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Terrance Falr

"Shit happes I mean...look at your face."

0 · 928 views · located in Northbay, Ireland

a character in “Living Gods”, originally authored by Paintpoint, as played by RolePlayGateway


"Here comes the sun."


Name: Terrance Quinton Falr
Falr. Terrance Falr.
Nickname: Quincy
"It's Quincy okay?
Age: Twenty Seven
"I was born on May 2, 1986"
Sexuality: Heterosexual
"Straight as a pole.
Pantheon: Norse
"Norse rhymes with horse...
Ancestor: Baldr
"He's the light of my existence...Literally.
Occupation: Terrance has a full time job owning/working a music and stereo shop. He sells albums collected from throughout the ages and also builds and makes speakers and sound systems.
"I can make you a killer stereo if you've got the money.

Lots of open space

Talkative people
Black cats

Extreme Claustrophobia (To the point where it is disabling)
Darkness, complete and utter darkness
Losing all of his hair

Landscaping/Yard work
Plays guitar (Though not very well)
Fixes cars


Ancestor: Baldr was the Norse deity that reigns over sunshine, innocence, joy and summer.
He was considered a fair-spoken, gracious and bright god.
Powers: Terrance has a small quirky ability to snap his fingers and produce light and/or electricity. He can send this small jolt of electricity through conductive materials, restart/start electronics, and give off enough power to light up a bulb while holding it in his hand.

Weaknesses: Along with his vulnerability to mistletoe, Terrance has an irrational fear of small spaces (Acute claustrophobia) and a fear of the dark (Nyctophobia).
Strengths: Good natured, level headed, and especially smart with anything that has moving mechanical parts.

Thoughts: "Oh, the Pantheons? Where do I even start? Well, it's like this you see: All of our mommies and daddies hold grudges against one another and that hatred has been passed down to us, I guess. I'd do anything to uphold my father's name and my Nordic heritage, but that doesn't mean I'm not open to learning about yours. However, if you are a descendant of Loki, you'd do best if you stayed the hell away from me."


Charismatic, quick witted, humorous, and fun-loving are a few words used to describe Mister Terrance Quinton Falr. This flirty, kind hearted, man finds joy in the littlest of moments and lives by the motto "If this was my last moment alive, I want it to be the greatest moment of my life." A sort of hopeless romantic, Quincy is always trying to find his other half, despite how pathetic he may sound, he tries to be friendly and opportunistic with everyone he meets.

Despite this joyous and spirited side to him, Quincy has a rather dark side to him as well. The young man has a history of violent mood swings, provoked by drug abuse and excessive drinking, feeling as if the whole world is against him. When in one of his little fits, the man will seal himself in his music store and drown his feelings with drugs and alcohol. He has an independent spirit and needs his space every once and awhile. Terrance likes to think of himself as dark and mysterious, but in all reality he is always very kind and shining like a bright light.

Having a much younger sister, Quincy had to learn early that girls were much more sensitive than all the boys he used to play with as a kid. Despite the difference in age he tried to be a great big brother, always looking out for his little sister. It wasn't until he was graduated from highschool and living on his own did he truly notice how much he had taken his family for granted and occasionally visits them, keeping in touch, and threatening to beat up any knuckle head boy giving his sister problems.

History:Terrance Quinton Falr is the first born of Mister and Misses Falr, being raised as an only child until the age of nine years old. His mother and father blessed him with a baby sister, completely turning his life upside down. He had gone nine whole years without a sibling and the adjustment period had been rough for the young boy. By the time he could actually interact and play with his sister, the boy was already in Junior high, getting ready to move on to high school. Flunking out of school at the age of seventeen, Quincy said his goodbyes to his mother, father, and sister and had gone off on his own. It wasn't like he had gone very far, just a few miles down the road, but he had lost touch with his family. During his early twenties, Quincy had developed a dependency on heroine, and like any other twenty something didn't feel he had a problem. At the age of twenty three, Quincy had an awakening of sorts, finally having really looked down at his life and taking a step back.

