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Just another omega- wait what?

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a character in “Lone Star Pack”, as played by Jumper Wolf


Name: Shane

Gender: Male

Age: 3.15 human years (14 wolf years)

Appearance: His fur is coloured gray on top and fades to white as it goes down. One of his ears is dropping playfully. His fur is slightly longer and smoother than it should. His right eye is blue while his left eye is reddish brown-light brown, depending on his mood.

Personality: Rebelious and cheerful, he doesn't like to take orders. He is extremely good at sneaking and tracking, in fact he excels at every hunting subject even though he is not as good in others. He sees himself as a comedian even though his jokes either come out way too bad or way too ironical, or way too anything. They have to exaggerate in some way. He is usually alone but enjoys the company of others and is extremely friendly until he has a reason not to be.

Back story: He used to be from another pack, as the son of the alpha his father and mother always wanted him to rule and be a leader. He felt like he wasn't qualified for it as he liked hanging around with people and having fun.

Theme song:

So begins...

Shane's Story


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Shane sprinted through the snowy mountain sticking his tongue out as he leaped from a rock. "Yeeeehaw!!!" he lands and slides down the ice. As soon as he notices he slips and rolls off, hitting a rock hard as he reaches the - now clear of snow - forest. He gets up and laughs while running around. He had just eaten so he felt really energetic. He rushed off into the woods carelessly as if anyone attacked him he'd quickly react. "Yummy" he says as he lunges at a bunny that flees from its home. He catches it in his paws and licks it. "Don't worry little buddy! I'm not hungry!" he pats the bunny's head and keeps running at random until he smells something.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abigail Character Portrait: alys (alice) alda Character Portrait: Shane Character Portrait: James Character Portrait: Shadow Character Portrait: Sba
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Shane saw a wolf contemplating other wolves. He sneaked up on him, frontflipped and landed upside-down in front of him with a really creepy smile.

"HéLlO FuRiEnD!!!"

Shane yelled with all his lungs. "Watcha up to?" he sticks his tongue out playfully.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abigail Character Portrait: alys (alice) alda Character Portrait: Shane Character Portrait: James
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Abigail Seelenfreund

Abigail stops and looks at alys. "How far away are we from where they found us?" she asks nervously. If its not that far, the hunters could be upon this place in a day. She pads the ground anxiously waiting for an answer.

James Howl

James moves slightly backwards when Shane front flips over him, landing on his back making a creepy smile on his face. "HéLlO FuRiEnD!!!" Shane shouts in his face, spit flying out of his mouth. "Ugh." James says, wiping the spit off him with his right paw. "Watcha up to?" Shane says as he sticks his tongue out playfully. It was scary how energetic and friendly he seemed. James ears go down and he crouches in fear. Suddenly, he turns around and runs away from Shane but he knew he would follow him.


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Character Portrait: Shane Character Portrait: James
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Shane swoops upwards and sprints into the woods. He runs at full speed on to a broken branch and jumps in front of the scared wolf. "Relax... I don't BITE!" he says as he pouncetackles the wolf. "Scared of a fluffy chap like me?" he tried to soothe him. He stopped breathing and moved his ears. "Something's up..." he jumps off him and sniffs around. He hears a hunting rifle being reloaded. "Hunters!!!" he howls to warn anyone nearby and swoops out of the way, dodging a bullet and running away.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abigail Character Portrait: alys (alice) alda Character Portrait: Shane Character Portrait: Sba
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He stumbles upon a dark furred wolf and a white fur one. "Hunter! Run!!! he says as he stops by them and catches his breath.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abigail Character Portrait: alys (alice) alda Character Portrait: Shane
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Shane looked at the odd-looking wolf. She smelled different in a way, a bit humanish. He shook the thought away. "Name's Shane!..." he said as he left, turning to the white furred wolf. And you are? He smiled as he walked towards her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abigail Character Portrait: alys (alice) alda Character Portrait: Shane
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He giggled "Nice to meet'chia!" he said and smiled as he walked towards the cave. He hadn't seen many wolves around in a while and that's 3 today. He chuckled.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abigail Character Portrait: alys (alice) alda Character Portrait: Shane
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He looked back as he waited for the other wolf's response as the other one came back. He turned around and smiled playfully as he went into the "play with me" doggy pose and wiggled his tail. "This your cave?" he put his tongue out playfully. Image


Characters Present

Character Portrait: alys (alice) alda Character Portrait: Shane
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He let his new best friend get the stick, winked, and pulled it playfully, yet vigorously. He hadn't been with another wolf in ages, but he felt like it was yesterday since he played with his sisters and other cubs.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abigail Character Portrait: Royal Character Portrait: Bahamut Character Portrait: alys (alice) alda Character Portrait: Shane Character Portrait: Skat
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Abigail Seelenfreund

