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Guinevere Fosite

"Can you shut up for one second and let me help you?"

0 · 643 views · located in Northbay, Ireland

a character in “Living Gods”, as played by OurStars


"Justice may be blind, but it certainly isn't deaf."

"We've got lots of old names around here."
Guinevere Adilah Fosite

"Oh, fun."
Gwyn, Addie

"Not that it should matter, of course."

"Justice is blind, Love is blind, yadda yadda."

"You must be new here."

"He's kind of like a godly judge. Thor's got a hammer, he's got a gavel?"
Forseti, God of Justice and Reconciliation

"Studying, currently."
Studying for a degree in criminal law.
Volunteers at local library

Red Gummy Bears
Rain Storms
Cheesy Horror Movies
Web Comics
Strange Pens
Cheesy Pickup lines
Classic Disney
Cursive Handwriting
Watching TV
Dairy products
Her Glasses
The Flute
Really Salty Foods
Rapid Fire Questions
Repeating Herself
Long Names

Mob Mentality || Judging Incorrectly || Riding in Cars || Failing

Playing the Saxophone || Reading || Skateboarding || Eating Candy

Forseti- Forseti is the Norse god of Justice and Reconciliation, often known as the 'Presiding One'. He was the son of Baldr and Nanna, His court was said to be the best, as none left it without having been reconciled. His home was Glitnir, meaning 'shining', which refers to its silver roof and golden pillars.

Guinevere is in possession of the typical powers associated with a descendent, of Forseti, though they are considered by many to be far less exciting than, say, the power over lightning that Thor's descendents have. Anyway, she is able to see through any facade naturally, whether it be magical or psychological, and thus isn't the sort of person that one would want to try and trick. It's like having a built in 'bullshit' detector, basically, and is incredibly useful in a town where all of the youths are hormonal superhumans, and drama runs just as thick as blood does.

While Guinevere is an expert when it comes to helping people resolve their differences, she herself is actually prone to holding grudges, which is incredibly hypocritical but true all the same. She has a two strike system, and because of this can be rather unforgiving and, at times, more bitter than she perhaps ought to be. Other than that, in some unnecessary interpretation of 'justice is blind', she has absolutely terrible eye sight, and can't see anything more than a foot or so away without her glasses or contacts on. She has the option of either wearing coke-bottle lenses, or contacts and thinner lenses simultaneously.

She's also blunt to a fault at times, and has difficulty censoring herself, even when trying to mediate. This is probably because she doesn't see the point in lying, when it doesn't solve anything. The young woman is also an artistic failure, at least as far as painting and such goes, and her skills don't go beyond that of a stick figure. She's also a bit of a klutz, though she tries to cover it up every time she trips over nothing or falls down the stairs. She can't tell a lie to save her life, as well- she's got very little experience, after all.

Natural for someone who is the descendent of Forseti, Gwyn has a gift for helping people to settle their differences, and has always been very good at reading people- probably aided by her ability to see straight through deception. Outside of her typical Forseti-gifts, she's also quite good when it comes to playing the Saxophone, which she played in marching band during high school, as well as jazz band. She's also dabbled a bit with the clarinet, but never liked it quite as much. General practice in the path has given her a pretty strong punch, as well.

She's also pretty good at forcing herself to do things that she doesn't want to do, but knows she has to. She's always been the one who is able to restrain themselves from procrastinating on a project, or going out when she should be studying for a major exam. This has gotten her rather far when it comes to academics. She may have a blunt verbal mannerism, but she can keep herself in check as far as actions go.

"There used to be a lot of tension between us Norse families and the Egyptians, but it was settled, as most things eventually are. Maybe this is just me being a stereotypical 'justice' kid or whatever, but I don't see the point in discriminating based on your ancestry- it's kind of racist, really. Either way, I can't help but wonder where this herd of Greek descendents came from. I guess supernaturals just travel in packs, huh?"

For the entirety of her life, Gwyn has been nothing if not completely honest about what she thinks and how she feels, this being in no small part due to her ability to see through the deceptions of others. She is so poorly practiced in lying that she can't really tell a convincing lie, whether it be something large or tiny, and this is a well known fact. The young woman is very expressive about her feelings, and has no issue with telling a person exactly what they are on certain topics. She's very opinionated, after all, which one may find slightly strange for someone who is considered to be from a fair and unbiased family tree. As far as she is concerned, being strong in your opinions shouldn't mean that one is incapable of making fair judgments, and thus she makes no effort to alter this fact about herself. She has her own thoughts on many topics, and isn't keen on pretending otherwise. Of course, this complete honesty isn't always the best of things, because it also means that she can unintentionally hurt people with her blunt comments. While she rarely has malicious intents, the girl will often say the wrong thing and end up in awkward or unfortunate situations. She just can't help but be honest, and if someone asks her a question, she will answer it truthfully, even if it might be slightly hurtful.

With her honesty does come a sort of reliability, however, which is why people tend to trust her judgments. They know that she isn't going to lie in order to spare their feelings, and will say precisely what she thinks on the subject- she's the friend that a person takes when making important decisions, because she will give honest, thoughtful opinions on things. As far as things like those go, she is a very trustworthy individual, and prides herself on following through with her word as frequently as possible. The young woman sees no point in empty promises, and never makes a promise that she doesn't follow through on, regardless of how the situations might change. Because if she meant it when she said it, then she intends to finish exactly what she started, no questions about it. Thus, if the young woman tells a person she will get something done, she is going to get it done- there is no doubt in regards to that. Of course, this means that she often gets roped into tasks unintentionally, because she feels honor bound to keep her word in all situations. Besides, she has a self discipline that allows her to buckle down and finish things, even when she very much doesn't want to. This applies both to favors/promises and to her own lifestyle, and is something that has gotten her relatively far in academics. She starts projects when they are assigned, because the girl knows that if she doesn't, it will never be finished. She also knows well enough to force herself away from distractions when it comes time for her to study, and is very good at forming habits. Unfortunately, that can also apply to bad habits, though she does her best to break those ones.

Gwyn also isn't the sort of person who is going to half-ass something. If she is going to bother starting a project, she will put all of her energy into it without hesitation, meaning that she will often take on too much and work herself half to death. The girl is very hardworking, but doesn't know when it is best to quit, meaning that she tends to keep pushing herself and pushing herself until she just fizzles out- not with a bang, but with a whimper. This has happened on multiple occasions, usually leading to an overload of stress and at least two days, post-projects, spent doing nothing but sleeping and watching movies. These are her recuperation days, one could say, and there are several of them every year, though the precise amount fluctuates based on how busy she is that year. She is able to work so hard because she is ambitious, and pictures these great dreams and goals that she can't help but stretch herself trying to leap up and reach. The girl wants to mean something in this world, but doesn't want to leave a scar. She wants to be successful in her work, but also have a decent social life and be happy. She wants to have time to read and play the saxophone, and to skate around town. Maybe she's greedy, but she believes that everything is in reach, if she just pushes herself a little bit higher. She's just passionate about what she wants, just as she is about what she believes in, and that is seen in her face when she speaks about her dreams and the things she loves. Gwyn simply lights up when engaged in such a conversation, and becomes animated and lively, like a child talking about their favorite toy.

It is necessary for her to have certain things in order to achieve all of those goals, however, and intelligence is rather high up on the priority list. She's been a good student ever since she was little, and always very clever and observant, though the latter might be cheating just a little bit. She isn't always as aware of her surroundings as she ought to be, at least when studying, but she is still a smart girl, and very well may be successful in her life. It helps that she is also rather sociable, and even with her blunt nature is decent at dealing with people- probably because the mediation kicks in? She doesn't mind who she is speaking to, anyway, being nonjudgmental for the most part. Not to say that she doesn't have her own grudges and such, but she can usually be trusted to be open minded in discussions- why else would people seek her aid in disputes? That, and the fact that she never wastes time beating around the bush. Gwyn is the sort to get straight to the point with her actions and her words, even when tip toeing might perhaps have been the better alternative. Of course, her temper, something that has clung from her younger days, isn't really suited for tiptoeing, either. She can be a real spitfire at times, especially when faced with certain triggers, and her temper is something to fear, though she has managed to try and reign it in more than it had been during her youth.

Regardless of whether she may have a quick temper, or a very direct mannerism, she still has very strong morals that, try as one might to push and bend them, aren't going anywhere. If she thinks something is wrong, she is not going to do it- not for all of the red gummy bears in the world. She has a strict moral code and doesn't plan on changing that for anyone or anything.

Blunt || Trustworthy || Clever || Stubborn || Opinionated || Fair || Ambitious || Hardworking || Passionate || Direct || Sociable || Self Discipline || Spitfire

Gwyn was born as the elder of the two daughters that Mr. and Mrs. Fosite possessed, and in her younger days appeared completely different than the stereotypical image for a mediator and child of Forseti. Rather, she was a blunt, and often rude, little spitfire who didn't appear to have much concern for how her actions or words might have inconvenienced others. She had a fierce temper and was likely to kick a kid in the shins if she thought they were being mean to another kid. In a way, she was like a little antihero- barely five years old and threatening a boy twice her size because she saw him steal Halloween candy from some little kid. She lacked the calmness, or people skills, expected, and many were concerned that she had been skipped over as a descendant, though others saw it as merely being a phase that the little firecracker was going through. Well, luckily, the latter was correct to an extent, as Gwyn began to mellow out through elementary school. She was competitive in her classes, of course, and wouldn't hesitate to point out when she thought something to be unfair, but she had gotten better at keeping a slightly more pleasant demeanor, and thus was able to integrate more with her peers. Her parents released a sigh of relief- the breath probably having been held ever since she was four and had started a toddler fighting ring on a neighbor's trampoline.

The reason for her mellowing out is likely the decision she seemed to make out of the blue that she wanted to work in law. Exactly what she wanted to do in law would vary based on the day and her mood. One day she might want to be a prosecuting attorney, the next a police officer. She just knew that she wanted to help carry out justice for those who deserved it, regardless of what might be necessary for that to happen. After researching things like schools and such one break, she began to buckle down on studies and on keeping herself in shape, though she continued to make several allowances when she thought it deserved. Throughout elementary and middle school, she was considered to be a bit of a goody-two-shoes, always following the rules and such. Of course, it was the rules that kept her from beating up the people who said as much, because she continued to have that temper throughout those years.

Come high school, Gwyn decided that she wanted to be an attorney focusing on criminal law, because she wanted to carry out justice towards those who had wronged others. Perhaps this variation of justice suited her better than the mediation that Forseti families were typically known for- this at least seemed to be the case. She went through high school as she had gone through all of her other years- headstrong, blunt, and incredibly passionate about everything that she got involved in, no questions asked. Of course, she also was able to avoid drama a lot better than some others due to her ability to see straight through lies- needless to say, most people were relatively genuine around the young woman, knowing that she was not the type to hesitate in calling out a lie as soon as she saw one. When she graduated, the girl continued to study for a degree in criminal law, and still does this. She also volunteers at the local library, because she had done so to occupy her time over the summers of her later high school years.

A few months after graduating from high school, the young woman was asked by her girlfriend of the time, one Bella Aset, to move into her townhouse with her. To be honest, it did take her some persuading, as the young woman didn't like the idea of mooching off of Bella, as she felt this would be, because she isn't exactly making a good deal of money at the moment, focusing on her education. Still, she gave in, and for a while lived happily with her girlfriend, until she came home from a weekend with the family to a confession- Bella had cheated on her. Furious and impulsive, Gwyn left the house in a storm. The thing about her is that she tends to stay angry for a while, even if she knows that she shouldn't. The couple has been broken up ever since, and Gwyn had to find another place to live for the time being.

So begins...

