fur that follows to whatever form he's in; human or crow. To express his pride of his crow heritage he wears a crow feather sticking straight out of his head fur. Simon’s eyes change from an electric yellow to a forest green at random intervals. I'm a 5’’9’ african american in human form and 1 ft. jet black crow in crow form. Simon can always be seen wearing a black overcoat reaching down to his ankles. And lastly he wears brown cargo pants riddled with pockets and custom made five-toed boots. he looks just like any other crow in crow form only standing out because of the white fur on top of his head
I Am 16 years old.

I Am A Shapeshifter

I Am A male

I Am in my Freshmen year.

My Powers Include:the ability to change into a Crow,and I can almost perfectly assess a situation.

My Major is Theater

I Hate the opposite of the likes listed below. I also dislike anytime when I can’t fly around as a crow. I've spent more time as a crow than human so showing himself off as human just seems like an act for him. That is why I treats it as I do, making it as outlandish as it is. I'm also deathly afraid of wolves because father’s pack mauled mother and tried to kill me too.

But I Do like abnormal, attention, and at most a challenge. I'm always testing boundaries seeing just how far things will go. This is much to the annoyment of anyone who tries to boss me around as I'm always testing just how far he'll have to go for someone to get violent.

My Weakness is that I'm fragile because of my bird bones and humble beginnings scavenging for food with my mom. I'm also clumsy because I've has spent more time as a crow than a human.

My Sexual Preference Is Antisexual

My personality? Well... In the right conditions I might have become a child star. Between my outfit and personality, I'm by no extension normal and not just because I'm a shape shifter. I am very expressive to say in the least. It may be the result of being in the growing up in with only one only my mom but I'm always making sure people enjoy my presence. I'm theatrical in everything I do from answering a question to cliff diving. Not to notice me is comparable to not knowing a bear standing next to you. I'm is a strong believer in living life to its fullest and aspire to make every day as interesting as possible for others as well as myself. There was this time when I rigged the classroom doorway to shoot a confetti canon when I walked in. needless to say it wasn't a great first impression with the teacher. I would much rather play mind games and tell riddles than have an honest converstation. The only way you can find me silent in a conversation is if he trying to sense the motive of someone or just curious as to how a situation will play out. My curiosity is my only trait that rivals my theatricality for dominance. When I'm truly focusing on something I becomes almost oblivious to his surroundings and his curiosity won't let him pull away. His Achilles heel is he is too curious for his own good. My curiosity makes me almost oblivious to danger when is trying to find out something. My greatest fear would have to be wolves because of course they mauled my mother and tried to kill me.

My History begins with my parents. I mean, wolfs and crows in the wild have always very close. Well Simon's parents took it to the next level and had a child, aka Simon was born. Now they had no idea what the baby would look like but they were too in love to care. To my father's surprise I came out looking like a human and mom finally had to tell him she was a shape shifter. Dad left her heartbroken as he left claiming he couldn't stand the betrayal. She raised me alone teaching me everything a shape shifter needs to know to survive such as how to fly, correctly assess anything, and finally on his 5th birthday how to shift to a human. Once I could successfully pass as human- which i still haven't mastered to this day - Mother and I left the forest because she heard from some other crows that father had become Alpha of his pack and was coming to attack them. We fled to live in mother's safe house in the mountains a place mom were sure the wolves couldn't get us. We were able to survive here for six years before father's pack finally found us. Using herself as a distraction mother sent me away to find Levitas Schola Veneficus. I escaped but my mother's last words weren't very specific so it took me 2 years to find the school.

I Come From Yellowstone park

So begins...

