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Carmikael Piecemeal

"It's not running away, it's a tactical retreat."

0 · 493 views · located in Griffar

a character in “LifeLine”, as played by Zalgo


Name: Carmikael Piecemeal

Nickname: None Yet.

Age: 20

Gender: Male


Family Members:
Father - Osmoth Piecemeal
Mother - ???


Weapon: Lizzette "lizzy" Whatley

Affiliation: Society

- Attractive Women
- Expensive Garments & Accessories
- The Color Red
- Lightning Storms
- Patience
- Books
- Magic
- History
- Learning
- Lizzette Whatley

- Violence
- Loud Noises
- Irrational Behavior
- Deadlines & Any Kind of Rush
- Confrontations
- Spicy Food
- Hot Days
- Having Secrets Kept From Him

- Natural Darkness
- Seeing His Weapon Hurt
- His Father


Awkward would best describe him. On the surface he tries to come off as cool and professional, like he knows what he is doing. That is far from the truth. He has a stutter, often says whats on his mind without wanting to and most obvious of all, does not know what he is doing.

Most of what is wrong with him has to do with either his father's cruel tutelage or the fact that he was kept isolated from everyone, hidden away so his father's enemies couldn't reach him. This has made him very jumpy, especially around dark and shadowy places, and embarrassingly socially awkward. If his stuttering and tripping over words was bad then it could be considered to be doubly so around attractive women.

If someone can get past the stuttering and common verbal slip ups then he can be a friendly fellow to talk to. He keeps his friends in high regards and will stick with them through most circumstances. He is a bit cowardly and tries to avoid direct fights if it's at all possible but he'll never leave his friends or his weapon behind in a fight, though he will almost always propose retreating as a valid tactical maneuver to them.

He is constantly pressured by his father to study harder and find a weapon so he can take over the role of Enforcer. He wants to make his father proud of him no matter how badly he dislikes the dangers that come with the job. He studies magic constantly, all the time fearing that his father is watching his every move, an observation which may be more correct than he'd like. He fears his fathers anger for the punishments for failure are great.

Overall he is a warlock who is way out of his league but he still tries his hardest to be the best that he can be. He tries to sell the image of a confident and charismatic man but his confidence and persuasiveness stands on pillars of sand. His sense of inferiority drives him to read all that he can despite the fact that he needs glasses to see anything near him due to his far-sightedness.

On the other hand he has a snappy dress sense, always keeping himself well groomed and wearing expensive suits whenever appropriate. His favorite color is ruby red.


Since the founding of "The Society" there have been enforcers. The first warlocks to create this establishment knew that all good laws need repercussions in the eventuality that someone might break them. They elected warlocks who they could trust and placed in their care the right to mete out justice on their behalf. These warlocks became known as the "Enforcers" of these laws.

An Enforcer's job was seemingly simple and yet under the surface it was quite complex. One half of their duty was to protect the warlocks of the Society from humanity, the fae and even other warlocks. Another half was to eliminate warlocks within the Society who posed a danger to the collective safety of the Society, be it directly or indirectly such as jeopardizing it's secrecy.

With each generation the role of the Enforcer has been passed down through the bloodlines of each founding Enforcer, always from the parent to their child. Each one was trained from birth to carry out their duties of their elders, training their magic to be the best they can be since they were expected to maintain peace and security amongst a group of people renown for their greed and lust for power, both magical and otherwise. This tradition has remained broken since the beginning.

Carmikael did not choose to be born into the Piecemeal family. Once born he couldn't back out either, he was stuck in an ancient practice he was never designed to perform. From the beginning his life was made artificially tough. From the moment he could read he was forced to study magic with little time for things such as fun or socialization. Since his father was in a job where people respected him only because they feared him he was always kept hidden away within the family estate. The risk of him being kidnapped and compromising his father's judgement was a risk his father could not allow.

So, within the walls he stayed. Each day blurred into the next, the only form of continuity in his life being his progression through his studies. He learned a great deal about magic, becoming quite proficient at it thanks to the grueling years of practice. He had to wear glasses as he was born naturally far-sighted meaning that everything within arms length was blurry to him unless he wore his glasses.

Still, despite the handicap he read and read until reading was close to the only thing he ever did. He rarely ever saw the outside of his house. He once had the idea to try and run away from home. He tried once and only once. Once his father found out the pain from his punishment stayed with him ever since, the scars bringing the memory of the pain back as clear as glass.

Every time he so much as even faltered in his studies his father was there, emerging from the shadows as though he was always standing there just out of view. He learned to fear the shadows as it is from them his father watched him. He could never know when he was truly alone. As for his mother he never saw her once in his life. He was always too afraid of his father to ask him about her so the mystery of his mother's identity remained in obscurity.

One day, his twentieth birthday, his father visited him. He instructed him to leave the house into the city and find himself a weapon to use the exchange on. He was given a wallet with limited funds allotted to him for the purchase. With a limited budget and a conversational skill learned only from the lessons his father taught him in etiquette he was ushered out the front door into a vast, terrifying world with a night sky that seemed to stretch on into forever. Just like that, the sheltered young man who knew nothing of the outside world aside from what his father told him was sent out into the city to find himself a weapon.

To say that the city wasn't imposing or labyrinthine would be far from the truth, at least in Carmikael's own opinion. If it wasn't for his keen sense of memorizing commands given to him he would of gotten completely lost in the maze of signs and streets, the web of lights and alleyways laying like a ready snare. Alas he found his goal, the place he was told was a front for weapon trafficking. He was given a special code word to give the cashier which would give him access to one of many markets where weapons are bought. The shop was ironically a gun store. Upon entering he cautiously approached the cashier, worried he might be at the wrong store or talking to the wrong person.

"I'm looking for a weapon... A 3.14 caliber one." He spoke the password to the cashier, hoping the man would understand just what on earth he meant. It was his lucky day as the man simply nodded, ushering Carmikael into the backroom while an assistant took over the cashier. After entering the storage room the strange cashier lead him through an illusory door which was hidden from prying eyes. and they ventured down staircase after staircase, descending deep into the dismal grey cement tunnels that seemed to funnel them downwards. After a while they came out into what could only be described as a massive secret underground slave market. It was about the size of a supermarket but instead of isles there were rows of pedestals, most having either a person or group of people standing in plain white dresses for girls and simple pairs of brown pants for the boys. Weapons there were being sold all over the place to various different warlocks. Most weapon candidates there were human but the places where crowds of warlocks flocked to bid at were where the fae weapons stood.

Some of the candidates on sale there were there willingly for one reason or another but a majority of the weapons were captured and brought here against their will. The weapons who were not at this market by choice could be identified by the iron manacles binding there arms and legs, the leg manacles attached by a tertiary chain to a large metal piton to keep them from leaving the platform with their limited movement. Already Carmikael was skeptical of his chances of finding a good weapon.

All the fae's prices were vastly out of his budgets range, some of the bids for them scaling into the millions of dollars while most of the humans were dubious in quality despite still being quite high in price as well. His family's wealth was never their strong point as most warlocks lent money and job opportunities to other warlocks they either liked or sought something from whereas his father already had a job and nobody really liked them. Being enforcers, those elected to uphold the peace and secrecy which protects the warlock community, most warlocks felt their presence as threatening to their Machiavellian schemes, giving them gifts and money mostly out of fear more than any other reason. His family was never so poor as to even be considered anything less than part of the one percent but his father's lack of puppet corporations in favor of a job who's salary was dictated by the congress of founding warlocks, warlocks who's bloodlines descend from the Societies founding warlocks, found them less wealth than every other regular warlock. True to warlock fashion getting any kind of money out from the congress of warlocks was as difficult as turning a diamond inside out.

