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(Storm) Kelly Hanson

"I want to hate every part of you with me..."

0 · 634 views · located in Somewhere in Kansas

a character in “Life: After Plague”, originally authored by BOO!, as played by RolePlayGateway


(If you want to look her up, this is Lyn-Z from the band Mindless Self Indulgence.)

Name: (Storm) Kelly Hanson
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Occupation: Former bassist in a band called 'Snakes and Sinners'
Personality: Violent, sharp and snappy, Storm isn't the kind of girl you want to get on the wrong side of.

Appearance: Fit, slightly muscular, with shoulder-length black hair. Tends to wear dark eye makeup with vibrant red lipstick, not that it matter much anymore, mind you. Her clothes tend to be fitting to show off her body but not particularly to revealing. Usually a waist coat with badges of some sort and a short-ish red plaid skirt with knee-high black socks. Everything she wears just gives her a slightly intimidating edge, even if her hair is in pigtails.

Background: Kelly, in early life, had befriended the minority groups. Now this is where her nickname Storm came about. One night, she was called to a friend's house. She obliged and went, only to see that they were lying on the floor, bruised and shaking. Fueled by anger, she asked who had done it. Kelly ran all the way to the boy's house who'd hurt her friend and broke down the door. The parents of the boy screamed as she shoved him outside into the rain. The boy tripped over his feet and fell on his back in a puddle. A few seconds later, his chest was struck by lightning. He survived, luckily, though is scarred him mentally and physically. Ever since, she had been known as Storm.
On the note of her band, Snakes and Sinners, they had a few big hits in the rock industry, such as "Satanic Angel" and "Is It Really That Fun To Lose Your Dignity?" and so were quite well known to those into that genre.

So begins...

(Storm) Kelly Hanson's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jude M. Garwood Character Portrait: (Storm) Kelly Hanson Character Portrait: Will Birch
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Will's knocking was met with a loud barking, confirming his suspicion about the dog. After a moment of tension, the door opened slightly and a large, stern looking man revealed himself from behind it, armed with a knife. He quickly placed his axe out of sight so the man wouldn't instantly attack him.

"Another survivor then?" the man asked, displaying his knife under his chin. "So far, anyway." Will replied, trying to put up a bit of an air of confidence. "I thought I was the only one and now two in one day." something seemed genuine about the man. It seemed to Will that although this guy could hurt him, he didn't really want to. "You're not going to rob me, are you? I'm a sharing man." Will couldn't help but let out a chuckle at the thought.

"No, I'm not here to rob you. I just saw you and your lady friend come in and I thought I'd come say hi. It's been a while since I've talked to people too." Will said, slowly pulling his axe towards him. "And also, don't be alarmed..." Will held up his axe in a nonthreatening manner for the man to see. "I'm just passing through and I thought maybe we all could swap stories, maybe do some trade, if you're interested?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jude M. Garwood Character Portrait: (Storm) Kelly Hanson Character Portrait: Will Birch
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#, as written by Nujuer
The man laughed and Jude found he instantly liked him, any person that could laugh after the end was a good man in his books. He backed down and placed the knife by the stand at the door and stepped aside and gestured that he come in. "I think stories and trade sounds like a fine idea. Though most of my trade is well..." He looked at the mess of his house and sighed "I just happen to have a lot of things." He said to the man. "Though I've stories a plenty." he promised.

"I suppose we should introduce ourselves." Jude held out his hand for a firm handshake and said "I'm Jude, the dog here remains yet to be named, though I'm voting JoJo." He told him. Jude then pointed to the kitchen and said "That over there is Storm, she's an interesting character. I quite like her." He said.

Jude was at ease in his home and he walked to the kitchen and pulled out a beer from their raid and he offered it to the man. "Where you from?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jude M. Garwood Character Portrait: (Storm) Kelly Hanson Character Portrait: Will Birch
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"I think stories and trade sound like a fine idea. Though most of my trade is well..." the man said as he gestured for Will to enter his house. He did so, noticing the mess of things in the man's home. Maybe he'd find something interesting to trade for. "I just happen to have a lot of things. Though I have stories plenty."