The withdrawal had rocked his world and at times it had seemed impossible to put his past behind him. Unable to pay rent, Quincy had been living on the streets, with only the clothes on his back. Any money he did come across went to more drugs, until one fateful day, a woman by the name of Alaura Dawn had been broken down on the side of the road, her car refusing to start. After a moment under the hood, he was able to quickly assess what was wrong with her vehicle and offered to help her fix it. In return, Alaura had allowed him to live with her as he got back on his feet and help him through withdrawals and staying clean. With the support of Alaura was able to pull through and kick his addiction up the ass. The years following he spent building a studio shop so he could do what he loved the most: Making speakers and appliances. Along with a knack for building speakers he had a hand for fixing cars, his current project an old 69' GTO Pontiac "The judge". Living out of his studio, the small shop has an entire loft upstairs and a small garage attached to the side where he can work on his car, personal speakers, and anything else he had found interest in.

Other:"Can I kiss you?"

So begins...

Terrance Falr's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Amor "Ariel" Amelia Vanadis Character Portrait: Liam Anapa Character Portrait: Terrance Falr Character Portrait: Tutankhamun Nekheny Character Portrait: Stephanie Ceres
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#, as written by Falron

Antares smiled as Ariel spoke "I can't wait for her to get here too! We're all going to have so much fun!" He grinned, Ariel was such a bubbly person. It was something refreshing, "The last time I went to a festival I was six. That was so long ago! Gosh! It doesn't feel like that long though!"

Ariel had been the first person in the entire town of Northbay who truly welcomed him. With a bright smile and even brighter words. He was baffled at first, wondering why she was talking to him when there were obviously people in the town that she knew for longer. He had been so happy to see someone that welcomed him to the town that they had basically become instant friends.

They hadn't spent allot of time together, yet he felt confident in saying that the two were good friends. He smirked as Ariel continued to talk, the slight childishness that was part of Ariel's charm seeping through. "I think my favorite part is the games that involve powers! I mean there will probably be no games that would allow me to use my abilities, but it's fun to watch others!"

Antares grinned, "Yeah? Doubt I'd be able to do any of those games anyway... We could watch them together. Might be fun!"

He looked down at his watch and frowned, Steph really was starting to be late. And Steph knew about his slight OCD. Although, slight might have been an understatement. He tapped his watch and looked around expectantly, "If Steph doesn't show up soon should we just head down towards the festival?"


Chione chuckled as Liam spoke, bringing up the last time the lantern festival had been held. "Does that mean you're not going to go all loner this year?"

She shook her head, "No. This year I've got friends to go with." She couldn't help the grin that spread across her face. She had friends to go out to the festival with. She wouldn't be standing by her own, having to wait for another loner just to be able to get on the Ferris Wheel! Because apparently a murder victim from the middle ages didn't count as a partner. She couldn't believe how much things had changed since that last time.

Sure, majority of the people in the town still thought of her as either weird of closed off, but she had friends now. Not many. But she did have some. He was avoiding the question she had posed earlier and she was about to bring it up again when he answered, much to her approval.

"And by not having plans. I mean I don't have plans. I was hanging out with Alaura and Quincy but her sister had to go to the hospital for reasons I still don't know. And since I figured she wouldn't want to be too crowded I decided to leave her be since I knew Quincy wouldn't leave. I guess by the time I was done with that little ordeal it was time for me to get ready for work."

She sighed, of course Alaura would have run at the first sign that her little sister had been harmed. "Jade was in a bicycle crash earlier with one of the Greeks. It didn't look that bad, but apparently it was worse than I thought if she had to go to the hospital." She frowned, she swore it hadn't been that bad, was there something else going on? "But from what I saw it wasn't that bad... I wonder what happened..."


Tut stopped beside the two in the line, noting almost absentmindedly how Terrance took a step closer towards Alaura, as if defending her from something. He didn't let his smile dim, even as Terrance's next words effectively eradicated Alaura's earlier invite. "Fine. And I don't mean to be that guy, but these things are really only meant for two..."

Tut took an almost instant step back, the smile becoming slightly forced as he took in Terrance's smile of apology. If Tut was right, that look of apology was just as faked as his own 100-watt smile. Alaura seemed just as taken aback as Tut was, though she made it obvious with a look of shock. She turned to look at him, "Let's hang out after, Tut!" Though Terrance didn't let it bother him much more as he took hold of Alaura's arm, escorting her to the front of the line were he called back to him, as if on second thought, "We'll catch you later, Tut."

Tut nodded and continued to take a few steps back, holding his hand up in a wave, "No worries. I'll just wait here." The two got onto the cart, holding hands. He cocked his head, it wasn't really anything new, but they usually didn't hold hands for that long. The ride started and Tut reached up the dragon, thankful that the little beast decided his fingers didn't taste that nice after all and instead rubbed its little face against it.

