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Miriam Cortette

"The truth? Why would you want that when mysteries are far more fun..."

0 · 285 views · located in Lunarwing

a character in “Lunarwing”, as played by SolanaNight




ImageGender: Female "Was there ever any doubt?"

Dominant Hand: Right "Right is right."

Rank: Major "Oh nothing major..."

Nickname(s)/Alias(es): Mira, Red, and a variety of other... not so flattering terms. "Names are irrelevant to me, but do be careful in your choice of words... I can't guarantee your safety. "

Age: 20 "Hard to believe isn't it?"

Face Claim: Persona 4: Kirijo "Love the coat! Is that vintage?"

Role: Chief Officer "Now, what made those military bigwigs think this was a good idea is beyond me..."


Height: 5'8"

Weight: 140 lbs.

Build: Lean muscles coupled with generous curves

Hair Color: A dark crimson, almost maroon color

Eye Color: A ruddy brown color; Rust

Scars/Tattoos/Piercings: She has a variety of scars including a scar resembling teeth marks on her wrist.

Description: Miriam is the kind of woman who definitely turns heads when she walks by. She's aware of what she has, and isn't afraid to show it, but she isn't narcissistic either. Simply confident and comfortable with who she is. As such, she holds her head up high and makes eye contact with those who decide to speak to her.

Preferred Clothing: Miriam rarely ever wears casual clothing. Whether in combat, carrying out her duties, or more formal settings, she can almost always be seen in one of her skin tight protective battle suits. Despite her tendency to avoid casual clothing, she can often be seen sporting a rather large white fur coat and round orange-tinted sunglasses. A testament to her secret love of luxury items.



Body Suits: Her custom fitted body suits are extremely flexible, but also surprisingly resilient. The thick nylon can take a decent amount of abuse from a variety of blows before ripping. It also breathes very well and can protect from a variety of environment conditions.

Rapier: Miriam's close-range weapon of choice is a custom-designed rapier made of the finest refined adamantine ore, hence its red sheen. As such, it is a very sturdy and resilient weapon. She rarely has to resharpen it. The weapon is complete by a classic creased steel guard. She keeps the sword at her left hip at all times.

Laser Pistol: A high-class military grade laser pistol. Miriam will often resort to ranged combat first before engaging directly. She keeps it in a holster strapped to her right thigh.


Persuasion/Intel Gathering: Miriam is very adept at gathering information. She's very skilled at using her beauty and feminine charms to her advantage. She is also an excellent actress being able to play a variety of roles.

Fencing/Swordplay: From her time in the academy, she was trained like many others to be a professional in several forms of combat. One of the paths she chose was a sword. She had a natural affinity for it, and excelled becoming a force to be reckoned with.

Acrobatics: Miriam was also trained to be an adept acrobat. She is extremely flexible and capable of many complex and sudden maneuvers that she often implements in combat.

Martial Arts: She has years of martial art experience that make her a formidable presence even without her prized weapon.

Certified Pilot: She has taken formal training in piloting and can operate a variety of vessels. However, do not expect her to have any technical knowledge on these ships just because she knows how to steer. That's what the engineer is for after all.

-Between her combat prowess and impressive agility, she can be a dangerous blend of offense and defense.

-Miriam's silver tongue has defused many dangerous situations as well as saved her hide on many occasions.

-Miriam fights best when faced with one target. If overwhelmed, she can be taken down fairly quickly.

-She also tends to expend all her energy into fighting very quickly causing her to collapse.

-She is very secretive and keeps all personal and private information under lock and key. As such, she can come off very detached to the point of even being labeled cold.



-Miriam has a tendency to bite her lip if something is bothering her.

-If asked or a conversation is leading to a less... desirable topic, she'll instantly deflect and use any number of subtleties to change the subject.

Likes: She has a profound love for designer clothes and accessories as seen by her favorite white coat made from the fur of a Crovek even though she never wears anything besides her body suit. Miriam also enjoys a nice refreshing drink(both alcoholic and non), observing the scenery, and experiencing new things particularly food.

Dislikes: She absolutely despises poor hygiene, any disregard for life, racism of any form, slavery, and horrid fashion choices.

Hobbies: In her free time, she enjoys shopping, sewing, sight-seeing, and food sampling.

Phobia(s): Miriam is secretly claustrophobic. Although she does her best to conceal this, if placed in small restricting places she begins to shake, and, if stuck in a tight position for too long, have a panic attack.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Miriam has a very commanding aura. She holds herself up high with a certain touch of metaphorical regalia and confidence. She doesn't demand respect. She doesn't need to. Others are just naturally drawn to her inviting charms and comforting strength of mind. She carries herself much like royalty, but if you ever speak with her, you will find she is most inviting and an avid listener making her a great conversationalist. Besides her charm, a fierce loyalty lies within her for anyone or anything she deems worthy of her devotion. As such, she is a hard worker despite her flare for theatrics, and will expend all her effort for her dedicated cause. To go hand in hand with her queen-like mannerisms is her natural elegance. Her appearance is always crisp and stylish. Never a hair out of place. All her movements are a work of grace and sophistication. You will never see her lose her temper or fumble nor will you see any other unbecoming display. All her emotions are locked and monitored deep within the walls of her mind making her a very cryptic person as well. Not to say she isn't without kinks in her armor, but only the truly observant or truly curious will find such flaws.




She never knew her parents and has no idea if she has any other relatives or their whereabouts.

Personal History:

Miriam's life has been... troubled at best. Taken from her parents at a tender young age, she has been raised to be nothing more than a tool of war and utility. For the first sixteen years of her life, she never had options or choices. Everything was strictly decided for her. She was never allowed to speak, eat, rest, or move without being told. Besides her over demanding superiors tasking her with endless streams of impossible tasks, she had to silently suffer through the multiple forms of abuse she found herself at the mercy of.

Finally, after years of built of torture and a particularly nasty encounter with one of her captors, she snapped quite violently turning viciously on her current abuser. With the threat laying dead on the floor, she fled. Knowing her gilded prison like the back of her hand, she escaped with ease. For a good amount of time, she had a habit of looking over her shoulder half expecting her abusers to be right behind her poised to drag her back to the hellhole. Of course, that never happened. After all, they had been molding and shaping her since birth. Miriam was supposed to have no concept of escape.

She spent the next three years forging a new identity for herself. She gave herself a name, an identity, everything. She began travelling from world to world absorbing and observing everything she could see as well as find herself. After a year, she decided that she wanted to make something of her life. Give back, make the world a better place kind of conviction. So, Miriam did the one thing that came to mind: join the military. She was sent to the academy and exceeded all expectations. Working hard and acing every test and challenge placed in front of her. Finally, she was notified that she would be acting as the Chief Officer second only to the Captain himself for a critical movement against the growing pirate movement. Naturally, she accepted.


So begins...

Miriam Cortette's Story