The market was lavishly decorated for something as low as what was essentially a slave trading bazaar. Red ornate carpets, golden chandeliers and expensive champagne served in slender glasses to the various warlocks by lovely waitresses and handsome waiters hired by the market. For the deceptively shabby entrance to this place it's owner had put in a lot of money to make the experience for the warlocks shopping there to be as pleasant as possible.

Out in the far corner of the building on a pedestal there stood a girl who was strikingly beautiful, evidently not here against her will as evident by the lack of restraints. He could not help but stop and look up at her, admiring her beauty if but for a single passing moment before some warlock rattled up some noise, distracting him from that all too short a moment. The warlock, a weapon already in tow, belittled the poor girl who stood there taking his insults and accusations with solemn silence. He felt bad for her, having to put up with the downright awful things many warlocks would say to her in passing. He took a look at the information provided about her out of curiosity since she seemed to stand out from the other weapons to him. She was just a regular human with little physical strength and almost no skills relevant to a warlocks interest. She was up for a low price even for a human which further devalued her in the eyes of the other warlocks.

The disparity of perceived value given for her was so great that it even warned Carmikael away from her. His fear was that if he were to buy her, even as lovely as she was, his father would judge him for his decision. He couldn't risk making his father disappointed when it came to a decision as critical as choosing his weapon, a person who would receive a portion of his own soul. He had decided to forgo her and continue mulling over his choices as he viewed more weapons.

The day passed and he left from the market empty handed. Not a single weapon he found was either cheap enough to afford or worth taking in general. His nerves were wound tight like clockwork, his mind constantly cycling through the options he was given. He just couldn't be certain that any choice he made would be the right one. It was almost as if he feared as though some unexpected and disastrous flaw would suddenly make itself known in the weapon after the Exchange ritual was complete, forever binding him to something which his father would forever scold him for. He walked down a street thinking over his choices when he heard a voice singing out from a nearby alley. This voice was like nothing he'd ever heard. The melody it sung with such grace and talent he just had to see who could produce such a beautiful tune.

It was much to his surprise when he found the one weapon that stood out among the rest to him standing there. She was the one who's song had drawn him to her. She did not remember him from her merchandises stand so he introduced himself to her. After speaking with her for a while he knew she was the one he wanted to become his weapon. She might not have had skills relating to combat nor the physical fitness to really take on anyone but ultimately it was the power one gets from the Exchange that decides their worth to a warlock. As the process for what decides what power someone gets from the Exchange is unknown to all warlocks the only other deciding factor was the relationship that a warlock would have with his weapon. He liked almost everything about her and if she was agreeable to becoming his weapon then the power gained from the Exchange would be quite powerful from the start.

At least, that was the logical explanation he weaved for himself to feel better about his decision. He would of just picked her based on how beautiful, graceful and charming she was but he needed to convince the side of himself that still feared the omnipresent judgement of his father. When she mentioned she was looking for a warlock it fit in all too well. He jumped at the opportunity, informing her that he was a warlock who was looking for a weapon.

So it was settled between them. The next day came and he was out waiting for her as she was ushered back out onto the wooden platform. Before the presiding merchant could even set up the table Carmikael was already counting his money on the table. He payed the merchant, registered her as his weapon, was given his license by the warlock authorization council which conveniently had a booth set up in the market and was on his way, his weapon Lizzette by his side. Some of the money he payed for her had gone to her family, a noble cause, while the rest went into the market itself.

After he had set them both up in a nice affordable apartment somewhere where they would have decent privacy he went ahead with the Exchange, giving her a piece of his soul. It was an exhausting process which was quite painful as he could feel a part of his soul being torn from his body. Afterwards he had slept in for at least a whole day.

Since then they have been together. He's given his weapon great care, as much as he would for his best friend as she pretty much was. The entire time they have spent with each other he hasn't seen nor heard any word from his father, as relieving as it was ominous. He liked that his father was being more distant but he couldn't help but feel as though the peace they had was just waiting to be broken. As much as he tries to hide it he's living the "Sword of Damocles" predicament, the thread of serenity just waiting to snap and let fate come crashing down.

This is where his tale began.

Physical Appearance:


So begins...

Carmikael Piecemeal's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carmikael Piecemeal Character Portrait: Lizzette "Lizzy" Whatley
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Lizzy's leather boots made a soft tapping sound as she made her way down the busy sidewalk, though with a city so bustling with people her movements were almost inaudible. The sun was shining softly down onto the scene, with a strategically planted tree casting shade every few feet or so down the sidewalk. Her green hair bounced in its loose bun on her head with each step, and in her arms she carried two brown paper bags filled with groceries.
Thinking back on the last month she reveled in how her life had changed. She went from a poor farmer's daughter to a Weapon, two opposites if the scale. While she was once picking fruit from an orchard, now she was being trained as a deadly side-kick so to say.
As a child, she had only heard rumors of magic in the world, but never took notice until her father told her the story of his life...his life before their family. He was once a great Weapon, for a great Warlock. They were once friends, his Warlock and he... but after the exchange was made their friendship dissolved forever. Her father further explained that he felt like a slave to a master, and how it took years to escape his warlock...and how he felt he was dying because of the vengeance his warlock was taking on him. He warned her never to approach the school in the city, because it was no ordinary school...and she would surely be taken. She heeded his warnings for a long time, but when he passed the responsibility to care for her family became her own. Desperate she felt she had no other choice...
Carmikael had been her, and her families saving grace. Upon finding her at her lowest point, standing on a pedestal in nothing but a white gown, he paid her a nice lump of money to become his weapon, which she sent back to her family that same day. Of course the men who took her off the street took most of the payment,but what was left was enough to feed her poor family for a year.
They were grateful for her help, but wished she hadn't felt the need to sell herself just to save them, though she knew that the money her father had left them when he passed would soon run out. Thankfully she found a Warlock as kind as Carmikael.

Taking out her key she slipped it into the lock on her Warlock's door, stepping into his apartment and shutting the wooden door behind her. Placing the groceries on the counter she called out to him, "Carmikael? Are you home?" Removing the fruits and vegetables from the first bag she began restocking his refrigerator, which until he met her seemed to always be void of anything remotely healthy. With her head in the fridge she called out to him again as she moved some things about, "I was thinking we should totally sneak into that bar tonight! I hear it's open mic night and I want to sing....Plllleeeeeeaaaaasssseeeee?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carmikael Piecemeal Character Portrait: Lizzette "Lizzy" Whatley
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zalgo
That day was a sunny day, cloudy but fair in weather. Carmikael was studying at his desk in his own office which just happened to be his bedroom. He was sitting at what was a rather expensive looking oak desk which seemed out of place in a low rent apartment, partly because it was. When he had found this place he had a moving company move all his belongings into his new residence, most of which was bought by his father over the years. This desk and him shared a lot of memories together. Half of these memories were pleasant to recall. Others, not so much.

Books were stacked higher than his head at sitting height. There were books on algebra, books on chemistry, books on history but perhaps the most important to him were the books on magic and rituals. He had already read all the books on magic twice through and yet here he was reading through one of them again, memorizing the rules and principles that dictate the structure of magic and it's function in an almost scientific deconstruction of a highly unscientific subject. Reading a book of this nature to him was not enough. He had to be able to recall each written line, each illustration, each diagram and it's page number without any hesitation or pause for thought. Only then could he truly master magic just as his father had taught him.

