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Royce Montague

"I live by night, when the sun comes up I hide away."

0 · 510 views · located in Easthaven

a character in “Locked Out Of Heaven”, as played by toysolider


Full Name: Royce Sebastian Montague |Appearance Age: 21|Nick Names: Roy or Romeo(Due to his last name)|Supernatural Type: Zombie

- Girls
- Flesh
- Music
- Blood
- His Friends
- Blood
- Coffee
- Other Supernatural Beings
“Love the ladies and the human flesh, sue me”

✗ Judgmental People
✗Bright sun or lights
✗People finding out what he really is
“Above all I hate the daytime”

♱ Falling in love with a Human “It would never work”
♱ Being Buried again “I’m not going back in the damn coffin.”

☄ He often cracks his neck “I always feel better after.”
☄ Sings the songs he writes. “I use to be a musician, till I died.”
☄ Loves the word “Fuck You” “It’s such a powerful word.”


+ His skin has a greenish tent, but it’s not all the noticeable and it’s not gross or anything like that. He has several of scars and freshly stitched up wounds all over his chest, arms and neck (Sort of like Sally from nightmare before Christmas.) though he hides them by wearing a sweater most of them time

Unlike what most people think he is not mindless or stupid, people tend to associate Zombie with those two words. He is actually quite smart and aware. His skin isn’t falling off of him and he can talk. He is undead, former legendary rock star, Royce Montague, died after over dosing on drugs in his hotel room in the 80s. A crazed fan, who also happened to be a witch involved in black magic, brought him back from the dead, unfortunately being dead takes a lot out of you and she didn’t realize that he would actually want human flesh, needless to say she was his first meal. He can’t stand the sunlight, it’s harsh on his very, very pale sensitive skin, he craves human flesh and blood.

Plain and simple he’s a player with a bad boy attitude, he loves women, but refuses to commit. He has a bad habit of stating the obvious when it probably should just stay unspoken. He has a bad attitude all the time and he can lose his temper easily and when he does you don’t want to be on the receiving end. He has a hard time showing his true feelings and he can often become jealous or protective of something that he really cares about. If he found the right girl he’d do anything for her, but he’s not counting on ever finding her. He has a good heart, he just doesn’t exactly know how to put it to use.


It Ends Tonight| All American Rejects
Your subtleties
They strangle me
I can't explain myself at all.
And all the wants
And all the needs
All I don't want to need at all.

The walls start breathing
My mind's unweaving
Maybe it's best you leave me alone.
A weight is lifted
On this evening
I give the final blow.

When darkness turns to light,
It ends tonight
It ends tonight.

A falling star
Least I fall alone.
I can't explain what you can't explain.
You're finding things that you didn't know
I look at you with such disdain

The walls start breathing
My mind's unweaving
Maybe it's best you leave me alone.
A weight is lifted
On this evening
I give the final blow.

When darkness turns to light
It ends tonight,
It ends tonight.
Just a little insight won't make this right
It's too late to fight
It ends tonight,
It ends tonight.

Now I'm on my own side
It's better than being on your side
It's my fault when you're blind
It's better that I see it through your eyes

All these thoughts locked inside
Now you're the first to know

When darkness turns to light
It ends tonight,
It ends tonight.
Just a little insight won't make this right
It's too late to fight
It ends tonight,
It ends

When darkness turns to light
It ends tonight,
It ends tonight.
Just a little insight won't make this right
It's too late to fight
It ends tonight,
It ends tonight.

When darkness turns to light,
It ends tonight.


So begins...

Royce Montague's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lena La Rouge Character Portrait: Royce Montague
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Helena sat in front of her antique vanity mirror that she had inherited when her grandmother passed away, this vanity was probably as old as this house. She though as she lined her purple-blue eyes with black liner. She was still in her black babydoll style pajamas. She had been procrastinating getting dressed all day. Her party was in an hour and she still wasn’t ready. Oh well, it’s my party and I’ll be late if I want to she smirked at her reflection in the old mirror. Her light emerald hair was in a messy bun on top her head. She tugged at the rubber band letting her long hair fall beautiful natural curls around her face. In all honestly she was almost ready, she just had to get dressed.

With a small knock on her door both of her giant Great Danes heads popped up attentively, as they laid one on each side of her.
“Enter if you must.” She spoke as if bored, her southern twang was thick, her family had deep roots here.

“Your highness” Harvey, her older brother gave a bow, they were always joking with each other. They were extremely close, if you didn’t know the two of them you’d probably think they had some kind of weird romantic relationship, but that isn’t the case at all. Bentley and Titan wagged their tails but didn’t leave their master’s side. “Your chariot awaits.” He smirked, tattoos covered his body, he looked like a rock star.