Guinevere Fosite's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Layla Ailuros Character Portrait: Amor "Ariel" Amelia Vanadis Character Portrait: Dehlilah Cyprus Character Portrait: Ramses Atum Character Portrait: Leslie Damon Saxon
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#, as written by Issa


Saturday, 20th July

The residents of Northbay have awoken to a surprisingly pleasant summer's day. The weather, by magic or nature, is already a charming 20°C (68°F) and predictions have the maximum temperature reaching a comfortable 25°C (77°F). There are only a few wisps of cloud in the sky and a refreshing breeze can be felt throughout the area.

The main street is being prepared for the festival. It is still open to the public as most of the shops lining the street are likely to stay open until the cordons are put up. There is a definite buzz to the town as those involved in the preparation for the festival work and those who are attending look forward to the nights festivities.

For the town Elders there is a feeling of anxiousness. Will their planned festival help to calm the town's tensions or will it do the opposite?

Ramses Atum

Ram lefted his head and closed his green eyes, soaking up the early morning sun as it bet down on the lake. Cool water sprayed in his face and a constant breeze ruffled his hair. It was perfect sailing weather and Ram had been up since dawn to make the most of it. His one man boat, named 'The Falcon', raced across the lake, skimming across the waves.

Ram opened his eyes as he drew closer to the shore. Standing up in the boat he shielded his eyes from the sunlight glistening off the water and took in the view. There, pretty as a picture, sat Northbay. It fit snuggly between the lakeshore and the hills beyond. He could make out the main street with its small array of shows on either side. There was a large amount of activity in the street, surprising for such a small town and so early on a Saturday.

Then again it was the day of the Lantern Festival. No doubt every spare hand the Elder's could rope into helping was busy putting up decorations. Ram's father Ramsey was a member of the Elders' Council so Ramses was able to get all his information first hand and fresh. The festival was officially an overdue welcome to the Greeks. Unofficially it was to try and calm down the rising animosities between the different groups in the town. As Ram's father had said, if the town could come together and enjoy this one, simple event then they would be one step closer to regaining peace and order.

Ram thought it was a vain hope. He highly doubted that bringing together the whole town into one street would solve anything. Quite the opposite really. Ram knew little of the Greeks but he had grown up with the Norse and his own Egyptian pantheon. He knew enough to understand that there would always be certain individuals who do anything but try to ease tensions.

Shaking such thoughts from his head Ram aimed the boat to shore. A moment later he pulled into the docks, jumping onto the wooden jetty with the ease of practice. He anchored his boat to the jetty, tying it securely. The day may have been calm now but Ram knew enough about Irish weather to know to predict anything. Besides, when you lived in a town of power beings you could never be sure when someone's powers would cause a little mayhem.

Standing up Ram raised his arms above his head and stretched, before straightening out his clothes. With a pleased smile he set off down the wooden walkway, heading towards the Sailing Club rooms and a much needed shower.

Mack Nephthys

Early morning carpentry was probably not the best way to deal with a hangover, but oddly enough Mack found the rhythmic thud of his hammer strangely calming. Or perhaps he was still drunk from last night.

He had visited Northbay's singular drinking hole, the pub, the previous night. It had started as a causal beer, but three bottles of beer, four shots of vodka and who knows what else later his night had ended up much larger than anticipated. He had woken up this morning still in his clothes, his light still on and his alarm cloak blaring from under a pile of clothes.

Mack had agreed to help set up for the Lantern Festival that night. He wasn't even getting paid, but doing it as a favour to the town. Not that he minded doing it for free. Mack didn't have too many expensive habits and the rent on his tiny apartment over the supermarket was relatively cheap.

"Mack! Can you move the lanterns slightly to the left?" Ebony Aset, aunt of the three Aset girls and member of the Elders, shouted from the street. Mack, standing up on a ladder, nodded down at the woman and moved the lanterns as desired. Satisfied Ebony nodded and wondered off to oversee another part of the preparations. Left to his own devices Mack returned to hammering.

Almost finished he gave one final hammer on the nail, only his attention must have slipped because the next thing he knew a sharp pain erupted in his thumb. With a yelp he jerked his hand back, making him lose his balance in the process. His legs went out from under him, his arms pinwheeling in circles as he tried to grab at anything to keep him from falling.
Unfortunately the ladder seemed to elude him and Mack quickly found himself falling. A gust of wind blew up the street, particles of sand held in the breeze. The wind increased in strength and pressure, directing itself around the falling man. Faster than the eye could follow it had formed into a miniature wind funnel, Mack being safely buoyed in the centre. Slowly he was lowered to the ground. Only when his feet had touched concrete did a movement of his hand send the winds away, leaving a thin layer of sand behind.

'Mack, as much as I'm glad you're not hurt...' The stern voice came from Ebony Aset, her foot tapping quickly as she surveyed the tiny beach of sand that his powers had called forth. She had a broom in her hand, 'I want all this sand gone before tonight.' Thrusting it into his grasp Ebony turned and left. Dusting the light sprinkling of sand off his clothes before beginning to sweep up the street, Mack wished - and not for the first time - that his winds didn't magically summon sand when he called them.

Asta Falr

The view from the hills above the town was spectacular. Asta, pausing on her descent, couldn't help but grin at the landscape. The lake was sparkling in the early morning sun, light glistened off the town roofs and there was hardly a cloud in sight. She could have stayed on the thin track that ran up the hills beyond Northbay all day, but one glance at her watch told Asta that she'd need to open the shop soon. With a last glance across the lake Asta turned and made her way, half skipping, down the track.

Most likely it was the excitement of the coming festival that had seen Asta rise so early and head up into the hills. She often went for walks, but rarely so early in the morning. Coming back down she hit the main street at it's beginning. The entrance to Northbay was decorated with a simple sign which read 'Welcome to Northbay'. Asta passed the sign, entering the main street of the town. She passed people setting up stalls, others hanging decorations and more than one person shouting out loud instructions.

Asta waved happily at Mack as she passed him. Curiously he was sweeping up sand, although where the sand came from Asta couldn't be sure. Down the street she went, dodging in and out of the workers, until she reached the Bookstore.
"Key, key key... Oh, there you are!" She muttered to herself as she dug into her cardigan pockets. The Bookstore owner had given Asta the responsibility of opening the store today and she would have hated it if she'd lost the keys already.

She pushed the door open and stepped into the dark room. The light switch was unfortunately at the other end of the store and Asta didn't fancy wondering through the dark to find it. So, holding her hand out, she summoned a small sphere of light and used it to guide her through.

Ten minutes later, the store lit, open and ready for customers, Asta sat back at the counter with a sigh of relief. From here she had a good view of the festival preparations, but instead of watching the workers outside she picked up her book 'Catch-22' and began to read. The doorbell would jingle as soon as anyone entered, meaning until then she could happily lose herself in Joseph Heller.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Guinevere Fosite
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0.00 INK


The Northbay Public Library opens at 8am sharp, and thus, a young woman with fiery red hair and thick glasses has been up since seven. Her routine is hardly long or complicated, of course, because Gwyn has never really been the sort to spend all morning styling her hair or putting on makeup, instead content to wear denim shorts and an old band T-shirt advertising the saxophone as the best instrument in the band. Needless to say, this had been one worn exclusively by the saxophonists, made for some sort of group excursion back when she was in high school. Regardless of what it had been for, it is still very comfortable and was on the top of the drawer, making it a prime candidate for being worn today. The same can be said, naturally, for the denim shorts. The only reason that she wakes up an hour before needing to be at the library is because she likes to take the long way here, breezing down various sidewalks and streets before finally arriving at the library, which has been a second home for her since the latter half of high school.

By 8:30am, the library has already been open for half an hour, lights on and the air conditioning humming quietly in the background. It is very quiet, as can be expected, especially as most of the people who would be in the library on the saturday morning before a festival probably aren't the wildest of individuals, naturally. Gwyn sits at the main desk, checking out books for others between pages of her own. Of course, while she'd much rather be blazing through a good novel, the young woman is instead leaning over a law textbook, because she is taking Summer lessons, and has a test coming up next Tuesday. The young woman twirls a blue pen that is designed to look like she's holding a dragonfly in her hand. Gwyn has always had a soft spot for quirky pens, and her collection of them is quite impressive, gained through years of finding, gifts, etc.

Gwyn makes notes in the margins of her book, something the girl is guilty of doing with all of her books, much to the horror of many people who have seen it. The more frequently read the book, the more scrawled notes and underlined passages there are. She even dates the notes, so that going through her collection is like reading a chronicle of her life, watching her thoughts evolve and mature. Noticing that the cart of books to be returned to the shelves has gotten full, Gwyn leaves the desk to another person here and begins pushing it through the lines of bookcases. This town may be small, but it can boast a sizable library, the most expansive section being mythology, containing enough rare and obscure books to make any mythology enthusiast swoon at the sight of it.

Stifling a yawn, Gwyn goes onto her toes to put a book onto a particularly high shelf. There is probably a stool in a different aisle, but she's done this thousands of times, and should have no problem putting it into place if she just uses one of the bottom shelves for a boost-


That, ladies and gentlemen, is how one manages to get a book case to topple over onto them, dispensing a good amount of heavy volumes onto the ground and onto her. Luckily, the bookshelves aren't overly healthy, and also luckily, she thinks quickly and turns to minimize the damage, shooting out her arm to stop it from hitting her in the face. Gwyn flinches at the pain that shoots through her wrist from the action, and calls out to no one in particularly. "I'm fine, go back to your reading!" knowing that the noise would have distracted several readers.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Bella Jade Aset Character Portrait: Guinevere Fosite
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Jynxii

Her eyes slowly opened, blinking against the harsh light of the morning that stretched warmly over her. Her doe hues filled with tears as she ran her hand slowly over the empty bed space beside her, the covers still made on Her side of the bed. The radio had woken her up with a soft song she had hoped to never hear again- one of their songs. She slowly closed her eyes as a silent tear rolled down her nose. "Time. Stands. Still. Beauty in all she is." With a heavy heart, Jade pulled herself from the bed and stumbled into the bathroom, ignoring the image in the mirror. After a hot shower, she stepped out and into the image she had been running from. The mirror was fogged over, and with a gentle swipe of her hand the state of her body was revealed. The swell in her stomach was noticeable now, and it made her heart even heavier than it already was. After getting dress, she made her way down stairs, stopping short as she rounded the corner and caught a glimpse of an old memory. When she looked again, of course She wasn't there, but she could have sworn she had seen Gwyn laying her head down on the table.
The memory filled her heart with warmth, and another crying spell sent her sliding down to the stairs, where she sat and cried for another twenty minutes, utterly miserable. Gwyn had come home one day, livid with her classmates and their inability to grasp a simple concept. The memory made Jade laugh a little, and with stones in her stomach, she wiped away her tears and made her way over to the blinking answering machine. Please, please... please

"Hey, Bella! It's Alaura! Just calling to see if you're alive... I haven't seen or heard from you in about three months. Should I be worried? Look, dad's worried, so... Whatever you and Gwyn are going through... I'm sure it'll all blow over soon, okay? You two are perfect together, and she knows that. Everyone makes mistakes, little bird. Just.. Look, you promised to help me with the festival today and it's already 8:30! I know you're busy, but the kids have all worked so hard on these decorations and I'm drowning here, Bella. Drowning. I need you, okay? I need you. SO! Get out of the bed, and get down here to help me... Besides, I have it on good authority that she's going to be there so... How much more romantic can you get? See you soon." "End of new messages."

