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Sam Ashton

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a character in “Magic facility”, originally authored by bandgeek, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Sam Ashton

Age: Sixteen

Gender: Female

Species: Part Fox


Like any cheerleader, she's got blonde hair and blue eyes. But the resemblance to any cheerleader stops there. She stands at about five foot tall and is only about a hundred pounds. Since she is part fox, she has blonde and brown tinted ears that fade to dark brown at the tips.

Cell: Cell two, Block five.

Personality: She's been told that she acts a little crazy. Sam doesn't mind being the center of attention, actually she loves it. But not for the reasons most the populars like to be. She's a rebel. Awkward, weird, strange, crazy, and she wants everyone to know it. Why hide? Sam is blunt and painfully honest, if you want someone to sugar coat something, don't go to her. Not that she has many friends, so already not many people go to her. It's like they're scared of her. The honesty, the loudness, the crazy. It's her, and she isn't afraid to show everyone that.

Sam is fiercely independent, needing to have the space to make her own decisions about her next step. She does not believe in or follow rules and regulations, as this would prohibit her ability to "do her own thing". Her sense of adventure and desire for constant action makes her prone to becoming bored rather quickly. Although she does not respect the rules of the "system", she follows her own rules and guidelines for behavior faithfully. She will not take part in something which violates her personal laws.

She is an action-oriented person. She likes to be up and about, doing things, which means she won't sit behind a desk all day and do long-range planning. Adaptable and spontaneous, she responds to what is immediately before her. She usually has strong technical skills, and can be as effective technical leaders.

Strength: Very fast and agile, excited and spontaneous.

Weakness: Naive and innocent, easily frightened.

Mark: Her ears and tail, also her eyes flash a reddish brown when she is threatened or very animal-like.

Time Here: A few weeks.

So begins...

Sam Ashton's Story


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Character Portrait: Sierra Nix Character Portrait: Sam Ashton Character Portrait: Harley Adams
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Sam had only been there for a few weeks at that point, and every day it seemed something new happened, something worse than before. And it hurt, it was terrifying. One of the only things she didn't do well with, frightening things, and this place was bad. Fortunately they didn't seem to treat her all too badly, she rarely created problems for them. If she created problems, they made her life worse. Within the first few days she realized that. So at this point, they'd taken her chains off and let her move freely around her cell. They no longer sliced her or tried to harm her greatly.

Though they definitely liked to tease her, which was something they were up to right that moment. Calling her freak because of her ears and tail, or a wimp because once they began to tease her, her tail went between her legs. Curling up in the corner of her cell, she watched as a group of men led a chained up girl past her cell.

Harley was thrilled, she had managed to make it out of her cell. That morning she had shifted into the smallest, yet slightly fast, animal she could think of. That became a rat. As soon as they opened her cell, she ran, quickly shifting into a leopard and taking off. She didn't want to escape, no she quite liked it here. Where would she go anyways? She had no home, she'd been here since she was one or two or, well something. There was no point in trying to find a home to go too. But she did want to have some fun, and escaping was quite fun. When they caught her it wasn't all that pleasant, but she didn't care. Behind her she heard the guards calling for back-up, this was going to be one of their big chases, huh?

"Oh, that's lovely honey," Joker was acting mad again, teasing the guards station outside his cell. They were just so easy, so predictable, so fun to play with. Never would he grow tired of messing with the buffoons, they were just too easy. Well, he did have to admit, it was beginning to grow a bit boring. He was one of their longest standing members, he even was on block one! And the other two before him had died, so technically he was here longer. Is here longer, plans on staying for awhile too. He would miss all his friends too much if he left!

Screams came from a few blocks over, and his guard friends looked at each other and then to him before exchanging a few whispers. From what he could gather, they had decided little Ross was too mad to try and attempt an escape, and he would be fine left alone. Within seconds the guards were gone, and he was alone, like always.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sierra Nix Character Portrait: Alex Cross Character Portrait: Sam Ashton Character Portrait: Harley Adams
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A voice startled her out of her thoughts, and she slowly unwound herself. Blinking twice, a bit wide eyed, she stared at the boy. "T-they don't like my... extra appendages," she felt scared to actually say ears and tails, something she shouldn't have been scared of. But she was, because the guards and the scientists had made her that way. The teasing and pain, within the few weeks she was here, they tortured her. Though she still didn't know how the boy would react to her, so she tried to stop her ears from flicking so much, but at any sign of footsteps they did move back and forth a bit.

Beginning to inch forward, she only stopped when she got to the bars and was sort of sitting next to him, or as much as she could be 'next to him' when she was locked behind bars. "Are you okay?", his groan had startled her, and she touched his shoulder lightly

[ Alex was speaking to Sam, right? If not ignore this. XD ]

Hearing a voice behind her, well a voice besides the shouting guards, she slid to a stop and turned back to face it. Her hackles were raised, teeth showing. Slowly the guards backed, leaving her go, but they went after the snake. For a moment, Harley actually debated running off right then. It wouldn't be hard, and they likely wouldn't kill the snake. If they killed the person, they couldn't use them anymore. But they would also probably torture the girl quite badly.

