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Terrance Falr

"Shit happes I mean...look at your face."

0 · 927 views · located in Northbay, Ireland

a character in “Living Gods”, originally authored by Paintpoint, as played by RolePlayGateway


"Here comes the sun."


Name: Terrance Quinton Falr
Falr. Terrance Falr.
Nickname: Quincy
"It's Quincy okay?
Age: Twenty Seven
"I was born on May 2, 1986"
Sexuality: Heterosexual
"Straight as a pole.
Pantheon: Norse
"Norse rhymes with horse...
Ancestor: Baldr
"He's the light of my existence...Literally.
Occupation: Terrance has a full time job owning/working a music and stereo shop. He sells albums collected from throughout the ages and also builds and makes speakers and sound systems.
"I can make you a killer stereo if you've got the money.

Lots of open space

Talkative people
Black cats

Extreme Claustrophobia (To the point where it is disabling)
Darkness, complete and utter darkness
Losing all of his hair

Landscaping/Yard work
Plays guitar (Though not very well)
Fixes cars


Ancestor: Baldr was the Norse deity that reigns over sunshine, innocence, joy and summer.
He was considered a fair-spoken, gracious and bright god.
Powers: Terrance has a small quirky ability to snap his fingers and produce light and/or electricity. He can send this small jolt of electricity through conductive materials, restart/start electronics, and give off enough power to light up a bulb while holding it in his hand.

Weaknesses: Along with his vulnerability to mistletoe, Terrance has an irrational fear of small spaces (Acute claustrophobia) and a fear of the dark (Nyctophobia).
Strengths: Good natured, level headed, and especially smart with anything that has moving mechanical parts.

Thoughts: "Oh, the Pantheons? Where do I even start? Well, it's like this you see: All of our mommies and daddies hold grudges against one another and that hatred has been passed down to us, I guess. I'd do anything to uphold my father's name and my Nordic heritage, but that doesn't mean I'm not open to learning about yours. However, if you are a descendant of Loki, you'd do best if you stayed the hell away from me."


Charismatic, quick witted, humorous, and fun-loving are a few words used to describe Mister Terrance Quinton Falr. This flirty, kind hearted, man finds joy in the littlest of moments and lives by the motto "If this was my last moment alive, I want it to be the greatest moment of my life." A sort of hopeless romantic, Quincy is always trying to find his other half, despite how pathetic he may sound, he tries to be friendly and opportunistic with everyone he meets.

Despite this joyous and spirited side to him, Quincy has a rather dark side to him as well. The young man has a history of violent mood swings, provoked by drug abuse and excessive drinking, feeling as if the whole world is against him. When in one of his little fits, the man will seal himself in his music store and drown his feelings with drugs and alcohol. He has an independent spirit and needs his space every once and awhile. Terrance likes to think of himself as dark and mysterious, but in all reality he is always very kind and shining like a bright light.

Having a much younger sister, Quincy had to learn early that girls were much more sensitive than all the boys he used to play with as a kid. Despite the difference in age he tried to be a great big brother, always looking out for his little sister. It wasn't until he was graduated from highschool and living on his own did he truly notice how much he had taken his family for granted and occasionally visits them, keeping in touch, and threatening to beat up any knuckle head boy giving his sister problems.

History:Terrance Quinton Falr is the first born of Mister and Misses Falr, being raised as an only child until the age of nine years old. His mother and father blessed him with a baby sister, completely turning his life upside down. He had gone nine whole years without a sibling and the adjustment period had been rough for the young boy. By the time he could actually interact and play with his sister, the boy was already in Junior high, getting ready to move on to high school. Flunking out of school at the age of seventeen, Quincy said his goodbyes to his mother, father, and sister and had gone off on his own. It wasn't like he had gone very far, just a few miles down the road, but he had lost touch with his family. During his early twenties, Quincy had developed a dependency on heroine, and like any other twenty something didn't feel he had a problem. At the age of twenty three, Quincy had an awakening of sorts, finally having really looked down at his life and taking a step back.

The withdrawal had rocked his world and at times it had seemed impossible to put his past behind him. Unable to pay rent, Quincy had been living on the streets, with only the clothes on his back. Any money he did come across went to more drugs, until one fateful day, a woman by the name of Alaura Dawn had been broken down on the side of the road, her car refusing to start. After a moment under the hood, he was able to quickly assess what was wrong with her vehicle and offered to help her fix it. In return, Alaura had allowed him to live with her as he got back on his feet and help him through withdrawals and staying clean. With the support of Alaura was able to pull through and kick his addiction up the ass. The years following he spent building a studio shop so he could do what he loved the most: Making speakers and appliances. Along with a knack for building speakers he had a hand for fixing cars, his current project an old 69' GTO Pontiac "The judge". Living out of his studio, the small shop has an entire loft upstairs and a small garage attached to the side where he can work on his car, personal speakers, and anything else he had found interest in.

Other:"Can I kiss you?"

So begins...

Terrance Falr's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Bella Jade Aset Character Portrait: Liam Anapa Character Portrait: Terrance Falr Character Portrait: Guinevere Fosite
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#, as written by Jynxii

Wake up, Alaura, wake up, wake up! The party, Alaura! The party~

The gentle whispers awoke Alaura from her sleep as the sun began to rise on the horizon. The flowers by her head buzzed with excitement, feeling the change in the atmosphere. A lazy smile spread her lips as she slowly rolled herself out of bed and set about getting dress and down to the school. By 8:30 she had managed to move most of the decorations out for her aunt and Mack to hang up, but she still had a ways to go. It was then that she called to let her sister know she was still needed, and was not off the hook just because she was going through a breakup. As she hung up the phone with Bella's answering machine, she bit her bottom lip and sent a text to Gwyn.

To: Gwyn
Message: Hey, Gwyn! Hope to see you tonight at the festival! I'm in the middle of setting up now. It's sure to be a blast. I hear they have that local jazz band you like playing live! Don't miss it! (:

Satisfied, she started to put her phone away, only to feel it buzz back to life in her hand. Who could that be?
She pulled the text up and looked it over.

From: Liam
Message: "Alright. I give up. I'm bored to tears here.
Wanna hang out?"

Alaura shook her head and quickly sent a text back to him, explaining that she had a lot of decorating to do, but that he was more than welcome to come to the school and help out if he wanted to."Sorry about that, Terrance. Yes, that pile's going out next. Aren't they just the cutest?" She smiled over at one of her best friends as he lifted a box full of hand-decorated lanterns. When her aunt had told her about the planned festival, Alaura had made it an activity for her third grade class. The lanterns were decorated with dilapidated horses, flowers, cows, people, and houses- but to Alaura, they were all golden works of art. She was so thankful that Terrance was actually reliable, because lugging all the boxes to her soft blue bug by herself would have been a nightmare.

In typical Bella style, just as they were picking up the last few boxes to load into the car, she arrived. "Better late than never, Bella," Alaura sighed with a smile as she handed a box over to her sister. Bella sneered and rolled her eyes, taking the box and shaking her head with a smile. "You know, one of these days all this stress you put on yourself is going to kill you, Alaura. Hi Quincy." "As long as I live long enough to see these lanterns go into the sky," Alaura joked back, bumping her hip into Bella's as she led the way to the car, locking the school behind them. "You riding with us, Bella, or?" "Nah, I'll bike it, Gwyn says--" "That it's good for the body, yeah, I remember," Alaura laughed.

"Guess that leaves just you and me, Terrance," Alaura smiled, getting into the car and leading the way down the road. When she arrived, she quickly found her aunt's pile of decorations and added to them, receiving instructions on where to place the lanterns, until it was time. As she set the last of the boxes down she let out a sigh and smiled to her two helpers. "I think we've earned a good breakfast, don't you?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Bella Jade Aset Character Portrait: Terrance Falr Character Portrait: Antonio Diaz
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Quincy gave Jade a sympathetic look as the girl mounted her bike with a solemn look in her eyes. "Race ya!" Smiling he looked to Alaura, eyebrows furrowing at her as he placed a hand on one of his hips, mocking intolerance. "How many times do I have to ask you not to call me Terrance, you're not my mother, seriously call me Quincy, please." The brown haired man truthfully didn't mind it all that much, it was just odd hearing it out of someone who wasn't from his family. Then again, he thought of the Aset family as a part of his, so being called Terrance wasn't all that weird coming from Alaura.

It was a decently quick car ride and Quincy was back to picking up and moving boxes, Alaura directing him to where she wanted them set down. By the time he had placed his last box down his headache had doubled, rubbing at the back of his neck and squinting his eyes against the still rising sun. Why had he woken up this early again? "I think we've earned a good breakfast, don't you?" Oh, right, that's why. Alaura had promised him breakfast and lunch, which he couldn't pass up. Even without the promise of free meals he still would've helped her out.

"What'd you have in mind?" Quincy asked as his stomach growled, leaning against Jade, arm propped up on her shoulder. She was the perfect height, not too short but not too tall, the best arm rest in town. "Y'know the restaurant will be packed, so will the pub, why don't we hit the grocery store and make our own breakfast? We could make a picnic out of it, a little down time before the festival begins." Quincy suggested, covering his mouth as he yawned. A nap on a grassy hill side sounded fantastic, surrounded by his two favorite ladies, what more could he ask for in life?

Looking to Jade he smiled, lifting his arms in surrender as she pushed him off batting at his arms. Laughing he poked her side, sticking out his tongue. "Armrests are supposed to stay still!" Quincy teased, ruffling her hair with a calloused hand. Despite his playful behavior, he needed to talk to Jade, this whole breakup was really getting to this fun loving girl and he missed her dearly. Maybe this picnic would get her mind off of Gwyn and she could enjoy herself for a few hours at least.

"Hey, Alaura, who text'd you earlier, huh? Wait...Wait...Don't tell me...It was Liam." Quincy smirked rather cockily, winking at her."Ask him if he wants to come with, on the picnic."



Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Huh?!" Tony startled away, jolting upright in bed. Breathing hard he looked around for the intrusive noise, focusing on the nightstand next to his bed. Letting out a slow breath he reached over, slapping a hand down on top of it, the noise ceasing instantly. Rubbing his face, the man blinked the sleep from his eyes, groaning as he looked at the time. After another moment of yawning and stretching he lifted up the sheets, sliding his legs out from under them and placing them on the hardwood floors of his bedroom. Wiggling his toes he stood, walking himself to the bathroom adjoined to the room. After taking a long leak he felt instantly better, bending over the sink to splash cool water on his face and then wash his hands.

