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Violet Runa

"It's okay to feel weak sometimes. It's okay to be afraid. The important thing is that we face our fears. That's...that's what makes us strong." {Major WIP}

0 · 1,669 views · located in Liwa Island

a character in “Liwa Island”, as played by Kura Ravengade


"For there to be pain, there has to be kindness. For darkness to stand out, there has to be the sun."
Somewhere | Within Temptation

"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times ... If one only remembers to turn on the light."
~Albus Dumbledore

Before Death
After Death

| Full Name |
Avanna Angel Müller
Violet Nova Runa

| Nicknames and Aliases |
Aya, Angel, Anna
Lottie, Vivi, Aya

| Gender |

| Age |

| Birthday |
October 31st
December 31st

| Sexual Orientation |

| Scent |
Lilacs and Lillies

| Accent |

| Nationality |
Quedlingburg, Saxony Anhalt, Germany
Eguisheim, France

| Romantic Interest |
Boy 1

| Ethnicity |
2/3 German; 1/3 British
1/4 Portuguese; 1/4 Spanish; 1/2 French

| Social Class |

| Occupation |
Sale's Clerk at a local book store
Bartender/Waitress at a local pub

| Place of Residence |
[url=]Former Home]
Former Room
Current Apartment

| Oddities/Quirks |

"People's differences are something to celebrate."

| Hair Color |
Sandy Blonde

| Hair Style |

| Hair Length |
Below Breasts
Below Breasts

| Skin Tone |

| Complexion |

| Eye Color |
Light Hazel

| Height

| Weight |

| Body Type |

| Build |
Toned and Athletic

| Tattoos |

| Piercings |

| Birthmarks/Scars |

"You must always be yourself and do things at your own pace. Someday... you'll catch up."

| Personality |

Words to describe character

| Morals |

| Likes |

| Dislikes |

| Talents |

| Flaws |

| Fears |

| Weaknesses |

| Hobbies |

| Secrets |

| Goals and Dreams |

"I think... I want to live with all my memories. Even if they're bad memories. Even if they're memories that only hurt me... that I'd rather forget. If I keep them and keep trying, without running away, then someday I'll be strong enough that those memories can't defeat me. I believe that because I want to think that there's no such thing as a memory that's okay to forget."


(What's your goal now that you're back alive)

| History |

| Other |

"True kindness isn't something we're born with. It's something we had to work on..."

|{Family Tree}|
Mother || Inga Müller || 46 || Magistrate Judge
Father || Gregory Müller || 52 || Brain Surgeon
Twin Brother and sister || Alonzo and Anita Müller || 8 || Students
Brother || Altio Müller || 25 || Chief Legal Officer

|{Happiest Memory}|

|{Saddest Memory}|

|{Thoughts On Dying}|
"Throughout all of both of my lives, I've lived with the constant belief that everything happens for a reason. The fact that I chose that day at that time to leave that world was not a coincidence. Neither is the fact that on that day at that time, the ethereal force that controls who lives and who dies, decided to play a little game for the first time.

I honestly, with all of my heart, believe that I was meant to die that day.

Just as I was meant to become reborn."

|Old Self|
(Describe how your character use to look)


Character Dialogue || #B40404

Character Thought || #0B610B

| Face Claim |
Liana Liberato
Bethany Mota


So begins...

Violet Runa's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Violet Runa Character Portrait: Aeshan Zoran Kit Character Portrait: Declan Wood Character Portrait: Jade Lily Scott Character Portrait: Jonathan Adam O'Reilly Character Portrait: Robyn Reid
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Time: 12:00 Am || Date: May 24, 2016 || Weather: Warm

Lightening strikes across the island at the peak of the morning, summing the arrival of Death. Death loomed over the island of Liwa, not in a menacing way, but instead watching over the island. Though, no one would be dying on this day, in fact life was being given. The first day of summer, the one year anniversary of the deaths of four teens, and the day these teens would be brought back to life. He would give these teens another chance at life to do whatever they wished. Also, he just wanted to watch what happened, he was growing bored, always watching people die, but today, oh today, now he would watch people live.


