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Those Lovable NPCs

GSG's many, many characters. I'll probably make these pimpin' someday!

0 · 701 views · located in Castle Oress

a character in “Lila”, as played by GreenSweatshirtGal


Halyn's Alliance



~ Female | ??? (L20s-E30s) | 6'1" ~
~ Omnisexual (: | Sanguine/Phlegmatic | Lust | Charity ~


As a Manipulator, Halyn can bend reality and stuff. However, her powers are limited by her contract: if the person she contracted with says she isn't allowed to do something, then she becomes physically incapable of doing it.



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Halyn is a relatively old Manipulator...not quite the first, but she's certainly been around longer than you have. Halyn was fine with her jobs at first...I mean, it was easy. All she had to do was help people, usually using her reality-bending powers to help. At most, her contracts lasted only a year.

Which is where our problem lies.

Manipulators don't exactly get attached to people - you're not going to be around them for long, after all. Once your contract expires, bang, you're out of there! As soon as your contract expires, you get sent a notice and eventually return to the Manipulator HQ. Maybe you'll form some kind of acquaintanceship with the other Manipulators...but it won't last very long since Manipulators are constantly getting shipped off elsewhere. Loneliness is inevitable...and Halyn happened to be one of the unlucky few Manipulators with plenty of empathy. With each contract she would grow close to the people in the world she was assigned to work in, then be torn away from them and shoved somewhere else. Over her eternal years Halyn became cold and tired, longing for one, constant purpose.

Enter Opine Frazil, who promised Halyn a contract that would be more worthwhile. Their contract remains unknown, Halyn claiming only that it involved watching over the Test Reality, but whatever it was, it caught her attention. She accepted the contract immediately, and became attached to the Test Reality even faster. Since she wasn't to leave until the end of the Competition, Halyn was there for a good 30-40 years or so, giving her enough time to abandon her sadness and learn that contracts weren't so purposeless after all. She even created her own alliance, the true purpose of it being to give Halyn company rather than anything actually involving the Competition.

She comes off as a bit of a creeper...well, not a bit, but I think you get the point. Truth is, the only reason she's so clingy to people is because she doesn't want to lose them...and given the fact that she isn't exactly human, being a creeper is the only way she knows how to express love. That's also why she tends to be so lazy: Halyn figures that if she avoids actually working on her contract, she can prolong her stay in wherever she is, giving her more time to spend with the people she's learned to love.

Unfortunately, the Competition had to end at some point, and the Manipulators were kicked out. Reluctantly, Halyn dragged herself back to Manipulator HQ and began the endless cycle of contracts once more...but, luckily for her, one Ignis Phasmatis happened to request a contract with her. Without question she accepted the contract, and currently resides with Umbra's Alliance, creepin' on Julias Nightshade whenever possible. (:


}Dicro Corrune{

~ Male | 23 | 6'3" ~
~ Heterosexual | Sanguine/Phlegmatic | Sloth | Temperance/Humility ~


Being a Marionettiste, Dicro has the ability to partially (he can use his body and Fray's at once) or fully (he basically becomes Fray and his body vanishes) control his Marionette: Fray. All Marionettistes have the ability to control strings and chains, and being a Spade-Class Marionettiste means that he also has the ability to control air. Spade-Class Marionettistes can also create badass spades (you know, shovel things) out of their pins and can summon pretty badass swords. Dicro is also a part of the Anchor sub-class - although sub-classes are sort of an experimental thing thus far, he's still pretty talented with his Anchor abilities. Being in the Anchor class basically gives you ballin' psychic abilities, and you get a coolio pin that turns anchor. Yeah. Dicro personally prefers fighting in Fray's body, where he'll generally just use lots of chains and his spade-thing with his air abilities serving as a sort of support.



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Halyn's second-in-command...well, he was, but Halyn left him in charge when she left. He's something known as a Marionettiste, basically meaning he can fully control the soul of one other person, that person being Fray. Given the fact that he knew about his Tested-ness longer than most, he knows a lot about the Test Reality and Them. In fact, his Mirror (the person he was based off of from the first Competition) is one of Them! Dicro doesn't particularly care for the Competition, preferring to live life as it comes and worry about things when they happen. He's also particularly fond of the Test Reality, and has no plans to win the Competition and move over There.


}Tintra Nekiri{

~ Female | 23 | 5'7" ~
~ Heterosexual | Supine | Envy | Patience ~


Tintra can create exploding bath beads out of her soul. Yes. She also tends to carry around little daggers under her skirt and is very evasive.



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A girl created by Halyn towards the beginning of the Competition, made to resemble the winner of the first Competition. She's somewhat shy and very untrusting of strangers, but that has no impact on her ability to kick some serious ass. She has the ability to create little bath-bead shaped explosives made out of her own soul, but otherwise prefers using her ballin' evasive skills to wear people out and then stabbing them to death while they're down. (: Also, she's totally in love with Dicro, but won't admit her love despite the fact that pretty much every Tested ever finds it plainly obvious.



~ Female | 16 | 5'2" ~
~ Heterosexual | Sanguine | Greed | Chastity ~


Being Dicro's Marionette, Fray has the same abilities as he does, just to a lesser extent. She doesn't fight much, though; if she does, it's more likely than not that Dicro's using her body.



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Dicro's more-than-willing Marionette; basically, her soul completely belongs to Dicro. Opposing what one would think, she actually wanted it more than Dicro did, and he only gave in because of her constant begging (well, there's other stuff, but that's not important). Fray adores the strange and surreal, loving her new life (she hated her boring life until she found out she was a Tested) despite the fact that it's full of death and 'stuff like that'. She doesn't care about having to kill people or not owning her soul to such an extent that it's almost creepy...



