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Sera Katoshida

"Hope you can keep up, because I don't slow down."

0 · 2,073 views · located in Airdalen Highschool

a character in “Love School Drama”, as played by Starryskies


• Name: Sera Katoshida
• Grade: Junior
• Gender: Female
• Nationality: Japanese and English
• Appearance: Sera has an athletic build; long legs and standing at 5'10" she is much taller than most females, at least back in England.
-Intellect: 13
-Physical/Sporting Ability: 13
-Charm: 11
-Popularity: 29

• Your most important stat: Intellect
• Which stat appeals to you most: Charm
• Secrets: (Elaborated and then added a few minor secrets)
-Sera comes from an extremely wealthy family, her parents having quite the influence back in England. She doesn't like people to know and rarely speaks about it to anyone, even those close to her. She has certain obligations because of it and often feels trapped on a certain path.
-Even though her sister is the eldest, and would normally be the heir to their family business, she declined, dropping the responsibility down to Sera even though she never wanted any of it.
-Has a serious dislike for bitter things.
-Adores anything cute, especially children and small animals.

• Family members and your relationship with them/Who you live with:
Sera currently lives alone, sent off on her own to attend Airdalen High and gain the skills she needs to be the Katoshida Groups successor.
Saigura Katoshida: Sera's father and the one who believed it was a good idea to send Sera over to Japan and to Airdalen High. While he loves his family he often makes major decisions without consulting them, thinking he knows what is best. He is the head of the Katoshida Group and a very serious individual.
Camilla Katoshida: Sera's mother and an extremely talented woman. She often finds herself buried in work and forgetting about everything else, including family matters. While she does love her children she has always been a career woman and shows no real sign of change. Sera takes after her in a lot of ways though, her mother being quite wild when she was young as well.
Azura & Haruka Katoshida: Sera's grandparents from her father's side. They are both retired and like to spend time doting on their grandchildren, especially Sera now that she is in Japan with them. They visit whenever they get a chance, though they are steadfast on not disturbing her during the busy school week and not getting in the way of their granddaughter's new life.
Isabelle Katoshida: Sera's older sister and best friend. The separation has been hard on Sera and while she knows it isn't possible to be as close or spend as much time together with the vast distance between them, it is hard for her to accept completely.

Time for school!

Relationship Statuses:

Momo Yakamoto: Friend
"She is cute but I am not really sure what kind of person she is yet."
"First real female friend I think I have had. She is awesome in all aspects though and if possible I don't want to screw it up. Hope she feels the same."
"Absolutely adorable."

Bishop Trander: Acquaintance
"Cute but he seems just so innocent and well... I'm not."
"Seems to be not only cute but nice, although shy. Could be good friends in the future, we'll see."
"Still haven't spent that much time getting to know him, it will happen though."

Silas Fuerst: Crush
"I think I really like him... Why did he have to go and be all brave and sexy?"
"I can't help but think my life is going to get a lot more difficult with him in it. Even still, can't help but flirt... I want him."
"I want to see more of his wild side. It seems like I have competitors though."

Akira Miyuu: Rival
"She really dislikes me and it pisses me off, she doesn't have the right to judge me. Hard to avoid her since she seems attached to Silas. I won't fight though."
"I think she is actively trying to make me angry. I am doing my best to ignore it but I think I will have to confront her eventually. Some people..."
"Looks like she likes Silas, that or I am imagining things. Wonder how she liked our kiss, ha..."

Kei Takeda: Acquaintance
"Nice body but a bit intimidating, I think he is probably just quiet and a bit shy, can never tell."
"Seems to stick up for his friends even if his crush dislikes him, I admire that. Not sure but maybe Momo has a crush on him, hell not that I blame her."
"He is more laid back than I figured, perhaps he is finally warming up to all of us. Hope so, a talkative and relaxed Kei is something I want to see."

Varthur Laurence: Acquaintance
"He is cute but I don't like how he handles himself. Maybe he isn't a bad guy but stumbling over yourself is only cute on occasion."
"Yeah... Not a big fan of the drunk and disorderly bit, at least not the way he pulled it off."

Devone Kim: Acquaintance
"She is a very sexy woman, kind of get the feeling she doesn't like anyone."
"Manipulative and I like it. Not that I like having my friends messed with or anything but back in England I knew a few like her... And they were... Fun."
"She plays dirty, even if I'm not the biggest Akira fan she had no right. I will have to watch out for her."

Mizuki Takizawa: Acquaintance
"Only sat behind her on the bus. Silas got his hands on her and she seems to be law enforcement. Doesn't makes sense to me for her to be here but screw it."

Kaoru Inoue: Acquaintance
"He is an awfully cute little thing, his stature and personality like some mischievous child. I want to squeeze him tight and eat him up."

Yumi Lee:

Jonathan Fenix:

Aeon Shirokami:

Keiko Misao:

So begins...

Sera Katoshida's Story

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Sera had not woken up late nor had she forgot that it was the first day of school, she simply lazed around that morning, not really feeling like going to school. Honestly she had considered skipping the first day all together, not really thrilled by where her parents had chosen for her to attend, especially when she heard that all Juniors had to have a Senior which was honestly kind of pointless. Unfortunately for her the condition to allow her to stay alone was to attend this school and that had not been negotiable, her parents kept going on about if she was going to be in Japan she had to go to the best school. The only reason she had actually gone was a call from her Sister, telling her that skipping would be bad, that she needed to attend school and make it so she didn't have to worry. That didn't mean she hurried though, she was still quite late because even after the call she took her time to take a long shower and make herself some breakfast. Now she was driving herself to school, her motorcycle not exactly going over the speed limit but apparently it was odd for a girl of her age to be riding one here, in England she hadn't got so many odd looks when she rode down the street. Not like she cared but she did find it weird. It didn't take long to arrive at school though, even walking she guessed it would only have taken about 15 or 20 minutes which meant she could either ride her bike or walk depending on the weather. Today she had rode the bike though and because of that she had to find a place to park it, choosing to put it where she saw some bikes. She got off, taking off the helmet and sitting it on the seat, not really afraid of anyone stealing it, not like she couldn't buy another if they did, and As she took a few steps back she smirked, the look of her green street bike next to the bicycles was a bit odd but to her it was a bit humorous, at her old school there would have been a few similar to hers parked together and maybe she wasn't the only one who rode a motorcycle here but she hadn't really looked. With a shrug she turned and walked off, noticing a sign for newcomers.

She followed the signs, messing with her uniform as she walked, making sure it was not tucked in so she could remain comfortable and scoffing at the skirt her mother had bought her. She would probably buy some pants when she had the chance but for today at least she had to deal with the damn skirt. At least it was tailored right, her mom probably took care of that, making sure they got the right length since the regular sizes for girls didn't really come for her height. She stopped for a moment, pulling out her phone and a hoodie. She slipped the black hoodie on and slipped her phone in one of the pockets before slinging her bag back on her shoulders. With that taken care of, her phone within reach in case she got bored, she finally walked into the room, which if the signs were correct and she wasn't took late the rest of the Juniors and the 'Seniors' appointed to them would be, and judging by the noise coming from behind the door it was most likely the right place. She opened the doors and walked in casually, not really looking to make an entrance. As soon as she entered she noticed everything was a bit crazy, some giant of a man, by his outfit most likely a teacher (Mr. Drone), was running around, grabbing students, there was a couple of groups already gathered and one of them seemed to be messing with a sack (Kei, Maya, Momo, Silas). Sera took a deep breath, "Looks like school may be a bit more interesting than I thought it would be..." She muttered, walking into the room and towards the man running around, the one she assumed to be a teacher figuring she could ask him where to go, not really caring to ask a student who would most likely direct her to the teacher anyways.

