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Vari Mink

0 · 674 views · located in Transiport

a character in “Living-Undead Love”, as played by phooka



Face Claim
Iceland from Hetalia

Vari's appearance is very clean and pristine. It is as if he was born to be rich, a fact that his father had often drilled into his head. He has a sort of handsome beauty to him that attracts girls like moths to a flame. His silvery blonde hair is silky and almost always perfect, not one hair out of place, he wouldn't allow it. His eyes a a light violet that have been described as 'mysterious' and 'alluring', but to those who have actually been at the end of his selfishness and cruelty, they'd be described more as 'soul-less' and 'cold'. They almost never shine in the way that most do unless he is feeling especially mischievous or unless he finds himself in from of something that he truly likes, a very rare occurrence. He tries to dress with style. Vari's clothing is almost always ridiculously expensive and usually imported. He likes to wear scarves and jackets, though he can sometimes be found in more laid back clothing like tee shirts with a jacket thrown over top and dark jeans. Vari has a thin gold chain that he always wears around his neck that was once his mothers, though if you ask him about it, he refuses to say anything.

When you have all the money that you could need, why would you work?
Of course, Vari is next in line for the family business, so he does work and meet with people alongside his father.
He refuses to get any other menial jobs, though, like most people his age.


Vari can be your worst enemy, but he can also be your best friend. Being rich has definitely affected his personality as it would for anybody. To most people, he's your stereotypical rich boy. He can be snobby, uptight, and generally very rude. People usually don't like him, they see him as a selfish boy who's had everything handed to him on a gold plate and he has, but there is a lot more to him than that. True, Vari isn't good with people unless he's dealing with business of course. He has a serious god complex, believing that everyone's lower than him, no exceptions. He's had it drilled into his head since he was young that he deserves only the best and that no matter what he will always get what he wants. Period.
However, Vari does have a good side, though it may be very hidden.
He is human. He really does care about other people, though it usually takes a worst case scenario for it to come out. He is loyal, he knows how to keep secrets and while he may not seem like the best person to be around, he's actually one of the few people that someone could truly trust no matter what.
If he was to find someone that he truly cares about, at first he would probably shyly show his affection, his pride is too big for him to let anyone know that he has a weakness for another person. However, if him and that person were alone, he'd become a totally different person. Vari really is a hopeless romantic deep inside (he reads plenty of books to make up for his lack of true friends).
He's never been good at making friends because of his horrid outer personality. And, because of all of the people that have pretended to be his friend for the money, he's actually been left very broken and lonely, he's just not willing to show it to anybody. He deeply wishes to have friends, he just doesn't know how to drop his rich boy attitude and try.




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So begins...

Vari Mink's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vari Mink Character Portrait: Claire Wilkson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by phooka
Vari Mink

Vari pressed his lips together until they went white as he checked his expensive golden Patek Phillippe watch for the fifth time. He huffed under his breath and tapped his Italian shoes on the cafe's checkered floor. He had an appointment to get to, he couldn't be late! But he couldn't be hungry, either! Ulyshika, one of the head cooks in his father's kitchen, took the day off to be with her daughter who was giving birth. Vari had confronted his father about lunch, but his father had waved him off saying, "Go out, get lunch with your friends, I'm busy getting ready for this meeting." Vari had puffed air furiously out of his nose like an angry bull and stomped off. Eat? Out there? There aren't any fancy restaurants on the streets of Transiport, nothing that would satisfy the rich boy's expensive tastes.

Incredibly stubborn, he had driven through the town multiple times before he finally settled on the retro diner, begrudgingly pulling into the filthy parking lot and stepping out of his car. He had gotten the car, a 2014 Tesla Model X, shortly after his 19th birthday. His step mother told him that it was 'about time he got rid of his old car'. Vari had been reluctant to accept it, he had always loved his old car, it was an antique, worth a lot of money. But more than that, it was his mother's. He didn't have to accept it, though, his step mother, Janise, forced him to. He went out to drive to his evening classes at the university and found that his mother's old car was gone. He asked her where it was, but she only shrugged and blew a puff of smoke from her cigarette into the clean air of the living room. Vari had shrunk back, disgusted, she had gotten rid of it!

He ran his hand along the sleek black paint, his last touch of luxury until walking into the 'normal-ness' of the cafe. The car wasn't his favorite, though he did like the way the back doors opened, possibly the only reason he didn't sell it and buy a better one. Finally, he released his frustration in the form of a long sigh, locked the doors, and began inside.

Normally, he liked to be noticed. Vari craved attention. But when he had stepped into the cafe in his stuffy suit, already dressed to be his father's trophy son at the meeting that afternoon, and leather shoes, he almost resented the attention he was getting. While he always liked dressing nice and being clean, he was never a big fan of the stiff, starched suits and loud dress shoes, especially not in public where girls were watching.

He had sat down and waited, which takes him to the present. The dramatic teen would probably tell anyone who may have asked that he was waiting there for hours waiting for someone to take his order. In reality, it had been approximately 10 minutes. His impatient foot tapping was begging to attract stares and annoyed grunts from other customers, but he paid them no mind. They were bottom-feeders, poor scum, whatever you want to call them, they were beneath him. Their problems were insignificant to him.

Finally, the tapping stopped and he stood up. Relieved sighs echoed throughout the cafe. He was going to leave when he caught sight of a theatrical little conversation between a waitress and the owner. While the rest of the customers laughed, Vari crossed his arms and frowned as he watched both the waitress and the owner disappear into the kitchen.

Suddenly fuming, he stomped over and made his way to the kitchen window.

"Excuse me." He hissed at the waitress, "I've been waiting over there for 30 minutes and no one has taken my order. I have somewhere to be and I need to get something to eat now."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vari Mink Character Portrait: Claire Wilkson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by phooka
Vari Mink

Vari's lavender eyes widened. He wasn't prepared for this. In a normal eatery he could have just yelled at the help, maybe contacted management, and then gotten his food, easy as cake. He hadn't accounted for the possible wackiness of the personally owned cafe. It had appeared that the girl he had approached was about to answer, but then something strange happened. The owner began to come towards Vari, but he lost control of his skates and almost fell, only to catch himself on the girl, the girl stood there almost as if nothing had happened. But then, she turned and glared at Derek. The owner responded by making a whole dramatic show of everything.

Vari stepped back, shocked and confused. He would have been angry, though he wasn't sure how to take what was going on in front of him. The attention of the rest of the customers came to the show, and Vari found himself in the center of it against his will. He did not want to be seen in public in his stuffy work costume, it was ridiculous! A firm look on his face, he came forward to demand service, but the scene only got stranger when he took his skates off, revealing his socked feet. In the kitchen! Vari's frown deepened, it was repulsive!

The owner only grinned. "Wha's a rich boy doin in a place like ma joint eh?" Vari had to take an extra second to figure out what the man had said, his accent was so thick. However, when he did, he turned away, his face flushing. Is it really that noticeable? He wondered, looking down at his stuffy, imported clothing in embarrassment.

Finally, he turned back to the Irish man, "What do you mean by that? I'm here to-" Vari began, angrily, however he stopped short when the girl punched Derek in the face, sending him flying back into a storage room. Vari's eyes widened, again. He grabbed the counter and leaned forward, looking in to see if the man was okay.

