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Robbie Duke

0 · 571 views · located in College

a character in “Love is a Battlefield”, as played by Lvdwilt2000



So begins...

Robbie Duke's Story


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Character Portrait: Robbie Duke Character Portrait: Ali'i Jacobs
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Dialogue Color Code: #00ff66
Ali'i sighed as she stepped out of the apartment building and began to try waving down a taxicab. She always hated living in New York for these reasons, it always took forever and most of the taxi drivers preferred driving around to get paid without helping out customers. She just couldn't wait until college started and she could be able to move in the dorms and get her adult life started. As much as Ali'i loved her parents, it was more than time for her to get out of their house.

Once a taxi finally stopped for her, she climbed inside, finding that there was another guy in the backseat. She glanced over at him with a confused look, not sure why the driver stopped to pick her up when there was already someone in the backseat. But she took the opportunity anyway, "Office Supplies store please," she stated to him before leaning back in the seat and closing the door behind her. With a sigh, Ali'i placed her purse into her lap and looked out the window.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robbie Duke Character Portrait: Ali'i Jacobs
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: #00ff66
Ali'i glanced over at the male when she heard his words and couldn't help but to find that he was attractive. "Are you sure, I could wait until you're dropped off?" she stated, knowing that he was the first customer in the cab and figured that they were already on the way to where he had to go. That's just how she always was, if someone was before her, she'd wait her turn. Besides, it's not like she needed to get this done right then and there. As long as she had her supplies before school started the next day, it wouldn't be a big deal.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robbie Duke Character Portrait: Ali'i Jacobs
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: #00ff66
Ali'i just smiled and nodded her head at his words, but before she was able to remove her gaze from him he spoke once more. "Ali'i," she stated as she glanced at him up and down for a brief moment before answering his next question. She scratched her head slightly and answered, "Oh, um, just some school supplies. I'm starting college tomorrow," she answered.

Just as the taxi had stopped in front of the supplies store, rain started pouring outside. "What the hell?!" she stated with a sigh. Ali'i slid her purse over her shoulder and stepped out of the taxi as she handed the driver her money and began to run through the rain to get inside of the building.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robbie Duke Character Portrait: Ali'i Jacobs
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: #00ff66
It took Ali'i about twenty minutes to shop for everything she needed for her first year in college. But thankfully by the time she was finished, the rain happened to cease to nothing more than a light drizzle. Once she got back outside, she stood on the sidewalk with her bags, waiting for another taxicab.

Though once Ali'i finally got back home after buying her things for school, she began to finish packing so she would be ready to go by the time her parents drop her off at the college. By the times he was finished with her packing, it was about eight o'clock, so she figured that she mind as well go ahead and go to bed since she had to be up early the next morning. Ali'i set her alarm for six in the morning before laying down in bed, pulling the covers over herself and turned off the lamp before going to sleep.

The next morning she awoke to the deafening sound of her alarm clock and instantly slammed her hand down on the clock and sighed as she stretched before climbing out of bed. Ali'i made her way to the bathroom to take care of her business, brushed her teeth and then headed back into her bedroom to get dressed. She slid on a pair of ripped jeans, a black t-shirt and her leather jacket covering her torso. The female then slid on her boots and applied her makeup before brushing through her hair. Once she was finished, she made her way downstairs and ate breakfast before heading out the door with her mother in order to get to the college.

From New York to the college, it didn't take any longer than about an hour and a half drive. Once she arrived, she climbed out of the vehicle and began to pull her bags and boxes out, setting them down on one of the trollies in order for her to only take one trip up to her dorm. When she was at the school for the orientation, she was already able to pinpoint where her dorm room was going to be, so she wasn't going to be one of those first years who got lost looking for it. When Ali'i said her goodbyes to her mother, she began making her way into her dormitory and headed through the halls towards her room.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robbie Duke Character Portrait: Ali'i Jacobs
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: #00ff66
When Ali'i opened the door, he mouth just dropped when she noticed it was the guy from yesterday that she was going to be rooming with. Though for some reason she couldn't help but to realize that he was shirtless. He had a great body. She shook the thoughts from her head and shrugged her shoulders as she stepped inside with a sigh and closed the door behind her. "Well, that's simple. Apparently we were put into a co-ed dorm," she responded, completely ignoring his last comment about her stealing the cab. Which honestly it wasn't even her fault to begin with. The driver stopped and let her in and the male offered for her to be dropped off where she had to be first when she was just going to wait her turn.