~ Male | 21 | 5'8" ~
~ Heterosexual | Sanguine | Sloth | Kindness ~


He can't be killed unless his physical form is utterly destroyed. When he died in the previous Competition, all he remembers is wandering off and waking up in limbo. That certainly doesn't mean he can't be harmed beyond reason...



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At first glance, Lun is ominous at best. He wears so many layers of (black, unhelpfully) bulky clothing that there isn't a single view of his actual body. Thanks to the amnesia he got when he became a Tested, he doesn't even remember what he looks fact, the only reason he has a name is because Soleil named him when she became bffs with him. Contrary to his appearance, Lun is probably one of the most optimistic, upbeat, and friendly people in the Test Reality.



~ Female | 21 | 5'8" ~
~ Heterosexual | Sanguine | Gluttony | Diligence ~


Soleil has the ability to create Unreal people (what every non-Tested in the Test Reality is; an illusion, technically) out of nothing, which is how she got her initial fame.



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A rising jazz star (who frequents That One Cafe) who's already famous among the Tested for her optimism. She refuses to think about the past on account of the fact that it apparently wasn't peaches and cream for her, although her upbeat personality would make one think otherwise. Although she does the least killing out of everyone in the Alliance, she's a lot more talented and knowledgeable than she lets on.


}Seraye Phaelin{

~ Female | 27 | 6'0" ~
~ Heterosexual | Melancholic | Wrath | Diligence ~


Skilled with bonding and un-bonding souls to cute dolls. She keeps a baseball bat under her desk as well, and it's definitely not used for baseball. Also has the ability to raise her vibe to Their level, causing super-fun headaches for all.



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Soleil's manager as well as the owner of the Doll Shop. She has the freakish abilities to make dolls of people she's never seen before, not to mention that she can bond souls to them (effectively turning people into them). She was originally from a Reality called Chase, but she died and was offered a Promotion. She politely declined, but They needed her for various reasons and stuck her in the Test Reality to see if she would change her mind. She accidentally won the second Competition and, for an infinite amount of reasons, accepted her Promotion.


}Pierre Ciar{

~ Male | 31 | 5'10" ~
~ Heterosexual | Sanguine | Greed | Diligence ~


He has a cool car...?



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Soleil's other manager, who takes over when Seraye's busy (which is often). He's more concerned about Soleil's success than the Competition, and he didn't really understand its significance until he was killed. Even now he doesn't think of it much, figuring that he might as well focus on Soleil's career if he's just going to keep being brought back to life anyways.


}Nika Elaxi{

~ Female | 20 | 5'6" ~
~ Bicurious | Melancholic/Phlegmatic | Sloth | Humility ~


Always carries around a concealed knife, although she's aware that probably won't help her much.



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One of Soleil's backup singers who acted as if she didn't know about the Competition when, in reality, it was clinging to her every thought. Although she often had the urge to kill people off and become God, she decided that she just didn't have the guts to do anything and waited patiently to die. Despite the fact that she's rarely talked to about the Test Reality, she knows more about it than most.


}Ceri Etoile{

~ Female | 20 | 5'4 ~
~ Bicurious | Sanguine | Gluttony | Humility ~


Her irritating perkiness?



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Soleil's other backup singer, who's perky and optimistic compared to Nika's quiet pessimism. She actually is oblivious to the Competition, yet she didn't seem entirely surprised when her friends started dying. Frowning seems to be impossible for her; her bandmates claim they've never seen such an expression on her face. Death didn't seem to phase her one bit, since she's happier than ever.


Umbra's Alliance


}Umbra Tear{

~ Female | 36 (stopped aging in her late 20s) | 5'6" ~
~ Heterosexual | Choleric (O) - Melancholic (I) | Pride (O) - Envy (I) | Diligence (O) - Charity/Humility (I) ~


Umbra is incredibly talented at manipulating her soul and is able to create weapons out of it. Although these weapons definitely kick some ass (her favorite being this weird laser-gun-blade thing that wraps around her arm), they take a lot out of her.



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At age 15, Umbra woke up with amnesia and was suddenly Halyn's best friend. Deciding not to question anything, she played along and became skilled in manipulating her soul, allowing her to create weapons from it and eventually leading to her creation of the Oress (which are actually fragments of her soul). After creating the Oress, Umbra ditched Halyn and prepared herself for the Competition. Once it came around, she wasn't entirely sure what she was doing. As if in a dream, she simply did what she was expected to do (aka kill people) and weaved her way through life without any true goal. She doesn't care for being one of Them, and despite her cold exterior, she really hates killing people. Deep down she still isn't sure who she is, hence why she just sort of shapes herself as the person people assume she is.


}Ara Eselle{

~ Female | 10 | 4'5" ~


She has a broom. Yes.



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Once upon a time, a little girl was born with freakish hand-eye markings all along her arms. She was born as a Tested, lacking all of her features from birth, which quickly resulted in her being labeled a freak. After suffering all kinds of abuse, she ran off and somehow wound up bumping into Umbra. Something about her made something click in Umbra's mind, so she essentially adopted her. Ara doesn't do any killing, usually spending her time cleaning up around the Mansion (she has an obsession with pleasing people out of the fear that they'll hurt her if she makes the slightest mistake). Needs non-murderer friends.



~ Female | 24 | 6'1" ~
~ Heterosexual | Choleric/Sanguine | Wrath | Diligence ~


Although she's technically not the holder of Ciess anymore, she still has the abilities from the Oress.