She seemed to sense his distress and waved nonchalantly back at him. "Don't worry, he is sturdier than he looks. Sorry for the wait, menu?" She pushed him away from the kitchen and gently guided her towards a booth. The rich boy looked at her incredulously, she acted as if she hadn't just punched her boss unconscious, it was weird. But it somewhat intrigued him.

Vari sighed, running his hands through his pale hair while looking down at his watch. He pursed his lips, "I need to go." He concluded, looking back at the waitress. She regarded him with kind eyes, despite her emotionless mask. For some reason, despite the fact he didn't like the low class establishment, something made him want to come back after his meeting. He averted his eyes, embarrassed by himself, "I'll be back in an hour, though," he muttered, "I'll see you then."

Finally, he turned on his Italian heels and clicked out of the restaurant. He needed to meet with his father and some of his father's associates, but he'd be back.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Derek Everett Character Portrait: Vari Mink Character Portrait: Claire Wilkson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by phooka
Vari Mink

The meeting had ended early due to an important phone call, leaving Vari with more time on his hands than he knew what to do with. Strict schedules always ran the boy's life, so when one thing went out of wack, it made his whole day a big, confusing mass of spare time and late nights. Spotting his opportunity to finally get back out of the house, Vari made a beeline for the door.

"What are you doing, son?" Mr. Mink, Vari's father and the owner of Mink Airlines, one of the most prestigious and fancy airlines in the wold, called from the study.

Sighing, Vari turned on his heels and peeked into his father's study. "I'm going back out, I didn't have time to eat earlier." He explained. Mink looked at his son from over his reading glasses.

"You're not going out in that." He said frankly, "go change, I don't need to staining that shirt, it's worth more than whatever restaurant you were at and more."

Vari looked down at his clothing, he hadn't even realized he was still dressed up. He wondered why he was in such a hurry to get back to that dumpy cafe. "Of course, sir." He muttered, kicking off his shoes by the door and rushing to the elevator that would carry him up to his room on the third floor. He quickly changed into a white tee and black jeans. He then shrugged into a black jacket and wrapped a violet scarf around his neck. He ran his slender fingers through his hair and shook it out, leaving it looking slightly less combed to perfection and more with that messy look girls seemed to like. Content with his appearance, Vari jogged back to the elevator and then proceeded to the door where he stuffed his feet into a pair of custom Chuck Taylors. "I'll be back later." He called to his father as he exited the house. Vari didn't have anything else scheduled for the rest of the day and thought it would be nice to stay out for a bit that night, that is, if he would be able to find something to occupy his time.

He climbed back into his car and quickly found himself back at the parking lot of the Cafe. Sighing, he stepped out and entered once more. Some people turned to look at him, though he was pleased to see it wasn't nearly as many as originally did when he had entered in his 'work clothing'.

Vari quickly found the waitress and Derek and made his way to them. ''Do you know a good doctor? And no, not one of those damn kindergarden ones...'' He caught the girl saying as he approached the two. Derek said something that resulted in a glare from her and Vari couldn't help but smile despite himself. She was pretty when she glared.

Shocked and blushing, Vari angrily pushed that thought out of his head as he came up to them. "I know a doctor." He offered, fighting to keep any emotion from crossing his face, "what for?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vari Mink Character Portrait: Claire Wilkson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by phooka
Vari Mink

Claire whipped around after Vari's offer, her mouth open as if she was going to yell at him, but no noise came out. She shut her mouth and blinked at him before saying, ''Y-you know a doctor? What for? Well...uh... She hesitated and Vari took it as a yes and pulled out his phone and began to dial his private doctor's number. When the number was in, he put the phone up to his ear and listened as it rang. ''I don't suppose you know a doctor that can put this, back onto this?''

Vari looked up casually to see what Claire was talking about and opened his mouth to say something, when he saw it. Her index finger on one hand had been cut clean off and was wiggling like a worm on the palm of her other hand. Vari blinked and snapped his mouth, which had been hanging open, shut and stumbled in his head to find words. The phone had gone to voicemail and he slowly stuck it back in his pocket, not taking his eyes off of Claire's dismembered finger. "W-when did that happen?" He asked, his voice hoarse. No body seemed to hear him, though, for everyone in the cafe appeared to have gone crazy at the sight of the finger.

Claire appeared completely calm in response to the chaos going on around her, she even appeared to be playing with her finger, wiggling it around on the stub where it had originally been attached. Derek had gone berserk and at one point her shook Vari's shoulders, begging him to help his 'jellybean'. Vari shook his head angrily and pushed the man off of him. Derek then proceeded to slide to the floor and Claire responded by stomping on his head furiously.

Vari shook his head, the whole scene was giving him a headache and he was confused and angry. In the midst of everything, Claire was still standing in front of him fiddling with her finger, seemingly fascinated with the thing as customers ran about and cried and such.

Finally, Vari couldn't take it anymore and he grabbed Claire by the arm and dragged her out of the building, pushing her towards his expensive vehicle. "Come on," he demanded, "my doctor's not home but I know a guy who could help you out." He pulled his keys out of his pants pocket and unlocked the doors with a push of a button. He opened up her door for her, as a gentleman should, then went around and opened his door, pausing before getting in. He looked at her with his lavender eyes and a stern look on his face, "just don't get blood or anything on my car, okay?" He muttered, then ducked in.

He clicked his seat belt over his chest and stuck the key in the ignition. He waited until Claire had her seat belt on before he pulled out of the parking lot. "My name's Vari Mink, by the way." He said, not removing his eyes from the road. "And I'm going to warn you ahead of time that Stan's... Stan's a bit strange." Vari sighed, he knew Stan from school. They weren't really friends, but Vari respected him for his intelligence and didn't doubt something like this would be right up the strange boy's alley.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Derek Everett Character Portrait: Vari Mink Character Portrait: Claire Wilkson Character Portrait: Stan Ben Frank
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0.00 INK

#, as written by phooka
Vari Mink

Vari could hardly believe what was happening. "The people in your cafe are crazy!" He shouted, his voice shrill as he looked back at the people who had taken out guns. "If this is what happens when you do something nice, then I am so over this whole nice thing!" His lavender eyes only widened when he saw that the Irish man had taken up his bike and was trying to follow them. Vari considered slowing down for the man, but instead pressed harder on the gas and attempted to lose him.

''He with follow the end of the world if he must, he has always been like that...since..'' Vari turned his attention back to the girl, she seemed completely calm despite the fact that her father was wreaking havoc on the road, swerving around through traffic. He took a deep breath and sighed, this is what he got for trying to eat in a civilian restaurant for once. He could already feel a migraine coming on. ''That is a nice name, mine is Claire...not jellybean.''

He turned to look at her, she was smiling. The action had a nice effect on her face and Vari noticed for the first time that she was very beautiful.

He quickly turned away and faced the road again, realizing he had been staring. He narrowed his eyes, frustrated with himself and the fact that his cheeks were still flushed.

''This can't be normal....right?'' She asked, her voice suddenly full of concern and curiosity.

Vari shrugged, still not taking his eyes from the road. "With a father like that man from the cafe, I highly doubt anything about your life is normal." He said, his voice sounding a bit harsher than he intended it to.


The rich boy's head turned and he nearly stomped on the brakes in surprise when he saw the eccentric Irishman peddling furiously outside Claire's window. Claire quickly unrolled the window and hung out of it, reaching for her father. Vari quickly swerved out of the way of a car and instinctively grabbed her shirt to keep her from flying out. When he looked over to her, he saw her panties hanging out and his face flushed brightly and he quickly averted his attention back to avoiding cars, still keeping his firm grip on her shirt.

