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Niska Altera

never argue with rivers. never expect your lives to finish at the same time.

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a character in “Luniera”, as played by тнαηαтσѕ



▋▋▋▋SIRENxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ▋▋▋▋VOCAL HYPNOSIS

▋▋▋▋SEVENTEENxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ▋▋▋▋AQUAKINESIS



For being a siren, she's something of the dry sort. She has that terribly dry sense of humor, is known within her circle of friends as something of a deadpan snarker. Her tongue is nearly as sharp as her teeth (when she reveals their true form, at any rate), and her mind is as sharp as her tongue. She's witty, and just a little bit cruel, never hesitant to speak her mind. It's a trait taught in the family, her bluntness. Her mother never held her tongue, her father never fails to speak his mind, and god knows her sister has torn her apart verbally before. But to her, it's all in good fun. A meal with her family isn't a meal unless there's at least two major arguments in the course of an hour. It's the honesty that keeps her family together. She doesn't believe in lying to be kind; honesty is kindness to her. She can't imagine trying to have a relationship with anyone, friend or familial or otherwise, where she can't speak her mind without fear of causing irreparable damage to the person and the relationship. She has her opinions, and she would never hold her tongue about them to preserve another's feelings.
She walks the halls with a half-smile, a subtle lift of her lips, and a wicked glint of humor in her eyes. She's got a pixie cut, a pixie's face, and a pixie's sense of humor. She has mischief in her bones. Her kind don't go around singing sailors to their death anymore, but there's a remnant of the sentiment. It was funny, back then, and they needed something to replace that. Jokes and pranks and breathy quiet giggles. She's soft-spoken in the sense that she doesn't feel the need to be loud. She doesn't need to reach out. Her kind are inherently mistrusting, far from quick to let people in, and she's no different, not willing to let very many people see beyond her hard outer shell. And yet she's got a charisma, a wide circle of acquaintances, and she has no problem with that. She runs a girl gang, so she likes to say, vicious biting females with the same kind of sharp minds and tongues and wit. She doesn't like to hang with men that much, the way they seem like they've all got something to prove. They way they act like they've got some massive chip on their shoulders, the way they carry bloody hearts in their teeth like hunting lions. Don't they know the lionesses do all the hunting anyway? Her and her crew wear their leather jackets and their lipstick redder than broken hearts and keep their nails sharp and their pocket knives sharper, and they walk like lionesses. She can play her part as a siren, vicious seductress, but she doesn't have to. She plays the part as a vicious queen, the kind with the guillotine at the ready, and she finds that works just as well.




She was born in the water. Not true, probably, but that certainly what it feels like, and she's half sure it must be true. Why else would she feel more at home beneath the waves than on land? Regardless, she was born and that wasn't the last of it. She hardly remembers her youngest years, of course, who does, but she spent her formative years in a cave by the waterfront, most of her hours wasted playing in the water, turquoise tail flicking about as she traveled miles each day. The body was cold, far from the warm sunny beaches her parents told her existed in other places. The Caribbean, Spain, the Mediterranean. She dreamed of visiting all these places, of seeing worlds beyond her icy blustering sea. Shores with actual sand as opposed to treacherous rocks and boulders and cliffs. But her family was more than just a family; it was a clan. Loyalty was utmost, an intrinsic value. If she were to leave her family, it would mean death. Figuratively, of course. But her family was her home, and she couldn't stand the thought of not being able to return home. She walked the streets of Oslo, dreaming and wishing. And her family took note. Her mother was the matriarch, the true head, and though her father protested, he could do nothing. She told Niska to go. Even gave her a starting place. A school to teach her how to make the most of her abilities. A school with an ocean of its own (and a forest too), and she nearly cried (but she didn't), but she was also so unbelievably happy. She's going to see the world, she knows she will. And after she does that, she's going to go back home.

So begins...

Niska Altera's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emira Therrien Character Portrait: Atlas Vasylyk Character Portrait: Niska Altera Character Portrait: Kaz Vorisk
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#, as written by Lilah


Today would be just like any other day.

So far, Atlas's routine had been the same; Wake up, shower, get dressed, go to the feeding room to get a bag of blood, go back upstairs, brush teeth. Now there was only one thing left to do before he went to his class.

Pulling out his phone, he quickly sought out the contact for his roommate and sent him a quick message:

xxx[ To Kaz]

xxxTry not to piss anyone off today, please and thank you.

It wasn't like it was going to help much, but it was worth a try. Atlas always seemed to get caught in the cross fire of Kaz's personal issues. More than once he let the broken hearted girls who came pounding on their dorm door to cry on his shoulder simply because he didn't know what else to do. When those girl's boyfriends came over after them, Atlas simply pointed them in the direction of where to find Kaz. He needed to get his kicks somehow. Not like his roomie didn't deserve a bit of ass kicking now and again anyways.

Slipping his phone into the back pocket of his jeans, he exited their door room, making sure to lock the door on his way out. He made the mistake of forgetting once and came back to find a death threat on Kaz's bed. He wasn't too alarmed, but still, it wasn't entirely pleasant. Making his way over to the large back field on campus, he only noticed a few familiar faces on his way over. Atlas never made much of a habit to socialize. Well, he did, but he found it hard to move past small talk. He also wasn't one for going out much. He spent most of his young life going to luxury parties and it turned him away from any sort of get together setting all together. He's not exactly anti-social, but he just has a hard time making connections.

When he first came to this school, the big socialite clicks tried to usher him in but he turned away from that. He came to this school to get away from that life. Most of them only wanted to associate with him based on who his "father" was, not knowing that he wasn't even his actual dad in the first place. Then again, if they knew who his real father was, more people might want something to do with him. But, mostly Atlas stuck by Kaz and the few decent folk he meets through him.

