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Zerek Alexander Pierce

"Have you noticed that on the News they start with 'Good Evening,' then proceed to tell you why it isn't?"

0 · 573 views · located in Myrtle Beach, SC

a character in “Lost & Found”, as played by 106.Whit(;


Zerek Alexander Pierce

"I'd tell you, but giving my "nickname" would leave you emotionally attached."
Zerek doesn't go by Zerek at all. Actually, he goes by Pierce, yes, his last name. Some people call him Zerek, but now he's so use to Pierce he hardly answers to his first name; he has the tendency to forget his first name if he's not careful.
"Is that really any of your damn business?"
Pierce is new to being the age of Eighteen years old, he's still getting use to it. Hell, he can smoke now! (As if he didn't do that anyway.) And he's a "legal adult" which means the "big slammer" if he does anything too bad. Like that will stop him..
"This is a bit insulting... How about you use those two objects on your face God gave you called eyes."
"Take a good, long look, babe. Wait, don't drool, it's not attractive."
Pierce is far from short and a hair's breath away from being 6'4"; sadly, he didn't get the height from his father's side of the family. He's 6'3", everywhere he goes walking in confident strides, holding his broad shoulders back, firm chest in place. By the looks of him, most women would think Zerek was chiseled from fine stone; but don't dare breathe a word about him being "attractive," it goes straight to his head. He is sturdy. His skin naturally a coppery tan colour from his days being on the beach, or from the tiring hours he's out working in the unforgiving, dreadful sun. When Pierce was younger he was extremely rowdy. (Believe it or not, more so than he is now.) He would run around terrorizing his neighborhood. You know what happens when you run? Most likely you fall, and the young Pierce did just that.. Many times. So, through his young years he received various interesting cuts and gashes, which eventually led to scars gracing his tanned skin; most are along his legs and arms. His hands are a bit rough from the physical labor he performs on the weekdays after school; and no, he does not put lotion on.. Be warned.
Zerek's hair is deep, chestnut brown in colour, but it tricks you; in certain light it has sort of a golden tint, then when it's wet it looks raven black. He doesn't really style it, however, he does run a gel through it once out of the shower which usually leaves it with a "wind-blown" look, almost standing on end towards the top. As for his eyes, you know, those things beneath his dark eyebrows? They are a warm, chocolatey brown that seem to be able to pierce right through you, past your appearance.. Your carefully layered lies, to see the real you. Alas, Pierce isn't that deep, is he? Through out those tawny brown eyes are startling streaks of gold that simply "burst" from his pupils to the edge of his irises. When people get to actually gaze into his orbs they get a little confused by the sight.
His jaw is sharp, what many call a "block jaw," many of his facial features defined, like is nose and cheekbones for instance. Pierce's lips are full, but not at a girly stand point; if you asked him he was say something along the lines of "Better to kiss you with, babe." His arms are long, strong. and his hands are wide. It has been said that Zerek reminds a few people of a lion because how fit and wide his chest is. All through school he has played sports, therefore he is athletically built, and on the muscular side.
As for clothes he dresses casually and for comfort. In the summer you will mostly see him in swimming trunks and an opened button down or tank. (If he wears a shirt at all, he's not shy. 'The less clothes the better,' he always says.) On the left side of his chest he bares a tattoo of a cross he got on his eighteenth birthday. Pierce is a proud Christian, even though it's said he does not have religion at all by the way he acts.
"..And you think my older brother is good looking? You haven't seen anything yet.."

