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Persephone Carnation Fostie

"Hand me the coffee and donuts, because this is going to be a long night."

0 · 943 views · located in Northbay, Ireland

a character in “Living Gods II”, as played by Onica-Louis


"Take a deep breath and relax, I've got this all under control."

The Basics


"Named after a beautiful goddess, it's kind of ironic how now the Greeks live here."
Persephone Carnation Fostie

"For the most part it's just Persephone."
She really doesn't have any nicknames, but sometimes people call her Percy and Carnation, after the beautiful flower.

"Sometimes people tend to think I'm much older."

"Does it truly matter what gender someone is?"

"Work is fun in my opinon."
She's studying to become a lawyer while working at the local photographery shop and taking pictures the local newspaper.

"Law and order is what my family lives by."

Getting To Know You


"I do take interest in some things."
|| History || Black Tea || Mangos || Learning || Summer || Sunny Days || Knowledge || Learning New Things || Memorizing Things || Detective Work || Helping People || Studying || Books || Coffee || Donuts || Her Family || Biographies || Jewlery || Her Big Sister "She's still my role model." || Cleaning || Photography "It's my passion."
"I tend to avoid things I don't like."
|| Fighting || Argueing || The Lake || Liars || When People Try To Trick Her || The Loki Kids "I don't completely dislike them, but they tend to lie a lot.... but they have there perks when it comes to their appearance I guess." || Fiction Stories || Criminals || Drugs || Drunk People || Illegal Things || Chaos || Thunder ||
"There are just some things I love doing."
Whenever someone sees her they'd probably find her with a book about the past of law or something along those lines. She finds it enjoyable to learn more about the job she wants so badly.

Taking pictures is something she loves and her camera is pretty much part of her. She uses her camera to take pictures so she always has encase she sees something worthy of taking a picture of. Persephone fears that something bad will happen to her again and she won't be able to remember it, therefore he camera can help her capture those moments.

It's not only an annoying tick, but also something she does for fun. Persephone loves to keep things tighty and where they belong.
"Annoying things that I do regardless."
Taking Pictures Of People
Whenever she sees something she wants to take a picture of something she just takes it, even if it's a person that doesn't want their picture taken.

If she walks into a store, someones home, etc. and she finds it not up to code she'll start cleaning up with out meaning to. She always cleans when she's under stress, mad, sad, and she also cleans/grows her food before eating it.
Being Raped Again
"So the party..... it was fun." The first time was terrifying, mainly because she doesn't remember it, and again would be over barrening for her. She hates that she doesn't know who did it and that she can't stop them for what they did.

Losing Her Memory Again
"I love everything I've ever learned." She loves knowing everything she's ever came across and when she hit her head she just lost that whole day. It left Persephone with a blank day and paranoia.

Being Wrongly Accused
"Fairness is my life goal." With all the crimes she reads up about she's glanced over people being locked up for years before it's ever discovered that they're actually innocent. She could never deal being locked away in a jail cell, especially for something she didn't do.
"They're secrets, you'll never know."
Being Raped
"Innonce is blissful." This is something she would die if anyone knew besides her sister. She's no where near proud of this and hates the fact it happened.

What Makes Us Special


"Justice is key in all societies."
Forseti was an Æsir god of justice and reconciliation.
He was often known as 'the presiding one'. His descendents are often sought out to judge conflicts.
"No one is truly all that powerful, but at least it keeps all in order."
Like her family she has the ability to see through lies and magical illusions.

When someone lies to her it's like there's a little electric shock that travels through he body to let her know the things she's hearing are not true. Just because she knows the lie doens't mean she knows the truth, but with Forseti blood coarsing through her veins it makes her use the dectective skills she has to try to pull it out of them without them catching on to what she's trying to do. She's able to word her words perfect to the point they don't even know she's toying with them.

Seeing through illusions is easy as well in terms, but it takes her a few minutes from time to time. When first coming upon a illusion she starts to slightly shake from the fact that she can't quiet see through it yet. As whatever it truly is starts to come into vision it makes her see everything extremely blurry until it settles into complete sight and what it truly is.

"I may be weak at some things, I just make myself stronger from it."
Lucky for her she can tell when someone is lying, but the down side is is that it makes it hard for her to trust people and make new friends. She can't stand when someone lies.

Night Time
Persephone isn't afraid to be outside alone at night, but it puts her on edge and makes her a little paranoid. If someone were to sneak up on her at night there's no telling what she would do.

Knowing that people lie over the smallest things makes it hard for her to trust others and befriend them.
"Now, watch me win."
When it comes to trivia she's quiet good at it. She knows lots of thing, but she's best when it comes to law passed things.

Taking pictures is something she loves just as much as Criminal Justice. Her camera is always with her and you can find her always taking pictures.

Catching The Small Things
With the things her father taught her about detective things it's not hard for her to figure out things quickly with small clues.
"Let's just say as long as they don't start drama and chaos it will all be okay. I don't mind what they do, I'll even befriend some of them if they can gain my trust, but the Greeks are already starting trouble and the Egyptians... they've been ok here I guess."

