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Îrem Şentürk

"You need to believe in yourself, because you are a beautiful creation. ;)"

0 · 521 views · located in Magus Grex School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

a character in “Magus Grex School of Witchcraft and Wizardry”, as played by lom.conor


Îrem Şentürk


Basic Info

Name: Îrem Şentürk (EE-rehm Shen-toork)

Age: 16

Gender: “I’m all girl…”

House: Arietem

Pet: Bee Hummingbird(smallest bird in the world) named Babacīk

Birthplace: Denizli, Turkey; now lives in Houston, Texas

Wand: 18” long(circumference ½ as much as average), Mesquite wood, Veela’s Hair, Supple
“My wand is a true gift from Allah, long, sleek, elegant and beautiful… like me hehe ;D.”

Patronus: Hummingbird

  • History of Magic
  • Herbology
  • Defense Against the Dark Arts
  • Talking with girlfriends
  • Allah :D
  • Audrey Hepburn

  • Potions “EWWWW!!!!”
  • Magic Theory
  • Astronomy
  • Flying
  • Cats!!!!


Îrem is a determined young girl. Nothing can break her. Nothing can stop her. An admirer of the hummingbird, she is very much like the little bird she loves, being fragile, sleek and feminine yet utterly adamant and immovable. She is stubborn, but she will compromise if she trusts you. Time and time again she has redefined class.

Being the one of the few mudbloods in Arietem house, Îrem has no quarrels with any of the other houses and holds no prejudice against blood, race or religion. But her gorgeous class and utter charm allows her a stable place even among the most purist of Arietem students.

Îrem intends to someday become an actress, a star celebrity in both the wizarding and muggle worlds, and prove to the whole world the blessings of Allah. She is Muslim, but her mother is an Orthodox and therefore Îrem has a very strong bond to Christianity.



Îrem Şentürk is a Turk, being born in the middle-class, Asia-Minor city of Denizli, to a wealthy family, proprietors of a lucrative fabric business. Yüsüf Beyeffendi Şentürk, her father, was considered a “towel baron” amongst the elite of southwestern Turkey. Neither Îrem nor her family ever believed she had magical prowess until she “hand”spun a dress for her mother with only the flick of her finger.

At age 11, she was invited to several schools across the world: Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, Îstanbülde Okul Cadılarısı, and various others. But the one that really shown out was Magus Grex in Northern California! America is where she knew she wanted to go, to get closer to Hollywood, to complete her dream and make her father proud. At first, her father was skeptical, believing it was all a sinful hoax… but he couldn’t refuse her daughter for long. She was too much like her mother, the beautiful Greek girl he met in Istanbul so many years ago. Îrem has enjoyed the past five years of Magus Grex, enjoying her classes, her house, and all her fellow students. She has hoped they all enjoy her…


Do you know much about the Harry Potter Universe?: I have seen all of the movies, several times in fact. I’ve never been able to get through all the books, however, so I apologize deeply about that. But I am very well-read in herbalism, mysticism and neo-paganism, so maybe that might make up a teeny weeny bit?
How often do you get online?: I am online all the time!
How often can we expect you to be able to post?: Depends on my other RPs and if I have personal time, but at least once every two days I’m thinking.
Password: Copper Cauldron

So begins...

Îrem Şentürk's Story

Priscilla Barsotti

She was surrounded by girls younger than herself, mostly second, third, and fourth years. They were all staring dreamily at her as she was describing her family's visit to Paris this summer. "Oh ladies, it was magnifique!" she exclaimed, sighing happily. Paris actually had been magnificent... for the first few days. Then the charm had been lost on her. It definitely wasn't one of the best places she'd ever visited. But she certainly wasn't going to say that to all these girls who were hanging on her every word.

"The Eiffel Tower was breathtaking! I mean, you've never seen anything like it, I swear," she said, a smile on her face. In truth, that had been her favorite part of the entire trip, easily. "And when I was there, I met the most handsome guy. Jean Baptiste." The girls sighed, or a small smile spread across their faces. She had them absolutely hooked. They were so easy to control. "C'était de l'amour! We spent the rest of my trip together, and he was absolutely devastated when I had to leave." Now the girls all had sad expressions on their faces.

"Did he give you is number?!"

"Are you going to keep in contact with him?"

"Will he come visit you?"

All the girls asked at once. She smiled, making it look as if she were sad. "I've tried to contact him, but he won't respond to me." They all awwww'd, and she shrugged her shoulders. In reality, Jean Baptiste hadn't been attractive at all. He'd actually followed her around whenever he saw her, and tried to ask her on a date like five billion times. He'd really creeped her out. But that wasn't exactly romantic, so she had made up her own version. And she was getting exactly the response she had expected.

"Let's not talk about it anymore, okay girls? I don't like to think about him... So, tell me about all of your summers!" They all start talking, one by one, and she kind of zoned out, although she nodded and gave all the 'yeah' and 'mmhmm' responses that she should in the appropriate spots. All of their stories bored her, but she waited until they were all finished before taking her leave. As she walked away, she heard them all taking about how they had to visit Paris. She smirked as she continued to walk down the long table.