Jade sighed heavily and nodded. Her sister was right. She couldn't expect Gwyn to just, magically forgive her and come back. She'd have to... to do, something. Something to win her back. She glanced down at her stomach and winced, wondering how on earth Gwyn, who over thought everything, was going to accept that of all things. She'd have to try. Luckily her blouse was loose-fitting and would hide her stomach if she wanted. Gathering up what was left of her courage, she grabbed her bike and headed into town. The streets were already busy with people. As she rode past the library, her heart seemed to flutter alive and she smiled to herself, thankful that Alaura had talked her into this. She was going to win Gwyn back. It was only a matter of time. So what if she was pregnant? It's not like she even knew who the father was; just some tourist, right? So what did it matter? Lesbians normally have to pay a bunch of money to adopt; but not her! She'd get the full experience, complete with random sperm donor.

She had just pulled up to the school when she caught sight of Alaura through her classroom window, shuffling about with an arm full of paper lanterns. Jade let herself laugh, feeling a genuine smile tugging at her lips. Today was going to be a good day. With a positive attitude, she jogged into the school and to Alaura's classroom, where she stopped in the doorway to ask what she could do to help.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Bella Jade Aset Character Portrait: Liam Anapa Character Portrait: Terrance Falr Character Portrait: Guinevere Fosite
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Jynxii

Wake up, Alaura, wake up, wake up! The party, Alaura! The party~

The gentle whispers awoke Alaura from her sleep as the sun began to rise on the horizon. The flowers by her head buzzed with excitement, feeling the change in the atmosphere. A lazy smile spread her lips as she slowly rolled herself out of bed and set about getting dress and down to the school. By 8:30 she had managed to move most of the decorations out for her aunt and Mack to hang up, but she still had a ways to go. It was then that she called to let her sister know she was still needed, and was not off the hook just because she was going through a breakup. As she hung up the phone with Bella's answering machine, she bit her bottom lip and sent a text to Gwyn.

To: Gwyn
Message: Hey, Gwyn! Hope to see you tonight at the festival! I'm in the middle of setting up now. It's sure to be a blast. I hear they have that local jazz band you like playing live! Don't miss it! (:

Satisfied, she started to put her phone away, only to feel it buzz back to life in her hand. Who could that be?
She pulled the text up and looked it over.

From: Liam
Message: "Alright. I give up. I'm bored to tears here.
Wanna hang out?"

Alaura shook her head and quickly sent a text back to him, explaining that she had a lot of decorating to do, but that he was more than welcome to come to the school and help out if he wanted to."Sorry about that, Terrance. Yes, that pile's going out next. Aren't they just the cutest?" She smiled over at one of her best friends as he lifted a box full of hand-decorated lanterns. When her aunt had told her about the planned festival, Alaura had made it an activity for her third grade class. The lanterns were decorated with dilapidated horses, flowers, cows, people, and houses- but to Alaura, they were all golden works of art. She was so thankful that Terrance was actually reliable, because lugging all the boxes to her soft blue bug by herself would have been a nightmare.

In typical Bella style, just as they were picking up the last few boxes to load into the car, she arrived. "Better late than never, Bella," Alaura sighed with a smile as she handed a box over to her sister. Bella sneered and rolled her eyes, taking the box and shaking her head with a smile. "You know, one of these days all this stress you put on yourself is going to kill you, Alaura. Hi Quincy." "As long as I live long enough to see these lanterns go into the sky," Alaura joked back, bumping her hip into Bella's as she led the way to the car, locking the school behind them. "You riding with us, Bella, or?" "Nah, I'll bike it, Gwyn says--" "That it's good for the body, yeah, I remember," Alaura laughed.

"Guess that leaves just you and me, Terrance," Alaura smiled, getting into the car and leading the way down the road. When she arrived, she quickly found her aunt's pile of decorations and added to them, receiving instructions on where to place the lanterns, until it was time. As she set the last of the boxes down she let out a sigh and smiled to her two helpers. "I think we've earned a good breakfast, don't you?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bryce Nepthys Character Portrait: Liam Anapa Character Portrait: Tutankhamun Nekheny Character Portrait: Guinevere Fosite Character Portrait: Stephanie Ceres Character Portrait: Chione Anapa
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Falron

Grey eyes opened moments before the alarm sounded, the loud beeping sound bouncing around the cluttered apartment. Chione usually prided herself in keeping a tidy apartment and making it at least appear spotless. But when she cracked open her text books in a bout of studying the usually pristine apartment was turned upside down. Open books covered every table, notebooks filled with neat, cursive writing next to each one along with stacks of sticky notes and pens, half with the ink run out. One would think with it being the middle of Summer, and a Saturday, Chione would be outside enjoying the sunshine and just taking advantage of her break. But that wasn't how the descendant of Anubis operated. The Summer holidays were, to her, the perfect time to get ahead on her studies so that she was already familiar with a large portion of the curriculum before classes started again.

Reaching out she silenced the alarm and sat up, stretching before running a hand through her messy hair. Swinging her legs out of bed she stood, resuming her stretching before walking over the window to look out over the street. People were already up and about, hanging up decorations for the lantern festival. She smiled slightly to herself, it was no secret that it had been arranged as an unofficial welcoming for the Greeks. The smile vanished as quickly as it came, she wasn't sure it was a good idea. In a town like this, there would always be a few people that would use their powers to make some sort of drama show out of it. Chione was almost convinced of this. The Serrure's were on the top of her list for people who would do something to mess it up.

With a shrug she headed into her small kitchen, placing two slices of bread into the toaster almost absentmindedly before making her way through the apartment, tidying up the books into piles according to topic. She reentered her kitchen to see the toast poking out and swiftly placed the pieces on a plate, spreading strawberry jam over them before walking into the living/dining area that connected onto the kitchen. Sitting down on the couch she began to eat, looking towards the phone with disinterest as it vibrated across the glass coffee table.

She was ready to ignore it for the time being, she seldom got texts and she was never in a rush to answer them, but she caught sight of her brother's name flashing across the screen before it went dark. She lent forth and picked up the phone, opening the desk with a couple deft touches on the screen.

From: Liam
Hey sis. Are you working tonight?
Or are you gunna leave me with no one to talk to?

She chuckled, of course, only Liam who got along with just about everyone in town would ask if his older sister would leave him without anyone to talk to. Her thumb raced across the screen as she typed her reply.

To: Liam
Yes, I am. Don't worry, you'll have plenty of people to talk to :)

Chione had never really understood the whole deal with emoticons, but she found it easier to use them than to have to explain to someone how she was feeling. Tone didn't go over well in text.

Finishing her breakfast she washed off the plate before going about the rest of her morning routine, humming slightly under her breath. Pulling on a pair of denim shorts and a baggy band singlet she collected a couple of text books and her messenger bag before heading outside. She walked briskly down towards the cafe where she ordered herself a white chocolate mocha and sat down, pulling out the thickest of the text books. She thanked the waiter as her drink was brought to her and went about taking notes, effectively blocking out the world around her.


Antares' eyes slowly opened as he rolled over. Huh.... must be early... the alarm hasn't gone off yet. He opened his eyes to asses how much time he had to sleep when his eyes popped open in shock. There sat the alarm clock, silent and mocking him as the luminous numbers declared it to be 8:30am. Antares jumped to his feet and ran into the bathroom where he had world record shower.

Great! Now his entire plan that had formulated before bed was out of whack. He was meant to have been at work half an hour ago, now not only did he have to apologize profusely about being late, he also had to start from scratch with his plan. He'd have to buy a new alarm clock and set one on his phone to make sure this didn't happen again. Maybe even a third alarm clock just t be safe.

He jumped out of the shower and slid, a yelp leaving him as he fell on his ass. Pain shot up his spine as he got to his feet, quickly getting dressed in the first articles of clothing he came across in his wardrobe. Pocketing his phone he quickly grabbed a muesli bar from the cupboard and raced out, he'd have to get coffee on the way to the library. He had never had a morning like this for as long as he remembered. He always checked and double checked his alarm clock the night before to make sure that it would go off, and according to plan, wake him up at 7am. He would have woken earlier if it hadn't been for an interesting late-night talk show he had stumbled across. Generally he would have ignored it and gone on with his schedule, but the topic was politics, he couldn't not watch.

His black cat, Lucky, mewed as she jumped from the couch, heading towards the food bowl and nudging it with her nose and looking up at Antares he raced to get the food into her bowl. He patted her briefly before saying, "Sorry Lucky, I've got to go, see you later." He raced out while the cat settled herself down to eat.

He raced out the door, the bar hanging between his teeth as he kicked the door shut. He was halfway down the stairs when his phone vibrated in his pocket. He fished it out as he raced down the street, dodging out of people's way as they set up for something.

From: Stephanie
Hello, um ah, would you mind going to the festival with me later today. We could meet up before or something, it doesn't have to be alone you know, I mean Brad and Bobby will be there too and um yeah, it’d be super cool if you could come. But I mean you don’t have to.

He ripped open the wrapper of the bar and gobbled it down before throwing away the wrapper and reading the text more carefully. He stopped outside the coffee shop, blinking like an idiot. That's right! The Festival! He hit his head and muttered under his breath, "Shit... I completely forgot about that..."

He texted her back as he entered the coffee shop and ordered himself a Chai Latte. He wasn't sure if she was working, so texting would probably be safest, just in case.

To: Stephanie
Yeah, sure, sounds like fun. When would you like to meet and where?

He took his drink and thanked the person behind the counter without really paying attention before racing towards the library. He slowed to a brisk walk as he entered the library, taking a nervous sip from the drink he looked around, trying to spot his coworker Gwyn. It didn't take long for him to notice the upturned bookcase and his coworker trapped beneath it. He placed his coffee on a nearby table and rushed over, taking hold of the bookcase and heaving, "Shit! You OK under there Gwyn?"


A shrill sound filled Tut's apartment. The young man groaned, a headache pounding behind his eyes from the night before. He wasn't quite sure what he'd drank, but whatever it had been, it had been allot. His opened lazily to stare at the alarm clock. 7:30am.. too goddamn early in his books.

A fist lashed out and flatted the device, effectively silencing it. The cheap hunk of plastic that Tut had bought in an attempt to begin a routine was now in a million pieces, small arcs of electricity racing over the gap in the wires. Though now it was too late to go back to sleep. Rolling onto his back Tut slowly sat up and stretched, a jaw-cracking yawn forcing its way up his throat before he stood up, almost falling over as the headache spiked.

He turned around and sighed in relief when he found the bed empty save a couple of discarded shoes which were definitely his. He worked his way through his untidy apartment, eying a pile of dirty laundry beside his couch. Somewhere under there was an empty packet of sushi and his favourite pair of chop sticks. He shrugged as he entered the kitchen, he'll clean it up later. He ate some cereal before going about the rest of his routine at snail pace. By the time he'd gotten out of the shower and was brushing his teeth it had to be at least 8:15.

He walked out moments later, still yawning when the view from his living room window caught his attention. It was a beautiful day outside, from what he could see the wind was calm. The perfect day for a flight. A grin spread over his features as he opened the window and jumped out, phasing instantly and snapping his wings out to catch the air and drift skyward. A shriek left the falcon as it tilted to the side, heading out towards the lake. The water sparkled in the sun and small waves lapped at the shore.

He felt free, the wind rushing past his feathers and the headache was the furthest thing from his mind as he dived, pulling up just in time so that his talons skimmed over the water. He looked back towards the town, a mischievous glint entering the eyes of the bird as Tut realized something. Today was that stupid festival to welcome the Greeks to the town.

He remembered it vaguely from when he was still very young, the lanterns hadn't really captured his attention even back then, what were the odds that they would now? He rose into the air, contemplating this before coming to a conclusion, he would have some fun tonight. People were taking this thing way too seriously after all, he'd have to liven it up a bit. Knock a couple lanterns out of the sky, swoop a couple of people and steal their candy or whatever was in their hands. Harmless. As long as the uptight buzz-kills of the town didn't get in his way, though he was almost certain that every last one of them would be looking out for anyone causing trouble.