As she walked she couldn't help but notice a few interesting looking people, mostly hot guys and cute girls but still, it was a start. Actually when she looked around most of the girls and guys were attractive and that meant she had some good odds at finding a good one here, Japan was looking a bit better. Before she could really single out some targets she found herself standing near the big guy and she went right up to him, poking him as hard as she could, for some reason thinking she would have to use a bit of power to get his attention. "Hey big guy, my name is Sera, I'm late, where do I go?" Sera voice was rather rude, she didn't use any polite speech, in fact she was rather blunt like she didn't care that he was a teacher, then again how could she when the first thing she sees of this 'teacher' is him running around, even with his size and the intimidation that brought respect wasn't exactly demanded when her first impression was of a big child.

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“Big guy.. me?” Sera just stood there, a bit confused as the guy started talking, his eyes getting watery which was completely unexpected. “I’m not big!!!” I wonder what the hell he is talking about, he is gigantic... What a weird guy “See I’m not big, I got musclessss yeahhh” Whatever, it wasn't her concern, she simply waited for him to continue on, letting him get out whatever the hell it was he needed to get out before continuing. “All the teams seem to be full but you can referee with me.. make sure no one cheats… in the..” “three legged sake race.. from the stage…” With that the man ran off, crying or something of the sort and Sera just watched his hulking figure as it left the area. It was quite confusing and pretty annoying as well but she didn't really mind, she didn't have to participate in a silly sack race and that was reason enough for her to be a tad happy. Sera stood in the same spot for a bit, zoning out for the most part, though her eyes moved around a bit, looking at all the rather attractive students and wondering just why they were all so damn good looking. Mostly one would expect to find a handful of very good looking guys and girls but here it seemed to be the norm as opposed to the usual rarity, it was exciting. Not that she was going to rush out there and pick one of the girls or guys to pester but it made things much more interesting in her mind. Of course that didn't really make up for her not wanting to be here in the first place but it wasn't a bad start, besides, making new friends was always fun in one way or another.

As she finished her quick sweep of the room the teacher, though she still had some suspicions about him after the initial meeting, came bounding back in. Sera didn't really listen to his instructions, she more so just zoned out again, focusing on nothing in particular but looking out in the direction of the other students, her fellow classmates and those above them. She wasn't really concerned with judging anything, cheating was a ridiculous concept in a sack race and not to mention she had a feeling that anyone who cheated would be snatched up by the giant nearby. Of course if there was some sort of prize that could be untrue, many people found prizes worth a risk, in this case that would be cheating or injury, and since this was a fairly famous and wealthy school because of its students, the prizes would probably be something good if they were putting up actual prizes. As she began to watch the groups get together and towards the starting line, quite a few still lagging behind, she took the chance to get a better look at some of her new school-mates. There were some good guys in the bunch, the two that really caught her eyes were a couple of rather well built men tied together (Silas and Kei), Two good looking men tied together, I have never seen such a thing. It wasn't just the guys though, there were some cute girls as well, actually they were all cute in their own way. Well, maybe cute doesn't describe all of them but they all have one type of charm or another... Too bad girls are always so much harder... A smirk rose up on her face only to soon be replaced by an annoyed and confused expression as she noticed the 'teacher' hula hooping, so idiotic. She took a calming breath, soothing herself to remove the annoyance out of her look but still confused on so many levels. She decided to ignore it though, figuring she would simply stand around and text or play games on her phone until this event was started, and if it was uninteresting until it was finished.

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Sera just stood there and watched idly as the race began, the teacher next to her yelling and she turned to walk away from the man not wanting to hear all of that for a stupid little sack race. She walked away, going over and taking her seat in one of the chairs that had been meant for before she arrived, or so she assumed seeing as they were not in perfect lines any longer for whatever reason. It was then that she pulled out her phone, seeing a text from her sister basically a long-winded message saying that she better not skip the first day of school. You know me oh so well... She text her back quickly, making sure she didn't worry and telling her she went to school though as she tried to figure out how to 'prove' she was at school it was hard to think about what to say, there was a giant teacher, beautiful students, and they were all participating in a sack race, it was unreal. That being the case she simply took a picture of the room and sent it along with her text before shutting the phone and shoving it back inside of her pocket. "Alright... Let's see how this goes..." she muttered, looking over as the race began. The first thing she saw of interest was two girls (Momo and Maya) going down which brought a smirk to her face, Aw so cute... Makes me want to eat them up... That signaled the two hotties (Silas and Kei) who took off together, quite well in fact and in just a bit they had crossed the line and finished the race, it had been quick and a decisive victory at that. "Not bad at all..." She muttered again, watching one of the guys, the one she saw as dangerous, stomp the ribbon to the ground (Silas). Entertaining... Can't wait to speak with that one...

Without really knowing what to do she simply stood up and walked around a bit, heading away from the groups for a minute and going towards the doors to exit the room, for a split second considering just leaving to avoid all of this, she didn't of course, knowing explaining her absence would be so much more troubling than actually sticking around and knowing that finding out who her Senior would be was important. So she turned back, heading towards where all the people were and wandering over to the big guy once again, going to his front so he could see her since poking the behemoth to get his attention seemed like it could turn bad. "Hey big guy" she called him again, not really caring if he went off crying again, "Now that the race is over can you point me towards a group or my Senior or shall I just take my pick?" she asked smirking as she thought about the good looking options all around, not all of them would be Seniors but at least one of the better looking ones was bound to be a Senior. Sera really wanted to just go over and begin introducing herself to some of the people though, see which ones were possible targets after a little fun conversation but it would be easier to go along with this all for now, if the rest of the day was anything like what she had just witnessed then she would have so many chances to inspect, or rather get to know her fellow students.

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Of course the big guy began to weep again and it was annoying so much so that she snarled and was about to start yelling, she just wanted him to tell her where to go so she wouldn't have to stand there and do nothing, it was so boring especially since everyone else were having fun conversations and she was just sidelined. She couldn't yell though, he wasn't being an ass he was just kind of naturally annoying and that was no reason to yell, it would be dumb to get mad every time someone was a tiny bit annoying. His annoying streak continued when, without warning, Sera was grabbed by the teacher who pulled her right out the door to the room which she had come in, and he didn't stop until they reached a guy playing a violin (Kaien). “Your senior!” You have to be joking... Why couldn't it have been a cute girl or something... “I’ll leave you two to get acquainted…” She watched the big guy leave and go back inside before turning back to her apparent senior. She looked him over for a minute, not that he was bad looking but he wasn't really her type straight off the bat, he wasn't built like the other two guys (Kei and Silas) and he couldn't compete with girls when it came to cuteness. Oh well, not like that means this is going to be bad, he could be a cool guy for all I know and his violin playing wasn't bad... she thought.

Sera shrugged and walked over to him, seeing that he was playing the violin but figuring there is no way he hadn't heard the big teacher and he would probably not mind being interrupted by her. "Hey, I am Sera, apparently we are going to be paired up as Junior and Senior... Nice to meet ya... Hope we get along and all that" she said in a less than enthusiastic fashion as her hand extended to shake his. She was trying to be polite, part of her wanting to simply walk off since she had already been taken out of the room with all the other students but the other part of her wanting to get the introductions with this guy done so that he could lead them to whatever activity came next and she could really talk to some people. She was sure he would want to know about her though and that wasn't her confidence speaking it was just her idea since he was going to be her Senior and she his Junior, that meant that whatever happened she would have to take a bit of time to get acquainted with the guy like all the others no doubt already had a chance to do.