Looking at his reflection he ran a damp hand across his stubbly jaw, curling his upper lip, torn between shaving it or not. Screw it, not today, probably tomorrow though for sure. Padding back into the bedroom he came up to his dresser pulling a simple white t-shirt and pair of dark wash blue jeans. He pulled on the shirt easily and slid into the pants, buttoning them up before zipping the fly. Laid so neatly across the top of the dresser were three belts, Tony grabbing the darkest and securing it around his waist so his pants would not slide down his hips. Thrown across the back of a chair was a blue jean jacket, which he also put on knowing that it'd still be a bit chilly outside.

"Oh shit!" He swore aloud, clasping a hand over his mouth at his outburst as he looked down at the clock once more. He was late! Tony couldn't be late! He had to hold down this job, even if it was at a bridal shop. Good looks didn't pay for his apartment, no sir they did not. Snatching his phone off the table and grabbing his wallet on the way out of the small one bedroom condo, he raced down the stairs. Flinging the apartment's front doors open he skidded to a stop, squinting against the direct sunlight.

Then, like a punch to the face, it hit him. Shading his eyes, he found already half the town was starting to decorate for the festival tonight. Dehliah had given him the day off, which he appreciated. What he didn't appreciate was the fact he had given himself a heart attack over nothing. Well, now that he was wide awake why not make something out of it? Tony took a step forward, ready to walk the town, when he realized he had not put shoes on. "Well shit..." After heading back upstairs and putting on a pair of socks and tennis shoes, sunglasses, and a grey hat was ready to start his day.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terrance Falr Character Portrait: Asta Falr Character Portrait: Stephanie Ceres Character Portrait: Bobby Ceres Character Portrait: Daphne Bacchus Character Portrait: Julian Serrure
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Bobby was up early as usual, tucking in his shirt and tie early in the morning. The sun wasn't up yet, but he'd gone to bed at 8:30 the night before and was well rested as usual. Making sure his hair was greased back into place he, grabbed his messenger bag, slung it over his shoulder and ran out of his room.

Most days Bobby wouldn't have gone to work until after school, but today was different. Today was the lantern festival and school was closed. From across the second story hallway he could see bits of light poking out from a closed door. He smiled to himself, of course Brad was up and awake, probably reading that law book he liked so much.

Making some quick toast in the kitchen he went to go start up the car his parents had bought him for his birthday in February. But he soon found it was little use, because Stephanie, his little sister was already drunkenly passed out in the car, she’d probably had another row in the pub the night before from the looks of the nasty bruise on the side of her face. It hurt Bobby to see his little sis in such a sorry state, she was always using that fake id , in fact most nights she was Betsy Caldwell instead of Stephanie Ceres it seemed and Bobby liked Stephanie Ceres much better.

Try as he would he couldn’t get his hungover sister to budge, just mumbled a few scouse like swears at him. So he had to take his vintage bike instead. Not that he really minded, he liked biking much better in fact, and as he sped along into the town of Northbay he felt in good spirits. Today seemed like it might just be a great day. As he came to a stop at the bookstore he worked at, his phone went off:

"Hey what's up? You going to the festival tonight? I'm looking to have some fun tonight, anybody willing to join?"

From: Daphne Bacchus

He slowly, with his figures instead of thumbs, as he never did get the hang of typing, wrote out.

To: Daphne Bacchus

“Going to work, you ought to have seen Steph this morning. Any idea what happened? Anyways I’ll be attending I guess, Steph will murder me if I don’t.”

From: Bobby Ceres

Bobby continued to walk into the bookstore, where he found his co worker Asta already buried in a book. “Well someones up and early.”He said quietly, smiling as he walked past the counter to go to the back to restock the shelves. After a moment he replied, “I could go up and get us some coffee if you’d like, it’d only be a minute and I’d get a discount because of my sister.”

It sure did sound much stupider aloud than in his head and he regretted talking.


Stephanie awoke to the sound of her brother soft voice. “Piss off Bobby” She mumbled with a moan as she turned away from the open car door. She was surprised she made it home in the car last night. Her head and face were throbbing, and a half an hour later when she had enough energy, strength and will to get up, she found a ugly little bruise covering the bottom left side of her face along her her messy dark brown hair messily falling in her face.

“Well hello beautiful.” She smirked to her own reflection, trying to remember how the bruise had gotten there. Puzzled she shrugged, stepped out of the car and shuffled into the house. After finding her way up the stairs to her room, she remembered she had to go to work. Shit work, I’ll bet I have a million miss calls.

Stephanie picked up her cell phone before undressing and was surprised she had only one text message.

"Hey what's up? You going to the festival tonight? I'm looking to have some fun tonight, anybody willing to join?"

From: Daphne Bacchus

She texted back before jumping in the shower.

“Dammit! I’m late for work and still hungover, I’ll be at the festival or whatever though, I’ll meet you there with Bobby and Brad even if I have to drag them both. Later.”

From: Stephanie Ceres

After Stephanie had showered, thrown on some old striped tee shirt and a brown sweater jacket, with some rolled up jeans and some brown saddle oxfords, she decided to text some other random people she had in her contacts from getting out in the new town.

To Laya:

Hey watcha up to? Are you going to the festival tonight, seems like everyone is.

From: Stephanie Ceres

To Julian:

Hey Julie, what up? Working today, cause maybe we could hang some more at the fest later on. If not that’s cool too.

From: Stephanie Ceres

To April:

How’s it going? Are you going to the festival today?

From: Stephanie Ceres

To Terrance:

Hey you going to the festival, maybe we could hang out of something.

From: Stephanie Ceres

Stephanie froze we she got to the next contact on her list, Antares Pallas, the one guy in town she actually fancied. Hands fumbling she wrote out a very shaky text to him, careful to mind her spelling before starting her car and driving to work.

To Antares:

Hello, um ah, would you mind going to the festival with me later today. We could meet up before or something, it doesn't have to be alone you know, I mean Brad and Bobby will be there too and um yeah, it’d be super cool if you could come. But I mean you don’t have to.

From: Stephanie Ceres

As Stephanie walked into the coffee shop she worked in her manager gave her an angry look which she ignored as she made her own espresso and tucked her phone away. As that weird Beatles obsessed old lady who live down the street from her back in Liverpool would say, it was going to be a hard days night.

(I know no Izzy yet but I will edit soon, I only have so much time, this is looking great so far guys!:))

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Ailuros Character Portrait: Bryce Nepthys Character Portrait: Terrance Falr
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THUNK! Layla's black and white sheets are all on the ground, including the disgruntled Layla, she must had fallen during her sleep, or was pushed. "Akil! Did you do that?!" She yelled for the whole house to hear. She scrambled herself upwards and looks at her Persian white cat Akil looking at her lazily, "WELL?!" Her dark brown hair is in a complete mess, hanging down past her shoulders. The cat lifted its paw to the clock which read: 8:50. Layla jumped to command and grabbed her sheets in one sweep, and throwing them onto the bed, unaware of Akil under there. She wore a white, loose top and black pj bottoms to bed last night. She jumped over her bed and shuffled to the window where her velvet curtains shielded the light from outside, she opened the curtains in a flash to reveal light of a pleasant summer morning. The main street was busy with activity, people are already preparing for the Lantern Festival, I might go with Bryce, she thought to her self as she walked over to the walk-in wardrobe. Its walls were made of dark wood planks, but it was hard to tell as the room was filled with racks of clothing. It was well organised though as she arranged her clothing to different themes, from formal clothing, to sport gear, to everyday wear. She grabbed out a black button-up tank top and white leggings with hieroglyphics on them, and grabbed a pink duffle bag and began putting her workout clothes in there; a black loose top and white shorts. Layla strided over quickly to her bed, its bed sheets tucked in and the bed made with the white Akil sitting on it watching Layla, and layed the clothes out on the bed neatly, and threw the duffle bag on there to, before she went to have a shower she scratched under Akil's chin for thanks. And walked off to have a shower.

Layla walked down the stairs with her outfit on, she wore her wavy dark brown hair in a bun that sat neatly upon her head, she had red lipstick on and did mini cat-eyes with black eyeliner. As she walked down the stairs in her black and white converses, she was complimented by her mother, who was baking, Layla sat down on the plush leather stool and grabbed a piece of buttered toast, as she ate it she conversed with her mom. After she was done she clapped her hands together and got up, getting some bottled water from the fridge, grabbing up her duffle bag that was on the floor near the stairs, Akil and the black Abyssinian Alko were sitting there, as if to say goodbye, she scratched their heads and waved to her mother, "See ya laters, I am going to the gym," She was already in an energetic mood, with that she opened the door out onto the main street and and walked out, as people busily made their way to work or places. Before she even made a step her phone vibrated. She looked at it and pressed the main button, unlocking it with the password, 'Bast', Sure it was simple, but it was quick to write in. She opened her messages, it was from Bryce:
To: Layla
Want to meet up before the festival?
From: Bryce

She started typing away on the touch screen,

To: Bryce
Yeah sure, I'm just heading to the gym to get some exercise.

Sent! With that, Layla begins walking to the community gym, taking in the summer sun and heat. Saying the odd hello, here and there to people she knows. She couldn't wait for the Lantern Festival later on, she had gone every time. Either with a boyfriend or parents, sometimes she would even let Akil and Alko out and they would follow her. Maybe she might let them out tonight, maybe not. She wants to spend some time with Bryce for a change.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Bella Jade Aset Character Portrait: Liam Anapa Character Portrait: Terrance Falr
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#, as written by Jynxii

Alaura glanced from Bella to Terrance as he began to speak, "What'd you have in mind?" Terrance asked, leaning against Jade with an arm propped up on her shoulder. "I don't know.. I guess I didn't really have something specific in mind..." "Y'know the restaurant will be packed, so will the pub, why don't we hit the grocery store and make our own breakfast? We could make a picnic out of it, a little down time before the festival begins." Quincy suggested just before a yawn. He must have been out late. Suspicion clawed at her gut as she looked over her close friend. Was he on the drugs again? A sharp elbow to the side from her sister brought her back into focus. "That sounds great, Terrance," Alaura managed to say after a pregnant pause.