Getting to the field ten minutes early, he offered greeting to some of his classmates who sat lounging around on the grass chatting with one another. They most likely were doing a bit of testing today on powers and their strength, not something really uncommon. Just tedious. There were only so many tests one could take on a vampire before you realized their as fast, strong, and agile as they are going to get until they reach later in age. Her teacher used him mainly as a test dummy now for the others to "play with", as she calls it. He hates it when she calls it that.

Rolling up the sleeves of his black button up, Atlas watched as the rest of the class came loitering in one by one. The teacher showed up last. "Alright everyone, you know the drill," she clapped her hands twice like an elementary school teacher. "I'm going to partner each of you up so you can work on practicing your abilities together, okay? Please note, be sure to study your partner and their weaknesses the best you can! This is just as much a test on how to avoid their power as it is a test to use your own power against them!" It was the same speech every time.

And with that, the teacher was off pairing each student off; Atlas ended up with the siren Niska. Damn. There was almost nothing someone could do to avoid the siren voice. Walking up over to the girl, he offered a polite, "hello," before the teacher came up to give them there assigned task. "Niska, I want you to try and get Atlas to go off that cliff. Atlas, I want you to resist as best as you can. Alright? Good."

"Jesus Christ," Atlas muttered.




Where in hell was Henry when you needed him.

Seriously! What's the point of having a ghost follow you around nearly half your life if he's not there to help you out when you need it most? He always knew where her stuff was. If he were there, he could tell her exactly where she left her gym bag in which she was frantically searching about for at the moment, but no. He decided to vanish off on one of his unknown excursions. He could be lurking around in Barbados looking at girls in bikinis and pretending to sip on cocktails for all she knew. The bastard.

So far, Emira had checked her shared bathroom, her closet, under her bed, even under her mattress, but the neon pink gym bag was nowhere to be seen. She was already running her usual five minutes late, but now she was going to be even more late on top of it. There was only one option left. Emira was going to have to improvise. Quickly going into her dresser, she plucked the first t-shirt she saw and put it on before raiding her roommate's clothes and stealing a pair of leggings and her running shoes. She hoped her roommate wouldn't mind, but Emira admittedly didn't care all that much if she did. She wasn't using them at the moment, anyways. No harm done.

Quickly, Emira raced from the room without even caring to lock the door or check out exactly what outfit she'd put on her body in full. She wasn't a slacker by any means at the school, quite the opposite really, but there was no way she was going to miss out on even a second of whooping some poor soul’s ass in sparing training. Unlike a lot of the supernatural beings here, Emira's powers left her pretty physically un-extraordinary. She wasn't unnaturally strong or fast. She's only 5'1 for heaven's sake. The only way her powers could help her out in combat is if a ghost with enough energy happened to pass by to aid as an invisible distraction or knock a paper weight on someone’s head. And that's only if they decided they wanted to help her. She had to train up her body to fight as best as she could against anyone who may physically have the upper hand against her.

Running through the campus courtyard, Emira called out the various 'hello' and 'hey asshole' to any familiar face she saw. She was focusing more on not running into any poles like the last time. Damn pole. Eventually, she ended up making it to the gym space where her class was going to be practicing. It was a little bigger than usual. She knew they were mashing two groups into one today, making it co-ed. There was something about how the girls needed to practice defending themselves against someone bigger. Emira didn't think she was going to have a problem with it. In her opinion, it made no sense that the classes weren’t co-ed to begin with.

Bursting through the doors, Emira skidded to a halt before changing her pace to leisurely walk in, giving a slight wave to her teacher and the new one who stood beside her. Mrs. Marix, or Matilda as she calls her, was used to Emira being slightly late. The broody looking male beside her clearly was not. "And what makes you think you can show up late?" He bit out. Wow. Intimidating. Emira shrugged her shoulders stating, "I don't know," before joining the lineup of students in front of them. "Better to show up late than not come at all. I'm sure your mom would have appreciated the annoyance of late period rather than finding out she was pregnant with you. Man you probably hurt coming out. You're one big fucker, you know that?"

A couple of her friends in the group snickered silently. Matilda lowered her head to rub her eyes with her hand. Big fucker did not look pleased. Stomping over to her, he towered over her with his height in an oh-so-classic intimidation move and straight up yelled in her face, "what did you say to me?" Emira let out a sigh. "I said it's better to show up late than not come at all, I'm sure your mom-" Matilda cleared her throat noisily to cut her off before walking over and resting a hand on big fucker. "Let it go, Asa. Emira, we've paired everyone up with partners already. You're with Kaz. Everyone, spread out and begin."

Emira nodded before turning her back on big fu- Asa. Twisting her hair up in a bun at the top of her head, she was about to go to her partner before she realized she had no idea who Kaz was. Spinning on her heel, she questioned, "Matilda, who's Kaz?" Her teacher simply pointed to a boy on a matt in the centre of the room before going back to hushly talk to a still fuming Asa.

Skipping on over to the boy, she gave a slight wave before introducing herself with a quick "Hey, I'm Emira." And with that, she quickly turned around, pressed her back to his chest, and reached up to clutch his shoulder and arm before pushing back with her hips, flinging him over her shoulder where he landed hard on the matt with a loud thud. Standing over him, she placed her hands on her hips and eagerly called out, "Next!"