ImageThe sand was stuck between his toes: squishy, damp, and cooling. Salt was the only scent that filled the air and that was alright with Aeshan, it was refreshing. Everything about this spot on the beach gave a serene feeling to him, it was a special place to the young man. The way the ocean waves barely reached him, tickling his toes, was a feeling like home, well if home was a person.

A year ago today... His thoughts couldn't help but trail, especially since it all seemed so unreal.

The past year had been odd to say the least, so surreal. Aeshan had managed to live without his best friend, which in every way was odd. Time and time again he had caught himself accidentally trying to talk to Declan though he was gone. Everytime he had some big accomplishment the first person he wanted to tell was Cards, but then the realization would always set in that he was gone. Nonetheless it was still odd, but Aeshan was managing.

"I graduated man," he spoke softly as if someone where there to hear him. Regardless, he was pretty excited to feel free from high school, he was extremely ready for college. He was even toying with the idea of leaving the island to pursue his dreams of writing and painting. Maybe Europe, maybe the states, he wasn't really sure yet. Maybe Paris. Paris was his place of birth, so maybe that's where he'd go.

Lightening began to roll across the see, that spelled danger, but Aeshan couldn't pull himself to leave the spot he was at. He needed to be here at this moment in time, he needed this, he needed to be at his special place. This spot on the beach was the closing thing he had to home it felt. Of course from time to time Aeshan would go and visit Declan's family, they were extremely lovely people, family to him in a way and he loved the, deeply, but that was home either. Here, on this beach was close though. Declan and Aeshan came here a lot together, it was their spot... and Declan had been his home. How funny is it that a person could be home. In reality Aeshan thought he would have had more time with Declan, he thought they would have years together. On this very spot on the beach they had made plans together for their futures, they were each others future, at least that's what he had thought.

Aeshan wasn't going to spend the rest of his life stuck in the past of his dead friend, of course he thought about him every day, but he couldn't just stay stuck in that tragic night. This early morning Aeshan felt like he was allowed to let his mind be overflowed with memories of Declan, it was alright.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Violet Runa Character Portrait: Aeshan Zoran Kit Character Portrait: Declan Wood Character Portrait: Jade Lily Scott Character Portrait: Jonathan Adam O'Reilly Character Portrait: Robyn Reid
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Every night I close my eyes and your face races through my mind. isn't how I want to remember it. I see your eyes, wide with shock, blood pooling around your hair, staining it a deep crimson colour that I wish I could erase from my mind. But the image. The image of you, once so fantastically amazing, is now tainted with this new image: the image of you...dead. Literally and figuratively. The image of you is dead, replaced by the image of you - dead. I wish I could forget. Forget that single night. Just that night. That night alone.

The guilt of it is unbearable, unrelenting. Not only was my image of you destroyed, but I lost the image I once had of myself. The girl I knew both barely yet all the same too well. Now an even more imperfect piece of artwork thrust upon this world; her hands are stained a wine colour, and she is nothing more than a coward, too afraid to live on but even more afraid to die. I can't shake the image from my head of the other girl; the one who didn't deserve what happened to her but ended up suffering the drunken rage of the girl with the scarlet-coloured hands. The hands that belong to me but all the same do not.

I am not a murderer. Sometimes I think I am. Or that I might be. 'It was an accident.' 'You weren't in your right mind.' That's what they said at least. That, and countless other things of the like. I have to believe that it could have been, only I don't entirely believe that it was. I did mean to hurt her - that was all too clearly intentional - but not for her to die. They're right when they say that your natural 'fight-or-flight' instinct kicks in when you're in trouble. Running was both the worst and the best decision I could have made that night.

I wonder sometimes, if I could go back to that night, if I wouldn't have run, knowing what I know now. Maybe if I hadn't run, you would still be alive. Because that's how Karma works, right? If I had stayed, that girl may have lived, and Karma wouldn't have had to step in to make things 'right.' I'd like to think that's how it has to work; at the same time, though, I don't because that doesn't seem entirely fair. Not to me at least.

I have these thoughts a lot, you know. Wishing that I could turn back time, while at the same time never wanting to really go back to that night. The night. A year ago. A year ago... I feel like I learned important lessons though. I think the most important being how fragile lives really are. How quickly they may be stripped from this soil, whether by a malicious god or by Death himself.