"Hey, Alaura, who text'd you earlier, huh? Wait...Wait...Don't tell me...It was Liam." Quincy smirked, knowing that he knew that he was right. His cocky smile was accented with a wink as he added, "Ask him if he wants to come with, on the picnic." Liam! She had completely forgotten! A small gasp, and she reached for her phone to quickly text her other friend, ashamed at having been so caught up with the festival. "I completely forgot... He's probably at the school," she muttered as her thumb pads pounded away quickly at the touch screen.

To: Liam
Message: HEY! I am SO sorry! I got caught up with moving supplies for the festival. Forgive me? Bella, Terrance

She paused, glancing to Terrance as he teased Bella. No. She pressed the delete button on her phone, and started the sentence again.

To: Liam
Message: HEY! I am SO sorry! I got caught up with moving supplies for the festival. Forgive me? Bella and I are going on a picnic for brunch. Want to join us? Meet us in the park in thirty minutes!

She let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding and put her phone away. "I told him he could meet us at the park, so... we better get going, to get everything. Bella, why don't you-" "JADE. Alaura, my name is Jade. Not Bella." "Our mother named you Bella, so that is your name. Not today, please? Let's just have a good day, okay? Now, just... meet Terrance and I at the park, okay? You can't carry bags on your bike anyway." With a huff Jade shrugged and returned to where she had parked her bike, leaving Alaura with Terrance. "That girl, I swear. Bella's a beautiful name! Anyway, we better head towards the grocery store now if we're going to be able to meet Liam later."

It didn't take them long to make it to the grocery store, and it was a quick in-and-out trip. They made it to the park before Bella or Liam, so Alaura set about laying out the blue and white checkered blanket and their sub supplies. "I'm worried about her," she confessed to Terrance as she sat down on the blanket. The sky was clear and beautiful, with a cool breeze. "She stays cooped up in that house, or at the funeral home.. I hardly see her anymore. It's been five months since their break up, Terrance... and she's still distraught. It breaks my heart.."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Bella Jade Aset Character Portrait: Liam Anapa Character Portrait: Terrance Falr
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#, as written by Mashotu
Liam Anapa

Liam, finally getting a text back, was relieved. That is, until he read it.
Message: HEY! I am SO sorry! I got caught up with moving supplies for the festival. Forgive me? Bella and I are going on a picnic for brunch. Want to join us? Meet us in the park in thirty minutes!

"She forgot about me?" Liam said, placing his head into his hand, "Is it sad that I'm not surprised? Yes, but it's even sadder that I'm talking to myself." He had been looking everywhere for that girl and to find out she'd gone an just left was kind of disappointing. Well, at least it had given him something to do in the mean time other than lounge around in his house all day like he might have.
He quickly texed back:
You know... I'm totally not shocked to tell you the truth XD
Alright. I'll be there in like 45 maximum.
But don't leave this time!!!

Within 35 minutes, Liam was finally able to make it to the park. "Now where is that girl?" He wondered before searching. He eventually found her and Terrance sitting down on a simple picnic blanket.

Liam wasn't at all shocked that Terrance was there, and even more so that Alaura had left him out of her text message when asking him to come join their little group. Sure he didn't trust Terrance... But that didn't mean he didn't like him. He just... He's just Quincy. Liam won't ask him to change. But that also won't stop him from protecting the living hell out of Alaura... Well at least as well as he could. Even he can do the impossible.

"I guess I should have known you'd bring Quincy as well." Liam said with laugh. He winked at Alaura before nodding his head at Terrance. "Where's Bella? Or should I say, Jade."
Liam would never understand why she preferred to be called that.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Amor "Ariel" Amelia Vanadis Character Portrait: Dehlilah Cyprus Character Portrait: Bella Jade Aset Character Portrait: Liam Anapa Character Portrait: Terrance Falr
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"Oh come on Ariel, don't be such a baby. Just text him, the worse thing he could do is say no." Alyssa tried to encourage her. Standing in front of the mirror she dropped her hair out of the bun she had put it in earlier, shaking it out effortlessly. "If you want, you can come hang out with Calypso, Julian, and me...We're hitting the pub before the lanterns." She looked at her younger sister's reflection in the mirror then turned around to face her. Walking over to her, she took her hands, smiling. "Step into my office." She said in a sing song voice, taking her to the bathroom and sitting her down on a stool.

Digging around in the counter drawers Alyssa picked out a pink and white eyeshadow, brow mascara, and a soft pink blush. Picking up a brush she twirled it expertly in the pink shadow. "Close your eyes." Using the brush she spread on a thin layer of the pink to her eyelids, humming as she did. Next she used the white on top of the pink, adding definition before adding the brown mascara to darken her long lashes. Grabbing a larger and fluffier brushed she used it to apply the blush to her cheeks, tickling her nose as she finished up. "There you go, squirt. Whatcha think?"

Alyssa gave a compassionate smile to her sister, kissing the top of her head."Who am I kidding? It looks great, Ariel. Text me later if you want to hang out okay. In the meantime, text Antares. I'll see you later babe. Alyssa said good bye to her sister, smiling the entire time as she collected her belongings from last night and heading downstairs. "Bye dad!" Sliding out the front door she dug around her purple handbag for her keys, grabbing them. Coming to the curb at the end of the driveway she unlocked the door of her Gold Pontiac Grand Am. Sliding into the driver's seat of her car she pushed the key into the ignition, pushing the gear stick into drive and taking off down the road.



To Dehiliah:

Yeah sure, that's fine by me. Almost there.

Tony text'd back as he read her response, chewing his lower lip as he put his phone away, coming around the corner. Up ahead he saw Dehiliah and Fin talking idly. Dehiliah turned her head, as if looking for someone, and as he met her gaze he lifted a hand and waved, smiling. What was about to happen next, he never would of expected. Tony had been carelessly walking down the side walk, minding his own business, and before he knew it, eyes going wide as he spotted a girl on a bike, was on the ground. Tony's legs got caught in the bicycle, though the girl who had run into him he been quick to help him get untangled.

She was frantically apologizing, though it only caused his head to pound harder than it had been. Shaking the blurriness out of his eyes, he looked up, staring up at large brown eyes. Familiar brown eyes. Oh Gods, why was he being punished like this? Why?! "No, no. Its okay. I'm okay, really." Tony scrambled back, only giving himself more of a view. His eyes went to her shirt and then back to her face. "Know me? Uh, no, I don't think we've ever been, uh, properly introduced." Gods he was a bad liar.

Tony stood up, hissing as he lifted his hands, looking down at his now raw and scratched palms. Other than that though, he felt fine...Physically. "Are you okay?" He asked as he saw her also red looking palm. The quicker he got out of this situation, the better off he would be, but something was pulling at the back of his mind as he watched her swiftly pull down her shirt so it covered her skin. That perfectly smooth and soft to the touch skin-Get your head out of the clouds Tony! He scolded himself harshly. Wiping the grit off his hands and onto his jeans, Tony was itching to get as far away from Jade as possible. "Listen, I've got friends waiting on me. So if you're okay...Then I'm gonna get going."



Quincy, after carrying the groceries out to the park and waiting for Alaura to set up the blanket, was sprawled out across the blanket. With his arms behind his head and eyes closed he took in a deep breath through his nose, letting it out slowly as he soaked up the sun. Opening one eyes he lifted his head slightly, looking to Alaura as she spoke. "I'm worried about her, she stays cooped up in that house, or at the funeral home.. I hardly see her anymore. It's been five months since their break up, Terrance... and she's still distraught. It breaks my heart..."

Rolling on his side he opened both eyes, looking up at Alaura sympathetically. Groaning with effort he sat himself up, leaning forward and looking down at the grass, picking at it as he listened. "I'm not saying she didn't care about Gwyn, but maybe she's not upset about that. Break ups are rough, yes, but it's almost been half a year... Jade might be stressed out about something else." Quincy suggested with a shrug. "I can tell she still loves Gwyn and I bet its tough for her to see her around town."

Quincy laid back down, taking the cigarette he always kept tucked behind his left ear, placing it in between his lips. Alaura didn't like being around the smoke so he reframed from lighting up around her, but the cigarette had been burning at his ear. His hands itched to pull the lighter out of his pocket and light the end. "Alaura, can I ask you a question?" Quincy started out slowly, voice muttered around the unlit cigarette.

Before Alaura could answer him though, Liam had showed up. He had brought this upon himself, telling Alaura to invite him along and all."Hi Liam, I'm doing fine, thanks for asking." Quincy greeted in a mutter around his cigarette.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Mack Nephthys Character Portrait: Bella Jade Aset Character Portrait: Liam Anapa Character Portrait: Terrance Falr
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Jynxii

"I'm not saying she didn't care about Gwyn, but maybe she's not upset about that. Break ups are rough, yes, but it's almost been half a year... Jade might be stressed out about something else," Terrance was saying as he leaned back onto the blanket. She nodded quietly, knowing that what he said was true. "I can tell she still loves Gwyn and I bet its tough for her to see her around town." Alaura looked to him, her brows knitting together. Just then, her phone went off, and whatever she was about to ask or say slipped from her mind. With a shift of her weight, she looked down at her phone. She had just gotten a text, but it was from several minutes ago. She quickly opened the message, seeing that it was from Liam.

From: Liam
Message:You know... I'm totally not shocked to tell you the truth XD Alright. I'll be there in like 45 maximum. But don't leave this time!!!

A pang of guilt rattled her system. It was incredibly inconsiderate of her to forget about him, regardless of how busy she had been. After all, he was just trying to help her. Alaura watched as Terrance pulled a cigarette out from behind his ear and stuck it between his lips. A thin line settled on her own as she watched him, as she actively tried to not glare at the cancer stick that projected from his mouth. He looked incredibly comfortable, laying back against the grass and despite the cigarette she was proud of him. He had come so far from the lost soul he used to be, when they first met.

