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Elizabeth Briar

He was my father, how could I say no to anything he said??

0 · 240 views · located in North America, past-futuristic

a character in “Life, After”, as played by SorenMcAudry


Elizabeth is a strong, independent girl with honeysuckle hair and blue eyes. Her features are strong and beautiful, and she has many suitors. None of who catch her eye, but it's not really her choice.


She is used to being waited on, but she isn't stuck up. At 16, it is odd that she is not yet married.


She never really knew her father, but she loves her mother and her "aunt", her mothers sister wife.

So begins...

Elizabeth Briar's Story

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Character Portrait: Amanda Brovado Character Portrait: Elizabeth Briar
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Amanda ran furiously through the narrow roads and into the clearing that lead to large community. "STOP THAT GIRL, SHE'S WANTED BY THE CHURCH AND HOLY ARMY!" one of the soldiers from the group behind her yelled, making people peek through their window's, some even stepped outside to see the runaway. Amanda simply grunted and took a sharp turn down an alley way and another sharp left turn until she was running behind houses. she couldn't kill the guards, to many loyal followers of the church would turn her in if she did so. She decided to take a detour into someones house through their back door, ending up in a kitchen with a girl slouching over the table, an apple in her hand. she stood their, starring at her wondering if she should just continue running but she was already out of breath and panting heavily. She could hear the guards approaching fast, "Will you help me?" she asked weakly, barely getting the words due to her lack of oxygen with her added shyness. "Please, i'll leave as soon as things calm down i just don't want.....i don't want to be taken." begging was her only option, not being able to kill the guards left her if no other choice then to ask and maybe even plead for help. They were gaining quick and Amanda stared to get nervous, "Maybe i should just run?" she thought to herself put for some reason never moved.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amanda Brovado Character Portrait: Elizabeth Briar
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Amanda looked down, "This, is my pentacle, a holy symbol of my religion, i am a pagan of which you speak. Now, if you want me to do as you say we must wait till night fall. it will be easier." she said, trying to calm herself down. "How many girls does she speak of, i can not move more than three with me at the max." she thought, she also thought it odd that her clothes did not give away her religion and race. Her clothes, the clothes of chief's daughter. She couldn't part with her culture, even with being on the run for 7 years. she did everything the could to stay close to it, down to the way feather were to be placed in her hair to the folds in her dress. She was noticed very well every where she went.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amanda Brovado Character Portrait: Elizabeth Briar
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Amanda nodded before she was pushed under the stairs. She listened closely and cringed when the woman spoke of the girl having to get married very soon. "No wonder she wants to leave." she thought to herself as the woman walked away. "Now would be a good time to find a place we can talk in peace. without fear of me being seen." she whispered softly, slipping a hand under her skirt. This girl was still a follower of the church, it would take a lot for her to fully trust her but she would not break her word. She would help the girl.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amanda Brovado Character Portrait: Elizabeth Briar Character Portrait: Brooklyn Stone
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#, as written by Lyndie
Brooklyn saw the pagan girl, but decided not to ask right then. "I'd love to get out, but you know that simply isn't possible," she reminds Elizabeth. She had told Elizabeth most of her views on their society, not all, because sometimes she had thoughts that she couldn't share with anyone. For example, she shudders to think of what might happen is everyone found out that she thought abortion was okay. She might be killed for the very thought.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amanda Brovado Character Portrait: Elizabeth Briar Character Portrait: Mary Rubedo Character Portrait: Stephen Andrews
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Amanda pulled the cloaks hood farther over her eyes and nodded, "That would not be good. We must think of an alternative place to meet if she does tell." Amanda said calmly, catching the eye of whistling boy and a girl with long black hair as they walked down the street. "I look to suspicious." she thought, letting out a heavy sigh before hesitantly removing her feathers and beads from her hair, along if the gold clip that kept her hair wrapped up in a tribal fashion before she removed the hood from around her her head. Her white hair falling lightly over her shoulders as she did so. "I think... it would be best.....if i disguised myself until tonight." She whispered, remembering the girls offer to wear one of her dresses. She cringed, she already felt odd wearing her hair down in public, especially without her feathers and beads in her hair.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amanda Brovado Character Portrait: Abel Savickas Character Portrait: Elizabeth Briar
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Amanda sighed and nodded her head before walking across the room to her previous garments. She sat on her knees and began to fold her garment until they where a neat bundle and placed her feather a beads on top before hiding them under the girls bed. Almost suffocating herself when she bent over do so. "I do not understand how they expect woman to do their work and also bear children while wearing these......"Corsets" as you call them." she said, placing a hand over her stomach. She looked at herself in the mirror, if her mother could see her now she would have been either severely scolded and beat or banished from her farther tribe. She shook the though from her head and looked back at the girl. As she walked out the door, "Don't leave me here." she wanted to say but the words barely squeaked out of her mouth as she followed her outside. She was going to grab the girls shoulder to slow her down before she noticed they had company. She gulped nervously and tugged her sleeve lower to hide the tribal mark on her shoulder and looked down at the ground. Her gold eyes searching for something to keep her attention in stead of looking up at the boy. Being calmed down meant her shyness was back, so she kept her mouth closed and stood behind Elizabeth, still tugging at the sleeve of the dress.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amanda Brovado Character Portrait: Abel Savickas Character Portrait: Elizabeth Briar
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As Abe walked out of the church it was the center of town and his home. When he left his father's office all he could think about was getting out, he didn't know where but he had to get out the building at least. Guards chuckled as he went past, he knew they had heard every word that had transpired in that office, becuase they were always looking for leverage, in order to blackmail someone into hire position in the guard. He was sure they all knew of his father's exploits and he paid them a pretty penny just to keep their mouths shut.