Describe Me

"If you don't like me that's fine, but it was a pleasesure to meet you anyways."
Persephone is a very nice girl, very love able and very kind, but at times can become very reserved. She tends to keep to herself, but if she happens to leave her home or someone comes over she's extremely nice and warm to them. She likes other people, but her work is her life. If you were to look within her home you'd find pictures of every crime scene that hasn't been solved in the past ten years. She's all about justice and making sure everyone gets what they deserve. She has a problem completely trusting people, maybe because she can see who the really are just by looking at them, therefore she only talks to certain people. Persephone pulls back from a lot of people if she feels like they have some form of wicked side due to the last time she tried to trust someone like that she got hurt. Even though she's a little reserved she loves to laugh and joke around. She enjoys laughing so much, and playing games is hilarious to her. She has the type of smile that can light up a room within seconds. Being alone so much when she does laugh and spend time with others it feels good and warming to her, she knows she should get out more, but catching criminals is to important at the time for her. She's an ancestor of Foresti and feels like crimes others couldn't solve she could take into her own hands and solve like she tried to do her own.

She's also a very classy person. She doesn't believe showing off her body to much, reveling clothing to her is disgusting. She would never leave her home in something that did not flatter her, not to tight, but not to lose, and differently lacking dirt. She loves to look good, even though she has to fit crime whenever you see her leave her home or even within her home she'll be wearing makeup, have her hair done neatly, and will be wearing presentable clothing that she wouldn't mind wearing out in public. She's not vain, but every girl loves to look beautiful.

Persephone has a case of OCD, once she has a compulsion she must carry it out to the best, no matter how much she doesn't want to; she must cross her T's and dot her I's. After she was raped her OCD got worse, before it was just organization perfectly or a sparkling clean house or wrinkle-free clothing. Her OCD causes her to make everything perfect, she has a perfection complex type think. She can spot a flaw in anything, and will always try her best to fix it. With her OCD it also causes her to be a good profiler. She can find small clues from the way someone dresses, talks, looks, or acts and can tell when they're lying as well. Let's say someone has callus or rough finger tips she could guess that they just started playing guitar and most of the time her guesses would be right.

Criminal Justice has always been her passion, and it's been growing for years. Criminal Justice made her grow up somewhat tough, like she rarely cries, she doesn't like appearing weak. When you see Persephone you can tell she's strong by the way she dresses and carries herself. Even though Persephone can be the sweetest girl you'd ever met finding herself alone in the woods necked did give her mental problems, causing her to obtain bipolar disorder. She takes medicine to control it, but she still has it, which sometimes makes her unable to pick right from wrong on rare occasions. Her bipolar disorder to her is a tad weakness to her, she hates the thought of having this weakness, but she does, but she knows the way she deals with it within itself makes her stronger.

Nature Vs Nurture

"Can we not talk about my past please?"
The occational hug and kiss was giving by this small child that passed everything she did of off the truth. This small child of Forseti was one to never tell a lie to her parents no matter how much trouble she could have possiblily gotten herself into. From a young age she had her first role model, her sister. Persephone was like a small baby duck always following her around, and that's where she got the nickname Ducky, no matter what. Everything her big sister did she did in order to be like her. At the young age it seemed like she was her sisters baby twin. Being young most would have thought that she would have been the most spoiled, but of course she wasn't, that wouldn't have been fair. The young life was simple for, but at times it had its little twist. Her father, who had went to school to be a detective, had taught her the things he knew. He would test her at such a young age to get the idea stuck in her mind. Sometimes if he would take her to eat he would have he sit in the booth then say, "If you can tell me how many people are wear hats in here I'll buy you a piece of pie." The girl would shut her eyes and reciet all the hats she had seen once entering the business.

As Persephone aged she became her own person and drew back from her family, even her beloved sister. She felt like she needed her alone time and to just do what she wanted to do; all it was study related. For the first year of middle school all she did was go to school, do her homework when she arrived home, and then she would read. This somewhat changed her eighth grade. Her father had declared he would be leaving the island to work in other parts of Europe as a detective the following year. This is terms crushed the small family, none of them wanted to lose him. Persephone didn't want to lose him, but in the end she knew it would happen sooner or later, so the thought just settled inside of her. A few days after the news she asked her father why he wanted to be a detective. With kind eyes he answered her softly: "I wish to help the people that can't help themselves." The answer was so simple, but for some reason it had such an effect on her, and then she finally released why her and her father had played those games when she was younger, he was trying to strengthen her attention spand. Knowing this she was pleased and felt like she could accomplish so much. With the help from her father she had him teach her stuff he knew so she could one day be a good detective herself, and they practiced until the day he left. With him gone she didn't let the passion leave and at times she'd talk her sister into practicing with her instead.