"Alaura, can I ask you a question?" The sudden question caught her off guard, but she smiled anyway and was about to answer when she was cut off by Liam. "I guess I should have known you'd bring Quincy as well." Alaura laughed and turned her head to look over at Liam as he walked up to join them. She smiled warmly up at him, to which he responded with a wink and a small head nod towards Terrance. "Where's Bella? Or should I say, Jade." Alaura rolled her eyes, waving the thought away. "No, Bella is her name, and I'm not sure where she's gotten off to. She said she'd meet us here..." Alaura slowly trailed off, the sudden realization that it had been almost an hour since she had seen her sister. "Where is she, anyway?" The question was a soft whisper, maybe even a murmur, and not directed at either of the gentlemen around her. "Hi Liam, I'm doing fine, thanks for asking." Terrance's voice seemed so far away as she listened intently to the ground, trying to carefully decipher the whispers below her.

"Sister. Sister. Bike. Crash. Hurt. Doctor. Bella. Jade. Jade. Crash. Crash. Blood. Sorry. So sorry. Have to go. Restaurant. Doctor. Mont. Let's go. Go. Go."

Alaura nearly vaulted off the picnic blanket. "Bella is with Dr. Mont. I need to go. Now." Heart racing, Alaura nearly fell over herself as she scrambled to put anything out, back into the picnic basket. "Are you coming?" She didn't wait for an answer. She nearly ran to her soft blue bug and actually tossed the basket into her trunk with a bit of force. She hesitated only a moment, to allow anyone who had decided to come to catch up, before she sped off in the direction of the doctor's office. When she arrived, she burst through the doors, demanding to see her sister. A gentle nurse tried to calm her down, but it was no use. Mother Bear mode was in gear, and Alaura shoved past the young assistant, storming her way though the halls until she heard Bella's voice.

A storm of questions and soothing coos escaped her as she jogged to Bella's side, taking her now healed hand into her own. Pregnant? Her little sister? How? When? Why, above all, had she not noticed before? "Is this why you've been avoiding me," Alaura whispered quietly as she tenderly stroked her sister's hair. Meanwhile, Dr. Mont made ready the ultrasound kit, and took his time getting everything set up. "Who's the father? Why isn't he here? If someone so much as--" "Stop. Alaura. Please. No, it's not like that. I... I don't want to talk about it, okay? Just.. just be here for me, okay?" Alaura watched, her heart breaking as her little sister cried silently while she stared up at the ceiling, unable to make eye contact. She didn't know who the father was. The realization made Alaura feel nauseous, and she could only imagine what her little sister was feeling and going through.

"Everything's going to be alright, Little Bird."

Ten minutes later

"So, you just need to keep that under control and I'm sure the rest of the pregnancy should run smoothly. Alaura, given the nature of your abilities, I have full faith that you can take care of her from here. Now, Bella, you will experience some extreme swelling of your stomach. They are going to start growing properly now, and perhaps even at an accelerated rate. And here, this is for you." Dr. Mont said as he handed her a tiny black print off of her ultrasound. "Sex is, not determinable just yet, but... Come back in a few days, if the rate is substantial, and we should be able to tell you. You ladies have a nice day. I believe there's someone in the waiting room that has been very patient."

Alaura looked to her sister and wiped away the tears she had been crying. "Come on, little bird,". With a shaky hand, Jade took Alaura's hand and allowed her to lead them out of the back room and into the waiting room. Alaura could already tell a difference in her sister's stomach; it was already starting to expand, though only millimeter by millimeter at a time. Alaura walked out first, leading Jade who held her stomach affectionately. "She's going to be alright," Alaura announced with a smile to those in the waiting room. "Mack, thank you so much for bringing her here. You saved the babies lives." With a warm smile, Alaura affectionately reached out a hand to grasp Mack's and give it a gentle squeeze if allowed. "Thank you, Mack," Jade managed to say, her voice a quiet mutter. Alaura sighed and leaned over to kiss her sister's forehead. She could imagine what Bella was thinking-- the whole town was about to know. The number one concern on the big sister's mind, however, was the absent partner for her sister. Knowing better than to open that can of worms, Alaura turned to Mack instead. "How can we ever repay you?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Bella Jade Aset Character Portrait: Liam Anapa Character Portrait: Terrance Falr
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mashotu
Liam Anapa

Liam decided not to follow the two in the car knowing that she was in quite a rush and didn't want to slow her down. (He was not the best person to have around when you needed to leave in a rush.) Instead, he briskly walked and followed the car, and once the car was out of sight, he followed the skid marks that his friend had made all the way to the hospital. He thanked his lucky stars that the hospital wasn't that far away, other wise he would have had no guidence there.

He actually had to wander for awhile until he was able to find Quincy outside of a door. It was then that he heard, "If you need anything, anything at all, I'm here." Quincy then leaned in toward Alaura which would have set Liam off if he hadn't known that this was a bad time to get protective over a friend. So Liam just settled for glaring shortly at the other male.

"Okay... Hoping everything is alright. Maybe we should bring Jade back to her home." Liam offered, his face and voice softening, "I know that she probably doesn't want to stay here at least."
He hoped his friends would clue him in later, but right now it was probably better to get Alaura's sister back home or at least somewhere she felt more comfortable. And he knew that Alaura would wish to stay with her as well. Well, unless she was either told to leave or decided decorating for the festival couldn't wait. But he found it highly unlikely that she would leave under any circumstance.

He looked up at Quincy trying to decipher his face. He looked pretty pissed and also worried. He knew it was mostly for Jade, but he couldn't help but feel/think that it was for Alaura as well. Now Liam was really curious, but he couldn't bring himself to ask the simple question that could have the affect of angering many people in some way.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Mack Nephthys Character Portrait: Bella Jade Aset Character Portrait: Liam Anapa Character Portrait: Terrance Falr
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Issa
Mack Nephthys

"I'm fine, yeah, of course. I'm sorry again... Mack! Hey!" Jade was quite clearly not fine. She winced as she tried to protest, forcing a smile onto her face. Mack glanced briefly at Dehlilah. Couldn't she see that Jade had been hurt? She seemed more concerned with getting into the restaurant than the hurt young woman standing with them. Mack pursed his lips together but he didn't say anything, instead turning his focus back to Jade. Layla joined them, her concern for Jade evident. Mack gave her a nod in greeting.

"Actually, I think... I think that might be a good idea, my hand is bleeding," Jade said. Mack nodded, leading her to his car.
"It's gonna be alright Jade." Mack told the girl, noting the tears threatening to leak from her eyes. Mack drove quickly, but carefully, as he wove through the thin streets to the doctors' practice. It wasn't a large building but given the particular skills and powers of the doctors and nurses, it was all the small town needed in most cases.

As they pulled up Mack sped around to the other side of the car, opening the door and trying to help Jade out. She was having trouble walking now and Mack, not entirely sure how to help, did his best to ensure that she made it inside. As they entered Jade was quickly swept up by a worried nurse and taken into the back. Mack bit his lip and ran a hand through his hair, feeling pretty useless now. A white coated Dr. Mont rushed past Mack a moment later, heading into Jade's room.

"Sir, can I get you a seat?" One of the nurses appeared at his elbow, gently guiding him into the waiting are. Mack let himself be seated and accepted the cup of water the nurse offered him with a nod of thanks. He was debating with himself if he should call someone for Jade. Did anyone know about her... condition? Surely one of her sisters would know, or her father? But what if he called her father and he didn't know about her pregnancy? He didn't want to intrude on her life but she was quite obviously hurt and he knew that someone in her family had to be told...

A moment later the question of whether Mack should call someone on not was taken out of his hands. Alaura thundered into the practice, demanding to see Jade. Mack stood up quickly as Alaura rushed down the corridor, heading for the room Jade was in. Behind her came Quincy who stopped short of the doctor's room and waited outside for the pair to come out. Mack gave Quincy a friendly nod.

Ten minutes later Alaura came out with Jade, leading the younger girl by the hand. Mack was relived to see that Jade had been healed back to full health, no doubt thanks to Dr Mont's gift for healing.
'Mack, thank you so much for bringing her here. You saved the babies lives.' Alaura thanked Mack, her hand reaching out to squeeze his.
"There's no need to thank me." He replied, giving Alaura's hand a gentle squeeze in return.
'Thank you, Mack' Jade's voice was quieter than his sister, but Mack simply shook his head. Really he was just glad that she was alright.
"How can we ever repay you?" Alaura asked. Mack shook his head again,
"No, nothing. I don't need to be repaid." He replied, "I'm glad you're alright Jade." He added, directing the last part to Jade.

Quincy, joining the three took Jade's unclaimed hand and offered his support too, leaning in towards Alaura. Liam arrived a moment later and Mack couldn't help but notice the glare he aimed at Quincy.
"Okay... Hoping everything is alright. Maybe we should bring Jade back to her home... I know that she probably doesn't want to stay here at least." Liam offered, speaking to Alaura.
Mack had to nod his agreement, he thought it best to get Jade somewhere comfortable and familiar where she could recuperate. But he didn't want to intrude on anything, still he had his car here so he would offer help if it was needed.
"Do you need anything? I can swing by the supermarket and pick up any supplies..." He trailed off, not really sure how he could help.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Ramses Atum Character Portrait: Leslie Damon Saxon Character Portrait: Mack Nephthys Character Portrait: Bella Jade Aset Character Portrait: Liam Anapa
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Issa
Ramses Atum

"As your best friend it's my duty to know you. If I knew nothing about you then well... I would be a terrible best friend." Leslie replied to Ram as he continued dipping his onion rings. Ram couldn't help but mirror Leslie's grin. Just as Leslie knew a lot about Ramses, Ram knew a lot about Leslie. They hadn't always been as close as they were now, in fact Ram had been better friends with Leslie's younger brother Ronan for most of his life. Then after Leslie's return from his travels the two had hit it off, moving from friends to best friends.

Knowing someone as well as Leslie knew Ram, he knew that his promise to pay Leslie back for the food would be refused. Leslie shook his head,
"You know when I do something for you I want nothing in return, but your happiness." Leslie's reply brought a smile to Ram's face, while his answer to Ram's suggestion about riding the Ferris Wheel brought on a large grin.
"You're talking to a guy that stayed like three days in the Cinderella castle... not the manliest thing I've ever done, but rides are always fun... I haven't been to a festival since I was fourteen, so you have to ride every ride with me and at least pretend you're enjoying it."
If the suggestion had come from anyone else Ram would have refused, but from Leslie all Ramses could do was shrug and shake his head. He could tell that Leslie was determined and perhaps Ram would let himself be dragged along onto all the rides.