"You guys are crazy!" He shouted angrily. Claire quickly pulled the man into the car and Vari cringed, praying they wouldn't mess up the upholstery of the expensive car. His heart was racing, though, and he was relieved that no one was hurt. Derek quickly scrambled back to the back seat and Vari could feel the man's eyes burning holes into the back of his head.

Vari could tell something emotional was going on between the father and daughter, but he had no interest in it and tuned it out effectively until the man kicked the back of the seat. ''But he shouldn't of took you without me!'' He whined, glaring daggers at Vari.

Furious, Vari turned and parked the car on the side of the road before whirling around and glaring right back at the man, Derek. "Don't kick the seats, old man, this car is worth more than you are!" He hissed coldly. He fell quiet though, as he watched Claire climb over into the back and hug Derek. He pressed his lips together and took the older man's glares with grace. Vari never had a great relationship with his father, but he was smart enough to know that he had stepped over a line when he left Derek at the Cafe.

Vari quickly turned back around, facing the street again. Derek's glares were getting uncomfortable. "Sorry." He muttered, starting up the engine, again, "I shouldn't have taken Claire without you." He sighed, "I'm going to call St- the doctor first and then we'll get going, okay?"

His voice softened as he looked to Claire through the rear view mirror, "how's your finger?" He asked, trying to remove Derek's attention from himself. He waited for her father to start fussing with her again before he pulled out his phone and dialed Stan's number.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vari Mink Character Portrait: Stan Ben Frank Character Portrait: Isaiah Gorilla Character Portrait: Erina 'Eri' Takahashi Character Portrait: Lucky Clover Character Portrait: Arthur Zephyr
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0.00 INK

Stan just walked out of the gazebo when he noticed how different the graveyard appeared from the last time he was on the surface. New stones, new flowers, even the pathways were updated. It's a shame I cannot bring everybody back from the dead without attracting enough attention from the police for the whole project to be shut down...

Isaiah scoffed at the thought of Stan taking off into town on his own, not even knowing what all has changed. Thus, "I"-Gor knew he would have to make sure the scientist did not do anything stupid. "Eri, darling, I'll be back." Isaiah briefly kissed his girlfriend on the lips (while standing on his toes, that is) prior to climbing up the exit ladder to catch up to Stan.

Once up on the surface, the athletic assistant jogged up to the mad scientist with, "You know I've got to keep you out of trouble while you're out here, right?"

Stan nodded, his actual voice still in use as he spoke. "True, Isaiah, very true. This is the first time in months that I have returned to town. I'll bet much has changed in that amount of time."

"Not that much. Sure, some old stores and restuarants have closed and new ones came in, but that's about it." I-Gor gave a reassuring grin and a pat on the shoulder. Of course, they got on each others' nerves frequently, but the two men were close friends, all the same. "So, captain, what course shall we set?"

"It's simple, really: find someone who can take Lucky into their family. She needs the care and companionship I know I can't provide. Plus, she would still have to go to school, which means living underneath this old graveyard is out of the question."

Isaiah nodded in agreement. "We can't tell just anyone, though. We need to be sure they can trust us enough with our secrets that they can keep them. That being said, our search should start with talking to some of the people we revitalized."

"That's better than no starting point." Stan displayed a closed-mouth smile. "Well, let's go. We can't keep Lu waiting for too long. The sooner we find her a decent place in town, the better."

Surely enough, once the duo came out of the graveyard and onto a sidewalk, the scientist's phone rang. The number and name on screen made him groan. What does that spoiled brat want? I'll be shocked if he even graduated from South Transiport, at this point... He immediately pressed the button to answer and held the phone to his ear, now using an imitation of a British accent. "Well, ol' chap! 'Tis been quite some time since I've last spoken with you! To what be the pleasure of this call?" All the while, he thought to himself, Oh, yeah... A pleasure, indeed... not...


Harry went speechless for a moment as Lucky dragged him into the room. When asked what he does for fun, he gleefully replied with, "Plenty of stuff! Plenty of stuff!" He brought out a map of the whole underground place he and Stan called home, pointing at random locations where recreational spots were, numbering at a total of three rooms and four activities in each. "This is my favorite! This is my favorite!" His metallic finger stopped at a representation of an air hockey set in one of the three recreational rooms. "Stan and I love playing this together!"


Arthur laughed even harder the moment Andy teased him. The poor boy did not even notice his girlfriend narrowing her eyes as if in deep thought about something. He did stop laughing in time to catch the glare she gave to his teammates, which cause him to simply grin. Her smile towards him left him glancing into her eyes.

What she said at that moment was, "So you're done with practice then? Hurry up and change and we can go out for some burgers. You can pick up my brother's medication with me and then come over and veg out, watch some movies ..." she trailed off with a waggle of her brows. Going on her toes, she put her face near his. "Please, Arthur?" she asked quietly, looking at him through her lashes. She pecked a kiss on his cheek and dropped down to the flats of her feet.

Arthur just could not pass up a date with her. "Sure." It did not take him long to change, at all. Soon enough, he was back at Andromeda's side, wearing his khakis, brown button-up shirt, brown leather jacket, and purplish-black shades. "So, where to, first?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vari Mink Character Portrait: Claire Wilkson Character Portrait: Stan Ben Frank
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0.00 INK

#, as written by phooka

Vari kept a wary eye on his two passengers as they argued. Claire said something about her father and Derek got a bit choked up, as he waited for Stan to pick up the phone Vari wondered what may have happened to her dad that bothered the Irishman so much. He sighed and doubted he'd ever understand family matters other than the business types. He wondered if he wanted to or not. Looking back at the two, the rich boy wondered if he would have turned out differently if he had a father who was really a 'dad'.

He quickly pushed the thought out of his mind, the topic of family was never really a comfortable one for him. He left the two to their conversation, pausing only to reach back and hand the sandy haired man a tissue for his bleeding nose. When the ringing left and Stan answered the phone, Vari paused and looked at them, "I'm going to talk to the... doctor real quick. Please don't do anything stupid to my car while I'm gone." He sent a look at Derek and his dripping nose before ducking out of the car and leaning against it.

The area he had stopped at was woodsy and the wind was refreshing and peaceful. While Vari was never really an outdoors type of person, it was nice to have some peace after the chaotic afternoon he had. Too bad it was only getting started.

"Well, ol' chap! 'Tis been quite some time since I've last spoken with you! To what be the pleasure of this call?" Stan answered in a mock British accent. Vari narrowed his eyes, it seemed he had forgotten how much the crazy boy he used to go to school with got under his skin.

"Give up with the pleasantries, Stan." He hissed, shoving his free hand into his jacket pocket as he began to pace next to the sleek black car. "I'm aware that we both don't like each other,"-understatement-"but I have a girl with me who needs medical attention and my personal doctor isn't available." Vari released an audible sigh before continuing, his voice quieting so the pair in the car wouldn't hear, "I'd take her to another doctor, but... It's a strange case, I thought you'd be interested. You see, I stopped by her diner today and she had accidentally cut off her finger. The thing is, it was barely bleeding and didn't hurt her at all. It even moves still when she moves the part that's still attached." He suddenly grinned, "I figure, a freak like you would know something about that type of thing."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vari Mink Character Portrait: Stan Ben Frank Character Portrait: Isaiah Gorilla
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0.00 INK

Stan's eyebrows lowered in obvious anger. Just like old times, huh? It was crystal clear Vari still held a grudge against him for openly calling him an immature brat. The scientist' interest peaker, however, when he heard him say this:

"I have a girl with me who needs medical attention and my personal doctor isn't available." Vari released an audible sigh before continuing, his voice quieting so the pair in the car wouldn't hear, "I'd take her to another doctor, but... It's a strange case, I thought you'd be interested. You see, I stopped by her diner today and she had accidentally cut off her finger. The thing is, it was barely bleeding and didn't hurt her at all. It even moves still when she moves the part that's still attached. I figure, a freak like you would know something about that type of thing."