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emira Therrien Character Portrait: Atlas Vasylyk Character Portrait: Niska Altera Character Portrait: Kaz Vorisk
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      He may not have looked it, but Kaz was an early riser. This is not necessarily to say he was an "early to bed" sorta person either, but regardless, he was always up right on time to see the sunrise— winter, summer, or any season in between. A part of him was beginning to wonder if this was another ability of phoenixes, but then, his mother always had liked to sleep in late. There were times he wished he could do the same. Like now, standing in front of the grand window in the Main Room, steaming cup of mint tea in hand, watching the beginnings of the sun's rays just barely begin to peek over the horizon. It was just after five a.m. Naturally, yesterday had been a Thursday, which meant truth or dare night, which meant he hadn't crawled into bed until slightly past one. He'd make up for it how he made up for every other night of poor sleeping habits—naps. For some ungodly reason, the first class of the day was self-defense, but he'd already made plans to catch a thirty minute cat nap in statistics, another forty minutes in History of the Species, so on and so forth. He'd get by whether or not he was listening to teachers drone on anyway.

      By the time the sun was high enough in the sky that Kaz could feel the skin on his face heating up, it was already time for him to start preparing for the day. With a soft groan, he placed his empty mug in the communal dishwasher and set off back towards the room. For all his shortcomings, Kaz was never one to inconvenience his roommate. Perhaps it was his half-assed attempt to make up for all the hell he put the poor kid through. In his defense, it wasn't like Kaz asked Atlas to be his stand-in dummy for the hordes of people that weren't particularly happy with him; it just ended up happening that way. (Although a part of him was beginning to suspect Atlas got his own petty revenge in his own way—last year, the flying fists never seemed to find him as quickly. He didn't mind, really—it just made the process of shutting them down that much easier. Most people knew better not to mess with Kaz, but there were always the odd stragglers who needed to be put in their place. He really ought to get Atlas a thank you present.)

      Dorming with an extraordinarily light sleeper had taught Kaz methods of not disturbing Atlas early on. He took the winding flight of stairs one floor up, traced the snaking pattern on the carpet all the way to the end of the long hall, where the kind brunette who swung open the door was always waiting with a smile. And an extra towel. Kaz went for breakfast in his leisure wear. No one batted an eye—even if he weren't himself, he blended right in with the other half of the student population that couldn't be bothered to change out of their pajamas before going for pancakes or waffles or french toast or whatever else might've been on the menu that day.

      Atlas was out by the time Kaz got back to their room, getting his own breakfast, probably. Kaz wasted no time in throwing on his standard outfit for the long, toiling times of practicing self defense—joggers and a white tee. Honestly, if he had it his way, he wouldn't even be going at all. But as it stood, the sheer amount of accumulated absences put him in serious danger of failing, and he couldn't have that. His teacher tended to be pretty lenient, given his general upper-hand over the rest of the students in his class, but still gave him a disapproving glare every time he showed his face in class. Kaz thought he was doing just fine without self-defense classes; Asa thought he lacked "technique." Kaz was of the professional opinion that was bullshit. But it wasn't his job to give his opinions. Maybe he wouldn't be so opposed to the idea of attending class if it was Asa he trained with—he hadn't been able to take down the big bull once in the ten times he'd attempted the feat—but sparring with classmates who couldn't even keep their jabs straight was a bore.

      Kaz flashed a cheeky grin in Asa's direction when he arrived on scene, perfectly on time but still not the first one there. Harpies were always nervous creatures. He made his way to a far off mat and started stretching exercises to pass the time, indulging in the mindless, repetitive motions. The text from Atlas came about a minute into a plank, but Kaz ignored it. They both knew what Atlas was asking wouldn't be happening anytime soon. He hadn't even realized he'd been assigned a partner until he caught the eye of a bubbly short-statured girl skipping her way over to him. Jesus, really? He shot a glare in Asa's direction. He'd been expecting Katherine, the werewolf with a punch that could shatter boulders (he'd seen it). That would've been a fair matchup, but this? He sighed, turning to greet the girl who had just introduced herself, but before he could, the world was turned upside down, and before he could blink, he was staring up at the sky, wind momentarily knocked out of him. Eager much? A sly smile snaked its way onto his features; he could play if she wanted to play.

      With his right arm, he reached behind his head, with his left, up. He pushed the back of her knees forward with his forearm as he grabbed ahold of her wrist and pulled down, lifting his upper body slightly so she wouldn't be kneeing him in the face on her way down. When he had her face centimeters from his, he grinned.

      "Maybe buy me dinner before you push me onto my back next time, huh, babe?" He winked and lowered his head, lying back down onto the mat. Opening his mouth to speak once more, Kaz found himself cut off by a rather indescribable sound. It was the noise of general chaos, building in a crescendo of realization. Suddenly alert, Kaz stood quickly, whipping his head around to get a read on the situation. Masses of people dressed entirely in black exploded from the coverage of the trees, like a swarm of ants crawling over their hill. What the hell?

      Asa and the girls' coach were both screaming at the students to run, and Kaz took a quick assessment of their odds against the mystery attackers. The leagues of them and their weapons against a group of scrawny supernatural kids with no great handle on their capabilities and two well-trained combatants. Not great.

      He grasped the wrist of his sparring partner—whose name was momentarily eluding him—and pulled. "Come on," he hissed, breaking into a sprint towards the further edges of the forest, where the cover of the forest would hopefully keep them from being found easily. He didn't know where they'd go, just knew that they needed to get away from there.












      Niska always hated ability training. It was either hypnosis, which she was already good at, or water working, which she was terrible at, or empathy training, which she hated. Lose, lose all the way around. It didn't help that it was always the first class in the morning for her. With the biweekly schedule, some people had it later in the day one day, early in the morning another, but Niska, without fail, had it every Tuesday and Friday, seven thirty sharp. Tuesday had been a water day, which meant today would likely be hypnosis day, something to at least look forward to. She didn't dislike singing people into trances, and that was something at least. She entertained the idea of not going at all for a second as she sat up in bed, but quickly decided against it.