Simon Gadfeather's Story


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Character Portrait: Simon Gadfeather Character Portrait: Luna Bianchi
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Simon flew over the green forest below him struggling to keep a straight path because of his aching wings. He had been flying for 4 hours now and it was really taking it's toll on him. "Come on Simon just a few more miles." he muttered to himself just to keep himself awake. Who was he kidding he could barely go a few more feet much less miles. He flapped his wings to get a better view of the ground below him, wings taking strength from the knowledge he could land soon. He would give one last look for this school but he didn't do so with much hope. He was nearing the second year since he had set out for the school and he had seen nothing that looked remotely eligible. Not for the first time he thought of giving up in the search but soon dismissed the thought in frustration. He would head his mother's dying wish if it was the last thing he did. It took him a moment but he noticed that there was large school looking building almost directly below him. His hopes weren't raised yet though because it wouldn't be the first time he had seen a school that fit this description. He pulled his wings close against his back to engage in a dive straight down into the forest that surrounded it. Mid-dive something beyond all his knowledge passed right in front of him and he whipped his wings out in surprise. His tired wings couldn't handle the reaction and he was sent spinning as soon as they caught the air. He screamed in surprise but it was whisked away by the wind. He was able to change to human and brace himself before he hit the first tree. His arms were together to protect his face but he could still feel the odd branch strike his cheek. He could probaly lable this as the second scariest time in his life as branch after branch broke around him. He was almost relieved when he hit the ground hearing the leaves crunch as they tried to break his fall. He lay there taking deep breaths so he could ignore the pain caused by the cuts on his face. His clothes had take the worst of it and he could see the many tears in them. He roused himself after remembering that everything bad that had ever happened to him was on the ground. Nothing was broken thanks to the many branches breaking his fall.
He made his way to the direction he thought he thought the school was in. All the tossing and turning he'd done on the way down had disoriented him and to add to all this he was still tired. It did not take him long to find the school and he was flabbergasted when he did. Never before had he seen such a large gathering of freaks before. He knew it was rude to call them freaks but he had forgotten his manners in his astonishment. Eventually he saw what he realized was the reason for his crash. He couldn't even name it it confused him so much. It looked like a human but it had large bird wing on its back. Simon's anger at his crash and natural curiosity drove him to the being.


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Character Portrait: Del Fuller Character Portrait: Simon Gadfeather
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Del walked lazily through the forest toward the school with her orange-brown tail wagging in the air. Beside her, her older twin brothers, Ian and Sam, argued over something-or-other. Del sighed and looked over at them with a smile. The two were in their bear form which was clearly their most comfortable form. It suited them well. The two were as lazy and (sometimes Del thought) as stupid as bears, and this body was probably better for their wrestling fits than their human bodies. Del had taken to sauntering through the forest in her most comfortable fox form. The fox was her first shift just like the bear had been for Ian and Sam. The fox had been the first animal that she had ever studied and she had spent so long studying the bone and muscle structure of the fox, she practically had it engraved in her mind. She had practiced the form so many times, it was like learning to ride a bike for her.

Sam turned his furry head to Del with a questioning look on his face. "Del, what do you think?" he questioned. Del quickly snapped out of her thoughts and shook her head before looking up at him. "What do I think about what?" Ian huffed out a loud, "Hah!" and Sam's head whipped around to him as Ian continued, "See, even Del doesn't listen to ya." The two began arguing again and Del tuned them out once more However, she was pulled back to Earth when she heard Ian say the words, "Alright, I'll race ya then." Del furrowed her brow in both confusion and concern. Sam simply looked at Ian for a moment with a determined face and then turned to Del. "We'll meet you at the school, Del." Del was about to protest when Ian shouted, "Ready, set, go!" They were off in a flash and Del was stuck watching their receding, furry behinds blundering through the forest. Del simply shook her head with a sigh and went back to sauntering in the direction of the school.

Del had paused for a moment to chase a small chipmunk around when she head a scream and a loud crash a few yards away and both her and the chipmunk jumped. Feeling both confused and curious, Del walked quietly toward the sound of leaves crackling and twigs snapping. It appeared to be a boy who had been the source of the loud crash. He looked cut up and bruised, but Del didn't know if she should shift back and ask if he was alright. Instead, she waited until the boy was gone, and then shrugged, continuing on her merry way.


