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Vladimir Yeager

Charms and potions, got them all.

0 · 565 views · located in Magnus Grex School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry

a character in “Magnus Grex School of Witchcraft and Wizardry”, as played by Eurico


Vladimir Yeager

[FC:Logan Lerman]
Basic Info

Name: Vladimir Yeager
Age: 15
Gender: male
House: Vulpes
Pet: fox bat
Birthplace: Adams, Massachusetts

  • Studying
  • Charms
  • Potions
  • water
  • fox bats

  • Snakes
  • Rats
  • Rude classmates
  • His blue eyes
  • Dealing with exams


Vladimir is known to be an honest, stubborn, and loyal. He has strong emotions towards both justice and freedom, because of the way he grew with his brothers. Vladimir has a soft side towards small creatures like fox, birds, bats and mice but rarely shows his soft side when people from another House I around. He encourages any fellow House members if they are troubled with some sort of problem and usually has a solution to it. Vladimir was adept at fostering healthy discourse in small groups of peers as well as effortlessly capturing the attention of larger groups.
To the downside Vladimir is quite cocky and stubborn, which runs in the male's side of the family. Vladimir refuses to work with another student during charms or potions for any reason but doesn't protest, just giving a disproving look. Whenever he is thinking hard on something, like if Devil's snare and Knotgrass is the correct and quicker way of making a sleeping dust or moon-steam and Yelp would make it stronger, he'd bite his bottom lip and tap his fingers on the surface of the desk.


Vladimir grew up in a small town called Adams, Massachusetts. His childhood was fairly normal besides the fact of having six brothers in a large house down Elms St. Growing up he learned to be quite adventurous with a forest behind the house with plenty of places to hide and explore. Him and his brothers would go out there and hide till' the neighborhood bullies were long gone, in which this is where his sense of justice came from. Vladimir never let one of his brothers insult another without apologizing. As a child, he had a fox bat that always followed him around. No matter how much his mother screamed when its head appeared over his shoulder or when his brothers try to play with it, it never left. Until he was nine was when it disappeared. His parents never really were around when he grew up, since he had plenty of older brothers to take care of him. Vladimir's father sold wands and his mother was into the trade company. This never bothered him. Vladimir saw one of his brothers make a sleeping potion and a charm and instantly, he fell in love with them. From love potions to Felix Felicis, sleep charms to stun charms, Vladimir could not ease his love for them.
When he was accepted to the school, Vladimir was at the bottom of the 'food chain'. Sneers and remarks about his mud-blood father and the color of Vladimir's eyes were the main problems. He tried to adjust but could never actually do it so he keeps his eyes low, and move quickly through the walls of the school.
He uses a Ebony wand in which he inherited it from his grandfather.


Do you know much about the Harry Potter Universe?: I have seen all the movies but I can't recall all the names of the plants, animals, and people. Everything else I know.
How often do you get online?: Everyday, at 5:20 p.M but during exams maybe 2-3 times a week. 4-5 if it is going smoothly. [I will notify in OOC when that happens]
How often can we expect you to be able to post?: I will mostly be posting every day as long as someone is responding to it. Don't want to be RolePlaying without someone to do it with.
Password: Copper Cauldron

So begins...

Vladimir Yeager's Story



It was a new year at Magnus, for both Aberforth and his students. He studied looking out of the window observing the meadow tree's. These students would know him for half of their lives, and he was intent to lead them away from the darkness he himself had fought. His brother,mother and his sister all died fighting..And one day so would he.

He began to walk back and forth in his office as the letter from the ministry of magic floated, in the air. The letter written on a piece of parchment paper stated : "Dear Mr. Aberforth Dumbledore. After the death of your brother Albus, one who was considered to be one of greatest wizards of all time has left you Hogwarts..In is dept to takeover as headmaster."He picked up the letter and threw it into the burning fire.

Aberforth looked as the burning ashes erupted from red to green sparks. It was so beautiful yet misunderstanding. He pulled out his wand and stepped back waiting for whatever would happen. In such error the dear Ms. Hermione Granger jumped from the flames.

He looked at her disarmed his wand."Hermione..I was hoping for Harry to come. Although you have the smart of no other..always the outstanding of the bunch you are."She smiled at Aberforth and gave him a slight hug. Without any hesitation she handed Aberforth a small elixir and smiled lightly."The ministry..believes they've found something. Something dark."She smiled at Aberforth and looked with great honesty and integrity.

