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Lust Asami Curtis

---That's right.... God is created by humans. It's merely something that comes from the hands of men. In that case, what will bring wrath down upon us is not God, but probably "humans."

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a character in “Lucid Dreamers: Revolution”, as played by Nightmaric_Angel


Character Sheet:

(talking to one of Getsus men) In my view, you are the ones that I can't understand. To seek out this special place and make it into a battlefield is what's strange. Is it heretical to kill with alchemy? Is it better to kill with a gun? Or is it that you were prepared to kill thousands and cant bear loosing two or three of your own men? When you wore his name of your own will, weren't you already prepared? If you don't like it, you shouldn't have worn it in the first place. You moved forward onto this path on your own, why are you playing the victim now? If you're going to take pity on yourself, don't kill people in the first place. Don't avert your eyes away from death. Look forward. Look at the people you're killing in the face. And don't forget them. Don't forget. Don't forget. Because they won't forget you either.




over 200 years old


Homunculus (Latin for "Little Human", plural Homunculi)


  1. 2nd In command for the Freedom Fighters
  2. Nurse
  3. Motherly Figure
  4. Interrogator
  5. Instigator


Though named for the vice of lust, Lust does not appear to be lascivious herself, but rather an object of lust for others. Due to her enticing looks and high intelligence, Lust easily and effectively plays the role of manipulator within the Freedom Fighter ranks, moving covertly around the country to lure weak-minded people (usually alchemists) into the clutches of Freedom Fighters and eventually to pay for there sins and go back to there own realm when there is no more need of them.

Aside from her skills as an infiltrator and puppet-master, Lust has the usual Homunculus abilities of incredible longevity, astonishing regenerative capabilities, and a great resistance to death that borders on immortality. Her own unique ability is to extend her fingertips into long, flexible, thin blades sharp enough to cut through just about anything with ease. The length to which her fingers are able to stretch has not been shown to have any particular limit as well, earning her the nickname "Ultimate Spear" among her peers.




  1. Able to slice through anything,
  2. Alchemy,
  3. Martial Arts
  4. Singing
  5. Guitar playing
  6. Cook


  1. Extendable sharp black fingers
  2. Alchemy,
  3. Martial Arts


Defeat Gutsu and become human so she can die finally. She hopes before she does die she can get a husband and bear children and a dog and just have a happy family.


  1. Making potions to help with health,
  2. singing,
  3. Help the other freedom fighters with anything she can.
  4. Teaching Alechemy and magic to those who are able to use it
  5. Teaching martial arts


Although Lust takes apparent pride in being a simple Homunculi and introduces herself as such to anyone who asks, her attractive and humble exterior belies a fearsome disposition such that Artaxes and many others become terrified at the mere thought of aggravating her. She is prone to swift acts of violence and is often seen dealing out physical harm(her martial art not claws), but despite her frequently aggressive nature, Lust is a remarkably caring, wise and perceptive individual always willing to help those in need, especially children. That being said, she is also a great advocate of helping people to make their own way and will usually only intervene on behalf of those with the will - but not the means - to help themselves. Though she has a great deal of alchemical skill and faith in her alchemical power, Lust frequently values the idea of working hard and only using alchemy for things that cannot be done by hand, stressing to others that alchemists are still only human and have human limits even though she is not human.


Lust being a Homunculus she is not human. She is what happens when a Alchemist tries to play god and transmute a human being back from death. She was created by the sins of Getsus's men the Alchemist were to bring back the dead soldiers to make a force of unstoppable men. Instead the men due to equivalent exchange lost there lives for breaking the most crucial rule of Alchemy the and bring back the dead. And instead of bringing the people they wanted back to life they brought back her. She in return killed all the remaining men and walked away from the whole ordeal. At first she held no memories of what she was or what she was to do or even that she was not human. She only knew she was different and that she longed for something. One day she found a male and she felt close to him. She was happy with him. But when she found out it as all a trick she was captured and. She became Getsus's lab rat. She waited for years in that lab and little by little she realized what she was. And what she needed to do. She killed all of his men in the lab escaped and set out to find ha place she cold help/ She was a nurse Artaxes found her and requested her to join the freedom fighters. She accepted his request and she has been working as a agent for him ever sense. Second to Piper for the second in command.