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Character Portrait: Simon Gadfeather Character Portrait: Luna Bianchi
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Luna flew slowly above the clouds, humming an Italian song from her childhood. The sun shined on her fair face and her greyish white hair waved in the wind. Her pure white wings seemed to barely move, yet she still progressed in a steady pace on her way to the school. This would be her third year attending the academy, so that meant she was finally a junior. The downside of this new year were her friends. They all graduated last year, so she had to make new ones. In her first year, she hadn't had the time to go around and meet people. Her schedule had been filled with her normal classes and several extra magic and music classes. She hadn't had the chance to learn magic before she entered ths school, so she had to start at the basics. The Angel was by far the worst in her normal magic classes, because she didn't have any experience at all. After a year of hard work, she passed with the highest scores, but with not a single friend. Her second year was much better for her social life. Her roommate was a friendly Senior, who introduced her to all her friends. She had less extra lessons, which resulted in loads of time to play around with her new acquaintances, who soon became the best friends she could had ever dreamed of. With pain in her heart, she saw them graduate. Now here she was, flying -literally- towards her third year, in the hope this year wouldn't be as lonely as her first one.
Luna woke from her daydreams in the knowledge the school was right underneath her. She broke through the clouds and took a better look. As she predicted, it wasn't far anymore. She began the descent, in a rather fast but steady pace. She could let herself fall and save herself in the last second. That was a lot of fun to do, but todat she prefered the normal way to descent. Suddenly, she felt something brush against her wings. She didn't know if she felt it for real, because it was such a soft touch. Luna shrugged and flew further. It must have been her imagination. The Angel looked at the ground and flew slower. Her feet touched the ground and she stopped moving her wings. Certainly a landing as it was described in the book. She streched her back and neck, stiff from the long flight. She could have gone by magic, but that would mean draining her powers without any necessity. Besides, it would be too flashy and too tiring to do. The girl flapped her wings again to make sure everything was alright and she smiled. She was ready to conceal her wings underneath her skin, when she heard someone walking her way. She turned around and saw an African American guy walking up to her. Luna took a quick look at her wings and then at him again. If he was human, she could convince him they weren't real, that it was just a costume. Together with her long green dress -altough long was quite relative, because she only stood 5' tall- it could be possible. But she had her doubts he was human, since they were so close to a school packed with supernatural beings. She took another look at him and then smiled friendly. She wanted to say something nice, a greeting at least, but maybe he didn't want to talk to her. So she just waited for him to say something or just walk past her as if she didn't exist.


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Character Portrait: Simon Gadfeather Character Portrait: Luna Bianchi
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Simon stopped right in front of the "girl". He could only assume that this was a girl because it appeared just like most human women looked like. He tried to take interest in her clothes but his eyes kept flowing to the white wings on her back. They were feathery just like a birds wing and he could see that the feathers also fell in the correct pattern. Seeing this human with wings made him angry because of how unnatural it was. If humans were meant to have wings then what was the point of birds. Birds were meant to rule the skies granted some more than others but weren't planes enough for humans? He just stood there for a moment trying to figure out if he would address her with anger or curiosity. "What are you?" he said choosing the question that bordered on both emotions. All the while he was keeping alert to his surroundings. He didn't like that he was confined to the ground right now but a school in the sky, though cool, was unconventional. In all his memories he couldn't think of one good thing that had happened to him on the ground for example the ground was a key factor of his crash.


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Character Portrait: Simon Gadfeather Character Portrait: Luna Bianchi
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Luna blinked a few times in surprise that the guy actually stopped in front of her. She noticed that his eyes were drawn to her wings and the girl tried her hardest to hold a poker face. She still didn't know who he was or more exactly, what he was. She couldn't tell humans about herself, what she was or were she came from. Most would freak out, others would try to hunt her down. She had seen it happen with a friend of hers. He went to the Earth for the first time, without any knowledge how it is down here. He didn't conceal his wings, neither did he deny they were real. As casual as someone would say they bought new clothes, her friend told people he was an Angel. Most humans didn't believe him and just laughed. But there were others, humans who knew of the existance of supernatural beings, who went after him. Luna went down to earth to save him, but it had already been too late. She hadn't found his body, altough it wasn't necessary. They took him away to experiment on him, to extract his genes. Humans always wanted to fly.
The guy asked her what Luna was. She looked at him with a puzzled look in her eyes, as if she really was a human who had no idea about Angels and stuff like that. "What are you talking about?" She asked in a innocence and surprised voice. Even though she tried to play dumb, she was careful around him. She could feel his slight anger and it made her shiver. Why would he be mad at her? They only just met.


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Character Portrait: Simon Gadfeather Character Portrait: Luna Bianchi
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She was playing dumb with him Simon realized finding himself shocked. Did she not notice the wings on her back or did she think he was too stupid to notice, that anyone could be too stupid to notice. Either way her denying him his answer caused his curiosity to mix with his anger. "In case you haven't noticed you have wings on your back. Human's don't have wings, Birds have wings. This isn't natural." He said placing a hand on her wing. He realized that this was rude but he wanted to be sure they were real and not an illusion. Simon wasn't a stranger to magic but never before had seen humans with wings. Simon hoped they were fake but he felt feathers beneath his hand.
Simon realized he still had his hand on the girl's wing and pulled it way swiftly. He knew he would hate it if someone put him in this situation especially if they ouched his wings. "Sorry that was rude. Name's Simon Gadfeather, Shapeshifter." He said pushing his hand out for a handshake. He realized that he had a pretty bad first impression between his beat up clothes, angrily walking to her, touching her wings and then acting like it never happened. It wouldn't be the first time he had let his curiosity get out of hand. He once almost told a human he was a shapeshifter so he would tell him something. Much like he was doing now he thought to his dismay. Suddenly he really hoped this girl wasn't human.