      She was far from a morning person, much preferred to sleep in on days she could, but she also knew how to be responsible. She'd hit the shut off button on her alarm at six thirty, not the snooze, and risen from bed with all the enthusiasm of a zombie. Eyes half-closed, she'd stumbled her way through her morning routine, Despite the relatively late season, it was uncharacteristically chilly that morning, and before she'd left her room, she'd had the decent sense to throw on a black sweater over her shirt before heading downstairs to the dining hall for breakfast. The school always served something fancy, but Niska usually kept to the breakfast cereals section of the serving area. It was the quickest option, and Niska was always on the border of being late for first period classes, so made do with what she could.

      She'd seen the sun from her window earlier, but by the time she made her way to the training area in the east wing of the school, there was a bleakly misting fog rolling over the trees of the forest, and Niska shivered a little even under the added layer of her sweater. What a terrible day to forced outside for a solid hour and a half. She checked in, a little glumly, with the teacher before moving off the side, towards a group of girls she was well acquainted to chat with them until the lesson officially began.

      Once it did, she stood, humming snatches of various small tunes under her breath in preparation for whatever task she might be given. The teacher waved over then in the direction of a lanky looking pale kid that seemed somewhat familiar. She inclined her head in greeting to return his quiet "hello" as she listened to the task being assigned to them. Then all at once it hit her where she recognized him from.

      Niska didn't waste the energy it would take to actively hate Kaz Vorisk and the people she saw around him, but their presence always left a bad taste in her mouth. And if they were going to detract from what would otherwise be a perfectly great day, she was sure to do the same, never wasted the opportunity to inconvenience the group in whatever way she could. And the boy she'd just been ordered to walk off a cliff? She'd seen his face around the phoenix often—very often. Maybe the training session wouldn't be such a bore after all.

      "Let's get started, then," she said, a suspiciously innocent smile perched on her face. Again, she hummed a couple of tunes quietly, searching for the right tune and rhythm. Really, the exact nature of the song didn't matter (she'd seen fellow sirens enchant people with Adele songs), but Niska was a traditionalist in that sense, preferred to keep alive the old, haunting melodies that had been passed through her family for generations. She was looking for something haunting, with notes that would hang in the air for a moment, disintegrating into the hazy mist that covered the landscape. Something that really put one in the frame of mind to let go of the earthen world and dive into the waiting arms of the sea. She settled on an old Finnish melody her sister had once used to get a sailor to jump ship in the middle of netting a dolphin. She'd returned the man to shore safely, naturally.

      Niska started softly, a series of open ended vowels that lingered—aah-ah-ahh-aaah—letting the emotion of the notes turn to magic in the air as they left her mouth. The world around her faded into the haze along with the melody. So familiar with the song was she that she had to combat the urge to sing the words of the song. That would've counteracted the affect of the hypnosis, though—sirens could only work in vocalises.

      She was supposed to stop him before he got to the edge of the cliff, of course, but the more the seconds ticked on, the more tempted she grew to let him fall. He was a vampire after all, if she recalled correctly. He'd survive the fall just fine. Probably. (Those were vampires that could do that, right?)

      But before she had the chance to the consider the thought any more, the sudden jolting sensation of something sliding over her head pulled her out of the fugue state. The world went black. As the notes of her own song cleared from her ears, she heard the sounds of the surrounding chaos. What in god's name had she missed.

      The man who'd thrown a bag over her head roughly jostled her arms, and she felt the rough grain of a rope slide around her wrists. Thinking fast, she reached out with mind, felt the emotions of the people around her. Aggression and purpose from the attackers. The boy she'd been luring off a cliff was still there too, not more than a few paces away.

      "Don't do anything for now," she hissed under her breath, loud enough to make sure he heard, but hopefully not alerting any of the assailants. Thinking fast, she lowly started on another song. Something soft, calming, something to relax them. Making the two do anything too far out of character would immediately raise the suspicions of the others she knew were out there, and she wouldn't be capable of handling any large amount of numbers. For now, she kept the ties off their wrists as they were marched off. With any luck, they'd end up in relative isolation sometime soon, and then they'd take their chance. In the meantime, she continued to sing quietly, convincing the men holding them that they posed no threat, that their wrists had in fact already been tied behind their back. She squeezed her eyes tightly shut as they walked, not daring to break her concentration.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emira Therrien Character Portrait: Atlas Vasylyk Character Portrait: Niska Altera Character Portrait: Kaz Vorisk
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#, as written by Lilah


God damn it. He was going to fall off a cliff. He was going to fall off a cliff and there was nothing he could do about it. It was useless trying to fight the feeling. He went with it, calm and accepting. The real test for him was going to be figuring out how exactly to survive the fall. He couldn’t even remember how long of a fall it would be. If there were branches sticking out, he could always grab one of those. If the water was close enough and not choppy, he could just make sure he survived that impact. Maybe he would just let death take him. Who knows.

He was a solid few paces away from the siren when out of the blue, a bag was slipped over his head and rope encircled his arms. That’s new. Attempting to keep calm, refusing his body and mind to go into a panic state, he kept himself loose. Think. From the sounds of the panic around him, this wasn’t just him. It wasn’t some prank pulled by Kaz or something.

Considering their class size, there was most likely a decent amount of assailants in the immediate vicinity, if not all around the whole school. That doesn’t make for simple escape. He could take on a few himself, but one thing he had going for him right now was they didn’t know he was a vampire. He could be physically weak for all they knew. He would have to wait and listen for a good advantage.

He wasn’t expecting the girl to also be making tactical decisions. Making a slight noise to clear his throat, he hoped Niska would understand that was his way of acknowledging what she’d said. The ropes around his wrist never got any tighter. She was good.

