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Shea O'Brian

You try loving a dad that did this to you!

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a character in “Live Your Own Story”, as played by ThornGood


Name: Shea O'Brian

Age: 19

NickName: Roller

Picture: Image



Appearance: She has a scar on her hip.

Personality: Shea is quiet and only really talks when she thinks it's necessary or in the company of close friends or her mum. With her friends and family, she is loyal, kind, honest and willing to fight for them. With people she doesn't like, she's brutally honest, quiet and a bit of a push over, but when they cross the line, a side of her comes out, the side she inheritated from her dad.

Fears: Spiders-eight legs and the beady eyes. Needles/Syringes-who wants to be jabbed by a pointy thing. Water-Hardly gonna like it when she nearly drowned in it.

Dreams: take part in a Roller Derby, go to France, get a place of her own.

Weaknesses: She has a small case of Paranoia because of bullies from her school, she is easily and is allergic to peanuts.

History: Shea lived in Ireland until she was 15, her parents got divorced a few years before and Shea's mum moved back to America. A few years later and Shea's dad became a drunk and tried to stab her, so the police arrested him and sent Shea to America to live with her mum. She went to the local high school, but it didn't take long for her to get confused and find some bullies. She never told her mum, knowing that she wouldn't have to stick them much longer. A year after leaving school with good enough grades, she's still living at her mum's and working in a local restaurant.

Theme Song: What I wouldn't Give by Holly Brook

So begins...

Shea O'Brian's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shea O'Brian Character Portrait: Victoria (Tori) Grant Character Portrait: Shawn Falkner
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Shea climbed out of her window and onto the roof. She put her earphones in and flicked through the albums on her phone before finding the right one, Doctor Who soundtrack Series 1-2, and she opened her book and began reading. She sat there for a good 30 minutes, lost in the book, before the alarm on her phone went off, she quickly climbed down into her room and changed into her waitress uniform and put her phone, purse, ear phones and keys into her bag and ran down the stairs. "See ya later, mum." She called into the living room and her mum appeared. "Alright, honey." She said. "Do you have your keys? I'm going out later." Shea nodded and continued outside.

She walked up the street and cut through the park as she always did. She walked passed the girl who always played her guitar in the park, knowing what her music was like and how talented she was, Shea put 5$ in the guitar case and continued on her way to work. She noticed the girl was talking to some guy she vaguely recognised from her years at the school but she paid no attention to him. When she got to work she started to show people to tables and take their orders, she hoped to be working behind the bar but no she got the main floor.

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Character Portrait: Shea O'Brian
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Shea's shift at the restaurant lasted only 3 hours,she'd make up for it tomorrow and the next day. She walked into the staff room and grabbed her jacket pulling it on and then putting bag strap over her shouldr She waved to the chef as she left and walked back to her house,taking the same route. When she got home she went straight up to her room and stripped down to her underwear and pulled a pair of pajama bottoms and a shirt that was to big for her, she then went downstairs to have some toast and butter. Then the door creaked open Nd Shea walked out of the kitchen and into the hall way,it was her mum. "Why are you sneaking in?" She asked her. "Because I'm a little bit drunk." Shea just looked at her and said "Lies and Slander." Her mum dropped her bag, the car may have broke down and I couldn't be bothered to call anyone or tell you so now I'm gonna go to bed." Shea stood there watching her mum. Once she heard her mum collapse onto the bed she took out her phone book and searched for a garage that would be near the car. Presumably it would be near the only bar in this town. She found 1 and dialed the number,answer phone. "Hey, I was just wondering if it would be possible to get my car fixed in the morning. Sadly I don't know where it is but I will now in the morning. Bye."