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Character Portrait: Simon Gadfeather Character Portrait: Luna Bianchi
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Luna was in pure shock when he touched her wing. If there was one thing she hated the most, then it would definitely be this. She bit her lip to stay calm and managed to produce a face that seemed like she didn't care. But on the inside, she felt the magic boiling through her whole body. She wasn't mad at him for just touching her wing, but it was her instinct to defend herself from this stranger. Besides, her wings were the weakest part of her whole body. It was only natural to be very careful with them. Therefore, when he lifted her hand from her wings, a sigh of relief escaped her lips. The whole situation made her feel very uncomfortable and she hoped he would never do this again. She took a better look at him while listening to his apologies. But he surprised her by saying he was a shapeshifter. She held her head a bit to the right to see if he was lying or not. When she was happy with something she saw in his face, she shook his hand. "Apologies accepted. We started off wrong, didn't we? My name is Luna Alessa Rosannah Bianchi, an Angel. Just call me Luna, okay?" She said smiling. She looked at her wings and then at Simon. "I hope you don't mind me doing this, but walking around like this is inconvenient." It wasn't only that, she didn't want him to touch them again either. Luna looked around to make sure no one else was there and then began her transformation. Her big white wings seemed to grow smaller while they slowly disappeared under her skin. The whole process didn't take longer than 10 seconds. When she was finished, there was no sign she had ever had wings on her back. Not even her dress was ripped, thanks to her magic.


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Character Portrait: Simon Gadfeather Character Portrait: Luna Bianchi
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It took Simon a moment to realize that she wasn't joking about being an angel. His mom had told him very little about angels and to him they were mythical creatures from the bible. Merely fiction until now that is. Anyway she doesn't seem like the kind of person who would flat out lie he thought purposely ignoring how she had tried to play dumb with him. In retrospect it made sense that she would give him answers immediately. He looked like a beat up human when he came up to her, though he probably still did now for that matter, and she wouldn't tell a human that she was an angel. He laughed at the mental image of a human coming up and kneeling at her feet.
"I hope you don't mind me doing this, but walking around like this is inconvenient." he heard her say as she started looking around. He was about to ask what she meant when he felt his eyes widen as her wings started to shrink. He didn't know if it was right to stare as she underwent her transformation but he found he couldn't look away. Her wings are just as interesting when they go away as when they're out he thought as she finished after about 10 seconds. "Hope you don't mind me saying but that was pretty cool." he commented slightly envious. When he shifted into a crow it was instantaneous and boring not slow and majestic like that. With the wings gone it was much easier to focus on her clothes and he wasn't surprised to see hers were much nicer than his. She was wearing a rather nice long green dress whereas he was wearing a raggedy overcoat and cargo pants all weary from travel. Speaking of weary he reminded himself that he hadn't slept in a while. He turned away to let out a yawn before turning back to Luna. He wanted to ask about when they would get dorms but his curiosity wanted to know other things. "So is this your first year here?" he found himself asking wanting to get to know Luna. In truth he did not mind getting close to Luna in particular but he did want to learn about angels.


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Character Portrait: Simon Gadfeather Character Portrait: Luna Bianchi
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Luna smiled at Simon in her own relaxed and sweet way. Now she knew he was a supernatural being too, she could stop being nervous around him. It was a relief that it turned out this well, because she wouldn't have known what to do when he was a human. Well, of course she knew what she should do: erase his memory, no matter how. She didn't like doing this to humans, because it wasn't their fault they found out most of the time. To erase their memories of her was cruel, altough important for the safety of supernaturals. If they found out Angels were real, the logical deduction would be that all the other mythical creatures were real too. And that would be a huge problem for everyone.
Simon seemed to take quite an interest in her wings and even said that the process of hiding them under her skin was cool. Luna grinned and shook her head slightly. She was used to it by now, so she hadn't thought about it like that. The first time her wings came out, that was a great day. But when she tried to hide them again, it hurt a lot. As if they didn't want to go back and stay out there forever. Luckily, she got used to it and the transformation didn't hurt anymore. She only felt her back aching, altough she didn't scratch it. She took a better look at Simon and his weary clothes. He must have traveled for a long time. When he yawned, she knew for sure he was tired. Luna thought of her own flight, which didn't take too long. There were several ways to enter and leave Heaven, so she choose the closest to the school.
Simon asked her whether it was her first year here and she shook her head. "It's my third, I'm a Junior. What about you? I haven't seen you around." She said. She took another look at the school building. They were still in the forest and she would like to get to the school. She took a look at Simon and nodded towards the building. "Let's talk while walking there." She said and she turned around to walk further.