Ali'i glanced over at his wall, finding the nude photos of girls and just shrugged her shoulders. He was a guy, that was bound to happen. But if she were to be sharing this room with him all year, she needed to just deal with his personal belongings and not complain about any of it. The last thing she needed to deal with was the fact that they would be arguing about stupid nude photos. She sighed and placed her things on her bed and began to unpack.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robbie Duke Character Portrait: Ali'i Jacobs
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: #00ff66

Ali'i just sighed and turned towards him when he started having an attitude with her. She stayed completely calm, though she knew that she wouldn't be able to for long if he consisted to act the way he was. "Look, I don't want any problems here. I don't mind you doing whatever you want with your side of the room. I understand we're different. If you want photos of nude girls on your wall, go for it and trust me, I don't leave my things scattered all over the place. I'm a very organized person whether I like to be or not," she responded before turning back to what she was doing before being fussed at.

This definitely was not what she signed up for either, but she didn't feel like going to the dorm adviser just to be told that there were no open dorms, so she would just rather deal with the situation she was in. Besides, she didn't plan on staying in the room very much to begin with. She was never one to be inside all of the time. Ali'i always needed to go out and do things every now and then or she would end up getting depressed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robbie Duke Character Portrait: Ali'i Jacobs
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: #00ff66

Ali'i couldn't help but to laugh at his words and before answering calmed herself a bit. "Sorry, didn't mean to laugh, but I'm willing to go but just as friends, no date, got it?" she stated before making her way over towards her suitcases filled with clothes and pulled out her light sweater and slid it over her bare arms. It was starting to cool down outside and she would rather be safe than sorry.

"So, where exactly is this so called welcoming party?" she questioned feeling a bit confused. She didn't even know there was a welcoming party to begin with. Maybe it was just the part of her that was paying more attention to getting everything ready for the school year which is why she tuned anything about a party out, but it was still odd she hadn't heard anything about one.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robbie Duke Character Portrait: Ali'i Jacobs
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: #00ff66

Ali'i nodded her head at his words and started to finish unpacking again until it was time to go. She slid her flip flops onto her feet and made her way over towards the door, waiting on Robbie. "I'm ready," she stated before opening the door and starting to head on her way, but being sure not to be too quick with it because she didn't want him to think she was leaving him behind when she clearly wasn't. Ali'i was just never the kind of girl to stay in one place for too long.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robbie Duke Character Portrait: Ali'i Jacobs
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: #00ff66

Ali'i took the beer from one of the guys and drank beer after beer, shot after shot, danced with Robbie and many other guys she never met before and had the time of her life. Though when it came time for her to go home, she honestly didn't want to. But she noticed that Robbie was leaving and she definitely didn't want to be left here alone with nobody that she knew. Ali'i would rather be around the guy she fought with earlier that day than with people she didn't know.

Ali'i chuckled a bit at Robbie's words and wrapped her arm around his waist, trying her best to keep herself held up along with helping him as well. Because he was probably right, he most likely was worse off than she was and that was really saying something because Ali'i was far from fucked up. She probably wouldn't even remember anything past arriving to the party the next morning.

Once they arrived back at their dorm, she found herself leaning against the door and just staring at Robbie with a lustful smirk plastered to her face. "Have I ever told you how attractive you were?" she questioned with a light giggle. "I just wanna do things to you...naughty things," she found herself stating. Though it was mainly the alcohol talking. Ali'i was never the kind of girl to climb into bed with a man she had just met.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robbie Duke Character Portrait: Ali'i Jacobs
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: #00ff66

Ali'i smirked as she wrapped her arms around the male's neck and kissed him for the first time, finding that she quite enjoyed the kiss. When he pulled away and confirmed her words, she removed his shirt and slowly slid her hands down his chest with a smirk upon her face. "You have a great body," she stated before leaning towards his neck and began kissing and biting on it, getting lost within her lust.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robbie Duke Character Portrait: Ali'i Jacobs
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: #00ff66