Highschool year was no different for her. She went to school, made all A's, studied, and took Criminal Justice. The knew class she was in simply had to be her favorite, she just knew that it would help her develope even more for what she wanted to accomplish, it just had to be. As time passed she started to develope an ability, to tell when people we lying. With this happening she lost most of the people she thought she trusted and learned that most didn't deserve her trust. Slowly she began to make new friends that never really lied to her, that she could actually count on. One day a girl she had gotten kind of close to had asked her to attend a party on a Saturday. It wasn't like Persephone to party, but in the end she said yes and went to have fun. At the party she stayed with her small group of friends and talked while the loud music gave her a slight head ache. Taking a breath she told them she was going to go outside for a second for fresh air. While outside she decided to walk to the near by lake and sit by the water. Sitting at the edge of the lake she sat down and skipped rocks, when suddenly she felt a arm around her waist and a hand over her mouth. Thrashing around she tried to scream, but before she knew it her head was hit against the ground so hard she blacked out. When she finally woke up she was laying on the ground without her clothes on early in the morning. She was shaking and quickly found her clothes that had been scattered and hurried into them before rushing home. At home she had been guessed why she had returned so late from the party, still shaking up she didn't answer her mother and went start upstairs to cry. She wasn't sure what had happened to her, she had forgotten everything that had happened that night, even that she had attended the party. After that she decided to start carrying her camera around with her more, to take pictures so she could never forget anything. She hated not knowing who it was, the island was so small, but she happened to trust everyone and couldn't think of who would have done it. At that point she also decided she would try to solve every unsolved case she could get her hands on from her father that was still working in England. Persephone felt she had to help people even though she couldn't be helped herself. Finally she gave in and told her sister about it, but she could still never figure out who did it.
"A cops favorite food."
Her favorite meal in the whole world is French Vanilla Coffee and glazed donuts.

So begins...

Persephone Carnation Fostie's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Piper Dias Character Portrait: Asta Falr Character Portrait: Leslie France Saxon Character Portrait: Adonia Vanadis Character Portrait: Persephone Carnation Fostie
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#, as written by Issa
Northbay, Ireland
Time: 6.30pm
Weather: Warm with a gentle breeze

Situated far from any major city Northbay is all but ignored by those who don't live there. For the inhabitants of Northbay this suits them fine, after all they hardly need strangers wondering around and snooping into their secrets.

The secrets? That they are the descendents of the Norse, Egyptian and Greek Gods and Goddesses of old. The relationship between these pantheons has never been strong, but in an attempt to smooth over the growing tensions and welcome the Greeks into town the Elders have organised a festival.

The Midnight Festival will start at 7.00pm. Those that aren't helping with the last minute decorations, or finishing work for the night are getting ready for what will hopefully be a fun-filled night.


Asta sat on the high stool behind the counter, gazing over the quiet shop as the clock ticked behind her. She doubted that they would get any customers in the next few minutes, everyone would be getting ready for the festival. The owner had given Asta permission to close early, but by early he meant 6.45pm which would give the girl barely anytime to get ready before the festival started. It was no surprise for anyone to know that Asta was excited. She loved festivals and she remembered the last Midnight festival. She had been nine and thought the lights entwined in the trees was spectacular. Even now as the sun began to set she could make out a line of lights out the window, running down the main street and towards the lake.

Asta leaned back on the stool and swung herself around. The stool creaked slightly as it spun and Asta, fearing that it would break, stopped. If it did break it wasn't like she would be hurt falling off. She was invulnerable to everything but mistletoe. Smack her with a solid metal pole and she'd be none the worse for wear, stab her with a plastic fork and she'd just give you a strange look. Mistletoe, as with her ancestor Baldr, is the only thing capable of hurting her either in it's basic form or refined. Naturally the Falr family has always avoided decorating their house with mistletoe at Christmas.

A twinkling of bells made Asta look up to find a customer entering the store.
"Hi there!" She said cheerfully to the old woman as she shuffled inside. The woman nodded her own greeting and began to browse through the rows of books. Asta watched her from her perch at the counter, trying to place her. She wasn't Norse, that was for sure. Asta knew the Norse families the best and would have known who this woman was instantly if she was from her own Pantheon. Asta guessed she was probably a Greek. Since she had only been here a month that would explain why Asta didn't recognise her.

Asta hoped that the festival did relieve the tensions in the town. She liked Northbay so much more when you didn't have to worry about fights breaking out between the different pantheons. Northbay was such a picturesque town too, it seemed to ruin the beauty of the place when the townsfolk had squabbles. Asta gave a sigh, she guessed she'd just have to wait and hope that tonight went well.


Locked in a frantic battle against time, Marcus was blind to the outside world. His fingers played a rhythmic tapping sound against the library table while his eyes flicked from calculator to the sheet of calculations in front of him. Was he working on an important assignment? Did he have to meet an impending deadline? No, he was doing maths problems for fun. Stretched in front of him was a pad of paper, littered with numbers and beside him a textbook of problems to be solved. It helped him relax and stretched his mind, although he would probably make up an excuse to anyone that asked.

He glanced at his watched. Two minutes to go. Then he did a double take, realising it was 6.30pm. Hadn't his parents asked him to come home early so they could get ready for the festival? He had thought it was cute at the time, his parents wanting to go with him as a family. They had emphasized the fact that this festival was being thrown to welcome them into the town. The Norse and Egyptian Pantheons were trying to let the Greeks know that they were welcome. He knew that his parents also saw the other reason the festival was being held, to stop the increasing tensions between people. Now though, as Marcus realised he would have to go with half his questions undone, Marcus wished he hadn't agreed to go with his parents. What would everyone else think anyway if he turned up with his Mum and Dad? He was hardly the coolest kid without them, but with them...? He considered texting Shannon and seeing if they could go together.