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Character Portrait: Simon Gadfeather Character Portrait: Luna Bianchi
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"Makes sense this is my first year here. I guess that makes me a freshman." He said using the term he believed was correct. In truth when Simon said it was his first year he meant it was his first year of actual school. His mother had home schooled him most of his life forever thinking that he couldn't pass as human to other humans. She had taught him what she thought would be useful to him like navigating, fighting, and staying unnoticed but not the normal skills like math and science. He could read though but that was only because he had taught himself from candy wrappers and the likes.
"Let's talk while walking there." Luna said as she turned around to walk further. Simon just nodded and followed after her. He didn't want to admit it to her but he was pretty nervous about entering the school. He had spent two years trying to find this school so what would he do now that he had found it? Without considering that how would he fit in with the people at the school? Before now he had never made an effort to fit in among humans but would he just become normal compared to these other supernaturals? His mother had always told him that it was better to fit in and he never agreed but now he was having second thoughts. he stopped the flood of questions coming into his mind with a deep breath. He would live in the moment as he had always done without any special approach.
With his doubts stopped Simon was able to focus on learning more about Luna. True to his previous thought he didn't really think before he asked his question. "What's it like being an angel?" he asked with genuine interest before he realized what he'd said. Wow it was like he couldn't help but be rude to Luna he thought trying to act like he had not just said that. He tried to take in interest in the things around him but that still didn't appeal to him because he was on the ground. he hated being on the ground but he was too tired to fly for long and he could barely talk when he was in crow form. Another skill his mother didn't think was useful even though she could do it herself.
He looked to the schools tall doors and listened as a man started speaking using it as a distraction as he awaited Luna's answer.


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Character Portrait: Simon Gadfeather Character Portrait: Luna Bianchi
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Luna looked at the school coming closer when they walked there. It was good to be back, after all. She had missed the academy and the people. Altough she liked calm places, she could also enjoy the noise and bustle of the students. It reminded her of home, at Wednesdays when they held a market in their town. People yelling, vendors trying to sell their delicious products, laughter of little kids... She definitely enjoyed those days, but they were a distant memory. Luna realised she shouldn't think about these things and chased the good memory away. Simons question gave her some distraction, but also something to think about. She made a sign she was thinking while they walked further. When she was ready to give an answer, she heard the principal speak and request them to go to the auditorium. Luna shrugged and walked through the doors, finally ready to give an answer. "I must confess, it is... special. We are ruled by a man who is called God in most religions, yet he is no different from any human." She laughed when she looked at Simon. "He isn't good, yet he isn't bad. Humans see him as a holy person. Well, you haven't heard him curse yet." Luna had been raised in a very catholic family, believing God is good and almighty. They couldn't have been more wrong about him. Well, he was powerful, she had to admit that. Other than that, he could have been an ordinary human. That's probably why she adored him more than any of those fake sweet girls in Heaven. He was real. He caused natural disasters, yet he was kind to those who believed. People blamed him for the hunger in the world, but they didn't realise the burden on his shoulder. He had to keep the world in balance, yet humans expect him to do something about it. They never even thought of the possibility of doing it themselves.
Luna shook her head slightly when they entered the auditorium. She sat down on a chair somewhere in the middle and looked at Simon. "He's a busy man, so not really a part of our lives. Anyway, being an Angel isn't so bad. We can fly and heal others. I'm a little bit different, since I can use Magic. We spend our lives in Heaven. You can compare it to a normal society, with homes, schools, libraries... Almost everything you can think of, can also be found there." She said while she thought about Heaven. No matter how much it looked like Earth, it was still so different. And to be honest, she prefered Earth.
Luna smiled and took the chance to ask him a question this time. "You said you were a shapeshifter. What can you shift into?"