He swallowed and sighed, "Yup... just wait here. Just me and my dragon." Shoving his hands into his pockets he rocked back and forth on his heels. Maybe he should just go, maybe wreck some havoc over by the dunking booth or turn into a falcon and steal someone's prize, making them chase him all across town. He sighed, there was always time for that later. Plus, who knew when he would be able to go a festival like this again.

The grin returned as they got off the ride, he raised his hand in a wave before it dropped to his side, watching Alaura force her way through the crowd... away from him and Terrance in tow. Had he don't something wrong?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Terrance Falr
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Terrance suppressed his surprise as Alaura had willingly accepted his kiss, her lips melding against his heatedly. There was a low animialistic growl at the back of Terrance's throat as he felt the soft tug on his lower lip, fingers curling into her thick, dark hair. There was a sizzling hot tension between them, the air crackling with it. But it was short lived as the ride started to move again, bringing them down. Alaura had pulled away, slowly, the feelig of her soft lips leaving a tingling sensation on his.

Their cart swayed as they came to ground level, Terrance watching in dismay as Alaura quickly stood, as if she were a bat out of hell. "A..." The norse sighed, standing to slowly follow after her. "Alaura, please, look at me." They had walked a ways away from the other people, though still ralitivly close to the Ferris wheel, suddenly Alaura stopped. "Terrance, I--" Terrance felt guilty for putting her on the spot like he had. "I-I'm sorry, that- that was so unlike me, I..." The always confient and relaxed girl was stammering now, obviously upset.

This was it, the rejection, the reason he had never told her how he felt. He had ruined everything in seconds and his world came crashing down around him. "Terrance, you-- I... We're... You're my best friend," Alaura, with her back facing him, slowly turned around eyes finally meeting his. In that exact moment, Terrance realized she wasnt mad at him, upset with herself, or even regretting the kiss. Those baby blue eyes stared up at him, lit up with a new fire, one he had never seen before. "Terrance, I... I love you.."

The world stopped spinning, his heart had skipped a beat, and the sounds of the festival became a null hum to Terrance's ears. He felt as light as a feather, entrapped by her truthful gaze. His throat had become dry, opening his mouth to respond, but finding no words to express his feelings. So instead he closed the distance between them, a hand sliding to her waist as the other cupped the side of her face, his mouth finding and capturing hers in a passionate kiss. "Say it again." He whispered, pressing his forehead against hers, a smile dancing across his lips. He placed another slow kiss to her mouth, pulling her tighter agaisnt his body, if it were even possible.

His heart was beating fast in his chest and he had to give himself a quick mental kick in the ass, reminding him that they were not alone and very much standing out in public. "I love you, Alaura. I've loved you for a long time." Terrance murmured in her ear, kissing the soft flesh of her neck just below the lobe. His lips left a trail along her jaw, moving until he placed a teasing kiss just at the corner of her mouth, smirking as he did so. "Say it again." He repeated, squeezing her hip with the hand at her pant line, fingers slipping under the hem of her shirt to touch the creamy white skin.

This was it, utter blissfulness, feeling as if he were floating on cloud 9. Not a thing in the world could get him down from this high. Her teasing kiss earlier had driven him mad and his eyes were half-lidded, filled with want and desire for the one and only thing that he had ever wanted. She had been there for him through thick and thin, keeping him on his feet, even if he wanted to fall and accept defeat. For the last year he had been trying to make it up to her, showing his appreciation for all she had done for him, Alaura had saved his life. "I knew you would succumb to my good looks and infinite charm eventually." The man teased in a soft voice.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Terrance Falr Character Portrait: Tutankhamun Nekheny
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#, as written by Jynxii

Alaura stood there in shock at herself. Had she really just--? Yes, she had… and oh, how wonderful it had felt! She watched as he opened his mouth to speak, and smiled at him as he decided to pull her into his arms instead. She closed her eyes as she focused on the feel of his hand sliding against her back, smiling to herself. “Say it again,” she heard him whisper, feeling his forehead leaning in against hers. She opened her eyes, only to close them again as Terrance pressed his lips against hers in a slow and passionate kiss. “I love you,” she whispered against his lips, allowing him to pull her front completely against his. She giggled, shyly turning her face away so as to not cause a scene in front of the people walking around them.