As he was walking down the street he was run into buy a girl...

"Oh, my apology, young master Able,"... she curtsied Abe sighed he hated that just becuase he was the Bishop's son didn't make this young woman any lesser then himself. "Is your father busy? I need to speak with him before...well before tonight..." he looked down at the girl and got a good look at her.

She was one of Lyndon's daughters a man very influential in the town and very well acquainted with his father she seemed to be very emotional about something. "What is her name" he thought to himself "Ah yes thats it".

"Your name is Elizabeth right..." she was a attractive young woman and Abe was sure she was of marrying age. But his father wouldn't touch this girl becuase of who her father was. Either way he didn't like the fact that she would be alone with his father, "I'm afraid to say miss Elizabeth but my father is... very busy at the moment" he said politely.

He was sure his father had gone back to exactly what he was doing before he had been called on the carpet. "If your in some sort of trouble Elizabeth perhaps I might be of assistance?" he asked.

It was then another young girl with white hair came running up behind her, "That is and odd color of hair" he thought to himself as she pulled shoulder of the dress she was wearing up to cover the skin. The dress seemed a tad too big for her and she looked terribly uncomfortable, he had never seen her before but it was common for young women to come from other districts to find husbands.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amanda Brovado Character Portrait: Abel Savickas Character Portrait: Elizabeth Briar
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Amanda nodded, "It would be most pleasing if you could, easpa.....i mean, bishop." she said, mentaly slapping herself if almost using Celtic language. "I should just keep quiet from know on." she thought to herself, seven years of running and she doesn't know not to speak like that. The again, she never had to hide it having only herself for company, she grabbed Elizabeth's hand lightly, hoping it would reassure her and calm her nerves. Amanda smiled, "She has feelings for this boy. I wonder if he would like to come with us. I'm sure it would make her most happy." she thought, slowly bringing her head and eyes up to look at the boy when Elizabeth could not.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amanda Brovado Character Portrait: Elizabeth Briar
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Amanda looked down, "There was a boy, His name was Basil Gra. It was the typical story of childhood friends growing up and falling for each other, But I being the chieftains daughter could not share my feelings with him, for i was to become a priestess until i was of age. Which i will be in one year." She let out heavy sigh, "He has moved on though." She let out a small giggle, "He fell for a woman from another tribe and ran off with her. Silly Basil, he's always been one for the dramatics. When we were young, he got bit by a garden snake once and made such a fuss people thought he was being attacked by a bear." Amanda said laughing before she abruptly stopped herself. "I'm sorry for going on like that, i just haven't had anyone to talk too for a while and got carried away. Tá brón orm as a bheith míchuí." She said, clasping her hands together in front of her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amanda Brovado Character Portrait: Elizabeth Briar