So begins...

Lust Asami Curtis's Story

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Character Portrait: Lust Asami Curtis
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OOC: I made the replacement for Piper. :) Hope she is ok. I kinda made a really sweet spin on her She is a mix of the Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood: character's Teacher aka Izumi Curtis and Lust with the looks of Asami Sato.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lust Asami Curtis Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Ancel Carlson
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Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire

Cassidy would watch the scene silently looking at Destin and then at Kya she would sigh and look back at the scene.

Connor Pyrogen

Conner smiled "I'm sure it will!" He exclaimed. "It's a perfect double!" He smiled.

Lust Asami Curtis

Lust walked through the camp her very long wavy black hair that cascaded down her back blew in the wind softly. She looked to be 19 or 20 years old. She was a petite female in size only 5'3 at most and she held a flawless model-like body complete with hour-glass curves, big bust, long legs, a flawless complexion, red full lips, caring strong and yet vibrant light green cat doe eyes, gentle features and she possessed a somewhat buxom figure and held a more aesthetically pleasing look, when compared to the others. She wore a long black over coat that was open and flowed with her movements, a dark black leather skin tight suit with knee high high heeled black boots, and a black corset, two guns on her hips and a weapons belt that showed her body off well. Her green eyes scanned the area and her full lips were set into a smile. She held grey purple eye shadow and red lipstick, a bit of blush, and a tad bit of compact, and thickish eyeliner. Her strides as she walked were graceful and short and almost whispy. She looked at Ancel and smiled nodding at him in a means of a respectful greeting. He was cute. The children of the camp seemed to flock to her at this point and she smiled and knelt down as she talked to them happily. The children seemed to look up to her by the way they looked at her. They smiled and laughed as she talked with them. One brought a train over to her it seemed to have a broken wheel and she took a toothpick and fixed the wheel and the child seeming happy with this he ran off happily smiling and laughing. She saw Solomon and smiled at him as well nodding in a respectful greeting at him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lust Asami Curtis Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Ancel Carlson
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Kya was puzzled at the fairy's idea to make a replica of the captured leader. Why not tell the people the truth? Then again, just like what the fairy had said, people were leaving. There would be no more rebels if everyone gave up hope. There would be no chance of breaking free from Getsus's reigns. Sometimes telling a lie is the only way to bring spirit back to people.

Kya looked back, hoping to find someone who could help her with her ankle. After all, she was in a campsite for rebels. There had to be someone who could help her. She saw someone; a woman about her age who had long black hair, and who was extremely attractive. Why were all the women in the IDD so beautiful? Kya suspended her thoughts and approached her. She seemd friendly with all the children around her.

"Excuse me," she said, crutch carrying her, "do you know anywhere where i can find a healer? My ankle...i damaged it on the way over here."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lust Asami Curtis Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Ancel Carlson
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Lust Asami Curtis