A second later Leslie reached into his pocket, drawing out and checking his phone.
"It was Ronan asking if I was helping at the festival, are you?" Leslie asked. Ram nodded, his eyes subtly roving over Leslie's bare chest.
"Father has roped me into helping in one of the booths once the festival has started." He replied, "I'm on for an hour shift at the dunking stall." Ram rolled his eyes. He wasn't too happy with being forced into helping, especially given that the dunking stall meant he would be forced to sit above a tank of water as people aimed at a target. If they hit the target his seat would collapse and he would fall into the tank of water.

Still, it was slightly hard to concentrate on anything much with Leslie half naked beside him.
"I picked a horrible day to wear black." Leslie joked, fanning himself with a napkin. Ram grinned. His powers meant that the hotter and sunnier it was the better he felt.
A moment later Leslie announced that he was going swimming. Leslie stood and began stripping until he had reached the end of the pier.
Ramses, laughing at his friend, followed him down the pier. He stopped at the edge, watching as Leslie resurfaced from beneath the water.
"Come in, the water feels amazing!" Leslie shouted from the water. Ramses shook his head at his friend, a playful smile spread across his face.
"You know, I've just showered" Ram protested. A buzzing in his pocket drew his attention away from his friend and to the text message he'd just received from Chione.

'Hello, I was just wondering what everyone was up to for the festival tonight? Anyone want to meet up? I have to work from three to seven, but after that I'm free.'

Glancing quickly at the screen and then at his friend in the water, Ram hastily sent back a reply,
"I'm at the dunking booth from six thirty to seven thirty. I can meet you after that."

Text sent, Ram placed his phone onto the planks of the dock before pulling his shirt over his head. Next to come off were his shoes and socks, followed by pants. Then, only in his boxers, Ram moved to the edge of the pier. His toes curled around the edge of the plants before, in one graceful arch, he dove into the water. The liquid was cool against his warm skin and he was grinning as he come up for a breath.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Layla Ailuros Character Portrait: Amor "Ariel" Amelia Vanadis Character Portrait: Ramses Atum Character Portrait: Leslie Damon Saxon Character Portrait: Bryce Nepthys
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Jynxii

Jade stood quietly behind Alaura as she took control of the situation- like she did every situation."How can we ever repay you?" Alaura asked, and Jade looked to her with a bit of annoyance. It was over just a quick as it had flared, and she was back to staring at the ground. "No, nothing. I don't need to be repaid," Mack replied, adding "I'm glad you're alright Jade." Jade looked up at him and offered a shy, embarrassed smile. Not soon after, she felt a warmth on her hand and turned to notice Quincy, who she offered the same smile to. He leaned in towards Alaura, informing her that he was there to help if she needed. As always. Jade stared at Quincy for a moment as Liam walked up. Quincy was so in love with her sister, so willing and desperate to help or leap at her command. Jade wondered if Alaura even knew about the effect she had on Quincy.

"Okay... Hoping everything is alright. Maybe we should bring Jade back to her home... I know that she probably doesn't want to stay here at least," Liam offered, speaking to her sister as if she weren't there. Jade looked up at him then, but not to glare. She was too numb to be mad at anyone right now, even though she was feeling more and more claustrophobic by the second. Mack began to nod, which drew her attention back to him as he said, "Do you need anything? I can swing by the supermarket and pick up any supplies..." "I don't think there's--" "The doctor said I need prenatal vitamins," Jade cut in, speaking up as she took her hand away from her older sister. "And, I'm pregnant, not crippled. Alaura, don't you have festival decorations to be putting up?" She sighed, aware of the annoyed tone coming out in her voice. She didn't want all these people around-- she just wanted Gwyn. Right now, that's all she wanted- to curl up beside her and die if that'd make a smile lift Gwyn's cheeks.

Jade shook away the thoughts of her ex as she placed a hand on her steadily growing stomach. Just as the doctor had said; her womb was inflating steadily, even as she stood in front of her friends now. She could feel milimeter by milimeter expanding, and her shorts already starting to feel tighter. "Just go back to decorating for the festival, I'm sure they need the help. My house isn't far- I'll walk. I want to walk, Alaura. I need some time to think. Mack, if you could maybe bring the vitamins over later, or give them to me when you see me at the festival- yes, I'm still going, that'd be great." She glanced around once more to everyone standing, staring at her. "Thank you all for being so worried, but I'm healed now, and I'm okay. I was just a little shook up, but Mack totally took care of me so I'm good now, okay? I'll see you all at the festival." With that, and before anyone else could chime in to stop her, she walked out of the clinic and started up the sidewalk to go back to her townhouse, which was as she said fairly close by.

As her door closed behind her, she leaned up against the frame and slowly slid to the floor, sobbing as she held her growing stomach. This was not how she had wanted anyone to find out- at all. It was all just too much: the loss of her girlfriend, not knowing who the father was, everyone finding out that she was pregnant, the idea of facing everyone that night with a beach-ball for a stomach, but above everything else-- almost losing her children. All five of them. Five of them. The idea made her nauseous, and she curled into herself, holding her stomach gently as she wept for everything she had lost.

When she was finally done feeling sorry for herself, she clawed her way back up her door to walk into her bathroom. She slowly stripped down, still sniffling and crying a little as she stared at her naked reflection. Her stomach welled in front of her as her red, puffy, eyes trailed over her form. She had been so beautiful once- now she looked like a cartoon character that had swallowed a beach ball. With a sigh, she showed and dug through her clothes for a larger pair of shorts, and a loose enough top to flow over her new stomach.Image Luckily the butterfly print managed to cover all of her skin, but it was painfully evident that she was pregnant. There would be no hiding it now. Figuring that she should at least tell her father, Jade scooped up her car keys and headed out of the door. She was about to get in, when she changed her mind. She could walk there, too. She lived on the other side of main street as it was, so it would just be a short walk to the bakery. Before she left, she placed a postit note on her door, in case Mack tried to drop the vitamins off at her house.

With a heavy heart, she put her keys, wallet, and cell into her brown shoulder purse. Walking felt significantly different now that she had so much weight toward her front. She found herself having to lean back just slightly, and felt very comfortable with one hand on her stomach. As she walked down the street, she noticed that most of the decorations had been set up, and the road had officially been blocked off. Good thing she hadn't taken her car. As she entered the bakery, her father came around the counter with a very serious look on his face. "It's been a long time, Bella," he said, his accent still as heavy as the day she was born. She couldn't help but smile warmly, tears swelling in her eyes. "I know, Papa." "I see you bring good news," his tone lifted with his smile as he walked over to her and put his arms around her. "I bet Guinevere is very excited," he chuckled. Bella started to cry all over again at the mention of her ex, throwing her arms around her father in a tight embrace.


She spent the next thirty minutes filling him in on everything he had missed over the past year, and apologized for being so secretive and distant. Mr. Aset sat stone silent on the other end of the patio table, ignoring the coffee one of his helpers had brought them. "You mean you don't know who the father is?" His tone was gentle, but firm, and from years of listening to that combination she could also hear the underlining disappointment. "I've tried to remember, Papa... I really have, but I just... I can't remember at all. I'm scared, Papa. I don't know what to do." Mr. Aset nodded slowly, holding the ultrasound picture in his hand fondly. "That's exactly how I felt when I first found out your mother was pregnant with Alaura. I was terrified. But, I found a way, little bird. Just as you will. You said Alaura already knows of this? Yes, well, then you will certainly have a lot of support. I'm sure April will be happy to hear the news as well." Jade smiled in awe of her father's calm demeanor. He was always so cool- so collect. No wonder Alaura always had her head on her shoulders.

"I have to get back to the bakery, little bird. Lots of baking to be done, the festival is starting soon. You just try to have fun, and relax a little. All there is to be done now is prepare." Jade nodded and stood as her father did, accepting a kiss to each of her cheeks. She felt significantly better. With renewed hope for herself, she made her way through main street which was lined with rides, vendors and food stands now- all frantically trying to set up for the festival. She had been signed up to work the kissing booth by Alaura weeks ago, and she felt a small twist in her stomach. No one was going to want to kiss a pregnant girl. She helped herself to a large pretzel, as she stood on the side walk and pulled out her phone to text for emergency back-up. She couldn't tell Alaura that she wouldn't be able to make it- she'd have to find a replacement.

To: Ariel, Asta, Julian, Leslie, Ronan, Bryce, Chione, Ramses, Fin, Daphne, Izzy, Stephanie.
Message: [GROUP MESSAGE] Hey everyone! I know this is super last minute, but I was supposed to work the kissing booth and get it organized, but... something came up. I have the following time slots that need to be filled, and I would love you forever if you could take a shift? 6:00-6:30, 7:00-7:30, 8:00-8:30, 9:00-9:30, and 10:00-10:30. The thirty minutes between each time the booth will hold raffles- the money goes to the school playground! Martha ((NPC)) will be taking care of the raffles, so after your thirty minutes is up you're free (: Let me know, guys! Again, thanks so much!

Jeeze, what a long text. She sighed a little, and continued to text since she had nothing better to do- and because she was a little lonely.

Message: Thanks for checking on me earlier. I'm okay, by the way. (: I hope we can get to hang out tonight.

Message: We need to talk. Please. It's important. - Jbird.

Message: Hey, I don't know if you got my note on the door or not but I'm already downtown for the festival! I went to see my dad at the bakery. He took the news well. Thanks for being so cool earlier, and for taking me to the hospital. I'm glad I have a friend like you.

To: Quincy
Message: Hey... can you do me one more favor? Keep Alaura busy tonight at the festival. I really don't need her breathing down my neck, worried the whole night. I want to have some fun, and she needs to have some fun. I know you're the man for the job. Ps- Thanks again for today, Quincy... meant a lot.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Mack Nephthys Character Portrait: Bella Jade Aset Character Portrait: Liam Anapa Character Portrait: Terrance Falr Character Portrait: Viona Kari Jarlson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Jynxii

Alaura looked to Mack as he said, "No, nothing. I don't need to be repaid," adding to Jade, "I'm glad you're alright Jade." Alaura smiled and glanced to Jade as Quincy said something to her. "Okay... Hoping everything is alright. Maybe we should bring Jade back to her home... I know that she probably doesn't want to stay here at least," Liam added into the conversation. "Do you need anything? I can swing by the supermarket and pick up any supplies..." The offer from Mack was very nice, but she shook her head, saying "I don't think there's--" "The doctor said I need prenatal vitamins," Jade cut in, speaking up as she took her hand away from Alaura. "And, I'm pregnant, not crippled. Alaura, don't you have festival decorations to be putting up?" The snide tone to her voice caused Alaura to shift, standing beside Mack now to look at her little sister. What had gotten into her? Aside from some guy who didn't have the decency to stay around.

