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"Please brother..."

0 · 272 views · located in The Gods and Goddess's Castle in The Sky

a character in “Lord Griffin University for DemiGods”, as played by 8Lindela


Age: Akiko is 18, but she looks much younger, creating quite a deceptive innocent appearance.

Gender: Female

Race: Demigod, half human half god.

Child of: Zeus

Appearance: Akiko presents the appearance of one that is very young, although in actuality, she has just turned 18. Akiko has white hair, a striking contrast from her brother's (Akira), and more akin to that of her father's. She was not born of the same woman as Akira, and therefore does not share the same traits he holds. She is small of frame, only 4'5", and compared to her tall and powerful brother she looks weak and frail and child-like. However, this could not be farther from the truth. (See History below). Akiko has a tendency to dress in the manner that most pleases her brother's tastes, copy-catting his Gothic style. Her ruby eyes were one of the factors that determined she would be the one to attend to Akira, as her father believed them a indicator that she would grow to hold no fear in her heart. However, Akiko still has a human side to her despite all the training to wash it away. She has small black wings, but they only serve to make her a little faster and agile at running and jumping, and the ability to jump down from high places safely where others may have broken a bone or more.




Personality: Akiko's overall demeanor is calm, quiet, and soft. She is childish and sweet towards Akira. She speaks little, and when she does it is usually only to her brother and father. She is extremely respectful towards her brother, in part because of her training, and also because she reveres and adores him. She is the "Yin" to Akira's "Yang". Whereas he is rash and furious, she is calming and introverted. Curiously, even with her strong connection and attention to her brothers preferences, she has a affinity for the outcasts of the school, even though her brother disdains them. However, she will never go against Akira's whims, even if he ordered her to kill her best friend. (See why below).

Hobbies: Akiko spends her time attending to her brother. She is almost always by his side, or near him, unless he orders it otherwise or has her on a mission. She cleans and upkeeps his living space for him, and makes sure he is fitted with what he needs. When she has completed these small tasks she usually spends her time studying books about languages and the occasional assassin art form. When Akira calls on her to complete a task or a mission, she drops all she is doing until his will is done. Rarely does she ever fail. Her teachers often wonder why so studious a student is sometimes absent from class for no apparent reason.

Powers: Not as powerful as her brother, her art's fall under those of subterfuge. Her main power is a shield of electric current that protects her body from most attacks such as projectiles and elements. However, it cannot save her from being crushed, and wears down as it takes a beating. She can shield people other than herself, but the shield is much weaker and she must be touching the person. Her second power is that she can affect the air to a certain degree, giving her the ability to draw in clouds and a dark fog, which can confuse her enemy and conceal her. She can only contain this for for 3 minutes, therefore her preferred method of attack is swift- get in, wound, get out. Her third power is more of her skill with the small twin daggers her father gave to her in order to protect her brother. They amplify the inherent electricity in her being, so if you are cut by them they give a small, but painful shock as well. Not paralyzing, but enough to stop the heart if stabbed close enough.
Her greatest weapon (which isn't really a weapon) is her determination to never lose. Failure is death in her mind, as it means Akira will be disappointed in her.

Likes: Apples (Her brother gives them to her as a reward for a job well done.) Calming her brother down, seeing him smile (EXTREMELY rare), and gaining his praise. Outcasts such as Hades children, are people she holds a strange affection for, although her brother despises them.

Dislikes: When her brother asks her to hurt someone she likes. The Aphrodite girls, as they are fickle, and she hopes they won't harm her brother's heart with their charms.

Weaknesses: She cannot disobey her brother. She has had a very limited social life, and social skills before attending the University due to her time spent attending to Akira. She has a stoic first impression brought on by her lifelong training to suppress her feelings, which make's it difficult sometimes to reach out to others. She also has a fear that if she becomes too close with anyone, a day may come that she will be forced to kill them.

Bio: Akiko was taken from her mother after she was old enough not to need breast milk to survive. She never knew her mother. She was raised in Zeus's home alongside the oldest child Akira and other children of Zeus. Her father singled her out as the child who would become his sworn servitor as she showed the most affection towards her rough brother. After taking her oath to her duty at five years of age, she began a rigorous training. Akiko now acts as Akira's bodyguard, messenger, attendant, maid, assassin, and anything else he needs. She carries out his orders, and if she pleads against them, she knows to only try to change his mind twice before embarking on them.

History: Akiko was entrusted from birth with the task of ensuring her brother's claim to power in the god's world would never be usurped. Her father deemed she would be the one to accompany Akira and serve him. She has been trained since she could walk in the ways of stealth and acrobatic movements which latter supplemented her assassin's training. From the day she reached ten years of age she has been educated and trained in the arts that will help her support Akira, and if it comes to it, against other demigods. She has always been childish, and retains her innocent demeanor despite her purpose for being. She holds her big brother in a almost god-like (lol) fondness. Once, when he was younger Akira ordered her in a fit of jealousy to cut off her right wing, so that he would no longer feel inferior. In response she took two serrated knives from the kitchen drawer and began sawing both her wings. Akira stopped her before she caused permanent damage, regretting what he had done. With the bloody knives in her hands, Akiko apologized to Akira for being born with wings. To this day Akiko remains highly sensitive towards her brother's comfort.

Quote: "My adversary.... You may be bigger and stronger. You may be smarter and quicker. You may be as deadly as me, or have a molten lake of blood lust burning in your chest. But you have not trained your whole life to become unfeeling, unthinking. I have but one purpose, one will, and that is to complete my task even if I die for it. I will not fail."

Song: Listen ;) ... playnext=1

So begins...

Akiko's Story