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Alec Doherty

I'm not slacking off, I'm just... taking a break.

0 · 549 views · located in Miss Pemberley's Boarding House

a character in “London Calling”, as played by graphicromantics





Name: Alec William Doherty

Age: 25

Hails from: Wokingham, England

Reason For Coming to Miss Pemberley's: Alec left his home after his mother's passing, and he was in need of work and a place to stay. Luckily, Miss Pemberley's provided both. He has been working as Miss Pemberley's personal attendant since.

Room Number: 102


Personality: Alec is a prankster and a flirt, but that's probably because he's never really serious about anything. Everything is still like a game to him- he sees the world to a child's eyes sometimes. He's a bit of a slob, but frankly, it doesn't bother him. Alec can be a major jerk, but at the very core, there is a half-grain of an okay person. He's rather vain, just as most people his age are. Alec is always up for a good prank or party. He gets bored very easily, and is always on the hunt for something else to entertain himself with. He has been in a serious relationship once, but all of the others were always just brief flings.

    β€’ Parties
    β€’ Pranks
    β€’ Alcohol (when the occasion calls for it)
    β€’ Dogs
    β€’ Women
    β€’ Music
    β€’ Sleep
    β€’ Excitement
    β€’ Movies
    β€’ Laughing

    β€’ Quiet
    β€’ Bad movies
    β€’ Drama Queens/Kings
    β€’ Cream Cheese
    β€’ Desperate chicks
    β€’ Celebrities
    β€’ Hipsters
    β€’ Shoes


Appearance: Alec has short brown hair and bright blue eyes. Given his stick-out ears and mischievous smile, he looks a bit like an imp. He has stubble on his face, a result of being too lazy to shave in the mornings. Alec doesn't pay too much attention to what he wears, but he tries to look somewhat presentable- you never know who you might meet anywhere. He dislikes shoes, and tries to avoid shoes as much as possible. He doesn't know when he started hating shoes, but it's certainly stayed with him.


History: Alec grew up in Wokingham, England with an average family. His father was a biologist, and his mother was a physicist. Alec always had a closer relationship with his mother rather than his father, because his mother was always there for him, while his father didn't really associate with Alec much. When Alec entered high school, he started butting heads with his father a lot more. In Alec's second year of high school, his mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. His father, unaccustomed to showing emotion, was stoic, igniting Alec's anger. He thought that his father didn't even care that she had cancer. Of course, he did, but Alec largely misunderstood.

After several chemotherapy sessions, hat shopping days, and hospital visits with his mother, she died just days after Alec graduated. At the funeral, his father, once again, had a mask of impeccable calm. Alec was planning to move out after high school anyways, but after the funeral, he packed as soon as he could and fled for London. He came across Miss Pemberley's, and booked a room. He got a job, helping Miss Pemberley with whatever she needs help with. In some ways, Miss Pemberley is a little like Alec's second mother. He is grateful for all of her help, but he is afraid of what he will do when Miss Pemberley passes away as well.

Oddities/Quirky Habits: Alec will shut down if he is put under excessive amounts of pressure. He also has a habit of rubbing the back of his neck.

So begins...

Alec Doherty's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alec Doherty Character Portrait: Quinn Byrne Character Portrait: Lolita Saunders Character Portrait: Nathaniel Turner
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From the stairs, Alec watched the three figures in the kitchen, shaking his head at the hopeless trio in front of him. Nathaniel, the poor bloke, obviously didn't know which of the two girls to choose from. The Lolita girl, he'd helped when she first moved in. Quinn was a decent girl. He strolled into the dining room, yawning lazily.

"I'm starving," he muttered to himself.

He plopped himself down on one of the seats, across from Lolita, and grabbed a slice of bread.

"Morning, beautiful," he said lightly, winking at Lolita.

He didn't really like Lola all too much, but it wasn't like she was awful. Alec also knew that Lola was a flirt, just like he was, so she wouldn't take his remarks all too seriously. He grinned at Nate.

"Hey mate. Sleep well last night?" he inquired of Nathaniel while buttering his bread.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alec Doherty Character Portrait: Quinn Byrne Character Portrait: Lolita Saunders Character Portrait: Nathaniel Turner
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#, as written by Grrbot
"if you thin the place is so nice, why won't you be staying long?" Nathaniel asked. Lola pondered the question. "Its nice... But not nice enough to stay long..." Lola sighed. "I come from a small town a few hours outside of Dublin, I suppose you could say that I'm looking for a change in pace." Nathan said, answering Lola's question. Lola frowned as Quinn entered the room... There always seemed to be tension between the two... Lola knew Quinn despised her so she made the best of it.... Making Quinn despise Lola even more... Lola watched as Quinn offered Nathaniel some breakfast, totally ignoring the fact that Lola was present... Lola watched as Nathaniel got up, brushing her hair accidentally as he rose. Lola gave a sweet smile and gave Quinn a look as Nathan headed over to check on the eggs.