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Right off the guy who had been appointed her Senior shook her hand gently, no strength or confidence about it, she figured it could just be his nature, that would explain it. "I see, a pleasure... I'm Kaien Sora. Nice to meet you, I'm sorry if you were looking for me too long. To be honest, I just needed a little air being within that hall got a little stuffy" Uh-huh... Looks like I got a weird one alright... Lucky me Kaien as he so introduced himself seemed to stare into the sky after that, making himself seem kind of out of it but she was trying to stay positive and thinking it couldn't be that bad, at the very least he would be able to help her out with anything she needed. "I hope we get along too, as i hope i do with everyone. . . So Sera, I do want to inform you, I'm familiar with the school completely since I'm new. So some things may be a miss to me but if any other topic, troubles or worries come about. You can talk to me." Okay... Well maybe not, with his attitude he may be even more lost than I am. At least he was polite, Sera could respect that and although at first impressions she could really picture herself being best friends or anything like that, he just seemed to passive. She was trying not to be mean though and simply didn't say anything at his declaration of ignorance despite being a Senior, a supposed to be guide of sorts for Juniors like her. Sera let her mind wander, his slow rate of speech giving her enough time to try and think of what she could do or ask him but seeing as he didn't know much about school it kind of sucked, she didn't know anything not even what they would be doing next so apparently they were doomed to be lost.

"Listen, perhaps if all events are taken care of and once your ready we can go get a cup of coffee or so.We can even hold this another day. Your choice, just so we can get a little more aqcuainted. As of now, I'm sure you're probably wanting to meet others of your class and what not, correct?" Sera looked over to him for a moment, "Yeah sure we can talk at a different time, besides I guess I wouldn't mind meeting some of the cute girls and hot guys I say inside..." she said casually, taking a deep breath hoping he didn't take that the wrong way but not really pausing to explain or anything of the sort, "Well, I guess we should head back into the hall, I don't want to fall behind, I already missed one event. Anyways, you coming?" she asked, not really waiting for a response as she turned to leave but walking a bit slowly so that if he wanted to he could catch up, yeah sure she didn't really think they would get along that great but neither did she think they wouldn't get along at all, besides, he was her Senior, like it or not they would be together for whatever events came for the rest of the day if there were any and she didn't want to not know where he was when the time came. Not only that but she felt like the big guy would simply grab her up again if her and Kaien got too far apart and she didn't want to go through that again, it hadn't been scary but it had not been very fun either. Besides, maybe if she got to know him he would have another side, who knew.

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Kaien seemed to talk a bit and Sera made it seem like she was listening and for the most part she was but she took particular interest a few sentences in, "You know, there are quite a few good looking people at this school, too be honest it kinda surprised me" Sera turned with a smirk, "Oh it surprised me as well, I am quite excited to get to know some of these attractive individuals... It will make school life so much more fun." When he opened the door for her Sera just raised an eyebrow Well isn't he just a proper gentleman... "Another thing that surprised me was that annoying teacher, Mr.Drone... perhaps that is another reason i had to take a step outside" She could agree with that, the man kind of rubbed her the wrong way as well, not that she really knew why, maybe because her idea of an adult was someone who acted at least partially mature. "Anyways I'm glad to have met you Sera, Enjoy yourself... and do come find me if you need anything" As she headed inside she was hit by the pink haired girl (Momo) who seemed to be in a rush, apologizing hastily before running off, “Oh I’m sorry. Gomen.” Oh she is adorable... Sera smiled and gave a quick, "No problem" before she continued on, smiling all the way knowing this could turn out to be a very fun school, as she had noticed and Kaien had reinforced, the students were all very attractive and it was like a playground in Sera's eyes.

As they walked eventually Kaien stopped following Sera and without really saying where he was going left the room again leaving Sera to kind of sit there and try to figure out what was going on by herself. From what she could tell people seemed to be moving around and heading out to wherever it was they were going, maybe another event or something of that nature, she had no clue the big guy, Mr. Drone as her elusive Senior had called him hadn't said anything to her and Kaien hadn't said anything before he ran off either. "This really sucks... It is just dumb how nobody will tell me what the hell is going on... A man child of a teacher and a Senior who doesn't know a thing, great" she muttered, walking into the room and seeing one girl (Maya) running around with what looked like lunch and saying something or another about more food. Maybe it is lunch time... Maybe I should ask that girl and her hot guy friend (Silas) where to go... Yep good idea She smirked, figuring it wasn't the worst idea she had all day and she would get to say hi to some of her new classmates, though looking around there room there were so many she wanted to get to know, another beauty catching her eye a bit across the room (Devone) and of course she saw the other hot guy (Kei) leaning against a wall but he was probably waiting for the pink haired girl (Momo) since it was likely they were partners. She stood there for a moment, trying to figure out who to ask for some directions and finally deciding on the group she first noticed (Silas and Maya) because not only would she get to meet two people, she had seen the girl (Maya) running around cheerfully and she hadn't even been here that long, she figured it would be all right. Sera casually walked over to the two and gave a small smile, "Hello, I am Sera, I got here late and my Senior seems to have ran off. What is going on?" she asked, not really speaking to one of the two (Silas and Maya) in particular but more so giving an introduction and allowing either of them to answer the question.

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Sera had half expected the more hyper of the two (Maya) to greet her but the male (Silas) seemed to take initiative, moving in front of his partner and offering his hand. "Silas. This-" "is my Junior Maya." She looked at him and then to the girl, Silas and Maya, it would be easy enough to remember. "She's slightly cracked… Don't believe a word she says." Silas was pretty smooth and she had a feeling about him from the start, her 'wild one' theory obviously not that far off, it helped that he had to be preemptive in telling her what his partner would say would be false. "So. You're new." "Yeah, I am from England but moved her to start high school, parents insisted this school was the best and here I am." Well I am not sure about the school but the students... Very top notch in the looks category. "Your Senior left you? That's too bad…" She didn't have a chance to say much else when his Junior, Maya, chimed in. "Don't trust him" "He's a pervert with HIV" I guess this is why he told me not to believe what she said... Or so I hope that is untrue, would be such a shame. Sera was surprised when without warning she was pulled into a hug, having no choice but to let it happen, "Wow, you're so pretty and tall" "And your cheeks are so cute." "Why thank you, you're quite a cutie yourself..." she managed to get out before her cheeks came under assualt being pinched like her grandmother would do, the kiss is what really caught her off guard, not because it was so weird but because a smirk came on her face and she found herself wanting to tease the hyper girl with more than a cheek kiss. "Yep, they feel awesome that way to!" Sera restrained herself, she was to innocent to tease in such a way or at least that was the initial impression she got.

"I guess you'll just have to follow us until you find them. They should be at the Picnic. We were just headed that way ourselves, join us?" So obvious, a bit charming but obvious. Before she could say a word Maya jumped in, "Yeah, you gotta come with us! I'll even let you have one of my bento in case you get extra hungry like me" Sera was trying not to get caught up by the girls pace but it was impossible so she simply smiled, "Of course I will come" "By the way, your my friend" She was pulled on by the girl again and she sighed, she kind of wanted to flirt with the guy but the puppy of a girl was so cute she couldn't just ignore her, "Do both of you live alone. You seem to give off that certain vibe." Sera was a bit surprised, she gave off that vibe? Odd, "You are correct, I live in an apartment by myself, not too far from here actually" When she spoke she turned back and gave Silas a small look, nothing big but it should have been enough to toy with him. Oh this is going to be fun, made friends with a puppy and she comes with a good looking guy. Luckily she was out of Maya's pace now though, walking next to her, not making an attempt to escape her grasps but standing straight and simply keeping pace, "What about you Maya, I get the feeling you have a very large household" The hyper nature of the girl meant she had to have others around, if not she would have gone crazy by being alone.

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Sera was having a great deal of fun right now, being pulled along by the cute Maya and flirting, quite shamelessly, with Silas, her mind going to a very nice, and interesting, place with his next reveal. "I too live alone... Not too far from here. In fact-..." "It gets awfully boring.." Boring... Well we can't have you getting bored now... Sera would love to help him with his boredom if he would help her with hers, "Well if you are ever really bored you can always show me where to have fun around here, I mean since we both live 'Not too far from here'." Her lips curved into a bit of a daring smile, practically taunting him to do so. She didn't keep her eyes locked with his, as he had checked her out she gave him an obvious once over, ending it with a playful look before turning back away and continuing to follow Maya, though it was more being led than actual following. "Yeah. My Vater is never home." "But I'm not a party crasher.. -I'm the host." Another nice nugget of information, looks like I was right about him being the wild one, so pleasantly right... Can't wait for one of his 'hosted' events. Sera's mind went off on its own again, thinking about just how much she was going to do at this new school. Classes had never been really difficult for her, sports were sort of natural though she never sunk much time into them, the only thing she really had any desire to do was have a bit of fun with her fellow students, several ways of doing that coming to mind, only some of the PG and the others not so much. That wasn't all that was on her mind though, in fact she was beginning to think more and more on the subject of lunch, realizing she hadn't eaten much for breakfast and her appetite needed to be pushed back with food.