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Ciess became a Tested at a young age, and immediately noticed something was up. Instead of seeing herself in the mirror, she saw Shan. The two quickly became friends and fell madly in love with each other, but they couldn't reach each other beyond the mirror. Eventually she started going crazy (people already thought she was weird for talking to mirrors all the time), and was eventually put into a place without mirrors. Naturally, this upset her to extreme levels, and she likely would have killed herself if receiving an Oress didn't interfere with everything. When she became one of the original Oress Holders, she woke up at Umbra's Mansion (which happened before Umbra made it her place of residence) and found Shan there, and happiness ensued. She and Shan do the most killing out of everyone, determined to be Promoted so they can ensure that they're never apart again. The two are never apart, Ciess being the more extroverted (and crazy) half.



~ Male | 24 (except he's really ~15k) | 6'5" ~
~ Heterosexual | Choleric | Pride | Diligence ~


Although he's not technically the holder of Shan anymore, he still has the abilities from the Oress.



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Shan was actually a part of the original Competition, but was excluded from participating on the request of the Goddess of Mirrors, Raine. He was fine with not dying until it became obvious that it meant living eternally in the original Test Reality long after everyone else had killed each other. So around 15,000 years passed before he noticed someone aside from himself, Ciess, in the mirror. They became friends quickly, and he fell in love with her easily on account of the fact that Raine was crazy. After several years of longing, Shan somehow became and Oress Holder and was dragged over to the new Test Reality to participate in the Competition. Although he was just as happy as Ciess was, 15,000 years of loneliness caused him to become quiet and introverted. Despite that, he's probably the last person you want to get killed by. Trust me.




}Larya Tayl{

~ Female | ??? (E20s) | 5'9" ~
~ Asexual | Sanguine | Greed | Temperance ~


Don't get into a fight with Larya. Just don't. Her 'Star Gun' (which shoots cartoony stars) is one thing, but her abilities are just...just...don't get in a fight with her.



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A reality-hopping, paradox-loving thief who frequents the Test Reality for its craziness. She seems to know pretty much everyone there, but she has a love-hate relationship with them all on account of the fact that she steals from them regardless of connection. Is not a Tested.


}Bunny{ :3

~ Male | ??? | 1'3" ~ :3
~Bunnysexual | Sanguine/Phlegmatic | Awesomeness | Awesomeness~ :3


Bunny can do anything Bunny wants. :3


derp :3

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A reality-hopping friend of Larya's who is super cool. He's bros with everything and everyone, he loves cheez burgers, and he has all kinds of worldly wisdom. Is not a Tested. :3


}Banny{ >:X

~ Male | ??? | 1'3" ~ >:X
~Heterosexual | Choleric | Pride | Diligence~ >:X


Banny can do anything Banny wants, unless he's overpowered by Bunny's righteousness. >:X


derp >:X

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He's basically Bunny's rival who is pretty much like Bunny if Bunny was a douche. Is not a Tested. >:X



~ Female | L20s-E30s (really infinite) | Mostly ~5'6" ~
~ Omnisexual?! | Mostly Sanguine | Greed? | Diligence ~


Depends on her job. Usually, nothing.



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A woman who works everywhere. No, seriously, everywhere. All at the same time. FLO is shrouded in mystery, some claiming she's a god or has a billion clones. Regardless of reason, FLO has a consistent, friendly personality at every job she has. Is not a Tested.


}Narelle Odina{

~ Female | 22 | 5'5" ~
~ Homosexual (more like Niyasexual amirite) | Varies | Wrath | Temperance ~





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Narelle was a close friend of the second Manipulator (Halyn being first and Verity, the bloodthirsty one, being third), Saniya. She loves art and nature, and tries to avoid the Competition as much as possible. Narelle can often be found sitting in trees, looking solemn about the loss of her friend (since all of the Manipulators had to leave).


}Zalika Adla{

~ Female | 26 | 5'9" ~
~ Asexual | Choleric | Wrath | Diligence ~


A nightstick that functions as both a taser and a gun. Tested police are hardcore like that.



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A police officer who's nearly completely detached from the Competition, only knowing of its existence due to being a childhood friend of Soleil's. She fights for justice, defending even 'bad guys' from death in order to prevent the Competition from ending (since she believes strongly that everyone should be allowed to live a nice, long life before death is worried about). Z, as she's often called, seems rather depressed with this round of the Competition.



~ Female | ??? (Ts) | 5'3" ~
~ Asexual | Choleric | Wrath/Envy | Chastity ~


As with Halyn, Verity can bend Reality to her whim, although her abilities are limited by her contract. Unlike Halyn, Verity keeps a handy collection of knives and daggers on her person at all times.



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Verity was rather disgusted with the Test Reality. A bunch of rather lax gods essentially telling a bunch of lower beings to kill each other for the off-chance of becoming an almighty being...wait, what would they do then? Live like she did? Gee, that sounds great. And the rest? Forced to remain a plaything to said lax gods for, presumably, the rest of eternity. What happens when They get bored?

Despite the fact that the idea repulsed her, Verity had this insane desire to win. The Manipulators weren't supposed to participate, and they didn't even need to die...not that Verity was capable of doing anything but returning to work after death, anyways. She didn't care. She had something to work towards, something that made her feel that she could have a purpose. Even though she would be unable to win (Manipulators don't count) or accept a Promotion otherwise, she couldn't stop herself from trying. If the thought that trying to win something she couldn't win ever crossed her mind, she replaced it with the thoughts of how people would remember her, how they would be impressed with her power, how they would be terrified of her, how they would remember the day she killed them...someone would find her to be a threat. She would come across someone's mind, and it wouldn't be because she was working for them. Impressing Them also became huge for wonderful would she feel if the highest of all beings respected her?