Alaura stood silent for a moment, her jaw locked tight. "Just go back to decorating for the festival, I'm sure they need the help. My house isn't far-" "Oh, come on, Bella, don't be dramatic.." "I'll walk. I want to walk, Alaura. I need some time to think. Mack, if you could maybe bring the vitamins over later, or give them to me when you see me at the festival- yes, I'm still going, that'd be great." Alaura sighed, putting a hand to her temple. "Thank you all for being so worried, but I'm healed now, and I'm okay. I was just a little shook up, but Mack totally took care of me so I'm good now, okay? I'll see you all at the festival."

Alaura unlocked her jaw, throwing her hands into the air as her sister stormed off through the hospital doors. "She's so hard headed.." With an exasperated sigh, Alaura turned back to the men that had been so helpful and worried over her little sister. "Thank you again, Mack. You, too, Liam for.. caring." She turned to look at Terrance and smiled, gently placing a hand onto his shoulder. "I guess we should get back to work?" With her family crisis over, and a lot to think about, Alaura walked briskly back out to her car, waiting for Terrance to join her if he would, and then driving back to her apartment, just above the bakery.

She got out of her car with a sigh as the door shut. Alaura reached out and laid her head onto the roof of her baby blue bug. What had happened? Her baby sister... Pregnant. It wasn't supposed to be Bella first- it was supposed to be her! Had she failed her family in some way? Had she missed her time? Had life really passed her by so quickly? Worse, what was her little sister going to do with five children? As exciting as it was, it was always very sobering. There was money to be made, cribs to buy, doctor visits to plan and pay for. The cost and the seriousness of the recent events weighed heavily on her. She wanted to cry- to fall apart, but she couldn't. Not with Terrance there. She needed to be strong- to be Alaura Aset; responsible and productive.

Pushing her own drama aside, she leaned up from her car and sighed again as if to release all of her negative energy. [color= indigo]"I have a festival to run,"[/color] she stated in her breath, striding up onto the sidewalk and quickly making her way into the fray of volunteers. Time seemed to warp around her; as she completely submerged herself into decorating, setting up, and directing the festival alongside her aunt. Before long, the street was starting to fill with people and music. The booths and vendors were all running smoothly, aside from the kissing booth which she noticed was still empty. Bella- it had been her assignment. Alaura was obviously annoyed, but shook it off. She had other things she needed to be doing.

She must have looked like a chicken with her head cut off- jogging from place to place to meet with this person or that, making sure that everything was running smoothly. In all honesty; in situations of high pressure is where Alaura worked best. Always having something to do- someone to talk to, someone to praise or someone to fuss at. She finished bringing out the last box of lanterns that would be handed out to people when she finally took a breath. "I just want everything to go perfectly," she confessed to Terrance, who by some miracle had managed to keep up with her and do most of the heavy lifting.

"Let's grab some lunch, yeah? Hopefully none of my siblings will have a nuclear melt down while I try to eat this time," she joked, though her stomach growled at her in protest. They hadn't had a chance to eat the picnic they originally packed, and it had gone bad sitting in the back of her car, which she discovered as she opened the trunk and smelled the sour mayonnaise. With a wince, she took out the basket and set it beside her car. "I guess lunch will have to be in the cafe`." With an apologetic smile, she led the way to the cafe` and politely asked Viona for a table for two. "Have you been busy today?" she asked politely as they were led to their table. "Well, I hope you get off in time to get to enjoy the festival. We've really worked hard on it, and besides- you deserve a little fun. How's your family?" Alaura waited for her to respond before saying, "I'll have a caesar salad with grilled chicken and a water, please. With lemon."

After Terrance had ordered and Viona had elegantly walked off, Alaura turned her attention to her friend, eyes narrowing on him just slightly. "How are your classes coming?" He'd know what she meant. She wondered how many months clean he was now, but didn't want to ask for fear of offending him. This was a typical Alaura maneuver- direct attention and worry to someone else in times of stress or worry for herself or her family.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Terrance Falr Character Portrait: Viona Kari Jarlson
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0.00 INK



Quincy watched in silence as Alaura and Jade spoke, pretending to mind his own business and advert his gaze to a picture on the waiting room wall as the two talked, though he hadn't let go of Jade's hand. At one point his gaze had been peeled away from the picture, feeling as if there were two holes being burned into his skin. Turning his head he looked at Liam, giving the slightest shake of his head. Not now, Liam, I cant deal with you right now.

When Jade had decided to leave, he squeezed her hand one last time. "See you later, bird." His voice was soft, understanding in tone. They would have to have a talk alone, when Alaura wasn't around, if Jade wanted to that was. They were close friends and even though Quincy agreed with Alaura most of the time, there were other options Jade could choose, some that the older sister would frown deeply upon.

"I guess we should get back to work?" Alaura had said, though Quincy could sense that she was stressing big time. "Yeah," Was all he said, thinking that putting up decorations and preparing for the festival would keep Alaura's mind off of Jade. It would keep his mind off of it too. Following suit, he walked with Alaura out to the car he had parked for her, getting into the passenger seat without a word. What advice could he give anyways? His life was unstable, walking a thin line between straight and chaotic, it'd be better if he kept his opinion to himself, save sounding like an idiot.

Driving to the bakery he got out of the car when Alaura had, pausing as she lay her head on the top of the bug, sighing wholeheartedly. Quincy opened his mouth to say something, anything that could make her feel better, to comfort her. Before he even had time to make a peep she had already straightened up, collecting herself in the way she always did. "I have a festival to run," and just like that she was striding up the sidewalk, back to work once more.

Clenching is mouth shut and stuffing his hands in his pockets, he followed, keeping his eyes on the sidewalk. For the next few hours he had helped Alaura and her Aunt decorate, he hadn't actually put anything up, but instead had handed them the decorations from below as they stood on ladders or he carried around a box of supplies as they went from window to window down the street. He didn't mind, he never did, and after awhile it seemed as if everything were back to the way it had been. As if the morning's events hadn't happened.

"I just want everything to go perfectly," Alaura turned to him after setting down a box of lanterns. Quincy was unsure if she wanted the festival to go perfectly or things with her sister. Honestly, she could've meant both. "With you around, it always does." His response held the same animosity as her statement, smiling as he ran a hand through his hair and took a step back to look at their handiwork. The decorations had come along nicely and the street seemed brighter and more inviting than ever.

"Let's grab some lunch, yeah? Hopefully none of my siblings will have a nuclear melt down while I try to eat this time," Alaura was trying to liven up the situations, though he knew her well enough to know that she was worried. Walking back to the car, he was hoping that their morning brunch could've been salvaged, but instead was greeted with foul smelling mayo. "I guess lunch will have to be in the cafe`." Alaura stated, once again leading the way down the street and into the café.

Quincy didn't know Viona personally, but she seemed sociable and nice as they walked in, taking them to a table and handing them menus. He had never eaten here before, not because he didn't like the small café, but because he usually made his own food. The only time he ever went out to eat was with Alaura and her sisters. "I'll have the turkey club and a glass of water."

Viona sauntered off to the back, leaving Quincy and Alaura alone. He felt her unwavering stare and instantly got nervous, palms sweating slightly as he shifted in his seat. "How are your classes coming?" Alaura probed. Quincy tensed up slightly, looking away from her and out of the café window. "Don't worry about it," His voice was weak as his hand went absentmindedly to his inner elbow, rubbing the bruised spot under his white long sleeved shirt. This wasn't the time for Alaura to be concerned with his problems, she had her own to deal with right now, adding more would only stress her out. "I can take care of myself y'know, I don't need you to babysit me." he mumbled, looking down at the table.

Quincy shook his head, realizing how cold and distant he had sounded just now, rolling his shoulders as he leaned back into the booth seat, rubbing his face with his hands. "I'm sorry," he started with a sigh, looking across the table at her. "The classes are going great, no slip ups." Quincy confirmed with a small smile, though he was kicking himself mentally for lying to her. She wouldn't find out, there was already too much on her plate already, and now with Jade's pregnancy...Well, Quincy would have to look out for himself. It was bout time, he was a grown man after all, it was time he took control of his life instead of relying on her to keep bouncing him back."I promise, cross my heart and hope to die." His smile widened as he crossed an X over his heart.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Dehlilah Cyprus Character Portrait: Amanda Cyprus Character Portrait: Terrance Falr Character Portrait: Antonio Diaz Character Portrait: Fin Bacchus
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0.00 INK


Viona smiled as she wrote down one Dr. Pepper for Tony, and the rest of the orders from the other three. "They'll be right out," she said and went into the kitchen. She gave to order to the chef, and came back out with the food balanced in her hands. She set the food down at the table, and a glass of Dr. Pepper in front of Tony. "Let me know if you guys need anything else," she said.

A couple hours later, she saw Alaura and Terrence waiting to be seated. At the request of a table for two, she walked them to a booth. "Have you been busy today?" "Not really, I guess it's because a lot of people are helping out with the preparations." She placed down two menus and took out her notepad. "Well, I hope you get off in time to get to enjoy the festival. We've really worked hard on it, and besides- you deserve a little fun. How's your family?" "My shift ends before five, so I'll definitely go to the festival. My family is doing fine, my brothers are annoying as ever, haha." Alaura and her didn't talk much, but when they did, she was a sweetheart. Terrence seemed a little quiet during the whole exchange.

She wrote down Alaura's order of a caesar salad with grilled chicken and a water with lemon, and Terrence's of a turkey club and a glass of water. "They'll be out in a moment." she assured as she sauntered off to the kitchen. Viona came back out with their food and drinks a few minutes later, and set them down in front of them. "Enjoy~" Her phone buzzed in her back pocket and she took it out to check it.
To: Viona

Of course I’ll be there; I’ll be manning the kissing booth apparently. If you’re lucky I’ll give you one for free.

From: Ronan

She smiled and leaned against an empty table as she typed back.