He was just absorbed with a page which outlined an outer ring on a ritual circle, an expansion on a regular ritual circle which allowed for spells of a higher complexity. He barely noticed the front door shut as Lizzette returned home with groceries. Though living on his own still presented many challenges she had benefited him greatly, making life easier for the both of them with her helpful sense of work ethic. She helped maintain a high standard of cleanliness and was willing to go through the trouble of buying fresh fruits and vegetables to add to their diets amongst other things which all improved their general quality of life. Lizzette wasn't just welcome because she was his weapon nor for the fact she did all this for them. She was also the best person he had ever known. Despite many warlock's weapons he's seen she was neither dispassionate nor callous.

"Carmikael? Are you home?"

His head peeked up over the fortress of books. "Ah, Lizzy, I'll b-be right over in just a moment." He responded to her query, disappearing back down behind the fortification on top of his desk. He gave the complex diagram one last hard stare before placing a book marker on the page he was in and shutting his book closed. He stood from his rather comfortable desk chair and made his way to the room door.

"I was thinking we should totally sneak into that bar tonight! I hear it's open mic night and I want to sing.... Plllleeeeeeaaaaasssseeeee?"

He paused a moment in his doorway, considering just what she was talking about. He hadn't heard much about the bar she was speaking of and most of what he did hear of it was from her. "The b-b-bar? I can't say it doesn't p-pose some risk but as long as you don't d-draw too much attention to yourself then there should be no harm in that." He accepted her proposal, stuttering through his words as usual. His speech impediment was always a definite road block when it came to talking with others. As much as he wanted to, he never felt as though he had much respect from anyone since it was hard to take him too seriously whenever he struggled through his words like so.

As much as it was natural to think it they were still different from humanity, apart. They may live, eat and think the same way but they were not just like other regular people. As much as it was tempting to simply live life freely as everyone else does there was always that risk of exposure present with every appearance they made in public. Every time they went out like this he could not help but remind himself of the consequences they'd face if something were to go wrong and they were discovered.

He slowly made his way to Lizzette, looking over her shoulder to see their inventory.
"You know I-I've got complete faith in your judgement." He informed her while he eyed the various produce she procured. He wasn't lying or even stretching the truth about it either. He's never had any reason to distrust her in the past. Since they've become entwined she has never really let him down. He would sooner doubt himself before he would doubt her. To be fair though he does doubt himself often.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carmikael Piecemeal Character Portrait: Lizzette "Lizzy" Whatley
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Lizette smiled as Carmikael approached her from behind, peering over her shoulder to take in what she had brought home. As she put a sack of asian pears, the last item in the bag, into the bottom drawer of the refrigerator she let the door swing shut and folded the brown paper bag up neatly placing it on the counter with the others.
He looked nervous, though he always seemed so. She knew the immense pressure he was under to succeed, it was evident by the mountains of study material laying about his room, and though she had never met him, she knew his father was a force to be reckoned with himself. However, she had faith in him. Since they came together she felt stronger, not only because of the magical bond between them, but because their friendship had strengthened her as a person as well. She could only hope that she had something to offer him in return.

Taking his hand in hers she circled him, taking small rhythmic steps, leading him into a short make-shift rumba.
"Oh Carmikael, you know you shouldn't worry so much!" she giggled as she finished encircling him, having led him into the open area in the middle of the apartment. With her hips swaying playfully she made her way to him until her body was only inches away from his, placing her other hand on his shoulder, "When you act so nervous all the time you only draw attention to yourself," she said as she took a step forward with her right foot, then slid to the left. For a moment he hesitated, but then he rested his hand on her waist and stepped in line with her almost perfectly. Coming from such a prestigious family, it was only natural that he had some skill in dancing. As the two moved in sync she felt him loosen up a bit, and began letting him lead them in their little dance, "See! Just relax, tonight were just two friends going out to have some fun, not Weapon and Warlock, but normal people. Forget about magic, for just one night," she chuckled as he extended his arm to allow her to twirl gracefully as the imaginary song ended.

Throwing her arms around him she gave him a quick hug and a peck on the cheek, and with an air of excitement in her voice she broke away from him, skipping off to her room.
"I'm going to get ready," she said with a wink before she shut her bedroom door behind her. With the flick of her light switch her room was filled with a pinkish light as paper lantern around her light tinted the intense light coming from the bulb. In her room was a nice queen sized bed, a cherry wood vanity with a matching stool, and elegant desk where her laptop sat neatly; All generous gifts from Carmikael's family upon them hearing he had aquired a weapon. Though she had never met them, she greatly appreciated what they had given her, she could never have afforded anything like this before. In the back of her mind she felt a little guilty, as if Carmikael's father was trying to prove something to him. That no matter how far he got, he would always have to rely on the Piecemeal income. However she knew better, she would have been happy with nothing as long as her own family was taken care of. Though she denied the gifts at first, Carmikael had insisted she keep them. He always seemed so kind hearted to her, even in the very beginning, and though this was a small hit to his ego, he only wanted the very best for her. Everything was always crisp and clean, and neatly placed in her room. Her silk bedsheets were white, with cherry blossoms embroidered throughout the elegant fabric, draped over her bead with no wrinkles. Her closet neatly organized by color and function. Her journal and stationary set parallel to her laptop. The only thing out of place was one ink pen left out of the cup, resting on an unfinished letter home.

Reaching into her closet she pulled out a simple green strapless dressand a pair of silver strappy heels. Laying them across her bed she pulled off her top and slid out of her shorts. Standing in front of her mirror in just her purple panties and bra she looked over herself as she pulled the tie from her head, letting her hair fall to her shoulders. She was content with her body, nothing too big or small, and everything flowed nicely. Though she was unsure of how Carmikael felt about her. Sometimes she wondered if she was too playful with him, and thinking back at the dance in the kitchen, she hoped she hadn't made him too uncomfortable. Setting the thought aside she got dressed and ran a brush through her hair. Finishing off with a pair of silver dangling earrings she stepped back into the living room with her shoes in her hand.

"Are you almost ready?" she asked as she leaned on the counter to slip one heel on, then the other, "We should grab some dinner too! Remember, it's just a normal night out, were just a normal boy and a normal girl, getting some food and catching a show."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carmikael Piecemeal Character Portrait: Lizzette "Lizzy" Whatley
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#, as written by Zalgo
With little to no warning she had taken his hand and led him into the middle of the apartment.

"Oh Carmikael, you know you shouldn't worry so much!"

She had the most charming voice. Even after just coming out from the labor of studying her words managed to melt his stress like wax. Of course with the old stress gone there was now something of a more immediate matter occupying his mind. Lizzette approached him, her slender frame swaying almost seductively as she brought herself right up to him, their bodies barely breathing distance apart. "When you act so nervous all the time you only draw attention to yourself."

He knew just as well as she did that appearing calm helped draw less attention. The fact he was acting nervous however was because he was. It made acting less nervous more difficult as it required him to pretend to be something he was not. He dwelled on that matter little as he was snapped out of his mental haze when she placed her hand on his shoulder, indicating the initiation of an impromptu dance.

Catching on quickly he placed his hand upon her waist, following up on her steps with his memory of the dance sheet. He had practiced dancing in the past. His father had spun him a dance partner woven from tangible darkness for him to try his dance moves with. It was effective as an instructional aid. The skill and timing with which he synced his steps with hers was evidence enough. This was different from before however. The cold calculated void of emotions that had accompanied him while dancing before was substituted by a warmth growing in the chest, an increase in heart rate and a mild cloudiness cast over his thoughts, all symptoms born from his physical and emotional attraction to her. She was beautiful to him and her personality warmed his heart.