Lola watched as Alec sat across from her and grabbed a piece of bread.. "Morning, beautiful," Alec greeted, winking at Lola. Lola blushed... He was such a gentlemen and charismatic that is... He always knew how to make the woman swoon... He was also kind as he had helped Lolita move in, months following the "accident". In a way, Alec was similar to Lolita... She knew not everyone was fond her at in the house but she felt closest with Alec.... He was a flirt like her.... But this was an act for Lola, to hide everything... It was like halloween everyday and this was only her costume... Her real self would break down... But Lola was stronger than that. "Aw thanks Alec. How was your sleep?" Lola murmured to Alec, putting a spoonful of cereal in her mouth.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alec Doherty Character Portrait: Quinn Byrne Character Portrait: Lolita Saunders Character Portrait: Nathaniel Turner
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#, as written by Onuwa
Nathaniel glanced over his shoulder and saw a new face and he nodded at the man and said "Slept alright, always different in a new bed. 'pose I'll get used to it soon." He watched as he flirted with Lolita and he wondered if maybe they were together but he assumed that maybe he was just being nice. He thought to make some conversation with the group and said "Maybe somebody could show me a few interesting spots to explore around here. I wouldn't mind getting out and seeing the sights today."

She smell of eggs was wonderful and he glanced back at them cooking and he nudged Quinn gently "Thank you." he said. It was always nice when people cooked for him. He couldn't help but notice that Quinn seemed to have a dislike for Lolita and he was curious as to what had happened between them but he thought it wise not to ask. He looked over at Alec and thought that he seemed like an interesting fellow and he hoped that maybe they would be friends. He missed having a guy to hang out with. It was always fun to go out with the guys and have a beer. He smiled at the thought of having friends.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alec Doherty Character Portrait: Quinn Byrne Character Portrait: Lolita Saunders Character Portrait: Nathaniel Turner
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"Aw, thanks, Alec. How was your sleep?" Lola asked.

"As good as it usually is, I suppose," he said breezily, smiling at her.

Quinn was in the kitchen, making scrambled eggs. From the way Nate and Quinn stood together, you'd have thought that they were a couple. Hearing Nathaniel ask about the sights made Alec perk up. He knew just about everything in the area, and taking a tram into the heart of London wouldn't take too long. Alec turned in his chair to face Nathaniel.

"Well, if you're looking for ordinary sights, any old chap can do that. But I," he said, patting his chest twice for emphasis,"know the local places, and I've got quite a few connections further into London. Allow me to be your guide."

Alec grinned winningly. His connections would get him far someday, he knew.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alec Doherty Character Portrait: Quinn Byrne Character Portrait: Lolita Saunders Character Portrait: Nathaniel Turner
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0.00 INK

Quinn was busily taking the bacon from the stove and cooking the eggs. The new guy who had introduced himself as Nathaniel came up behind her to check on her progress. It was beginning to smell very delicious in the kitchen. Quinn heard Alec come into the kitchen. She liked him well enough, but he was too much of a flirt and Quinn never really liked people who were so free with their emotions. She turned to Alec and asked if he would also like something more filling. She didn't really wait for and answer and turned back to the eggs.

Nathaniel was answering the question that Alec had posed and then spoke to nobody in particular. "Maybe somebody could show me a few interesting spots to explore around here. I wouldn't mind getting out and seeing the sights today." Quinn didn't want to give Lola the satisfaction or the chance to corrupt the newcomer and started to volunteer when Alec chirped up offering his services. "Would it be t' much trouble if I tag along? I'm off from work t'day and I have noting else I'd rather do so I'd be more than happy t' come." He gave a nudge and "Tank You" She presumed it was for the breakfast she was cooking but she liked to think it was for helping him get away from Lola.

Breakfast was now finished cooking and she plated everything up and sat it in front of their respective places. She had begrudgingly fixed Lola a plate. No matter how much she didn't like her, she wasn't the type to let anybody starve, though her serving was noticeably smaller. Breakfast that morning consisted of scrambled eggs, toast, bacon and she threw in some bangers, a traditional Irish sausage. She was particularly proud of the small feast she prepared. She was the one who did a lot of the cooking and food shopping for Miss Pemberly's and everyone always seemed to enjoy the food she cooked.

Before she sat down to eat, she remembered the tea. She prepared some Irish Breakfast Tea and went around placing the cups in front of everyone. Breakfast Tea was often best served with milk so she fixed everyone a cup of that as well. She knew that Alec, being British enjoyed a good cup of tea from time to time, but Lola being American wasn't a huge fan. She placed milk and tea in front of regardless of her opinion. Fixing the tea was Quinn's favorite thing to do in the house and like cooking, she was good at it too.

