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Juliett Amelia Grayson

Somewhere between dirty and clean the truth began to lie. I'm criticized but will always rise, because really, what do I have to lose?

0 · 681 views · located in Magnus Grex School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry

a character in “Magnus Grex School of Witchcraft and Wizardry”, originally authored by Juliett_Rose, as played by RolePlayGateway


Juliett Amelia Grayson

Juliett Amelia Grayson|| Sixth year|| Age: Sixteen||Vulpes House|| FC: Emily Browning ||

Basic Info
"Juliett, and please try to refrain from asking me where is my Romeo."
"...You're not serious? Oh, you are...Are your eyes okay? If so, I have a book you may need to look at."

"If you have to ask, you'll never know. If you know, you need only ask"

"He's an odd little cat with eyes that don't really match. I actually found him one morning, sitting on my suitcase just as we were leaving for the station. I tried to shoo him off, but he's just so darn persistent. I've come to call him Binks, but I think he'd answer to anything as long as I keep him fed."
St Francisville LA
"People born here dream of leaving, and if you come...well, you're either running from something or lost."

Unyielding 11 1/4" Cedar wood with unicorn tail hair core
  • "People watching"
  • The smell of an old book
  • "Too big for you" sweaters
  • Literature
  • Charms and Arithmancy
  • Learning new things
  • Quiet places
  • Doing things by the book
  • Her wand, which she is quite attached to
  • Getting into any kind of trouble
  • Dishonesty
  • The term "dirty blood" or more commonly used "mud blood"
  • Being judged of criticized or others who do so
  • People who have to show others up or prove them to be wrong

And somewhere, lost in the middle, there is Lucius V. Tod and his group of followers:
"I'm beginning to think they are becoming an obsession of mine. I can not stand the sight of them, yet I can't seem to figure them out. I can't say I like them, not even a little, but I'm too curious to call it hate-I guess I'll write them off as a hobbie."

Everything has an outcome, and all outcomes should be considered; Juliett rarely does anything based on "gut" instinct. She feels the need to see a situation as a whole, and from there picks it apart until she understand every detail that lays within it; only then is she able to form any type of conclusion. Because of this, Juliett tends to spend a lot of time alone, preferring the company of her own mind as she analyzes the pages of a book. However, don't take her quietness as timidness; She isn't afraid to speak her mind and her tongue can cut through you like a knife. She can be forceful at times as she struggles to prove her worth, not only to herself, but to everyone else as well, which can come off as a bit....much (some may even say arrogant).

Her academics are how she views herself, and Juliett does not take failure with a grain of salt. She has been known to argue her marks in school, even to go as far as to face off with a professor over such trivial things as a few points. On the few occasions she was in fact incorrect, Juliett was rumored to have lost sleep as she burrowed her nose in any book she could find on the subject; Being wrong is not something Juliett can handle with ease, and feeling misinformed over anything pertaining to school with set her off in a frazzled state that is less than pleasant to come into contact with.

But if you can get past the knife for a tongue and know-it-all demeanor, Juliett is actually fiercely loyal, compassionate, fearless, knowledgeable, and willing to help anyone in need. She will turn her back on rules if doing the wrong thing is for the right reason, even if it leads her into undesirable circumstances. Surprisingly, she is not a competitive person. Knowledge is something she not only wished to gain, but share as well. She is actually quite selfless, and a little misunderstood. She feels no need to be known as the greatest, she only wishes to be apart of something great.

When it comes to others, Juliett isn't quick to judge based simply on a first impressions Instead, she tends to form her opinions based on a persons unguarded moments; She wants to see who you are to yourself, rather than who are to others around you.

Everyone has their secrets, even Juliett; If only she knew what they were.

Her name was Amelia Jade Valentine, and with large doe-eyes surrounded by thick lashes , a rosy bow shaped mouth, and ebony hair that spilled down her back in tousled waves framing her heart shaped face, she was a girl that appeared to have stepped right out of a fairy tale. Flirtatious yet chaste, she attracted men like flies to honey, but she was far to busy trying to get away from her small town to think about dating and settling down.