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Character Portrait: Shea O'Brian
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Shea sat up on her bed, she checked her Facebook and had a party invite, it was from some girl she didn't know. "I don't think so." Shea clicked on the decline button. [I can't remember the actual term I deleted my Facebook awhile ago :S] She put her laptop down and walked over to her wardrobe and picked out a pair of dark jeans, a white tank top and a blue checkered shirt before getting some underwear from her drawers. She opened iTunes on her laptop and clicked on the Ladyhawke icon, the Quick and the Dead started to play, she danced her way into her bathroom and had a shower and brushed her teeth. She then walked rather quickly to her room, wrapped in only a towel, and dried herself off, putting her underwear on then her jeans and started to dry her hair. Once done, she pulled her top on put the shirt on over it, rolling the sleeves up to her elbows. She grabbed her converse and pulled them on. She put her laptop on stand by and grabbed her bag, putting her phone, headphones, keys, purse, lip balm and Kindle in it and left her room, down the stairs and out the door, locking it behind her. She wandered up to the park and sat under a tree, reading Storm of Swords. After a while of reading she took out her phone and called her mum, knowing she was on her break, once she answered Shea asked about the whereabouts of the car and her mum told her it was at her aunt's. Shea started to walk to her aunts and when she got there she could see the car, she phoned the garage and gave them the address of her aunt's house and went to the front door and knocked, her little cousin answered the door, "Hey Shea." He smiled, "Sup?" Shea smiled back at him and shrugged. "Nothing much, just my mum left the car here and it's dead apparently. How about you?" He turned around and walked back into the house, Shea followed closing the door. "Yeah, my mom had to leave yours back at your house last night." Shea never liked the word mom, she hadn't got used to hearing it, it just sounded wrong. "Wanna play Zombies?" She nodded, "Sure." Her cousin turned the xbox on and played Zombies. Shea joined and played while waiting for the mechanic to come by, thinking if she should go to the party later or not.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shea O'Brian Character Portrait: Yuna Valerie
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Shea wasn't at her aunt's very long, the mechanic was there within an hour and fixed the car not long after, for a good enough price. She decided to go to the party but needed a new dress so headed into town, she passed an alleyway and noticed a man and a girl, the girl looked frantic and the man seemed to be enjoying himself. Shea turned into the alley and got out of her car, locking it and running after them, "Hey, scumbag, leave her alone." She shouted at him, she pulled out a can of deodarant, I need to buy some mace or something She waited for a reply.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shea O'Brian Character Portrait: Yuna Valerie
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Yuna let out a breath of relief. "Oi, lil' girl. You wan' join us? We got room for more!" The man yelled, pushing Yuna away and walking off, as if the fun was gone.

Yuna took a few breaths, rubbed her neck, and ran over to the girl. "H-Hey.. I... Thanks.. If you hadn't come along.." She panted, tears of joy streaming down her face.

"Thank you.. I... Just..." She got so flustered, she practically sat down on the concrete. "Thanks.."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shea O'Brian Character Portrait: Yuna Valerie
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Shea crouched beside her, putting an arm around her shoulders. "It's okay, it'll be alright." She helped the girl up and into the lighter alleyway, she led her to the car and sat her on the bonnet. Shea opened the car and back to the girl. "Did you need me to take you somewhere?" She asked, a comforting smile on her face. "I'm Shea, by the way."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jordan Walters Character Portrait: Chase McOleve Character Portrait: Aoife O'Brian Character Portrait: Francois Renard Character Portrait: Shea O'Brian
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Aoife pulled on a white tank top, gold sequence jacket, black hot pants and a pair of black converse and golden gloves. She slide down the bannister, shouting into the kitchen. "See you later mum!" She grabbed her keys and left, slamming the door behind her and running to the park. Please be here tonight, please, please, please. She thought as she entered the park, pulling out her phone. Hey Fran, you at this dance meet? She text Francois, now walking through the park. She then seen the crowd and noticed Francois talking to 2 people she couldn't recognise from here. So she pushed her way through the crowd over to Francois. "Hey Fran, just ignore the text I sent you." She said as she went to hug him. She then looked and recognised the 2. "Hey, Jordan and Chase right?" She smiled to them.