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Character Portrait: Simon Gadfeather Character Portrait: Luna Bianchi
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Simon let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, relieved that she didn't take any offense from his question. Simon just nodded as she talked about god meanwhile taking a seat beside her. He wasn't a religious person himself so her telling him that god was just like any other human didn't surprise him. He didn't think god any higher than another human anyway so this was just confirmation of his own beliefs. Based on her description of being an angel he didn't think it very different from being a shapeshifter. Besides healing others he could fly and do a small bit of magic though he wasn't good at it. He could do things like flashes of light and basic levitation but mainly things that could work as a distraction. The only reason he knew levitation was because his mother realized that he would barely be able to lift anything if he confined himself to crow form.
"You said you were a shapeshifter. What can you shift into?" Lina asked almost taking the question from his thoughts.
"A crow, the common crow to be exact." he said confidently. He was perfectly aware that most shapeshifter's might have a wide arsenal of host animals by his age and that he should be embarrassed to have only one. Despite this the crow had always been enough for him and not even his mother could convince him otherwise. His mother could change into almost every animal residing in Yellowstone park wolves included. He could recall every time she had changed into a wolf to teach him something about them. Whether it be how they fight or how to fight them the end result was always the same; with Simon scared senseless perching in a corner somewhere. Wolves were Simon's Achilles heel and whenever he saw one he froze like a dear in headlights.
Pushing his thoughts aside he realized it was his turn to ask a question and tried to think of one. This wasn't hard as his mind was always buzzing with questions about something. he wanted to learn more about Luna but he thought that there would be time for that later. For now he should get more information on the school before he was blindly thrown into it. "So besides being filled with supernatural beings what's the school like?" he asked casually successfully hiding his nerves at going to school for the first time.


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Character Portrait: Simon Gadfeather Character Portrait: Luna Bianchi
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Luna nodded slowly as Simon said he could shift in a crow. Most shapeshifters had multiple forms, but there were exceptions. She had met people who either prefered one and never shifted into something else or either couldn't do more than one. She didn't know about Simons situation, but a crow wasn't a very powerful animal. Well, maybe he hadn't needed the power to fight in close combat until now, so an ordinary crow wouldn't be such a problem. But once he would have close combat classes, he would have quite a problem. However, most shapeshifters could use some magic, so that must have been his way to protect himself. She was curious about his way of fighting, but she also knew the chances of her being able to see his class train, was very small. She had other classes to attend and she had never heard of juniors training with freshmen.
Luna expected another question, so she just looked at Simon until he asked one. As she predicted, not much later he asked her what the school was like. She held her head slightly to the right to think about her own experiences. "The lessons are different for every student. Many people have private lessons for close combat, magic or others, because they are either behind in class or too skilled to follow the regular courses. The teachers aren't too bad, well, most of them. As for the students... It's a difficult situation sometimes, because natural enemies are brought together in this school. It often leads to fights between whole groups, especially when you mess with the werewolfs. They hang around in packs, so when you offend one, you offend them all." She said while tapping her fingers on her legs. She removed some hair which fell in front of her right eye and proceeded her previous action. "Life on campus itself is quite fun. There are lot of things to do after school and there is a town not too far from here. Everything you need can be found close by, but if you want something special, you can ask the perosn who takes care of your dorm." She added when she realised that might be important information.
Her eyes followed the principal as he walked to the microphone and informed the students they would start in 5 minutes. He still looked as young as he did two years ago, when Luna sat in the auditorium for the first time.


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Character Portrait: Del Fuller Character Portrait: Simon Gadfeather Character Portrait: Luna Bianchi
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Simon just nodded as she spoke mulling every word over in his mind. The idea of private lessons sounded good but he didn't know if he could learn from anyone who wasn't his mother or himself. He prided himself in being resourceful but even so this was new territory. Ever since his birth his mother had been teaching him things and it had been a big transition when she died and could no longer teach him things. He had ended up joining a tribe of shapeshifters but even then none of the other shapeshifters could teach him anything. If one of his own kind couldn't teach him he didn't see how any of the schools teachers could.
He was relaxed by the next part because he didn't think shapeshifters had any natural enemies. He was feeling good until he heard her say werewolves. He didn't hear the "were" part so much but hearing "wolves" made him instantly fearful. He didn't know if werewolves were any different than normal wolves but it wasn't a comforting thought that he would have to go to school with them for the next 4 years. He couldn't be sure what he would do if h became dormed with one. If it came to a group fight between shapeshifters and werewolves he had no problem figuring the werewolves would win because to his current knowledge there were no other shapeshifters here and even if there were they wouldn't outnumber a pack of werewolves. "Ain't that the truth." he muttered upon hearing Luna say when you offend one you offend them all. Suddenly he was regretting coming to this school for obvious reasons.
He was wondering how he would protect himself against the werewolves (which involved a lot of running and hiding) when he heard the sound of paws coming into the room. Turning around he was surprised to see two bears that seemed to be racing each other into the room. In his worries he wasn't thinking clearly and wondered why they would bring wild animals into the school. "Where do wild animals fit into that equation?" he asked turning to Luna.