With a sigh he began collecting his books and papers, stacking them neatly on the table before pushing them into his scuffed backpack. He wouldn't ditch his parents, not until they actually got to the festival at least. Then he would happily disappear into a corner or find a friend and stick with them the rest of the night. It wasn't that he was anti-social or disliked anyone else. Marcus was just incredibly shy. It took him a while to warm up to people. Around people he had just met he became stiff and words became that much harder to get out.


Ramses gave a heavy sigh as he looked out across the grounds. As the sun set across the lake the fairy lights came to life, illuminating the scene before him. Tables had been placed in the clearing, a marquee set up above the food and a stage for the band was having the finishing touches done to it. From his position at the edge of the action Ram could see the various Elder members and those they had roped into help putting the last touches on the festival. He had been here half the day, thanks to his father who was a member of the Elders. His arguments of having better things to do had fallen on deaf ears and so Ram had been forced to work and talk with the other helpers for hours.

As if on queue his father appeared beside him, already dressed for the festival in a smart outfit.
"It looks wonderful father." Ram said to his father. Ramsey Atum, Ramses' father gave a satisfied nod,
"Yes, I think it does." He replied, "The town should be arriving in half an hour."
"Are there any more jobs to be done?" Ram asked, casting his eyes across the scene once again. Ram's father appeared to do the same thing and his gaze came to rest on the lights that led down to the lake shore.
"Perhaps you could add to the lights on the path to the lake." He told Ram, pointing to the string of lights. "We have no more fairy lights, so you will have to use your magic." He added. Ram nodded and moved off to complete the task, leaving his father to turn his trained gaze to the rest of the set up.

In all honesty Ram didn't mind helping his father. Ramsey Atum was someone that Ram had always looked up to and tried to emulate. Ram stopped by the lights to the lake and held a hand out towards them. A second passed and then a swelling of light suddenly appeared in the middle of Ram's hand. A small sphere of light grew in the centre of his palm until it was as big as the electric lights already there. With another push of Ram's magic he instilled the ball with enough light to last the night and then placed it beside an electric light where it would float happily all night. He repeated the process up and down the string of lights until it had all been brightened up. It was the perks of being the descendent of a Sun God, being able to create and control light in this manner. Ram took a step back to admire his work, casting a critical eye over it. In his opinion his lights shone brighter and truer than the others.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leslie France Saxon Character Portrait: Persephone Carnation Fostie Character Portrait: Fenrisúlfr Character Portrait: Irisi Aset Character Portrait: Ramses Atum
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"How does it look?" Iris asked Leslie, her best friend and practically her little brother.
Taking off from work that day, Iris had spent a majority of her time helping to string lights and decorate with her mother. Her mother, Ebony Aset, was an Elder, and as such had helped prepare. It was almost certain that Iris was expected to help with the decorations, she was happy when Leslie had agreed to help out as well.

A smile appeared on Iris's face as she thought once more about the party that was to take place in a but a short while. The Midnight Festival. The mere thought of it caused the her breath to catch. It had been nearly ten years, much to Iris's sadness, since they had last thrown the festival. This time they were doing it to welcome the Greeks to their home, and, in hopes of calming some of the ever present tension between the Pantheons.

The excitement and anticipation for it's start grew with every sight she took in. The elegant fairy lights that snaked around the trunks of surrounding trees, casting a warm, glow upon the entire space. Smells of warm baklava and krumkake that sat next to elegant cups brimming with fresh strawberries in a raspberry and passion fruit sauce, filled the air, making Iris's sweet tooth become nearly unbearable.

This had always been her favorite memory. The memory of dancing, hand in hand with her two younger sisters under the twinkling stars that only added to the fairy tail like aura that the Festival had always given off. She could still remember sitting under one of the wide oak trees a glow with the light of the fairy lights, allowing her mind to wander, detaching herself from the mingle of chatter and music, only to find herself in a large, sparkling ballroom, dancing round and round in the arms of a man with kind eyes.

"Perhaps I'll meet someone like that at the Festival tonight,"
she thought dreamily.

Shaking her head to clear her hopelessly romanticized thoughts, she noticed mischievous looking Fenris with his arm draped over a not so happy looking Ramses.

"This can't be good," Iris thought, nibbling part of her bright red lips ever so slightly.

Picking up skirt of her long, chiffon dress, she carefully, made her way over to the two. Hoping that Leslie would follow suit.
"Hello Ramses, hello Fenris. Ram, is there anything else you need me to do?" She asked, a dimpled smile shining on her face.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piper Dias Character Portrait: Persephone Carnation Fostie Character Portrait: Fenrisúlfr Character Portrait: Bree Vanadis Character Portrait: Beau Dias Character Portrait: Brynja Serrure
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"Hello Ramses, hello Fenris. Ram, is there anything else you need me to do?" came a voice from behind him. Fenrisúlfr grinned over to see yet another member of the Egyptian Pantheon, not that he cared for that type of thing. He was not privy to the type of nationalistic rivalry that caused the Norse, Egyptians, and now, the Greeks, to have their petty rivalries. He shook his head at Irisi.

"I just want you to smile, dear Iris, but you already have that covered. Perhaps you can remove that stick from Rammy's ass? If so, then I'd be all set," Fenris told her with an enchanting smile, disentangling himself from the Egyptian before taking another drink from his glass. He surveyed the party. People were arriving in droves, just as he expected they would. Really, this town was too predictable at times. He spotted the Dias siblings and he smirked slightly. He had seen the way Irisi looked at him.