All that meant was that he had to be sneaky, plus, there wasn't anything like the element of being caught to make it more exciting. As he headed back towards his apartment he wondered if Bryce would be up for a bit of fun tonight. He landed in his apartment, swiftly changing back into his human form before flopping down the couch, thank Horus he didn't have to work today.

To: Bryce
Yo Bryce! Whatcha up to today for this festival thing? Up for some fun?

He grinned as he jumped off the couch and walked out the door, well there was no point in spending the entire day indoors.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Guinevere Fosite Character Portrait: Antares Pallas
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0.00 INK


Gwyn is nearly manages to push the bookcase off of her, when her phone vibrates in her pocket, stealing her attention away long enough for the girl to slip slightly, causing a book to fall onto her head, and her to fall back to her original state of covered in books and a giant bookcase. Damn it, she thinks to herself, not wanting to call out for help or anything because she's certain that she can work this out on her own. The young woman just needs to turn over and push up the top of it so that she can shimmy out, and from there it shouldn't be too much of a challenge to push it up all the way. Her expression is stuck in a scowl, but to be fair, this isn't exactly her favorite way to spend the morning. Gwyn loves the library, but she really prefers to be sitting on a chair with a book in her hand, not on the ground, probably getting a rug burn on her legs from her attempt to army crawl, under a large piece of public-owned furniture. Alright, on three, she tells herself, rallying the energy to try again for the lifting strategy. Before she can begin counting, though, a familiar guy's voice swears near her, and weight is suddenly lifted off of her body.

"Oh, you know, I was just hanging out," Gwyn says sarcastically as she stands up, but the girl, upon standing, does have the courtesy to smile and thank him for helping her out of that situation. "Thanks, though. What about you? Antares Pallas? Late? Are you sick or something?" she interrogates him, raising an eyebrow quizzically at the typically very punctual young man. Without waiting for an answer, she leans over and begins gathering the books that had fallen, knowing that she'll now have to put them back in the correct order- which means trying to find the first last name that begins with CR. Remembering the text that had foiled her earlier efforts to escape the evil wooden clutches of the bookcase, she shifts a few books into her left arm and gets out her phone to read over a message from Alaura, the elder Aset sibling. Her expression is rather blank, perhaps because she is bracing herself for whatever it may say, but she lights up at the mention of one of her favorite jazz bands apparently playing.

Meschiya La- no, don't be an idiot. Why would they be here? Local band? She uses the vaguest descriptions, She wonders, but it is clear that Alaura's temptation has worked- Gwyn will likely be at the lantern festival, wandering around following the sound of music. Anyone who knows her well enough knows that promises of jazz or horror movies are usually enough to get her to cave into temptation- perhaps the only two that can, unless she isn't really trying all that hard to focus. "Hey, Antares, do you know what bands are playing at the festival?" she asks him, returning to the task of picking up and putting away various volumes.

Gwyn needs some sort of confirmation that Alaura isn't just trying to coerce her out of the house- the Aset girl has always been slightly pushy in that way, especially ever since Gwyn and Bella broke up. The young woman pushes such thoughts away quickly, not wanting to be distracted by foul memories, and ones made even fouler by how pleasant they once were. She grimaces at the sight of one of them having torn slightly down the spine, but it is at least the one that she was looking for, anyway. She places books in something resembling the order that they belong in, to be fixed whenever she finds the next volume in the order.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Guinevere Fosite Character Portrait: Antares Pallas
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Falron

Straightening up the bookshelf Antares looked down at Gwyn as she got to her feet, "Oh, you know, I was just hanging out. Thanks, though. What about you? Antares Pallas? Late? Are you sick or something?"

Rubbing the back of his head with one hand he shrugged, noting almost absentmindedly that she'd already put the series of questions of mind but believing it polite to answer anyway, "No, faulty alarm clock coupled with staying up later than planned watching some late-night American talk show."

He chuckled and shrugged, as if to say it was no big deal. But anyone who know Antares, or was even a novice at reading facial expressions... would know that he took it as a big deal. It seemed the biggest part of his day was spent planning his next move and predicting what he would do the next day. At some occasions, down to the second. Which of course led to some distress on his part when somebody decided to be social that he hadn't expected and throws his entire schedule out of whack.

Antares blinks before helping pick up some of the books, looking up at the shelf in a sort of horror. This could take a while, which meant more of his hastily slapped together plan as he rushed out his door that morning was being demolished. He chuckled softly as he realized that the bookcase had crushed his schedule along with Gwyn. He placed a couple of books on the shelves in random order, it would probably be easier to sort once they were all there. Turning to pick up a couple more he notices her blank expression suddenly lighten up before she asks him, "Hey, Antares, do you know what bands are playing at the festival?"

He blinked before scratching his head, someone had told him something a few days earlier about a band.. He frowned trying to recall the name but came up blank. He was sure one of the elders had told him in passing a few days ago when he'd asked what sort of entertainment would be available, "I don't remember what the band was called but I think they played Blues or Jazz... or something like that. Sorry I can't be of more help..."

He shrugged before placing the last of the books back on the shelf. He turns to Gwyn before saying, "If you want, I could put the books back in order for you?"

Right after he'd finished his abandoned coffee first.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mack Nephthys Character Portrait: Bella Jade Aset Character Portrait: Antonio Diaz Character Portrait: Guinevere Fosite Character Portrait: Antares Pallas
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Jynxii

That's one way to say it, Jade thought to herself with a smile, nodding to Quincy as she left the two to go get the grocery supplies. She'd take her time going to the park. Quincy could use some alone time with Alaura. Poor guy really didn't have a chance. Alaura wouldn't know what romance was if it sat beside her in the car-- Oh, wait. It was. A smile lifted her spirits a little, but as she peddled down the side of the street, her joy was crushed. Her bike came to a skidding stop in front of the library. She could just see the top of Gwyn's beautiful hair through a gap in the bookshelves- but that wasn't what upset her. It was the taller, darker set of hair that stood opposite of her. A guy. A guy was talking to Gwyn. Her Gwyn. Her stomach twisted and jealousy bit down on her heart, causing it to bleed.

At the threat of tears, Jade quickly turned away and went back to peddling. Gwyn had every right in the world to be happy-- it was her that deserved to be miserable. She deserved the pain- she had cheated, and that was (as Gwyn had made painfully clear) unforgivable. These thoughts swam around her head, pulling her into a darker cloud of self loathing as she made her way down the street. She was almost to the middle of town when she spotted Mack sweeping up the last of some sand. "Hey Mack!" she called as she peddled on, trusting her bike to continue without her as she offered a friendly wave to the man. "The decorations look great! I'll see you at the festival, yeah?"

She was so busy smiling and calling to him that she had completely forgotten to look where she was going when all of the sudden- crash! It was as if the world were moving in slow motion. The bike, her arms, a chest, legs-- the sidewalk, a thud, a burn. The problem with slow motion, is that once it's over, the world goes into fast forward, to try and catch up. In a flash she was scrambling to her feet, ignoring the sting in her left palm. "I'm so sorry," she gasped, trying to untangle the other person's legs from her bike. Once she had succeeded, she finally looked into the person's face, her doe brown eyes wide with fear. Had - he, been hurt? Her brows furred together as she looked over him. "I'm so sorry," she repeated, "Are you alright? Are you hurt? Seven hells, I'm such an idiot. I didn't see you-- I was-- Saying... I'm so sorry..." The last one was a sigh as she looked him over. Who was he, anyway? He looked so familiar! "Do I know you," she asked suddenly, her eyebrows meeting together in a confused expression.

Unknown to her, her shirt had come up just slightly- but enough for her baby bump to show as she knelt beside the stranger. As the wind picked up the cool breeze sent chills up her spine, making her aware of her exposed midsection. Blushing even more than she already was, she quickly stood up and pulled her shirt down. Jade positioned herself beside her bike, pushing her hair back out of her face. "You look really familiar..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ramses Atum Character Portrait: Mack Nephthys Character Portrait: Bella Jade Aset Character Portrait: Izzy Dias Character Portrait: Guinevere Fosite Character Portrait: Chione Anapa
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Falron

Chione closed the book, rubbing her temples as she looked up and out of the cafe. She could a small group of people that had gathered there. With a sigh she placed her text book in her messenger and left the cafe, hands shoved into her pockets. Mack was down the street sweeping up the last of the sand when Izzy Dias bumped into him. Chione's lips thinned as she watched her blame him for the collision before summoning a fork of lightning. The Dias twin was easily one of the few Greeks that Chione had taken in instant dislike towards to. Her teeth clenched against each other she resisted the urge to yell at her. She didn't care if her ancestor was Zeus, blood did not excuse actions.

She shook her head and continued walking, making a beeline between the people towards her home. She watched as one of the Aset girls, Jade, came rushing past on her bike, calling out to Mack. Chione whirled around in shock as the sound of the crash reached her ears. In the time it took her a few steps towards the crash site Jade and the person she had crashed into were already surrounded by a small group of people. She could hear Jade's voice, profusely apologizing to the man. Seeing that all was under control Chione shrugged and made her way home, placing the messenger bag on her coffee table, she would have no need of it for now.

Checking her schedule she noted that she had to work from three till seven. That left the rest of the night open to her to enjoy the festival. The small smile that had worked its way onto her face during this thought suddenly vanished. To enjoy the night fully she would need to hang around people, she could only look at the stalls, games and bands for so long on her own. There weren't many people in the town he called 'friend'. It was almost certain that her brother already had something planned with his multitude of friends so she wasn't going to make herself a burden towards him.

She paced her living room, coming up with only three people she considered friends. Gwyn, Ronan and Ram. She smiled to herself as she pulled out her phone, chances were they were all going to be busy, but there was no harm in asking right?

To: Gwyn, Ronan, Ram
Hello, I was just wondering what everyone was up to for the festival tonight? Anyone want to meet up? I have to work from three to seven, but after that I'm free.

Pleased with her attempt at socializing she pocketed the phone and headed back outside with no particular destination in mind. Maybe she'd help set up. It was too nice to waist the day indoors.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amor "Ariel" Amelia Vanadis Character Portrait: Guinevere Fosite Character Portrait: Stephanie Ceres Character Portrait: Antares Pallas
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Falron

Walking over to collect his drink he took a sip, waiting for Gwyn's response. Whatever her answer was, apparently what he'd said had given her something to think about. Antares finished his drink, placing the cup in the nearest waste bucket and turned his attention to the book shelf. Today seemed to be filled with nothing but unexpected events.

He didn't like that thought one bit.

He scanned the books, silently judging whether it was to be the next volume placed at the top of the shelves. He was slowly rescheduling his day when his phone vibrated twice in his pocket. He blinked, My, aren't I popular today?

Rearranging the few volumes he had in his hand he fished it out to view the texts.

From: Stephanie
Cool, glad you can come, I was thinking we could maybe meet at the docks at around oneish, I should be done with work by then. I still have to wait for Brad and Bobby so it’ll probably be just the two of us, but it’s not like it’s a date or anything so yah. See you at the docks:)

Antares cocked his head at the latter half of the text, why would she find the need to clarify that it wasn't a date? He shrugged, she was probably just making sure there wasn't a misunderstanding. That's all. His thumbs flashed across the keyboard as he typed his reply.

To: Stephanie
Alright, no problem. I'll meet you there :)

With that out of the way he turned his attention to the second text. Ariel didn't text him often, but as he opened the message he instantly recognized her form of communicating. He wondered idly as he read it if all her texts ended the same way, no matter who they were intended for.