Lust looked at the female. "Little ones I'm going to go help this nice lady." She told them. The children nodded "Okay Teacher." they all said one after the other. She smiled at them as they all ran off and looked at the female. "Hello I go by the name Lust I can help you." She told her and walked away getting a 3 stones and laying them infront of her. She then knelt down clapping her hands together and then putting her hands forcefully to the ground palm down. A light glowing and the stones turned into a soft cushioned chair. She helped her to sit down in the chair and looked at her ancle. "Seems you may have twisted it. I'll be right back. I have a potion and some ice that will help right up with that fairly quickly. SHe smiled and walked to her tent that was nearby. She returned a few minutes later and handed her a potion vial with a red liguid inside it. "This should help." She told her and then put a icepack on top of her ankle. "And this should help also." She told her. Her voice was kind and caring holding a sweet sad tone to it. She was obviously a good person. One of her older students came to her speaking about something he had don't and she glowered and hit him upside the head angrily. Her expression changed to anger and her sweet atmosphere changed to one of blind fury and force. It was terrifying. She narrowed her eyes in a evil manner and clinched her. "That is the one thing I told you not to do!" She said through her teeth furious at him she hit him again and then one more time for good measure. "That is forbidden! You could have cost yourself your life if it had worked!" She yelled very upset with him she knelt down her student who looking down ashamed by his actions. She hugged him suddenly revealing her worry and love for the boy. "I don't know what Id do if it I lost one of you." She told him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lust Asami Curtis Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Ancel Carlson
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Ancel stopped in what was a clear spot or at least clear enough were it was just the ground with building on both sides of the tiny spot of land he decided to claim. Ancel looked around and let out a loud wisely still completely ignoring what everyone was doing. “Oi Cassidy! Come here a moment I need your help!” he looked back to the plot of land and rubbed his hands together eagerly. “All right let’s see what I can do.” He crotched down and placed his hands on the floor focusing a blurring out everyone around him. The ground began to shake as though an earth quake was going on. The sound of earth pushing together could be heard and it was hardly silent. A block of earth in the shape of a tiny shake grew up out of the ground. It wasn’t very large only about 3 yards wide all around and up. The ground stood shaking and Ancel placed his hands on his hips very pleased with himself. “This may just be the best work vie ever done.” He nodded his head with a wide smile.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lust Asami Curtis Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Ancel Carlson
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Conner smiled at him. "I'm sure it will!" He exclaimed. "It's a perfect double!" He smiled.

"I value your opinion." Tink said returning the smile. Connor seemed patronizingly happy for some reason. Tink had to admit he was surprised he wasn't trying to change any of the many asymmetrical factors of his room yet. Tink shifted his jacket slightly so that he could make it slightly more symmetrical.

He was back to nit-picking on the fake Axe when the earth beneath him began to shake. He lifted off out of instinct but watched as the fake Axe sat as if nothing was happening. Very convincing Tink thought before deciding to use the quake as an exercise. He stared at the illusion and immediately it started to get up casually. It's an earthquake, a little shakier he thought causing the illusion to react with the earth and put his arms out for balance. And show some fear at this he thought before remembering that Axe never showed fear. The quake was over before he could see if he had perfected the reaction. "My works cut out for me." he muttered before looking around to assess the damage. The stilts of his canopy had survived if not slightly shaken, thank the heavens. He turned to look at Connor who didn't seem to have done to badly.

When he was satisfied everything was alright in his tent he went to the door to see how others fared. Pulling the flaps aside he surveyed the camp. He nearly fell to the ground in surprise at the new construct situated in the camp. It seemed to have been a center of attention until Tink came out and all eyes and agape mouths turned to him. He responded with confusion until he saw that Axe had followed him out. "Oh dear." he muttered while he felt his glow scream to the world he was just as surprised as they were.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lust Asami Curtis Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Ancel Carlson
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Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire

Cassidy had scaled a tree from a ways away sitting on the highest branch she sung a soft tune. Her back leaned against the trunk of the tree one of her long legs bent the other stretched on the tree limb. Her brown wavy hair blew softly in the wind. She was a gifted singer and it showed as she sung the song The song was a sad and angry song about a mother betrayed by a man and bearing his son. The lyrics of the song show the mother singing to her child who she plans to have fulfill her revenge against the man who betrayed her. Her full lips were in set in a pout as she sung. She felt stupid for walking away hurt in such a dramatic manner for something so silly as her vision of home.

Lust Asami Curtis

When the earthquake shook Lust seemed unaffected by it completely keeping her balance as if nothing happened her face unchanged. The chair held together only shifting a bit. "I'll be right back I need to check on the children real fast." She walked away to find the children who seemed scared but nothing else. She calmed them down and then made her way back to Kya.

Connor Pyrogen

Connor followed Tink and looked at the Illusion he nudged Tink lightly "Whatever your gonna do you should do it quickly before they catch on." He says in a low tone so only he hears it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lust Asami Curtis Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Ancel Carlson
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"Thanks a billion, Lust!" Kya said to the kind lady. She drank the potion, and received wonderful results. Her ankle felt as though it had never been injured. She slowly moved it, and although it hurt just a little, Kya knew that she could easily walk again. She threw the crutch behind her, shouting, "Goodbye old lady crutch!!!" and sat in the chair with her hands behind her head, and her legs crossed. The ice pack not only felt good on her ankle, but on her bare foot in general.