"Well, information is a good thing to trade as anything and stories are just that." Will said, placing his axe against the door frame like an umbrella. "I suppose we should introduce ourselves. I'm Jude, the dog here remains yet to be named, though I'm voting JoJo..." Jude outstretched his for a handshake and Will met it with an equally firm one. Jude then pointed to the kitchen at the woman Will had seen earlier. "That over there is Storm, she's an interesting character. I quite like her." Will eyed the woman, trying not to let any rude or even lude thoughts slip in. Even in the apocalypse, manners meant something. "You both seem nice enough. I'm Will." Will sent a small wave Storm's way to make sure she didn't feel left out. Jude then offered him a beer, which he gladly took, taking a small sip from the bottle.

"Where you from?" Will walked over to a wall and leaned against, finding some comfort in sitting somewhere that wasn't the station wagon as he thought how to answer. That question definitely opened the door to some demons for Will, so he tried to keep it simple. "Well, I guess New York. It's where I came from after all this happened. How about you two?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jude M. Garwood Character Portrait: (Storm) Kelly Hanson Character Portrait: Will Birch
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#, as written by Nujuer
Jude scratched his chin thoughtfully and said "I haven't got much in terms of information. I've tried my old radio and changed it to all emergency frequencies but nothing..." The dog moved to his side and sat down, he wagged his tail and Jude lowered his hand to scratch behind his ears. When he responded to the question of where he was from Jude felt his eye brows lift. "I've been there a few times... always so busy." Jude was a country boy at heart but had dealt with the city because of his job.

Will asked where they were from and Jude gestured to the house "I retired here." He explained, "About a year ago." He glanced at Storm curious as to where she had come from. Both Will and Storm seemed like interesting people to him. Jude enjoyed analyzing people, often when a case had come his way he had spent a great deal of time behind the glass watching the suspects deal with others. He could tell Storm was a kind girl yet perhaps a tad misunderstood. However when it came to Will on first impressions Jude felt he got nothing immediate. The laugh had been a good thing but he seemed to be a closed book. That being said Jude had just met the man but first impressions were everything.

"So do you have any information that might be useful to our cause. Seeing as you spoke of it." Jude asked.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jude M. Garwood Character Portrait: (Storm) Kelly Hanson Character Portrait: Will Birch
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As Jude talked, Will took everything in. The feeling of being around other people. It definitely was something he missed on the road, but he tried not to get to used to it. "Yeah, it was still very "busy" when I got out. What did you retire from?" Will asked. Jude seemed to ignore it, but he was probably just sticking to his train of thought. "So, do you have any information that might be useful to our cause. Seeing as you spoke of it." Jude asked as Will scratched his head, thinking.

"Well, that depends on your cause. If your cause is survival, I have some information in some of the books I have that may help. As far as news goes, the only tidbits I've gotten are from the half dozen people I've met so far." Will replied, walking over to Jude and sitting on the floor next to the dog. He didn't try and pet him though. Didn't want to take any unneeded risks.

"What I know is that there are people who are alive. Not that many, but like I said, I've met a few. Resources I've noticed are not as scarce as expected, which is good. Some places even still have power from what I understand." Will traced an O on the ground as he talked. It was something he did as a child that comforted him.