"I'm sorry if you thought i left unexpectedly, i didn't mean to seem as if i did, Sera." Come on... I thought he was going to leave me to chit chat with my new friends... Oh well, might as well get use to him I suppose. "Don't worry, Maya and Silas here are treating me just fine, already got a kiss from the cutie here" she said pulling Maya back into a semi-hug sort of thing. "Silas Fuerst. A pleasure." What... So apparently the wild one has a business mode as well, not sure whether that is sexy or not... Almost like my father gets at those drab parties. She pulled Maya in a big tighter, leaning down, "Did you know Silas had a side like that to him?" she asked playfully, not really expecting an answer but somehow she knew she would get one from the hyper puppy in her arms. It was about then that she noticed the other two, the other hot guy (Kei) and the cute pink haired one (Momo) approaching, she didn't speak or even really move but she put her head on top of Maya's and looked over at them. "Hey, you guys mind if we come along with you?" Sera didn't mind but he wasn't talking to her, they didn't know each other yet and she left the question for one of the others to answer, only chiming in when he spoke of food, "So you guys want to get the food before it's gone?" "Oh, I do... Let's go grab some food and continue our conversation after we have piled our plates" She hoped her suggestion didn't go unheard, she would have to run off on her own if it did, the allure of food only growing greater as the scents wafted around.

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"I live with my father and my six big brother. They're so awesome!" That explains a lot, a whole lot. As Sera kept the puppy in her arms there were so many conversations going on and instead of joining in on one right away she kept the girl in her arms, This girl is just too cute... Sera thought to herself as Maya made comment after comment about her Senior, "Yeah, I knew it was in there buried under STD's, I just didn't know when he'd bring it out." Again about STD's, you really have it out for him. Sera chuckled, "You know you should be nicer to your Senior, you're lucky, he is a good looking guy" she whispering in the girls ear teasing her a bit but wanting to do so much more. As she messed around with Maya she caught the introductions between her Senior and the other pair that had come (Momo and Kei), catching their names but not much else as they talked to Kaien. “Hey sorry again.. about bumping into you earlier, my name is Momo so what is your name?” Sera turned her head, still keeping her arms around Maya, "Don't worry about it Momo, my name is Sera, a pleasure to meet you." Her voice was a bit flirtatious as always, finding it more fun to test the waters with everyone around her as they talked, especially this girl because she kind of gave off a vibe that made Sera think she would have to pull back the reigns a bit and be more... Normal, at least towards her. "So you are that guy Kei's Junior right?" she asked, making a bit of small talk that was probably not going to go farther than one answer because she could feel Maya moving below her, obviously getting worked up by the topic of food.

“I’m glad you said that though! I’m hungry.. let’s all go before Mr. Drone gets too fat for P.E” I dislike that big man if that is who they are talking about, he pisses me off... "He's to awesome!" Sera looked down and shook her head with an amused look, "If you say so cutie." Maya quickly slipped from her grasp after that, causing Sera to almost lose balance, some of her weight on Maya, and she laughed as she stood back up straight, "She is just a handful" she turned to Silas after that but didn't say a word, only grinned as she followed after Maya and got into line. She was hungry but she probably wouldn't eat all that much, at least not compared to the little one who brought her own food as well as got in line. She wasn't really thinking about food as she waited in the line though, instead she found herself smiling a bit, thinking about how this morning the last thing she wanted to do was come to this drab school but now she was kind of curious to see what would become of it and not only her flirting with Silas. I wonder though... This is supposed to be a really good school, I wonder how hard it will be here... Sera had always been a smart girl, that was why it was so easy for her to get into this school, she actually got in on academic scholarship despite her families wealth, though if anyone asked she wouldn't admit to it. That is a thought for another time, for now... Food. A smile hit her face as she finally made it to front of the line and she began to make her food, a burger and some of that meat pie the big guy had seemed to fawn over. When she had enough for her she went off to the side, wondering where everyone would be sitting and for a split second debating whether to find her Senior or the others. Like that is really a hard decision... She stood there, scanning for those from the group, she sighted Kei and began heading his way, figuring he was tall, they would all see him, then again she wasn't so short either.

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Sera reached the little group and sat down to start eating, not really talking because she wanted to fill her stomach first, figuring she could do whatever she wanted once she finished. It didn't take long, she hadn't really taken that much food, just the burger and meat pie. It was good though, the quality really spoke towards the high level of the school. She essentially scarfed it down, managing to do so without being a slob and leaving the plate on the ground as she stretched a bit, perfectly aware of the looks she would most likely get, and did from a few people who she hadn't spoken to and didn't care to. She didn't care though, she was always stretching, even at home she stretched on her bed and such all the time, finding it all around relaxing. It wasn't like she had much else to do, it seemed the group, while being rather big before they all went after the food was becoming much smaller. One person, Momo, was dragged away by another guy (Varthur), cute but he looked like a wuss which was funny considering that Kei, who was not a wuss no matter how you looked at it, may have to go get his Junior back. Not that she really cared about the affairs of others, though it would be fun to see a wuss get scared off by a big guy like Kei or even to see the rather cute Momo get confessed to so quickly. Not only that but Silas seemed to be trying to get away from them as well, Disappointing, we could have had so much more fun if he had only stuck around... Oh well, there is so much time for that. She liked hot guys, especially when they were like Silas, a bit of a wild card with a tendency to look for some trouble but she was no puppy, she wouldn't follow him around, especially when he was with another guy (Bishop). What girl in her right mind would break up boy love, though Silas and the Kei fellow would definitely turn more heads... Wonder who would be on top though... Her mind snapped out of it just in time to stop the more naughty images from running through her head and tried to think of what she could do besides daydream about two sexy guys together.

It was then she noticed her Senior Kaien, he was near a stunning woman (Devone). This one blew the girls she had met out of the water, she had the mature and sort of badass look going for her as opposed to the cute look that both Maya and Momo had. "Now that is more like it..." She spoke to herself, standing up from the ground without saying a word to anyone and beginning to walk over that way, Looks like my Senior knows how to pick them, I wouldn't mind being... Friendly with her either. Sera didn't run over all enthusiastic, she could read an atmosphere pretty well and could tell from first glance that this woman (Devone) was not as eager to meet people as the others she had met, or at least if that wasn't the case then something serious was going down between her and Kaien. She wondered why Kaien was talking to her in the first place, her impression of him had been anything but a badass. Eh whatever, I will find out soon enough and if all else fails I can just get a smoke off of her... When Sera made it to them she walked up besides Kaien, looking over at him, "Why didn't you think to bring me along if you were coming to meet such a person?" Her voice was calm and she quickly turned to the woman (Devone) and smiled, looking her straight in the eyes with the devious look. "My name is Sera, I am Kaien's Junior, not that it really matters..." She muttered the last part and looked the woman (Devone) up and down slowly with obvious intent, mostly wanting to simply check this woman out but also kind of wanting to make her angry since it was so much fun to do that to the tough girls. Then again messing with the tough girls doesn't always work out well for me... Sera could remember a few times the tough girls had given her a few good punches for checking them out or pissing them off, she figured as long as her 'Senior' was with her it should be fine.

