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Willa Thorn

0 · 646 views · located in Boston, MA USA

a character in “Macabre: Debello's Return”, as played by Heartfelt_words


Name: Willa Thorn
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Race: Listener

Appearance: Willa looks much younger than her age, probably closer in appearance to a 19 year-old than someone who left high school behind her nearly seven years ago. That is mainly due to her small, almost delicate-looking build and 5'2 height. Her brown hair has been cut short, hanging somewhat raggedly just below her ears--she has never been much for giving a darn about her hair. She also has never been very blessed in the bust department--but this she could also care less about. Willa dresses casually, usually sticking to comfort over style and usually has ear buds or headphones permanently hanging from her ears or neck. She is almost always wearing her favorite pair of ratty blue low top slip-on sneakers. And can often be found dressed for work in an office as well. At first glance, she appears to carry no weapons, but she has cleverly hidden them to be easily retrieved from underneath her comfortable clothes, including a special "wolf whistle" hung around her neck, and a backpack full of Listener potions.

Personality: Willa never only looks happy when she is listening to music. It is her sanctuary, and something she considers to be the only thing keeping her sane. In general, Willa seems to be a very serious person. Without her headphones, she always has an expression on her face that is something between sorrow and irritation. Mostly quiet, with little to say unless needed--she leaves the talking to everyone else. She listens. It's what she's good at. However, despite her lack of copious communications, Willa is not shy. She is also not weak and will not hesitate to defend herself or her comrades. She is very loyal--but it takes a lot of effort to get past her outward unpleasant shell.

Likes: Music, her blue sneakers, cute things, her whistle
Dislikes: Werewolves/ Lycans, Rudeness, Arrogance, Lies, taking off her headphones, the smell of blood
Fears: Small spaces
Strengths: Barriers, temp power potions
Weaknesses: Has trouble with tight spaces, standard human weaknesses

History: Willa doesn't talk much--which some say is due to her past. Her family had known about Willa's special ability when she was very small. Their family had generations of Listeners before her. But often in this modern day world--others had been treated as unstable, insane and locked away. Willa was lucky, in the sense that her mother had heard stories of the Listeners and their abilities and believed. Her parents immediately sought out a trainer for the girl, to help her reach a full understanding of the music of life around her. Willa soon developed her abilities and began what all Listeners are sworn to do--Protect the Silence. Keep the humans ignorant of the Dark creatures that fill our world and if possible, protect the innocent from their stain. Willa was skilled, and soon surpassed even her elderly trainer. She began nightly to protect her city. The dark song creatures soon knew and hated her name. They would not tolerate the indignity of being policed by one as young as Willa. So they came up with a plan to put an end to it. An end to the Listener.

It happened quickly--there were many in the pack that attacked and they were hungry for flesh and blood. Willa's parents were the first do die--covered in writhing hungry animal bodies--screaming until their lungs filled with blood. In terror, Willa crammed herself into the crawl space in her room, dragging a bloodied little brother with her. The wolves had come for the children soon after the parents, lunging on top of her sleeping brother before Willa had managed to grab him and hide. But the lycans knew where they were. Howling, snarling and furious that their bodies were too large to fit into the cramped, dank space they prowled outside the space, digging their claws through in an attempt to snatch the children until the early hours of the morning. Their snarls echoed around the tiny space that smelled of blood and fear until Willa thought she would go mad with the sound. By the time morning arrived, the damage was done. A trail of blood led the rescuers to Willa's hiding spot--where a then ten year old Willa clutched the lifeless bloodied body of her brother. They say she screamed and fought as the body was taken from her. Sobbing and insisting he was fine.

The Dark Song creatures had gotten what they wanted. She would police them no more. Not until the legends began to resurface many years later.

So begins...

Willa Thorn's Story


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Character Portrait: Willa Thorn Character Portrait: Ethan Orozco Character Portrait: Sam '' Sammy''  Larson
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“I'm not surprised that you don't recognize what I am...we are few and far between." Ethan tilted his head to the side to show his interest. "I can hear what you are. Both of you. All of you. Much like you Weres and Vampires and Dhampirs can smell things differently...I can hear things differently...I'm a Listener." Ethan had a sudden light bulb moment.

“I’ve heard that name before! I can’t remember who mentioned it… Oh ya! It was my…” Ethan stopped, remembering when his mother taught him about all of the other ‘special’ creatures like him. He glanced up at the girl, still curious about these Listeners.

"You creatures sound different than human beings do..." Ethan nodded, almost as if he understood. But in all honestly, he still had no idea what she walk talking about. "As to why I was following you..." Ethan’s gaze hardened, wondering if this girl would just come up with a stupid excuse, or tell the truth. "I'm not really sure myself...something bad is happening...something really bad. Just...looking for answers...I guess..." Her skin seemed to be losing color by the second. For a moment, Ethan thought she was going to pass out. "H-Have you ever heard of the Bloodless Murders?"