Damn! He saw one of the secrets about the undead I've been trying to keep since the start of the whole project! It takes just one witness to shut it down! Stan used his real voice, now. "Based on what you said about meeting her at the diner, you wouldn't happen to be referring to Claire Wilkson, would you? She does not know me, but I know her. There is a reason for those unusual things you saw, which I will mention once I see both of you in person. Let me be clear about something, first: What I will tell you about the reasoning must not be made known to the public, since most people are not yet ready to know the secrets I hold. Now, where are you and Claire?"

All the while, Isaiah rolled his eyes. Who could it possibly be that Stan is talking to? Lord, is this a sign that I may have to intervene during some kind of brawl between them?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Derek Everett Character Portrait: Vari Mink Character Portrait: Claire Wilkson Character Portrait: Stan Ben Frank
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0.00 INK

#, as written by phooka

"Based on what you said about meeting her at the diner, you wouldn't happen to be referring to Claire Wilkson, would you? She does not know me, but I know her."

Vari was more than surprised that Stan had recognized that it was Claire who he was talking about. He hadn't specified what cafe or where, for all Stan knew, Vari could have been having lunch in France or something. He even knew her last name, Wilkson, not even Vari knew that. "Yeah, that's the girl," he answered, still keeping his voice low. He looked cautiously back at the car and saw that Derek was sitting inside with his ear pressed against the window. Vari couldn't help but smile, Derek obviously didn't realize his windows were soundproof. "Pretty girl, crazy boss who thinks he's her father, right? Wait- what do you mean she doesn't know you but you know her?"

"There is a reason for those unusual things you saw, which I will mention once I see both of you in person. Let me be clear about something, first: What I will tell you about the reasoning must not be made known to the public, since most people are not yet ready to know the secrets I hold. Now, where are you and Claire?"

Vari was becoming more and more suspicious about the whole situation as he listened to Stan talk. It sounded like his former classmate had something to do with the whole finger situation with Claire. He rolled his eyes at the older boy, "Stan, I am the son of the CEO of an international company. No one can keep a secret like me." He sighed and looked around, not quite sure exactly where he was. "I'm pretty sure we're on Forge road, the woodsy area just outside of Transiport. We're pulled over next to a tree that looks like it was struck by lightning." He looked back into his car, watching as Claire messed with Derek who looked like he was about to have a breakdown because his hair had been messed up. "Hurry, I'm not sure how long I can survive in a car with Claire and her 'daddy'." Vari hung up, and walked back to the driver's seat of the car and got in.

"A friend of mine is going to come pick us up, it seems I don't have enough gas to get to the doctor's." He lied, knowing that Claire knew she was going to see Stan, but not wanting Derek to make them leave because they weren't going to see an actual doctor. "He should be here in a few minutes."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Derek Everett Character Portrait: Vari Mink Character Portrait: Claire Wilkson Character Portrait: Stan Ben Frank Character Portrait: Isaiah Gorilla Character Portrait: Lucky Clover
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0.00 INK

Stan was about to tell Vari to relax when the rich boy hung up. Doesn't he think I know who he is from reading the newspapers? "Well, Isaiah, there's been a slight change of plan. Claire's finger was cut off, and she is with an old classmate of mine, at Forge Road."

Isaiah held his index finger to his chin. "Forge Road? That's not far from the graveyard, at all. We can quite literally walk over there without a problem."

"That is, if we do not come across my older brother."

"You have a brother? Oh, wait- he's the mayor, isn't he? Michael August Frank?"

"Yes, the same guy. C'mon. If I remember one thing about Vari, he is very impatient, not to mention utterly arrogant. If he thinks he can do anything he pleases, he has not yet seen how Mike can outsmart somebody who doesn't know him as well as I do."


((Time to introduce the main antagonist! *Dramatic music, please!*))

Two years. Two years since Michael fully refined his hand at politics to gain personal glory. He made a rather clever move beforehand by teaching his little brother everything he knew about being a genius at technology, even going so far as to "gift" him with what used to be his laboratory. And the cherry on top of the cake was the fact the relationship between Stan and a rather demanding girl was secretly set up by the now-Mayor of Transiport. The schemer knew it would fail and drive his brother to an emotional breaking point, causing him to not want to be attatched to very many people, thus ensuring whatever long-term project he would do after that would go mostly unnoticed.

Imagine his delight, at his office, when his laptop finally signalled through beeps that Stan came up to the surface, right before he saw him on screen. "Ah, baby brother. So good to see you, at least via camera. Who would have thought you would apply what I taught you so well, that you'd avoid most of my notice for eight months, even with cameras set up all over town to keep me posted on your activiities? You must have found the majority of 'em and reprogrammed them to work for you instead of me." The man snickered silently. "Too bad you still have to deal with my 'watchdogs' out on the streets. Still, you amuse me, Stanley. I just love challenges."

Just then, the sherrif, Peter Zephyr, came through the door. "I'm getting sick of this waiting for something to happen, Mayor Frank. We've already let that mad scientist of a brother of yours steal over thirty corspes from right under our noses, and we have yet to gather even one solid piece of evidence against him. All the clues we've gotten so far are purely circumstantial, things which can only lead to controversy during a trial."

"Pete, ol' pal..." A smirk entered Michael's features. "If you knew the extent of Stanley's intelligence, you'd be a lot more patient. Sublety is our best gadget against him. Learn it, use it, love it."


Arthur's eyes widened at the sight of Andy in sudden pain, seemingly at the chest. "Andy! What's wrong?"

"We need to stop at my doctor's," she muttered, slowly releasing his jacket. Her hand shook a little, but she clenched it into a fist and shoved it into her jeans pocket. Moving to the other side of him, she slid her arm through his and tugged him in the direction of the street. "Let's walk today," she said with another forced smile, this one easily seen through.

At this point, Arthur became worried like noone's business. This was the first time he saw her in such agony. She was normally a tough girl. The sudden sprinting made Arthur's inner anxiety even worse, as it indicated the urgency of his girlfriend's visit to her doctor. Surely enough, where the pair ended up at happened to be the old laboratory where the Frank Brothers used to do the majority of their scientific work. First, it was owned by Michael, who moved on to politics after handing all rights to the laboratory to Stan. Arthur was there, next to his father, to witness that same agreement made between the Frank Brothers concerning the facility. At the time, Stan was still a minor, thus he could have backed out of the contract at any time before he became eighteen, though he decided not to.

Arthur could not believe he was acutally going inside the lab for the second time. Why are we here? This place has not been in constant use for two years, now. Besides, does Stan even have any expertise on medical issues? His train of thought was interupted by the pounding at the door, then the sudden entry into the facility. Is she crazy!? We could be trespassing onto Stan's property, and my dad would not be lenient with us, at all! Needless to say, he was given a clue as to how important it was to see Stan right when he heard Andy's next words and watched her movements.

