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Jude M. Garwood

Monty Python is the bomb

0 · 673 views · located in Somewhere in Kansas

a character in “Life: After Plague”, as played by Nujuer



Name:Jude M. Garwood
Age: 32
Gender: Male

Occupation: Retired Cop
Personality: Jude likes to think of himself as a positive fellow, he enjoys seeing the world as half full rather than empty. He's a real movie junkie and loves to quote and reference them. He is a tough soul and tries not to let anything get to him, but he does have wounds. In his job Jude was usually the 'good cop' despite what the criminals did he always spoke to them as equals. He never tries to judge and likes to have an open mind about everything. Jude does have his flaws however, he's obsessive over things and often when something is on his mind he will not let it go, he's brutally honest and often hurts people's feelings when he speaks his mind. When he's angry he does tend to get violent, he likes to pick fights and things get broken when he's angry. Jude often doesn't think before charging into situations and he get hurt because of it.

Appearance: Jude is a muscular man, as well as quite tall. He is 6.2 and more often than not he towers over everyone he meets. He's got a kind face and usually he wears a smile. Jude has his fair share of scars but his worst scar is on his lower back where he took a knife. It put him out of commission and he was forced to retire at an early age. His back still pains him somewhat and he sometimes cannot move. He works hard to keep in shape despite this and forces himself to ignore the twinges of pain. Jude has dark blondish hair and green eyes. He can be seen wearing plaid shirts and army style jackets.

Background: Jude as named after his fathers favorite song from the Beatles. As a child growing up Jude spent a great deal of time traveling to concerts and movies and thus that was where his own love of film came from. His parents were into the new age junk and often went out to witch meetings and danced naked in the moon light. Jude never really picked up on his parents antics but rather he supported them and went along with them. He had decided he wanted to be a cop when his mother came home one night covered in bruises and missing her purse. She had been the victim of a mugging and the look in her eyes made him want to protect. So he worked hard for his cause and ended up a cop two years after his graduation from high school. When he had been hurt in his accident Jude had retired to a small home that wasn't too far from anything.

So begins...

Jude M. Garwood's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jude M. Garwood Character Portrait: (Storm) Kelly Hanson Character Portrait: Will Birch Character Portrait: Grant McGrath
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Grant felt as though he was gathering stares from the group that had gathered before him. He finished piling things in his cart and turned to leave, looking back at them and talking as he walked. "Well, I'm gonna get outta here. You guys ever end up in some trouble, say, your starving to death, a crazed lumberjack wants to chop you up, or prom's tomorrow and you still don't have a dress, you can find us on a farm a few miles west of town."

With a final nod, he headed out to meet with Axel and Vlad, happy with the haul of food he'd gotten away with.

The setting changes from Fort Yates to Somewhere in Kansas

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jude M. Garwood Character Portrait: (Storm) Kelly Hanson Character Portrait: Will Birch Character Portrait: Grant McGrath
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"Well, Grant, I'll make you a deal. There aren't that many people left around these days and the way I see it, if you have this many people in one place, they might as well stick together. I'm staying in town for a little while longer and my friends here are apparently by themselves, so why don't we join up. Pool our resources and ideas." Will didn't plan on staying in town for long, but if he ever reached Oregon and found the fate of his parents, he'd like somewhere to come back to that wasn't desolate and abandoned.

"And besides, there's strength in numbers." Will said, suddenly noticing Jude's new sword with an odd look. After that, Grant told them where they could find him and his group and exited the store, food in hand. "Where did you get a sword?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jude M. Garwood Character Portrait: (Storm) Kelly Hanson Character Portrait: Will Birch Character Portrait: Grant McGrath
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#, as written by Nujuer
Jude stayed quiet when the man named Grant offered Will weed and he forced his cop instincts out of the way. Had it been a normal time he'd have the green out of his hands and disposed of it. For now he knew there was no such thing as the law anymore and drugs were anyone's game. Still he didn't like it. Grant walked away from them and Jude let out a breath and rested his hand on the hilt of his sword. Grant's final farewell did bring a bit of a smile to his lips however and he chuckled softly.

Storm was off doing her own thing and he supposed she was looking for ingredients for ice cream. He was about to join her when Will gave him an odd look and asked him where he had gotten the sword. Jude gave him a sheepish look and said "Well there was this comic book store..." He paused and let his hand run through his hair. "And well they have movie memorabilia and I dunno where this sword is from but I thought it was pretty cool... Like had this been a zombie apocalypse this would be my weapon of choice." He looked down at the sword and shrugged. "I've always wanted a sword..." he said a bit wistfully. "And now I have one."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jude M. Garwood Character Portrait: (Storm) Kelly Hanson Character Portrait: Will Birch Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Parker Jessler
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#, as written by Lucky
Parker had watched the interaction between everyone, and she had to admit, it was a miracle. So many people in one place, although the biker guy left to meet with his own group she presumed. The other three appeared to be grocery shopping themselves. Her instinctive distrust dissipated as she saw them conduct themselves in a very civilian matter. Throwing her pack over her shoulder, Parker steadied her rifle loosely in her hands. She saw the woman, and hastily lifted her weapon, eyes narrowing slightly. Although she was in her full fatigues and the bottom half of her face was covered with the black cloth, Parker cleared her throat.

"Do not call out to your friends. I have no intention of harming you, but if you're an enemy, you'll leave me no choice." That was the closest Parker could come to a hello. Her stiff posture and stern gaze faltered slightly as she stared at the woman. She was familiar somehow. Curiosity got the best of the soldier, and Parker asked with a bit of shame in her tone. "Name?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jude M. Garwood Character Portrait: (Storm) Kelly Hanson Character Portrait: Parker Jessler
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0.00 INK

#, as written by BOO!
"Look, I'll just go tell the others where we're going so they don't get all huffy about it later. And thank you for learning some manners." Storm smiled polietly, still keeping the image at the back of her mind that this girl could have killed a survivor. She hid the anger quite well, and walked over to Jude. "'ey, Beatles Boy. There's this other chick who's appeared and we've had a chat and stuff. I'm just gonna show her a cool music shop I found." She grinned. "Come get us if you're leaving.", then returned to PJ.

"Okay, c'mon. Oh and I did tell them about you. You don't have a say in what I tell people, okay?" She sad with a slight edge to her voice. After being held at gun point rather rudely Storm wasn't going to be pushed around right now. Storm lead PJ for a few minutes, past various other shops. After reaching the shop she flung open the door and grinned, walking in.

"C'mon PJ."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jude M. Garwood Character Portrait: Will Birch
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Will was surprised to see Storm go off with a total stranger, especially one who was ex-military. That was what Will assumed from the person's weapon and outfit, but he'd interviewed enough soldiers to know when he saw one. "You mind looking after her? I'm gonna go check out this supposed farm. Figured it would be faster if I was by myself. Plus, I have the station wagon." Will stated, grabbing his keys from his pocket and rattling them to show them to Jude. "I'll come back and pick you guys up back at the house, if the farm checks out." Will said as he walked out of the store, making sure he wasn't scaring anyone still outside.

As he walked down the street towards his car, he contemplated staying with this small group that was developing around this small town. The people seemed tolerable and it would be better for everyone to just take root somewhere. But as he got in the wagon and drove it out of it's hiding spot towards the direction Grant had said, his mind drifted towards the pleasant memories of his childhood and reminded him of the fact he didn't have anyone except his family left in this world and if there was a chance they were still alive out there, he'd risk it.