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Charlotte Rose Baso

"Just passing through, dude."

0 · 360 views · located in Miss Pemberley's Boarding House

a character in “London Calling”, as played by SillyGooseLee123





Charlotte Rose Baso.

21 Years Old.

Hails from:
Woodstock, New York; USA.

Reason For Coming to Miss Pemberley's:
Unlike many of the other residents here, Charlie didnā€™t have abusive parents, nor did they disagree with her greatly at any time; Charlie is a very free soul, and because of this, she traveled the world, never staying very long in one place. When Charlie got to England, her naĆÆve self was swindled by a taxi cab, practically stealing everything she own; strewing her suit case everywhere, causing her to lose her passport.
With no money, no proof of residency, Charlie began to look for a place to stay while she waited for her to get her passport back; Miss Pemberley, being the closest and nicest person around, Charlie decided to stay. With a cost of course; since then, her passport was returned though now, Charlie decided to stay and help work off her debt with Miss Pemberley and trying to raise enough money to go back to the US by a job at the local restaurant.

Room Number:


Charlie is a very free soul; she never stays in one spot for too long without going crazy. She craves adventure as if it was some sort of drug. Because of this, Charlie isnā€™t counted as one of the most committed person, yet sheā€™ll try anything- except when it comes to food; sheā€™s fairly picky about what she eats due to the fact that she is indeed, vegan. She believes that everything has a life and we should try to respect the individualā€™s, yet Charlie isnā€™t over bearing about this belief; sheā€™s actually very laid back.
While she can be loud, often of the times, Charlie is quite when it comes to drama or speaking her mind of such matters. While she does have a sailorā€™s mouth and a lot of sarcasm, she doesnā€™t use it in anger, more of a way to communicate while she doesnā€™t mean to offend others. Charlie can be out spoken, but tries to be true and tries to think wisely about the words that come from her mouth- though often, it doesnā€™t work out too good.

  • Animals.
  • Life.
  • Nature.
  • Traveling.
  • Adventures.
  • Reading.
  • Sweets of Any Kind.
  • Weed.
  • Fire (like bomb-fires).

  • Bitter things.
  • Guns.
  • Blood.
  • Working.
  • Cigarettes (odd, right?).
  • Tight Clothing.
  • Horror Movies.
  • Fall.
  • Meat.


Charlie stands to be five feet and seven inches and weighing roughly a hundred and twenty-five pounds; being average height and weight doesnā€™t normally set her apart from other girls. She isnā€™t extremely beautiful, nor is she uniquely special, but she isnā€™t ugly either; just average. Charlie has long blonde hair that reaches right below her breasts; while it does curl, the hair, if left unwashed for more than a day, will become light waves and slowly decrease depending on whether she washes it with shampoo. She often wears it down or in a low ponytail; depending on what might be doing- such as yard work, her job or cooking, sheā€™ll wear it in an upright messy bun.
Charlie isnā€™t curvy or voluptuous; instead, her figure is thin with an average bust and butt. The loose clothes she wears tend to make her figure seem boyish than it really is; often of the time, her figure is not present to the eye unless she is unclothed or in a bathing suit. Charlieā€™s daily outfit often consist of flowing shirts and dresses that are often too big for her; she has a similar taste of what Bob Marley may have worn. Her bottom attire are often either leggings, skinny jeans of different colors or jeans that are a bit too big.

Like said above, Charlie isnā€™t like some the residents and grew up with very loving and caring parents. Born and raised in the town of Woodstock, Charlie lived with parents who were pretty laid back, always supporting Charlie in her choices of life; though, perhaps their choices of what to smoke may have been a hand in this. The town is fairly small, and filled with overpriced tourist shops; so getting a job and getting paid a decent amount tended to slightly easier than expected. Charlie made good friends, but the person she bonded with the most had to be her older brother, Jackson. They were five years apart, and just like Charlie, he hated being still; when Jackson turned eighteen and graduated high school, he and Charlie moved.

Jackson signed up for numerous of study-abroad programs, and due to his accomplishments while in high school, grants where easy to come for him. Charlie, of course, had went with him and thanks to the money he saved up, bundled with the money their parents gave them and the job he had at those times, Jackson was able to have Charlie while they stayed in low-ran and cheap places. Despite the lack of luxury, Charlie was more than happy, traveling the world with her brother and going to different schools, meeting new and different people. Though, when Charlie was sixteen, Jackson got into an accident and killed him; she returned home, cremated Jackson and spread his ashes out to the sea, so he could ā€˜stay free foreverā€™.
While it was very hard for Charlie to get over his death, she managed to do so by putting her mind to school work, and eventually found her peace once she graduated. She went to college, though flunked out of it later on when she realized she couldnā€™t get any grants or opportunities to travel due to her lost records (traveling so much) and her not-so-stellar grades. Charlie stuck to jobs and saved up enough money to go to various places before England, and thanks to her laid back parents, she was able to keep Jacksonā€™s life insurance money as well as the money they had for her. A lot of the times, since Charlie wasnā€™t able to pay for both, the flight and the hotel, sheā€™d stay in rundown cheap places, or would try to appeal to peopleā€™s better nature and convince them to let her stay.

When Charlie had reached England, she got into a cab, and was told the fee was higher than what it actually was; since Charlie was so naĆÆve about London and their cost of taxi fares, she fell for it, and when she went to get her suit case from the trunk, the man in the taxi took off, stranding her on the outskirts of London. With no place to go, Charlie went from place-to-place, trying to find a place that would let her stay for free. Fortunately, Miss Pemberely allowed her stay. So far, Charlie has been here for about a month; helping around the house and working as a waitress in the restaurant about a mile away from the house.

Oddities/Quirky Habits:
  • Facial Emotions~
    Charlie is very easy to read, this is because whatever is going on in her head, can easily be read on her face. If she doesnā€™t like a certain type of food, her face will contort and become twisted; literately displaying how much and her dislike of her food.
  • Random Babbling~
    When Charlie gets disappointed or excited, instead of forming actual words, she is known to blabber, literately unknown language. No one really knows what she is saying except from her and she will often display her happy dance while she tries to explain her happiness in a jumble of non-existent words.

So begins...

Charlotte Rose Baso's Story