"See! Just relax, tonight were just two friends going out to have some fun, not Weapon and Warlock, but normal people. Forget about magic, for just one night,"

With a twirl their spontaneous dance was brought to it's conclusion. She gifted him with an embrace followed by a quick peck on the cheek. "I'm going to get ready" She spoke excitedly, breaking off from him and skipping merrily off to her room. He was left little time to respond but perhaps it was for the best. His stutter was much worse in the presence of lovely women such as herself and the situation hardly called for a response anyways. He was left alone to dwell on what she had said instead while he went off to prepare himself as well.

Once in the solitude of his room he changed from his casual wear, a suit which a poorer person could wear to an expensive restaurant and still blend right in, into his much sharper looking suit which he wears when he's heading out to be seen in public. To an unrefined user the only real difference between these suits would be the fact that his casual wear is quite a bit more comfortable however someone with an eye taught to seek such differences could see a whole host of differences between the two. Carmikael would belong to the latter category of people.

He reflected back on what she had said. Just two friends going out to have some fun. That's all, right? He asked himself a question that he couldn't answer. Ever since they started living together she had been quite friendly with him. He first thought it was just an aspect of socializing he had yet to grasp. After all, he lived his entire life without friends before her. His father couldn't afford to have had him socializing with anyone through any medium. No meeting people, no phone calls and no internet with which to speak with anyone with. He was a prisoner living life in a gilded cage. Since the day he was let out into the world it was quite scary but at the same time he loved the freedom to go wherever he wished and speak to people freely. So long had he been enamored with it that he had not given much thought towards actual romance.

"Are you almost ready?" She asked him through his door as he was just about to step out. "Y-yeah, I'm ready." He answered her query as he strode out from his room looking stylish in his dark red verging on black suit.

"We should grab some dinner too! Remember, it's just a normal night out, were just a normal boy and a normal girl, getting some food and catching a show."

He quirked an eyebrow up a second, the sudden introduction of not one but two difference destinations on their trip throwing him off for a moment. "D-Doesn't th-the b-bar serve food? No-not that I'm saying th-that we sh-shouldn't stop to eat somewhere first. Just trying to figure out our c-current p-path of destinations... List of d-destinations I mean, er... Whichever sounded better." He spoke his mind without even really meaning to. Sometimes that happens to him. A point at which he's thinking and then he just says what pops right into his head before trying to salvage what he could of the verbal mess he uttered.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carmikael Piecemeal Character Portrait: Lizzette "Lizzy" Whatley
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"D-Doesn't th-the b-bar serve food? No-not that I'm saying th-that we sh-shouldn't stop to eat somewhere first. Just trying to figure out our c-current p-path of destinations... List of d-destinations I mean, er... Whichever sounded better." Carmikael responded as he stepped into the living room. Lizzy was used to his stutter, it came out when he was stressed, afraid, or even when he had to make decisions, like in this case.
"Of course silly, I'm just famished. Though I might not be able to eat anything until after the performance... I get almost as nervous as you before I go on stage," she giggled as she approached him to straighten up his already pristine ensemble.
"You know, I must say, you so look dashing in a suit."

The bar was only a couple blocks from the apartment, and with the weather being so lovely today Lizzy suggested the two simply walk. Taxi cabs were awful devices in her mind, and she could never stomach the idea of sitting in what was basically a rolling container of human skill cells. They always smelled funny, and she was not one to spend extra money, especially on such a beautiful day,
The sun had started setting, leaving ripples of gold and pink across the sky. Though there were still people out, it wasn't as many as just a while before on her walk home. The city always seemed less busy in this hour, as if everyone was just taking some time to enjoy the day winding to an end.
She clutched her silver bag in front of her as she walked, Carmikael at her side, and just looked up at the sky.
"I love how even though the sun isn't completely set can see the stars starting to peek through," she sighed. Though the sky was shrouded by high buildings and billboards now, she had always taken comfort in it's beauty. Back home she would watch the sun set every night from the roof of her small home. She could barely believe that she had made it this far from such a simple life.

Soon they had reached the door of the bar. Since it was open mic night it didn't look like they were carding at the door, which didn't bother her much. She wasn't much a drinker, and preferred wine to the stronger stuff most of her peers took to downing in gallons. It wasn't until they had reached the door that her heart began to flutter. She hesitated outside the door, writhing her hands around her bag. An older gentleman shoved past her, pushing her aside, "Either go in or get out of the doorway!"
Taking his advice she moved to the sidewalk to compose herself.
"It looks like there are a lot of people in there tonight...maybe this wasn't such a good idea..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carmikael Piecemeal Character Portrait: Lizzette "Lizzy" Whatley Character Portrait: Carina Melinkov
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0.00 INK

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea....
Carina stood outside of the tavern, eying it suspiciously. The old red brick foundation contrasted harshly with the neon sign that shone so brightly that it hurt her eyes. From what she could tell from the outside, it was pretty dark inside, dim lights hanging from the ceiling to create an intimate atmosphere. As for the noise, well, she didn't even need to look inside to tell that it was crowded. She glanced warily at the bar once more, then at the darkening sky, and then at her phone. It was getting pretty late...
Carina was about to turn around and head back home when something stopped her in her tracks. It was a feeling like a gossamer cloak being draped across her skin, a feeling she would recognize anywhere.

"Magic." she murmured quietly to herself. It had been so long since she had felt that telltale sensation that meant that a magic-user was nearby, even in such a crowded city it seemed like people like her were pretty rare. Her mother had always told her to leave as soon as possible if she ever sensed magic nearby: she had always said it was too dangerous. All the more reason to leave, and yet Carina couldn't bring herself to move from that spot. She was overcome with yet another familiar but all too rare sensation: curiosity. She couldn't help but ask herself, "What if it's a fairy, like me?"
If she were to meet a fairy, maybe she could actually find out what the deal was with her powers, or why her mother seemed so afraid of Warlocks, or if fairies were really as rare as she had always been told.
All her life, Carina had always been content not to know these things. She had always told herself that she didn't really care anyways, but now that she had an opportunity to finally get some answers...well it couldn't really hurt could it?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carmikael Piecemeal Character Portrait: Lizzette "Lizzy" Whatley Character Portrait: Carina Melinkov
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zalgo
"Of course silly, I'm just famished. Though I might not be able to eat anything until after the performance... I get almost as nervous as you before I go on stage,"

Ah yes, the common affliction that is stage fright. It was an uncommon coincidence whenever he managed not to blurt out what he was thinking. He was the type of person who tended to think out loud. Often times this unfortunate tick of his would land him in sticky situations. One slight benefit was that it was one of the few times he would not stutter when he spoke. His stutter was nothing if not a psychological tangle in the conscious thought process. He stuttered more whenever he was stressed out or panicked but even at his calmest he still tripped over words with ease. It is only when he does not even realize he's talking does his stutter fail to appear.

"You know, I must say, you so look dashing in a suit." He felt somewhat emboldened by her compliment on his choice of clothes. "Thank you. You look g-great yourself." He returned the compliment as they prepared to venture out into the city.

They walked along in the streets, the pavement only a little cracked. There were a few clouds but not enough to hide the brilliant hues of the setting sun painted across the sky. He wasn't used to being out and about the city in such a casual manner. If he ever needed to go anywhere he would be sent in a limousine. His father didn't want to let him travel out of the house without a layer of bullet proof glass between him and the world. Now it was just him and Lizzy under the dizzyingly high sky above.