Soon enough, the person behind him began moving. From what he remembered, he was facing the cliff, North. They were now turned East. They were ushering them off the field, but towards one of the sides of the school, not the front. He could also still hear Niska singing, so it meant they were herding her in the same direction. He was glad. From what he could tell, she’d be good help.

After a few minutes, things got a bit quieter. There was less shuffling, and noises were drowning out a bit. It seemed they got lucky that they weren’t being brought with a bigger group of individuals. Suddenly, the person behind him came to a stop. “Shit,” the muffled voice rang out, “one of the teachers are putting up a fight over there, Rodger take over, I’m going to help them out.” There was a curt grunt before the hands holding his shoulder and wrist were exchanged with slimmer one’s. Soon they were moving again.

After a few more minutes, the ground seemed to shift from grass to gravel. They were nearly off the academies estate. In a split second, Atlas let himself go limp, taking his guard by surprise. As he was struggling to keep him up, he took that momentary break in defence to twist around, slip from the loose ropes, and grip his throat before snapping his neck.

In a flash, he ripped the burlap sack from his head, and reach over instantaneously to rip the man’s throat out who had a hold of Niska. Dropping the useless body piece to the ground, he wiped his hands on his jeans before dropping down to raid the man Rodger’s side, taking his knife that stuck out from his boot. Tossing it to Niska, he waited until she caught it before picking her up and slinging her over his shoulder, running quickly to the nearest cover—a bush. Damn. Putting her down, he knelt as he began to hear voices pick up. It would only take a second for them to find the bodies, and Atlas needed to figure out the best way to get out of there without causing more attention.




Resting her arms back to her sides, Emira turned her gaze over to Matilda, calling out, "]hey! I wanna see if I can kick Asa’s ass,” but got quickly caught off guard when her knees gave out on her with a rough shove. In all of two seconds… Baz? Yeah, she was pretty sure is was Baz, had her pinned to the ground under him. Asshole.

As his face got closer to hers, and his cliché line sunk in, she was so prepared to retort back, but as her mouth opened to say something, she actually gagged. “Christ, what the fuck did you eat!” Emira hollered out, her face contouring in actual pain as if being tortured. “Take a breath mint every once in a while, oh my God,” she cried, holding her breath in as she struggled to get out from under him. Man, she’d smelled a rotting corpse before, but this—

She had just about wiggled herself to freedom when out of no where she heard the cries of panic of those around her. Turning to look over where the commotion was, she stood up right after Laz and muttered a soft “holy shit” under her breath as she took in the scene around her. Swarms of people in black (really, black? Predictable.) came rushing out from the trees heading directly towards their group and scattering off to different directions on campus. Her first instinct told her that this must be some test; they’re just school officials seeing how the students react in an emergency situation. Like a fire drill but worse. The look of sheer fear on Matilda’s face however quickly shut that theory down. This was real. This was real, and it was happening.

Well, if she was going to go down, she was going down fucking fighting.

Just as she was about to run in the direction of a student who was grabbed by one of the mysterious people, she felt a hand wrap around her wrist before her partner began dragging her away. She had to try her hardest to keep up with his running pace or else she was going to trip and he’d be dragging her through the grass.

After about seven minutes of narrowly missing trees, stepping on twigs, and nearly scaring a bunny to death, Emira managed to rip her wrist from Paz’s grip, yelling out “Stop, stop! We could be running towards another group for all you know!” Bending down to grip her knees in order to take a well needed breather, Emira almost didn’t notice the familiar cold air feeling over the adrenaline pumping through her veins. Glancing up, Henry, her trusty ghost side kick, stood in front of Chaz looking down at her with concern glazed over his face. “Where the fuck were you?” Emira yelled out to the eternal thirty-year-old man.

Henry, the ghost now in front of her, showed up one day when she was ten years old. He’d died from cancer, a brain tumour more specifically, but it was relatively painless. It was strange. He didn’t necessarily want anything from her, wasn’t angry or even sad. She asked him why he wasn’t able to move on; was there someone he needed forgiveness from, or an unfulfilled wish? He said no. He just wanted to ‘chill out.’ Emira had asked him to do it somewhere else, but he didn’t listen. Now they were sort of best friends.

Henry couldn’t physically touch her. If he tried, his hands sort of just went through her like a bad movie, but that sure as hell didn’t stop his instinct. Reaching out like he was going to grab her face, he stopped when his palms were just hovering over her cheeks. “I was checking in on family! Are you okay, what’s going on, calm down,” he frantically said. They almost had the same tone of voice sometimes, it was weird. Swatting the air to get him to move away, she huffed as she took in another air of breath. “I don’t know, I was about to smash that dudes face to the ground before some weirdo’s showed up all voodoo cult like,” she blabbed, standing upright once more. Henry turned around, as if just noticing someone else was there for the first time. “He looks familiar,” he thought out loud. Emira huffed, before walking over to Raz and asking “help me out for a second, I need a boost” before hitting his knees out from under him like he had done to her before.

Making sure he was kneeling, she stepped on his shoulders to make herself taller. Reaching for the lowest sturdiest looking branch on the tree above her, she gripped it before pulling herself up into the foliage. “I’m going to see if I can get a better view up here where they’re coming from. You can either haul ass up here too, hide in a bush, or keep running blindly like a dumbass. Your choice Chaz.” Turning her gaze to Henry beside him, she stated, “go scan as far as you can for a clear path for us to take and get back to me as soon as you can.” Henry gave a pointed look to the dude on his right, whining, “why do I have to help him? I don’t like his face.” Emira let out a long winded groan. Fucking ghosts. “"Yeah, Henry, I don't like his fucking face either but that's not what I’m concerned about right now!" Henry got the point and turned away, arms raised in surrender.