She dreamed of seeing the world, and just as soon as she threw that cap and held that paper in her hand, Amelia Jade Valentine never looked back. Then again, she didn't really look ahead. If she did, she would have seen right though that dashing smile and daring eyes before they got too close.

He was breathtaking, charming, and nothing like she had ever seen before. Everything in her screamed danger, yet she was too captivated to turn away. . A wizard, is what he called himself, from a world hidden by magic.

And just like magic, Amelia fell-hard. She never knew the dangers that came along with loving a wizard, especially one of an established pure-blood line. Together, they saw the world, and he open her eyes to things she never knew existed. She believed her life was a fairy tale, and it so twisted not even the Grimm brothers would think to be so cruel; He was married or at least that is what the letter said.

Clutching the precious bulge that was her stomach, she allowed the paper to drift soundlessly to the floor; A disgrace to his family name and an abomination to the world-their child. No, not his-her child. He promised never to harm them, but could not allow her presence to be known. He claimed it was to save them all-she thought him to be a coward. Then again, so was she.

It was why she went home, back to nowhere, to marry and settle down. It was in this world Juliett Amelia Grayson would be born; the daughter of two muggle's in a small town nestled in the bayou.




Do you know much about the Harry Potter Universe?: Are you kidding? I'm obsessed _-_
How often do you get online?:As of next week (12/16/2013), at least twice a day
How often can we expect you to be able to post?:Once a day, twice if the role play allows
Password: Copper Cauldron

So begins...

Juliett Amelia Grayson's Story



The Professor was walking down the steps, eating the last chocolate frog from his collection. He began to wonder about his new class. One in which, was different every year. He had taught some of the best in America. With even his own children becoming fantastic wizards and witches throughout the wizarding world.

As he made his way to the classroom most of the students he had encountered on his long walk were greeted with care. He smiled and glared at them, with some obviously showing off or trying to hard to impress the professor. As soon as he had walked in he used his wand and started laughing."Seats ? Quills ? Paper ?...oh students..have you already forgotten who I am ?" He dropped both of his books on a desk and started to write on the green board with charcoal.

As he was writing he began to sound out the words."Defense..Against..The..Dark...Arts." He dropped the charcoal and moved his desk against the wall. Argus hated having to reintroduce himself to the classes every year, but he couldn't reform himself from announcing his own name.

"I am Professor Argus the Fourth and I..will be your teacher, friend, and hopefully your best chance of becoming an auror." He tugged onto his shirt with his right hand and pulled out his wand. He waved it over the blinds, watching as they all closed, darkening the room with an overshadowing shade of black. He looked at the students, now changing his facial expression to that of a living statue.

"Move the desks against both of the walls.."


Lucius woke up, sliding out of his bed. He began to put on his school clothes and looked into the mirror, smirking at his fuzzed hair. He fixed it in a few places, even though his hair always seemed to be in the same shape he could always curve it. Always. Lucius grabbed a few books for his first class of the day and began to walk towards the classroom.

He bumped into his buddies from the pureblood group. Mills and Keenan they were. Both were a year ahead of him, something Lucius did enjoy knowing. Lucius looked over at them as all three of them entered the classroom, seeing all the other students until Lucius could spot the one girl he despised more than anything. Lucius whispered to Keenan and Mills.

"Just a warning..the mudblood could make you smell like rotten shit." They all laughed and sat together in the front row..looking back as the girl were all marooning over the new boy. Lucius chuckled at all of the girls and sighed towards the boy."Hey out for the girls..they sure do know how to steal your little frog these days." He rolled his eyes and began to move his desk over to the wall following the other students moves.

Lucius already hated Mr Argus within seconds. Doing something productive was just something Lucius hated. Probably because of his lazy tactics he almost always had someone work or do something for him. Something Lucius might as well be known for these days in Magnus.