"I love how even though the sun isn't completely set can see the stars starting to peek through," He heard her mention prompting him to look up with her at the evanescent stars. "Ye-yeah... it's quite marvelous." He responded to her. His mind was already wandering to his studies, specifically the influences of the stars and their positions on magic. He lifted a finger, tracing astronomical diagrams in his mind.

It seemed too soon when they finally made it to the bar. The place was quite obviously busy as a result of the open microphone night. He felt mighty uncomfortable around such a crowd of people, almost as uncomfortable as he was back in the weapons market. As they were about to enter Lizzy hesitated in the doorway stalling to a halt. Some rude man pushed his way through, forcing them to move aside. "Yeesh, q-quite the nerve on some p-people." He remarked on the man that had slighted them.

"It looks like there are a lot of people in there tonight...maybe this wasn't such a good idea..." Lizzette voiced her doubts about their current venture. It seemed she was having a similar feeling as he did about the place. He understood an aspect of her shyness well. "We-well I-i don't really know what to s-say. There are a-a lot of p-people in there b-but you do like singing. I-if it makes you feel any b-better I'll b-be right alongside you whether you g-go in or not... You know because th-there's a lot of p-people in there... Sort of intimidating and such." He tried to comfort her to the best of his ability. Though clumsy as it was he hoped the idea that she wouldn't be alone in there would help. He knows having her along with him made him a lot bolder in general. If she wasn't he would of gone straight back into the apartment before any real length of time could pass.

Looking past her something caught a glimpse in his eye. A girl with eyes that were an unusual yellowish color, nothing that stood out too strongly but still odd was looking in their general direction. "How odd" He thought out loud, only noticing he was saying something seconds after it had been said.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carmikael Piecemeal Character Portrait: Lizzette "Lizzy" Whatley Character Portrait: Carina Melinkov
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0.00 INK

"We-well I-i don't really know what to s-say. There are a-a lot of p-people in there b-but you do like singing. I-if it makes you feel any b-better I'll b-be right alongside you whether you g-go in or not... You know because th-there's a lot of p-people in there... Sort of intimidating and such." Carmikael stuttered supportively, and though it seemed he was nervous too she immediatly felt better about him being there with her.

Though her stomach was still fluttering she flashed him a meek smile and leaned in to give him a peck on the cheek.
"Thank you Carmikael," she said as she took him hand, ready to enter the bar. As she turned toward the door she was stopped dead in her tracks, a tingling sensation showered her from head to toe. This was not fear, or anticipation to enter the bar and sing. This was different, something she had only felt once before shortly after the bond was made between her and Carmikael. What she was feeling was the presence of magic...

Whipping her head around she gazed through the crowd, scanning the patrons entering and exiting the bar.
This feeling has stayed constant, not gotten weaker or stronger....whoever it is, isn't moving...I can only assume that they feel it to...

At this point her protective instincts kicked in and she took a step in front of Carmikael, eyes still searching. No one looked out of the ordinary, but with so many people in one place it was hard to deduce the source of the magic. It could be anyone, the group of girls smoking a few feet away, the taxi driver standing by the car waiting for a taker, or even the bouncer standing in front of the door.

Still clutching his hand she tightened her grip slightly and began moving toward the door. She was unsure of why she felt the need to get away from this person, she had no real reason to fear magic...however she knew that some Warlocks were no good...targeted other warlocks and their weapons... until she was sure they were safe, she had no intention of leaving Carmikael's side.
"Let's go inside, I don't feel right out here," she ushered his toward the door nervously. The bouncer took one look at Lizzy, smiled, and let them enter without any resistance. She had noticed this occurring more and more since she had made the bond. Though she had no idea what she was capable of now that his magic was flowing through her.

As they passed through the door and into the bar she began to relax, whoever was the source of the magic was not inside...yet...

She quickly signed her name on the open mic list and gave a dramatic sigh, "I really needed to get in here and sign up before I changed my mind," she lied, "Let's go get a good seat!"

Though she felt a little more relaxed now, she was still nervous about the source of the magic, and continued to keep watch at the door.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carmikael Piecemeal Character Portrait: Lizzette "Lizzy" Whatley Character Portrait: Carina Melinkov
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0.00 INK

Carina didn't really know anything about bar etiquette, she'd never so much as had a sip of alcohol and didn't really party. She fished around for her wallet, wondering if she'd need her I.D. She was only 18 and didn't even know if she was allowed to enter. It wasn't like she was there to actually drink anything, maybe she could say she was meeting a friend. With her drivers license clenched in one hand, she approached the bouncer, trying to look like she totally belonged there. She stood stiffly in front of him, waiting for him to say something. He made a half-grunting noise and waved her in, not even bothering to read the plastic card in her hand. Feeling a bit foolish, she tucked her license back into her wallet and took her first step inside.

Almost immediately she almost ran into a busy cocktail waitress. She hurried to apologize but the waitress was already gone. To avoid getting in the way of the people who actually knew what they were doing there, she squeezed to a back corner and leaned against a wall. Her golden eyes swept around the dim room, as if hoping that maybe the magic user would have some telltale sign of who they were, like weird eyes, or sparkles. However, the bar was so packed that a neon sign might not have even helped. It was then that something caught her eye: a piece of paper pinned to one of the walls. It read "Open Mic Sign-Up" in big, sloppy handwriting. A girl standing with what looked like her boyfriend was writing her name on it.

Carina loved singing, it's the reason that the only school activity she had joined was the school choir. Well, as long as she was here, she might as well. She smiled to herself and approached the list. Curiously, the closer she got, the stronger the magical presence grew.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carmikael Piecemeal Character Portrait: Lizzette "Lizzy" Whatley Character Portrait: Carina Melinkov
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zalgo
With a peck on the cheek she had taken him by the hand and led him towards the bar only to stop again. She searched inspectingly around the area, almost as if she was looking for something. "Let's go inside, I don't feel right out here."
She lead him into the bar, a sense of concerned caution rich in her actions.

"I really needed to get in here and sign up before I changed my mind." She excused her earlier anxiety.
"Let's go get a good seat!" He would be the last person to disagree with her on that.
"Alright! I think I see A-a good table over there. It's a B-booth that's not too far from th-the stage."
He pointed over at the table he was just speaking of.

Before they could set off he was stopped by a cold chill up his spine. The air in the bar had taken up a strange air since they came in and it had gotten more palpable since then. It was noticeable enough to give him a moment to pause and examine their surroundings. The yellowish eyes caught his eyes once again, the pair belonging to the same girl who was looking at them outside. Now it was more than just an odd coincidence.

It set off a few alarms inside his head, the ones which warn of a situation where someone is following him. It makes sense to be unnerved by such an idea, there's an entire phobia dedicated to the fear that someone is always watching the one afflicted with said phobia. In this case however this was no mere malfunction of the mind. This was most definitely fishy.

As the girl signed her name on the list he couldn't help himself. "Curiouser and Curiouser" He pondered her presence aloud since his mouth had a habit of saying exactly what his mind was thinking. If he were a bolder man he'd address
the girl directly. This was not the case as he led Lizzette away towards the table he spied, glancing over his shoulder
a couple times to discern whether the yellow eyed girl was still following them or not.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carmikael Piecemeal Character Portrait: Lizzette "Lizzy" Whatley Character Portrait: Carina Melinkov
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0.00 INK

AS they took their seats Lizzette could still feel the tingling through her skin... Whoever is was she had been feeling was inside the bar with them now. Helplessly she continues to scan the crowd, hoping that Carmikael wouldn't notice the fear she was feeling. Taking a moment to think on the situation however, she knew she had to say something to him now. It was no coincidence that she was feeling the magic outside the bar, and definitely no coincidence that it had followed them in.