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Character Portrait: Simon Gadfeather Character Portrait: Luna Bianchi
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Luna looked from the corner of her eyes at Simon. When she brought up the werewolfs, a fearful expression filled his face. She was a bit interested why he did that, but she was wise enough to keep herself from asking such rude questions. So instead she shifted her eyes to the other angel in the room. He walked around with his wings on his back instead of hiding them, which was her first surprise. The second one was their color. They weren't white, but darker and leaning towards black. She had heard about the dark angels, but she had never been really interested in them. She didn't see why everybody thought dark angels were all bad and light angels were all good. That was just impossible. Also, she couldn't see herself as someone who is only good, because she definitly wasn't. That thought confirmed she hadn't been with the light angels for a long time and that she had a different background. Altough she had prayed to God through her belief when she still lived as an ordinary human, she didn't do this anymore. After meeting him, she stopped believing. Now he was nothing more than an ordinary person for her, altough he still ruled over Heaven and she had to listen to him. As for the other angels, she hated the ones who pretended to be better than humans or other supernaturals. Most of them didn't even know what they were like. Overall, she still thought like a normal human. That was probably her strong point, how down to Earth she was. She didn't grow up in Heaven and wasn't taught as they were. Her teachers didn't say light angels were the purest and best race in the world, as little angels were taught by theirs. The purest bullshit, if you asked Luna, but she ignored those foolish people. She had been busy enough to become something the light angels would never admit: a weapon.
Luna heard Simons voice softly ringing in her ears. Her brain precessed the sounds and delivered her a question. The girl realised she had been staring at the dark angel all this time and shook her head to get rid of all other thoughts. She took a look at the two bears and smiled. "Shapeshifters." She just simply said. She had seen them before, multiple times actually. "They're seniors now. Look at their eyes, they're not wild animals."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Simon Gadfeather Character Portrait: Luna Bianchi
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Simon looked into the bears eyes and found that they were in fact Shapeshifters. What he had mistaken for the blood-lust of a wild animal was actually just from the fun the boys seemed to be having. "Should I be embarrassed that I couldn't recognize my own kind." he asked himself hardly realizing he spoke out loud. Mentally he had already told himself that it was kind of sad. He had to cut himself some slack though because it had been over a year since he had seen another shapeshifter. When his mother had died he had been reluctant at first to find the school and joined a tribe of shapeshifters. This didn't last long though because the tribe couldn't handle Simon's style compared to the tribe other teenagers. Even the friends Simon had in the tribe couldn't stand living with him. After about two weeks in the tribe, the tribe had finally had enough and banished him to be a loner. Simon had realized that he rather liked being a loner despite the lack of an audience. As a loner all the lessons his mother had given him about fitting in became obsolete. All that granted it was really sad he thought feeling his cheeks redden.
So Luna wouldn't see his rosy cheeks he turned to listen to the man standing on the stage. Every word this man said was strangely motivating and he soon found his school related anxiety disappear. Simon listened intently drinking up every word.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Simon Gadfeather Character Portrait: Luna Bianchi
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Simon jumped from his trance when somebody bumped into him when trying to get past him. He had been so transfixed with the principal's speech that he hadn't noticed everyone getting up around him. Another yawn escaped him as he stretched himself out before standing up. Though his mind had been memorized his body was still dead tired and had fallen asleep on him. Letting out another yawn he turned to Luna beside him who had bee just as interested as he was. At least she could realize when it was over he thought with contempt. She was probably looking for one of her junior friends. I guess I should go search for more freshman he thought looking in the direction the list was posted.
"Well I guess this is goodbye for now. Hope we can meet again sometime." He said giving a wave. He would have waited with her longer but he was lethargic from his travels and wanted to find his room as soon as possible. He set a brisk pace to the list and was soon standing at the back of the crowd surrounding it. He tried to go on his tiptoes and look over the crowd but the best he could see was that the paper was white with words on it. "well this won't do at all." he muttered to himself trying once more to look to the list. It was still no use and he resulted to more drastic measures. Taking a deep breath he shifted into a crow almost instantaneously thanks to years of practice. He was thankful his clothes shifted with him because he didn't want people stepping all over his only pair of clothes. Despite his love for flying, he walked forward and started traversing the vast forest of legs. He was soon regretting not flying over the crowd and more than once he had squawked at someone who had nearly stepped on him.
It took about 5 minutes but eventually he got to the front of the crowd and changed back. It always took him longer to change to human than it did to a crow. Plus he was out of practice. While on the road he had spent most of his time as a crow because it was easier to survive as a crow than human. As a crow he didn't have to eat as much and somewhere to roost was never hard to find. Life as a human must be difficult he thought feeling slight sympathy for them. He patted his sides to make sure he had changed back with clothes before looking to the list. He was paired with a Thomas Parker in room 108. No idea who that is but if he's not a werewolf I'm fine he thought turning his gaze to the map. He only had to observe it briefly before turning around to wade back out through the crowd of anxious students. He was a seasoned traveler how hard could finding a room be?