Abigail watches as the young wolf runs into the water and the female go behind the dominant male. She seemed to be threatening him. "This won't end well..." she mutters. The dominant wolf makes himself look bigger in front of the female. The young wolf gets in between them and imitates the females moves and then the young wolf's attention is put onto a mouse. It tries to catch it but couldn't. The other two seem to still be looking aggressive. The males tail wagging as in 'Do you want to be my mate?' or something along those lines. Abigail lifts her head off her paws before spotting 2 other wolves run to the lake, one jumping in and swimming back. "I guess it's time to introduce myself" Abigail thinks. She drops off the rock landing on the ground elegantly and walks to the wolves.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abigail Character Portrait: Royal Character Portrait: Bahamut Character Portrait: alys (alice) alda Character Portrait: Shane Character Portrait: Skat
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Abigail Seelenfreund

Abigail walks up to the dominant male and the male notices her. "Hello there, I'm Bahamut." he says. Bahamut's tail is wagging as he stands up. "What's going on? I thought he was acting dominant over everyone..." Abigail thinks. "Uhh... Hi?" she says. She doesn't wag her tail to say she isn't looking for a mate. She sees the black female take down a doe and she walks up to her. "Hello?" Abigail says.

James Howl

James gets tackled by Shane. "Scared of a fluffy chap like me?" Shane says. As the hunters suddenly come in, Shane runs away and James is open for a shot. Luckily he jumps as the bullet leaves one of the hunters rifles so it misses. James sprints in the opposite direction following the wind. It was childish but effective, you never know when the wind's direction will change. As James predicted, the wind changes to the general area of where Shane ran. He seems to have thrown them off. James slows to a walk just in time to see Shane and another wolf playing about with a stick. He crouches on his belly and watches them run around. As they leave the area a few minutes later, James starts to stalk them they both start to sprint so he copies them until he reaches a lake. Shane jumps right into it leaving the female on the rock. Thinking she won't notice him, he moves closer before moving slightly to the left in hopes of her not noticing him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abigail Character Portrait: Neoma Character Portrait: Royal Character Portrait: Bahamut Character Portrait: Shane Character Portrait: Skat
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Neoma Vigilante + James Howl

Neoma runs through the woods with the moon to her back in her human form trying to get away from the hunters that caught her killing one of them. There were wolves nearby too and she almost shot one of them by accident. Luckily it seems they both got away without being hurt. They've not been seen, heard or smelt in the past few minutes so maybe she got away? No, hunters never give up that easily. They've obviously slowed down in hopes that she's slowed down too. Deciding she would be faster in her wolf form, she changes to her wolf form and sprints through the trees, still running away from the moonlight but the wind is making her fur wave and it feels better to her. Suddenly, she collides with another wolf.

James and Neoma both tumble down the small drop after the collision and falling into the water. Neoma suddenly keeps turning to and from wolf and human form in shock. It scares James and he quickly gets to shore as Neoma start to swim to shore now in her wolf form again. James backs away slowly with ears down and belly on the floor. Neoma sees the other wolves and panics, staring to try and run away.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abigail Character Portrait: Neoma Character Portrait: Royal Character Portrait: Bahamut Character Portrait: Shane Character Portrait: Skat
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“This forest is more dangerous than I could’ve imagined.” Bahamut thought out loud. He heard distant growling and a yelp coming from the direction that Skat and Royal had run off to. He sensed that something bad had happened, and made to run after them, when suddenly a wolf and… something else, came splashing into the lake.

From Bahamut’s perspective he saw a wolf and a human tangled in the water, but the human kept shifting between a wolf and a human. Although odd, Bahamut had seen some strange things in his day. The two reached the shore of the lake and clambered onto the rocky ground. Before Bahamut could react the human was a wolf again. So she can move between the two forms. I won't let her endanger this new pack, but she could be a valuable member too.

The human-wolf started to try and run away, but Bahamut wanted to know more about her, so he ran to block her. He knew if he could get in front of her his huge form might scare her back, or he could try to pounce on her and hold her down with his weight. Either way he had to catch her quickly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abigail Character Portrait: Neoma Character Portrait: Royal Character Portrait: Bahamut Character Portrait: Shane Character Portrait: Skat
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Neoma is blocked by Bahamut and she jumps back and goes to human form. With the cliff behind her and being in her human form, she can easily get away by climbing but is it worth the risk of finding the hunters again? In the end, she changes back in hopes that the wolf in front of her won't kill her.

Abigail watches as royal kills the hunter but gets stabbed with a knife and then back away from the young wolf who now appears angered. Turning around, she sees a human and a wolf fall off a cliff and into the water. "Oh my god!" she blurts out. Abigail runs to the waters edge watching the human turn to a wolf and then back until they finally stay as a wolf when they get to shore. She growls at the black wolf. The black wolf tries to run but Bahamut blocks them. The black wolf jumps beck and becomes a human again. Abigail gets ready to pounce but they change back before she attacks. Now focusing on the real wolf, she walks up to them the male wolf is scared. "Uhh... You ok?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abigail Character Portrait: Neoma Character Portrait: Royal Character Portrait: Bahamut Character Portrait: Shane Character Portrait: Skat
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Bahamut had backed the wolf-human into a cliff face, and effectively cornered her. She looked like she was about to try to run away, when she instead turned into a wolf and braced herself, waiting. He could tell she was afraid, but she didn’t look too hostile. Now that she was in her wolf form however, Bahamut’s instincts kicked in and he raised the fur on his hackles, his tail held out straight and his teeth bared.

