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Xeniel Rosenkrantz

"I can't look at the clouds. The skies just aren't my home anymore."

0 · 234 views · located in The Academy

a character in “Levitas Schola Veneficus”, as played by ArhaHitomi888


Full Name:
Xeniel Phantasmagoria Rosenkrantz




Truly 3546 years old, but appears upper twenties or lower thirties

Choir/Band/Music Teacher.

As an Angel of the Lord, Xeniel sang and played praises very often in heaven. He is a magnificent performer and is very skilled at teaching others. He has a kindness many people are attracted to, but is willing to discipline when he needs to - And he doesn't tolerate disrespect, asking them to leave the room (using a three strikes you're out system which is accumulative through the year). He loves music, and will push others to do the best he can, even though he can be a bit of a hardass sometimes.

Xeniel has not gone through any human schooling, mostly learning through is many, many years of living - Learning by picking things up or experience, which has given him quite a mass of knowledge.

Xeniel is able to move things with his mind, as well as teleport anywhere he wishes. He can touch people and make them fall asleep as well, but only if they want him to. Although hidden, his wings grant him the ability of flight. He can heal others of minor or moderate wounds, but cannot revive people. He can also bless others, granting them positive things such as good luck, happiness, etc. but uses it in great moderation to keep the balance on earth, along with helping only the truly pure and good. In addition, Xeniel is able to see things other people can't see (Spirits, etc.). Though, because of all of these abilities, Xeniel heals very slowly. Xeniel's sole, real offensive ability is the ability to create a destructive white light that he can send at others, which acts almost like a blinding ball of electrical energy.

General Personality Like/Hate:
Xeniels hates to see other people upset or hurt, and hates people who makes others upset or hurts them. Also, he hates fighting, verbally or physically. He does very like much like classical string instruments (Cery talented in Piano, Violin, and the Harp), as well as choral pieces (Also a very good singer). He greatly enjoys making people smile and laugh! Though, the thing that makes him happiest is seeing other people happy. He also has a strange fondness for desserts and water, which make him very happy.

Xeniel's greatest weakness is anything that makes me remember the brothers and sisters ihe hurt with his own hands. Despite enjoying the happiness of others, seeing other people happy with their families also makes him very, very lonesome. Also, loud, grating noises make his head ache and cause him to feel ill, which pollution also does. It is also very easy for him to get ill.

Xeniel was created by God as a Warrior and Protector of heaven, as well as a Watchman over the events on earth. If the fates had decided something for earth, he had to make it happen. If the fates foretold an earthquake, he had to make an earthquake. If the fates told of a plague, he made a plague. If the fates fortold of great posperity, he made sure it happened. But - There was a small uprising in heaven when a small group of Angels decided to question their order to make negative events occur, as well as good ones. There was a small civil war in a corner of heaven, and Xeniel (having always obeyed all of his orders without any questions (Since he was created that way)) mindlessly followed them. Finally, the broken angel had killed enough of his beloved brothers and sisters to break his own spirit. Heartbroken and filled with regret, he leapt from heaven and grounded himself on earth, no longer connected to Heaven.

He wandered earth for quite a while, searching for those like him. Many times, he'd find perhaps a shapeshifter or a even a reaper, but never somewhere to actually belong. After a while of awkwardly trying to fit in on earth but succeeding in only alienating himself further, he had almost given up. He had been staying with a very pious, devout man whom he had proved his divinity to. Just before he had to choose between living forever on earth or returning to heaven, he suddenly stumbled upon a grand wave of mythical beings in human flesh. Soon, he discovered the school and strove to perhaps find a way into it. The religious man he lived with then one day, off-handedly complimented his musicality and musical talent and it came to him - Humans did have guidance in learning many subjects, as well as music. It even surprised Xeniel himself when he was accepted into the school and welcomed as faculty. Blessing the man he lived with with good fortune, happiness, and prosperity, he left to stay on campus as their Music teacher and head of [music] department.

So begins...

Xeniel Rosenkrantz's Story