To: Ronan

Haha nice, can't wait. :) See you there.

From: Viona

Sliding the phone back in her pocket, she went back to work.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Layla Ailuros Character Portrait: Amor "Ariel" Amelia Vanadis Character Portrait: Dehlilah Cyprus Character Portrait: Ramses Atum Character Portrait: Leslie Damon Saxon
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Issa


Saturday, 20th July

The main street of Northbay, still illuminated by the soon to be setting sun, has come alive. Music (a local folk band currently playing on the stage) drifts down the street.

Residents arrive to take a look at what the festival has to offer: food, games, competitions, raffles and trinkets for sale.

Of course, given that the town's residents are the descendent of gods you can bet that there will be other stalls selling magical items and game booths encouraging use of powers.

Mack Nephthys

- Midday -

Mack was shaking his head as a pair of helpers moved a beam of wood into place,
"Watch where you're..." He started to warn the pair before, crash! the beam hit another pile of poles and sent them rolling across the road. Luckily most of the street was blocked off from pedestrians so there was little need for Mack to run screaming after them. Instead he simply pointed after them to the pair that had caused the crash.

A moment later a voice made him turn and he found Dehlilah Cyprus standing behind him.
"Um, hey I didn't want to interrupt but um can you ask the girl, my friend ran into if she's ok?" She sounded nervous, or perhaps she was just breathless from running across the street.
"Jade. Her name is Jade." Mack said. He felt uncharacteristically defensive of Jade. He was a friendly guy, he didn't take too many things to heart and was easily able to brush off most insults. But the crash this morning had almost cost Jade her babies and in his eyes Dehlilah had been more concerned with getting Antonio into the restaurant than caring for the hurt girl. Still, the fact that she was here asking after Jade meant that Mack's voice wasn't cold, it was simply lacking its usual warmth.

"I would have helped, but I didn't know if you'd want us... To put our noses in your business," Mack wondering who 'our' was meant to be, Dehlilah and Antonio? Mack shook his head slightly. He was about to argue that it had only been 'his' business because he had been concerned, but decided to hold his tongue. He liked Dehlilah well enough, from the little he had seen of her around town. Besides a moment later she looked over her shoulder. She said goodbye, placed a hand on his arm and added "Thanks, seriously," before leaving.

After she left Mack turned back to the set-up, shaking his head as he saw that in the few minutes his attention had been elsewhere all chaos had erupted...

- 5:00 pm -

Mack sat back, enjoying the cool beer in his hand as he watched the cordons open and the first residents enter the festival. Mack was at one of the stalls set up outside the bar, fairy lights twinkled above his head and the setting sun was caught and held by the string of mirror-like, plastic crystals that were twined around a nearby lamp post. Soon enough the whole street would be lit by the fairy lights and street lamp, creating a magical setting for the night's festivities.

Mack's hangover of the morning was well and truly gone. In fact, if he found the right people he wouldn't be against making an event out of tonight. He finished his beer and signaled for the bar keep who passed him another. He popped it open, appreciating the tsk of goodness being released.
"To a good night." He said to the bar keep, tilting his bottle in a salute. He returned his gaze to the street, took a sip and leaned back, waiting for the night to begin.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Terrance Falr Character Portrait: Tutankhamun Nekheny
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Jynxii

Alaura's eyes narrowed on him as she watched is body tense up, unable to look at her as he muttered darkly, "Don't worry about it." She sat up a little straighter in her seat, eying him carefully as worry began to play over her face. "I can take care of myself y'know, I don't need you to babysit me," he mumbled, looking down at the table. Her eyebrows arched up slightly at his tone, a fist curling under the table. Was he serious? Did he not remember the state she had found him in? Iced out of his mind, drooling, stumbling around half naked? She shook just slightly, but took a breath and settled her nerves. The shaking stopped and she was able to calmly look at him again.

She watched as he covered his hands with his face, trying to rub away the hole she was burning into him. "I'm sorry," he manged with a sigh, looking across the table at her. "The classes are going great, no slip ups." Alaura eyed him suspiciously. "None?" "I promise, cross my heart and hope to die." Then there was that smile of his, that goofy grin that said everything was okay even if the world were falling apart around them. He even made an 'x' over his heart for emphasis. She opened her mouth to object, but then the food arrived and he was saved. She ate her food in silence, listening to Terrance talk if he would, or just enjoying the silence if he didn't.

It wasn't long until the sound of music was heard from outside, causing her to look up as she finished her plate. "Looks like the festival's starting," she said as her eyes searched the large bay windows of the cafe`. Sure enough, the streets were filling up with people and the glow of the lights outside cast a charming romantic glow. She smiled at their handy work. Everyone had done such an amazing job with the decorations. As they finished eating, she payed for the food as it was Terrance's reward for helping her all day, and headed outside. "Wow," she breathed, taking in all the glittering lights around them, and the busy street that once busy with cars was now busy with pedestrians. "Where to even start?" There was a smile on her lips, and for a moment she wasn't thinking about her pregnant sister, or her recovering drug addict best friend; she was just thinking about how wonderful the night was going to be. The sun was still setting in the sky, right on time, when she glanced over to Terrance with a grin. "Let's go ride the ferris wheel,"she announced, starting down the sidewalk towards the end attraction. It had been placed in one of the empty side lots- the only place that had room for such a ride.

She slipped into the long line of people and smiled up at Terrance. "I'm glad to hear that you're doing well, Terrance. No slip ups? That's... well, that's amazing. I'm so proud of you," she said with a smile, reaching up to tenderly place a hand to his cheek. "I'm so proud," she whispered, kissing the cheek that her hand wasn't on. Something about the atmosphere made her feel giddy inside. Her siblings would be alright, at least until she got off the ferris wheel. It was her favorite ride, and she didn't want to risk getting caught up in anyone else's drama before she got a chance to enjoy herself at the festival she worked so hard to put on. It was as she was pulling away from Terrance that she spotted Tut walking around through the crowd. "Tut!" she called, smiling and waving at him. "Hey, want to ride with us?" she called, indicating the ferris wheel which she and Terrance stood in line to get on.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Amor "Ariel" Amelia Vanadis Character Portrait: Liam Anapa Character Portrait: Terrance Falr Character Portrait: Tutankhamun Nekheny Character Portrait: Stephanie Ceres
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Falron

Antares sat at the docks, fiddling with his thumbs as he looked out over the water. He constantly glanced down at his watch, watching as the seconds slowly ticked past. 1:08pm passed and still neither Ariel or Stephanie had showed up. He started to get edgy, his mind racing to make a myriad of new plans depending on when the two girls showed up. He pulled out his phone in case one of them had texted him about being late, his heart sunk. He should have checked it earlier. There, as clear as day, was a text from Ariel that had arrived shortly before one o'clock.

From: Ariel
Ok, great! Sorry for not replying sooner I was busy. See us there. Bye bye love ya.

He sighed with relief as he read the text. His shoulders slumped and a smile worked its way onto his face. He hadn't been forgotten. He got to his feet, she should be here any minute according to the text. His gaze was fixed towards the town, a smile coming over his face as he spotted Ariel, power walking towards him.

"Sorry I'm, ten minutes late!"

She gave him a quick hug, which he returned before taking a small step back. He chuckled, the nervous tension that had been coiling in his stomach for the past ten minutes suddenly being released, as if a tight cord had been snapped. He rubbed the back of his neck before chuckling, "That's fine Ariel!"

He was just glad someone was here. He looked down at his watch once more before saying, "Shouldn'tbe long before Steph shows up."


Tut continued to walk through the milling crowd. He hadn't been to a festival like this since he was about 13, in a way it was nice to be out here enjoying the night. He smiled to himself, a hand reaching up to stroke the head of the small dragon on his shoulder, yelping as the scaled beast decided to nip at his finger, pain flaring along the length of it. He shook his hand and glared down at his little novelty, wiping the finger on his shirt before continuing his stroll.

He stopped in the middle of the street, people walking around him without so much as a second glance. He looked up to the see the ferris wheel towering above the crowd. Laughter came from all around and idle chatter of those stopping by the numerous stalls as they looked about the merchandise.

Tut hummed along with the music that floated through the air as he made a bee-line through the crowd, stopping only as he neared the ferris wheel, a familiar voice calling out his name.


He turned, searching the crowd for the source of the voice. He smiled as he spotted Alaura waving at him from the line waiting to get onto the ferris wheel. Terrance stood beside her.

"Hey, want to ride with us?" She pointed up at the ferris wheel, a smile on her face.

He looked up at the ride, before shrugging. Why not? He had nothing else to do, and Alaura and Terrance were cool. He waved at them and walked through the crowd to stand beside them in the line.

"Hey guys! Sure, I'll tag along." He grinned, "How's your guys' day been so far?"


Chione chuckled as her brother spoke, it was true, next to none was working at the restaurant that night, in fact, even the cook had been looking up at the clock every few minutes as it inched closer to the end of his shift.

"I actually think our dear manager wants to run me to the ground since, before you got here, I was the only one actually trying to work. Plus, I think helps that I don't have any plans."

The sudden burst of mirth ended as inexplicably as it began, she turned to Liam blinking. Liam Anapa, he little brother Liam, the social butterfly of Northbay, didn't have any plans for the lantern festival? She frowned, crossing her arms, "What do you mean you have no plans? Didn't you organize to meet up with any of your friends?" The frown deepened before vanishing at the next words form her brother's mouth.

"I'm going to assume you have some sort of meeting within the next few hours?"

She nodded, a smile spreading across her features, "As a matter-of-fact, I do. I promised Jade to help out at the kissing booth after work and then I'm going to meet up with Gwyn and Ram." She shrugged, Ronan had never replied to her text, so he must have been too busy. She grinned, She couldn't help but get excited. It had been so long since the last festival, she had been 15 and at the time had spent most of it on her own, wandering the streets with nothing better to do.

But this time around she had friends she could go with, it would probably be allot more fun this time around.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Terrance Falr Character Portrait: Viona Kari Jarlson Character Portrait: Tutankhamun Nekheny
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0.00 INK


Sitting with Alaura, Terrance ate silently after his small fit, focusing on the turkey club he had ordered, sipping at the water. A finger drew lines into the condensation on the glass after he had polished off his meal. It wasn't long after that he could feel Alaura starting to shift, anxious to get moving as the soft sound of music started to grow louder. As Alaura looked out the cafe window, Terrance took the moment to pull out his phone reading the text that Jade had sent to him. Even though he knew electronics from the inside out, he had never really picked up on the texting fab and slid his phone back into his pocket.