You-Know-Who...I hate to say it but there is something, someone rising up against us. And they believe hogwarts is no longer a priority. A man who was questioned believed he met death itself who granted him immortality."Aberforth looked at hermione and smiled."Its rubbish. Hogwarts and Hogsmeade is no longer my home. Today is the arrival of the first years..remember your first year ?"

She nodded."Yes. But america is no battleground..Hogwarts was nearly destroyed by Lord Voldemort. And we can't let an imposter or worse death eater ruin the wizarding world. I will speak with the order and we will decide what our next move is."She walked back into the fire and left Aberforth with even more to decide. Was hogwarts safe ? And was Magnus safe ? Time would soon tell..

#, as written by Eurico
Vladimir Yeager:

Vladimir stood in a crowd of other students, who had the equal amount of confusion as he did. Them dressed in the robes that were given and their textbooks that will later be lost somewhere during the school year. A small group of students near him were snickering and sending him disgusting glances that Vladimir swore he could feel the taste of it. He tugged lightly at his sleeve of his three-sizes-to-large robe, lowering the gaze of his blue eyes. Back home he wasn't welcomed because of them, only natural to have brown, Vladimir began to whisper quietly begging to not let the troublesome problem follow him here.

An older man, the house leader of Vuples, called all Fifth years to go down to the field near by, for our brooms. We began to quickly walk slowly evening out into a line with 3 or 4 people in one clump. Vlad hung near the back to keep his heels from uninvited heel-stepping. A small flicker in his heart made his eyebrows furl up, as if someone tugged a string at his heart. Looking back he saw a very old man turn from the window before disappearing. But Vladimir passed it off.

He never had anything against flying, he really did, but heights and dealing with the possibility he could fall to his death sent shivers down his spine, the kind you get when you know you are in deep trouble. His feet barely touched the ground when he mounted the old dark-wooded broom, already given the command to not be in the air.
"Dude," a fellow student hissed at him "get down!"
"I-I-I-I d-don't know h-how!" Vlad shook in his boots and let out a sudden curtailing scream when the broom lurched forwards. Now if only he had a potion to keep his boots from falling off.


Quickly and quietly Alexis circled the group of snickering Vulpes and walked with purpose over to the struggling boy, sidling up alongside the misbehaving broom. With a barely noticeable movement she placed a gentle finger on the broom muttering the incantation that would place the poor young man's boots back on the ground.
The touch did its job without much fuss and he dropped to the ground, obviously shaken but no worse for wear. Leaning closer to the black haired boy she whispered quickly,
"its all about balance and trust, you can't be afraid of the broom. It won't drop you unless you do something wrong"
stepping away she shot a piercing glare at the students who had obviously targeted him and they hushed shortly after. The boy had collected himself and was looking in her direction, his eyes caught her attention their piercing blue making her pause for a moment. Shaking her head she collected her bag, broom and wand and continued down the dock searching for her brother in the crowds of students. As she neared one of the horseless wagons the weight of her bags was lifted from her hands and they floated magically to the back of the wagon she hopped in and the wagon pulled swiftly away from the shore and carried her up the hill towards the castle that was Magnus, she turned her gaze back to the docks as she tried to find her brothers tall blond form from the crowd he would meet her after the banquet but she wished they could have stayed together. She turned her attention back to the castle, she still marveled at it, even now, on her 7th trip up from the docks. Once at the gates she made her way into the great hall for the sorting, curious as to what type of student this years incoming class would bring.