“Good, we mustn’t keep my peasants waiting then.” She teased back.

“Just hurry your ass up. Ty, Bent, let’s get a move on it.” He called to the dogs, going to load them into the car.

After her brother left the room she slipped into her one of a kind blue and silver cocktail dress. She looked herself over in the mirror one last time before she headed out to her brothers car. Her parents were holding her Sweet Sixteen at their famous country club, her party would be the talk of the summer, and with that though a huge smile painted her glossed lips.

Tyson took a long drag off his cigarette as he sat in the dark abandon shack the boys had been occupying for the last week, people didn’t exactly take well to boys like them, not in the slightest. Slivers of late southern sun slipped through the cracks of the old shack. He hated the sun, he hated heat, he had been buried in darkness for so long that if he was exposed to sun for long periods of time it would make him sick to the point where he could barely function, not as if he was supposed to be functioning now he was a Zombie after all.

He was irritated by the though as he took another drag from his cigarette. The boys were planning on crashing some rich girls party about an hour from here, they had heard that Easthaven had always had weird ghost stories so they figured it would be a good place to hide. Only problem is they’d have to wait until it got a little cooler, so they could all travel, none of them really liked the heat all that much. Royce stood up and made his way into the main area, it was brighter in there, he pulled his hood over his head to block some of the thicker rays of sunlight.

“Well, should we get going, this place is fucking boring as hell boring.” He smirked his famous rock star smirk as he made his way to the door of the shack shoving his hands in his pocket.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eira Leigh Character Portrait: Elliot Jordan Character Portrait: Lena La Rouge Character Portrait: Royce Montague Character Portrait: Parker Rivera
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That morning was a bit, well it got a bit crazy. At that moment her father was screaming at her for what she planned to wear to her friends Sweet Sixteen, and she was sort of just staring at him with a blank expression, waiting for his temper tantrum to end. Though first things first, let's go back to the first thing that got her in trouble. When she'd woken up, Eira had dressed for riding, which was what she planned to do after she got some breakfast. But no, the step-wench wanted Eira to dress nice, so they could go out and get her a, and she quotes, "better and more appropriate dress" for Helena's party. That was happening, not if she had a say in it. So of course they fought, getting loud enough that they woke her father. That probably wasn't the brightest thing to do. The man was not pleasant, at all, in the mornings.

Without giving it another thought, Eira had exited through the glass doors and scaled down the balcony before either of them could say or do anything about it. The next mistake was going to ride Caber. First she had to retrieve him from the fields, which meant she got thoroughly covered in mud(which she later trailed through the house, another thing for the wench to be upset about). Then she rode without a saddle or reins. Caber decided to try and be cute and tossed her right into the pond, which had momentarily cleared her of mud. Though as the chestnut stallion ran away from her, she was forced to walk soaking wet back to the house, obviously collecting more mud.

To her luck, the parents were nowhere to be found as she entered the house and went up to her room, effectively dirtying every place she stepped. Stripping off her clothes, she taken a quick shower and then proceeded to slip into her dress. If you could call the blue and black corset and skirt a dress at all. After slipped on a pair of black wedges, and checking to make sure her blue hair was fully dried, she returned downstairs.

Apparently her luck had run out. Back to the present, her father finally calmed down when she said that she would wear a pair of black stockings with the dress. And she did, unfortunately. Fortunately her "date"(more like her ride) was already outside so she didn't have to sit with the dictators any longer.

Elliot was probably shaking from excitement. Or he might have been shaking from the cold. It was likely both. Royce had informed him that they were to be crashing a party later that night, and he couldn't deny that he was excited to be going to a party. Especially at a famous country club. Honestly, who wouldn't be excited? Not to mention that if it was at a country club, the party was more than likely for a girl. Which meant that there would be a lot of other little stuck up rich snobs there. They were obviously headed for a night of fun.

Though that wasn't the only reason he was excited. Until a year or two ago, Elliot had lived in heaven. Yeah, heaven. There obviously was not a lot of parties going on up there. And any time Royce provided them a chance to arrive at a party, Eli jumped on it. This would be no different. The boys still had a lot to teach him about being a crazed teenager though, that was for sure.

Pulling his black wings tighter around him, he tried to cease his shivering. When he fell, from heaven of course, he landed in hell. He wasn't there for more than a second when he appeared on earth, but the extreme heat he experienced in hell... Well now, any time it was even somewhat cold he was freezing. Most the time the others found him huddling under a blanket with his wings around him, like now. Well, until Royce announced they were leaving and Eli was forced to stand and follow him outside. "You really shouldn't smoke, it's bad for you."