"Damn, he isn't here," she cursed, her body trembling slightly. She hadn't a clue as to what was happening to her, and she was scared. So scared that tears bloomed in her eyes. She rubbed at them with the back of her arm. "Dammit, Stan! The one time I stop by is the one time that you aren't here!" she whispered, having, indeed, forgotten Arthur's presence.

Arthur's eyes began to demand letting out tears, yet he fought against it succesfully. I guess Stan was the doctor, after all. But, how can that be? His curiosity got the best of him; he just had to know what was going on. Perhaps he could find something that could explain Andromeda's current condition. Looking around, he spotted the huge computer to the left. Maybe that will explain something.

Of course, the teenage boy had difficulty even getting the computer to start, not even knowing what all the buttons were for. Scienctific topics, though he passed classes on them with a B or more, just were not his strongest area of expertise. He eventually managed to get the computer online, though the buttons he pressed left him at a desktop full of files, among them a folder dubbed "Project Undead". Undead? What's that supposed to mean? Is it even possible? The moment he clicked on the folder, the screen immediately initiated a slide show of files concerning people brought back to life, and with what conditions. He made the slide show stop right at the file titled, Revitalization of Andromeda Attali: Successful.

That file contained information on Andy concerning her bodily functions, along with how she died. The photo showing the corspe displayed the wound from being stabbed by flying glass. That... that wound was on the chest! That must mean... Arthur finally let out the tears as he glanced over to his girlfriend, now realizing what caused the chest pain in her. She has been undead for at least a month, and she was obviously too afraid to tell him. Regardless, he still loved her, and that was what counted.

He rushed on over to her tearfully. Once he got to her, he held her close while posing the query, "Andy, you died to glass stabbing you, and you didn't tell me?" Of course, he already found that out, yet he still held a degree of disbelief. "Not that it matters, now. You're alive, again. I... I just can't stand the thought of being without you!" Arthur could not find further words, after that, due to breaking down into sobs.


Poor Harry was more than surprised by Lucky's excitedness, along witht he fact she was completely lost. Of course, he giggled a little at the comment Lu gave about where they could possibly be. "This way! This way!" he ehld her hand ang guded her to where the room with the air hockey set was. Just then, the alert system inside him beeped five tinmes, telling him there are people upon the surface in the old laboratory. "Ah, dang! Ah, dang! Visitors upstairs! Visitors upstairs!"

Fortunately, this recreational room had an elevator which led directly to the mostly abandoned facility. The little robot took Lucky with him into that elevator, which instantly took both of them to the room adjacent to the one where the entrance was. He quite literally dragged Lucky to the door to that room before cheerfully chirping to the visitors, "Hello! Hello! I'm Harry, and this is Lucky! Nice to meet you!"


Arthur jerked his head in the direction of the robot's voice, noticing a green haired girl with him, whom was introduced as Lucky. Could that be one of the undead? It mattered not. Andy needed medical attention, and fast. "Please, Harry, can you help Andy? She's experiencing intense pain in the chest."

No problem! No problem!" The robot let go and ran right up to the blonde, gently separating the pair. He then let out an jection needle from his arm. "Hold still, Andy, Hold still, Andy." The robot held Andromeda's right arm while injecting a pain relieving substance into a vein at the shoulder. Once that was finished, two beeps came from the robot. "Message initiating! Message initiating!"

Soon enough, rays from Harry's torso fromed into a screen with Stan displayed. In the background was a medical table and the revitalization machine. With Stan using his actual voice, the message went as follows:

Andy, if you are watching this right now, then what Isaiah Gorilla and I predicted about the possibility of future chest pains was true. You see, whenever we bring someone back to life, there is the chance that the person may experience something out of the unusual, even for an undead person. In your case, it was chest pains. While they could never be lethal, they can be agonizing. Harry will provide you with the medication you need to prevent a repeat incident of those pains. I personally saw to the creation of those pills. You must take one each morning before you eat anything. On a side note, if you are in the old laboratory, right now, I should point out that most of my scientific work has been underground since after my high school graduation, due to the fact Project Undead has to remain a secret from the authorities. Otherwise, it could be shut down because it involves using the bodies of the dead to bring people back to life. If the project were to be shut down, I would not be able to provide anything to help with the undead's medical needs, and I know for a fact nobody else would know the undead's needs better than I do.


It took a short amount of time for Stan and Isaiah to make their way to the car, where Vari and Claire sat inside. The scientist glanced in their direction and motioned for them to come out with one hand while he used the other to hold his ipad-looking device which actually was his data container that also had a few gadgets inside. Stan wore his backpack containing some of his other gadgets. He always came prepared.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Derek Everett Character Portrait: Vari Mink Character Portrait: Claire Wilkson Character Portrait: Stan Ben Frank Character Portrait: Isaiah Gorilla
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Isaiah became annoyed at the sudden brawl between Claire and Derek and decided to try and break it up while shouting, "Knock it off, you two! Nobody's kidnapping anyone! There's a finger that needs attatching, so why don't we get it over with? If anyone can fix it, it is Stan!"

Meanwhile, Stan configured the system within his ipad-like gadget to create regeneration stitches that had micro mechanism with advanced artificial intellence. Once he had the case of them in hsi right hand, he set the device he used down, then spoke to the girl. "Claire Wilkson, there is a reason for the lack of pain when your finger was cut off, which also explains why it moves as if it were still attatched. I shall explain that to you, Vari, and the other man after the operation. May I have the finger for a moment, please?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Derek Everett Character Portrait: Vari Mink Character Portrait: Claire Wilkson Character Portrait: Stan Ben Frank Character Portrait: Isaiah Gorilla
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#, as written by phooka

Vari spotted Stan and scowled, not sure if he felt relieved or angry at the sight of his old High School enemy. He narrowed his eyes at the blonde boy, but stepped out of the car at his command all the same. He shoved his hands in his jacket pockets and watched as Claire and Derek got out as well.

It took him a few seconds, but the Irishman finally caught on to what was going on and the fact that they weren't actually going to see a doctor. ''Vari! You said there was a doctor coming! YOU LIED! I knew the kindergarten doctor would be a better fit for her. And to think I was going to go along with your plan....My jellybean needs help! Look at it! Look at it! It is moving without a hand attached to it! I knew it! I knew it! You are kidnapping my Jellybean!''

Vari clenched his hands into fists, his patience wearing thinner and thinner by the second. Not only did he need to meet with Stan, but now Derek was unleashing his fury on the rich boy in the form of sticks and rocks and shoes. What had he possibly done in his life to deserve this? Was he being punished for something? This was ridiculous!

Finally, he couldn't take any more, "Pipe the fuck down!" He shouted, releasing his frustrations in that single sentence.

To Vari's relief, Derek's accusations quieted as Clair began beating down on him again. ''Don't worry, he's sturdier than he looks.'' He couldn't help but smile, that was the first thing she had said to him back at the cafe.

"Knock it off, you two! Nobody's kidnapping anyone! There's a finger that needs attatching, so why don't we get it over with? If anyone can fix it, it is Stan!" Vari didn't recognize the owner of the voice and looked at him suspiciously.

"Claire Wilkson, there is a reason for the lack of pain when your finger was cut off, which also explains why it moves as if it were still attatched. I shall explain that to you, Vari, and the other man after the operation. May I have the finger for a moment, please?"