With a hushed whisper she leaned in with a smile, giggling and resting her hand on his. If they were to appear normal in this world, she would have to at least act so. Though her face gave off all the signals of a flirting girl, her tone was nervous and protective, "Do you feel that? There is someone here, I think they are following us.... I felt it first outside, and whoever it is, they are inside with us as well...."

As they spoke a lanky boy had been on stage, bellowing his heart out with a long, sad love song. His set was drawing to a close, and the patrons were giving him curtosy claps as he left the stage with a bow. The mic-master approached to announce the next performance.

And now for our next performer....Oh what a lovely name she has, Miss Lizzette, Singing a song she calls "Summer Fly"

Lizzy was caught off gaurd momentarily, forgetting that she had signed up to sing. It seemed that they had only been in the bar for a short while, but atleast four acts must have gone on while they had been sitting there. A glass of white wine was in front of her she noticed, untouched.
I didn't order that... she thought, And Carmikael isn't old enough either... Her nerves were getting the best of her. It was probably just an admirer in the bar, it wouldn't be the first time a stranger ordered her a drink when she went out. Though, just to be sure, she left it untouched and put a smile on as she slid off the bar stool and gave the crowd a wave. Leaning in sh whispered into Carmikael's ear , "Stay safe, If anything happens, I am ready," and sauntered up on the stage.

The lights weren't too bright, so she could see all the people. They seemed normal, clapping as she waved, smiling and sipping on their drinks. However one set of eyes did catch her eye, they were yellow and looking right at her. Though having colored eyes in a city as eclectic as this wasn't strange, the feeling she got from them was. The power she felt intensified. This was the source of the magic.

The band's flute player started her off, playing the tune she had requested. Then the guitarist started, followed shortly by the violinist. Then she was up, and her voice filled the room as she stepped to the mic. As she sang she closed her eyes, and let the music move through her, letting the magic release. It was subtle, those who had no knowledge of magic wouldn't notice, simply feel happiness as their brains began releasing more dopamine. The crowd was getting a high off her voice. However, her aim was for one girl sitting in the crowd, I know what you are, she thought as she locked her eyes on her golden ones.
Just halfway through her song the crowd was in her trance, grinning widely, and swaying with her voice. She was sending them into a state of euphoria, giving them bliss. This was her power, with her voice she could do what she pleased, make people feel however she wanted. This was her warning. As she finished her song she blew kisses at the crowd, who broke out into cheers and applause. They had no idea they were simply under hypnosis, soon the affects would wear off. They would remember her song, but her name and face would ring no bells for them.
"Thank you!" she smiled as she stepped off the stage and back to her table. Even though she was worried about the other girl, she was having fun. As a show to all the guys in the crowd inquiring, some silently, others more forward about whether she was single or not, she placed her hand on Carmikael's once she reached the table.
No they weren't together, but a relationship was out of the question for her now. Especially with a normal person. Normal wasn't part of her life anymore. They didn't know that though, and admired Carmikael, recognizing him as quite a lucky fellow.

Leaning over to fawn pecking him on the cheek, she quickly whispered, "I found her."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carmikael Piecemeal Character Portrait: Lizzette "Lizzy" Whatley Character Portrait: Carina Melinkov
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0.00 INK

Carina had found it, the source of the magic. When she had went to sign her name on the list, that area of the bar had been fairly empty, except for a scattering of people and the couple that had signed up previously. She looked over every one nearby, but her eyes kept getting drawn back to that pair. Her suspicions were only confirmed when the boy shot her a nervous look and then led his partner away to a table. The feeling of magic diminished as they distanced themselves. Ok, step one complete, now what?

Carina weaved her way through the crowd, finding an open seat with view of the couple's table. She tried to look natural, which was difficult because she was alone at her table with no one to talk to, no drinks, and nothing to read. She found herself with nothing to do but to openly stare.

They were a bit of a mismatched couple; the girl was slim and pretty, with delicate feminine features and presumably dyed green hair, cut short to give her a youthful appearance, meanwhile, the boy was kind of tall and gawky, but well-groomed combined with glasses to give a studious look. Glasses Guy was visibly uncomfortable, while Green Girl seemed more relaxed, flirting and smiling. Carina couldn't help but notice that the smile looked somewhat strained though, as if she were worried about something. Actually, the more Carina watched, the more it seemed as if they were both on edge, perhaps a lovers quarrel?

And now for our next performer....Oh what a lovely name she has, Miss Lizzette, Singing a song she calls "Summer Fly"

Green Girl rose to her feet and went on to the stage. Her eyes swept back and forth over the crowd, as if searching for someone, and then locked onto Carinas with a startling intensity. She looked almost...hostile, although Carina couldn't think of what she could've done to anger this girl. Had she caught her staring and been offended? She didn't have much time to dwell on that however, because then the girl began to sing. Almost immediately, Carina felt the small flow of magic trickling into the girls words and began to panic, thinking she was being cursed. She frantically searched through her mind, trying to remember how to throw up a protection spell. However, by the time she had managed to shield herself, the music had already managed to drag her into a happy haze, making her thoughts sluggish. She darted her eyes to the side, trying to see if the music had had any negative effects on the normal people. They were all swaying to the rhythm of the song, dopey grins and glazed expressions on each of their faces. Creepy, but nothing deadly. She became aware that she was swaying as well and shook herself out of it just as the song ended. The girl went back to her table, all smiles as if nothing had happened. Carina got to her feet, she needed to talk to that girl...

And for our next perfomance, it looks like we have a newcomer. Give a warm welcome to Miss Carina Melinkov who will be singing Drops of Jupiter!

Damn, Carina had forgotten that she had signed up to sing. She just hoped that she could finish this up quickly and that the couple wouldn't leave. She went up on stage, faking confidence and beaming at the audience. She launched into the song and quickly got lost in the lyrics. She closed her eyes, putting all her focus on hitting the notes with the proper sound and emotion. Carina knew that she probably hadn't picked the most original song, but she was genuinely enjoying herself. As she rang out the last few notes, she opened her eyes to gauge the audiences reaction. Judging by their facial expressions and light applause, they seemed to have liked it. Only as she reached her table did she remember her initial objective: find the couple and talk to them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carmikael Piecemeal Character Portrait: Lizzette "Lizzy" Whatley Character Portrait: Carina Melinkov
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zalgo
"Do you feel that? There is someone here, I think they are following us.... I felt it first outside, and whoever it is, they are inside with us as well...." Lizzette warned of the stranger he had already spotted. Unlike her he wasn't so much afraid of the girl as he was curious. He could only wonder what she could be as he was not about to approach her and ask right out in the middle of a busy bar. They both had sat down at the table he had spied back at the list. She was not as calm as he was despite the fact that the fine guise she put on made her look calmer than him.

"And now for our next performer....Oh what a lovely name she has, Miss Lizzette, Singing a song she calls "Summer Fly"

The man called up the next singer, his good friend the next to sing her song. "Stay safe. If anything happens I am ready." Despite the fact she was heading up to do what she loved to do she still spoke in hushed tones, behaving in a very conspirative manner.

She stepped up onto the stage and with only slight preparation the band was ready to play, Lizzette at the lead with her microphone. The instruments were nice, a decent job from the flutist and the guitar was quite nice. The moment she started to sing and he already knew what was going on. Lizzette was using her magic on the crowd, entrancing them with her song. His mind slipping from the confines of it's own head space, he sighed and placed his palm upon his face, effectively face-palming.