[color=darkgreen] . "I love you, Alaura. I've loved you for a long time,"
she heard him whisper against her ear as his gentle lips pressed against her neck. She opened her mouth to tell him that she had never realized, but was silenced as he squeezed her frame against him and whispered, “Say it again,” once more. She giggled, and playfully shoved him away as his hands moved under her shirt, sending goosebumps up her arms. “I love you, Terrance Falr.” She smiled at him, stepping close to him again to kiss his cheek. . "I knew you would succumb to my good looks and infinite charm eventually,” she heard him whisper softly. This caused her to laugh and start to walk off, shaking her head. “You’ll never change, Terrance. Come on, we left our friend , very rudely I might add, by the ferris wheel.”[/color] She would fuss at him later for being so rude to Tut, but for now, she was just concerned with bringing him back into the group.

The poor guy was almost always left out for some reason, and Alaura’s heart just couldn’t take it. When she made it back over to the wheel she was thankful to see him still there. “Tut!” she called, waving over at him. “Tut, I’m sorry! I’m back,” she laughed, offering him a kind, breathless, smile. “Do you want to go try some of the games?” she asked, figuring that Terrance would probably be following her to the end of the Earth and beyond now that everything was confessed and in the open. She smiled as she added, “I think someone’s running the dunking booth now… how’s your throwing arm?” [/color]

[[ I apologize for my writers block and random absence. I'm back now and hopefully can get back to my normal writing length asap! <3 ]]

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Bella Jade Aset Character Portrait: Terrance Falr Character Portrait: Tutankhamun Nekheny
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Terrance smiled as Alaura had turned her ahead away, knowing she was too reserved to show the same affection to him as he had to her. For some reason, he hadn't minded it, in all reality it only reminded him once more that they weren't alone and half the town was walking around. “You’ll never change, Terrance. Come on, we left our friend, very rudely I might add, by the Ferris wheel.” Alaura mentioned. That was right, he had seen Tut while walking after Alaura when they had gotten off the ride. Poor guy, he hadn't meant to be so insensitive, but he had been on a mission and hadn't let anybody stand in his way.

"I'll catch up in a few." Quincy said to Alaura, watching her perk up and seemingly float over to Tut after calling his name. From the distance he could see her quickly apologize and start chattering away like she always did when she was nervous or caught off guard. It was cute, the way she wrinkled her nose when she smiled and laughed at even the smallest of things. Terrance gingerly took the cigarette from behind his ear, placing the butt between his lips as he reached in his jean pocket for the lighter. Cupping his hands around the end to shield the flame from the wind, he lit the smoke, taking a slow drag from it.

The soothing taste of nicotine and menthol instantly calmed his frayed nerves, allowing all his muscles to relax at once. Capturing the cigarette between two fingers he pulled it away from his mouth, blowing smoke out of his nose as he stuffed his free hand into his front pocket, hunching his shoulders slightly as he watched Alaura and Tut. With the sun nearly set, the temperature started to drop rapidly and he could feel the wind kick up, blowing ash off the end of his cigarette and into the street below.

Lifting the smoke back to his lips he took another slow hit off of it, reveling in the second wave of relaxation that coursed through his body. It felt nothing like shooting up, having that instant hot venom blaze a trail up the arm and then explode to the rest of his body. He could recall the first time using the diamorphine drug, drunk off his ass and smoking with an out of Towner in the loft of his music shop. Michael Westfield had introduced him to the powerful opioid, using a spoon, candle, and stolen syringe to prep the drug. He had been hesitant, almost unwilling, but after feeling that first initial rush...

Terrance looked down, knocking off ash with a simple flick of the two fingers holding the cigarette. He brought it to his lips inhaling softly, but instead of pulling it away like before, had left it there using his now free hands to pull out his phone and look to see if he had any messages. He didn't, of course, Alaura and Asta were practically the only people who texted him and since Alaura was with him and Asta probably out having fun, nobody would be texting him tonight. He smiled absentmindedly around his cigarette as he reread Jade's earlier message. After a moment he texted her back.

To Jade:

Holding up okay J Bird?