Finally done with her task, she sat down to enjoy her breakfast. She decided to strike up a conversation, and turned to Nathaniel. "So Nataniel, seeing as your the new one here, you get t' choose what we eat for dinner. I could pick up the ingredients later after we're done sightseeing, if you'd like me t' cook for you that is." She gave a sly smile, knowing he would enjoy the food and wouldn't say no.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alec Doherty Character Portrait: Quinn Byrne Character Portrait: Lolita Saunders Character Portrait: Nathaniel Turner
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Onuwa
Alec and Quinn volunteered to show him around and Nathaniel found himself looking forward to hanging out with the two of them. He went and sat next to Alec at the table and he glanced over at Alec and said "Thanks man." He grinned at him and said "I'll buy you a pint." He looked over to Quinn and said "I will of course by the lady a drink as well." He told her.

He couldn't help but wonder what sort of connections Alec had and he voiced his question to Alec "Do we want to know how you got those connections of yours?" He leaned back a little as Quinn set everything down on the table and made a soft noise of thanks. He waited for everyone to get their food and even waited for Quinn as she made some tea. Once everyone was seated and comfortable he began eating. It was the manners his mother had beat into him as a child.

He dug in and savoured the taste, "nothing beats home cooking." He said happily. Quinn offered to let him choose dinner and he nodded "I'll pitch in for the ingredients." He told her. "I would love some pork roast." He looked at her hopefully. "tis my favourite."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alec Doherty Character Portrait: Quinn Byrne Character Portrait: Lolita Saunders Character Portrait: Nathaniel Turner
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Grrbot
"As good as it usually is, I suppose," Alec said. Lola nodded. "Thats good.""Maybe somebody could show me a few interesting spots to explore around here. I wouldn't mind getting out and seeing the sights today." Nathaniel asked. Lolita perked up and was about to say she could when Alec said he could... Better him than Quinn... Lola tried to be Quinn's friend at first but it just wasn't meant to be.... "Would it be t' much trouble if I tag along? I'm off from work t'day and I have noting else I'd rather do so I'd be more than happy t' come." Quinn jumped in. That was the end of Lola's short lived happiness. "My job hunting isn't going anywhere so I'd love to come along too.. If you'd have me." Lolita said, giving her most convincing smile and twinkly eyes...

Lola watched as Quinn served her a plate... At first she wondered if she sneaked some poison into it but sighed... Quinn wasn't that bad... Lola gave a shy smile. "Uh thanks Quinn." She said... She didn't want to sound ungrateful but she truly was surprised.... Quinn hated Lola so this confused Lola a lot. Although the serving was considerably smaller, she didn't mind... The act was nice... Quinn may not be that bad at all. Lola watched as Quinn then poured a cup of tea. Lola sighed... It wasn't her favorite drink... Everybody knew what her favorite drink was... But that still didn't mean she didn't like tea... She had particular fond memories while she was drinking tea. It calmed her down but she despised the bland tea so she downed it quickly as if it was water and something that didn't have to be sipped. Lola nodded to Quinn and took a sip. She preferred Chamomile and Green Tea more but it was alright. Lola also had a weird thing with not mixing the milk in... She'd never tried it but she thought it would taste weird so she doesn't put milk in her tea.

She watched as Quinn struck up a conversation with Nathan... It made Lola feel a little uncomfortable... She didn't know why though. Lola saw Alec but he was busy with breakfast. Lola quickly finished her breakfast and got up, setting her dishes in the dishwasher. She grabbed a beer from the kitchen and walked outside into the backyard to the patio and she lounged in one of the chairs.. It was still pretty hot out and she was beginning to feel hot and sticky. She looked at her cold beer and she took the cap off and took a swig. The sun was blinding her so she moved her chair to a nearby tree. "Thats better." She sighed and took yet another swig.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alec Doherty Character Portrait: Calvin Harrow Character Portrait: Quinn Byrne Character Portrait: Nathaniel Turner
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0.00 INK

Cal was not yet used to waking up to a cloudy, gray sky and as such squinted doubtfully at his window. "What the hell?" he mumbled. Sleep, wrapped around his brain in such a lascivious fog, delayed him in remembering where he was, even what continent he was on. After a moment, he chuckled, "Oh, right. London, you dolt. Day what, three? Four?" He sighed and, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, sat up. His hands ran over the sheets on the bed, as if they were aware of the fact that the fabric was of a higher thread count than anything he’d slept in for quite some time. Different, everything is different. Calvin ran one hand through his hair, working out the few tangles as he went.

Is it really morning, or is it still night? He took another glance at his window and peered outside. There was sunlight peeking through the cover of clouds, just not the copious amount he'd grown used to. He shrugged, figured that he'd grow accustomed to it eventually, and went downstairs.