"So, again, I have to ask; What are you guys trying to do out here?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jude M. Garwood Character Portrait: (Storm) Kelly Hanson Character Portrait: Will Birch
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#, as written by BOO!
Storm sighed and rubbed her head. "Well, Jude's trying to hoard as many shopping carts as he can in the front garden and Jojo the dog is trying to be loved." She spoke up sarcastically with a smug smirk across her face. "And I just... hm... I just wan'a be a badass again." The smirk grew wider. She shook her head and became more serious (in facial expression, anyway) She rested on a wall. "Anyway. 1. Where were these other people? 2. How many others, because I'll be damned if I missed anyone out there." She sighed and rubbed her head, then just playing with her pigtails. Storm twisted one lot of hair around her finger, using the other arm to lean on the wall. Sure, it was childish, but what else was she going to do? She was bored.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jude M. Garwood Character Portrait: (Storm) Kelly Hanson Character Portrait: Will Birch
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Will got up from the floor, laughing at Storm's comment on the carts as he did and walked toward the kitchen, leaning against the counter looking at Storm. "They were all over. I covered a lot of ground on my way here. I went as far south as Georgia before I decided that was too far. As for the people, I met seven. All of them were in separate states though. Louisiana, Jersey, and Iowa just off my memory. Most of them were in small towns too. I guess they didn't like the piles of bodies in the big cities either." As soon as he finished his sentence, Will took a closer look at Storm. She definitely was interesting, but something about her seemed familiar.

"You seem familiar, Storm. I know I've seen you somewhere before, but I can't put my finger on it."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jude M. Garwood Character Portrait: (Storm) Kelly Hanson Character Portrait: Will Birch
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#, as written by BOO!
"So small towns, different states..." A small smile grew on her face. "Oh well. Y'know what, I think I'm fine here with ol' Judey. He's a cool bloke." She laughed, humming the tune to Hey Jude again for a few moments before reacting to Will's final comment. "Familiar? Oh.. W-Well... I was the bassist in a rock band, Snakes and Sinners. Or, I have a very generic face which you've seen a lot." She grinned, jumping up to sit on a counter once again. "You know, I think it might be my generic face." She raised her hand as if a mirror and posed, though it looked more like she was attempting to take a picture of herself with the palm of her hand. Which, no doubt, looked odd enough.

"Anyway! So. You trade. There's power. There's happiness. Just one question. This means the world to me, and Jude. This, means everything."

She left a dramatic pause, making direct eye contact with Will.

"Is there ice-cream?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jude M. Garwood Character Portrait: (Storm) Kelly Hanson Character Portrait: Will Birch
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nujuer
Jude sat back and listened to the two speak, he liked the way Storm just seemed to brush everything off as a joke. Will however was a bit more serious but he supposed the was a likeable feature as well. He seemed dependable. When Will asked if he had seen Storm before he broke into a grin and chuckled a bit. "We've got a famous person in our midst." He told Will, he raised a brow as Storm pretended to pose for her hand as if it were a camera and he folded his arms over his chest and watched her a moment before sliding his gaze back to Will.

Storm said she had a question that meant the world to her and him and he wondered what on earth that meant, he thought for a moment she was going to ask the ultimate question to life the universe and everything but they already knew the answer was 42. Instead she asked for ice cream and he wondered what Will might have thought of that so he kept silent and waited for the man to react to the question.

He supposed this was not how one should act in the end of the world, normally there was more crying and screaming. But it seemed the only screaming here was for ice cream.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jude M. Garwood Character Portrait: (Storm) Kelly Hanson Character Portrait: Will Birch
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#, as written by BOO!
"Snakes and Sinners. That's what it was. If memory serves, you guys were pretty good."

Storm laughed, as if laughing away the awkwardness. "Hey, thanks. Always nice to meet someone with good taste." She rubbed her neck. When Will left, she jumped down carefully and looked cautiously at Jude, then back at where Will was. He came back in and dropped a duffel bag. She tensed a little, not quite knowing what to expect to be in it. However when he brought out books she relaxed. When Will handed her the cookbook, she laughed and flicked through it. "Not much of a cook, me. Maybe Jude can cook." She walked to Jude, handing him the book and leaning on his arm a little, not putting enough weight on him to hurt him or push him but enough to lean. "Maybe I'll just stick to music. Anyway, after here, where are you going?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jude M. Garwood Character Portrait: (Storm) Kelly Hanson Character Portrait: Will Birch
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#, as written by Nujuer
Will left for a moment and then came back with a bag, he noticed Storm tense up but he didn't think that will was about to kill them over ice cream. So when he brought up a cook book and Storm went to grab it he smiled, Storm admitted she wasn't much of a cook and then went to him and gave him the book. She leaned against him and he glanced down at her and lifted a brow. The woman certainly had gotten comfortable with him in such a short time. He flipped open the book and saw delicious pictures of steak and desserts. He flipped to the index and found the word ice cream and turned to the right page.
"Yes Will are you planning on sticking around? There is strength in numbers." He would have stayed with the folks that Will had stumbled upon. Unless of course Will had his reasons. He tried his best not to judge the man.