Suddenly, there seemed to be a small tremor. Kya grabbed on to the chair, which remained firmly in place. Like Lust, she was unharmed.
"I'll be right back I need to check on the children real fast." the lady said. Kya nodded and let the woman go tend to her children. Kya had almost forgotten what it was like to have children to look after. Those were the days when she worked in the circus....

With Lust not back, Kya decided to check up on her notebook. She opened her knapsack and grabbed the blue spiraled notebook. She turned to the page where she had left off, and she ran her finger down to the second star on the page. The words were in gray ink instead of the red color it was before. It read,

'So now that you have found the sage guide, you must be at the campsite. You probably know that your enemy still lives. If not, well then, he still lives. Unfortunately, he's creating something rather devestating and rather...nostalgic. At least that's what the sages are saying... Anyway, you may be curious about some sort of wall? Apparently, that wall is some sort of barrier. It's there to keep people away from the path you're supposed to be on. The problem is, nobody really knows about it. Why? The first reason is because it's invisible. I would get into more details, but it's really complicated. The second reason why is because tons of enemies are there, patrolling the wall. Making sure nobody goes past it, and making sure nobody goes back to tell about it. (in other words, killing people.) What i need you to do is to go into the woods and explore the wall. You may find something handy. To get to where you need to go, follow the crows overhead. Be careful, as you don't wanna get stuck between the enemies and the wall. You may wanna go soon, because time is running out before bad things happen... good luck....'

The determined and curious spirit in Kya wanted to go exploring. She looked around and saw that everyone was occupied with something. Connor, the fairy, and destin seemed to be working on the illusion, and Ancel was talking to Cassidy. Getting up off of her chair, Kya quickly ran to the wall, and boosted herself over it with wind, just before Lust came back to check on her. Kya wished she could leave some sort of note or something, but then again, she was alright. The lady's job was over, right?

Kya kept wandering, her hands tightly gripping her knapsack. Suddenly, she heard flapping sounds; the crows. She followed the flapping sounds, not so sure where they were coming from.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lust Asami Curtis Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Ancel Carlson
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Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire

"Nor will I." Cassidy replies to him. She looked down at him. "Sometimes one needs to get away. I seem to run away alot." She admits looking up at the sky. "The last home I had was with Destin and my men..." She told him the flashbacks evident in her pained expression."I suppose it was just to much at the time. annoying I am actually acting like my gender." She says with disgust. She jumped down from the tree landing in a catstance she turns hearing movement she uses her eagle eye to see the culprit. She blinked seeing Kya run off she takes Ancel's hand in hers lightly tugging him "Kya's running determination in her eyes. The air element seems klutzy. I think it's best we follow." She tells him looking into his eyes getting lost in them a slight blush on her cheeks.

Lust Asami Curtis

Lust saw the girl was gone and smiled a bit understanding in her eyes. She would turn to look at the Axcel illusion and shake her head with a smile. She grew up the Axe. She knew better then to fall for it but she understood the reasons Tink had for the trick. She just nodded his way with knowing eyes. She saw Destin and blushes.

Connor Pyrogen

Conner watches the scene and smiles. "Grand idea Destin!" He smiles happily. He looked around for Kya and sighed a bit seeing as the other two were gone as well. He shook his head but smiled.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lust Asami Curtis Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Tinkerton Puck
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Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire

Cassidy was still being chocked by the Destin illusion she was clawing at his hands using her fire to try and get him off her. In truth it was the nightmare choking her. The fire and her claws did not even phase him for each time she did this he just fed on her fear and healed instantly. She was crying and whimpering. She saw a twinge of light suddenly and it seemed to flicker quickly and she managed to speak to Tink. "You should calm your emotions hon." She told him hoarsely. It was then that it occurred to her that, that was Tink and if Tink existed this nightmare wasn't real. The nightmare seeing she was now waking up from the illusion squeezed her neck tighter. She glared up at him seeing through the illusion and her eyes glowed bright orange again. They glowed brighter and brighter as she activated her Eagle eyes seeing the nightmare and not Destin she grabbed his arms with her hands and fire erupted from her hands and then from there her whole body erupted to be on fire. She curled her lip in a snarl as the fire traveled from her body to the nightmares. The nightmare screamed in agony and then burst into ash her neck now released from his grasp. She fell to her knees the flames dying out and leaving her human body intact as it did. Her nose bled even more now and She gasped for air the sound she made as she did this was painful for one to hear and for her to make. She looked up at Tink her body now leaning against the wall again as she sat up. She lifted her head backwards her neck already bruising from where the nightmare gripped it she smiled at him. "Thanks...for...saving" She told him in between painful gasps her nose was still bleeding and the red blood oozed from her nose now down to her neck before she fell over on her side unconscious exhausted from her excessive power use, she had begun to sleep, it was obvious she would be fine however. She was just tired.

Lust Asami Curtis

Lust had heard the girls cries and had come down to investigate. She had seen the whole thing her eyes wide as the girl fell unconscious she ran over to her examining her for any serious injuries or illnesses. She looked over the bruising on her neck and then at her ribcage and everything else. She looked her over examining her for what seemed like hours though it was only minutes. She then would sigh in relief finally after doing so. "Tink I need to use your tent." She told him and without permission She put the girls arm around her neck and hoisted her up to her feet. Cassidy was unresponsive but she managed to somewhat drag her over to the fairies tent seeing as it was the closest one to the fortress she didn't truly think Tink would mind and she would take full responsibility if he did. She used her powers to stretch to a bed at her tent and drag it behind her as she did this. She layed Cassidy on the small cot and began mixing potions to help the young lass. She put a cool compress on the girls neck to help the bruising and inflammation.

Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire

Cassidy stayed asleep as this went on murmuring Destins name as well as a few others choice words at the nightmare and other enemies in her slumber.

[[yep no more dramaticness after this...>.> it is kinda annoying now XD sorry guys ]]

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lust Asami Curtis Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Tinkerton Puck
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"You should calm your emotions hon." Cassidy told him hoarsely. The comment slightly confused Tink but he kept jostling her as best he could. If anything she should calm her emotions but he would hardly tell her that. Besides if she noticed him it just meant she was breaking from the illusion. He looked up at her face now as he kept shaking a smile growing as her eyes brightened. He kept staring at her flaming eyes until he felt her skin heating up beneath his hands. He looked down and saw the that her entire was catching fire. His eyes widened and he backtracked into the air quick enough to not get burned. Still he was shaking his hands to relieve any of the heat that had gotten to him.

Snarling and being fully engulfed in flames she was almost scary to watch like this. If he wasn't so transfixed by the flames he would have shielded his eyes. When she was done and the nightmare was no more than ashes did he look away. In the entire war he hadn't been this close to a death and still he had no desire to. He was still a pacifist after all.
"Thanks...for...saving" He looked down at her and returned her smile.
"Anytime." he responded though the extent of her injuries were now becoming apparent to him. He knew she was tough enough to overcome them but they still worried him. He was thankful when Lust came in and made sure she knew it also. She may have been ignoring him but yet again it was the thought that counts.

"Tink I need to use your tent." She told him acknowledging him for the first time since entering.
"No problem." Tink said though she was already on her way there when he said. It was a fine assumption as he would hardly ever said no to the needy. He followed them out of the fortress but instead of going to his tent went to where Axe stood. The reality was just standing where he left him staring as if the fight was still going on. Time to do some leader stuff I guess.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lust Asami Curtis Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Tinkerton Puck
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Destin took the string from Tink and looped it into the hole of the crystal teardrop before tying it around his neck. It was starting to rain, he looked up at the sky just in time to catch a droplet of water with his fingers. The water droplet seemed to bounce between his fingers instead of just breaking and washing away. Destin was getting to know his capabilities. His manipulation was easy, it was no different than thoughtforming. But manipulating alot of them was a different story, as Destin tried to lift about a bottle's worth of water only for it to slowly splash back down. Destin made himself impervious to rain and walked towards the tent where Lust had brought Cassidy to.

"...How is she? Can I see her?" he asked, looking at Cassidy, then looking at Lust.