From: Ariel
Hey Antares, do you mind if I hang out with you at the festival, I don't want to be by myself. If you're not going or if I'd be a bother then, like, I understand.... yeah so... bye love you.

He bit his lip, he'd already told Stephanie he'd be hanging out with her and her brothers tonight... but the more the merrier right? As far as he knew, the two got along well enough, and this was the perfect chance to get to know everyone better. He decided to shoot a quick text to Stephanie before replying to Ariel.

To: Stephanie
Hey, I just got a text from Ariel, she doesn't want to be on her own tonight. Hope you don't mind that I said it was OK if she hung out with us.

To: Ariel
Yeah, that's fine. I'm hanging out with Stephanie and her brothers so you could come join us. Meet at the dock around one?

As he put his phone back into his pocket he had the oddest feeling he'd just placed himself in the middle of something. He shrugged the feeling away as he returned his attention to the books. Everything would be fine. Right?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Ailuros Character Portrait: Bryce Nepthys Character Portrait: Bella Jade Aset Character Portrait: Tutankhamun Nekheny Character Portrait: Guinevere Fosite Character Portrait: Chione Anapa
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0.00 INK


Bryce pushes resurfaces from the water after a while, only to be met by the tone sound that tells him he has a few messages that have yet to be open, let alone read. Knowing that at least one of them is the response from Layla, as she isn't the sort who takes forever responding unless she's asleep or something, he climbs out of the pool and shakes some amount of the water out of his hair, using a method reminiscence of a wet dog to do this. He dries his arms with a thin towel before flipping open his phone -he's had the same one for several years now- and reading the first text that comes up, this one being from Layla, as he had expected. He skims over her response before sending out one of his own, though there is a brief break between these two actions, as he dries off a bit more of his body with the towel before responding.

To: Layla
K. See you in an hour or so, then?

Of course, just as he finishes sending this, he notices the slightly older message from Tut, inquiring after whether he'd like to meet up during the festival. Knowing the guy, it will probably involve messing with people, causing trouble, etc. Much of the havoc Tut causes is done in falcon form, and Bryce isn't really fond of that particular bird of prey- perhaps because of some lingering tension between Set and Horus- the latter of whom is, ironically, Tut's ancestor- Tut being one of Bryce's best friends. It has certainly been joked about by several people, though Bryce never cared much for all of that. He's passively interested in mythology, but hardly has the same obsession as people like Tut and such for the past- he'd much rather focus on the future. Or, better yet, the present As far as Bryce is concerned, that's the place to be.

To: Tut
Was gonna spend some of it with Layla, prob, but we can still meet up. Planning on chaos?

Bryce goes back to drying off, and has just pulled a shirt on when his phone vibrates again, this time with a text from one of the new people in town, though this one seems to have decided to settle in as though she owns the place- to the objection of plenty, though Bryce isn't one of those many. Instead, he grins at her somewhat dramatic message before hanging his now damp towel around his neck. He doesn't really think that her message needs a response, as it was more of a command than a question or offer, based upon the tone of it.

He decides to leave his bike at the community center, guessing that no one will take it, and walk around for a bit.


Gwyn makes a face when Antares admits to having stayed up late to watch an American Talk Show. She's seen one or two, but the experience was far from pleasant- then again, perhaps she just hadn't been watching the right ones, and is making a bit of a generalization towards the shows. She just isn't much of a fan of talk shows in general, for the most part. Or watching TV, for that matter- she's really more of a movie person, if given the choice. When he mentions that there is supposed to be some blues or jazz bands, she tries not to grin ear to ear, the confirmation filling her once more with an excitement that she had been attempting to suppress for fear that Alaura was simply trying to draw her out with promises of good music. Well, Alaura has never been a big liar, from what Gwyn can see. Then again, even the most gifted of liars tend to remain honest around Gwyn, because she can see through even the most well-crafted of deceit.

For a moment, she doesn't process Antares's offer to help out with reorganizing the books, still locked in one of her daydreams about which bands might be playing at the festival tonight, and whether they might be willing to talk music with her. One thing she misses about school would be the band- always people she could rely on to talk about her enthusiastically about one of the things that she is really interested in. When she does register his offer to help, Gwyn thinks for a moment before responding. "Well, you can if you like, because someone's already at the desk, but you don't have to," she tells him, voice sounding slightly distant because she is busy looking for the right position for one of the books in her hands. She slides it into the correct location and then side glances towards the young man to see him looking intently at his phone and biting his lip, as though something's wrong.

"Feeling a bit too popular today?" she asks him in jest, eyebrow raised. From what she can see, the young man has already become quite popular in town. While she finds it nice that people find intelligence attractive, she can't really see him in that light. Of course, he does make for a decent friend, at least.

Just as she had been commenting on him looking at his phone, her own vibrates in her back pocket once more, though she puts a few more books away before checking it. It's a text from Chione, one of the people that she respects in this town, asking about the festival.

To: Chione
I'm going- there's supposed to be an excellent Jazz band playing. We can hang out during it?

Gwyn is rather glad that she might have people to walk around with- while she is perfectly fine on her own, especially with good music to listen to, the girl is a lot more social than the may often seem, due to her study-centric nature. After all, she still goes to the pub occasionally, and such- she just isn't as big into them as several others in the town are, preferring movie marathons at home or reading a good book for the afternoon. She catches sight of a familiar bike riding off through the shelves, and freezes for a moment, watching it ride away until out of sight, before returning to the task at hand.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Layla Ailuros Character Portrait: Amor "Ariel" Amelia Vanadis Character Portrait: Ramses Atum Character Portrait: Leslie Damon Saxon Character Portrait: Bryce Nepthys
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Jynxii

Jade stood quietly behind Alaura as she took control of the situation- like she did every situation."How can we ever repay you?" Alaura asked, and Jade looked to her with a bit of annoyance. It was over just a quick as it had flared, and she was back to staring at the ground. "No, nothing. I don't need to be repaid," Mack replied, adding "I'm glad you're alright Jade." Jade looked up at him and offered a shy, embarrassed smile. Not soon after, she felt a warmth on her hand and turned to notice Quincy, who she offered the same smile to. He leaned in towards Alaura, informing her that he was there to help if she needed. As always. Jade stared at Quincy for a moment as Liam walked up. Quincy was so in love with her sister, so willing and desperate to help or leap at her command. Jade wondered if Alaura even knew about the effect she had on Quincy.

"Okay... Hoping everything is alright. Maybe we should bring Jade back to her home... I know that she probably doesn't want to stay here at least," Liam offered, speaking to her sister as if she weren't there. Jade looked up at him then, but not to glare. She was too numb to be mad at anyone right now, even though she was feeling more and more claustrophobic by the second. Mack began to nod, which drew her attention back to him as he said, "Do you need anything? I can swing by the supermarket and pick up any supplies..." "I don't think there's--" "The doctor said I need prenatal vitamins," Jade cut in, speaking up as she took her hand away from her older sister. "And, I'm pregnant, not crippled. Alaura, don't you have festival decorations to be putting up?" She sighed, aware of the annoyed tone coming out in her voice. She didn't want all these people around-- she just wanted Gwyn. Right now, that's all she wanted- to curl up beside her and die if that'd make a smile lift Gwyn's cheeks.

Jade shook away the thoughts of her ex as she placed a hand on her steadily growing stomach. Just as the doctor had said; her womb was inflating steadily, even as she stood in front of her friends now. She could feel milimeter by milimeter expanding, and her shorts already starting to feel tighter. "Just go back to decorating for the festival, I'm sure they need the help. My house isn't far- I'll walk. I want to walk, Alaura. I need some time to think. Mack, if you could maybe bring the vitamins over later, or give them to me when you see me at the festival- yes, I'm still going, that'd be great." She glanced around once more to everyone standing, staring at her. "Thank you all for being so worried, but I'm healed now, and I'm okay. I was just a little shook up, but Mack totally took care of me so I'm good now, okay? I'll see you all at the festival." With that, and before anyone else could chime in to stop her, she walked out of the clinic and started up the sidewalk to go back to her townhouse, which was as she said fairly close by.

As her door closed behind her, she leaned up against the frame and slowly slid to the floor, sobbing as she held her growing stomach. This was not how she had wanted anyone to find out- at all. It was all just too much: the loss of her girlfriend, not knowing who the father was, everyone finding out that she was pregnant, the idea of facing everyone that night with a beach-ball for a stomach, but above everything else-- almost losing her children. All five of them. Five of them. The idea made her nauseous, and she curled into herself, holding her stomach gently as she wept for everything she had lost.

When she was finally done feeling sorry for herself, she clawed her way back up her door to walk into her bathroom. She slowly stripped down, still sniffling and crying a little as she stared at her naked reflection. Her stomach welled in front of her as her red, puffy, eyes trailed over her form. She had been so beautiful once- now she looked like a cartoon character that had swallowed a beach ball. With a sigh, she showed and dug through her clothes for a larger pair of shorts, and a loose enough top to flow over her new stomach.Image Luckily the butterfly print managed to cover all of her skin, but it was painfully evident that she was pregnant. There would be no hiding it now. Figuring that she should at least tell her father, Jade scooped up her car keys and headed out of the door. She was about to get in, when she changed her mind. She could walk there, too. She lived on the other side of main street as it was, so it would just be a short walk to the bakery. Before she left, she placed a postit note on her door, in case Mack tried to drop the vitamins off at her house.

With a heavy heart, she put her keys, wallet, and cell into her brown shoulder purse. Walking felt significantly different now that she had so much weight toward her front. She found herself having to lean back just slightly, and felt very comfortable with one hand on her stomach. As she walked down the street, she noticed that most of the decorations had been set up, and the road had officially been blocked off. Good thing she hadn't taken her car. As she entered the bakery, her father came around the counter with a very serious look on his face. "It's been a long time, Bella," he said, his accent still as heavy as the day she was born. She couldn't help but smile warmly, tears swelling in her eyes. "I know, Papa." "I see you bring good news," his tone lifted with his smile as he walked over to her and put his arms around her. "I bet Guinevere is very excited," he chuckled. Bella started to cry all over again at the mention of her ex, throwing her arms around her father in a tight embrace.


She spent the next thirty minutes filling him in on everything he had missed over the past year, and apologized for being so secretive and distant. Mr. Aset sat stone silent on the other end of the patio table, ignoring the coffee one of his helpers had brought them. "You mean you don't know who the father is?" His tone was gentle, but firm, and from years of listening to that combination she could also hear the underlining disappointment. "I've tried to remember, Papa... I really have, but I just... I can't remember at all. I'm scared, Papa. I don't know what to do." Mr. Aset nodded slowly, holding the ultrasound picture in his hand fondly. "That's exactly how I felt when I first found out your mother was pregnant with Alaura. I was terrified. But, I found a way, little bird. Just as you will. You said Alaura already knows of this? Yes, well, then you will certainly have a lot of support. I'm sure April will be happy to hear the news as well." Jade smiled in awe of her father's calm demeanor. He was always so cool- so collect. No wonder Alaura always had her head on her shoulders.

"I have to get back to the bakery, little bird. Lots of baking to be done, the festival is starting soon. You just try to have fun, and relax a little. All there is to be done now is prepare." Jade nodded and stood as her father did, accepting a kiss to each of her cheeks. She felt significantly better. With renewed hope for herself, she made her way through main street which was lined with rides, vendors and food stands now- all frantically trying to set up for the festival. She had been signed up to work the kissing booth by Alaura weeks ago, and she felt a small twist in her stomach. No one was going to want to kiss a pregnant girl. She helped herself to a large pretzel, as she stood on the side walk and pulled out her phone to text for emergency back-up. She couldn't tell Alaura that she wouldn't be able to make it- she'd have to find a replacement.