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Amanda nodded and followed the girl to her room, where she didn't hesitate to take off the dress and out on her original clothes. She grabbed her weapons and Placed them neatly in the holders under her skirt before putting on her under sleeves. She was tying her over sleeves on when she looked back at Elizabeth, "You must make sure your have everything you need. There is no need for provisions, i shall supply them. but if you feel you must go a head and bring some put pack lightly. We will need to move quickly and heavy luggage will only slow us down." She said, warping and twisting her hair into place before placing the gold band in to hold it in place. She smoothed her feathers and beads into her hair. There was not time for tradintion at this point, she would make up for it when they were able to rest tonight. she paused and turned towards Elizabeth, reaching under her skirt and pulling out a long dagger and holding the but end towards her. "Keep this with you and well hidden. Your going against the church so you'll need it." she said, still holding the weapon towards her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amanda Brovado Character Portrait: Abel Savickas Character Portrait: Malkolm Rand Character Portrait: Elizabeth Briar Character Portrait: Mary Rubedo
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Abe blinked at the question that was asked of him, it was true he did have the key to the church but it wasn't cause he was allowed to. Then the girl with the white hair spoke

"It would be most pleasing if you could, easpa.....I mean, bishop." she said

He had heard that language before had even read it now he knew why the guards were on alert today. He smiled as the girls walked away.

"They're trying to keep it secret but I know what they're up to can't say I blame them" he said quietly. "What am I talking about this is the perfect chance for me to get away from all of this. To finally do something for myself, and totally piss my father off and the people would loose confidence in their venerable Bishop if his own son ran off to join the Pagans" he thought to himself.

"This is perfect" he said as he went to prepare for the trip of his life.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Mary was waiting for a response when she was plowed into by someone, she watched in horror as the basket she was holding went flying through the air.

"Oh no!" she cried

But she watched as the man that had run into her caught it with ease, nothing spilled and Mary sat there with her mouth agape with shock.

"I-I'm so S-sorry. i didn't see you. i was being foolish and focusing on the ground. Let me help you up." he said reaching out his hand to help her up.

She took the offered hand and stood up "T...thank you" she said shyly, he was older but only by a few years and he had a shock of white hair and amber colored eyes. Very exotic looking to say the least.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abel Savickas Character Portrait: Elizabeth Briar
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Abe slung his pack over his shoulder he hoped he had brought enough supplies with him, he knew that most of the girls coming with him were not as wealthy as he so he made sure he brought some extra food water and money. The guards down the hall form his bed chambers were already passed out from being drunk with ale and wine a gift from the son of Bishop.

But he stopped in his tracks when he heard a door come open "Able... where are you going at this time of night?" said a quiet voice from behind.

Abe knew the voice very well something like the sound of the coo of a dove or leaves rustling in the breeze. He turned to see his mother in her night clothes with a slight smile on her face. Abe swallowed hard as she walked slowly up to him, she always moved so quietly and looked like she was floating.

"Well your finally doing it, I was wondering when you would try to leave" she said as she reached up and brushed her hand against his cheek.

Abe felt a knot in the pit of his stomach he hated doing this to her, he wished she could go with him but that wasn't possible. "Mother... I'm sorry but I can't..." he stuttered.