"Uh..." he was stuck for a while, he didn't know the lady's name.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lust Asami Curtis Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Destin Reeve
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Lust Asami Curtis

Lust looked at Destin "I'm guessing your Destin?" She asked him. "The young miss has been speaking your name among other things.." She laughed shaking her head. "She's a feisty one. Come on in she's fine." She smiled. "I'm Lust by the way." She quickly said to him realizing he hadn't a clue whom she was or what she was.

Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire

Cassidy was awake at this point pushing herself off the cot and trying to get out of the area. She was not one to like attention on herself it made her uncomfortable. She was standing up the bruise on her neck was visible. Her chest was bandaged from a few fractured ribs that happened in the burst of magic or the nightmare truly she didn't know it was all a blur. She was already right in front of Destin. She stopped in front of him there faces inches away from each other she blushed. " are you doing here?" She asked him blushing more. She was happy he had which showed in her smile.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lust Asami Curtis Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Destin Reeve
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"I'm guessing your Destin?" Destin nodded at the question. "The young miss has been speaking your name among other things.." Perhaps if Destin had retained his emotions, he would've blushed while she laughed. "She's a feisty one. Come on in she's fine." She smiled. "I'm Lust by the way."

"Nice to meet you Lust. " he said, by that time Cassidy had woken up and they almost crashed into each other's faces. He could see her blushing.

" are you doing here?"

"You were injured and unconscious. Just doing what I do during the old times." he replied, stating that fact that he had often watched over her 50 years ago when she was in the same situation as she was now. He gently pushed her back down onto the cot. "Rest. It won't do those ribs any favours if you start walking around now."

"I'll see you in a while." Destin told her before nodding at Lust and stepping out into the rain. Not wanting to get wet, he made himself impervious to the water droplets, they slid harmlessly down him without causing him to get wet.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lust Asami Curtis Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Ancel Carlson
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Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire

She looked at him and sighed. "Yes commander." She said and layed back down falling back asleep almost instantly. If anyone else..well beside Ancel told her to get back to the cot she would have laughed at him. But her respect was still inbound.

Lust Asami Curtis

Lust smiled at him and nodded.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lust Asami Curtis Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Dodge Hanson
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After Dodge finished his greeting with Axe, he turned back around to find that Tink was gone. Dodge scrunched his eyes to see if the fairy had just hidden behind something but he was gone. Dodge let out a sigh and turned around to finish his trip.
"Honestly Tink. It's not like I'm here often. You could at least have the courtesy to meet me while I am." he said to himself as he walked into the tent. Actually Tink usually showed that much courtesy, even when it wasn't necessary. I wonder what's changed since I last was here. He placed his kills on the makeshift table and then left the tent with no thanks.

Once outside the tent, dodge raised his arms to his head and looked to the sky.
"If it's midday right now, I'll give Axe my report in an hour or so. Head back into town in the morning. But first to find Tink." His schedule made up, Dodge from where he stood to try and catch a glimpse of the fairy in one of his usual hangouts.
"Time to take this search on the road. " he said when his current vantage point yielded no results. He decided that the best place to look would probably be his tent.
"Hey Tink you in-" He called as he pulled open the flaps to Tink's tent. "Here." he finished feebly. Sitting in the middle of the tent was Lust beside another girl that he could recognize. She's wearing the most peculiar outfit he speculated. Realizing that he still standing awkwardly in the doorway, he walked in and let it seal behind him. Lust seemed to busy helping the girl but Dodge also had things he wanted to accomplish.
"Lust. Do you know where Tink is? Tinkerton Puck." Dodge said. He still found it peculiar that these women were here and Tink wasn't but Dodge didn't show it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lust Asami Curtis Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Dodge Hanson
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Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire

Cassidy still lay unconscious. Regaining her energy.