I have also wondered whether Death takes the shape of a man or rather a woman. Maybe Death takes neither form and is simply some sort of apparition - maybe a demon even - but I guess you can't be completely sure unless you meet Death face-to-face. Which seems somewhat unfair because then only the dead would know the true appearance of Death. Rewarding the dead with being able to see him - her - it. That would mean that Death would have to be really beautiful. If someone living could see Death, in all of their beauty and wonder, more people would wish for their deaths. That would be my guess, anyway,
Jade thought. She had a tendency to enact inner monologues with herself, thinking and brooding over past events. She figured it might help her figure out how to rid of her nightmares. She decided it might be a good idea to get up and get out, to clear her head.

She stood, leaving her bed behind her and put on a coat. It was late, and she could hear thunder, but she couldn't stay in her room any longer without driving herself crazy with her own thoughts. She made her way toward the beach, the clouds in the sky obscuring the moon so intensely that there was little light besides the occasional strike of lightning. She kicked off her flip flops and picked them up in her hand, pulling her jacket more closed with the other. It was windy, but there wasn't yet any rain. She stepped into the sand, feeling the cold grains sink between her toes. She could feel her hair whipping about as she walked along the shoreline, staying far enough away from the water to keep from getting wet. As she walked, she could feel the wind lashing sand at her bare legs. She wished she had changed into jeans rather than wearing her soft, pajama shorts. It was a warm night, but the wind was making her cold.

As she round a corner, the wind died down significantly, making her feel better. As she continued, a lightning flash illuminated the silhouette of something in the sand. As she drew closer, she could see that it was a person. Drawing nearer still, she saw that it was Aeshan, someone she didn't know too well, but knew nonetheless. Everyone knew everyone here, the island was so small. She glided up to him and sat beside him. "It's a nice night. Just wish it wasn't this night." She knew that he would understand what she meant. She hadn't been the only one to lose someone close to them this night, a year ago.


24 May 2016, he thought to himself as he wrote the date down in his diary. He hadn't been able to sleep, knowing that today would mark the one year anniversary of his best friend's death. He still couldn't believe that it had already been a year. He wasn't sure how he had been making it through it besides just trying his hardest to stick it out with high school. He had graduated this year, and he didn't know what he was going to do now. He had debated trying to pursue music, but he didn't think that his piano playing was up to par. He had always loved writing but wasn't sure if he could make a living or a career out of it. He felt lost and hopeless, but more than anything, he felt alone.

Today marks the one year 'anniversary' of her death, he wrote. Now that I'm finished with high school, my future seems bleak, but I at least have Sen to help me through things. Though it usually feels more like I'm helping him through things. Tonight also marks the death of his girlfriend. Jonathan had a difficult time writing the words. He still felt like the reason that Sen's girlfriend wasn't alive anymore. He hadn't known it at the time, but when he and Sen had started seeing each other, Sen had been in a relationship.

Now, Jonathan found himself consoling Sen on the regular as Sen drank himself silly, more often than not. It was always painful, for both of them, but he knew that tonight - today - was going to be worse.

There was a knock at his bedroom door. His mother spoke through it. "You have a phone call. Next time your friends call you this late, you're grounded." He wondered who would be calling him this late, now that he thought about it. He had a guess, but he hoped he was wrong. He made his way to the kitchen and picked up the receiver. "Hello?" he said softly. "Jomafem..." Jonathan closed his eyes. He had been correct; it was Sen, drunk. "Sen, why are you calling so late?" he whispered. "I - hic - ned oo ta cuh oh-verrrr..." "Okay. Sit tight..." He hung up the phone quickly and slipped on his shoes, heading over to Sen's as quickly as he could walk.

When he got there, Sen was lying on his front lawn, his arms and legs spread out as if he was attempting to look like a starfish. "Sen..." he muttered as he knelt by him. "Huh? Jomafem!" Sen's eyes were glassy and not focusing. Jonathan sat him up and stepped inside, coming back out after a minute or so with a glass of water. "Drink." Sen surprisingly did as he was told, downing the entire cup. "Come on. Let's go for a walk." He lifted Sen's arm over his shoulders and stood him up. He made their way toward the beach, hoping the cool breeze that was always blowing across the water would help.