To: Ariel, Asta, Julian, Leslie, Ronan, Bryce, Chione, Ramses, Fin, Daphne, Izzy, Stephanie.
Message: [GROUP MESSAGE] Hey everyone! I know this is super last minute, but I was supposed to work the kissing booth and get it organized, but... something came up. I have the following time slots that need to be filled, and I would love you forever if you could take a shift? 6:00-6:30, 7:00-7:30, 8:00-8:30, 9:00-9:30, and 10:00-10:30. The thirty minutes between each time the booth will hold raffles- the money goes to the school playground! Martha ((NPC)) will be taking care of the raffles, so after your thirty minutes is up you're free (: Let me know, guys! Again, thanks so much!

Jeeze, what a long text. She sighed a little, and continued to text since she had nothing better to do- and because she was a little lonely.

Message: Thanks for checking on me earlier. I'm okay, by the way. (: I hope we can get to hang out tonight.

Message: We need to talk. Please. It's important. - Jbird.

Message: Hey, I don't know if you got my note on the door or not but I'm already downtown for the festival! I went to see my dad at the bakery. He took the news well. Thanks for being so cool earlier, and for taking me to the hospital. I'm glad I have a friend like you.

To: Quincy
Message: Hey... can you do me one more favor? Keep Alaura busy tonight at the festival. I really don't need her breathing down my neck, worried the whole night. I want to have some fun, and she needs to have some fun. I know you're the man for the job. Ps- Thanks again for today, Quincy... meant a lot.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ramses Atum Character Portrait: Bryce Nepthys Character Portrait: Bella Jade Aset Character Portrait: Tutankhamun Nekheny Character Portrait: Guinevere Fosite Character Portrait: Chione Anapa
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Falron

Tut walked aimlessly through the town, eventually ending up in the main street. People were buzzing about, setting up for the festival. He stopped at the end of the street, shoving his hands into his pockets. There wasn't anything to do today, he didn't have to work, but because of the festival everyone was either out helping or meeting up with the people they'd spend enjoying the festival with. Tut wasn't exactly most people's choice for an event like this, but this of course left him out in the cold a bit.

With nothing better to do than stand around looking at the people who set up the festival he decided he might as well pitch in... and perhaps start planning his fun of course. He smirked as he started walking towards the nearest elder, ready to ask where he could help when his phone buzzed in his pocket.

From: Bryce
Was gonna spend some of it with Layla, prob, but we can still meet up. Planning on chaos?

Tut nearly face palmed himself, how could he have forgotten? Bryce had a girlfriend, of course he'd be hanging out with her at the lantern festival. Idiot. He chuckled to himself and began his reply.

To: Bryce
Sorry man, didn't think of that. But yeah, maybe later. And you know it! Give me a buzz when you're free to hang. :)

With that sorted Tut continued to approach the nearest elder, "Uhh... Excuse me? Anywhere I could help out?"

The elder blinked at him, as if not believing her ears before pointing him towards one of the booths that had started being constructed. With a smile he walked over and helped set up. It was better than sitting his his apartment twiddling his thumbs, that's for sure.


Chione had barely left the apartment building when her phone went off in her pocket. She fished it out only to have it buzz two more times before she even had the chance to unlock it to look at the first. She smiled as she spotted the first two names, her smile turning into a look of confusion upon seeing the third. She wasn't often texted by anyone beside her brother or her three friends, but here it was, clear as day, a message from Jade.

Curiosity getting the better of her she opened that one first.

From: Jade
Hey everyone! I know this is super last minute, but I was supposed to work the kissing booth and get it organized, but... something came up. I have the following time slots that need to be filled, and I would love you forever if you could take a shift? 6:00-6:30, 7:00-7:30, 8:00-8:30, 9:00-9:30, and 10:00-10:30. The thirty minutes between each time the booth will hold raffles- the money goes to the school playground! Martha will be taking care of the raffles, so after your thirty minutes is up you're free (: Let me know, guys! Again, thanks so much!

She blinked in surprise, a kissing booth? Under normal circumstances she would have ignored the message and let the other 11 people she'd messaged fill in the slots. After all, who'd want to kiss her? But remembering the accident from earlier in the morning Chione couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor girl. It seemed the accident had been worse than she'd thought, she should have gone over and helped, crowd or not.

With a sigh she replied.

To: Jade
I can take the 7:00-7:30 slot. Are you OK? I saw the accident earlier.

Her stomach churned as she sent it, that was probably the words idea she'd had all day. But she felt like she needed to make up for not helping out earlier. Even the scales as it were. With a sigh she opened the text from Gwyn.

From: Gwyn
I'm going- there's supposed to be an excellent Jazz band playing. We can hang out during it?

She smiled, quickly replying to the text. Of course Gwyn was going to be there if a Jazz band was present. She chuckled as she sent the text.

To: Gwyn
No worries. I just got roped into helping out with the kissing booth. Meet you by the Jazz band round about 7:30?

Her smile widened as she opened Ram's text, trying not to laugh at the image of him falling into the tank of water. If she was lucky, the kissing booth would be nearby and she'd get a look of him falling in. That would be priceless.

From: Ram
I'm at the dunking booth from six thirty to seven thirty. I can meet you after that.

To: Ram
Alright :) I told Jade I'd help out with the kissing booth from 7:00-7:30, so I guess we could meet after that?

With that sorted Chione made her way into the main street, since she was apparently in a helpful mood, might as well aid in the setting up.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Layla Ailuros Character Portrait: Amor "Ariel" Amelia Vanadis Character Portrait: Dehlilah Cyprus Character Portrait: Ramses Atum Character Portrait: Leslie Damon Saxon
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Issa


Saturday, 20th July

The main street of Northbay, still illuminated by the soon to be setting sun, has come alive. Music (a local folk band currently playing on the stage) drifts down the street.

Residents arrive to take a look at what the festival has to offer: food, games, competitions, raffles and trinkets for sale.

Of course, given that the town's residents are the descendent of gods you can bet that there will be other stalls selling magical items and game booths encouraging use of powers.

Mack Nephthys

- Midday -

Mack was shaking his head as a pair of helpers moved a beam of wood into place,
"Watch where you're..." He started to warn the pair before, crash! the beam hit another pile of poles and sent them rolling across the road. Luckily most of the street was blocked off from pedestrians so there was little need for Mack to run screaming after them. Instead he simply pointed after them to the pair that had caused the crash.

A moment later a voice made him turn and he found Dehlilah Cyprus standing behind him.
"Um, hey I didn't want to interrupt but um can you ask the girl, my friend ran into if she's ok?" She sounded nervous, or perhaps she was just breathless from running across the street.
"Jade. Her name is Jade." Mack said. He felt uncharacteristically defensive of Jade. He was a friendly guy, he didn't take too many things to heart and was easily able to brush off most insults. But the crash this morning had almost cost Jade her babies and in his eyes Dehlilah had been more concerned with getting Antonio into the restaurant than caring for the hurt girl. Still, the fact that she was here asking after Jade meant that Mack's voice wasn't cold, it was simply lacking its usual warmth.

"I would have helped, but I didn't know if you'd want us... To put our noses in your business," Mack wondering who 'our' was meant to be, Dehlilah and Antonio? Mack shook his head slightly. He was about to argue that it had only been 'his' business because he had been concerned, but decided to hold his tongue. He liked Dehlilah well enough, from the little he had seen of her around town. Besides a moment later she looked over her shoulder. She said goodbye, placed a hand on his arm and added "Thanks, seriously," before leaving.

After she left Mack turned back to the set-up, shaking his head as he saw that in the few minutes his attention had been elsewhere all chaos had erupted...

- 5:00 pm -

Mack sat back, enjoying the cool beer in his hand as he watched the cordons open and the first residents enter the festival. Mack was at one of the stalls set up outside the bar, fairy lights twinkled above his head and the setting sun was caught and held by the string of mirror-like, plastic crystals that were twined around a nearby lamp post. Soon enough the whole street would be lit by the fairy lights and street lamp, creating a magical setting for the night's festivities.

Mack's hangover of the morning was well and truly gone. In fact, if he found the right people he wouldn't be against making an event out of tonight. He finished his beer and signaled for the bar keep who passed him another. He popped it open, appreciating the tsk of goodness being released.
"To a good night." He said to the bar keep, tilting his bottle in a salute. He returned his gaze to the street, took a sip and leaned back, waiting for the night to begin.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Ailuros Character Portrait: Bryce Nepthys Character Portrait: Bella Jade Aset Character Portrait: Guinevere Fosite Character Portrait: Chione Anapa
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0.00 INK


Bryce may have been late to the restaurant- primarily because he hadn't noticed the text- but he had eventually found his girlfriend of late, and therefore can be with her at the moment to browse everything that the lantern festival has to offer. This includes a turn at the kissing booth, of course, as he had signed up for one of the later sessions there. It had sounded interesting, and is for charity, after all. Given that, he doubts that Layla will mind very much- especially if the kisses don't really mean anything after all, right?

The young man looks up at the vast collection of lanterns, not able to help but think that this had seemed a good deal cooler when he was little, and the lanterns had seemed to sigh up it was like the stars had hung just a bit closer to the earth for the night. Now, they are simply paper containers holding wisps of light, set up as a plan to try and welcome a group who had certainly made an impression when they had arrived only a month or so earlier. That being said, they are still rather pretty, and he has never had much of a problem with festivities such as this- he's always been fond of them, in fact. Especially the game stalls, where he can show off to whoever is with him at the moment. In fact, maybe he will try to win Layla a prize at one of the stalls tonight, should he find a game that looks interesting. Of course, if he doesn't win easily, he's likely to begin obsessing over it until he has blown all of his money and has only a stuffed rabbit to show for it. It isn't a difficult task to use Bryce's pride against him, after all, and his rather manipulable nature is part of the reason that the Serrure siblings are friends with him- it isn't hard to pull out the worst in him, unfortunately.

"So, where should we start? Games? Music? Food?" Bryce asks Layla cheerfully, all three of them being good ideas to him, though he'd prefer the first or the third, in all honesty. Still, it is up to the young woman beside him, as she is the one that he is escorting for the evening. Meanwhile, he's certain that Tut is flying about somewhere just waiting to wreak havoc on the town solemnities, and while he thinks it will probably be amusing, he'd rather not have a run in with Tut's bird form. Falcons are not exactly his favorite species of bird, in fact a source of fear for the typically recklessly brave young man.

"Perhaps go on a ride?" he adds, remembering that they've revamped the festival a bit with a ferris wheel, which does sound rather fun. Of course, anything sounds fun at the moment, for the young man is currently bursting with energy and ready to roll.


Despite the lure of the bands, Gwyn is slightly hesitant to leave the comfort of her room, especially as she knows that the jazz band will not be coming on until later anyway- from what the lineup she has found tells her, a folk band currently dominates the musical stage, and that isn't really her cup of tea, unfortunately. Besides, concerns still plague her as she thinks about the text she had received from Jade a few hours ago, saying that they needed to talk. She had received similar ones from her ex before, but something about this just seemed to carry more weight, even though her stubbornness prevented her from actually responding to the message. Instead, she had just stared at it before shutting off her phone and returning to her work at the library. That was a while ago, though, and by now she has restarted her phone and left the library. The girl now sits in her bedroom, hunched over a textbook but unable to focus to the best of her abilities, unfortunately. She takes notes in the textbook, underlining things here or making a notation on the side there, but is distracted by the music and the lights shining through her window. One night couldn't hurt, she thinks, despite the test on tuesday. The young woman, determined to go before she changes her mind, quickly tugs on a comfortable pair of converse and heads out the door, money and phone in the back pocket of her denim shorts.