"I have quite a spot set up. Wine, candlelight, chocolate fondue. The perfect spot for a romantic evening if you'd like to join me," he suggested lecherously before glancing over at Beau, "Or, perhaps you'd prefer something different. Something Greek."

He chuckled slightly before whispering in her ear, his voice like sweet honey, "I could arrange something for you two, you know. Don't you want his big strong arms around you? Accompanied by whispers of fervent devotion? I can be quite kind if you would only accept my help, sweet Iris."

"Shut up! That bitch creeps me out."

Fenris' angelic face was soon marred as he heard those words, glancing at the spot he knew his sister to be hiding. His eyes narrowed oh so slightly and the power in his voice broke. Bitch, huh? Well, my dear friend, you know what they say about revenge. Noticing his distraction, however, he morphed his face back into an earnest expression and turned to Irisi.

"I apologize for my distraction, my lady Iris. I do so hate it when someone insults my sister," he told her truthfully.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piper Dias Character Portrait: Leslie France Saxon Character Portrait: Persephone Carnation Fostie Character Portrait: Fenrisúlfr Character Portrait: Beau Dias Character Portrait: Irisi Aset
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ImageThis simply not to his liking in the slightest, it was to much. People not to his high standards were all around him chatting it up about irrelevant things. From his chair he watched over them all from a safe distances not wanting to get close and actually having to talk to them. "How does it look?" With our looking up he nodded his head, "Very lovely, Irisi." His response hasn't been in time with the girls feet as she began conversing with other groups of people around them. Why must she be so social? Leslie wouldn't have been here if it weren't for the girl who had pretty much begged her to arrive against his wishes. Being at home reading a book was very appealing right now, very, but who couldn't have said no to the happy girl.

A shadow loomed over Leslie causing him to look up to see a bright red smile. "Do you need something?" Instead of an answer he received a blinding white flash without being prepared. Blinking a few times he sighed, "At least warn me first please, Persephone." The girls lips just curled into a smile at his discomfort. She didn't wish to see him in pain, but he was amusing at times like this. In most of the pictures she had of him he wasn't smiling, he never forced a smile, meaning all the pictures she had captured were truly real. "What would be the fun if taking a picture you were ready for? There'd be no real emotion behind it." Pivoting his gaze from her he peered upon the fact that Irisi was away talking to Fenris, Why would she talk to that trouble maker? Without asking a question out loud he raised from his seat and made his way in between the two of them. "You having fun?" Asking so he tried his best to sound amused even though it was on the verge of being monotoned. Seeing that she was he then looked over at Ramses, "Hello there." Upon saying he immediately went to biting his bottom lip without meaning to, it was just a force of habit when he was around certain people. Looking over his males friend face he could see the irritation that was most likely being caused from Fenris; it made Leslie quietly chuckle. Amusement always came seeing Ram upset since it wasn't a common sight for Leslie to see unless the two of them were arguing about something.

ImageWith Leslie leaving her side she had the impulse to follow, but instead she decide she would go talk to someone more entertaining and take some pictures that could appear in the paper. Pulling her camera up to her right eye and squinting with the left she, she began to click and let the flash invade the dark.

These better look good. Taking it away from her face she flipped through the pictures on the screen before stopping on a certain one with a certain person. Smirking at her accomplishment she walked over to a small group that had formed. Stopping next to Beau she raised her camera up, took a picture, then faced the others with a smile, "Hello everyone."


(( I'm so sorry for the disfunction of my post, I promise the next one will be much better! ))

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piper Dias Character Portrait: Persephone Carnation Fostie Character Portrait: Fenrisúlfr Character Portrait: Beau Dias Character Portrait: Irisi Aset Character Portrait: Matthias Nethuns
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Beau said for Persephone when he saw her with her camera. Piper just hid behind him as Persephone took the picture.
"Hey Persephone, you look very nice tonight" Beau smiled down at her. He glanced around the small group forming and chuckled to himself at Ramses and Fenris.
"Hey Persephone you know my sister Pi....Piper?" Beau was just about the introduce her to Piper but when he reached around Piper was gone. Piper had scurried away as more and more people joined that group. She didn't feel comfortable. She looked around until her eyes landed on someone she actually knew. She saw Matt from her work wondering around with a younger man. Her eyes once again scanned the area until they landed on her father, whom was looking back at her with a pointed look. She knew he wanted her to get to know people. She took in a deep breath and gathered as much courage as she could and walked over to Matt.

"Umm hi Matt" Piper said softly as she reached the area where he stood. She fiddled with the hem of her dress, unsure if it was a good idea. Piper wished she could just go back to the beach and forget about coming to this crowded place.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piper Dias Character Portrait: Persephone Carnation Fostie
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Image"Hey Persephone, you look very nice tonight" "You do yourself." Feeling the side way crescent form on her face she wasn't sure what to say next. She felt like her and Beau had been getting pretty close lately, but they had still only known one another for a month. "Hey Persephone you know my sister Pi....Piper?"Softly breathing she glanced around to the others and acknowledged the girl that was messing. "I haven't received the chances to meet her yet, may later." Meeting the girl was not really on her to-do-list. Persephone did like to meet new people, it just wasn't her main focus at the moment. Right now she just wanted to take pictures and look at how beautiful the night was, simply amazing to her.