Lust Asami Curtis

Lust was propped on the table. Her legs crossed and dangling off the side of it. She was reading a book on Alchemy. She looked up at to him. "Oh good afternoon Dodge..." She greeted him "Tink said something about taking his Axe illusion for a walk to help the other campers regain there hope for the upcoming battle." She told him. "He allowed me to use his tent for the young lass who was unconscious." She informed him knowing he was most likely curious of her sudden appearance in someone elses tent.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lust Asami Curtis Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Dodge Hanson
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Axe illusion Dodge wondered. So when he talked with Axe earlier was that the real Axe or Tink's illusion? Come to think of it Tink was nearby when that happened doing seemingly nothing. Dodge gave a small chuckle that he had not realized it sooner. The fairy was certainly coming along with his illusions if he was now fooling all of the camp with them. Well most of the camp he thought looking up to Lust. She had gone back to her reading and Dodge surely could have gone back out to search for Tink but the unconscious girl intrigued him. He went over and knelt opposite Lust.
"So who is she?" Dodge asked gesturing down at the girl.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lust Asami Curtis Character Portrait: Dodge Hanson
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Lust Asami Curtis

Lust stopped reading her book and looked at Dodge putting a bookmark in the book before she closed it and set it aside. "A strong and agile warrior. She took on a nightmare alone and caused it to run off with it's tail between it's legs. Though the ordeal proved to much and she soon lost consciousness. I tell you Dodge I have never seen anything like it. Turning your body to flames is something I never thought possible even in this realm." She told him. "Many have spread word of the chosen ones awakening and I believe she is Fire. She came with four other companions. I believe Conner is leading them though the rest seem reluctant to follow his will." She chuckles. "Poor boy." She sighs. "He'll learn however." She stated matter of factly and then looked at Dodge. "With this being said your sudden appearance is quite unusual now a days. It's good to see you again. Whats the occasion?" She asked him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lust Asami Curtis Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Ancel Carlson
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"Almost there....." Kya felt like she couldn't feel her ankles anymore, but she kept on going. The wooden wall was just up ahead. With one last stride, she blew a gust of wind as hard as she could, that she flew over the wall. She felt as though she was getting used to her wind powers now, and she was capable of producing stronger blasts of air. As soon as her feet touched the ground of the camp, she made as much attention as she possibly could.

"I NEED MEDICAL ATTENTION!!!" she yelled, hoping the lady from before would hear her. Not waiting for an answer, she looked inside the tents. Luckily, Lust was in the first tent she searched.

"Miss, i'm sorry to bother you, but we have an emergency!" Kya helped Ancel on to one of the unoccupied beds in the tent. Quickly glancing behind her, Kya could see Cassidy on another one of the beds. Something wasn't right here.

"He's hurt," Kya said, frantically ripping the yellow ribbon from off of his chest. The blatant red stains were quite petrifying. "He got attacked in the woods by someone, or something....I got there to find someone tending to his wounds, but the help wasn't enough....he's losing blood fast...please, won't you help him? Unfortunately i can't stay here, i have to tell the others something important..." Before exiting the tent, Kya placed Ancel's photograph right by the edge of the bed. She looked back at him one last time, and quickly made her way to the center of the camp.

Some of the creatures actually stopped and stared. It felt weird drawing so much attention to herself, but Kya knew it was necessary just in case the soldiers or the strange thing that attacked Ancel decided to raid the village.
"Just a while ago, i met a man in the woods and decided to travel with him. We talked, and when we parted our seperate ways, i heard a gunshot from behind me. I investigated, and found a whole troop of the enemy's soldiers. They have strategically set up a blockade that has seperated this part of the woods from the other. They hide on the side of the woods and in the middle of the wall, like it is a fort." Kya could see some faces turn white. Other faces looked bewildered, and others determined. She kept her voice firm as she continued to speak. "And unfortunately, they have discovered the technology to make this blockade invisible, that way, victims aren't aware of their prescence. I don't know how many people they've slaughtered, but no matter how many they've affected, the situation is critical. I know this sounds ludicrous, but i swear, i've seen it with my own eyes, and if you believe me, i can prove it. Believe it or not, there are also strange attackers lurking in the woods. They have already pursued my friend. I think that these soldiers in the woods must be hiding something, because if they don't get their prey, these strange attackers do. Furthermore, although i am not the leader here, i think that this blockade is crucial if we want to continue further into the dimension. I wish to speak to someone in charge about this."
Kya stood tall and strong on the ground, glancing around waiting for someone to speak.