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The woman (Devone) didn't introduce herself and she simply looked on like having another person join in was just the worst thing that could happen and it pissed Sera off a bit. She wasn't angry because the girl didn't want her around or even that she gave off the impression that she didn't really give a shit but because she didn't introduce herself and that was just annoying. “You’re not my type junior but if you really like me that much, take a picture and I’ll autograph it. You get what you want, and I get a better view right here.. that you are currently blocking with your skyscraper (or in Devone's mind: sky- scrap) figure.” At least she was amusing, just like all of the girls back in England, nothing special about her attitude really, her form of insult being to pick at other people and not really say anything spectacular or harmful. It was better than sitting in the grass all by her lonesome though so she thought she would have some fun with it. "Oh come on, how do you know I am not your type, ever tried being with a girl before?" she asked with a wink, playing it off cool without a single hint of her annoyance present. I kind of doubt she has been with a girl, in fact I get the impression there aren't very many girls that have had that experience in Japan, not sure they are as accepting of such things here. She didn't let such a sullen thought stop her, "Then again if my height is enough to put you off I guess there is no hope, though that doesn't mean I don't think you're just gorgeous." she said with a devious smile moving a step closer and looking the girl in the eyes trying to figure her out but finding it fairly difficult. I wonder what exactly her story is, has to be a reason of some sort behind this attitude. I kind of want to know what it is.

Sera suddenly stopped, looking down and pulling out her phone, pointing the camera towards the woman (Devone) and clicking the button, a shutter sound later she had a picture on her phone. It was a bit sudden but it was the desired effect, a nice picture of the face and chest, "Well I got my picture... Guess the autograph will have to wait until later since it is only on my phone, unless you want to sign my chest or something." She paused, as if waiting for some reaction before quickly continuing, "Anyways, how about you give me your name so I know what to expect the autograph to read or is Miss badass alright?" She asked with a smirk, tilting her head a bit as she stood up straight. I wonder what I would have to do to get this girl really angry. She waited, expecting the woman to answer, assuming that she would at the very least say that much especially since Kaien already knew and could just as easily tell Sera instead. "Oh and while you're at it you could always tell me other things as well but if you want, it will probably make me leave faster." With that she simply stood there and waited, ready to see what the gorgeous woman would say, if she had been speaking to Kaien, Sera had a hard time believing that she wouldn't speak with her, then again she was a much different type of person than Kaien and that much was obvious.

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Sera was having her fun but then someone had to ruin it, her damn Senior. "Sorry Devone" Sera looked over, Oh here it comes... I just know it. "But Sera...What are you up to?" There it was. Sera turned to him, an annoyed look in her eyes but a smile on her face, "Oh my good sir whatever are you talking about, I am just talking to the girl is all. I mean you are acting odd, especially since when I came over here you two didn't seem to be getting along well. So the question is, what are you up to because I am just socializing." Her smile got bigger but inside her head she was getting a bit pissed off, he should have minded his own business, who was he to stop her and ask what she was planning when she was only having a bit of fun. Besides, it was quite rude to say something to her when she was only messing around, Devone, not only hadn't introduced herself yet but also threw some random insults out. Little snob should have just stood there and stayed quiet. It is none of his business if I decide to flirt with a girl and have a bit of fun. "Hi Sera! Hi boring guy! Has she become you awesome friend already?" Sera turned from Kaien immediately to the more favorable company of Maya, "Not yet but I think she will come around, who wouldn't want to be friends with us?" "You've probably flirted with her already. Honestly, your getting down to Silas's level and that's something I want to bring him up from." She is a smart little puppy, we are going to be good friends. Sera ran over to Maya and leaned in close whispering with a playful tone, "Hey I won't flirt with everyone, just a few. So keep it quiet my cute puppy, we can talk about THAT stuff later. Besides, I think Silas is cute when he flirts."

Sera stood back up straight, smiling down at Maya and then looking over at the woman Devone not saying a word, leaving it to Maya to speak this time, "Tell me you name super friend" Whether it be me or Maya one of us will annoy this girl enough to get her name, Kaien said it but I want her to say it. She didn't really care about Kaien's answer at this point, she didn't really care what he was up to. Hell she didn't even care whether or not he wanted her there, which by his tone she didn't think so. The only thing she really wanted was the girls name from her own mouth, it would be much easier to talk, and most likely annoy if that is what it took once that happened. Sera was wondering if maybe Kaien thought he was better than her, he did give off that sort of vibe, that he was better than the people around him. Some may thing he was being polite with his manner of speech and just the general feel he gave off and maybe that was why she didn't like him from the start, because she knew other people like that and most of them were conceited rich boys her father always tried to set her up with. Those rich boys never had any spine, always going on and on with their polite speech and exquisite manners but wanting the same as any other person, annoying. Snakes. The last thing I need is some kid with the same type of personality being my chaperone of sorts around campus.

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Sera watched a grin hit her Juniors smug face and when he started talking she did him the courtesy of listening. "Well i guess the difference between me socializing and you are the fact that i do not try to annoy those i talk to or get on ones bad side, "Madam". Also you say I am acting but I am merely brought up this way. I can't say the same for you, from seeing how you "act". Do not think you know me from one encounter. Just because i may seem like a stereotype in your mind from first look doesn't mean i am but whatever. This conversation will probably go no where from how you act, so I'll just let you have the last say in it" Well isn't he insecure, funny how all I say is that he is acting odd and he gets all defensive. She smirked, how sad, "Yes, I may have the intention of annoying but we get the same results and as you said, you weren't actually trying to annoy. Oh and thank you for 'allowing' me to have the last say, how noble of you." She said with a heavy bit of disdain present in her voice but she didn't say anymore to the little brat, in her mind he wasn't worth it. Too bad your polite tone doesn't mean a damn thing in the end, you still come out looking conceited. She took a deep breath, smiling and easily keeping her composure, she didn't get worked up too often but she didn't really like this guy, he pushed her buttons. She couldn't help but wonder just how long she would have to talk to this guy, he wasn't exactly pleasant, then again she could just choose to bite her tongue whenever her Senior was around, hang out with others when he wasn't. It kind of sucked, if only she was so lucky as Momo or Maya, they had good Seniors.

Suddenly things changed and Devone decided to have some fun of her own or so that is how Sera saw what happened next. “Don’t be down junior, I promised you an autograph on whatever photo you took so a splendid autograph it shall be.” Her phone was snatched away but Sera didn't mind, not even because she had money and could afford to buy as many more as she needed but because it was fun watching how the beauty reacted. “Miss badass you said, correct?” The words were soon enough scratched into her phone screen and she only smirked, first off her phone had a film on top of the real screen to protect it from scratches so essentially she could remove it and put another one on while actually getting her autograph, she couldn't help but smirk a little. “There you go, your autograph.” At least she is an original, can't say I've ever seen that one before. Sera thought, easily catching the phone in her hand and pocketing it for later, letting Devone think she ruined it completely. “Now I also believe I stated.. I’d get a better view in return.” “So get lost pigeon, your droppings are unwanted.” "And so I will, I shall leave your spot" she said walking by Devone and towards Maya to get her to go with her but stopping near Devone and leaning in for a quick peck on the cheek of the gorgeous woman, "Miss badass... See ya around" She finished with a wink and a smirk before going right past her, "Come on Maya, we can come meet the new super friend again sometime" she motioned for the girl to follow, walking off in the direction of where the little group had been and deciding to just wait for other people to show up, not looking back at Devone as she went but having a large smirk on her face.