Killing off the Tested forced her into interaction, which she notably had issues with. She resisted killing people off until the official start of the Competition (when everyone becomes aware of their Tested status), and got started immediately after Ciess and Shan caused the first death. Before the Competition began, however, she hung around her fellow such, she met Halyn's Alliance (which consisted of Halyn, Niya, Umbra, Dicro, and Tintra at this point) and was essentially forced to hang around them unless she wanted to go off on her own. Although she hated talking to people out of the knowledge that she'd just lose them later, she couldn't completely close herself off from them...she felt uncomfortable if there wasn't at least one person somewhere nearby (they didn't even need to be visible; as long as she knew they were there, she was good). So she took to locking herself up in either her room or the basement, silently listening to nearby conversations or, when forced to be in a more frequented area, silently observing people...which was kind of creepy. Being stared at by red-eyed lolis isn't exactly...uh...not-unnerving.

Whenever she went to a victim, she'd usually incapacitate them first, then listen to them beg for mercy. It's not that she was incredibly fond of listening to them suffer, its just that being alone for so long (since she obviously couldn't just hang around with people once she became well-known as a crazy murderer) left her craving the voices of others. Other times she'd go with torture or she'd even lock people up for a while, just to feel like she had company...whether they were enjoying themselves or not. In other cases she would drag out battles, allowing her to both enjoy a 'social encounter' and feel pain. Something about pain always made her feel alive...while also warning her that she was facing death. That was another goal that came with the Competition: avoiding death.

Throughout the Competition there were a few people who actually tried to interact with her...usually the members of Halyn's Alliance because they're total bros. Although said interactions were usually used to allow them to get away from her in a battle, they were also completely genuine. Verity was probably a totally nice person on the inside, right? Of course, Verity was very hesitant to ever follow up on friendship...not only was there the whole 'never see them again' issue, but would they really want to be friends with someone who was a killer? Even if they were serious, befriending them would just make them harder to kill.

The most notable example of the whole interaction deal is when she killed Soleil; after talking Verity down to a point where she let down her guard, Soleil didn't bother escaping. Soleil did everything in her power to befriend Verity, which was something Verity definitely wasn't used to. Verity subsequently broke down, emotions utterly and completely confused. She eventually came to the conclusion that she didn't want to kill Soleil, despite the fact that not killing her would become a major obstruction in her goals...but Soleil convinced Verity to kill her, because she cares about Verity's happiness that much (the fact that all of her friends were getting killed and she didn't have anything to live for at this point probably helped), holy shit. After the two promised to never forget each other and to stay friends forever, Verity reluctantly killed Soleil.

After the Competition ended and Verity failed to win the Competition because of not being a Tested, she left with the other Manipulators...stopping only to hug Soleil (which is pretty mind-blowing) before being forced to leave the Test Reality, presumably forever.

It didn't cross her mind until after the Competition's end that the Competition didn't end until everyone was dead...and therefore her contract didn't end until everyone was dead. She could have stayed in the Test Reality for all of eternity, making friends and protecting them from death.

Immediately after the Competition she made a contract with someone in a faraway place called Chase, but has temporarily returned for some reason...a reason probably revolving around her contempt for Opine.



~ Female | Beyond Numbers | 6'2" ~
~ Asexual? | Melancholic | Sloth | Temperance ~


Raine once had control over everything related to Mirrors, which essentially made her God...but she passed her abilities on to Lilita when she gave up her title as Mirror Goddess. With Lilita's permission, though, she can use the full extent of her power.



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Raine has existed as long as Mirror Realities and Mirrors have. 'Mirror' refers to an alternate - not quite an opposite, not quite a reflection. It's a difficult thing to describe, but Raine was basically one of those up-there gods. She didn't really care much for her job, and spent most of her time smoking her fancy cherries-and-cinnamon pipe. Raine isolated herself on a higher plane to not get involved with people - she didn't want the trouble, and knew it would only make her job more difficult. Opine Frazil suddenly created the Test Reality one day without a Mirror or even knowledge of the concept of Mirrors, which captured Raine's attention instantly. Raine went to confront Opine and, not wanting to deal with her, Opine simply bent her Request and trapped Raine in the Test Reality along with the Tested. Able to change the definition of Mirror Reality at will, Raine attempted to ruin the Test Reality so she could leave...but Opine simply took her abilities away. Raine was stuck in the original Test Reality for around 15,000 years before Opine created the second Test Reality and allowed Raine to leave. She quickly high-tailed it back to the Reality her plane was located above, only to find that things had changed dramatically. Over-stressed by the sudden return of responsibility in a world that she was no unfamiliar with, Raine gave up the position of Mirror Goddess to some random teenaged girl who came to her shrine to pray daily...


}Lilita Ulula{

~ Female | 18 | 5'7" ~
~ Heterosexual (unless Olette is involved) | Supine/Choleric?! | Sloth | Chastity ~


As Mirror Goddess, Lilita can control anything and everything pertaining to Mirrors: this also means that she's basically God of any Mirror Reality, and since the definition of Mirror Reality is loose, faded, and determined by the Mirror Goddess anyways...oh yeah, she's also Heart-Anchor class Marionettiste, which gives her over water, empathy, and healing, as well as the ability to summon chains, strings, and weapons based off of her Class Suit. Naturally, she can also control her Marionette, Olette Velour, but prefers to leave her alone.