With her camera to her face she returned to the merry making of picture taking of scenario and the people around without moving from her spot next to her new friend. "It's so beautiful tonight, it's so lovely for photos," with another snap Beau was once again photographed, "don't you agree?" Her camera was an extension of her body, with her at all times, capturing moments allowing her to never forget. He memory was valuable to her, to a maximum level, Persephone just had to take pictures. Being intelligent she knew that a lot of being didn't like their photos taken without permission, it find bother her in the slightest because she would still capture them at her whim. "You don't mind me taking shots of you, do you?" Questioning him was to be polite, shed continue if she longed to. Lowering the black box right below her blue eyes, she searched his face for access to keep doing so.

"I will regardless of your answer though," With a voice full of playfulness her grip was released letting it swing back down below her chest and her hands to her sides, "you just have the perfect bone structure." The joke filled tone remained despite the fact it was absolutely a fact to her. To her the way the light hit him was just beyond perfect and she had even told him that a few times without meaning to.

[color=#]"Are you enjoying yourself here, I mean this is for you after all?"[/color] The party had to be a success. There had been an uproar after the Greeks had arrived, so many people overreacted about it all. Persephone was not one to be so immature about new people arriving here. She also wasn't the one that went to meet them with opened arms when they first came either. Clicking. The way she got to know the knew ones was like an automatic click upon coming in contact with them, the way she had done with Beau. His body has drawn her to him, his photogenic body. When she had been taking pictures of him at whim they had begun to talk, from that small instance they had clicked.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leslie France Saxon Character Portrait: Persephone Carnation Fostie Character Portrait: Fenrisúlfr Character Portrait: Beau Dias Character Portrait: Irisi Aset Character Portrait: Ramses Atum
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Iris had stiffened when Fenris had begun to taunt and tease her crush on Beau. "Is it really that obvious?" She thought, placing her hands over her dark red lips, praying that her tan, Egyptian skin would hide the blush that had begun to dust her cheeks. When Leslie had stepped between them, and Ramses had calmly told her to ignore the trickster, she had almost melted into a pool of relief and gratitude of her savior like friends.
Iris smiled as she saw the faces of her two friends, it was nice to know that she was loved, and while she hated troubling them, the fact that they cared enough to worry about her sent a warm feeling shooting through her veins.
Glancing over the shoulders of her two knights in shining armor, she looked Fenris directly in the eye. "I'm sorry Fenris, but I suppose your romantic spot will have to wait for a while longer. And as for the other offer," she paused for a moment "well, last I checked you were descended from the god of trickery, not the goddess of love. But thank you for the amusing offer," she smiled.
Turning to Ramses, she wrapped her arms around his neck in a hug of gratitude.
"Thank you for that Ram, I needed that. If I am not needed then I think I'll go dancing if you do not mind, you are all more than welcomed to join us if you please," she smiled.
Grabbing Leslie's hand, she began to pull him away from the group. "Oh, and Fenris," she paused mid-stride, tilting her head backwards ever so slightly so that she could see the descendent of Loki, "do remember that we Egyptians have a very accomplished book of the dead," an innocent smile danced upon her face.
"Please enjoy the party."
Mumbling a few words in ancient Egyptian, two purple iris flowers appeared in the palm of her open hand. With a soft blow, the iris's drifted towards the two boys, where they lightly touched the tip of their noses, and dissolved into an array of sparkling bubbles.
"Come on Leslie, let's see if Persephone would like to dance as well," she smiled, taking his hand again, she began to weave through the crowd.
Her eyes brightened when she saw Leslie's roommate, the flash from her ever present camera giving her away admits the crowd.
"Persephone," Iris yelled in an attempt to get her attention.
She accelerated ever so slightly, her bare feet guided by the folk music that had seemed to engulf the air. When she reached her, she let go of Leslie's hand and wrapped an arm around Persephone's arm.
"Would you like to come dancing with us?" she smiled, her voice slightly airy with excitement and anticipation.
Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a figure standing near them. Her heart stopped, as her cheeks seemed to simultaneously color with blush.
"Hello Beau, would you like to go dancing as well?" she flashed a dimpled smile, hoping that it would distract from her deepening blush.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asta Falr Character Portrait: Adonia Vanadis Character Portrait: Persephone Carnation Fostie Character Portrait: Nathan Jarlson Character Portrait: Shannon Ceres
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Adonia hummed to herself as she left the residential area and began her walk down main street. The sun had begun to drift closer to the horizon, splashing the sky with various hues of pinks and reds. She thought about the view from the lake and how breathtaking it must be. 'Hopefully Persephone is already there and taking advantage of this excellent view.' she smiled fondly at the thought of the girl running around with a camera in her hands, taking shots of everything never wanting to miss a moment. She herself had a simple digital camera in her clutch for documenting the night.

A light breeze swept hair into her eyes and as she turned her head to brush the stray strands away she noticed the book store still had lights on, Adonia knew of at least two people who would still be there and she would be pleased to find either one of them. Lifting up the hem of her dress she hurried down the sidewalk to the store. The bells chimed overhead signaling her entry, Adonia first laid eyes on one of the new Greeks, Shannon she thought her name was, she peaked further into the store to find Asta and what she was wearing. Adonia's face lit up and she rushed towards her enveloping Asta in a hug and giving her a quick peck on the cheek.