Vari rolled his eyes and leaned his back against his precious car, "Whatever, just fix it fast. That cafe of theirs is going to go to ruin if they don't return, their customers are all insane.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Derek Everett Character Portrait: Vari Mink Character Portrait: Stan Ben Frank Character Portrait: Isaiah Gorilla Character Portrait: Lucky Clover
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With the finger in his left hand, Stan held the stitch container to the base of it. "I seriously doubt Claire will feel any pain, sir. All the nerves in regards to the sense of feel are numb. Again, it will all be explained in a bit." As he spoke, the stitches in the container began attatching to the base of the finger on their own. Next, Stan held the finger to the place where it should be and the stitches immediately went to work with the Advanced AI's help. They attatched by themselves before they quickly dissolved and became fluids that made the skin cells that kept the finger in place, regenerating all the cells where the cut was, in the process. Before even a minute passed, the finger was reattatched to the hand as if it was not cut off, at all.

Isaiah grinned warmly. "You see? No problem, at all. Stan Ben Frank knows what he's doing."

Stan backed away two steps, still using his real voice as he spoke. "And now, to explain why you experienced that scenario, in the first place, in addition to how I know you. You probably remember a group of thugs that attacked you? Details cut short, you did not get away from them. Isaiah spotted that group walking away from the scene before coming across your corspe. He brught your body to me, and we commenced with reviving you. Once you were alive, again, we figured it best that you were brought out of the place where Project Undead occurs before you woke up, so you that did not panic. The scars on your torso are proof of what i just got finished saying."

Isaiah added to it. "I must admit, though: I had a hard time of avoiding those thugs' attention. If they had spotted me, I would have been dead, too."

Stan nodded before continuing. "You are not the only undead person, though. More than thirty others are in town." His face went downcast at the thought of two different scenarios. "There are two more things I wish to talk with you about. First off, about what would happen if the public found out about Project Undead. Even as we speak, there is an investigation on the dsiapearences of dead bodies from the graveyard, crime scenes, and morgue. If they find out that those bodies were used to bring people back to life, they could shut the whole project down, leaving undead folk like you without someone who knows how to properly tend to your medical needs. I am not going to give my brother, the current mayor of this town, the satisfaction of outwitting me. Michael is an arrogant man who wants to achieve personal glory no matter the cost, even if it means leaving the undead to suffer. I cannot let him succeed in that, which is why I kept all this a secret from you up 'till now."

The scientist lifted his head, revealing a hint of sadness in his eyes. "That was one of the other topics. The second is this: earlier today, Isaiah and I revived a girl named Lucky Clover. She's not from around town, meaning she has no family here. She's still a minor, about age 17, I think. Lu would still neeed to go to school, and I seriously doubt she'd want to be couped up underground with me. The point is, she needs a home, which was the original reason I came up to the surface, right before Vari called me and explained the whole finger situaton. Do you, your father, or even Vari know someone who would be willing to take her in?"

((Ignroe Lucky. She's not in this post, only mentioned.))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Derek Everett Character Portrait: Vari Mink Character Portrait: Claire Wilkson Character Portrait: Stan Ben Frank Character Portrait: Isaiah Gorilla Character Portrait: Lucky Clover
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Stan almost shed a tear as he watched Claire get all emotional. The moment she was angry with him, his sadness became much more obvious by the frown. Why didn't I think this through? Why did I have to add to people's pain? It were those very thoughts which kept him from resisting the backhand to his face, not even bothering to look her straight in the eye while she spoke out in a rage.

''There is a reason people are either living or dead...because that is the 'circle of life'. How could you do this to me?'' She'd then collapse to the ground at Stan's feet in tears once more. ''I should of died, or at least stayed that way...At least I wouldn't have to remember what those...those monsters did to me!'' She'd then hug Stan's leg in tears. ''I am sorry I didn't mean to hit you!'' She'd then get to her feet and ran behind the car still crying though only muffled sobs were heard.

Isaiah could only watch from where he was. Sure, he could have gotten in the way of the backhand, but what good would it have done? Holy ****. A woman's fury sure is scary, sometimes.

Stan turned his head slightly to listen to Derek. To hear him made the scientist feel a little better about the situation. Still, there were mixed feelings inside him as he listened to the older man.

''Thank you...but if she is truly..undead that means I failed her father a long time ago doesn't it? I-I think at least...'' He'd then frown, looking away he'd wipe his tears away and place his glasses back on, wiping the mud from his cheeks also then turned around again, his hands in his trouser pockets. ''I-I'll take her in Stan, I would love to very much. But she will have a nickname like Jellybean has.'' He'd then laugh but suddenly he'd stand then with his hands over face and sobbed like a father losing his daughter, even is this was not so in a sense it was...after all...he didn't get the chance to protect her.

''I'm sorry, Stan. A bit much as you can understand.'' He'd then breathe out looking to the sky for a moment's pause of his emotions then back to Stan with a soft smile. ''As I was saying, I'd love to Clover into our family, at least then I can do some right for you, I can't imagine how hard it is to see these things day in, day out. I would like to be a some what...partner in this project, especially when it involves people like Clover, they need a place to stay. It was be the least I could do for the second chance you gave me, to keep Claire's father's promise.'' He'd then smile to Stan more brightly, his face still blushed from the crying though then he'd turn to the car and Claire came back out once more, her face blushed with redness also but her expression was blank though her eyes smiled. ''Yes...Thank you Stan, sorry..again.'' She'd then bow in sync with Derek.

She'd then clear her throat. ''So, where is Clover...technically, she would be my younger sister.'' She'd giggle.

Stan smiled slightly, this time. "It's okay, Claire. Don't worry about it. As for the matter at hand, Lu is over at my place, beneath Transiport. I built an underground place where I practically live and carry out Project Undead. Most of the entrances are hidden doors at the graveyard, though there are some elevators at the laboratory which lead to different areas down there. Of course, there are security systems which allow only people that are recognized by them to enter or exit. I'll scan your eyes and hands so all three of you will be recognized by those systems. I do that with every undead person and anyone else I know I can trust."

The young scientist picked up the device from earlier prior to rapidly typing to configure it to scan mode. He next used it to scan the eyes and hands of Claire, Derek, and, reluctantly, Vari. With the scanning out of the way, the scientist proceeded with typing in the proper codes as swiftly as possible.


Arthur listened to Andy as she spoke, speechless due to the fact he could not find the words to explain his feelings. However, he understood, and already forgave her. To show it, he walked up to her while extending his arms to embrace her. All the while, a small, closed-mouth grin remained on his face. The ace soccer player then proceeded with the hug as soon as he was sure she was looking straight at him.


Harry stood silently while being hugged. He knew things were busy, but mainly with research whenever there was not a visit from one of the undead. Either way, he found it refreshing and pleasant that Lu would take such an interest in Stan, let alone compliment him. Guiding her to the air hockey set, Harry said to her, "He'll be mad at me for this, but... Accessing Voice Journals! Accessing Voice Journals!" Almost instantly, the littel robot held still while a series of beeps and whistles came out of him while accessing all the voice journal entries Stan entered into him.


Meanwhile, Stan just got finished with the configuration. "All right, you three now have access to the place where Project Undead occurs. Let me just contact my robot, Harry Ironhead, and tell him we will be having visitors, soon." When he had Harry on screen, though, he saw him sounding a series of beeps and whistles that only the scientist could decipher. "What the...? Harry! I told you those voice journal entries I entered into you were only for your ears! Lu doesn't need to know what I said in there!" No response from the robot. In resignation, Stan turned the volume up so everyone with him could hear. "All four of you might as well listen in on this, as well, since I think I know which entry he is going to playback: the motive I had for Project Undead. You are all involved in it, anyway, so I might as well let you hear it. Harry's that determined to play back the entry."