“Who are you?!” Bahamut growled loudly, the question tinged with a faint warning. This human-wolf was new and strange, which spelled danger to Bahamut. On one hand Man had always been trouble for Bahamut, and he tried to steer clear of them. On the other hand she was part wolf, and Bahamut’s instincts to dominate and protect his fellow wolf rang clearly through his head.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abigail Character Portrait: Neoma Character Portrait: Royal Character Portrait: Bahamut Character Portrait: Shane Character Portrait: Skat
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Bahamut stood with his mouth agape, in complete shock, while the scene in front of him unfolded. That not one, but two human-wolves were standing before him had put him in a state of stupor. He had not suspected Royal was anything other than a wolf, and he felt betrayed at the revelation of her other form. His eagerness to fulfill the prophecy of the crow Dusk, and his desire to belong to a pack again, caused him to put aside his usually cautious behavior. He had hoped to find a pack to call his own here, but it would seem that Fate had only despair set in his future.

Bahamut snarled and held his head low, keeping it at the same level as the now human wolf-human hybrids. He had had enough of this strangeness and was ready to pounce on both of the deceivers when the small wolf Abigail approached the two hybrids and shyly asked, “So uhh… You here to kill us all?” Bahamut shook his head in puzzlement. That’s an odd question, they are obviously hostile humans using dark magic, he thought. But then the hybrid Royal claimed that she was not, she only wanted to form a pack. Bahamut didn’t know if he believed her, but he stopped snarling, his teeth barely showing now. Royal asked the human girl she held who she was, and to which she claimed to be Neoma Vigilante, explaining her situation. Again Bahamut was skeptical but kept watching his glowering amber eyes like two little flames of anger. Royal extended her hand, a human gesture, but not unlike the pawing of a wolf.

Bahamut decided to approach the two hybrids while they shook hands, cautious to remain on guard. “So, any other surprises anyone wants to share?” he growled.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: alys (alice) alda Character Portrait: Shane
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Shane shrugged as he found a human sleeping. She smelled like his new friend too much. "Maybe she's one of those werewolves I've heard about? Or shapeshifter, or I don't even know." he snickered and out of instinct pounced a rabbit that hopped by. It was the one from before. "Oh hey buddy!" he got off the rabbit and smiled. "I'm hungry... But I can't eat you, you're my friend." the rabbit's ears twitched and it tilted its head. "Yes I know we haven't talked much but I've only talked to you in about a year or so." he glared at the human and grinned happily. "And her I think..." Shane looked at the rabbit again, but it was gone. "Well, bye then I guess..." he sighed sadly. Shane got up and strolled through the forest looking for something to eat. A few seconds later he stopped. "I smell deer." he smiled evily and jumped on a branch, jumping higher on to the tree, looking around for it. "IIIII seeee youuuuu....." he giggled and readied to pounce it. The deer raised its ears as it sensed danger, but quickly got a clean bite to its neck from a dropping wolf. "YUMY YUMMAH" Shane hopped around of happiness and wondered if anyone else wanted some...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abigail Character Portrait: Neoma Character Portrait: Royal Character Portrait: alys (alice) alda Character Portrait: Shane Character Portrait: Skat
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Bahamut made out most of what Royal had said with her human tongue. When he thought about it he did care, humans hunted wolves and had burnt his home down. Even a well-meaning human or wolf-human using magic brought out deeply disturbing emotions in him. But he had traveled for so long, and that crow, Dusk, had said his destiny was here. If wolf-humans are destined to be his new pack, then maybe he would just have to learn to live with his odd life.

“I- I do care, but if you really want to make a pack, then my path crosses yours.” Bahamut was too old to bother questioning what the wolf gods had planned for him anymore, he simply wanted a pack to call family again. And a wolf-human was very strange, but then he was a strange wolf. All his life his great size and fur color was a thing of mystery to other wolves. And even at the age of 7 he didn’t feel that old for a wolf.

Bahamut edged closer to human-Royal, and nuzzled her shoulder with his great snout. He was still wary of her, but he had to start somewhere. He couldn’t keep wandering forever.


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Character Portrait: Shane
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Alys woke up, tired still. she shifted into her wolf form, pausing as Shane's scent registered in her mind. she sighed and started walking pointless into the woods. she shook her head to clear the thoughts going through her head, running quickly now as she realized she had no clue where she was or how to get back.


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Character Portrait: alys (alice) alda Character Portrait: Shane
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Shane wathced the wolf lave in a hurry and looked confused. Where was she going now? He dropped his fresh hunt and decided to follow her. She started running. "Is she running from me?" he thought as he went after her.