#, as written by Eurico
Vladimir Yeager

Vladimir sat quietly, pushing the food on his plate with a fork, avoiding it like a dead animal. His mind wandered from today's classes and the continue glares from other students. They must of known who is already, 3/4ths a pureblood***. Or because his eyes. Vlad makes a note to himself to thank the girl later with the pretty blond hair, but that can wait. Right now he had to deal with the food that magically appeared before them.
Pumpkin pie, rat stew, turkey lugs and pea soup weren't in his sign of 'appitizing.' They were mostly found in the more Northern forest, like the middle states, Vlad grew up on the sea food. His stomach growled in lack of food to the idea of the delious crab father would catch, or the shrimps that Mr.Owler would bring over from the shipping docks.
"Fame"(Latin:Hunger) He whispered quietly with the Latin word slipping from his mouth, as if it was water. The sound of his stomach stop and the pain went away, so Vladimir pushed the plate away. The blue eyed boy felt a stare at the back of his head, so slowly his turn his gaze behind him. A boy from the table behind him stared as if Vladimir was standing out of the crowd.
He sort of was, because of his eyes.
Vladimir decided not to try and talk to him, recognizing the boy as Lucius Todd, a pureblood. Shrugging as he stood up, he made his way back to his House of Vulpes. He put one hand into the large pocket of his robe, letting his fingers brush against the potion bottles.



Aberforth looked over to the 1st years and welcomed them all with a toast of butterbeer in his cup. He walked down the platform steps and watched as the 1st years began to be sorted. They were all so young to Aberforth, all going through what he went through at Hogwarts, And even Aberforth couldn't resist the temptations of being headmaster.

He looked at all the students and smiled."Now..To all the students that couldn't make it we understand the delays. Here at Magnus Grex we take care of our own as if we were all family. And that's where the magic begins. As classes begin tomorrow we will expect all students to be on time, no later than 9:10 a.m. We have four houses. Ferre,Vulpes,Cervus and Arietem all competing for the house cup that is won every year.

I must say however that to the older students, set an example for our younger students and also follow the school rules. These rules are updated every year. No sneaking about the corridors and dormitories losing your trousers."
They all laughed.No unforgivable spells are to be taught or learned either. I trust all of you, so much that I believe in your talents.Your skills.Your charms. The path to success is the goal, and the goal is the key to everything."

Now, to the exciting parts. We will be having multiple clubs this year. Herbology,Dueling,Potions,Charms, and the most popular one among the students, the four quidditch teams."
The students all jumped up in excitement as Aberforth laughed again, almost falling over his cloak.

"Now..unless I'm boring you all to your immense death I shall say it once, not twice. Let the Magic..BEGIN !!"




The Professor was walking down the steps, eating the last chocolate frog from his collection. He began to wonder about his new class. One in which, was different every year. He had taught some of the best in America. With even his own children becoming fantastic wizards and witches throughout the wizarding world.

As he made his way to the classroom most of the students he had encountered on his long walk were greeted with care. He smiled and glared at them, with some obviously showing off or trying to hard to impress the professor. As soon as he had walked in he used his wand and started laughing."Seats ? Quills ? Paper ?...oh students..have you already forgotten who I am ?" He dropped both of his books on a desk and started to write on the green board with charcoal.

As he was writing he began to sound out the words."Defense..Against..The..Dark...Arts." He dropped the charcoal and moved his desk against the wall. Argus hated having to reintroduce himself to the classes every year, but he couldn't reform himself from announcing his own name.

"I am Professor Argus the Fourth and I..will be your teacher, friend, and hopefully your best chance of becoming an auror." He tugged onto his shirt with his right hand and pulled out his wand. He waved it over the blinds, watching as they all closed, darkening the room with an overshadowing shade of black. He looked at the students, now changing his facial expression to that of a living statue.

"Move the desks against both of the walls.."


Lucius woke up, sliding out of his bed. He began to put on his school clothes and looked into the mirror, smirking at his fuzzed hair. He fixed it in a few places, even though his hair always seemed to be in the same shape he could always curve it. Always. Lucius grabbed a few books for his first class of the day and began to walk towards the classroom.

He bumped into his buddies from the pureblood group. Mills and Keenan they were. Both were a year ahead of him, something Lucius did enjoy knowing. Lucius looked over at them as all three of them entered the classroom, seeing all the other students until Lucius could spot the one girl he despised more than anything. Lucius whispered to Keenan and Mills.

"Just a warning..the mudblood could make you smell like rotten shit." They all laughed and sat together in the front row..looking back as the girl were all marooning over the new boy. Lucius chuckled at all of the girls and sighed towards the boy."Hey out for the girls..they sure do know how to steal your little frog these days." He rolled his eyes and began to move his desk over to the wall following the other students moves.

Lucius already hated Mr Argus within seconds. Doing something productive was just something Lucius hated. Probably because of his lazy tactics he almost always had someone work or do something for him. Something Lucius might as well be known for these days in Magnus.