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Sera looked over as she left Devone and her annoying Senior seeing that a lot of people had already finished eating, maybe the little lunch was almost over since a good deal of people had finished, then again this school seemed like the type to just let you chill which was nice, it was sunny out. It was a good thing that it was nice out because while Sera didn't really get depressed she was feeling a bit pissed off at the moment. Not because of the thing with Devone, that had been fun, but thinking she had the worst Senior ever, he was not going to be any help because she wouldn't ask him if she needed anything, not after learning she didn't like him so quickly. She would just have to figure things out on her own like how to join clubs and where all of her classes were, she was sure a map and maybe one of the other people would give her a helping hand but that was so much work. Oh well, I will be damned if I am spending more time with that guy than I have to, questions or not. Trying to think of how to get some help she thought of a few other Seniors, mainly her mind went back to Silas, he would make a great guy for a tour, not only because he no doubt knew the school pretty well but because she had this feeling that he would know the really good ditch spots and stuff like that, him or Kei, that guy seemed to have that kind of feel to him as well, though he seemed quiet and those boys were always hard to deal with for her. She looked over towards Silas and the other blonde guy (Bishop), seeing another girl with them now. The girl was a little bit away from them and as Sera walked that way she heard small little noises, like the girl (Miami) was sleeping. She looked down as she walked past, "Aw how cute" it was very cute, pink hair covering her face and the noises, it made her seem so innocent, like Maya but obviously not as energetic. So much more calm over here, if only my puppy dog would hurry and come over here, she could cheer me up. I can just mess with Silas for now.

Sera walked the rest of the way over, standing near Silas and managing to catch a bit of what he was saying as she approached, "Only the first day of school and you already have a girlfriend.. Congrats." She looked to the boy he was talking to (Bishop) he was rather cute so it wasn't a surprise that he would have a girlfriend, though he did work fast. Well I was late, put me a bit behind on meeting and socializing. She crouched down next to Silas, looking over at him and tilting her head, "You could easily have yourself a girlfriend, plenty of girls would swoon over you... Of course Maya is kind of a hyper little one, makes it hard to flirt with her around I bet." She leaned in a bit closer to him and looked at his face as if studying it, her eyes scanning his features and she didn't care how awkward it was "Yep, definitely could get a girl" Probably any girl. After she stopped staring him down, Sera sat down and laid back on the grass, her hands behind her head and she was looking up at the sky, her long legs stretched all the way out, her dark skin feeling slightly ticklish as the grass brushed up against it. She turned her head after a moment, going from the sky to Silas with a small smirk, I wonder how much I have to tease him for him to make a move because the way people talk about him he is a huge flirt. Makes a girl wonder if that is all he is, a flirt. Sera purposely began to stretch, letting her back arch a bit which caused her shirt to move up and reveal a bit of her smooth stomach, it was then she turned her eyes back towards the sky and closed them, teasing Silas a bit knowing it would be obvious with her right next to him and the belly ring she had in would make it all the more eye catching. She wasn't as innocent as some of the girls she had met here, she was going to have some fun with Silas and see how far she had to push to get him to push back a little. Let's see what happens...

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"Hey there Sera. Meet Bishop." She had looked over at him and she would introduce herself but she was a bit caught up at the time to just say hello casually. That didn't stop her from thinking he was cute, still, not really her type unless there was a hidden side to him that she just wasn't seeing, though that didn't mean she was totally uninterested in a guy, friends were always nice. Thinking of it she was always attracted to those with that naughty side, her father had always hated the people she brought home because of that interest. So far Silas and Devone were the only ones with that side, maybe Kei but really Silas was that 'perfectly naughty' type. She hadn't met everyone but she liked the way her new school life was going, cute classmates, interesting people, and a bit of hope that it would be incredibly fun. "Why would I need to flirt with Maya? … She throws herself on me every chance she gets." Too bad it isn't in that way playboy, she is just that kind of girl, that kind of little puppy. I could show him but that isn't my style though. "Who said I want a girl?" I wonder about that... I wonder if it would be possible to catch your heart... Tch, Now now Sera, those are the bad kind of thoughts, think naughty.

"And you Sera...?" Her eyes popped open as she felt something fall onto her stomach and she couldn't help but smirk. Oh my, I wonder if this was on purpose you naughty boy... I am a naughty girl though so bring on whatever you can. "-Oh. Sorry.." "No problem..." she said in a soft alluring tone, watching as he leaned over her, their eyes meeting and she had a simply playful look. When his fingers trailed her skin it was sensitive to the touch causing her make a noise that she made sound like a low purr just to try and lure him in. If only he had taken the rice and eaten it or been a bit more forward it would have been so much more exciting, instead he flicked it away, she could have figured out a couple different ways for him to be more of a flirt. "Do you have any prospective person you wish to "get"?" I don't think he is the kind to get jealous so guess I can be the blunt one. She gave Silas a smirk to match his own, accepting his taunt a bit, "Oh you are so insufferable" she said with a playful tone before pausing for a moment, speaking the next part quietly enough so only he could hear it, "Or was I wrong about you, are you another innocent little boy that plays around, because if so you're a dime a dozen back in England and I am wasting my efforts." With that she sat up and crossed her legs, letting her shirt cover he stomach again. Don't know if it will work but I can't be the only one working hard. That was when she decided this was the moment to introduce herself to Bishop,"So, your name is Bishop. I am Sera, a Junior, glad to make your acquaintance." She gave him a small wave and a smile.

Maya spoke up as always, cute to Sera, "Heya guys, sorry I got caught up in something!" Sera turned and smiled brightly, "Your going to get AIDS from him." "I don't think so, come on, he is cute, conceited but cute" she said ruffling Maya's hair. It was then that Mr. Drone began going on again and his voice made her go a little nuts inside, “ALRIGHT THEN EVERYONE GATHER!” "Gah... I dislike this man, he ruins everything..." She muttered, getting to her feet. “The day after tomorrow, this Wednesday! We will be holding a Junior and Senior excurssionnnn!!!!” Oh an excursion, well good news at least. “BUT STRAIGHT TO BUSINESS MY PEEPS! It’s a beach excursion.. you’ll need to pack a towel, swimmers and whatever else you may need. We teachers will be escorting you by bus! BUT at the beach we will let you kiddies roam free since you’re old enough to be responsible.. and if you need us we’d be back at the beach house..” As soon as she heard that she smirked, "Oh, I haven't had a chance to buy a new bathing suit..." She looked at Silas again, "You wouldn't want to help me out would you Silas? I mean I don't know the good stores." She waited for his answer, only catching the "-YOU ARE ALL DISMISSED!” Never thought I would be a bit disappointed the day was over. Then again, is it really over? Up to the hottie, heh. "This is going to be great! Plus, since you both kinda live alone, I want you to come to dinner at my house!" Hmm... What a predicament, keep hitting on a guy or go to a new friends for dinner. She looked to Silas, she hated making decisions, she would see what he was doing.

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"Sera, it's a pleasure. So we're in the same grade then, that's cool. I take it you're not from around here?" Sera took advantage of the moment where she wasn't talking or flirting, which today seemed to be rare but she was enjoying all the colorful conversations and of course the flirting. She turned to Bishop, her fellow Junior as it so happened, "I actually just moved here from England for the new school year, new scenery and all that." Her mind then went back to something Silas had said and she had refused to answer, "If you're going to be easy," "don't expect me to try too hard for you." So what if a girl wants a little effort, then again this one is probably use to all the girls falling at his feet... She looked away, she knew she was pretty attracted to him, his daring touch, his sure of himself attitude which could be troublesome but so sexy, and not to mention how much she enjoyed a guy who could play the game and as much as she hated it he played it better than she did. Their was one problem, he was what most people would consider a crush, she liked him but wouldn't admit it, be it pride or the fact that she didn't want him to get too conceited that was the way it was. I will not admit it... Never... Just what would that guy do if he found out... I don't even want to know. She shook her head and looked at Silas, waiting for him to see if he would come with her, go to Maya's, or do his wild card thing and go off on his own.