She doesn't regret her decision to leave the confines on her home, seeing all of the things to do and the nostalgic lanterns hanging just over head, illuminating the streets in a way far more magical than simple streetlights could ever hope to achieve. Everything is simply lovely, she has to admit, and the scent of soft pretzels in the distance is mouth-watering to the young woman, who hadn't had lunch today. She follows it willingly, soft pretzels being one of her favorite snacks, until she comes to the booth. After purchasing one, she ponders her next move- there are two more hours until she is supposed to meet up with Chione at the Jazz band, two hours of freely wandering about. That leaves her with plenty of options to pursue, and her first thought is to try her hand at some of the games. She doesn't have the advantage of powers that can help her with the games, unfortunately, but they still seem fun.

On an impulse move, something that is rare of the recent Gwyn, the girl pulls out the phone that has been burning holes into her pants, and sends a quick response to one text in particular.

To: Jade

Putting the phone away before she can cancel the message, Gwyn takes a deep breath and then scans the area for something to do until 7:30pm. Her first stop is a game stall, the prizes being the typical stuffed variety, though a dinosaur one has caught her eye. She puts down a bit of money and receives three balls to knock down the stacked tin cans- an incredibly overdone game, of course, but she's not half bad at it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bella Jade Aset Character Portrait: Antonio Diaz Character Portrait: Guinevere Fosite
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Jynxii

Jade slowly looked up at him as a small hiccup bubbled from her throat.
"Of-of course I plan to be in their life. Anything...Everything you need, I'll-I'll provide for them...For you."
She looked at him through narrowed eyes, unsure if she believed him or not. What man, in their right mind, would willingly uproot their life for a one night stand? "I'll buy a house, work three shit paying jobs, and be in debt for the rest of my unnatural life...But I will not let you raise five children on your own." She looked at him a little closer now, feeling her phone vibrate in her side bag. She arched a brow at him slowly, wondering if he really meant what he was saying. Meanwhile, he had gone to pacing, looking this way and that like a lost puppy. "Five? Five...?" His voice was steadily climbing in pitch, and she could see the look of hyperventilation on his face-- it was the same feeling she had in the doctors office just a few hours ago.

"Yes.. Quintuplets." "Oh Gods, give me guidance." She smiled sadly at him. Maybe praying was the appropriate response to a situation like this. She watched him look to the heavens, and something inside her stirred her into a whirl of tears all over again. What had they done? What had they gotten themselves into? Would he really stay? Of course he wouldnt! Why, would would he want to help her, when even her lover wanted nothing to do with her? When she finally managed to look up at him again, he was beckoning her into his arms for support. "I want to help, please Jade, let me help." Jade slowly walked over to him and let her forehead fall onto his chest as she heaved a sob onto his chest, tears streaking down her cheeks and leaving water stains down the front of his top. "What am I going to do, Tony? I can't raise five kids, I don't have anyone-- A-Alaura can't play my mother forever, and I... My father is so tired and Your girlfriend and Gwyn and everyone... What is everyone going to think? I-I feel so alone," she cried, her tears coming harder, her words becoming more choked. "...You don't have to do this alone."

His words were a soft whisper in the dark of the ally, and she sniffled a little as she tried to pull herself together. Her hand rubbed her stomach absentmindedly as she tried to calm herself down. "I... Thank you, Tony," she finally managed, as she pulled herself off his chest to get a better look at his face. Her doe brown hues searched over his features, as if looking at him for the first time. Well, he was handsome.. so at least they would have beautiful children. She wiped at her eyes and forced out a laugh, which ended up turning into a whimper. "Your girlfriend is going to be pissed," she said miserably. "And I don't even know what Gwyn is going to say, if she'll even speak to me.." She slowly pulled out her cellphone to see if Gwyn had even bothered to text her back. To her surprise, she had not one- but two texts. One from Mack, and the other, thank the gods,
from Gwyn.

From: Mack
Message: 'Glad you're alright. No problem.
Vitamins in the letterbox.
See you at festival
- Mack'

From: Gwyn
Message: Where?

Jade sighed heavily, thankful beyond words to hear from Gwyn. "Just a second, Mack texted me... he went to get vitamins for me... Prenatal vitamins... He left them in my letter box," she explained, unsure why she suddenly felt the need to justify herself to Tony. Probably because he is going to be in your life from now on, a voice inside her head whispered gently. She quickly thumbed over the keyboard of her phone to send a quick response back to Gwyn, knowing that Mack was never one for texting in the first place.

Message: By the apple bobbing tank.. give me ten minutes.

As she slid her phone back into her purse she turned to Tony, looking miserable. "That was Gwyn... She's finally agreed to meet with me-- by the apple tank..Um.. I- I'm not really sure what we do from here, Tony. Do, we.. I mean... are we getting married?" The question made her stomach twist, but wasn't that what people did when they unexpectedly got pregnant? Get married? "My dad already knows," she added, twisting the bottom of her shirt in her fingers. "I mean, he knows I'm pregnant... he um.. He doesn't know about you, obviously.. I mean, he knows about you but not that we- that you' know.." She trailed off, feeling uncomfortable and confused. Where was she going with that, anyway?

I guess we should start house hunting tomorrow... Um, I don't know if you know anything about my powers, or Alaura's, but... Well, these babies are going to grow a lot faster than a human baby would... I mean.. Isis was the goddess of children, after all.." She tried to laugh it off, but the sound was cut short by a hiccup that threatened to spill over into tears. Clearing her throat to gather herself together again, she offered him a small, weak smile. "I'm, ah.. I'm going to go meet Gwyn and then Alaura and I have this little tradition... You, um... You're welcome to come... if- if you want.. We, um.. We steal our dad's boat and go to the middle of the water to watch the lanterns... Alaura took me when I was really little, but I still remember how beautiful it was... and I guess, if.. If you're going to be in our lives, then.. You should be apart of the tradition, too."

What was she saying? A part of her wanted to seal her lips closed with glue. Gwyn was supposed to be the one that she went to watch the lanterns with! Not Tony, the model-looking Greek from the bridal shop! She ignored the voice inside her, telling herself that this was for the best. After all- he was the father of the babies inside her, and she knew what it was like growing up without a parent. She could still invite Gwyn, if she would even speak to her after seeing her belly the way it was. Pulling her courage together she cleared her throat to speak again, "Well, I um.. I should go meet Gwyn.." With that, she headed towards the apple bobbing station, where she would wait for Gwyn. She didn't glance back to see if Tony was following, for fear that he was and for fear that he wasn't. A part of her didn't want to face Gwyn alone, but the other part wondered how Gwyn would feel seeing them together, and Jade's stomach the way it was.

When she arrived at the station, she had beat Gwyn there, so she decided to stand beside of it, awkwardly standing with her hands tucked under her swollen stomach for support. She felt like pacing, but decided against it. The weight of her stomach was increasing with every hour and her feet were starting to hurt from all the standing and walking she had been doing. She glanced around the festival, trying to see if she could spot a familiar face. A small wave of nausea washed over her, causing her to sway just slightly. Thankfully, there was a street lamp near by. Seeing a golden opportunity, Jade walked over to it, and leaned herself against it, instantly feeling better. With a sigh, she wiped at her eyes, trying to clear away any smeared makeup as she waited for Gwyn. It was going to be a long night.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Ailuros Character Portrait: Ramses Atum Character Portrait: Bryce Nepthys Character Portrait: Bella Jade Aset Character Portrait: Asta Falr Character Portrait: Guinevere Fosite
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0.00 INK


"Which prize would you like?" asks the man running the milk can stall, someone who is a teacher at the local school- this must be one of the many school-based stands, raising money for funding and such. Gwyn smiles, pleased with her own victory at the classic festival game, and shows no hesitation before pointing at a stuffed dinosaur, a green brontosaurus. The vendor obligingly gets down the plush creature and passes it over to Gwyn, who decides that she will go and drop it off at home before continuing to browse the festival activities and sights. Well, that was the plan, anyway, before her phone vibrates once more in her back pocket. There isn't really much of a question when it comes to who the text is from- she can guess that it is from Jade before checking it. Gwyn shifts her plush toy into her left hand and pulls out her phone with her right, scanning over the text quickly but sending no response- Jade knows that she will be there. After all, it would be uncharacteristic for her to respond and then ignore the answer to the question.

The apple bobbing tank is a bit down the way, Gwyn recalls, having passed by it while it was still setting up earlier in the day. As a child, Gwyn had adored apple bobbing, and had actually been quite good at it, perhaps because she would hang out by the stall for it every festival back in those days. She hasn't tried her hand at it since the last Lantern Festival, though, and is likely to be much more hesitant to give it a try. Still, it isn't like they are going there to actually play the game, of course- she just needs to hear whatever it is that Jade needs to speak about. The young woman remains completely unaware that it won't be a matter of hearing, but of seeing- after all, how would she know that Jade is pregnant, let alone with quintuplets? Especially as the last time they had passed by each other, the darker haired girl hadn't been really showing. Gwyn is certainly in for a surprise.

Not having time to return it to her house, Gwyn takes the stuffed dinosaur with her down the street, realizing that she probably looks silly carrying it like a small child whose parents have just won them a prize. Still, she doesn't care too much about that, and continues on her way without giving it any more thought. The walk is lit with lights and children who are too young to have experienced the old festivals running around gleefully. The music from the folk band plays as a soundtrack to the scenes, while the lanterns serve as spotlights to various acts- each person the star of their own little show. As she nears the Apple Bobbing stall, Gwyn begins to feel slightly nervous, but steels herself all the same- after all, she broke up with Jade for a reason, and there is no need for anxiety. She's more worried about why Jade needs to speak to her, though.

When Gwyn first spots Jade, she thinks it another person who has a similar face, but upon looking more closely cannot deny that it is Jade- leaning against a streetlight with her stomach swelled in a way that can only be seen in pregnant woman. Caught off guard, Gwyn pauses for a moment, about two feet away, surprise written on her face quite clearly. She gathers her wits once more and addresses the young woman, "Jade? What happened?"


Bryce's expression breaks into a grin at Layla's proposal, one that he most certainly can agree to going along with- dunking a few people sounds like the perfect way to start out the night. Hopefully there will be some really irritating people stationed above the water tank, because that will make it all the more fun when he is the cause of them falling straight into the tank of freezing cold water. "Sounds like a fantastic idea," he responds positively. Part of the reason that the two get along so well is likely because of the fact that they both have similar tastes- especially as far as festival activities go, apparently. Of course, this is the first Lantern Festival that Bryce has ever gone with a girlfriend to- he was younger the last time it was held, after all, though he had gone with family or with friends of his childhood- like Asta, Tut, etc. Those were always fantastic times, and the young man is determined that he will have plenty of fun at this festival as well- after all, what would be the point otherwise?

Bzzzz! Bzzzz! Bryce's phone buzzes, prompting the young man to take it out of his pocket and check the most recent message- this one coming from Asta, the aforementioned childhood friend and, if he were to be completely honest, crush. Of course, he's suppressed feelings for her for a while now, choosing their friendship over something else- after all, his relationships tend to end with the girl telling him that they don't have the energy to deal with him anymore, making it sound as though dating him is similar to babysitting. It isn't, but he can be a bit overly jealous and such, to be expected from the descendent of Set.

To: Asta
Naturally! I'm sure we'll bump into each other

The young man slides his phone back into his pocket then, and glances back towards Layla, who is clearly quite excited about the dunking booth- with good reason, of course. Bryce happens to know that the girl has the aim of a military sniper, and pities the bloke sitting on the tank right now, because falling is inevitable if Layla is throwing. He links his arm in hers and grins at the young woman before doing an exaggerated fluttering motion in his hand, the sort that people use to dramatically bow or something like that. "Shall we go then, M'lady?" he says with a silly sort of smile, before leading her off to the dunking booth, only to find that it has not opened up quite yet. He frowns, reading a sign saying that it won't open for another hour or so.