There was a lightning flash, and he sighed, hoping that the rain wouldn't start. It was warm and as they came to the beach, he could see two others sitting on the beach together. Another flash. He could make out a head of short, blonde hair, and he instantly knew who it was. It was Jade, the girl who had unintentionally murdered his best friend. He didn't hate her though; he knew it wasn't entirely her fault. He especially didn't hate her because she had also ended up losing someone that night. He took notice of the boy sitting beside her, and he knew him as well. It seemed that, on this night, the year after the deaths, the four people who had lost someone close to them were unintentionally reuniting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Violet Runa Character Portrait: Aeshan Zoran Kit Character Portrait: Declan Wood Character Portrait: Jade Lily Scott Character Portrait: Jonathan Adam O'Reilly Character Portrait: Robyn Reid
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A flash of bright light.

A tingling feeling from the tip of his toes to the top of his head.

Then came the booming rumble, that rippled through the earth shaking him to the core.

Declan Mackenzie Wood opened his eyes, something he hadn't done for a year. As the light adjusted, he blinked rapidly, a small groan coming from somewhere... Himself maybe?

He was lying down on the ground, staring up at the sky. For a second he almost thought this was the afterlife, or a surreal dream that was possibly his heaven. He laid there, staring up, waiting for something. God? The Devil? Something?

But nothing happened.

After a couple minutes he realized that he could move, he wiggled his toes and fingers, the feeling almost foreign in a way. He was confused that's for sure. His last real memory being... well dying. He slowly sat up, his mind taking in the surroundings, he was on Liwa, Is this the afterlife? Am I dead? The questions ran threw his mind. He got up, shakily, it was almost as if he was an infant taking his first steps. As he managed to stand still he noticed he was lying right next to the island's surfboard shop, it looked closed, It must be early... But was there even anyone else in this supposed Afterlife?

He slowly shuffled to the window of the shop, peering in to see if anyone was there, maybe to explain to him, what in the hell was happening. It took him a second to realize the reflection staring back at him wasn't, well... Him. W- What? The shock of it made him stumble back a bit, as he blinked thinking maybe he was hallucinating.

He slowly reached a hand up to touch the strangers, his face. The person staring back at him, had an angular jaw, bright green and blue eyes, close-cropped dirty blonde hair, hell, he could even tell he was taller and more muscular. He was wearing the same outfit the night of the crash, a simple cotton grey shirt and pants, except he was oddly barefoot and the clothes weren't ripped and soaked in his blood. Oh god, he felt sick. He couldn't stand to look at the person staring back and bent over, emptying whatever content was left in his stomach.

Everything was too overwhelming.

When he recovered he stepped back and looked around, a gut wrenching sensation tearing at him as he laid eyes on the sandy trail leading down to the beach. A simple thought bloomed in his head, Aeshan... Kit, the thought of his friend clouded his mind. Is he alive? Dead? Even here? Where ever the hell I am... The urge of his friend was almost like a magnetic pull, he just was being drawn to the beach. Maybe this was some sign? Good or Bad he wasn't sure.

Blindly, he slowly started to shuffle down the sandy path, almost like the Walking Dead. The sand was hot against his feet, but he was almost to numb to feel it, or anything in the matter. He finally stumbled out onto the sand, the waves slowly lapping against the shore. He watched them for a moment, small tears forming in his eyes. Is this my punishment? Forced to stay in this spot forever? Forced to remember the awful terms and emotions I left him on?

Then the tears finally came and he collapsed in the sand, his salty tears mixing with the oceans own.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Violet Runa
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"I am the wisest man alive ... For I know one thing - and that is that I know nothing. Socrates."

May 24th, 2016 || 12:02 AM || Orion's Falls

My father always told me that I should expect the unexpected and dream a better dream. My mother, on the other hand, always told me to remain rational and composed, and to never allow my dreams to cross into reality, because in all likelihood, my dreams would never come true.

I, however, had my own mantra. What it is, I'm choosing not to disclose at this current moment in time. I have to retain a bit of my mystery, now don't I?