Finally Silas made up his mind, "I've got other plans." A bit disappointing, ah well, it will be a surprise at the beach then. "There is no way I'm going home with you." Sera looked to Maya, "Oh he is just asking for use to come get him when the time comes." she said excitedly, stretching a bit before and then "I've got a date." She looked over raising an eyebrow, why was she not surprised, or at least if it was a real date she wouldn't be that surprised. First day was a bit quick but like she had so obviously pointed out he could easily get a girlfriend and for a split second she considered that he had been here quiet awhile, she was new, most likely he had girls already. And this is why little crushes always suck. She laughed at herself and then waved, "Cya later then playboy, don't overexert yourself." With that she turned to Maya, "Now about dinner at your place. Sounds awesome but we still have some time. What do you say we take advantage and go have a bit of fun, maybe grab some swim suits or you could show me a good place to run, I need somewhere to jog." She wanted to spend some time with her friend, she had originally planned to torment Silas with swim suits but if he was busy, or likely 'getting busy' she would do something probably even better, spend some time with her new friend and find something sexy to wear to the beach. Then again she could simply go running, all depending on what Maya wanted to do and for some reason Sera just couldn't read the girl no matter how much she wanted to be able to, maybe it was the energy or the fact that she had the strangest feeling that there was more to her than her puppy like enthusiasm. Besides, dinner at her place sounded so much more fun than cooking for herself or ordering food, eating alone sucked.

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Sera was pretty excited to go to Maya's, a bit disappointed that she couldn't mess with Silas but she was not revolving her day around him. "Why don't we go look at swimsuits? I know this shop a few streets down that has some cute ones in the window! Plus I need a new one too, my old one's kind of small.." I get to see the cutie in a swimsuit~ She smiled, "Good, I need something that really shows off my curves. I would have brought stuff from home but I kind of packed in a hurry when I came here. Plus, I think I can help you pick out something good, have a bow in mind?" She was curious if Maya had a crush. The girl had to say something to throw Sera off right after that, "But.....I know how you want Silas to be with us" "W-What, no I don't... I don't want him to be with us..." she stammered, blushing a bit and being caught totally off guard. "So, why don't we kidnap him? My brothers will help us" She forgot her freak out in an instant and become confused instead, Kidnap... Oh he is just going to love that. she thought sarcastically, herself wanting to see it but still, "Maya sweetie I don't think Silas will like that..." She said a bit hesitant to believe the girl would even do it but before she knew it Maya was on the phone. "One of my friends is being a bit difficult, could you and Kichiro help us kidnap him, just for a couple of hours though. Nothing that serious!" What is she talking about... She can't be serious... But I think she is, my god. "Maya... You're joking right, you're not actually on the phone are you?" "Forty minutes should be fine, right? Enough time to try on some stuff.." "Wait... Seriously..." Her inquiries seemed to go unanswered as Maya made her plans and she just couldn't figured out what the girl was thinking, Silas would freak and this was odd to begin with, "In forty minutes, meet us in that swimsuit store, the one with the black letters in the window.... Oh! And bring a leash, the black leather one."

Sera was frozen, for two reasons, one she was still trying to figure out just what was going on and what kind of girl Maya really was, she wasn't scared really just a bit surprised. The second reason was the thought of a leash, which meant collar, being involved. She had kind of a think for that and she wondered what Silas would look like in it but part of her wondered what it would feel like to be pulled around wearing on, Ah no, kinky bad, it is a distraction from this little devil. I can't believe I thought she was innocent! "C'mon, lets go look at some swimsuits!" How can she act like nothing just happened... This is insane. At the same time as she was trying to figure out what was going on, freaking out a bit, and of course having some of the most naughty thoughts and it was all Maya's fault. It was fun though, abnormal but exciting so as she was pulled along she simply smiled and laughed. "Maya you're crazy..." she said, not able to figure out what else to say about what she had just heard, if it happened maybe she would say something but it seemed so unlikely that she put it aside and focused on the swim suits. "Alright though, should I drive us to the place, I brought my motorcycle, we could have a bit more time if we take my bike, you can ride on the back." While she was trying to think of swim suits and dinner at Maya's, it was hard to think about anything but the leash and having Silas be brought to them maybe even putting the leash on his, though she knew he would not be happy, Oh goodness, this is going to be something.

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Character Portrait: Sera Katoshida
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Sera and Maya had gone to the store, taking her motorcycle back home before hand and walking there. Once there she couldn't believe the store, it was awesome, Maya definitely knew where to shop. In fact she had found herself a nice bikini, white with pink flowers, yeah maybe not really her style but against her dark skin she knew it would get some results. Of course even better than finding her perfect bikini was how excited Maya was with her purchase and Sera just smiled, "This is going to be my first time wearing a bikini!" "And you are going to look so cute." She was returning to Maya's side when she yelled, "Oneechan!" Sera was a bit shocked when she saw the guys whom Maya had called brothers, not scared or uncomfortable, just surprised. And now the kidnapping thing makes so much more sense... She just stood there as Maya had fun talking away as always in the middle of the store, glaring at one woman who seemed particularly displeased, she hated when people did that sort of thing. "So, where's this douche we gotta kidnap?" That was when Sera's attention returned, Ah yes... I had almost forgot about that. Then Maya acted like a professional, strangely cute in its own way how this seemed so normal for the seemingly innocent girl, "Lets wait till we're away from others before we discuss this..." And then it was back to normal, she was dragged over and introduced by the hyper puppy. "This is Sera, she's my new friend!" "This is Daichi and Kichiro, my big brothers!" "Hey, nice to meet you" she said casually with a wave, looking to Maya after that as she realized how serious the kidnapping thing was. They talked for a bit, about where Silas would be and finally the two guys headed out leaving Maya and Sera once more and Sera was having a thought, Silas is going to be so pissed...

"I love my brothers" She looked at the girl, "Yea, they seem... Trustworthy and I bet they are nice guys." The last part was subjective, nice to her because she was Maya's friend, nice to Maya because well they were obviously close, now nice to others, that could be a different story. It wasn't until the girls saw the car pulling up to the little waiting spot that Sera really took it all in, being pulled in the car with Maya and seeing Silas right there as they had promised and also as the promised, they had the leash and Maya was seriously using it. Oh my god... Maya took the spike collar and put it on Silas' neck and fastened it all on leaving Sera to watch on, more than a bit excited by the new look. She introduced her brothers and told Silas about dinner like she didn't expect him to be mad and it obviously didn't bother Maya in the least and Sera decided to try and act the same, try and be her same flirty self despite this odd situation. So when the collar was on him she scooted real close so her body was touching his and she whispered in his ear, "Well don't you just look like the tamed beast with that collar on... A shame though, I think it would be more suitable if I were wearing it..." she smirked as her hand went and took the leash, pulling it towards her rather gently, her heart beating faster as she did. She just looked at him, he was no doubt furious but her worries about that from earlier quickly vanished when she saw the wild beast with the leash, she wanted to tame him so badly... Well maybe not tame, that would take all the fun out of it. How tempted I am to do things to you. If we weren't in a car with other people I probably wouldn't be able to hold myself back. She nipped his earlobe and then slowly handed the leash back to Maya, afraid she may go too far with that kind of power. Now came the fun part though, Silas' reaction to this whole... Event.

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Character Portrait: Sera Katoshida
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As Sera had her fun, at the expense of Silas, she could see all his little reactions and they were something else, he was off his game even if just for a moment. When she teased him the look turned to something she could only describe as wild, like he was trying to think of a way to get her back for this already and she wanted him to because there were only two ways he could take this. Find a way to get even or avoid them and the latter was not the way she hoped, or thought, he would react to this whole thing. You are going to be pissed at me when this is all over aren't you... Or will it be a different emotion as I toy with you? she wondered, his hand running up his body and too the collar where she hooked her finger and made sure it was tight, enjoying every moment of this. To take pictures or not to take pictures... That is the real question. Such a quandary she was in, whether she wanted proof that this happened or let it remain between them, she wondered what Maya would do since while Sera was probably enjoying this the most, her slight crush just furthering the desire, Maya had proven herself to be the more devious of them. I guess I won't good enough to see him like this for myself... I wouldn't want to share this anyways. She took a deep breath, leaning in close again, her lips brushing his ear as she spoke and letting her body touch his as well, "Don't fight it, just relax, we won't do anything." Sera spoke in the most unconvincing voice, it was obvious she wanted to do so much more. She was still pissed about something he said earlier, a remark about her not trying hard enough essentially and he told her not to expect him to try too hard. Well she wanted him to try hard, wanted him to make a move and while this wasn't her idea she made it a little more obvious she wanted him. Either that or I am making myself look like a slut, not sure which yet. She thought, chuckling lightly to herself and it came out a bit more devious than she intended.