"Everybody loves me.."
Upon meeting Pierce one might describe him as a self-centered, cocky jerk with the habit of invading ones' personal space. He's a toucher. Not in the creepy "let me rub on you" way, more like the "doesn't realize it, randomly places a huge hand on your shoulder" sort of way. He carries confidence in his walk as well as in his way of speaking; he acts sure of himself, and his voice hardly ever waverers. However, when he's angry his voice trembles; so does his arms and hands. Zerek is a bit hot-headed and once you piss him off get ready for an explosion. He's not one to hold a grudge like a chick, and if it's a male that sets him off the edge he's known to get in fights; he would never hit a female though, it's against everything he believes in.
Pierce likes to think everyone loves him, females that is.. Even if they come out and bluntly say, "Pierce, you're a douche, I hate you," he would simply grin and bare it. He would never admit to anyone they said it, and truly pretend they did not. He hates failure and will not accept that as well. Hates the whole concept of the word; even saying "lost" leaves an awful taste in his mouth. Zerek is not one to back down from a challenge, no matter how life-threatening it may be. Play chicken going down a dirt road at eighty miles an hour? Hell yeah! Hope you have a tank full of gas. Bet he won't streak down the street past Mr. Thompson's(the History teacher's) house? Get ready to see a lot of flesh. He's ballsy, end of story.
Around a group of people Pierce is rather laid-back eighty-five percent of the time. He goes with the flow of things, but isn't afraid to speak up(loud) when times call for it. Even though he's more of a leader he can also follow.. Reluctantly. With a knack to stay cool, calm, and collected in tense situations, he's one to turn to when everything seems to be going wrong. Despite his hard, "I'm-too-cool-for-school" outer layer, Zerek is a pretty easy-going guy; he can actually be helpful! Sadly, that cool, calm and collected-ness seems to fade behind closed doors. When he's alone his first line of defense, his cocky-ness, his wall seems to crumble like a house of cards on a windy day.
He'd never tell, but when his mother died he cried all day in his room, he even cried himself to sleep.
He'd never tell, but when he's alone he reads the occasional book, even a little poetry.
He'd never tell, nor breathe a word of it, but he can even write some of his own poems.
Don't tell him I told you..
When it comes to the people he cares about, his family(the little he has left), his close friends.. He's an extremely caring person. He loves to make them laugh, would die for them, protective like you would not believe. It takes a lot to weasel your way into Pierce's heart, but once you're there you're there. He tries to not let people in, but bug him enough and who knows..
Eventually the ice has got to melt, right? Right!?
"..Not in this life time, bud."