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Character Portrait: Simon Gadfeather
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Simon had been wrong about the ease at which he could find his room. It was a completely different method of travel than he was used to. That map had been from a bird's eye view and yet when you actually walked your path you were on the ground. That alone had disoriented him from the start. Then there was the crowds that traveled up and down every single hallway. Simon never had to worry about crowds when he traveled in the air. Maybe he would encounter the odd flock of birds but other than that he owned the skies when he was up there. Eventually he was able to find his room and opened the door. The inside wasn't that grand but it was pretty luxurious to Simon. He went over and sat on the bed bouncing up and down as he did. Wow this brings back memories he thought though he didn't go into them. For the last two years he had just made a nest whenever he wanted to sleep. That time had caused him to prefer sleeping as a crow the feathers in themselves becoming his pillow. Looking around from the bed he saw the other things that fit into the room. There were two separate dressers, a desk and then there was the beds. All things that might be considered essential but simon knew that they weren't.
He just sat on the bed for a while unsure what to do. Most people would probably be unpacking right about now but Simon had nothing to pack. Crows could barely lift their own body weight so their wasn't anything of importance that he could have taken. He lay back on the bed groaning at his own boredom. "Now what?" he asked himself though he knew he had no answer. When you travel alone for a long time you actually start to believe you could get a reasonable conversation from yourself. He could usually be pretty good at this but right now at least he couldn't find anything of interest to talk about. With a sigh he looked over to the window and walked over to it. He fumbled with the latch for a moment before sliding the window up as high as possible. There was just barely enough space for him to sit in the window sill so he sat himself down there. He smiled at the cool breeze that streamed across his face and into the room. He checked himself to see if he was well enough to fly but was sad to see that he wasn't. The smallest cut could becomes bad in crow form so as much as he disliked it he stayed human in the sill. He was soon fast asleep on the sill.


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Character Portrait: Simon Gadfeather
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Simon woke up after a long needed sleep stiff and sluggish. He hated sleeping in human form. It always left him like this and it took him almost hours to recover. with a yawn he pushed himself of his roost into open air. Oh god he thought instinct taking over almost immediately. Skin and arms disapeared to be replaced by wings and feathers as he changed into his familiar crow form. Ah it's nice to be a crow again he thought mentally smiling at the feel of feathers but he didn't have long to enjoy. He flapped his wings erratically trying to stay aloft but it only succeeded in slowing his fall as he impacted the ground. Falling twice in 24 hours? Gravity and i need to have a serious talk he thought picking himself off the ground. He ruffled the feathers all over his body to check for injuries to add to the ones made before. There was only a slight throbbing pain from impact but besides that there was nothing to speak of his endeavors this past day. He did what he usually did in a bad situation and listed the pros and cons. Pro: i'm not sore anymore. Con: i've fallen from my room. Pro: I'm a crow again. Con: I'm a crow and I'm on the ground. He looking around the almost campus feeling surprise becoming him when he saw it was now empty of students. I must have been asleep longer than i thought he mumbled though it came out as some deep clicks through the crows beak. it was practically evening now and he had done nothing but reach the school. He tried to think of something worthwhile he could do before retiring to his bed but nothing immediately came to mind. He leaped into the air and flew around while he tried to think of something he could do. There was something about feeling wind in his face that brought good ideas to his mind.
He was in the middle of a loop when it did exactly that. Luna had mentioned that there was a town nearby and it might prove interesting to investigate it. He righted himself and cast his eyesight out to find any trace of a town. He hadn't seen a town on his way here so he avoided looking in that direction. He looked for awhile but after not seeing anything he just set out towards the hunting grounds. Humans hunted sometimes too right? it would make sense if the hunting grounds were near there. Plus with all the creatures that go through thee humans might be scared to enter. He pondered more thoughts as he continued on his way.