He glanced at the recipe book and made a bit of a face, "This doesn't seem too bad. Shall we quest for ice cream then?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jude M. Garwood Character Portrait: (Storm) Kelly Hanson Character Portrait: Will Birch
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0.00 INK

#, as written by BOO!
Storm looked up, noticing Jude looking down at her. "...What?" She laughed, standing straight again. She watched them talk, kind of hoping that Will would stick around. People were sparse these days, like ice-cream and alcohol and bass guitars. Basically the three fundamental things which made her happy. "Yeah, you should stick around, Will. At the very least until we get ice-cream." She fiddled with her pigtails again, standing beside Jude and humming the song Hey Jude. At the mention of ice-cream, her eyes lit up. "Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes YES!!!" She began to jump up and down like a hyper school girl beside Jude and tugged on his arm. "Will, you're helping too. We are getting ice-cream if it kills me. Or I kill you. Or I kill something."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jude M. Garwood Character Portrait: (Storm) Kelly Hanson Character Portrait: Will Birch
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Will chuckled at Jude looking through the cook book. "It's more of some ice and sugar, but I get the point." Will zipped up his bag and placed the strap over his shoulder. He paused at the two's question, not knowing whether or not he should answer, but he figured what is the worst thing that could happen. "I'm heading to Oregon, actually. My family lives out there." he said, knowing what he sounded like for saying it. "I know it's a long shot, but I just have to know, you know? I know it's a waste of time, but I figured we all have all the time we need these days." Will was surprised by his own words and how open he was being with these people. He had just met them and already they knew more about him then some of his former so-called friends.

Realizing the topic may open up a can of worms, Will decided to quickly change the subject away from the depressing topic, hearing vaguely how the two wanted to try and get ice cream.
"Anyway, ice cream sounds nice, but you mind if we take a side trip? My gun broke on my way out of Missouri and I've been looking for a replacement."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jude M. Garwood Character Portrait: (Storm) Kelly Hanson Character Portrait: Will Birch
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nujuer
Jude placed a hand on Storm's shoulder to calm her down and said "We'll try and get away with not killing anyone or anything over ice cream. That seems rather sad to me." He let his hand move away and then when Will spoke of his family he understood, he had done the same thing himself. He missed his family terribly but his up bringing helped him think that they were in a better place.
"I understand." He said to Will. Will changed the subject before he could speak again and asked for a side trip. Jude smiled at the word gun and said "Well no need I got you covered." He chuckled and motioned for Will to follow him to his garage.

"As a retired cop, they let me keep some of my favorite toys." He explained to Will. "I liked taking them to the shooting range when the world was still... normal." He told him. He opened the door to the garage. The garage was a bit of a mess as well but he maneuvered past boxes and old car parts and went to a tall cupboard leaning against the wall and opened it. Jude had about ten guns, ranging from pistols, to a rifle and even a shotgun. Ammo was piled neatly at the bottom of the cupboard and Jude took out his favorite pistol and sighed "The good old days." He murmured.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jude M. Garwood Character Portrait: (Storm) Kelly Hanson Character Portrait: Will Birch
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#, as written by BOO!
Storm stopped jumping when she felt Jude's hand on her shoulder. "Not to worry, I won't kill anything. Yet. It kind of depends if anyone pisses me off." She listened to Will talk of his family and her mind turned to her own. After the "Storm" incident, the family of the boy complained and she was put into care. Kelly never saw her parents again, and so became Storm. Her band was her family really, but she watched them grow ill and die. She missed them pretty badly.

