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Synclaire Del Rey

"I'm smarter than I am beautiful, but I'm stronger than I am smart."

0 · 401 views · located in Lignum Portum Academy, Canada

a character in “Little School of Horrors”, as played by Onica-Louis






[size=120]Full Name
Synclaire Del Ray is her name, and in Latin means Hard Working. Synclaire also means Saint Claire in English, her father thought of her as a prophet of God in a way instead of a creature of satan.




On the outside


Hair colour
Her hair is a very light blond color, almost white in fact. She has natural highlights as well and some strands are a dirty blonde color here and there.

Eye Colour
Her eyes are a ocean blue color, the left one is a little darker.

Height and Weight
She's 5'6" and 115 pounds, because she doesn't eat much.

Cara Delevingre is her Face Claim and she'll date one of her teachers in the future.

On the inside


Fire || Attention || Attractive People || Partying || Fighting

Water || Loud Noises || Snow || People That Think They're Better Than Her || Not Being Liked Back

Her Father Finding Her || Drowning || Dying

Synclaire is a nice girl, but she has a trusted sense in humor. She's the type of girl that will pretend to be your friend to get your secrets then type them up in a email and send it to everyone at school. She'd be known as the popular mean girl. All the girls want to be her and all the boys want her, and that's the way she likes it. She loves being envied by all and never wants that to change. She loves how everyone wants to be her friend, wants to know more about her, etc. Synclaire is "Queen Bee" and to her that'll never change. She's the type that takes charge in situations and never let's go of the control.

She loves getting and being the center of attention, for she's an attention seeker. She'd do anything for attention, bad or good she wants it. Synclaire's funny when it comes to getting attention, hurting people doesn't bother her when it comes to getting it. To her she runs the world and everyone else is just her pawns. She's extremely good at getting her way and tricking people into doing things for her, it's just the way she is. She'll lie and manipulate if she must, as long as she gets her way that's the only thing that matters.

Confidence is key to anything, and Synclaire believes this strongly. Her confidence is high as well as her pride, and that's how she most likely attracts people. Sometimes girls try to fight her, something she can't do, but with her high confidence other girls back down. She doesn't care what the situation is, she'll let her pride do the talking and guide the way for her. She doesn't care how wrong she is she'd never let it show, leading people to believe she's always right.

Synclaire isn't heartless and currently she thinks she's in love, but she has a funny way of showing it. When Synclaire starts getting to close to someone it frightens her and she acts out towards that person like: breaking up with them and forcing them to beg for her, flirting with other people in front of them, and being over controlling. Love makes people crazy things and Synclaire's no exception, which deep down inside it kind of makes her hate herself.

Synclaire was raised by her father, a very religious preacher. Everyday he would attend church and learn the word of The Lord and when he left he'd keep Synclaire locked up in a closet. The church he attended believed in punishment if a member were to do something wrong. Synclaire's father was strict and got punished a lot for talking out of line, the punishment was her head being held under water for a minute. Her and her father never got along making her get punished often. She'd fight and struggle, but in the long run it made her stronger.

"Why?" Her father came home drunk one day upset that her had been let down from his perching job. He was upset and mad. Synclaire had been upstairs sleeping and out of no where her father was standing over her. "What?" She'd asked before he had picked her up and thrown her over his shoulder. "Let me go!" She had screamed and she thrashed and kicked. She was seven at the time and couldn't do much. Using the moves shed learned from her karate classes she managed to break his grip around her and took off running to her bedroom door. She had tugged and tugged at the door, but her father had locked it from the outside before entering. "Open!" She had continually yelled at the door with no response. Her father came from behind her and picked her up as she yelled and kicked to her bathroom. Holding her with one arm he turned the bath water on and stopped up the tub. As it filled he turned to face his crying daughter, "You know I have to do this," he said, "it's for your good." "No it's not." She had cried in a whinny voice, but it was to late. The water had filled the tub and he pushed her head into the water face first. She had grasped for air as she screamed underwater. From within her she started to feel a hot spot and it soon spread throughout her whole body. Suddenly all the water from the tub was gone and the pressure against the back of her head had been released. Stepping back she looked around the bathroom, every inch had been charred, even her father lay their with nothing but black bones and smoke. When the firemen and police arrived she refused to speak and they came to the conclusion that her father had committed suicide and she had discovered him dead. Synclaire was then sent away to live with her Aunt Rose.

With her rich Aunt Rose, life became more simple and when she arrived Rose let her start taking self defense and boxing classes, and continued letting her take karate to help her know how to defend herself and help her get her mind off of what happened. Rose even homeschooled Synclaire to help her feel more safe. Rose hadn't been right. Taking the classes helped, but Synclaire was put into consoling for what had happened. She'd grown depressed and refused to talk to the consular like she had the police, the only thing that made her happy was her fighting classes. It was all she did from day to night, practicing. She feared her father would find her and try to get her back, so she wanted to be able to fight.

When Synclaire turned fourteen Rose say her down in the living room. With a sigh she looked into Synclaire's eyes. "You killed him." The statement was blunt, but said in a caring voice. "You started the fire, but no murder weapon was found." Synclaire's eyes grew big, but she said nothing, she was afraid Synclaire would turn her in so she kept her mouth closed. Rose smiled, "You started that fire with you're mind, you're not a normal person." With this new information Synclaire didn't know what to say. "There's a reason your father would never take you to church and always punish you for no reason,"pause"you're not human, you're a demon." Synclaire was of course shocked and her aunt went on to tell her how her so called "father" had been a very twisted man and how he had had her summoned to this world. She then told her about a school for creatures like her she could attend, but her aunt wanted to first experience the normal school world.

Synclaire went to a normal high school and with knowing what she truly was she demanded attention. Everyone wanted to be her or date her, she came to love the feeling. She liked being able to flirt with any boy or girl and how they wanted her back so bad. This was something she'd never experienced, but she loved it.

When she turned sixteen she started attending the school for people like her, and studied as hard as she did before she came to know about her true self. Her favorite part about school was the teachers, which she'd grown very close to thought the years. She even started dating one of the male teachers.

So begins...

Synclaire Del Rey's Story