"Hah, you know, anything.. Everything. You should be graced with my pressence."
Pierce has one grace.. Plus another, that makes two, si? His main grace is strength, boring I know. But hey! The boy can lift up to twice his own weight.. And he weighs two hundred twenty-eight pounds(mostly muscle). Though it has its drawbacks.. If he hasn't had enough sleep he can't lift anything over his own weight, and if he hasn't ate in over eighteen hours it's pretty much "void." The booze doesn't help much either. His other, minor, grace is the ability to speak to someone only using his mind. So, technically he is like a telepathy. Most people simply think it is their own thoughts though, however, he has only tried it on two people.. And they weren't the smartest of sorts.
"Don't be fooled, I have not a weakness.."
Zerek has always had this thing for little kids. No. Not like a creepy, petafile thing. He has a soft spot for them in that organ he has called a heart. He can't tell a kid no! It's got him in trouble in the past, spending his last dollar and such; it's a huge weakness. He also has a weakness for acting before he really thinks things through. He does think though.. After it's all said and done. Pierce has many other little "weaknesses" like the fact that he stays out all night, leaving him worn out, almost falling out into the water at work and so on. For strengths, he has many as well.. He's a smooth talker, a real silver-tongued devil, quick on his feet.. And super strong. He can really get into ones' head, but not in a bad way, that is.. There's more, but I guess those things are for you to find out about..
"You're on my bucket list, to do, babe.."
+ Surfing
+ Working Out
+ Mints
+ Girls
+ Girls.. In bikinis
+ The Beach
+ Blondes
+ Animals
+ Booze
+ Adrenaline
"I dislike.. You asking me all these questions. (;"
- Tomatos
- Whinny People
- Most Other Guys
- Annoying People
- School Work
- Anger
"Fears? Feaaarrss? Please! Go jump off a very steep cliff.."
_ Death
_ Somehow Drowning
_ Losing His Grandmother
_His Own Abilities
"If I tell you everything they'll be no mystery left.. No little tug making you want to get to know me, babe. We can't have that.."
Pierce's past is rather boring and uneventful to be truthful.
He lived in Nebraska pretty much his whole life until recently. During his childhood he was your typical little boy. He believed that girls seriously had cooties, loved running through the neighbors flower beds on purpose, and of course, hated being told what to do. In third grade Zerek cut off one of a girl's "pigtails" on purpose out of spite. The girl squealed and squalled, and when was confronted by a teacher he stated simply, "I didn't like her hair, it was ugly." Truthfully, he was just a very mean kid. None-the-less his tiny remark caused more crying from the girl and four unhappy parents being called to the school. To make the long story short he was sent home.. And grounded.
In middle school Pierce got into playing sports. He lived, breathed, and devoured every aspect of it. Mostly, he liked playing football(because of tackling, naturally,) but also played baseball and a little soccer as well. By this time his older brother, Micheal, was a Junior in high school. Micheal would help Zerek practice each sport, and would give him a real hard time; in the end it was the little extra push he needed. Though, at the time it just really pissed him off.
By the time Micheal had graduated and moved to Tennessee for college things started going bad. Pierce was in the eigth grade when his mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. This crushed him into a million little pieces because, you see, Zerek was a "momma's boy." Of course, if your dad was a raging alcoholic wouldn't you be too?(Not an abusive drunk that is, more of a loud, mouthy SOB.)
Right when Pierce was entering his Freshman year of high school April, his mother, passed away after her long, outrageous fight with the cancer. Even though his father was not, is not, the greatest man out there, it was easy to see he "needed" Pierce once that happened. However, Zerek was not there for him. In some ways, he even blamed his father. The nights April was home sick his dad was out drinking. Naturally it wasn't Peter's, his dad's, fault, but when things happen it is easier to have someone to blame.
Pierce turned to cigarettes and booze to drown and puff away all his problems once his mother was gone. He even smoked weed time to time, watching everything that worried him float away in big, fluffy smoke clouds. After that stopped working he turned to vandalism.. That eventually led to him being kicked off all the school's sports teams he was on.
At the fine age of sweet sixteen he finally found out about his Grace.. "Graces." He never told anyone, too freaked out about it himself, and not very trusting. But.. It's kind of hard to hide a door broken off its hinges, or the porcelin, bathroom sink being broke off at the end. His father suspected steriods, and one night after tipping the bottle a few times confronted Pierce about it. He screamed, and yelled, and threw things across the room..
You want to know what Pierce calmly said after he father's rampage was over? "Why the HELL would I take anything to make my penis small?" Then started to wall out the door..
The comment sent his father off a very close deep end. He chased Pierce out of the house and told him he couldn't take him doing drugs anymore, staying out late and sometimes never coming home. He would not stand for him being kicked out of school, and he went on about many other things.. This coming from a jobless drunkard.
Zerek was sent to live with Lillian.
Lillian is April's mother, which that makes her.. His grandmother. The only time they had ever met was at April's funeral since she lived such a distance; she lives in Myrtle Beach, SC. She's a sixty-four year old woman who is a diabetic.. Running and owning a local ice-cream shop in town. Pierce usually helps her when she needs it, mostly on the weekends. On weekdays after school he is out with the local fishermen helping them for a weekly pay. Rope can be Hell on your hands..
He's joined the school's football, baseball, and track team; thinking about soccer, and he is going into his Senior year. Pierce has lived at Myrtle Beach for a little over eight months now. He's taken up on surfing(a lot of it), partying, partying, partying, and.. More partying. Don't get him wrong though.. He has also taken up on girls, girls.. And girls.
He can't really complain about the place, or the atmosphere...
Thank God for the person who invented bikinis..
"Music is a big part of my life.. Besides chicks."
Everybody Love Me by One Republic
[More to be added soon..]
"Other then the fact that I'm absolutely amazing?"
- Pierce has to wear glasses when he reads.
- He can play the acoustic guitar.
- He has this weird thing for mints and usually has one somewhere close by. His pocket, mouth(;, where ever..
- Pierce has a Great Dane he adopted when he first moved to Myrtle. His name is Leon and he's two years old. Yes, he named him that because Leon means "Lion," and the dog is clearly a.. Dog. :P
- He wants at least one more tattoo.
- When he was six his mother made him take tap dancing lessons.
Don't mention it..
Blueberry Muffins :D


So begins...

Zerek Alexander Pierce's Story