Storm snapped out of it in time to follow behind Will and Jude to the garage of awesome. She stared admiringly at all of the guns, never having fired one herself. She'd always been fascinated by guns. They took away life as easily as they protected it. Though, her fascination was probably unhealthily due to her usually violent nature though of course in a special situation like this she was allowed to be excited or just plain nice. It was strange for her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jude M. Garwood Character Portrait: (Storm) Kelly Hanson Character Portrait: Will Birch
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"As a retired cop, they let me keep some of my favorite toys." Will eyed the weapons, running through the pros and cons of each in his head. He decided on a pistol as his eye sight wasn't the best for a rifle. Will picked up one of the pistols, inspecting every angle of the weapon.

"I'll trade with you for this pistol and some ammo." Will told him, putting the gun down and walking out of the room, gesturing for the two to follow him. He exited the house and returned to the station wagon, showing the the items he had to trade. Lots of books on various subjects, a few DVDs and CDs, cans of food, jugs of water, and a box of assorted scraps of tech.

"Feel free to look for yourself."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jude M. Garwood Character Portrait: (Storm) Kelly Hanson Character Portrait: Will Birch
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#, as written by Nujuer
Jude noticed Storm eying the weapons and he shook his head, "Sorry missy. Not for you." He had no desire to give her a weapon and so once Will picked his weapon and ammo he offered to trade and Jude nodded. He closed the cupboard and then followed Will out to his his station wagon.

Jude spotted the DVD's right away and was sold. Grinning he rubbed his hands together and leaned over the pile. He found an old copy of the Mummy and Jurassic Park. He grabbed them and held up the two movies. "Seems fair to me." He chuckled knowing Will was getting a good deal. "Shall we shake on it." He offered his hand and looked at Storm, "Can she look as well?" He asked.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jude M. Garwood Character Portrait: (Storm) Kelly Hanson Character Portrait: Will Birch
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Jude seemed to take a liking to the some of the DVDs Will had. "Seems fair to me." Jude said, seemingly giddy over the DVDs. "If you're okay with it, I'm okay with it." Will replied, meeting his hand for another handshake. "Can she look as well?" Jude asked. "I don't see why not, but I forgot something." Will dug through one of the duffelbags and grabbed a leather bound book from it.

"This I won't trade, but everything else is fair game." Will said, bowing in front of the car like an old timey salesman.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jude M. Garwood Character Portrait: (Storm) Kelly Hanson Character Portrait: Will Birch
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0.00 INK

#, as written by BOO!
"Am I... Am I five years old again?" She sighed, looking rather annoyed. "Are you treating me like a five year old because I said I would kill someone? Is that it?" She leaned against a wall. "Or is it the pigtails because I'm sure as hell I can look at movies without causing a catastrophe, okay?" She muttered for a few moments to herself, before turning to see Will take out the book and say it wasn't for trading. For the sake of it, Storm put on a Scottish accent and said "Aye Willy, what's in the book lad?" Before grinning from ear to ear.

The setting changes from Somewhere in Kansas to Fort Yates


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jude M. Garwood Character Portrait: (Storm) Kelly Hanson Character Portrait: Will Birch
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"Am I... Am I five years old again? Are you treating me like a five year old because I said I would kill someone? Is that it? Or is it the pigtails because I'm sure as hell I can look at movies without causing a catastrophe, okay?" Storm said, pretty annoyed by Jude's question. As soon as Will pulled out his book though, Storm's attention seemed to change pretty quick. "Aye Willy, what's in the book lad?" Storm said, putting on an Irish accent with a big smile.

"It's just a journal I keep. Makes me feel better to write stuff down." Will replied, tossing the book in the glove compartment and closing it shut. "Anyway, if you find something you like, let me know. I'll go grab the gun and ammo from the garage. You two make sure not to kill each other, alright?" Will joked, as he headed toward the garage.