Muttering quiet obscenities under her voice, Emira climbed up higher in the tree. She felt a few splinters in her hand by the time she reached a safe height. Crawling to the end of a pretty skinny branch, she did her best to glance at the settings around her. She could see the school, and what she saw did not look good. The people in black were scattered around the campus. A few bodies laid on the ground. She couldn’t tell if they were knocked out or dead. Students were being shuffled out the gates and loaded in large vehicles, some buses. “who the hell are these people?”, she grimly thought aloud.

Suddenly, Henry appeared on the branch above her, scaring the shit out of her enough that she nearly lost her grip and fell right out of the tree. “Shit Henry, you can’t do that!” she breathed out, trying to regain her balance as she clutched on for dear life. “Sorry, habit. But good news is there’s a trail just north east of here that no one’s on. I’ll be ahead of you making sure you get no surprise run ins.” Emira nodded before calling out to Waz, “You hear that? We’re headed North East,” as she made her decent down the tree and back on ground.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emira Therrien Character Portrait: Atlas Vasylyk Character Portrait: Niska Altera Character Portrait: Kaz Vorisk
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      Seconds turned to minutes, and still they kept walking. Niska continued to sing as they moved, but with every passing moment, she could feel herself grow weaker. She'd never needed to hold a continual enchantment before, no song longer than five minutes and by the time the noise of the chaos died down around them, she was beginning to wish she'd spent far more time practicing what she had previously considered to be her strongest ability. She'd grown cocky about her power, believing that sheer force was all that was needed, but facing their current situation, she knew she'd been terribly wrong about that. She could've forced one guard to kill the other if she'd wanted, but she wasn't certain she'd be able to keep going for however long it took for a chance to arrive. She wasn't even sure if she'd be able to do anything if that chance arrived, at this point. Sadly, she was beginning to hedge her bets on the student who'd been taken with her.

      She was thankful, at the very least, for the vampire's cooperation. Skeptical, always, of people's capabilities, Niska hadn't been sure whether or not he'd try to do anything stupid and ruin things for the both of them. She'd felt an immense relief when, earlier, he'd coughed an acknowledgment and otherwise kept quiet. Perhaps a small part of her had expected anyone who was acquainted with Kaz to be an absolute idiot; for the first time in her life, she was glad to be wrong.

      Again, there was a change in their environment. Niska felt it more than understood it; some time ago she'd gone into a sort of autopilot—legs trudging along, mouth moving—without any real cognizance. Some words exchanged between the two goons sounded hazy, as though she was hearing them from somewhere underwater. The only thing that rang crystal clear was her own song, and she focused her concentration on that, on keeping it alive. And then something happened.

      The air felt different, and with her sixth sense, Niska felt alarm. She didn't know exactly what was happening, but she didn't need to. She changed the rhythm of her melody, slowed the pace, made the man who had his grip on her stay still as stone until her companion finished whatever it was he was doing. It didn't take her long at all. Her song died in her throat when it realized there was no one left to enchant.

      Fighting through the absolute lethargy that had suddenly gripped her limbs, Niska shook off the loose ropes and pulled the sack from her head, in time to catch Atlas rummaging through the—dead? yes, definitely dead—man's belongings. She spared a moment to be impressed. He'd dispatched of the two much taller men with an inhuman speed and ruthlessness. Then again, she supposed, that must have just been one of the many perks of being a vampire.

      Still busy taking in the carnage, she almost missed the object being tossed at her, catching the hilt of the blade more instinctively than consciously. She scowled.

      "You know a heads up would've been ni—" The last of sentence was cut by a sudden impact and rush of wind. Before she even had the time to react, her solar plexus was being pressed into the abnormally bony shoulder of the obnoxious vampire while a wave of vertigo passed over her. She seriously contemplated stabbing him with the knife he'd so conveniently handed her. The smarter part of her knew that wouldn't be in her best interests; it won, this time.

      Thankfully, he slowed and deposited her somewhere behind a shrub of some sort, but her head was still reeling, and she had to fight the urge to dry heave.

      "Never do that again," she gasped, "or I swear to high heavens, I'll murder you."

      She might have said more had the distant sound of voices not stopped her in her tracks. A low groan forced its way from her already incredibly sore throat. Would they ever catch a break?

      "Plan," she muttered, shell shock setting in. "Plan, plan— we need a plan." Pausing for a moment, she rubbed at her throat. An idea had come, but would she be able to execute it? She swallowed. It was worth a shot.

      "I can sing us invisible for a few minutes, tops. If we head into the denser parts of the forest, we should be able to take evasive action. Good?"

      It wasn't as much of a question as it seemed, for the men came bursting onto the scene moments later, and Niska took a deep breath before she settled into another vocalise. Hesitantly, she stood, testing the strength of her enchantment before she barged into their line of sight. So far, so good. Briskly, she made her way towards the threshold of the trees, not daring to run lest she disrupt her rhythm. With a frantic motion of her hand, she waved Atlas on, unsure how long her enchantment would last. Frankly, she wasn't sure how she hadn't passed out yet—must've been the adrenaline. It'd be coming soon, though, if she kept pushing herself, and she could only hope her friendly vampire companion wouldn't leave her in the woods for dead.











      The reality of the situation hadn't quite dawned on Kaz, not even when the ache in his shins told him he'd been running over uneven ground for too long, not even when the noise of general chaos faded to just the thrumming sound of his blood rushing in his ears, not even as underbrush of the forest grew wilder and more unruly. In fact, it wasn't until his sparring partner tore her wrist from his that his mind made it back to the present.