Ali'i found herself awaking, not able to remember anything that happened the previous night after arriving at the welcoming party. She noticed that she was back in the dorm and not in her own bed. Though after hearing Robbie's good morning, she immediately realized what happened. Her eyes widened a bit when she glanced over at him and she climbed out of bed, bringing the sheet with her to keep herself covered. "Um, let's never speak of this again. I don't know what exactly happened last night, but what I do know is I did something I don't ever do," she stated before immediately picking up her clothing from the floor and getting herself dressed.

Ali'i had a massive hangover and desperately needed a shower and some asprin. She grabbed her basket of shower items and a towel before heading out of the dorm room to the girl's bathroom to shower. Once she stepped into the shower, she pulled the curtain closed and began singing as she showered, trying to clear her head of what had happened the previous night. "God I'm so stupid! Why did I sleep with someone I had just met?! But what's worse, I don't remember it happening," she mumbled to herself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robbie Duke Character Portrait: Ali'i Jacobs
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: #00ff66

Once Ali'i returned to the dorm, thankfully Robbie hadn't been there, he already went off to his classes. She sighed and dropped the towel and got dressed. She had her brunette strands brushed and draped over her shoulders and grabbed her purse before second checking herself in the mirror and headed off to class.

Though for some reason, throughout the entire day she couldn't seem to stop thinking about Robbie. Ali'i really hated that fact. Yeah he was attractive and yes she had sex with him last night...though she was under the influence of alcohol. But she damn well didn't have feelings for him! He's just my roommate, he's just a friend, she began telling herself. Though, no matter how much she kept telling herself this, for some reason she wasn't believing herself.

Once her last class of the day finished, it was around four o'clock once she finally arrived back at the dorm. Ali'i immediately spotted Robbie in the room. But before he was able to look at her, she turned her attention away from him and made her way over to her bed, trying her best to hide the flushed pink hue that her face now contained. It was no lie that she thought Robbie was amazing last night and she honestly remembered everything that happened, she just didn't want to admit that to him because she didn't ever want to speak of it again.

"I was thinking. Since we only both want to be friends maybe we could go out to dinner as friends. My treat. So I can actually get to know you."

At the sound of his voice, she jumped a bit, seeming a bit startled because she was lost in her own thoughts. She giggled to herself before turning to face him and answer his question, "Um, yeah, I guess we could do that. No funny business though," she warned him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robbie Duke Character Portrait: Ali'i Jacobs
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: #00ff66

Ali'i smiled and just nodded her head at his words, "Alright, sounds good," she responded followed by a soft giggle. She reached for her purse off the bed and slid it over her left shoulder. "Could we go now? I'm actually a bit hungry right now."

The female walked over towards the door, her heels clicking behind her with every step. She honestly couldn't wait until she had a plate of food sitting in front of her and one of those amazing milkshakes. For some reason she happened to be craving one all fucking day. She opened the door and glanced behind her, "You coming Assmunch?" she questioned with a soft chuckle, calling him by one of the nicknames she did the night before when they got into one of their arguments about something stupid, which in the end they just started laughing about it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robbie Duke Character Portrait: Ali'i Jacobs
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: #00ff66

Ali'i sighed when she heard the male's words about the previous night and just kept her mouth shut. She told him she didn't want to talk about, so she wasn't going to. When the waitress came over, she allowed Robbie to order first before glancing down at the menu. "Hm, I'll have the vanilla milkshake, a bacon cheeseburger with fries and a slice of you strawberry creme cheesecake," she stated before handing the menu over towards the woman with a friendly smile.