All of a sudden Maya hit her in the back of the head and she turned, "Your going to get diseases" She took a deep breath, "Alright Maya I get it, you think he has diseases" she said smiling and backing off, but she wasn't the only one wanting her to stop, of course the rather scary brother had something to say. "You act like an AIDS infested whore in front of my sister again and I'll vivisect you with a fucking crow bar." She glared a bit pissed off that some inked monkey was telling her how to act but she kept her mouth shut not really wanting trouble, though she was wondering what exactly they believed Maya was, some innocent girl, Sera had realized that was not true. So for the drive to Maya's she sat to the side, looking at Silas and Maya wondering what else was in store for them tonight. Then it happened, they pulled up to a huge Japanese style house and she just looked on impressed, sure she had money but her family didn't live in a mansion, her parents moved around so much they just kept a nice apartment in England and now she lived in a nice apartment in Japan, she wasn't use to huge houses. Judging by Maya's 'brothers' and the fact that they resembled gangsters she could guess what kind of place this was. She followed Maya out of the car, watching as Silas hit the ground and wincing, That had to hurt... Poor guy, the let's hope this joke doesn't go too far. She didn't have time to help him up before one of the brothers undid his bindings and Maya cheerfully led them forth like it was all so normal.

It wasn't until they reached a different room that Sera began to get a little nervous, a bunch of guys and one man who had to be the leader sitting there. She wondered what exactly would happen and soon enough the man introduced himself, "I'm Isamu Kenkon, Maya's father." I think I am getting more than I bargained for... "Knowing Maya, I'm sure she simply met you and said you were her friends, am I right?" Yea that is about right "So, this puts me in a little predicament. I love my daughter and some part of her loves you both already. But if you hurt her..." "If you betray her..." "We will kill you in the most painful way possible and make it look like an accident, understand?" Mostly she was scared, a shiver running down her spine but the part of her that didn't like people pushing her around made her almost tell him to shove it. Wisely she kept her mouth shut though and just nodded. "Katsuo here will be pointing a gun at your genitals all night, just to make sure things go smoothly." "One quick pull" "H-Hey, what the hell..." she muttered, she meant it to come out angry because she was but she couldn't, she barely managed to get it out at all and immediately regretted it. "Be a good boy around my sister and don't fornicate with the tramp." She didn't speak again, looking down at her feet without saying a word.

"DINNER!" Sera looked up and there was a knife to her back, the gun to Silas' back which made her very nervous, so much so that she didn't even hear what was said next, her body just reacted, removing her shoes and walking, thinking that if she stopped the knife would sink into her back. Her spirit was dying a bit, what she thought would be a fun dinner at a friends house and maybe a bit of time for her and Silas to talk and as they seemed to do flirt, turned into something much worse. Now she was more than nervous, she was afraid. As they walked she looked over to Silas, she was regretful that he got involved and thinking maybe she should have just gone home without dinner. This is really not a good situation, Silas has to be so mad and I bet he isn't happy with me. Great... And there go my chances. 'Sorry' she mouthed before looking away, the flash of regret in her eyes still present but she might as well walk in and finish dinner, try and get out of here as soon as possible.

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Character Portrait: Sera Katoshida
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This absolutely sucks... So much for a good first day. Sera was feeling pretty scared and even more depressed, thinking that chances were this would complicate things heavily, first off it would be hard to explain to Maya why she NEVER wanted to go to her place again after this was over, her thought being it wasn't really Maya's fault, she liked the girl but the family... Well she didn't like them to say the very least. Not only that but she couldn't help but think Silas probably despised both of them now, who wouldn't after being kidnapped, teased, and then after that end up having a gun on them. You really did it this time Sera... She had acted like she was in heat in the car and now he would be mad and the Yakuza behind her had clearly voice their opinions, all kinds of nasty names and such being spoken. What happened next was different than any of her expectations, Silas suddenly went forward and bowed in some strange fashion before Maya. She reached out, wanting to say something but the knife was pressed against her back as if to say 'Don't you dare speak' and honestly she was a bit surprised the man with the gun hadn't stopped Silas. Silas you better not get yourself shot you. "Ohime-sama." Ohime-sama? What in the hell is Silas doing? "Please.. I beg your forgiveness. Forgive my insolence." Sera was confused, she had no clue what was going on, Silas was asking for forgiveness, that didn't match the personality she had seen so far. She been confused enough with the knife against her back but now it was just getting worse. "I ask your protection… of Sera. Your word that she will not be threatened, in turn I will offer you.. myself." Sera just stood there, stunned, a deep blush touching her cheeks suddenly and her heart began beating faster. W-What, you... You of all people... Why would you risk yourself for me? "Name your request and I will see it done... Maya ojou-san." Sera could honestly say Silas was the first guy to literally risk himself in order to protect her and whether or not it was entirely for her it was still something, they had a gun to him yet he still did it. The act was particularly surprising after how she acted in the car and her part in this whole kidnapping thing. She was thinking he was an idiot, part of her believed she didn't deserve that but she was really happy and the blush was proof because it was hard to make her blush.

"Nobody likes a kiss ass" Oh shit... Sera was beginning to think the whole little puppy routine was a facade and she was getting nervous now thinking if Maya wasn't completely on their side they were in deep water. "They threatened you apparently, though I had hoped they would be a bit more behaved. Though..I can't blame them sometimes." A chill ran down Sera's spine when Maya looked at her, the eyes made her realize just what kind of person she was, "You may be my friend but I will ask you to please refrain from acting like such a slut. I probably said that because I was somewhat jealous that my standards were keeping me from acting the way you did to Silas. But the facts still remain." She was frozen, already scared but this just made it worse, she thought Maya was the cheerful and kind girl end of story, apparently that wasn't all she was. "Even though I appreciated the gesture, I would prefer you actually mean those words. If there is one thing I cannot stand, It is empty lies." She is insane... "But I have to admit, you were a pretty good actor. Almost had me fooled for a second." Yeah well Silas didn't stand a chance, no way he could hold a candle to your acting skills, you had everyone fooled. Sera was pissed off but she was unable to say a thing for fear of getting herself hurt or Silas for that matter.

"Annnnd you people" "This happens every time I dare to bring a friend over. Even though I appreciate the thoughtful gesture, I would like them to remain my friends the next day." Sera couldn't really see that happening anymore, not only the family but the seeming split personality, she wasn't so okay with that, that wasn't the way people and their family treated 'friends' and it was a joke that she thought otherwise. "C'mon! Lets eat it before it goes cold, I'm starving!" You really expect me to eat happily? As if answering her thoughts Maya grabbed and pulled them to the table, "Itadakimasu!" Sera stayed silent, looking down, not daring to look up because the fear or anger one would be evident. "You'll love this! Masa-chan is the best cook I've ever known!" Sera hadn't planned on eating but if she had it would have been interrupted as a fight of sort broke out and she jumped a bit when it happened, her nerves a bit shot thinking that the knife or gun could be the end of her. Then someone was at the door and Sera just kind of zoned out, staring down and considering pulling her phone out though she didn't know what she would do even if she took it out. She looked over at Silas, wondering if he was scared at all, he had seemed so brave earlier. Worst first date ever... Trying to keep herself lighthearted but finding it very hard when in such a situation. Who wouldn't be a bit scared or at least freaked out by this, Maya ended up being some yakuza princess. "Maya-chan! The Feds having his daughter and another hang out here for awhile, you know the drill!" Sera wanted to scream out when she heard that but she saw one of the yakuza whispering something to Silas and she could sort of guess what it was, she didn't wouldn't get him hurt and thus kept her mouth shut, staying still at this point only hoping that this night ended without someone being hurt or killed.