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Lilita Ulula was a pretty normal girl; she went to school, had friends, fell in love with her best friend - Olette - who already had a boyfriend, owned Olette's soul, and lived in a world where people were taken away to who-knows-where once they turned 18. Oh yeah, and she was the biggest believer in the Mirror Goddess, who supposedly abandoned their world 15,000 years ago. Raine pretty much forced Lilita into becoming the new Mirror Goddess, claiming that she needed to redeem herself for only praying for selfish/little things she could fix on her own (in truth, Raine appreciated the fact that someone actually consistently believed in her, and just wanted a replacement). Having enough stress in her life already, Lilita wasn't pleased, despite the fact that she was pretty much God now. Still, she did what she had to - answered prayers, summoned Mirrors (some of which were rather unpleasant, COUGHLAVANCAUSEHE'SADOUCHECOUGH) to assist her when needed, tried to make Raine less pathetic, etc. Although she's been quite successful on all fronts, Lilita still dislikes the idea of being God: she isn't looking forward to watching everyone she loves die (well, at least vanish into the adult world, which Lilita has forbidden herself from viewing) and she doesn't want to end up being manipulated or harmed because of her status like Raine was, but she tries as hard as she can to push those thoughts away and focus solely on the now.


}Saniya 'Niya'{

~ Female | ??? (20s) | 5'7" ~
~ Bisexual | Sanguine/Phlegmatic | Gluttony/Greed | Humility ~


See Halyn and Verity's bios. Well, except Niya doesn't carry around pointy things.



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Niya was a Manipulator hired during the second Competition who quickly became bffs with Narelle. For the most part, Niya just stayed out of the Competition and chilled with her homeslice, hanging upside-down from trees and drawing pretty pictures all day. Not much is known about her since she was considered 'minor' compared to Halyn and Verity, but she's supposedly not as kind as lovable as she appears to be...





~ Male | ~15,000 (L20s-E30s) | 6'9" (yes, the jokes have been made) ~
~ Heterosexual | Phlegmatic | Sloth? | Everything? ~


He has the same abilities/weapons as Dicro, but is a sub-class Rose rather than Anchor. Being a sub-class Rose Marionettiste gives one healing abilities and the ability to manipulate emotions to some extent.



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Dicro's Mirror, assistant to Death, and an unwillingly Promoted participant of the first Competition. In the first Competition, he was dating Her and all was well until She went crazy at the announcement of the Competition. He wasn't particularly interested in winning, but he (as well as the original Fray, whom he was deeply attached to) participated in the killing as much as She did, if only to prevent Her from winning. His efforts were in vain and She won, but She requested He be Promoted as well. This kind of had a negative impact on Him considering the fact that He was forced away from Fray and anyone else he ever cared for, all of whom were wiped out of existence (until they were recently brought out and returned to the reincarnation cycle). Naturally, He became pretty damn antisocial until He heard of the second Competition. Refusing to allow history to repeat itself, He became actively involved with the Test Reality and from then on became a well-known member of Their community. On a side note, He has a part-time job working for Death, if only because He likes knowing when cool people die so He can interview them.


}Lynette 'Nette' Lylet{

~ Female | 16 | 5'2" ~
~ Heterosexual | Sanguine/Choleric | Everything? | Diligence? ~


Same as His, but to a lesser extent.



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A spunky girl from an Earth-like planet who was 'arrested' and sent over There for knowing about Their existence (they were actually only passing thoughts, but Arella will arrest people for anything). She was saved from being turned into a Chilly by Him (who later made her His Marionette), who found striking similarities to the original Fray in her. Turns out He was right; she was the original Fray's reincarnation, which explained why the two became attached so quickly. Nette rather likes her new life over There, although the fact that she's way weirder (and more badass) than any of Them helps.



~ Female | ~15,000 (L20s-E30s) | 6'6"6 ~
~ Asexual? | Crazy? | Everything? | Nothing? ~


Same as Tintra's, but to a greater extent.



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The winner of the original Competition, well known for being both a freak and a total jerk. She doesn't care for the opinions for others, doing whatever pleases her whenever it pleases her. She's still in love with Him, but He obviously doesn't share those feelings anymore, a fact which enrages her to no end. Thankfully her appearances are sporadic; her typical whereabouts are completely unknown.



~ Female | 23,766 | 6'6"6 ~
~ Heterosexual | Choleric | Wrath | Diligence ~


Chillies. 'Nuff said.



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An angel who's far from angelic. Her job is to arrest people in lower Realities who pose a threat to Them, although she usually just arrests random people for whatever when she's bored. They can't do much about this, since 'normal' people aren't allowed to leave There once they've arrived. Creeping people out (especially the Tested), killing people, being grumpy, and making other people do things for her are her favorite things.



~ Male | 23,767 | 7'2" ~
~ Heterosexual | Sanguine/Melancholic (depends on the company) | Envy | Charity ~





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A tentacled blob monster who is way nicer than his partner, Arella. Stan is a total bro who likes to help people out, but most people get intimidated by his species. He generally hates the rest of his species for being all perverted, and wishes people would understand that not all tentacle monsters are like that. Terrified of horny lolis.



~ Varies | Veries | Varies, generally ~1'0" ~
~ Varies | Varies | Varies | Varies ~


Nothing. ):



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A bunch of angelic, walking, and talking cartoony chinchillas who are the transformed versions of the people Arella and Stan arrest. These poor Prinnies Chillies, all of which are almost always innocent, are forced by their cruel master, Etna Arella, to do hard labor or whatever else she wants. They feel pretty 'meh' about it, just rolling through life and savoring every good thing that happens to them, sometimes trying (and failing) to escape. Some of There's other residents own Chillies, those Chillies generally being way happier than Arella's Chillies.



~ Male | 3,612 | 1'2" ~
~ Heterosexual | Sanguine | Sloth (unless he's with Poice) | Humility ~


Nothing until Poice gives him something.