      Taking a moment to collect himself, he gazed around at their surroundings. It seemed as though they were well into the depths of the forest, hopefully providing them with enough cover to not find themselves face to face with another group of assailants who'd tracked them. But, though he loathed to admit it, she was right. They couldn't just keep running blindly.

      He was about to speak when she suddenly stood, shouting. Where was he? "Wha—" he started, before realizing she wasn't speaking to him. She wasn't even looking at him. What the hell? He could only stare in abject horror as she continued communicating with the air.

      Jesus christ, she was fucking crazy. She was batshit insane. Just his luck. He'd managed to cart along the one person who was less useful than a sack of bricks. What the fuck was he going to do someone that belonged in a psych ward? God, he was really starting to wish Katherine had been his assigned partner instead. Punch that could shatter a boulder—he'd seen it.

      "Great job, Kaz," he muttered quietly to himself, reaching over his chest with an arm to pat his own shoulder. "You're doin' great."

      The crazy woman said something to him, but he'd already made the decision not to listen to a word of hers. As it turned out, maybe he should've been listening. With a sudden push, his knees had been pushed out in front of him, and she was climbing over him like he was a step stool. Another suggestive comment made its way to the tip of his tongue, but he bit it back. No point in messing with someone not fully grounded in reality.

      She spoke again—and this time he hadn't been concentrating enough to block her out—and he groaned quietly, rubbing his face with his hands. He wasn't sure how much longer he could handle this. No, she was on her own after this. He wasn't a good person; he'd never claimed to be. It wasn't his responsibility to make sure she stayed safe. He was more concerned with his own well-being, and dragging dead weight around certainly wouldn't be increasing his chances of survival any time soon.

      With a pitying gaze, he watched her steadily climb the tree, branch by branch. Sadly, she was right once more. He needed to have a clear picture of where he was headed; running blind would probably keep him out of the grasp of the mystery attackers, but he'd need to have a plan eventually.

      With a sigh, he jumped up and grasped the lowest branch of the tree adjacent to the one crazy girl had climbed up. Utilizing what could only be a supernatural agility, he ascended the tree quickly, each step and jump taken with surety. He stopped when he had the vantage point he needed—no point in showing off or anything of the sort. Scrutinizing the landscape scene before him, he picked out any migrating groups. It looked as though smaller subsets of the black clad assailants were carting off certain students, though for what exact purpose he couldn't possibly guess why. They all seemed to be heading in a similar direction, and it looked as though the clearest path and best direction to head in was in the general way of northea—

      Goddamn it. No part of him wanted to spend any more time with the mad girl, but somehow, she'd figured out what way to go too. For a split second, he considered going in a different direction. Braving his odds with running into more people. But that would be stupid—even he knew it.

      "Yeah, yeah," he called, from some distance above her. "I'd figured."

      With that same animal grace he'd used to scale the tree, he descended, swinging down several feet at a time, breezing by several branches before gripping onto the right one. He landed in a crouch at the base of the tree and spent some time watching the crazy girl climb down carefully.

      "Listen," he said, just a little before she reached the ground. "I know we're headed in the same direction for now, but after we're in the clear, we go our separate ways, yeah? Every man for himself. Just wanna make sure you know we're not a team or anything."

      He didn't wait for a response. The second her heels touched the ground, he started pushing his way through the thick growth of the forest. There was a trail just ahead, but he didn't plan to get on it anyway. It was always better to stay adjacent to the path; being in such an open area would only make them targets. The last thing Kaz wanted just then was a target painted on his back. Then again—he spared a quick glance back towards the girl that spoke to nothing—he might just have that regardless.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emira Therrien Character Portrait: Atlas Vasylyk Character Portrait: Niska Altera Character Portrait: Kaz Vorisk
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#, as written by Lilah


Emira took her time descending from the tree, making sure not to get any more needless splinters, or worse, fall through the foliage to only land on the dirty ground and break multiple bones. Surprisingly enough during her life time, she’d never once seriously injured herself. Better not start today.

As soon as she managed to shimmy her way down, she hopped from the lowest branch she could and landed on the ground slightly less than graceful. Wiping the dirt off her leggings, she barley caught her companion’s comments before he started strolling along. Rolling her eyes, she stretched her arms above her head until she heard her shoulders crack. Skipping ahead, she quickly caught up to the taller boy. “I thought that much was obvious,” Emira plainly stated, continuing to skip along the path that had been deemed safe by her ghostly friend. Turning around as she walked to face him, she added, “need I remind you, you were the one dragging me along all caveman like with your sweaty grip.

So far, the guy had barley done much other than nearly running them to probable impending doom. Who was it that stopped him from running away like an idiot? Emira. Who was it that climbed up a tree to see what exactly was going on? Emira. Who’s the one who figured out a safe path? Well, that one was Henry, but he’s basically just an extension of Emira at this point so she’ll argue that that was her doing as well. God, this bozo would probably be dead if it weren’t for her. What kind of supernatural creature was he even? Probably one of those fairies who danced and drank all night instead of actually doing much. Here they were, on a real life high stakes adventure, and he was going to take the opportunity to whine and complain about her being there like some overly moody antagonist character from a Pokémon game.

As Emira continued down the path, she tried to stay as quiet as she could as to not alarm anyone nearby of their presence. Thankfully her slender frame and shortness made her steps almost completely inaudible. Her thoughts got easily distracted with the silence. Running over her pervious conversation with Henry, she was stuck on what he'd said before about the dude looking familiar. She pondered how that could be. Henry generally was always around her, so if he had passed by him enough to make an impression, she had probably been there too. Now, it's not like Henry can't so places without her. For all she knew he could have haunted Qaz or something, but that seemed highly improbable. Dang, this was gunna bug her. Turning to walk backwards again to face the guy, she quirked her head to the side and asked, "hey, have we ever met before? You don't look familiar, but-" "Emira, you got two headed up your way, hide or get prepared!"" Henry's alarmed voice rang in her ear as the ghost suddenly appeared right beside her, his face urging. In a moment of adrenaline, Emira made a snap decision that it would be better to hide than fight, especially with this useless guy hanging off her.