She smiled gently at him "I know son don't worry your secret is safe with me... you were always different Able so Im happy that your leaving, becuase I fear what would happen to you if you were to stay. Now go before the guards come to she said hugging him and shoving him ahead of her.

He smiled and nodded back, then headed to where he was to meet the girls, he came around the corner of the church where he saw Elizabeth standing waiting for the Pagan girl he thought. He walked up to her "Elizabeth I'm going too" he said.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abel Savickas Character Portrait: Elizabeth Briar
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Abe's eyes grew wide as he glanced into the pack, he saw a newborn babe asleep in the bag.

He understood her reasoning no one would want to be sent to the camps... "No don't give him away... it you do it will tip off someone and we wight get caught, then he'd end up in the camps anyway becuase no one would take in a child that had been around an outlaw" he said.

A feeling of protection came over Able that he had never felt in his life "I won't tell the other's but they will find out as soon as he wakes, if they have a problem with it then they can take it up with me... I'll protect you and him. But we'll have to come up with a way to feed him... we don't want him to starve" he said. He thought for a moment and remembered some sort of mineral drink that his mother had given one of his younger sibling when she was unable to feed her properly.

"Once we get out of this district and into another I'll find a shop that sells something my mother used once. Don't worry about the money I will pay for it" he had more then enough with him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amanda Brovado Character Portrait: Abel Savickas Character Portrait: Malkolm Rand Character Portrait: Elizabeth Briar Character Portrait: Mary Rubedo Character Portrait: Brooklyn Stone
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Amanda had gone to Brooklyn's house and slipped a note int her room telling where they were meeting before heading to the church herself. When she saw Abel she went to pull her hood down until she heard him say he was coming. She was shocked. She removed her hood to get a better look at him, "you can come if we can trust you. now we have to hurry." she said, listening carefully for any other noise. Her golden eyes glowing as she looked Abel over.


Malkolm shook his head, "No need to thank me, I-it was my fault anyways." he said as she brushed herself off. "If there is anything i can do to make it up to, just tell me. I'm stationed here for a while." he said, handing her back the dish and loaf of bread. He looked a the sky, "It's getting dark." he thought to himself, looking back down at the girl. "W-would you mind if I-i walked you to your destination. I-it is getting very dark." he said, fumbling with his scarf.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amanda Brovado Character Portrait: Abel Savickas Character Portrait: Elizabeth Briar
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Amanda looked at Elizabeth with confusion, "I'm already here, were waiting for Brooklyn." she said, she returned her gaze to Abel and sighed. "Oh well, i just wish you would have told s us earlier, there nothing more i hate then being unprepared for something like this." she said, squeezing her temples as she did.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amanda Brovado Character Portrait: Abel Savickas Character Portrait: Elizabeth Briar Character Portrait: Brooklyn Stone
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If we're certain we have everyone, lets go." Amanda said, throwing her hood back up. she closed her eyes, feeling the blow gently on her face, "...And remember Amanda, if you need to come home for anything, go in the direction the wind comes from." she remembered her mother saying, "North Wind, my tribe, my home." She whispered the small prayer, Before moving north. "We won't leave through the towns exit. Well go though here until we reach the edge, once there, there really is no turning back." she said once they were all in an alleyway. She let out a small laugh, "Seven years of running and now i'm going back, i wonder if my family is even still alive."She said softly before continuing north.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amanda Brovado Character Portrait: Abel Savickas Character Portrait: Elizabeth Briar Character Portrait: Brooklyn Stone
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#, as written by Lyndie
Brooklyn looked out over the land in front of them. She had never expected to ever go out in it. She never expected to have a reason to, because as a small child it's drilled into your head that you should never leave. She was told that there were bad people outside her town, and if she spent too much time with those bad people, she would go to hell. She realized that the people at home would tell their children that she's a bad person now. Would she go to hell? Oh well, she thought, I can worry about that when I'm closer to dieing.