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Poice's closest Chilly. The two are total bros and do everything together, always upholding their beautiful scientific almighty being â™Ĩ angelic chinchilla slave bromance. They get along well...too well, maybe. Supposedly Poice spends more time with Fredericks than with his wife, but Kilii doesn't mind and, really, can you blame him? Fredericks is Fredericks! He's irresistible!



~ Female | Beyond Numbers | 6'7" ~
~ Bisexual | Sanguine | Gluttony | Charity ~


All of the abilities of her ex-Oress.



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A loving, nurse-like woman who serves as Life in contrast to Neren's Death. She somehow became an Oress Holder, but embraced it and pretended to be a Tested. Although she made many friends, especially with one particular person, most of them lost faith in her after they all died and found out that she was one of Them all along. Vitara feels endlessly guilty about this, and is willing to do whatever it takes to earn their forgiveness.



~ Female | Beyond Numbers | 6'8" ~
~ Asexual? | Melancholic? | Pride? | Chastity ~


All of the abilities of her ex-Oress.



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A relatively spooky woman who serves as Death in contrast to Vitara's Life. Like Vitara, she somehow became an Oress Holder. Unlike Vitara, she ignored it and continued her duties over There. She doesn't talk very much and as such doesn't have many friends, but she will sometimes attempt to (awkwardly) engage someone in a friendly conversation. By the end of the second Competition her desire for companionship became rather obvious, and her attempts at interacting with people, even the Tested, are becoming more frequent.


}Mate Tagi{

~ Female | 21 | 5'6" ~
~ Heterosexual | Melancholic/Supine | Envy | Patience ~


Her horns?



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A girl with blue skin, horns, a forked tongue, a devilish tail, pointed ears, and three eyes. Despite all of that she still looks rather pretty, but she constantly denies this and is deeply ashamed of her 'ugliness'. She works directly under Neren, doing whatever work she doesn't. She's close friends with Ola, who constantly pushes her to pursue her massive crush on Him. Although said crush is incredibly obvious, she acts as if it's some deep, dark secret of hers. Has a thing for bubblegum.


}Ola Kata{

~ Female | 91 | 5'8" ~
~ Heterosexual...supposedly! | Sanguine | Gluttony/Pride | Charity ~


None...that you know of.



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A bunny-girl who works directly under Vitara and is totally bffs with Mate. She has amazing common sense, but constantly ignores it to do whatever seems to be the most fun. Ola has a talent for making baked goods, which she makes in excess. Was supposedly extremely hardcore in life...


}Xantha Claret{

~ Female | 6,327 | 5'3" ~
~ Ominsexual | Sanguine | Greed | Patience ~


You don't want to know.



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A freaky little girl who works under Vitara. She loves making potions and other weird things out of God-knows-what, and collects all kind of ugly-cute things. For some reason, she really likes dead people and often uses them as guinea pigs for her experiments.


}Cieux Macielo{

~ Male | 82,028 | 5'10" ~
~ Asexual | Phlegmatic | Pride | Diligence ~


Touch him and you'll find out.



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A silent fellow who appears as a sky-filled silhouette of a man. He works directly under Neren, but doesn't talk for more reasons than being under her influence. He's unable to speak, and the only way he can express his emotions is by changing the weather inside of the silhouette. It's actually pretty cool.



~ Male? | 13,276 | 5'1" ~
~ Heterosexual | Sanguine | Pride | Temperance ~


The C-Spin. You'll die before you see what that thing is.



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A gender-ambiguous worker under Vitara. S/he's very upbeat and can be often seen playing the cornet with Spinet.



~ Female? | 13,276 | 5'0" ~
~ Heterosexual | Phlegmatic/Supine | Lust | Kindness ~


The S-Co. You'll die before you see what that thing is.



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A gender-ambiguous worker under Neren. S/he's very quiet and can often be seen playing the spinet with Cornet.



~ Female | 29 | 5'9" ~
~ Heterosexual | Sanguine/Melancholic (depends on the company) | Envy | Chastity ~


All of the abilities of her ex-Oress.



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During the second Competition, Flyri did nothing more than attend to her plants. For whatever reason, though, she got Promoted when she died, something she happily accepted. Then she became part-flower. The end. Seriously.



~ Male | 31 | 6'1" ~
~ Heterosexual (but not afraid of bromance) | Sanguine | Greed? | EVERYTHING â™Ĩ ~


All of the abilities of his ex-Oress. Sometimes he'll make coolio weapons, but he usually doesn't have a need to use them.



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A mad---erm, happy scientist who also got Promoted for seemingly no reason. He's much more active in Their community than Flyri is, causing all kinds of crazy things with experiments, getting married to a succubus, and participating in as many misadventures as possible. Death is pretty insignificant to him, and he's able to withstand all kinds of pain and still focus more on the science than the pain.



~ Female | 6,969 | 6'4" ~
~ Poicesexual â™Ĩ | Sanguine/Supine | Lust (which she's unhappy with) | Temperance ~


Succubus stuff. Yes. (:



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Poice's smokin'-hot succubus wife who seems to be a succubus only in name and appearance. She somehow retained all of her humanity, becoming ashamed of the dirty things her fellow succubi did. She's just as intelligent, if not more intelligent than Poice, and the two love each other endlessly. D'awww.


}Najwa 'Naj'{

~ Female | 234 | 4'3" ~
~ Omnisexual D: | Sanguine | LUST | Diligence...? ~


Succubus stuff. No. ):



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A lesser succubus adopted by Kilii in an attempt to make her less...lusty, I guess? Naj doesn't respond well to her draining, being just as lust-filled as any grown succubus. At the same time, she has a lot more humanity and restraint now. That's not saying much, but it's something! Very fond of misadventures.