It was then that the guards began trying to poke her again, making her let out a growl and and lunge at them. Pathetic idiots, they tried to use little sticks with knives at the end to hurt her, like it fazed her in the slightest. After she was finished, managing to only tear a few shirts and not having to actually seriously damage any of them, she jumped away from the snake and prepared to slink back to her cell. It seemed the game was over.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sierra Nix Character Portrait: Kuma White Character Portrait: Jonas Koulisk Character Portrait: Alex Cross Character Portrait: Ross J. Character Portrait: Shi Moto
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so much noise was coming from block1 area 'those idiots trying to escape again, they make too much noise'she thought to herself as she tried to shift her position. though this did little as Kuma was chained quite tightly, her hands were tied together then chained twice over her head. her abdomen was chained to the wall as were her thighs but to the floor. her feet were tied together and chained to the ground, 'so many chains' Kuma looked at herself noting her chaft and bleed skin where the metal bit into her skin even if she didnt move.

Kuma let out a sigh and closed her eyes for a nap only to be stabbed a couple times in her stomach. she wasnt even fazed by the pain no more, Kuma's entire life was full of pain she doesnt know of the outside world as she pretty much lived here all her life. "get up girl time for some tests" a menacing smile on his face as he looked her body over. Kuma simply stared at him with her unnerving mismatched eye, the two seemed to be having a stare down and the first to look away was the scientist. he then pressed a lever that released her chains and Kuma stood up slowly towering over everyone by a good foot and a few inches.

she yawned her enlarged canines showing as her ears went back against her head. then something jabbed her in the back that sent a wave of electricity coursing theough her body which made her yelp but not from the pain but because she was surprised 'but why be surprised you should be expecting anything by now' shaking her head softly Kuma followed the scientist and was flanked on all sides by guards. her hands were chained together and held in the front of her. each guard held the chain to the collar on her neck, so six in total to ensure she wont break free or try anything funny.

Kuma walked in utter silence her made no sound, the only sounds that one could hear were the chains shifting and the tapping of the Tocuri's and guard's shoes against the cold dank floor. she passed Block1 and glanced at the cells occupants briefly summing them up for who and what they were. then she looked around herself and she noticed the exit door was slightly ajar, anybody with senses as strong as hers would have heard the light cold draft that came from outside. 'the Tocuri dont know about it do they' she sighed as they entered a large white room, they unchained her and pashed her forwards, they left closing the seal tight door behind them. and so the experiments began, if one was to pass by the door and place their ear against its thick surface you would be able to faintly hear the buzz of electricity and many other things.

after the experiments Kuma was extremly tired, her body ached but she disnt make a sound not even during the experiments despite the fact that it was worse than usual. they threw her into the cell only bothering to chain her hands to the wall, Kumas head slumped forwards and her body began to shake a little but soon stopped as her body relaxed and she was asleep.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Cross Character Portrait: Sam Ashton
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"yeah, they don't usually accept things that are different." Alex said to this girl he had just met. As he said this his eyes flickered from cool grey to an intense red. He groaned again because forgot that he was still recovering from the full moon so the changing of his eyes made his head hurt.

This girl sat next to him and asked if he was okay. "yeah" he replied "last night was a full moon, it takes me a while to regain my strength after a full moon. my muscles feel like they are on fire and my senses are going haywire."

In the distance he could hear the sound of people trying to escape. he remembered back to when he was 16 and he would try to run away every other day. His last escape attempt was three years ago and he didn't plan on trying to escape again, the system had beat him so these days all he had to look forward to was the daily recess some of the veteran inmates got.

"My name is alex." he said to the girl. "if you haven't noticed, i'm a werewolf."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Cross Character Portrait: Sam Ashton
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Sam nodded, "Yeah, I gathered that much." As she spoke, she removed her hand from his shoulder and set it back in her lap. Her eyes hadn't left him yet, though another groan still startled her. Everything around here startled her, she never knew who it was coming from, what it was coming from. She didn't know what they were doing to even cause that sound, and it scared her.

His words took awhile to actually sink in, but slowly she did come to realize that he was indicating he was also different. Not in the same way she was, at least it didn't seem so, but he wasn't human. Faintly she remembered something from one of her books, it had to do with full moons and a fire. No, not a fire, her mind reminded her. It was in a metaphorical sense, and then she remembered. Werewolves, they had to shift every full moon. She didn't know if they could just shift whenever they wanted, she'd never actually met a werewolf to be able to ask them.

"Nice to meet you Alex, considering the circumstances. I'm Sam." she didn't want him to feel like she was trying to pity him or anything, so she tried not to look too concerned about his current condition.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Cross Character Portrait: Sam Ashton
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"hey sam" Alex said "how long have you been stuck here?" Alex was just trying to make simple conversation. It had been a while since he had talked to anyone. he'd been in this place since he was 11 and he never really had much time because of the scientists always trying to study him. These days Alex had a lot of free time because he wasn't being studied anymore. Even if they finished studying him he knew they would never let him out of this place.

"i don't want to be in this place anymore." he said putting his face in his hands. Alex was so fed up with being in this building all the time being studied by scientist.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Cross Character Portrait: Sam Ashton
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Her tail flicked across the ground, and she managed to pull herself a bit closer to the bars that separated the two beings. "A few weeks," she said quietly, voice very soft. Almost like a childs, with how innocent she always sounded. But at the same time it was all very different, there was no way she could be mistaken for a child. Everything she used to know had been ripped from her, and this place really didn't give you to chance to keep that innocence. Of course, it was Sam, she was probably the most naive girl you would ever know.

"I don't want to be here either. I don't want to be hurt anyone or be hurt-" her voice broke off, she was barely able to hold back a sob as her breath caught in her throat. This place wasn't good for her, these people weren't good for her. She just needed someone to curl up against, someone that would tell her everything was okay and that she wasn't a monster.