He wasn't palming his face because of the song itself or even her singing. He found her voice a dreamlike melody to listen to even without the magic. It was the fact that she was using her magic right in front of a whole crowd of people. He understood her power was quite subtle but if history ever taught him anything it's that it was rarely the obvious mistake which brings about most great people's fall. There's even a word for it: Hubris.

Alas, the face-palm was brief. Besides the slight sense that she was flaunting her power he got into the groove of it, enjoying the sweet sounds of Lizzette's wonderful tones. Her magic obviously didn't affect him like it did the rest of the crowd but he enjoyed listening to it as much as the others. As her song came to an end he applauded for her. She returned from her stage and joined his table once again.

Almost as if in response to the potential suitors in the crowd she had placed her hand on his. The soft, delicate touch of her hands on his own brought about a higher heart rate. He could start to feel the heart in his chest like a bird two sizes too big for it's cage. His head felt considerably light and warm as well. A doctor might diagnose him with a serious case of love sickness, the only cure being the metaphorical hair of the dog that bit him. She leaned in and he was almost a ripe apple, the anticipation bringing a flush color to his cheeks. "I found her." And right back to the spy drama she went spiraling. "Yes. That I can see." He was looking back on over to the gold eyed girl. She wasn't doing much else but looking back at him, making her stand out more than a little.

"And for our next performance, it looks like we have a newcomer. Give a warm welcome to Miss Carina Melinkov who will be singing Drops of Jupiter!"

The announcer directed his attention to the strange new girl. "Carina Melinkov... Hm..." He quietly spoke his mind's words without much thought while the girl had luckily been busy getting up onto the stage which had taken her attention off of him.

This girls song was also good. Not quite as good as Lizzette but still an impressive show. As she weaves her tune he keeps his attention on her almost the entire way through. He never lost sight of her as she had made her way back to her desk, watching but not too obviously either as he had already been blending into the environment, wearing the air of casual pleasantness as a social chameleon would. Knowing the unusual girl over at the empty table was interested in them he imagined she might try and talk with them in the middle of a crowded room full of ordinary people about matters pertaining to a subject not fit for public ears. He needed to move them all somewhere else without showing his hand to potential listeners.

He motioned to their waitress as she was just on her way down the row of customers. Before she arrived at their table he brought his hands just below the table. Strapped to his left arm just halfway up his forearm was a magical item taken from a warlock who had been judged guilty and swiftly executed by one of Carmikael's ancestors. The name of the spell enchanted upon this thin metal case was The Bottomless Satchel of Crassus, magic supposedly created by Crassus himself as a means to keep his wealth with him at all times. The spell leaves a small portal just large enough for an arm to fit open at the bottom of the container which connects it with a designated room that the caster can place items in for future retrieval. Despite the size limit the magical container is extremely valuable for carrying a number of small items which wouldn't normally fit on one's person.

He was quite practiced in slight of hand because of this. His father taught him all sorts of tricks which would mask his motions and insisted he practiced them until every movement he made was hard to follow by instinct. It was long and difficult as any training under his father was but by the end he was as skilled as a masterful stage magician at deceiving the eyes of his audience. The fruits of his labors proved themselves as his hands were only below the table for a mere second before coming back up with an elegantly embroidered handkerchief, a small piece of paper and a very expensive black pen. To anyone unknowing of the deception it would of appeared as though he had those items on him since they came in.

His writing was like lightning, his hand across the paper in what almost seemed to be a single stroke. In the paper he had written little else but an address. The location he had transcribed was to an area he knew would be safe for them to talk openly, a private park owned by a warlock which would shut it's gates to all at night. All except warlocks of course. It was sort of a magic testing ground for those who need the open air and space but don't wish to be seen by ordinary folk taking late night walks and such.

His message was neatly folded into the handkerchief, effectively concealing it. The pen disappeared back up his sleeve like a hidden ace as the waitress finally arrived at their table. "A-ah, waitress if I may ask a favor of you a friend of m-mine over there had d-dropped her handkerchief. I-i'd return it myself but I d-dont want to let my girlfriend here think I'm flirting with the girl. Would you b-be so kind as to help?" He Had leaned in somewhat close so that Lizzette wouldn't hear them talking over the ambient noise of the bar. He had no intention of keeping her in the dark but his story wouldn't sell if he told the waitress all that openly.

"Alright hon. I'll just take that from 'ya." The waitress answered back, rolling her eyes at his stuttering before taking the handkerchief and thus the note secured within from the table. She departed from their table, on her way to drop his hidden message off at the golden eyed girl's table. With the message to be delivered he turned his eyes back from the girl to his lovely friend sitting by him. "Do relax. I b-believe I have everything handled. Unless something were to g-go awry we need only enjoy our time here. Our n-new acquaintance shall be meeting us in a more opportune environment." He filled Lizzette in on his plan. He hoped this would put her at ease, at least for a little while. Until they were to meet with the stranger there was little else to do but relax anyways.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carmikael Piecemeal Character Portrait: Lizzette "Lizzy" Whatley Character Portrait: Carina Melinkov
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0.00 INK

Carina had been about to make a move to approach the couple when Glasses Guy called over a waiter, pulled a pen, paper, and napkin seemingly out of nowhere and scribbled something on the paper. Glasses folded the paper slip into the napkin and discreetly handed the napkin to the waitress while Green Girl wasn't looking and gestured vaguely towards her table. Carina narrowed her eyes in suspicious as the waitress approached her. The waitress stood in front of her, smirking as if she knew some secret that Carina didn't. "Your little friend over there-" she jerked her thumb backwards to point over her shoulder at Glasses Guy, "says you dropped this."

The waitress held out the napkin that she had been handed and winked at her as if something scandalous was transpiring. Carina smiled and thanked the waitress, tentatively taking the napkin. She waited until the waitress was gone and carefully unfolded the napkin, revealing the tiny slip of paper. She had to admire the boy's penmanship, it looked like Jane Austen had wrote it. She wondered if he was a high-class kid, maybe a student at the Avalia Academy...

"Stop admiring his handwriting for goodness sake and actually read the paper!" she scolded herself. Only a few words were written, an address from the looks of it. She puzzled over why the heck he had sent this to her. Did he want to meet with her there? If so then it confirmed her suspicions that they had caught her watching. Even though she had initially been the one acting shady and staring at them, she wondered whether she should go. She had gotten some borderline hostile vibes from the girl and didn't know if anyone could help her if trouble arose. Carina bit her lower lip nervously, mulling it over. If all else failed, she had her magic to defend her and she was naturally much lighter on her feet than most people. Although she still had some misgivings, she made direct eye contact with Glasses Guy, nodded, and then headed for the door. She looked up the address on her smartphone, finding out that it directed her to some park she had never visited. However, it was close by and was a short walk. About ten minutes later and she was standing outside the gates. They were closed.