Ethan’s head jerked up. He had heard something about these murders… Oh God, she didn’t think it was them doing the killings… Right? Ethan was so consumed in thought that he completely missed Sam and the girl’s exchanging of words. All he caught was “And you are?” Ethan was quickly snapped from his deep thoughts and listened. He wanted to hear what this girl had to say. His eyes caught sight something peculiar in her hands…

"I'm Leaving..." Ethan sprang into action as soon as he saw her throw the vile onto the ground. He thrust himself in between Sam and the vile, not knowing what it was going to do. He immediately shielded his eyes with his arm, and his ears were filled with an odd ringing sound. He squinted to see through the blinding light. As his eyes quickly readjusted, he saw her blurry figure turning a corner and darting off. Ethan gritted his teeth.

“I’m not done with you yet sweetheart…” Ethan silently hissed to himself. As quick as lightning, he picked up a few chunks of the broken remains of the vile. They cut into his palm and he winced, but shoved them into his pocket. He then sprinted after the girl, his jaw clenched more in aggravation than bitter anger. Her scent was still a bit more prominent than the others of the city, the stink bomb scent still clung to her clothing.

“Why do you keep running?! I just want to talk!” He shouted up at her, watching as she turned another corner and disappeared from his line of sight. Ethan felt… something swell inside of him. “Just because I’m a Were doesn’t mean I’m going to…!” His voice faltered at the end. His sprinting slowed to a jog, then to a walk, until he stopped all together. “I just… wanted to… talk…” Ethan sighed, looking up to see her vanish again.


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Character Portrait: Willa Thorn Character Portrait: Ethan Orozco Character Portrait: Sam '' Sammy''  Larson
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Sam was startled when she was blocked by Ethan. She fell to the ground in her state of shock and disbelief, when the strange smoke cleared, Ethan and the girl were no where in sight. Sam looked around and said to herself, '' Did a were just save me? Why? They are supposed to hate my kind, right?'' She said as she got up and dusted herself off. She took a quick sniff and she knew where they were, she smiled and ran after them. Sam ran onto the roof and then climbed and jumped from roof to roof. She looked down and saw Ethan, she heard him say something, but at the speed she was running at, she couldn't make out the words. She kept on running and in a few minutes she stopped, she sniffed the air again, and she took a couple of deep breathes and tried to slow her heart beat down. Sam smelt the air and she could just smell the scent of her, she followed it and found she was at their second meeting. Sam smiled and followed her into the alley, she was quiet and tried not to make a sound. She was about to touch her, when she heard her say, '' Oh, sorry, Sir. You startled me. I didn't see you there.'' Sam stopped and went to leave, she then stepped on a piece of wood and it made a loud snapping sound. Sam froze in her tracks and she didn't move or make another sound, she just froze and stayed there.


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Character Portrait: Willa Thorn Character Portrait: Nicholas White-Eyes
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Come, mortal, taste my Harvest! Sweet joys of Spring! Sour rages of Summer! Savory fears of Autumn! Bitter sorrows of Winter!

How does the fear of a young Listener taste? Fine feasting for the Fair Folk!

"Oh, sorry, Sir. You startled me. I didn't see you there."

Nicholas could taste her before he heard her. Fear. The rich, smoky flavor of desperate fear floated past the Changeling like the receding rain mist. He turned and saw a young girl with very old eyes. He took a moment to look her over, a puff of dark smoke billowing from his nostrils. Slight frame. Brown hair, rough cut. Headphones, casual dress. Looking a little deeper he realized that she had been running. From a slight sheen of sweat, he could tell that she had been running. Tears faintly streaked her face and the bottom of her pants were scuffed with dirt and grime. A faint whiff of something slightly unpleasant drifted around her.

This fear wasn't the jump-out-of-the-closet-boo! fear tasty and filling but a little too greasy and vaguely unhealthy. Nor was it the nuanced taste of anxious fear, deep and bitter, spiced with a dash of hope. No, this was that primal, the fear of the hunted and the fear of the unknown, that deepest fear of snarling fangs and claws rushing to devour flesh and the touch of slimy flesh flitting by an ankle in dark, murky water. It tasted like finest veal, marinated with rosemary and pepper, roasted in charcoal ovens to a tender crisp. Currents of sorrow streaked the fear, bitter and dry, giving a full-bodied flavor like an ancient aged red taken from wine cellars that never saw the light of day. Nicholas stood there smoking his cigarette, drinking int the fear, greedily harvesting this bounty. The scar across his lips twitched. He breathed it in deep, feeling fuller than he had in weeks. She would feel nothing, of course. He didn't actually eat fear; he consumed the Glamour of the emotion, the magical imprint of the emotion. So he fed in peace, letting out a long drag of smoke as he finished.