}Sevda 'Sev'{

~ Female | 345 | 4'4'" ~
~ Omnisexual | Sanguine/Choleric | Lust/Pride | Kindness ~


See Naj's bio. D: Also, she can extend her tail and horns, which is baaaaad.



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Sevda is Naj's best friend and is Ilys Teneil's (Queen of all Succubi or something) favorite little loli. She's a variety of succubus known as an 'imp', making her more of a classic demon than a succubus. As such, she loves causing trouble and breaking rules, and tries to inspire Naj to do the same. Arguably, although she's less of a creeper than Naj, she's more dangerous...


}Ilys Teneil{

~ Female | Beyond Comprehension | 6'9" ~
~ Bisexual | Varies | Lust/Greed | Temperance ~


Succubus stuff. Whether this is 'yes' or 'no' varies...



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Ilys Teneil is apparently the leader of all succubi and their related sexy monster groupies, but claims to be beyond that. According to her, she embodies the concept of love...or at least lust and procreation. Her vibe is crazy up there, having similar traits to Raine and Lilita's vibes - they're at least on par with Them. For better or worse, Ilys acts more like a mother than a queen, caring quite deeply for her subjects. Maybe too deeply...aside from the implications that brings thanks to the whole succubus thing, she's quite overprotective of her 'children'. Lord help you if you deny one of her subjects. She's under the impression that sex is the best thing in the whole world, and while it's indeed pretty ballin', she takes it waaaaaay overboard. 'Cause she's a succubus. Duh. Haven't you been listening?

Aside from 'owning' Naj and Sev (Sev being her favoritest little loli), Ilys has one other important connection to Them: she's the one who 'converted' Kilii and was also the one responsible for her death. Needless to say, the two don't get along. Another connection: Bunny and Larya seem to be pretty familiar with her...








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}Prince Meil{

~ Male | 16 | 5'2" ~
~ Heterosexual | Supine | Sloth | Humility ~


He was given that cool spade-sword thing by Him, but is rarely willing to fight. He has another crazy ability, but don't expect to ever see it.



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A recently Promoted nervous kid who's totally in love with Nette and hangs out with her all the time. He scares easily thanks to his rather traumatic past, but is slowly warming up to Them and all of Their strange ways. He's got a whole squad of maids, but none of them are really important enough for a bio. Except one.


}Meliss L.S.{

~ Female | 16 | 5'2" ~
~ Heterosexual | Supine/...Choleric? | Greed/Envy | Humility ~


Nothin' but her bitchslaps. Don't underestimate those.



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Meil's closest servant. Although she doesn't talk very much and doesn't sound very emotional when she does, she's full of compassion and dearly loves her Prince. She almost always follows him around and is extremely protective of him, taking anyone who intimidates him (which is pretty much everyone) as a threat.



~ Female | 16? | 5'4" ~
~ Bicurious | Sanguine/Phlegmatic? | Sloth | Chastity ~





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A mysterious girl who just sort of showed up one day. She isn't entirely sure who she is, yet she knows the names of all of the Tested and all of Them. Mariol frequently interacts with both groups in hopes that someone will remember her, oblivious to the fact that her very existence is a mystery, not just her identity.



~ Female | 17,121 | 5'6" ~
~ Heterosexual | Supine/Sanguine | Gluttony | Kindness ~


None...besides Helal, I guess.



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A futakuchi-onna who isn't particularly fond of the second mouth on the back of her head (a foul-mouthed {pun intended}...mouth named Helal). Because of Helal, she tends to be shy and strays from company, despite the fact that she's a really nice person. Totally has a crush on Stan. D'awww.



~ Female | ~15,000 (L20s-E30s) | 6'5" ~
~ Bisexual | Sanguine | Wrath | Temperance ~


As a Club-Class, sub-class Anchor Marionettiste, Tzila is capable of manipulating strings, chains, Ilaria Carabella (who is her Marionette, her Mirror, and a Marionettiste herself all at once), fire (which she abuses constantly), and coolio psychic stuff. Club-Class Marionettistes are capable of turning their pins into surprisingly badass batons and wands, but Tzila prefers driving chains through things that she's set on fire. Yes. The Anchor sub-class can turn their Anchor pins into...well, anchor-things, but, again, chains and fire.



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Some crazy pyro chick from another planet who once reduced its population by half in a few hours, all by herself, just because she felt like it. Despite the fact that killing people is something she enjoys, she's not that bad of a person when she's not feeling murderous. A little creepy, a little eccentric, but not particularly sadistic. She isn't one of Them...but she manipulated herself into His ownership (they're in the same Marionettiste group, and they've been texting Gs for 15,000 years) to get herself off of some GODDAMN (prison) SPACESHIP. Plus, she was bored.


}Ardin Vivek III{

~ Male | 22 | 5'11" ~
~ Heterosexual | Choleric/Phlegmatic | Wrath | Diligence ~


As a Heart-Class, sub-class Rose (how manly) Marionettiste, Ardin is capable of manipulating strings, chains, his Marionette (Princess Chalina Vartouhi Sirvat, who died alongside him for...well, it's a long story), water, emotions, and he's got some pretty wicked healing abilities. Heart-Class Marionettistes are capable of turning their pins into arrows and cups (way cooler than it sounds), and Rose sub-classes can turn their Rose pins into...weird spinny rose things that are awesome. Yeah.