"Asta! You look lovely and I love the color of your dress." she said giving a wink, "Great minds do think alike and all that jazz." letting go of her younger friend she turned to face the Greek girl. Taking in the way she was dressed as well as the clipboard and messenger bag Adonia frowned a bit, not because of what she was wearing but because she wondered if Shannon was going to the festival, it would be a shame if she didn't go.

"It's good to see you again dear." she said smiling once again. "They still have you working this late? That sucks, you'll still be able to make it to the festival though right?" Adonia was old enough to understand that this gathering wasn't all about the Greeks and welcoming them to Nothbay, but more along the lines of unifying the three Pantheons or at least getting them all on friendly terms. Wishful thinking in her opinion but a wonderful excuse for a part, and she'd never miss a party.

"Oh speaking of which, is Nathan here too? It was so beautiful out that I decided to walk and I was thinking that we could all go down to the lake together, you too of course Shannon." Adonia asked while looking around for any tell-tale signs of Nathan. She had hoped to score a dance or two with him, tough even if he wasn't at the store that still didn't mean that she couldn't dance with him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piper Dias Character Portrait: Persephone Carnation Fostie Character Portrait: Beau Dias Character Portrait: Irisi Aset Character Portrait: Matthias Nethuns
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"Its nice to meet you to Dylan and I think its fine working with Matt" Piper said kindly though she was still bit surprised after she was hugged. "ummm so hows work on that Firebird 1970? have her up and running again yet?" Piper asked, she wasn't good on small talk that's why she usually stayed quiet.

Beau smiled down at Persephone, a big white grin. "I have no problem with you taking picture's of me and yes it is a very beautiful night" he said looking over the decorations. He turned back to Persephone "Ya I'm having a great time and it was really nice of everyone to welcomes the Greek's like this" Beau said kindly. While scanning over the area his eyes fell upon Iris walking over to them. "Ya sure Iris I would love to go dancing with you guys" Beau grinning as he took her hand and twirled Iris then dipped her down then back up, making sure to hold her waist to steady her, showing over the fact that her could dance but he also noticed her blush now and wondered if she was ok. Beau let go of Iris's waist and flashed her a grin "Are you alright? your cheeks are kinda pink did I hurt you?" Beau said in concern.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leslie France Saxon Character Portrait: Persephone Carnation Fostie Character Portrait: Beau Dias Character Portrait: Irisi Aset
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Image"I have no problem with you taking picture's of me and yes it is a very beautiful night" An uncotrollable smile bubbled to the top of her pale conplex at the sound of having an agreeable model. "Brillant!" She almost had so much excitement from it she could have hugged him, but didn't. She wasn't to touchy as a person unless it was someone close to her, but sometimes she did make exceptions to that rule from time to time. "Ya I'm having a great time and it was really nice of everyone to welcomes the Greek's like this" With untruer words the ginger giggled at the dismay of his comment. "You are being welcomed by some, but defiantly not everyone. Some find the Greeks a thron in their sides, I don't, others do," looking into his eyes she smirked, "personally I don't care if the Greeks are here or not, but they're some I've seemed to grow fond of-"

"Persephone," before she could finish speaking a lively Egytian girl came hopping their way. "Would you like to come dancing with us?" The lightness and almost breathtaken sound in Iris' as she asked made it almost difficult to understand, no matter how clear Persphone knew she would have to do her job and wasn't sure if dancing was even on her schedule. When opening her bold reddened lips to speak she was once again cutoff by the tan skinned girl, "Hello Beau, would you like to go dancing as well?" Ya sure Iris I would love to go dancing with you guys" With her expression fading to nothing as Beau walked away with Iris Leslie took her side. "Does someone appear to be jealous?" Not pulling her camera to her face she took a of the dancing couple knowing the angle was a good one. Manvuering her body to face Leslie she rolled her eyes, "Unlike you I don't get jealous, it's inappropriate." Scuffing at her remark he hit her playfully. "Just because you don't want to share your feelings doesn't mean you have to lie over it," it was almost shocking how monotoned and stiff his face was when he joked with her, yet she always expected, "and I don't get to jealous." Again her eyes were rolled following with a sigh. Leslie was nortious for starting small arguements with people he enjoyed to be around, she was one that was unfortunely liked enough to be envolved in one. "I don't have time to argue-" For the third time she had been cut off, this not by words, by a push to the center of her back from a man much stronger than her. Before she had left her spot she had heard the soft whisper of cut in slide from the lips of a monotoned giant.

