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Alexader Bishop Grey

"I'm Grey, it's a pleasure to meet you."

0 · 386 views · located in Magnus Grex School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry

a character in “Magnus Grex School of Witchcraft and Wizardry”, originally authored by Paintpoint, as played by RolePlayGateway



Basic Info

Alexander Bishop Grey
Black cat
Syracuse, New York

  • Spring and summer rain storms
  • Scarves
  • Large cats (lions, tigers, and leopards)
  • Outdoors
  • Quiet
  • Books/Libraries
  • Purple
  • Humidity
  • Laughter
  • Being with friends

  • Winter/cold
  • Rambunctious or overly exuberant people
  • Rudeness
  • Dogs
  • Wearing long pants
  • Being alone
  • Stereotypes
  • Bullies


Kind, compassionate, trustworthy, loyal, and hard working. It's no wonder he got into the Cervus house with ts or riddleshese traits, he's of kind heart and gentle spirit. Alexander has a strong work ethic and doesn't back down from challenges or puzzles. Despite this he isn't the smartest wizard around and does his school work more slowly than others. What he lacks in intelligence is made up in sheer brute strength. All brawn and nearly no brain, protector of the weak and guardian of the Cervus house. His older brother like demeanor makes him loveable by anybody willing to put up with his lacking intelligence.


Since a young age Alexander was known by his last name, Grey. After being in an elementary class with four others Alexs the teacher began calling him Grey. The nickname stuck throughout his muggle education. Both parents were muggles and the three of them were all pretty surprised when Grey received his letter to Magnus Grex. Seven years later and Grey is looking forward to graduation and becoming magical creature handler. He likes animals more than people and has the patience and strength to train them. Grey wouldn't say he's popular around school but has strong connections with the people he does hang around with, friendly with all the students and teachers. Grey only knows of a few that despise him for being so kind and happy go lucky all the time but doesn't pay them much mind.

Grey had many friends in America but has long forgotten most of them, he lives in the present and thinks of only those with him now. And although he didn't join any clubs, groups, or the quidditch team he still finds connections with each and every person he comes across. Not to mention he loves those who offer him help in studies and classes, otherwise he wouldn't have made it to his seventh year. Grey hasn't ever been in any real trouble either, only once for trying to turn his cat into a jaguar.


Do you know much about the Harry Potter Universe?:
Read the books, watched the movies, play pottermore.
How often do you get online?:Once or twice a day
How often can we expect you to be able to post?:Once every two days or so.
Password: Copper cauldron

So begins...

Alexader Bishop Grey's Story


Sam waited before she headed towards their dorm where Rae must have surely waiting for her. As soon as the crowd had calmed down she was on her way. She took her sweet time; after all she was in no rush and she wasn't planning on unpacking until the next day. Once she found Rae she noticed her distracted by something, Sam was a bit distracted trying to figure out exactly what when her friend moved back to their dorm. She was thankful that she had not forgotten the password when the painting almost stopped her.

She followed Rae tapping her playfully on her shoulder before asking her what she was hiding. Sam was most excited to find it was none other than a toad, surely someone's pet and little friend. She helped her ever-helpful friend to find it's owner but it was useless, both of them giving up finally deemed it best that they took care of him until someone got him back. Sam laughed when her adorable friend had named the toad, "come on Rae, Lemongrass? Now you've really gotten him mad" she joked around eyeing at the toad who did not seemed pleased. Before she said anything else she turned to her small cat Snowy, who she had made sure arrived safely before she did. Sam had asked Rae to take care of him before she even got to school.

Image"Don't you ever leave me whitey!" she asked while hugging the beautiful small cat. Finally, as she felt her eyes giving out she sent a wink to Rae, stuck her tongue out the grumpy toad and gave a kiss to lovely Snowy before she said goodnight and fell almost dead in slumber.

As always Sam had woken up late, "not again!" she half-screamed looking at the hour. As if in a flash she remembered what Alberforth had said about being early to class and she let out a sigh. She looked around to see if she could see Rae but it was obvious that she would have never gotten late, unless someone was in some sort of trouble and she'd stay to help out or something of the sort. She got ready as soon as she possibly could, her hair was still wet; not having time to do anything else she urged Snowy to follow her to class.

She was about to head out before she remembered the toad, looking for the box where Rae had placed him but couldn't find anything. She knew Rae must have taken him to keep on looking for the owner. Having missed breakfast made her grumpy but that didn't meant she wouldn't enjoy her transfiguration class. She rushed to class, picking up Snowy knowing he would not be able to keep up her pace. Finally she reached the class, almost out of breath; hoping that the teacher was not there yet.



The Professor was walking down the steps, eating the last chocolate frog from his collection. He began to wonder about his new class. One in which, was different every year. He had taught some of the best in America. With even his own children becoming fantastic wizards and witches throughout the wizarding world.

As he made his way to the classroom most of the students he had encountered on his long walk were greeted with care. He smiled and glared at them, with some obviously showing off or trying to hard to impress the professor. As soon as he had walked in he used his wand and started laughing."Seats ? Quills ? Paper ?...oh students..have you already forgotten who I am ?" He dropped both of his books on a desk and started to write on the green board with charcoal.

As he was writing he began to sound out the words."Defense..Against..The..Dark...Arts." He dropped the charcoal and moved his desk against the wall. Argus hated having to reintroduce himself to the classes every year, but he couldn't reform himself from announcing his own name.

"I am Professor Argus the Fourth and I..will be your teacher, friend, and hopefully your best chance of becoming an auror." He tugged onto his shirt with his right hand and pulled out his wand. He waved it over the blinds, watching as they all closed, darkening the room with an overshadowing shade of black. He looked at the students, now changing his facial expression to that of a living statue.

"Move the desks against both of the walls.."


Lucius woke up, sliding out of his bed. He began to put on his school clothes and looked into the mirror, smirking at his fuzzed hair. He fixed it in a few places, even though his hair always seemed to be in the same shape he could always curve it. Always. Lucius grabbed a few books for his first class of the day and began to walk towards the classroom.

He bumped into his buddies from the pureblood group. Mills and Keenan they were. Both were a year ahead of him, something Lucius did enjoy knowing. Lucius looked over at them as all three of them entered the classroom, seeing all the other students until Lucius could spot the one girl he despised more than anything. Lucius whispered to Keenan and Mills.

"Just a warning..the mudblood could make you smell like rotten shit." They all laughed and sat together in the front row..looking back as the girl were all marooning over the new boy. Lucius chuckled at all of the girls and sighed towards the boy."Hey out for the girls..they sure do know how to steal your little frog these days." He rolled his eyes and began to move his desk over to the wall following the other students moves.

Lucius already hated Mr Argus within seconds. Doing something productive was just something Lucius hated. Probably because of his lazy tactics he almost always had someone work or do something for him. Something Lucius might as well be known for these days in Magnus.