"Mornin'," said Nicholas. "Don't worry 'bout it none."

He raised an eyebrow and extended an arm to tap the ash away from the tip of his cigarette. Perhaps on a whim, his shadow grew long and sneaked sluggishly under the tyranny of the peering sun until it touched the girl's shadow. A mistake.

The screeching of a thousand razors on a thousand violin strings began to rend his ears as the girl's shadow struck at the Darkling with all the fury of cold iron. The cigarette between Nicholas's lips fell to the pavement with the embers smoking as the Changeling fell to a knee with his hands over his ears. The pungent taste of horseradish and metal filled his mouth and he dry gagged on the pavement as the smell threatened to choke him. Then, dragged from the recesses of his mind, a memory of crawling through a bramble with a thousand bloodied thorns, bits of his soul catching and tearing on the wicked spines of the Hedge. A glimpse of Arcadia. Of Them. It was too much. His face was twisted into a grimace of pain. In full view of the girl, his Mask slipped for the space of a second, affording her one good glimpse of his True face. Then the Mask reformed and Nick grabbed onto the side of a nearby fire hydrant. He forced himself to his feet and stumbled backwards away from the girl, his eyes never leaving hers.

What was she?


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Character Portrait: Willa Thorn Character Portrait: Ethan Orozco Character Portrait: Sam '' Sammy''  Larson
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Sam Larson

Sam only shrugged as she saw the girl run away from the alley, Sam knew that only following her again would be useless. So, Sam decided to go home, she took a deep breath and started to long walk back to the car. She didn't want to run since people were walking the streets now, and the fact that Sam hadn't eaten anything yet, made her feel miserable. Sam looked around and she could feel the heat of the sun warming her face, Sam put her hood up and only sighed, as she was walking a little girl passed her and smiled at Sam, Sam didn't notice so she didn't smile back, Sam was so caught up in her thoughts. She thought to herself, '' If weres hate my kind, then why did Ethan save me? Could he possibly care about me? No, I can't think of that, it's impossible anyway, plus how would that make Zac feel?'' She stopped herself from exploring her questioning mind and said to herself, '' Sam, you have a boy friend. No one else comes before him.'' Right after she said that, she felt someone take her by the hand, the first thing out of instinct Sam would have done was grab him by the arm and flip him over, but as she could feel the person's emotions, so she calmed herself.

Sam smiled and said, '' How are you, Zack?'' She looked over to her right to see a tall, white, good looking, brown haired, green eyed nineteen year old guy. Zack smiled and kissed her on the cheek, he looked at her and said, '' Good. How about we go over to my place and have some alone time?'' Sam looked at Zac and said, '' Sure. I would really like that.'' She interlocked her hand with his and they began to walk to his apartment together.


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Character Portrait: Willa Thorn Character Portrait: Sam '' Sammy''  Larson
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Sam Larson

Sam was in a rather, foul mood. She didn't want to talk, she was just upset with herself for being so stupid as to losing her license. Sam had been walking for fifteen minutes when she came to a stop light, she waited for the light to turn to red so she could cross the street and get home. Sam was for some strange reason rather tired and hungry, she tried to ignore it, but then her stomach started to growl. Sam sighed when the light turned red, she walked across the street and started to make her way to her apartment again. As Sam was walking, she began to feel an emotion that she had felt just a few hours ago, confusion. Sam smirked and she looked around, she concentrated for a minute then she located the source and spot from where the emotions were coming from. Sam turned to her right and saw Willa standing there in the shadows, she smirked and began to walk towards her.

Sam passed right by Will and did something that Sam would never do. She took a deep breath, and for the first time in years, she just got lust for blood. The woman's blood and scent smelled like something Sam had never smelled in her life, this woman smelled good and for the first time in years, she wanted to kill someone for their blood. Sam was confused, why would she be lusting after blood right now and why was she lusting after this girl's blood? What was so tempting about this girl's blood? Sam didn't care, she just passed by her quickly and didn't look at Willa. Sam just passed her and walked into her apartment building. Sam only walked into the lobby, when her stomach started to hurt, her throat went dry and her fangs came out, Sam was getting terrified right now. Why was this happening? And what if she couldn't control herself and she went on a blood lusting rampage? Sam sat down on one of the brown leather, chairs in the lobby and put her head in her hands and tried to calm down.


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Character Portrait: Willa Thorn Character Portrait: Ethan Orozco Character Portrait: Sam '' Sammy''  Larson
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Ethan walked, head hung low, shoulders slumped. But he wasn’t feeling sadness. If you looked closely, you would see his jaw was clenched tightly and his eyes flashed as the darted around. But a reoccurring sadness poked at his anger, but he was so mad that it did nothing.