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One of the Marionettistes in Dicro's group who got Promoted after going through all kinds of absolutely fun things served up by his Mirror, Lavan (infamously known throughout the Marionettiste community as a total douche). Although he isn't happy about leaving his maybe-possibly-potential fiance and the rest of his friends in a world thrown into political chaos (long story)...well, living over There is kind of awesome. Since He and Ardin totally agree on the whole "Lavan is a douche" thing, they get along pretty well and Ardin decided that he might as well intern for Him. Because dead people are cool and stuff.


}Sileny Firenze{
~ Female | 23 | 5'7" ~
~ Asexual | Melancholic (O) - Sanguine (I) | Sloth | Humility ~


As a Diamond-Class, sub-class Moon Marionettiste, Sileny is capable of manipulating strings, chains, her Marionette (some guy named Arav Lirit), earth, and metal (which is different from earth, trust me). Diamond-Class Marionettistes are capable of turning their pins into spears and RAZOR COINS, which is totally cool. The Moon sub-class can turn their Moon pins into kickin' boomerang things, which are always fun.



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A Marionettiste in the same group as Dicro, Ardin, and Ilaria. She's completely unable to speak or physically express emotion due to this curse that was placed upon her for reasons she doesn't recall. Basically, she spent thousands, maybe millions of years being reincarnated into different Realities, being forced to grow to love them (despite not being able to express her emotions)...and then being ordered to bring the apocalypse to them. After she unwillingly ends the world, she's forced to wander in its remnants until she dies (suicide isn't permitted, otherwise she's just put back in), and then the cycle starts again. After becoming a Marionettiste and stuff, she decided that she had enough of this shit and spent years trying to figure out how to kill her superiors. Eventually she did, although her Marionette died in the process and she was once again left pretty much alone on some random planet. She killed herself to finally end this crazy reincarnation process, and got Promoted. She could probably get her voice and expressions back if she wanted to...but she's gotten used to texting and writing. For whatever reason, she's currently interning for Him alongside Ardin.



~ ??? | ??? | Varies ~
~ Heterosexual...? | Choleric | Pride | lolol ~


Uh, himself?



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A cat-demon thingy that likes to cause trouble for people by shapeshifting know, stuff. One day he might turn into someone to slander their name, the next day he'll transform into someone's worst fear. Naturally, he has a lot of enemies.



~ Female | 5,380,619,247 | Varies ~
~ Omnisexual | Melancholic | Gluttony | Diligence ~


As she's made out of shadows and stuff, she can move around freely within them. She's also capable of creating shadows and choking out light, but this requires more effort. As the shadows constantly surrounding her are supposedly made up of the souls she's devoured, she can absorb or release them to change her size. At this point she's currently capable of enlarging herself to the size of a moderately-sized planet (bigger than Earth, at least), which gives a nice idea of just how many souls you can devour in ~5 billion years.



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A woman made pretty much completely out of shadows. In life, when she was still somewhat human (all of that shadowy goodness represents how many souls she's devoured), she had this rather nasty habit of making contracts with demons and twisting the hell out of them. Something about defying beings not meant to be defied just absolutely thrilled her, and she gained some sort of twisted lust for deception. Over the years she took contract upon contract, never reading anything and always skipping the small text. Having no fear of losing her soul due to the sheer number of contracts she took on (naturally, there would be too much conflict over her soul), she spent her days abusing whatever power she got out of said contracts, and even starting making contracts with people herself.

It didn't take long for her to become corrupted with power, however, but she wasn't dumb. Deciding that the fate of her soul was completely up in the air, she killed herself before she lost her inhibitions. Lucky her, Muri ended up with a Promotion for some reason, and she used her request to free her from all of her contracts. Unfortunately, being a manipulative bitch had its that her soul was detached from what she estimates to be thousands of demons, it was totally starved. After being dependent on other souls for so long, it couldn't keep itself sustained, so she had to turn to devouring souls. Still intent on screwing over demons, of course, she currently spends her days lurking around in Limbo's main elevator, preying on the hell-bound.


}Cenedra Shore{

~ Female | 21,486 | 0'7" ~
~ Heterosexual | Sanguine | Pride | Charity ~


The power of fashion...?



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Cenedra is all about fashion; clothes and accessories are her passion. She spends most of her time shopping, planning on what to shop for, or designing things that she'd totally buy. Although you wouldn't think so just by looking at her, Cenedra is also big on architecture. She's drawn up plenty of buildings over There and is responsible for designing most of the Test Reality and the majority of its residents. As such, Cenedra has some pretty close connections with Opine Frazil...and, strangely, Cenedra doesn't seem to mind her much at all. She doesn't get why people hate on Opine all the time...but, then again, all Cenedra really cares about is fashion and design. So yeah.



~ Female | 3,469,178,008,135 | 5'6" ~
~ Heterosexual | Choleric/Phlegmatic | Sloth/Wrath | Temperance ~


Uh...her boobs? Her cute shoulders?



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Clevae's past is mostly shrouded in mystery, which is supposedly a good thing. Rumor has it that in life she was a crazy murderer who single-handedly killed so many people that Neren and Vitara had to intervene. Because she gave them so much work, Clevae was punished by having to do the paperwork and interviewing for every single person she killed...and then she was forced into becoming Neren and Vitara's secretary. She spends her days being lazy and trying to get herself fired so she doesn't have to work anymore. Her only motivation is hearing other people ramble about how terrible their lives makes her feel better about her own miserable, pathetic life!


}Opine Frazil{

~ Female | ??? | Always Taller ~
~ Asexual | ??? | Pride | Patience ~


Who knows?



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The woman who first came up with the idea of the Test Realities and Competitions. She watches over the Tested silently but, compared to the rest of Them, she interacts with them very little, if at all. Her motives, as well as nearly everything else about her, are entirely unknown.

So begins...

Those Lovable NPCs's Story