Priscilla found Îrem sitting a little ways down the Arietem table. All she had to do was look at the first year that was sitting next to her, and the little kid got up and moved immediately. She took the vacant seat and smiled at her friend, giving her a small and quick hug. "Hey girl," she said, releasing her hold on the sixth year. And amazingly, Zackariah was sitting across from them. Life truly was good. "Zack," was all she said, acknowledging his presence and no more. A girl had to play hard to get, after all.

Rosina Garenne

While waiting for Micah's response, she had decided to actually eat a little more, since her stomach had settled a great deal. She had realized that she was actually really hungry. She reached for her cup and took a sip of her absolute favorite beverage... Sierra Mist. The cool bubbliness went down her throat, and she almost wanted to sigh out of happiness. Things were going to turn out just fine. She turned her eyes to Micah's once more, when another voice entered their conversation.

Oh. My. God. It was Emerson.

Her stomach preceded to have twice the amount of knots it had had before, and she thought she was going to throw up the food she just ate. Her heart began beating so fast and loud she thought that Emerson might actually be able to see it pulsing outside of her shirt. She put a hand up over her chest, as if she was preventing him of seeing just how flustered she actually was. She somehow managed to give him one quick nod as he asked if they were talking about books.

He then went on some really long speech about how awesome Micah's books were. Her brain didn't seem to register just how weird it actually was. She could only see his perfect mouth forming words. Her face just had to be the same color as a tomato, even brighter than her hair. Before she knew it, he was standing and stretching, then waved a quick goodbye to her. No, don't go... she thought, wanting to reach out for him. Yet at the same time, she was jumping up and down enthusiastically inside her head, screaming like some sort of twelve year old fangirl of Justin Bieber. He talked to me... he actually TALKED to me!

She turned back to Micah, a smile on her face, and waited for him to speak to her.

Finn Pollack

He watched Teiver stare at her cat intently, longer than most people look at their animals. It was actually kind of creepy. He looked around the empty stone walls, looking for something interesting to stare at instead of her and the cat. Then she spoke, seemingly to the cat, and he didn't say a word. She was acting as if he could't hear what she was saying about him, even though he was standing directly in front of her. He narrowed her eyes at her as she poked him, but she took the lead, and he followed.

His hand still gripped his wand in his pocket, prepared for any kind of spell she might cast on him. She wouldn't take him unaware, though. He'd be ready for anything. He walked behind the cat, who was right on her heels. She led him right back to the wall they had entered earlier. At least he thought it was. He was already sort of turned around in this maze of a tunnel. The cat jumped in her bag, and he didn't even register shock. It had already been quite a weird night.

Finn chuckled at her statement of him needing how to climb. What a laugh. He was one of the most athletic people in all of Magus Grex. He could probably climb better than she could. He watched her ascend for a few moments before approaching the wall and beginning to follow her up. Unfortunately, he couldn't hold on to his wand while he climbed, so he had to hope she wasn't going to curse him when she reached the landing above them. It wouldn't have been a pleasant trip back to the bottom. When she almost fell, he tucked his head against his body, letting the small pebbles hit him and then keep falling father below. "Hey! Watch what you're doing!" he complained.

He followed her exact path up, and thankfully didn't falter once. She made a hidden door appear farther up the wall, and he crawled in to it after her. He was only slightly out of breath, but he kneeled over as if he couldn't catch his breath. Probably out of instinct. "What the heck are you leading me to?" he exclaimed, looking up to meet her eyes. Now the wild ideas were coming back. If a secret entrance wasn't enough to hide whatever she had going on in this tower, he was almost afraid to find out what it was.

Just as Felix had suspected. The mere mention of his sister caused that perfect smile to crack, revealing the ugly creature beneath. They had always had a deep rivalry between each other, the Abernathy children that is. It always seemed that Nevaeh had the upper hand in everything. Felix also suspected she was smarter than her brother, seeing as she saw Felix as a threat and Vance saw him as trash. He remembered the first time he and Nevaeh had ever truly spoken. He had beaten her in a duel and she had threatened him in private with her wand too his balls. It was also the first time he had used his physical training on a girl. He had grabbed her wrist and had broken her grip on her wand and had wrapped her arms around herself and locked her against his body, her back to his front. He then said some very threatening words of his own and then he had released her and 'disappeared', in actuality he had turned into his dog form and slipped behind a couch. He never received a threat from her again and she never told a soul. Felix would have thought that Vance would be jumping for joy at the fact that his sister was out of his way for total school dominance. Yet, he seemed rather morose........did I just use morose in a sentence? I have to stop being near Arietem kids, it;s increasing my vocabulary.

There was something going with the Abernathy's that was more than meets the eye. Not that Felix really cared. He mainly just liked to get under Vance's skin. He enjoyed seeing the high and mighty being brought down a peg. Felix personally that every living soul was equal to one another and that that would only change through someones actions, not birthright. Also, he just sort of liked doing it, beyond his code, that is. Vance was a jerk. Since all the world must suffer jerks, then Felix would make jerks suffer in return. Vance still seemed to act like they were still negotiating. He was apparently convinced that this was a ploy of his to give up information, when in reality, he just loved to push his buttons. "You have an interesting method of negotiation, Fletcher." Felix just raised his eyebrow at him. "Umm, we're not negotiating, I said no. End of discussion. Felix took another bite of his apple.