"Damn. Alright, then- second choice?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bella Jade Aset Character Portrait: Antonio Diaz Character Portrait: Guinevere Fosite Character Portrait: Calypso Serrure
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"Girlfriend? I dont have a girl-" A knowing smile graced his lips as he looked down at Jade. "Dehiliah isnt my girlfriend...She's my boss." Tony shook his head at her. Stretchiing his arms over his head he sighed, rolling his shoulders back as his arms dropped back to his sides. The inital shock had passed and he was in a sort of dull denial, though it would catch back up to him in the morning. HIs intentions were clear though, he would help Jade get through this in any possible way, even if it meant doing the opposite of what he wanted. Commitment and resposnibility were never his strong points and he'd have to man up.

"That was Gwyn... She's finally agreed to meet with me-- by the apple tank..Um.. I- I'm not really sure what we do from here, Tony. Do, we.. I mean... are we getting married?" Jade's sudden question made Tony almost choked on the air, coughing to clear his throat. "Married?" The Grecian stammered, rubbing the back of his neck. "My dad already knows," she added, twisting the bottom of her shirt in her fingers. "I mean, he knows I'm pregnant... he um.. He doesn't know about you, obviously.. I mean, he knows about you but not that we- that you' know.." Jade added on. Tony's heart stopped, face paling as he clasped his hands to his face, fearfully looking around. "You're dad is going to kill me!"

Chewing the tip of his thumb he looked around more carfully, pacing back and forth a few steps before turning and then turning again. "I guess we should start house hunting tomorrow... Um, I don't know if you know anything about my powers, or Alaura's, but... Well, these babies are going to grow a lot faster than a human baby would... I mean.. Isis was the goddess of children, after all.." Jade explained to him. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on just a second, Jade. I still gotta tell my old man, that i'll do tomorrow, and i'll also go and speak with your father. Tony paused, rubbing the stubble on his jaw. "Dont worry about looking for a house, I'll take care of that."

His eyes softened as he saw her force a smile at him. "I'm, ah.. I'm going to go meet Gwyn and then Alaura and I have this little tradition... You, um... You're welcome to come... if- if you want.. We, um.. We steal our dad's boat and go to the middle of the water to watch the lanterns... Alaura took me when I was really little, but I still remember how beautiful it was... and I guess, if.. If you're going to be in our lives, then.. You should be apart of the tradition, too." The Eygiptian offered. Tony held up his hands, shaking his head. "I could never impose like that and im sure your sister would kill me...Or worse, castrate me." Tony apologetically passed up that offer.

What about Gwyn though, did he even want to try and explain to her that he had had sex with her girlfriend, got her pregnant, and ended their relationship? That didnt sound very fun, but Jade would need the support. "Well, I um.. I should go meet Gwyn.." Jade started walking away. Tony chewed his lip, conflicted with the choice to follow or walk away. Hanging his head, he slwly followed after her, mentally preparing himself for any wrath Gwyn could unleash on him. Jade found a comfortable spot next to a street lamp and Tony leaned back against a shop window a few feet away, heavy arms crossed over his thick chest.

"Jade? What happened?" It was Gwyn's voice that filled Tony's ear and he flinched slightly. Tony pushed himself away from the wall and came to stand next to Jade, thoough he was careful not to touch her. Let the games begin...


Alyssa had spent her day wandering around town, having parked her car at the apartment complex and walking from there. She didnt mind the solitude, knowing she'd be surrounded by friends later in the day. It didnt take her long to find Calypso in the bar. The norse woman came up behind her silently, putting her hands carefully over Calypso's eyes. "Guess who?" Alyssa sang in a song-song voice. Laughing she removed her hands and gave her friend a quick peck on the cheek before sliding into the bar stool next to her, smiling.

"Not having too much fun without me, are you?" Alyssa pouted playfully, though there was still a smile in her tone. Waving over the bartender she ordered a beer, having the bottle slid across the counter top and into her hand. As a bartender herself she expertly twisted off the bottle top and set it on the counter, bringing the beer to her lips and taking a sip of the cool and bubby alchohol. "Julie not with you?" Alyssa asked, looking around for the other Serrue twin. He always made the night two times as fun and really got her into a wild mood. "Well, thats too bad for him, he'll have to catch up with us later." Alyssa giggled, taking another swig from her beer.

"Whatcha want to do Calypso? Raise some hell, get wasted, or all of the above?" There was a devious tone in her voice as she suggested the plans for this evening. "It wouldn't be fun without the entire team though. If you text Julie, I'll text Tut and Mack, see if they want to get this party started."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bella Jade Aset Character Portrait: Antonio Diaz Character Portrait: Guinevere Fosite
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#, as written by Jynxii
Bella Jade Aset

Jade stared at Gwyn wide-eyed, suddenly at a loss for words. What had happened? Oh, what a wonderful, complex question. As if to silently offer support, Jade felt Tony step up beside her. She took a shaky breath and then slowly released it. "I'm pregnant," Jade said weakly, placing her hands protectively onto her stomach. "Quintuplets," she added. While she was throwing bombs, she figured that she'd go ahead and throw them all together at once. "I need help, Gwyn, I... I need you in my life. You're my best friend. I can't... I can't do this without you, please." The tears swelled in her eyes as she looked over her ex-girlfriend, in awe of how beautiful she looked in the lantern light. How could things have gotten so far out of hand? How could they have turned so far to the worst?

"This is Tony," she added with a wince, stepping to the side to gesture to the tall Grecian. "He's.. the father," she said softly. "Tony, this is Gwyn, my girl-- my ex-girlfriend.." She stood awkwardly between her past and her future. On one side of her, the love of her life-- her moon and stars, her reason for breathing. At least she used to be... Jade's hand rubbed gently over her swollen stomach as she thought about her life, giving the other two a chance to speak. These babies, the lives inside of her stomach that were real and growing-- they would be her new reason for breathing. Five... five babies. Her heart still fluttered at the idea.

She pulled herself back into the conversation and blinked back sudden tears that swelled in her eyes again. "Gwyn, please," she said weakly, taking a small step toward her. "I'm so scared. I have no idea what I'm doing..I'm.. I'm not ready to be a mother. You were always the level headed one-- the one that was put together.. the one that kept me together.." She trailed off, at a loss for words. "I don't know how I can do this without you, Gwyn." She didn't mean to be ignoring Tony, but she couldn't focus on him right now. The baby-daddy. It was like she was on a horrible episode of Dr. Phil, brought together by the lantern festival. She felt her phone vibrate in her bag and made a mental note to check it later.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Ailuros Character Portrait: Bryce Nepthys Character Portrait: Mack Nephthys Character Portrait: Bella Jade Aset Character Portrait: Antonio Diaz Character Portrait: Guinevere Fosite
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Gwyn is briefly distracted from Jade's swelled stomach by an unfamiliar man with blonde hair, likely a Greek, who comes up beside the pregnant woman, hovering in such a way that hints at him restraining himself from touching Jade. The redhaired girl keeps her expression as neutral as she can manage, but it is difficult to hide her surprise and, to some extent, suspicion- besides, she's never been the best at hiding her opinions and thoughts, really, honest in all aspects of the world. She is about to say something, or rather ask something, but Jade cuts in before Gwyn can get in a word, the girl's expression some mix of conviction and uncertainty. With her first words, Gwyn turns her gaze away from Jade's face and back to the swelled stomach that certainly had not been there the last time they had passed by each other. That much is obvious, Gwyn thinks to herself, feeling slightly numb with the surprise. She bites back the comment, though, a struggle for the girl, before looking back at Jade's face, studying it carefully. The next words are more informative, and more startling, than the first- quintuplets. That is a whole lot of children- a lot of little lives.

Still, Jade does not allow Gwyn a word in edgewise, tossing out these bombs like a plane in World War 2- it is certainly a lot to take in, and Jade doesn't seem to be giving out the information in the most merciful way, instead ripping off the bandage. Well, Gwyn can hardly complain- she is often guilty of the same thing, not the sort to dance around a subject or try and soften a blow. Things need to be said as honestly as possible, and it's better to feel it now then have a gradual unleashing of surprises and blows. It isn't in Gwyn's nature, not really, to think of things as unfair- she is the sort who will right the wrong rather than observing the wrongs of it. But now, she can't help but feel that Jade is being unfair to her. Suddenly dropping this weight upon her, and finishing with a knockout punch- tearfully asking not simply for forgiveness, but for Gwyn to help her through this.

And while Gwyn may feel it unfair to herself, she has never been the sort to easily ignore such sincere, and unexpected, plea for help. "This is rather sudden," she begins to say slowly, but she knows that she'll give in- she can't leave someone so vulnerable, especially not Jade. However, Jade's next words distract her once more, reminding her of the strange man who is standing so close to Jade- she had, in a brief lapse, forgotten his presence- or perhaps ignored it in order to focus on what she considers more pressing patterns, such as her ex-girlfriend being very pregnant.

One can't blame the red-haired girl for looking at Tony accusingly when she is given his identity- the father of the children in Jade's stomach. It is a brief look of resentment, because as a child of Forseti she must know better than to place the entirety of blame upon people who are not deserving of the whole weight. After all, how was he to know that Jade had been, at the time, spoken for? If anything, it remains Jade's fault- something that Gwyn may never entirely forgive her for. The young woman pushes up her glasses and crosses her arms, not looking either of them in the eye- instead focusing on Jade's stomach.

But then that pleading voice returns, Jade once more imploring that Gwyn help her. Insisting that Gwyn had been the level-headed one, that Jade isn't ready to be a mother- not yet. Why not have the father help? Gwyn thinks, somewhat bitter despite herself when Jade insists that she can't do it without her. She looks over at the clock- sees that the Jazz band will be starting soon. She might end up missing the first bit of it. All of this is not the sort of thing she wants to be a part of- like those terrible reality shows about people who have done stupid things, gotten themselves wrapped up in drama. That isn't Gwyn- Gwyn is practical, driven, and not the sort to be entangled in such a web. Yet it has happened anyway, despite her best intentions.

All the girl can do is sigh, and look back at Jade's face again. "What am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to help?" she asks, voice far more tired than it ought to be.


Bryce is waiting for Layla's decision still when a familiar voice calls out, followed by the sight of a similarly familiar figure striding towards the couple. It is his brother, of course- Bryce is unsurprised to find Mack out and about with the festival, especially given as the man had helped with the set up for the occasion earlier- and nearly hurt himself doing so, from what Bryce had seen. Mack has always been the social sort, both of the brothers have, so of course he'd be about in a festivity held for the entirety of their small, but strange, town.

"Hey!" Bryce greets his brother in return, raising his hand and gesturing in one of those sweeping waves, like a window wiper with the rhythmic motion before his brother reaches their location. When Mack jokes about Bryce winning Layla a prize, followed by a wink for the girl, Bryce feels, certainly unnecessarily, a bit irritated. He puts his arm over Layla, admittedly a possessive move, and then smiles once more at his brother. As far as he knows, Layla has no interest in his elder brother, but as a brother who has always felt a bit left in his elder brother's shadow, he can't help but feel slightly threatened by Mack's presence- just a little bit.

"I was working on it- we were going to the dunking booth, actually, but it seems to be closed for the moment. And how've you been doing? Win any games yet?" Bryce asks, smiling in a more relaxed manner now, curious about whether Mack has won any for the primary reason of wanting to win more games than his elder brother has- sibling rivalry, if you will.

[Sorry that Bryce's post is so short- waiting for a post for Layla]