Ali'i knew it was a bit strange to be eating this much, because she never really ate this much before. But since this was the first time Robbie had seen her eat a meal, she hoped he would ask any questions about it because she honestly had no other answer than the fact that she was just hungry.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robbie Duke Character Portrait: Ali'i Jacobs
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: #00ff66

Ali'i just smiled and shook her head at Robbie's words about her appetite. She was just glad he hadn't asked her about it. Though once she was questioned about her childhood, she just let out a soft sigh. "Honestly, it's not that interesting. I mean, my parents divorced when I was sixteen, my father since hasn't even tried to be in my life, my mother is constantly paying more attention to herself than anything. Most of my life I had to work and take care of myself because my parents were either always focused on themselves or arguing all the time. They never even seemed to cheer me on when I made good grades in school or went to any of my school performances...It was just...depressing I guess," Ali'i explained.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robbie Duke Character Portrait: Ali'i Jacobs
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: #00ff66

Ali'i shrugged her shoulders at Robbie's apology with a half hearted smile, "As much as that pissed me off..and um," she started as she scratched her head, "It really did piss me off to no end, but there is no reason to be sorry. I honestly understand," she stated as she placed her hand on top his in a nurturing way.

Ever since Ali'i was younger she always nurtured people, no matter how old they were. She feels that everyone deserves to be cared for, so whenever she gets the chance, she enjoys showing people that she cares. No matter how they treat her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robbie Duke Character Portrait: Ali'i Jacobs
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Code: #00ff66
Location: Diner
Ali'i sighed and shrugged her shoulders, "Well, the only thing I know for certain is that I want to do something with psychology," she answered. Just as she answered his question, she noticed the waitress bringing their food over.

The very second her cheesecake was set down in front of her, she lifted her fork and dug right into it. Even though it was her desert, she didn't care. Ali'i glanced up at Robbie, having a feeling he was giving her a strange look. With a soft laugh she stated, "I'm a hell of a rebel huh? Desert before the meal," she stated jokingly with another laugh.

The brunette glanced over at the waitress and gave a soft smile, "Could I get a refill for my soda?" she questioned before taking another bite from her cheesecake. This cake was amazing. She just couldn't seem to get enough of it. Soon she was lost in her own world, enjoying nothing but the food that was sending her taste buds into paradise.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robbie Duke Character Portrait: Ali'i Jacobs
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Code: #00ff66
Location: Diner
Ali'i chuckled a bit at Robbie's words and proceeded to eat her cheesecake. When she finished she lifted her burger into her hands and took a bite. She watched as the waitress brought over his sundae and she lifted her spoon into her hand and took a bite from it. The brunette laughed a bit and looked at him, "Sorry, I should have asked first, it just looked really good," she stated as she set the spoon back down and returned to her burger.

Surprisingly Ali'i was actually beginning to enjoy herself. This was the first time she ever went out with a guy as friends and enjoyed it. Though part of her was starting to wish that it was more than that. But right now, being friends would be more than enough. She would rather get to know Robbie a bit more than wanting to jump into a relationship with him the way she was thinking she wanted. Besides, there is nothing wrong with taking things slow, right?

"Do you live in New York or are you just here for school?" she questioned before taking another bite from her burger.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robbie Duke Character Portrait: Ali'i Jacobs
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Code: #00ff66
Location: Diner
When hearing that he didn't mind she just smiled and finished off her food before leaning back in the seat. As he began singing, she just smiled and laughed a bit. She was honestly having a good time with him, though she wasn't exactly sure if it was a good or a bad thing. Ali'i just hoped she wasn't beginning to fall for this guy because she was far from ready for being in another relationship.

The last relationship she was in was far from perfect. It took her a couple years to get out of it. All he ever did was abuse her and push her dreams away from her. He never once told her he believed in her. Every word that came out of his mouth made her feel two inches tall.

"Wow, have you ever thought about doing something dealing with singing? You're really good," she stated as she reached for her purse and began digging in it for her lip gloss. Once she found it, she put some of it on and rubbed her lips together before placing the lip gloss back into her purse.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robbie Duke Character Portrait: Ali'i Jacobs
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Code: #00ff66
Location: Diner
Ali'i popped a fry into her mouth before answering his question, "Well, I'm studying psychology. Just not too sure what I want to do with it yet," she responded with a soft smile before pushing the plate a few inches away from her and took a sip from her drink.

She hoped that whatever was causing her to be as hungry as she was was nothing more than a mere coincidence. But she would definitely look into it if it continued. If she were eating this much out of nowhere for a numerous amount of days, there had to be something going on with her.