Blinking up at the clear night sky above, Violet lay still for a few moments, reveling over the fact that she was somehow 'alive' again.

Was I ever truly gone? Or were my last few minutes just a dream? It seems as though I'm still on Liwa, but ...

Sitting up slowly, she propped her hands behind her so as to help hold up her weight. When she skimmed her surroundings, the ringing that had been a constant in her ears since awakening finally dimmed enough for a loud, thundering sound to enter her senses. Taking in the immediate area, she noticed the familiarity of the appearance, scent, and noises.

"But ... How did I get to Orion's Falls ...?"

Firmly pressing her eyelids together, she concentrated on recalling any recent events, but only resulted in giving herself a piercing headache.

When it had finally subsided enough for her to think again, she mulled over the fact that the last memory in her mind was that of her death.

There was no way that that could have been a dream.

Finally, with a small groan of irritation and confusion, she pushed herself to her feet and wiped some of the dampness from the bottom of her plaid pajama bottoms.

"Well, sitting here with a stupid look on my face isn't going to accomplish anything. Might as well start walking," she sighed out.

The climb down from the top of the falls was difficult to say the least, and by the time she had reached the bottom, her entire body was trembling from exertion. Her arms felt like limp noodles at her sides, dangling with her scraped palms pounding by her hips. Approaching the banks of the small pond that trickled into a tiny river that broke through the trees and into the ocean, she shoved her hands into the sparkling, clear water, sighing at the relief it gave her checkered skin.

It was only when she went to dry her hands on her pants a few moments later that she really looked into that clear, light blue water.

Letting out a squeal, she fell back and landed roughly on her bottom, undoubtedly bruising her tailbone in the process. There was an odd swishing sound thundering in her ears, and she could feel her heart hammering heavily in her chest.

The reflection that she had seen had not been the one that she had woken up to every day for the past seventeen years.

Gone were her darkened blonde locks and bright hazel-green eyes. In replacement was a complete stranger with chiseled cheekbones, long chestnut locks, and intense hazel-brown eyes.

After a few moments she managed to slow her breathing enough so that she would stop seeing stars and slowly approached the water's edge once more.

When Violet moved her hand to touch her face, the hand in the image moved also. She moved her head from side-to-side, and so did the image.

She blinked.

The image blinked.

She stuck her tongue out.

The image stuck it's tongue out.

Splashing at the water, she dropped back on her heels and stared up at the immense sky above her one last time before pushing herself to her feet again.

"Whatever's happening isn't going to be solved while you sit here on your ass," she said to herself, slapping her cheeks in order to work herself up. Dropping her hands, she lifted her chin defiantly and shouted up towards the trees, speaking to no one but everyone. [color=#B40404]"Do you hear me? Whoever you are that's done whatever you've done, I'm not just going to sit on my ass and take it!"

When her calls yielded no answer, she curled her fingers inwards, ignoring the stinging fight that her skin made against her doing so. Squaring her shoulders, she set off to follow the river towards the ocean.

It took only a few minutes to reach the parting in the trees that led to the beach. As she did, her bare and now-dirtied feet met the soft, cool relief of sand instead of the harsh forest floor.

Violet closed her eyes and sighed, tilting her face up towards the sky. Sand squished between her toes, tickling them a bit, and she wriggled them in the soft grains. The cool, refreshing ocean breeze wafted across her face, a soothing comparison to the stifling mugginess of the thick trees, and the scent of the sea made it's way into her nostrils.

This was definitely something that she would have missed had she remained dead.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Violet Runa Character Portrait: Aeshan Zoran Kit Character Portrait: Declan Wood Character Portrait: Jade Lily Scott Character Portrait: Jonathan Adam O'Reilly Character Portrait: Robyn Reid
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There was nothing but a dull chill running through Robyn that faintly reminded her of laying in the snow when she was younger. She could hear nothing or to put it more clearly there was nothing to be heard. All that Robyn knew was dead silence, for a short while that is. Stuck in her own head or what she thought was her head Robyn wondered. Why was everything so quiet? Why was she feeling this chill throughout her body? Was Jade doing okay . . .? And more importantly what the hell was happening to her?