Turning her head to look for a place to hide, she decided on the first slightly decent place she saw before running and pushing Yaz behind a high foliaged area, diving after him. With both her legs straddling either side of his hips, she covered his mouth so he wouldn't make any noise before she leaned down so her face was beside his ear. She harshly whispered as quiet as she could, "don't say anything, someone's coming."




Atlas snapped out of his head for a moment at the sound of the frustrated Siren. Glancing over in her direction, he felt his face fall and soften. "I'm very sorry, it was never my intention to catch you by surprise. It won't happen again." In truth, he honestly thought he was communicating with her. Atlas had a tendency to just do what he thought he needed as it was the best option. He sometimes forgot to communicate those plans, however. He was going to take note of that and try to improve upon it, especially if he was going to be sticking around Niska for awhile longer. They were already in a sensitive situation. He shouldn't be making it worse.

Atlas was going to apologize again, but stopped as he heard the same sounds Niska obviously did by the strained groan that came from her. She was right. They did need a plan, and all he could come up with them was to run again (attracting attention) or to fight them (exerting themselves). Either option didn't seem great. Atlas had taken a chance and gotten lucky with the two captors before hand. He had no history really on who these people are, what they were capable of, or even what they wanted in the first place. They were essentially running blind, and one wrong move could cost them their freedom or life.

Glancing back down at the girl was she mentioned her plan, Atlas nodded. "Seems like our best shot," he affirmed. He could tell her voice was getting strained. After this, they wouldn't be able to count on her using her vocal hypnosis. He wasn't even sure on how long she'd be without it or how to get it back sooner. Water or something to soothe her voice seemed like an obvious choice. Maybe it was just time. Either way, it was best they used it now while they could and it'd be useful.

Soon enough, men came running over to the bodies he'd left behind. They didn't have any more time to contemplate. Following the girl's lead, he trailed behind her, making sure he was as quiet and soft with his movements as he could be. He didn't know how far her powers would stretch at this point, and he didn't want to make her work harder than she had too.

As soon as the two were under the cover of forest, Atlas's previous tense demeanor shifted slightly. He felt better knowing they weren't out in the open if her powers decided to clock out for the day. Here, he could defend himself better, granted the men weren't in groups or they just smacked into one another. "If it would be easier for you to just enchant yourself, you can take it off of me. I'll stay as hidden as I can, " Atlas proposed quietly. It might work in their favour if it would mean the cover would last longer for her. If someone saw Atlas, he could just divert them away from the girl. He would prefer to stick with her as it was, strength in numbers and all that, but he'd be alright if she made it out and he didn't. At least someone had to survive this in order to tell someone.

Continuing under the cover of the tree's for a few minutes, sure to avoid a path, all seemed relatively fine. He was sure if they were this far into the woods without hearing so much as a word or a scurry, then it'd be safe to assume the people weren't using it as some sort of trail for whatever they were doing. And if people were here, they wouldn't be in big numbers.

Moving closer to the one path he saw, still not making the move to step on it quite yet, he just barley heard the crunch of dirt coming from the trail ahead. It sounded like two people, enough for him to take on easily if he caught them by surprise. Pressing his back behind a tree, he signaled with his hand for Niska to do the same, mouthing, "they're coming."

It was two to three minutes before Atlas caught in the corner of his eyes one man and woman rounding over the bend of the trail, talking lowly to themselves. Atlas didn't have time to eavesdrop on their conversation. Moving quickly, he slipped behind the man and snapped his neck efficiently and quickly. He'd found it to be the best method in his experience. He was planning on being fast enough to also catch the woman by surprise, but she seemed just as fast as he was. In an instant, the woman struck out with a hand, aiming to grab his throat. Atlas, caught by surprise, grunted as she made contact but was quick to react and break off her grip. They both broke away from one another, sizing each other up. She seemed to be a vampire like him. Atlas was definitely not expecting that.

"You nearly escaped, hmm?" The woman purred, Atlas glowered down at her, bracing himself for when she launched herself at him again. The woman lacked training. She was sloppy, attacking freely with reckless force. Her moves were obvious. He guessed she was a semi-new turned vampire. Ducking, the woman landed behind him, catching herself in a kneeling position. Atlas took the opportunity to grip her head between both his hands and wedge his foot on her shoulder. With all the strength he had in him, he pulled and twisted, ripping the blonde's head from her body in awful sounding, jerky movements. Well, this was just not what he was planning on spending his day on.

Dropping the head on the ground, he lifted his arm to wipe his face of the blood that sprayed on it. Atlas cleared his throat, stating, "We're in the clear, Niska." Rolling his shoulders back, his muscles felt too tense. He was going to be feeling this in the morning. Glancing around, he nearly began walking again, before he heard small rustling not to far away. Curious, Atlas glanced around before seeing the tip of someone's shoe peeking out from behind some dense foliage. Not sensing danger, maybe just a dead body, Atlas approached quietly and peaked around to see who or what it was.

He sure as hell did not expect this.

Letting out a long sigh, Atlas lowered his head to his hand in an exasperated motion. "Kaz, now is not the time for your usual antics," he chastised his roommate who was on the dirty forest ground with a girl straddling him. Christ. The girl, who Atlas could now recall as a very familiar Emira, slipped off Kaz and peeked around Atlas. Her gaze focused directly on the two bodies as she muttered “badass," under her breath.