“She’s just like everyone else. Every. One. Else. Ethan muttered to himself, with which he gained some odd glances of those who were walking by. “Just because I’m a were doesn’t mean I’m going to… hurt you!” Ethan shouted at the end, which made someone walking by jump and shuffle away quickly. He kept walking forwards, murmuring to himself quietly and angrily. “She’s just a… a… racist bitch!” Ethan spat. But he knew he put no sincerity to his words. He just insulted her to make himself feel better. But it wasn’t really working.

A sudden scent crossed Ethan’s path which jolted him out of his blind fury. His nose twitched and wrinkled as it made out the string of smells mingled among all of the others. Sam and… Her. Ethan made a slight hissing sound as he quickened his pace to a light jog. He followed the scent until he reached some sort of apartment complex.

"Are you okay Miss?"

Her voice…

The sound of her voice made Ethan stop, dead cold. “It is her…” Ethan growled to himself as he skirted around the side of the building. His poked his head up, glancing through the window of the building, seeing Sam and the girl. He waited to see what would happen, an annoyed scowl on his face.

(I apologize for the rude language in this post. X3 Love you Willa!)


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Character Portrait: Willa Thorn Character Portrait: Ethan Orozco Character Portrait: Sam '' Sammy''  Larson
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Sam Larson.

When Sam heard a familiar girl voice say, '' Are you okay Miss?'' Sam took a deep breath and looked up. She looked at the girl and said, '' I've been better.'' Sam eyes turned a red color and her fangs were out, she growled and stood up, she looked at the girl and said, '' I'm not trying to be rude, but you should leave for your own good, and safety.'' Sam started to walk over to the stairs when she felt someone angry, she looked over at the window and saw Ethan, Sam sighed and began to walk up the stairs. Sam didn't want to hurt anyone, so she was trying to escape. She hated feeling angry and hungry, she never liked having to feel hungry for blood, which means killing and killing means blood, which Sam can't stand.


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Character Portrait: Willa Thorn Character Portrait: Ethan Orozco Character Portrait: Sam '' Sammy''  Larson
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'' I've been better.'' Sam eyes turned a red color and her fangs were out, she growled and stood up, she looked at the girl and said, '' I'm not trying to be rude, but you should leave for your own good, and safety.''

Willa absorbed this, reflecting no fear. Just realization. How long had it been since she had faced down a blood-sucker? Several years at least. But she could remember...and Master Kirol had taught her to be wary. A Listener's blood was a great prize for a blood-sucker. Any Dark Song creature. Supposedly, her blood smelled and tasted like nothing else. There was no comparison, and no flavor greater. The story was that one taste of her blood would make their Song vanish from her ears...But why would this girl be having such a strong reaction?

It was then that Willa saw that she had been holding the knife too roughly. Small trickles of blood dripped from under her sleeve and onto the soft carpet.

"oh..." Willa muttered watching it. She had felt nothing. She often felt nothing. Why was she so careless? Willa tugged her sleeve into the wound, staunching it. It wasn't very deep. It would stop soon. But the scent would linger. That was bad. She would have an army following her. "Sorry, I didn't realize..." Willa said, voice soft but without much emotion. But she needed to do as Master had told her. They had little time. Without much thought for her own safety, Willa moved to the bottom of the stairs.

"Look--I know you're hungry right now, so it's not a good time...but...well..." Willa suddenly looked very young. Her expression looked nervous, and her eyes couldn't seem to find a place to stay. She chewed her bottom lip in her nervousness. "Listen, something bad is happening and...well, when you have a moment--i'd like to discuss a few things with you. I know you have no reason to agree--but I...would really appreciate it if you did..." Willa was not used to talking much. This small request seemed to drain her. She looked very tired, and even a little faint. She really shouldn't have forgotten to eat...

It was then that a second Dark Song began to throb in her ears. This one was also familiar. Knowing it would be unwise to take her eyes from the hungry Dhampire, she did not turn her head--but rather flicked her eyes sideways at the window. The Were who had chased her earlier watched them from a window, looking understandably annoyed. Willa casually slipped her left hand into her waistband, touching a finger to the small hand gun concealed there--in case she needed to draw it quickly. Her eyes went back to the Dhampire, waiting for a response.


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Character Portrait: Willa Thorn
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(please excuse the mess as I am a dork and misused the chat. Please follow the blank posts to the next entry. sorry folks)


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Character Portrait: Willa Thorn
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Character Portrait: Willa Thorn
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hi Sheo


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Character Portrait: Willa Thorn
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Character Portrait: Willa Thorn
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this could be bad lol


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one sec


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Character Portrait: Willa Thorn
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Character Portrait: Willa Thorn
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it apparently does that while we're using the chat


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Character Portrait: Willa Thorn
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Character Portrait: Willa Thorn
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