Terrance slid his phone back into his pocket, respectfully pulling his smoke away from his lips to exhale all that he had inhaled. It had taken the edge off, though it wouldn't last long before he started to crave another smoke...and when that failed to satisfy him...that was when things would get bad. It had been almost a full month since his last injection and almost five years addicted. That first two years had been his worst, sometimes waking up on the floor of his bathroom or in his car parked out in the middle of no where with needles littering the floor. Towards the end of the second year was when he had met Alaura, driving down the road to see her broken down and stranded a few miles outside of town. Pulling over and spending an hour shirtless and under the hood of her bug, wiping oil and grease off his hands, he had gotten the Volkswagen into a stable enough condition to drive back to town.

Making sure she didn't break down again he had followed her back to where she lived and then leaving. Having used all his money for his heroin he had been living out of his car, parking around town. One night, hammered out of his mind and stumbling around like an idiot, Terrance had collapsed, leaning against an alley wall to keep himself sitting upright. Alaura had walked past, carrying groceries when she had spotted him, swooping down to his aid quickly.

After explaining his situation shamefully the next morning after waking up on her couch, Alaura had practically forced him to move in, though on one condition...He had to quit and get better. That first night was a dark one, his body aching and hurt as he sat in Alaura's bathroom tub, sweating madly and shaking uncontrollably. The night after was no better, but as the week progressed and the shakes ceased, Terrance was on his way to recovery. He'd slip up every once and awhile over the next two years, falling back to Alaura to help him through withdrawals, but as time moved on he found himself using less and able to cope with the symptoms of cold turkey by himself.

Taking one last drag, Terrance dropped the cigarette, putting it out with the toe of his boot. With a sigh he reluctantly let out the last exhale of smoke from between his parted lips, running a hand through his dark hair before deciding it would be a good time to go find where Tut and Alaura had run off to. Quincy adjusted the sleeves of his long sleeved shirt, making sure the bruises on the inside of his elbows were well hidden by the fabric as he started walking in the direction he had seen Alaura and Tut heading. He would tolerate the company of the Egyptian man, hell, he considered Tut a friend, but he wanted-no needed-Alaura to himself...Alone.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Liam Anapa Character Portrait: Terrance Falr Character Portrait: Tutankhamun Nekheny Character Portrait: Chione Anapa
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#, as written by Falron

"What! Of course not! I just don't trust him. He has the potential to hurt her in more ways than one. She's too kind to people like him."

Chione blinked at his sudden denial. She had obviously overstepped some line or read something completely wrong. Both of course were highly likely. "What on earth would make you think I was jealous?"

Her arms dropped to her side, biting on the inside of her lip briefly as she thought it over. What had been the reason that she'd jumped to that conclusion? She sighed and shrugged, "Because despite the fact that you don't trust him and want to make sure Alaura isn't hurt by her. And I'm going to assume here that she's aware of this fact." She raised an eyebrow as if to confirm her assumption before continuing, "You're jealous because despite all this, she's spending time with him instead of you right now."

Chione seemed almost pleased with her own answer, the light smile vanishing in a heart beat as she asked, "I overstepped a line again didn't I?"

She sighed, she really had to learn to keep some of these things to herself. She always seemed to be able to find peoples' buttons and didn't realize that she should keep her trap shut for once. Small steps to begin with though. Once she figured out that she'd stepped out of line she could go about making sure it didn't happen again.


Tut stood there patiently, though he was tempted to continue walking around, maybe find something else to do. He was about to do exactly that, handing reaching up to reassure himself that the dragon hadn't abandoned him. When his fingers met smooth scales he let a small smile stretch his lips. He froze -mid step- when he heard Alaura voice call out across the street.

“Tut!" He turned to see her approach him, though, surprisingly given how Terrance was so eager to be alone with her, he wasn't at her heels. “Tut, I’m sorry! I’m back. Do you want to go try some of the games?”

Tut grinned, shoving his hands into his pockets, "Love to try some of the games!"

And that's when Alaura said the best possible thing she could possibly have said to cheer him up, “I think someone’s running the dunking booth now… how’s your throwing arm?”

He'd heard a few days earlier that Ramses Atum would be the person that would be dunked into the water. And there was no chance in hell that Tut would ever miss out on sending him into the water with a well aimed throw. Linking his fingers he stretched his arms out before him, a series of cracks emitting from his knuckles as a giant grin dominated his face.

"My throwing arm? Dead accurate when it's to dump a certain someone into a giant tank of water!"

He wondered idly where Terrance had gone.. knowing him, probably having a smoke. He would be back soon though.