She glanced at her phone, wondering if this was the right address. Her phone confirmed that, yes, it was. Carina walked tentatively to the gates, pressing her hand against it to see if it would open. They remained firmly closed, yet at the moment she took her hand away and was about to leave, the heavy iron gates swung inwards propelled by some invisible force. As she entered, they swung shut behind her. "Great." she muttered under her breath. "This isn't suspicious at all."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carmikael Piecemeal Character Portrait: Lizzette "Lizzy" Whatley Character Portrait: Carina Melinkov
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Carmikael didn't seem as worried as she was, and suddenly she felt quite silly about how she was acting. Just as she was about to stand to approach the girl, the announcer called the next name. She watched as the golden-eyes girl rose and approached the stage. Suddenly she felt a pang of superiority, So she is going to try and show me up then? I'd like to see her follow that performance...
To her surprise the girl sang quite well, and even without the influence of music she enjoyed the performance. As she finished she gave Carina, as the announcer had said, a heartfelt applause. It seemed that she wasn't there to follow them after all, but just another person enjoying the evening. Waving her hand she motioned to the bartender who approached with a grin after looking her over. With a coy smile she used her charm on him, running her fingertips across the rim of the wine glass in front of her.
"Hi there, I don't know who sent this to me...but I don't drink anything I haven't had my eye on at all time..."
"Understandable," he said as he removed the glass, "Can I get you anything to replace it?"
" I would love a glass of Mascato... if you don't mind," she responded with a wink. Under her trance he complied, pouring her a glass and sliding it over, "On the house miss." Without asking for ID he walked away, dopy grin on his face.
She knew her ability to manipulate people so easily was because of her magic, but it happened even when she wasn't even trying to cast her charm. It came in handy quite often, especially in situations where people see something they shouldn't. Her ability got her out a few sticky situations.

As she sipped on her drink she gazed over at Carmikael who was handing a waitress one his elegant handkerchiefs. Curiously she waited until the girl left to raise her brows at him. He explained that he invited the girl to meet them at the park, where the could talk without putting their identities as magic-users at risk. He was always intelligent that way, thinking ahead. She felt foolish for the trick she pulled on stage.

After a short while the girl rose and left the bar and Lizzy looked over at Carmikael. Taking the final swig from her glass she pulled out her wallet and placed her payment on the table, placing the empty glass on top and motioning to the bartender that she was finished.
Rising from her seat she placed her hand on his shoulder and leaned over, "I'm going to powder my nose before we go," and gave him a warm smile. Though this night had not turned out as normal as she had hoped, she was still enjoying herself with Carmikael. Though he could be awkward at times, she couldn't ask for a kinder Warlock. Being with him came easy to her. He is a true gentleman, and it doesn't hurt that he is cute in a book worm kind of way...
Pushing open the restroom door she placed her bag on the counter and began applying another layer of gloss, puckering her lips and blowing her reflection a kiss. I hope I haven't left any marks on his cheeks... she worried, realizing how often she kissed him.
I wonder how he would react if I really kissed him... she thought with a smile. Though she was forward with their friendship, she would never cross that line. He was her Warlock, and she was contracted to protect him... She read one of his books once, skimmed the pages. What caught her eye was a chapter on inter Weapon-Warlock romance, and how often times it ended badly. When those lines were crossed, and emotions got in the way, magic became more unpredictable. He seemed to take everything he studied to heart... and though it disappointed her, she was sure that he would never cross that line either.

Returning to the table she slid back into her seat, "Shall we follow now?" She couldn't help but gaze into his eyes as she spoke, batting her eyelashes at him playfully. Just because a book said it was a bad idea, didn't mean it couldn't happen... one day.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carmikael Piecemeal Character Portrait: Lizzette "Lizzy" Whatley Character Portrait: Carina Melinkov
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#, as written by Zalgo
He didn't want to cast a shadow of seriousness over their evening but it was a tad trying not to worry. When Lizzette got a drink on the house it only made the influence of her magic all that more obvious. Or perhaps it was just him being paranoid? After all, no one would notice the influence of this subtle magic without a reason to look for it in the first place. Knowing of what she was doing he knew that she was charming them but how was he to know just what normal people would see of it? Even he realized that even considering the need to remain unnoticed by mortals he was probably just acting out of paranoia.

After Lizzette returned from where she went for a brief period he looked into her eyes. Though he might of been wary he felt it was for the best. Looking at her like he did he wanted little else than to protect her from he knew of the world. Such a sweet girl, so kind and fun too. She breathed life into his rather sheltered life, coaxing him out of his routine to do interesting activities. He knew that without her he wouldn't be here right now, drinking in the atmosphere in good company. "Company..." He said just under his breath, the thought spurring a search for the memory of something which was pertinent to his situation not too long ago.

"Shall we follow now?"

That was it! The golden eyed girl who had left after reading his message which was not too long ago. "A-ah yes! C-capital idea Lizzette. I'll pay for the evening a-and we can be on our way." He agreed with her notion. Reaching into his regular wallet, finely woven with his family initials sewn in with golden thread, he pulled out enough money to cover the sum of their expenses there plus a fairly good tip as well as the cost for her supposedly 'free' drinks which really weren't. When the spell over the people wore off he wanted there to be no loose threads for anyone to pull. Should another warlock happen to seek harm upon them both it would make his/her job easier when the people who they meet are left with a less than favorable impression. He had heard from his father once that sometimes a bartender or a janitor was the only informant an enforcer needed.

It was a relatively short walk to the park they were going to meet their mystery guest at. They took long enough that the girl could sweep the area to ensure there were no traps yet not long enough to set up a proper one herself. In addition the area was fairly open behind the gates. There would not be many places to hide if she was planning on jumping them on arrival.
Of course just thinking about the possibility that they might be assailed had put Carmikael a bit on edge. He didn't suspect the girl of being too much of a threat but appearances were always deceptive when warlocks were involved.

The gates silently opened as they approached, not a single squeak from the well kept metal entrance to this fine gathering point. The finely polished bars featured all along the walls of the entire park, quite the job indeed. It's true patrons typically demand high quality for the money they throw into these little slices of the city they keep to themselves. By day a warm and friendly park where people can all gather and enjoy themselves.
By night a dark and secluded ground where warlocks practice their dark arts in the moonlight.
One could say this park had two personalities, both as different from each other as night and day.

There their golden eyed friend stood, waiting for them as he'd expected. Truth be told he was relieved to see her as opposed to finding her after she's pounced on them from one of the few bushes or out from behind a tree. "G-greetings. A-as you might of seen we are alone here, no t-tricks or traps of any sort. Seeing as you've b-been quite interested in us for some time I take it you wished to speak away from p-prying eyes. Shall we g-get introductions out of the way or is it straight t-to business?"
He had his hands out open, palms facing up in a rather non-threatening manner. Though his hands showed a more trusting and welcoming approach his posture was a bit tense, still wary of their new acquaintance. His face displayed an emotion of curiosity more than anything else. It was a genuine expression, his curiosity shining through all other emotions at that time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carmikael Piecemeal Character Portrait: Lizzette "Lizzy" Whatley Character Portrait: Carina Melinkov
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It was a fairly short walk to the park they had agreed to meet at. Lizzy had been there only a couple of times before, to train with Carmikael. By day it is filled with people some playing with their kids, others walking their dogs o jogging. To the untrained eye it looks like a simple, normal park. However, when night fall and the gates shut as the sun goes down, it becomes a haven for those with magical talent.
As they approach the gate she feels on edge, the golden eyed girl isnt far. Now that Lizzy has sensed her once, she can feel her magic as they move closer, ebbing from behind the gates. Placing her hand on the door she feels it move to allow their entrance, and steps through with Carmikael.
AS sensed, she is there, waiting for the two of them. Lizzy eyes her once more. Though she has yet to do battle with another Warlock before, she knows it is her duty to protect her own, knowing that one day she may have to lay her life down for Carmikael if need be. She hoped today would not be that day.
Carmikael stepped up, reaching out to greet her. Lizzy simply crossed her arms over her chest, glaring intently at her, waiting for her to make the first move.