She remembers the headlights, the sudden impact and just laying there on the cold wet pavement for a couple of seconds, feeling the warm blood slowly run down her face before . . . nothing. She knew she was dead but what was next? There had been nothing but silence for what seemed to be forever but now this sudden chill was upon her. Robyn felt different like she was not herself but at the same time she was. It was a confusing feeling that was cut short when a sudden roar rang in her ears. For the first time and then again not her eyes shot open and her body suddenly jerked up causing her to sit up and her first breath was inhaled.

It was like taking your first breath when you come up from water and the salty sea air was all too familiar to her. Her breaths were deep and frantic but after a few seconds it had calmed into a light pant. "Where?" she muttered before her hands shot to her head, searching and expecting to feel the warmth and wetness of her blood but nothing. Knowing now that she wasn't bleeding Robyn's eyes looked up only to be temporarily blinded by a dull shining light that came from a lamp. One of her hands rose in order to shield the light from her eyes while the other softly gripped the damp grass beneath her. Her eyes looked around and it only took one look at the weathered bench not too far from her to know exactly where she was.

Robyn was at the park, the same park where her and Jade use to spend a lot of their time together talking. Suddenly a memory popped in her head, one of her and Jade sitting on the bench but not the way you regularly would. They were sitting in a manner that their feet were the ones to be on the bench while their bums sat upon the backrest, both holding coffee's in their hands laughing at silly jokes they said to each other. She smiled a little, just a little because that's all she could muster without choking up.

Another breeze of that sweet salty sea air she missed so much rolled by and she breathed in deep. Now that she thought about it her whole back was damp and wet, the cause of the chill she was feeling. She pushed herself off of the ground only to stumble forward but catch herself before she fell. That's when a sudden flash of light illuminated the whole sky for a split second followed by a loud roar of thunder causing Robyn to relive the accident for a second time all in her head and her legs gave in like a baby doe learning how to walk. She fell to her knees with shaking hands clenched over her ears and she lost it a little letting out a frightened squeak. A couple of tears fell down her face and she mentally cursed herself for being frightened of thunder. Something she use to love hearing while falling asleep at night was now rendering her into a shaking pile on the ground.

After a minute of no thunder Robyn relaxed herself and pulled herself together. Levante-se, Levante-se! Robyn mentally said to herself as she tried standing once more with her still wobbly legs up. Once she was up and had made it to the bench that's when it happened. The third breeze to roll by blew her hair into her face and she tucked back a lock oo the fiery stuff behind her left ear then froze. Her hair was never this long nor copper. She suddenly grabbed the ends of her hair and stared down at the beautiful color. Robyn had to admit it was a beautiful color but this wasn't her. A bit freaked out she wiped away the last of her tears that had already reached the bottom of her chin and took off out of the park. She needed something, somewhere in order to look at herself but while running she began noticing the body reflecting in the store windows. This totally made her come to a stop and take a few steps back in order to stand in front of the store once more.

Her eyes landed on a body that wasn't hers. She looked it up and down from the bright copper hair down to her bare feet. Was this some kind of sick dream that she couldn't wake up from or was this really happening? Like a child would do Robyn pinched her thigh only to feel the pain. "Ouch!" she whispered rather surprised. Her arm stretched out and gently touched the reflection of her new face. The glass was cold, very cold and that's all she could think about for the next minute or so as she was easily distracted like this. When she snapped out of it her bright green eyes met her own in the reflection only to notice that she was crying again with fresh tear marks going down her face. After finally accepting that the face in the window was indeed hers Robyn turned away and began walking towards the beach sniffling and jumping every time thunder and lighting rippled through the sky.

Bare feet that were once traveling on cold pavement finally met the warmth of the sand and the crashing waves were in view. Robyn slowly walked closer and closer to the waves kicking up a bit of sand as she did, her eyes trained on ground watching the grains fly a few inches off the ground before kissing it again. She stopped right where the waves washed over her feet and no more. The cool ocean water seemed to relax her a little, at least in between the thunder and lighting. Robyn just stood there with arms wrapped around herself since she was a little cold and just stared at the raging waves.