ImageWhen finally finding her stopping point she quickly jumped back, noticing that she had ran into Iris and Beau. "I'm so sorry!" Her voice barely reached above her normal voice as she steadied herself as she held Iris' shoulder. Before long Lelsie had appeared again wrapping his arms around Iris' waist, "Come dance with me, beautiful." He whsipered in her ear as he stopped her a small ways from then and began swaying her. When Persephone saw what Leslie did she could have beat him, but she knew why he didn't want her around Beau or any other guy, he was to protective of her. Persephone and Leslie were close, but Iris and Lelsie had a bond she'd never understand. Looking at Beau she gave a weak expression, "I'm sorry about that."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leslie France Saxon Character Portrait: Persephone Carnation Fostie Character Portrait: Beau Dias Character Portrait: Irisi Aset
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A dimpled smile lit across Iris's face when she heard Beau's agree. Suddenly, she felt hands wrap around her waist, and the world turn upside down as Beau slid her into an unexpected dip. An surprised giggle, mixed with utter joy escaped from her scarlett lips, when he brought her back up her face was flushed, and a light blush dusted her tan cheeks.
"Are you alright?" he asked.
Iris stared breathlessly into his eyes, an excited smile adorned her face in a subtle air about it. She found herself at a loss for words as emotions she never knew had began to build within her. She could feel her heart pounding relentlessly against her sternum, and yet feeling as though it was nothing more than a delicate butterfly, flitting wildly in it's fleshy cage. "Is this what love feels like?" She questioned. Iris had only loved a select few in her life, but the feeling that she felt when she was around Beau, was something new, and unfamiliar to her. A kind of mysterious gamble that she wished to hold close to her forever.
"Never better," she breathed, her eyes sparkling as she spoke.
The duo walked to closer towards the music, though Leslie and Persephone did not follow as she had thought they would.
"Is this really happening, or did I hit my head again?" Iris smiled as began to dance with Beau, feeling like a young teen girl crushing on a handsome teen idol. Someone who she had placed upon a pedestal, an unreachable being who had been the focus of her one sided affection, and then, thinking it but another one of the dreams that she readily escaped to at night, only to find that it was real.
Her thoughts were disrupted as she felt the pressure of a hand on her shoulder, as one would do when one was trying to steady oneself in an attempt to save them from a formal, and quite painful, introduction of their face with the ground. Instantly, Iris felt her mother like, well honed after years of helping her own mother look after her younger sisters, kick in. She opened her mouth to say ask if Persephone was alright, and who, or what had caused her fall, when she felt Leslie's arm slip around her was as he asked her to dance. They began to sway back and forth together, much to Iris's anger.
"Leslie, I need to make sure Persephone is okay," she said spinning out of his tight grasp in a well formed chene, her dress flying around her as she did so.
She stopped just a few inches before Persephone. "Persephone, are you alright? Did someone trip you?" Iris said as she anxiously checked Persephone for any scraps or bruises.
Taking sandwiching Persephone's hands between her own, Iris closed her eyes as she began to mutter in ancient Egyptian. The magic pricked beneath her skin as it began to rise within her. With a deep, controlled exhale, she pushed some of her magic into Persephone, her fingers tickling slightly as the tiny amount of magic was transferred. The magic would be able to detect any unnoticeable wounds better than Iris could. The laughter and music faded into the distance, as she concentrated on her task. She was oblivious to the noises and actions that went on around her, right now, all she wanted to do was make sure that Persephone was okay.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leslie France Saxon Character Portrait: Persephone Carnation Fostie Character Portrait: Beau Dias Character Portrait: Irisi Aset
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ImageWatching as Iris struggled away from Leslie's grasp she could hear him saying how Persephone was fine as Iris did not settle with the answer.
Knowing that the other girl cares put small curls to the ends of her lips. Persephone might have liked it, but she disagreed with Iris worrying to much about her. "I'm fine, there's absolutely no need for you to worry about me." Speaking the words didn't stop the brunette. She came in front of her, inspecting her. There were hands touching Persephone, familiar, unwanted. Feeling very independent made her almost not be able to stand someone trying to in a baby her. Trying to slap Iris' hands away she attempt to keep a uplifting appearance about herself even though she was greeting irritated. "I'm fine." Not liking to repeat herself made the words a little more harsh than the time before without meaning to. It just Persephone was being serious, when she said something she usually meant it unless she was joking; this was not one of those times.

"She's just trying to help you." Chimed in Leslie. Leslie found it enjoyable watching Persephone squirm under the hands of Iris. Silently joking to himself she did not feel the same amusement. "Iris please stop." When Iris took Persephone's hand between both of hers she was going to pull away, but before she could Iris began chanting some spell in a foreign language. She had been greatly upset by this she wanted to argue and yell at Iris for not obeying her wishes, she did not get the chances. When Iris had went into her trance Persephone found a wave of calmness flow over her, peace, serenity. What has this girl done to me? She could have questioned it, in fact she thought about doing it, the words she wanted to say wouldn't come out. When Iris had finished speaking she jerked her hand back as soon as possible. "Thank you for whatever you just did." No longer having her anger she kissed the cheek of Iris and hugged her, knowing she had done whatever just to help her.

ImageSeeing as Persephone's anger drifted off into some distances and that Iris' spell doing was over she glanced up at the tall tuxedo man who let out a sigh of boredom. Knowing him well she could read from his facial expression being at this party still wasn't a highlight, nothing truly unique was happening anymore after the small scene of drama he had caused and no one was really talking to him. "Is something troubling you?" Even though he hadn't been looking at her and she hasn't said his name he some how knew the question was directed towards him and answered, "No, I'm having a splendid time." Containing a voice purely created of seriousness she knew otherwise with all his very dry humor. Giggling was her only reaction to his joke, it was the only way she knew how to completely respond.