"Hello, people," Cal drawled, a crooked grin on his face as he crossed the threshold into the kitchen. The smell of eggs, tea, and other breakfast items hit him full on. It smelled better than he expected it to, especially considering that he considered eggs the chicken equivalent of a menstrual cycle. Even so, he passed. Food didn't hold much, if not any, appeal to him today. Thankfully, it seemed whoever had cooked the meal hadn't counted on him waking up at this time (not that he would refrain from refusing the offer if presented) and there wasn't any for him to have.

He still sat himself down at the table and glanced at each of them. "So what're y'all up to?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alec Doherty Character Portrait: Calvin Harrow Character Portrait: Quinn Byrne Character Portrait: Lolita Saunders Character Portrait: Nathaniel Turner
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0.00 INK

Alec reached for a piece of bacon as Calvin, another new resident, came down the stairs, looking slightly disheveled. He greeted everyone with a bit of a twang. Alec would have to get used to it.

"Mornin', Cal. I was going to show Nate, Quinn, and maybe Lola around town," Alec said, swallowing the bacon.

He wondered if Calvin would want to come along, or if he didn't want to even be seen around the likes of them in public. He decided to extend his invitation to him.

"So, you know, if you'd like to come along, I'd be fine with it," he said slowly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alec Doherty Character Portrait: Calvin Harrow Character Portrait: Quinn Byrne Character Portrait: Nathaniel Turner
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Cal considered the offer: the excursion would result in the loss of running time, but he hadn't quite started that full swing yet and needed a route; this little foray into the city could help him discover a few

After a moment, he pointed to a brown haired fellow, the only person in the room that Cal hadn't at least seen in passing. "Is this fellow Nate?" he asked.

Yes or no, he would go, he decided. "I'll go. After all, you're the one that offered. Where's about the city we talkin'?" Momentarily it occured to him that his 'odd' manner of speaking might confuse them, considering the significant gap between their hometowns, but in all honesty he couldn't be bothered to care. Instead of clarifying, he just smiled, one side still pulled higher than the other, and waited for an answer.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alec Doherty Character Portrait: Calvin Harrow Character Portrait: Quinn Byrne Character Portrait: Lolita Saunders Character Portrait: Nathaniel Turner
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Onuwa
Nathaniel looked up as yet another entered the room and he greeted the new guy who Alec called Cal with a grin. "hello." he said, Alec invited him along on their little excursion and somehow he seemed a bit cautious about how he invited him. He looked at Cal expectantly as he sat down and helped himself to some food and the glanced over to Nathaniel. He asked him about his name and Nathaniel nodded "that's me." he was intrigued by Cal's funny accent and sat back to hear him say something that confused him a bit.

He glanced over a Quinn and Lolita to see if they made any sense of what he had just said and he looked at him a bit blankly. "I don't suppose you can try that again, but in english this time?" he smiled hoping that Cal would understand it was a light hearted joke. "where are you from you've got the sound of a Yank in you." he asked him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alec Doherty Character Portrait: Calvin Harrow Character Portrait: Quinn Byrne Character Portrait: Lolita Saunders Character Portrait: Nathaniel Turner
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The joking tone kept him from giving him a saccharine smile and kindly telling him to fuck off, so instead he leaned forward and tilted his head to the side, as if studying him. "Heh, I meant," Cal corrected himself, "where about in the city are we plannin' on goin'?"

At the next question, he was slightly less eager to bite back a sharp comment. "Y'all are always askin' 'oh, where are you from' and never 'where were you born', or 'where were you raised', or anythin' else." After a pause, he laughed under his breath. "Although... Origin ain't of any importance here, now is it?" Picking his words carefully, he said, "To most people from where I was born, I don't sound anything like a Yank. I park my car, not my cah. I walk my dogs, not my dowgs. What, are all Americans Yanks to you?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alec Doherty Character Portrait: Calvin Harrow Character Portrait: Quinn Byrne Character Portrait: Lolita Saunders Character Portrait: Nathaniel Turner
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Onuwa
Nathaniel almost felt if maybe he were being scrutinized and he forced himself not to frowned, did the Yanks not know they only meant such terms in good fun? Or perhaps this man wasnt the joking type. He found himself making a note to be more careful with what he said. He didnt like the way he was being looked at and when Cal clarified what he had meant Nathaniel pointed to Alec "Apparenly Alec has connections, therefore he leads the way." As if the matter were settled he sat back in his chair as Cal spoke again. He had difficulty understanding him as he spoke but he gathered the gist of it. "Amreicans are Yanks. TIs what we call them, just like I'm sure you call the Irish Leprecaun drunks and the brits tea drinking cosies." Nathaniel has heard all the sterotypes before and he had accepted them and thought them a bit funny.

He felt a bit tense now and didnt really like the feeling but shrugged it of. "I think just about everyone is done." Nathaniel said looking around. "Perhaps we should clean up and head out." He went and began to pile plates and took them to the sink.