"Looks like the festival's starting," Terrance looked up at Alaura as she spoke, smiling as he watched her eyes light up. "Well, lets go then." Quincy put his hands on the table as he stood up, pausing a moment to unfold his wallet and throw a few bucks on the table. If Alaura was going to pay he would tip, leaving three dollars for Viona. With a sweep of his arm he gestured for Alaura to lead them out, though he pushed the door open for her on the way out. "Have a good night, Viona." Terrance gave a small wave and smile as they headed out.

"Wow," Quincy turned his head to look at Alaura as she let out a content sigh. His eyes wandered over her body, admiring the lights that gave her skin a warm glow. Throwing an arm over his shoulder he took a moment to look around their work, smiling. "We did pretty good A." Terrance murmured in agreement. He had to admit, the day hadn't been wasted on setting up the decorations, it really did transform the town. Terrance felt like he was in a wonderland, the mad hatter, walking along with his Alice.

Walking along, Quincy found himself smiling to the others wandering around, also enjoying the night as the sun started to set behing the small town buildings. "Where to even start?" Alaura had asked aloud. Shrugging, Quincy just let out a small chuckle as his friend looked around, trying to decide where to visit first. "Let's go ride the Ferris wheel," Alaura suggested, causing Terrance to raise a dark brow in question. "You want to go on a Ferris wheel? You? Miss afraid of heights." There was a teasing tone to his voice.

"Alright, lets g-" He was cut off as Alaura practically dragged him down the street and into the empty lot where the Ferris wheel had been set up. They stood in line, Quincy leaning up against the railing that was supposed to keep the line single filed, though didnt do very well. The Norse man was smiling as he heard the laughter from the persons already riding the Ferris wheel, looking up to see if he recognized anybody.

Terrance went rigid as a gentle hand touched his cheek. "I'm glad to hear that you're doing well, Terrance. No slip ups? That's... well, that's amazing. I'm so proud of you," Alaura had said to him, her voice the softest of whispers to his ears. "Oh, uh, its nothing really-" His eyes went wide as the world blurred away, leaving only him and the woman who had brushed her soft lips against his cheek. The moment didn't last nearly as long as Quincy had expected it to, the world coming back into focus rather quickly. "Tut!" Alaura waved to the Egyptian man.

Gods, he couldnt catch a break. First Liam and now Tut, this day was unexpectedly disappointing. "Hey, want to ride with us?" Quincy's heart dropped like a stone, his head hanging slightly as he stood up a little straighter. As Tut walked closer, Terrance had absentmindedly taken a step toward Alaura, his arm brushing hers. "Hey guys! Sure, I'll tag along." The egyptian man sounded nice and unimposing, though Terrance couldnt help but feel that the other man was a threat to him. "How's your guys' day been so far?"

Terrance shrugged. "Fine. And I dont mean to be that guy, but these things are really only meant for two... That hadn't sound too uncaring, had it? Terrance gave an apologetic smile, shuffling forward in line, moving Alaura along as well. It was their turn now, the Ferris wheel car swaying slightly as the ride came to a stop. "We'll catch you later, Tut." Terrance took a hold of Alaura's hand as she stepped into the car, steadying her as it swayed, following on after, though his hand didn't leave hers.

The car gave a small jerk as the Ferris wheel started moving in a counterclockwise rotation, lifting them higher and higher as the sun slowly sunk lower on the horizon. While Alaura looked out at the town, set aflame in the sunset's glowing light, Terrance studied her. "Beautiful." He murmured simply. There was hardly any space between them anymore as he lifted his free hand to tuck a stray strand of her hair behind her ear. Unlike other times, where he respectfully returned his hand to his own personal space, Terrance let his touch linger on her neck the side of his thumb brushing her cheek.

The hand holding hers, fingers still intertwined, moved to tilt her chin up. His eyes locked with hers, getting lost in their green depths, though he managed to find his way back, gaze flicking down to her full pink lips and then back to her eyes. It was now or never, his moment to express the way he felt. Before he could make another move though, the car swayed again as the Ferris wheel stopped at the very top, coming to a pause. His eyes closed for a brief moment making a mental note: Tip the ride technician on the way down. It was just them up there, away from everything and anyone who could interrupt. His body had gone still, heart pounding in his chest, and then with a sudden finality he leaned the rest of the way forward. His lips found hers, the hand on her neck pulling her towards him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Terrance Falr Character Portrait: Tutankhamun Nekheny
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Jynxii

Alaura smiled as Tut came over to join them in the line. She liked the Egyptian, he was quirky and had enough self esteem for the whole town. "Hey guys! Sure, I'll tag along. How's your guys' day been so far?" "Fine," she heard Terrance say from beside her, as he took a slight step toward her. " And I dont mean to be that guy, but these things are really only meant for two..." Alaura gaped at him, frowning as Terrance rushed her onto the awaiting cart that would lead them up to the top. Her heart was already racing, a mild panic in her stomach. She was terrified of heights, so why did she like this stupid ride to begin with? Her stomach turned over as the cage-like door closed them into the tiny seat together.

As much as she didn't want to admit it, Terrance had been right-- there'd be no room for Tut even if Terrance hadn't been an ass about not letting him come with them. "Let's hang out after, Tut!" she called to him, unable to sooth the clawing pain of guilt in her stomach. Why was Terrance being so... so... Terrance? a voice in her head said quietly, with a shrug. She frowned. Terrance wasn't always like that... was he? "We'll catch you later, Tut." There, that was more like the Terrance she knew. She let out a soft sigh of relief, not noticing that their hands were still together.

Alaura was busy trying not to have a mild panic attack as the cart slowly swayed back and forth... back and forth-- the motion making her instantly regret her decision to go on the ride in the first place. Just when she thought her heart was going to explode- or her stomach, at least, the ride slowly came to a stop. All around her the glittering lights of the festival twinkled and winked at her, bathing the street in a soft golden glow. All of her friends down below looked so happy as they walked around buying trinkets or testing their powers on certain games. Her hear swelled with pride and awe. This was why she loved the ferris wheel-- the view. That one moment, paused for a pregnant beat of pure beauty and bliss. "Beautiful."

"Isn't it?" she asked, as she turned to look at him, a little caught off guard to find him staring at her and not the lights. Instantly a blush bloomed in her cheeks, an uneasy feeling dripping down into her stomach. It was then that she noticed they were holding hands. She glanced down at their laced fingers in wonder, unsure when that had happened. As she looked back up at him, an unruly lock of her dark hair fell into her face. Before she could swipe it out of her way, Terrance gently reached up to tuck the strand behind her ear. It wasn't anything new to her; Terrance was always adjusting her hair for her. He was her best friend, no biggie... right? Only this time was different, his hand hesitated by her cheek, gliding down like melting butter onto her neck. His thumb felt rough against her soft cheek, but there was something strangely gentle about the motion.

A voice inside of her screamed red flag, Alaura! RED FLAG!
But she found that she was rooted to the spot, her blue hues locked onto his as he unwound their fingers to use the hand to tip her face in towards him. By the gods, Alaura, say something! Do something! MOVE DAMNIT! BREATHE, SOMETHING!
But she couldn't. Her mind registered her thoughts, but it seemed unwilling to comply. She remained perfectly still, aside from opening her mouth to say something, only no words would come out- leaving her mouth just slightly parted. The ride stopped moving, but she hardly seemed to notice. She was at the very top- the highest from the ground, her ultimate fear of being so high off the ground, and yet-- she didn't even notice. All there was, was Terrance. The soft golden glow of the town casting warm shadows on his face, reflecting in his irises. He was getting closer, and a gentle, urging, pull on the back of the neck brought her closer to him as well. Mouth still parted in an unspoken protest, their lips met.. and for that moment, time stood still. It seemed like forever, but it was only a matter of seconds before her lips melted in against his, pressing back in eager acceptance.

She had never even stopped to think what kissing Terrance might be like, but whatever she could have imagined- it would not have compared. A dark, secret side of Alaura clawed it's way to the surface as she gently bit his lower lip and pulled gently, before melting into his kiss again. It was all she could to resist crawling into his lap and reaching up his shirt, to feel her hands caress over his bare skin. By some miracle, she managed to stay in her seat- hands to herself.


... and then the ride jolted, starting to move them downward. Alaura pulled away slowly, not wanting to move too quickly because her head was still spinning madly. A thousand mini-Alauras freaking out and throwing files everywhere, screaming that all seven hells would surely break loose now. What had she done? Terrance was her best friend! A recovering drug addict on top of everything else that he was, and who was she to get involved and mess up his process? Relationships were terrible for people trying to recover- they needed to focus on themselves and not relationships. Her mind swam with reasoning and worries and doubts, but all of them were silenced when she looked to him again. He hadn't had any slip ups- he was recovered. He was her best friend, always there for her when she needed him just as she was always there for him. And what was worse- how much she had liked it.. and this new, deep, aching need to do it again.

Her blue hues drifted slowly to his lips, her heart pounding as the ride made it's way to the ground. She forced herself to look away from him, and as the ride came to a stop, she quickly crawled over him and out of the ride. She quickly forced her way through the crowd of people, a small ways away from the ferris wheel where she could stop and catch her breath without standing in the way of pedestrian traffic.

Her heart hammered madly in her chest and she looked up to Terrance as he caught up with her. "Terrance, I--" she felt the words slip right out of her in a sigh, whatever she was going to say- lost to the wind. She looked up at him with a blush rising steadily in her cheeks. "I-I'm sorry, that- that was so unlike me, I..." She waved away the air around her, trying to calm herself as she began to pace a little. "Terrance, you-- I... We're... You're my best friend," she started, but then stopped, her back facing him as she slowly turned to him, a realization dawning on her. The jitters, the worry, being so comfortable around him, missing him, thinking of him all the time.. it all slowly sank into her. She had spent so long crushing on Leslie and secretly pinning over him that she didn't even think to look at what was right in front of her. He'd been there all along. "Terrance, I... I love you.." The looked up at him quietly, having said everything she could think to say. It was the truth, though why she hadn't seen it before, she'd never know.