As if on cue, Harry halted his sounds for a moment, breaking the silence with, "Entry recorded two years, two months ago! Playback initiating!" The little robot turned around to look at Lu as the built in voice journal played the entry Stan recorded with his actual voice, which went as follows:

March 25, 2012

It is two months exactly before I graduate. I've already made some of the basic things for the underground area where Project Undead is to take place, with Harry's help. However, we're just not strong enough to do all of the heavy work in regards to the construction before we can set everything else in motion. Thankfully, I know someone who just might be the key to that problem. He's six years older than, but I did meet him at the local card store, where I play most of my Magic: the Gathering duels. We have a friendly rivalry there, him almost always beating me at the game. I enjoy those times, though. Anyway, the man's name is Isaiah Gorilla. He's a college student who is earning a degree to become a full-time gym teacher, and he preferably wants to teach children.

Red hair, short, and surprisingly strong. You would not think he had such strength if you were to concentrate soley on his height. I saw that in motion while heading to the local coffeeshop as we laughed at how lousy I was during our last Magic: the Gathering duel against each other. A couple thugs thought that because of our appearence, neither of us would be unable to resist them as they demanded our wallets. Boy, did they underestimate Isaiah! He quite literally overpowered both those guys before even a minute passed! Perhaps, I can convince him to help with the project. Not only is he strong, but he seems to be rather logical, as well. I could use a voice of reason at my side in case I try and do something stupid, as far as social matters go, anyway.

Why am I even attempting to bring people back to life? Well... I feel as if it is not right for any of those people that are in my age range to die in their prime, without a chance to even fulfill their lives, find their special someones, settle down, start families of their own, etcetera. And even if they do not marry and have children, maybe they would find companionship through adoption or something, maybe even spend a lot of time with nieces, nephews, or other people they care about. Who knows? There are just too many things left unfulfilled for them that that... well, you get the point. I know what it's like to be unable to accomplish those dreams. I mean, sure, I made some rather impressive inventions in my life, but that's not the same. It just... does not give me the happiness I thought it would.

That is not to say I did not come close to my dream of finding my special someone. There was a girl I started going out with Freshman year, whose name I wish to keep anonymous. She was smart, fun to be around, and, in my mind, gorgeous. Of course, as time went by, she became, well, I won't talk about that. All I will say is that the relationship did not end well, by Sophomore year. I was devastated the day of the break up, tears nearly coming out of my eyes as I sat somewhere to think on what just happened. A friend came by and asked what happened. I explained it to him, plus what led to it. As I did, I broke out crying.

I decided, from that point on, I would not allow myself to get too atatched to anyone. That determination to avoid that was the whole reason I ended up frequently using voice imitations, even coming up with other voices to come off as crazier than I actually was. Of course, that still leaves me kind off coo-coo, I'll admit. As I think on the people close are mentioned in the obituaries on the Transiport Star, the town's newspaper, and see that some of them died single, I'm reminded of my own experiences with being alone. What if they were destined to find their future spouse, then were cheated out of the chance at that when killed by weapons or disease or cancer? What about their families that now grieve for them? What about the dead ones that were in a relationship, whose lovers had high hopes of spending the rest of their lives with them? The thought of all that haunts my mind.

One night, while I slept, nightmares crept to me where I saw people dying before my eyes while people who cared about them, or even those that would have met them, shouted out in agony, tears streaming out of their eyelids. The moment I couldn't take it anymore, I shot right up, wide awake, shouting for the whole dream to stop. That was the night i decided to do something about all this. I will bring people back to life, give them a second chance at fulfilling their dreams and finding love, whether it be the romantic type or not. This is the reason for Project Undead, and nobody, not even the police who would suspect me being the one taking the dead bodies, will prevent me from trying to achieve this.

For that reason, only the people I trust the most will knwo of the whole thing. I certainly cannot trust Michael, who is not an ambitious politician looking for glory for himself. To think I even looked up to him as he taught me all he knew about technology, even giving me his own laboratory for me to use for making my inventions! He's become too arrogant to trust, now. Whatever he does, these days, has an ulterior motive to it. He'll no doubt try and do something about Project Undead to get more publicity and praise from the crowd, something that could make the future unead's lives miserable. Well, I've got news for him: that's not going to happen.

This is Stan Ben Frank, ending entry.


By the time the playback ended, Stan's tears burst out, his voice cracking as he stated, "Well, now you guys know." He took a deep breath before recovering his voice, lowering the volume, and speaking to Harry via the device he had, still in communication mode. "Harry, we will have company over to visit our home, soon. I found a family that is more than willing to take Lu in as one of their own. Do you mind preparing the lobby with snacks, drinks, and other things for our guests?"

"No problem! No problem!"

"Thank you! We'll be right over!" With that, Stan turned the device off prior to placing it in his backpack. "I'll show you one of the entrances once we reach the graveyard. Once inside, I'll take you to the lobby, where Harry will be preparing everything for your visit."

Isaiah rolled his eyes. "Let's just hope his hyperness does not screw thngs up."

"Trust me, it won't. He always gets the job done. You should know that by now, Isaiah."

"Yeah, but I always get that feeling, anyway."


Back at the underground location of Project Undead, Harry looked up enthusiatically at Lucky while asking, "Wanna help? Wanna help?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Derek Everett Character Portrait: Vari Mink Character Portrait: Claire Wilkson Character Portrait: Stan Ben Frank Character Portrait: Isaiah Gorilla
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#, as written by phooka


The girl that Vari had just helped, the girl that Vari had thought on multiple occasions as being quite attractive was... dead? The poor boy was happy that he had stood against his car before the whole 'finger attaching' and 'big reveal' thing happened or he surely would have fallen over in shock.

He had seen a dead girl's panties.

The thought made him, somehow, go both very pale and very red at the same time. He had to remind himself to breathe and took in several deep breaths and long exhales before he felt even remotely better, although the nauseated feeling in his gut still hadn't dispersed. He found himself wanting very desperately to leave, he considered hopping into his car and speeding off, leaving these lunatics in his dust. Maybe he'd visit one of his beach houses for a week or travel to Rome, anywhere to get away from the insanity that had just unfolded over the past day.

He watched Claire melt down and Derek actually mellow out. He allowed Stan to scan his eyes without a single snarky remark, his usual wit contained by his shock at the revelation. He couldn't help but wish Stan had been stubborn and not allowed Vari to have any part of his work. He wondered why he needed to be included, he had only driven Claire to Stan, he didn't need to- didn't want to have anything more to do with it.

This was ridiculous! Stan was creating zombies! Vari had seen enough horror movies to know that that type of thing never ended well.

Stan's recording played and Vari was still in too much of a fog to listen to most of it, he was only really brought back to reality when he watched Stan burst into tears. It would have been a great opportunity for the rich boy to criticize his enemy, but he was still shocked silent.

He finally found his words when he saw Claire hugging Stan, a pang of something identified as jealousy reverberated through his body. "This is ridiculous," he spat, "are we going to go or not, this isn't the time for crying! Stan, didn't you say there's an investigation going on about the bodies? Well, shouldn't we be rallying up the others now?" While Vari wanted nothing to do with the whole zombie business, he couldn't help but feel like he should be helping them. It seemed he had already been sucked into it with no hope of things returning to normal, he might as well go all in and help them to all of his ability. He began towards the car, [b]"What are you guys all standing around for? We have things to do, jump in!"[b]

Maybe I do have a heart, he thought with a frown as he walked around the car to open the passenger seat door for Claire.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Derek Everett Character Portrait: Vari Mink Character Portrait: Claire Wilkson Character Portrait: Stan Ben Frank Character Portrait: Isaiah Gorilla Character Portrait: Lucky Clover
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Stan did not expect Claire or Derek to hug him. It left him speechless, at first. How did they figure out that death took some of his loved ones away from him? He never inferred on such. Then again, the voice journal entry did not specify who in his nightmare was involved. It could have gone several different ways.

Hearing Vari's rants brought him out of his empuzzled daze. "Vari's right. We should get going." The scientist knew there were still some cameras, even on the outskirts of town, that he had yet to find before Michael could use them to gather enough evidence to do something about Project Undead. Stan let everyone else get in the car before he did the same.


Michael frowned at the fact no cameras covered Forged road for him. At least, not well enough for him to witness what was going on exactly. What he did gather was that Stan was there to help an undead person. He knew his little brother would have to return to the graveyard at some point, meanign the Mayor would catch a glimpse of who it was. The problem was, Stan already knew of the possibility and had robotic disrupton birds (which behave like regular, living ones) built to keep those cameras from working properly while restraining fom disrupting any other electronic. Thus, the moment Michael switched his attention to the graveyard entrance, the screen only showed static.

"Little brother, you certainly are clever..." The thought of the difficulty made obvious gave the mayor a small smirk. "Nothing to worry about. I'm patient."


"No problem! No problem!" The little robot laughed a little when Lucky made those comments about Stan not eating. "There's food. Stan's not a plant."

Instead of holding Lu's hand, this time, he just motioned for her to follow him. Once at the lobby, Harry walked on over to a wall, where he opened a hatch that acted as a refrigerator. He began to sort out the different fruits, carrots, celery, and other snacks while whistling a tune. He even got out a few soft drinks while he was at it. If lucky watned to help with bringing out and sorting the snacks, she was more than welcome to. They were all being brought to a table with a set of couches surrounding it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Derek Everett Character Portrait: Vari Mink Character Portrait: Claire Wilkson Character Portrait: Stan Ben Frank Character Portrait: Isaiah Gorilla
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0.00 INK

#, as written by phooka

Vari smiled as everyone finally came back to their senses and began to file into the car. "Don't get any poor people dirt on my car." He said, but smiled while saying it. A joke, something Vari hadn't done in a while. Maybe it will be nice to have friends for once. He thought as he watched Claire get into the car. He shut the door behind her when she was in and turned around to see Derek.

Expecting to be yelled at, Vari was pleasantly surprised when the older man patted him on the shoulder. "Not regretting taking her to the kindergarten doctor anymore, huh?" He laughed, then turned so he could get into the driver's seat.

"Everyone buckle your seatbelts." He instructed, buckling his own as he spoke. "No food or drink in the car and don't you even think about putting your feet on the upholstery or I will gouge out your eyes with a rusty spoon and shove them down your throat."

When he was satisfied that everyone was strapped in and ready, he stuck the key in the ignition and began to make his way over to the graveyard. He parked on the road near the entrance in case anyone would try to follow them and instructed Stan to guide them the rest of the way on foot.

He pulled the key out and stuffed it in his pocket before getting out of the car and, once again, opening the door for Claire.

Sorry for the crappy post, I've been having some serious writers block today.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Derek Everett Character Portrait: Vari Mink Character Portrait: Claire Wilkson Character Portrait: Stan Ben Frank Character Portrait: Isaiah Gorilla Character Portrait: Erina 'Eri' Takahashi
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0.00 INK

#, as written by phooka

Vari only smiled when Derek threatened him, looking at the older man, "If you punch me, I'll sue you for all you're worth." He responded cool-ly, it wasn't the first time he'd used such a threat. He laughed when Claire giggled, finding it cute. "I agree with Isaiah, you guys still scare me when you fight like that." He admitted, grabbing Claire's wrist without thinking and falling in step behind Stan, tugging her along behind him.

His eyes widened when he saw the fake bird and then more when he saw the tree. As he followed Stan through the halls, he let out a long whistle before saying, "damn, Stan. I knew you were smart, but this is ridiculous. You must've gone broke paying for all of this." He quirked an eyebrow at the inventor before busying himself with looking around the place.

It was immense and took quite a bit of time to finally get to the place Stan was leading them. Inside, there were two girls, one of which looked upset while the other seemed a bit frazzled. Vari watched at Isaiah went to the sad one and talked to her. He could tell they were a couple by the way he looked at her, even before he kissed her hand.

Feeling uncomfortable, he turned his attention to Stan who was also getting lovey dovey with the green haired girl. Frustrated, he looked down at his shoes and tried to clench his fists, but something was in the way. He realized he still had a firm grip on Claire's wrist and his eyes shot up to her face, his face flushing, before he released her and looked away.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Derek Everett Character Portrait: Vari Mink Character Portrait: Claire Wilkson Character Portrait: Stan Ben Frank Character Portrait: Isaiah Gorilla Character Portrait: Erina 'Eri' Takahashi
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0.00 INK

Stan glanced towards Derek, then to Claire. "Affection? What do you mean by...?" He next noticed his hands holding Lu's, immediately withdrawing them with a blush. "W-we're not a couple. I didn't mean for it to come across that way."

Isaiah grinned mischeviously. "You like Lucky, don't you, Stan?"


"The look on your face explains your feelings, kid." The short man almost laughed.

"I said hush, Isaiah!"

"Sure, sure."

The scientist regained his posture after the little argument was over. "To answer your question, Claire, I, with the help of Isaiah and Harry, had plenty of rooms installed in case visitors arrived and needed somewere to rest during tehir stay. Harry will help you carry your foster dad to one of those rooms."

"No problem! No problem!"

Isaiah looked over at Eri. "Claire and her foster dad have coe to discuss adopting Lu. Once Claire comes back, we can begin. Vari came because he was the one who contacted Stn about a finger that was cut off Claire's hand, which that was fixed without a problem. You know how the scientist is with stuff like that."

Harry managed to carry Derek all the way to the nearest room, whih was the first onein one of the several halls that led to the lobby. As he placed him on the bed, the little robot said to Claire, "He'll be fine, here! He'll be fine, here!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vari Mink Character Portrait: Claire Wilkson Character Portrait: Stan Ben Frank Character Portrait: Isaiah Gorilla Character Portrait: Erina 'Eri' Takahashi
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0.00 INK

Stan glanced over to Claire, then to Lu, all the while a hint of sadness stayed plastered on his face. "This is where you and Lu talk to each other, Claire, without me interfering." The scientist proceeded to a different couch. "Snacks are on the table for all of you while you discuss adoption."

Isaiah motioned for Eri to follow him to another empty couch to sit on. "I think it best we stay out of the conversation, too, Eri." Once seated, the short man waited for his girlfriend to sit beside him before holding her hand, hoping everything would turn out alright. For once in his life, he actually remained silent while pondering what the end result might be.

Harry guided Claire to the couch where the table with snacks was. "It's okay, Lucky! It's okay! You and Claire can have a chat."