Vance then raised his arm and sort of flexed his hand in a normal fashion. It took him until now to fully realize what he had on his arm. A full leather arm glove.....that was weird. Why would he be wearing that on one arm and not the other? The only logical reason that Felix could think of was that maybe it had gotten scarred and he was covering it up. Either way, something had happened to it....and it had something to do with his sisters absence........odd. He spoke again. "Agree to assist me, and I’ll tell you why Nevaeh went to Beauxbatons. If you’re uninterested, then…" he shrugged minimally. "Well, I did try." Wow.....that was a very odd suggestion. Why the hell would Felix be interested in that information? Unless......Vance knew it would interest him. Errr, dealing with manipulative people always gives me headaches, there was just so much introverted thinking that had to happen. Every possibility analyzed, every detail......wait, every possibility. Like an opportunity to fully test out my ability on someone who would actually fight back and that I wouldn't mind hurting. I'm going to need the practice if I;m going to follow through with my plan......why not.

Felix stood up and clasped his arm around Vance's shoulders. "Alright, Abernathy. Why not. But, the information will be only partly payment, but the second part will be miniscule, trust me." Miniscule? Man, Ive got to get out of here. Felix had a smug smile still plastered to his face. "Meet me tonight in the North wing next to the statue of the giant dog." he then unwrapped himself and stood directly in front of Vance and spoke quieter. "A dog will meet you there, follow him and he will lead you to me. We can discuss the details there, it will be a much more secure location. Say, around Midnight?" he then began to walk away but stopped. He turned back to him. "Oh, and to not raise any suspicion." Felix then raised his hand flipped him the bird. He then began to walk away.

Felix looked around the hall and noticed most of his friends had left already. He looked about again, seeing if there was anyone he wanted to talk to. Felix then saw his three favorite Arietem kids all together in one place, how convenient. He began to strode his way towards them. As he walked along the Arietem table, he was pretty sure the entire table was glaring at him. He sort of just turned his head and smiled at them warmly. He also gave gestures to a few of them, like Fonzy points and peace signs, like he was best friends with all of them.

Whe he got closer to where Zach, Îrem and Priscilla were sitting, he took a running start. He then jumped up and started to slid along the table on his butt while his feet hovered above the bench. He slid for a bit and stopped just short of knocking into Zach. He then looked down at Zach with a warm smile. "Hey there, Arietem scum." He said warmly, he then tussled his perfect blonde hair. It had always disturbed Felix that the Arietem all seemed to be Arian. He would sometimes call them a regime than a house. He then about faced and plopped himself on the bench next to Zach. He then smiled to the two girls across from them. "Îrem, Priscilla. You two are both looking as lovely and noble as ever. I trust your summer's were divine." Felix had said the last part in a playful tone. "Don't tell me......Aspen? No.....Cabo? No, wait.......Paris? Somewhere expensive I would imagine. How have you all been?" No one could say Felix held animosity towards any one group of people, seeing as he had friends in every single house. He only held animosity for certain individual of groups, ones who had earned it. These three, more Zach and Îrem, had earned his affection.

Summer Turner

"That's all you've got to say about all of that!" Summer flew her arms in the air as she just leaned back in frustration. "You are my best friend! You are suppose to give me advice on what to freaking do, Bell! Oh my god." She had let the frustration get her a little too much as she just looked at her dark haired friend before letting her hands lift her up from the step she was at. It was like the night grew darker as her friend's words made it to Summer's ears. The breath died down with the seriousness of Bellona's tone. 'Summer...I can tell you anything right...Swear to me you won't tell anyone.' Sliding back down close to her friend, she brought her face close to Bellona's, touching her hand. "Of course, love. I am your best friend." She let her eyes shift to where she had carefully placed them along with Bellona's, giving the cluster of hands a tight squeeze. "I will never tell a soul anything we've spoken of."

Summer could see her friend fighting within on the next words she would say. She could tell Bellona was being very careful when she finally began to speak. 'I- I met a cute boy in Rome but I still think that- that- well over the summer my feelings kind of decided that- well, I really think Micah's cute.' What the bloody hell?! Here came the same frustration Bellona had just got through causing Summer to have. "What the-" 'Promise you won't tell anyone.' "Bellona! Don't you dare lie to me.." Feeling Bellona pull away and stand, Summer joined her to the level they were now at. She was just about to continue her thought of frustration when her friend spoke again, 'Oh gosh, what time do you think it is already? We should get going now. I'm not really in the mood to vex the Prefects if they caught us staying up late.'

Summer was stunned at the stunt her best friend was pulling on her. "So you're seriously going to just leave me with a lie?" Bellona completely blew off the question to say something about Fidus not eating. Summer just sat down to calm herself before she could get settled Bellona was already dragging her off somewhere else. She has so many thoughts going through her head before Bellona turned towards her as they had made their way through the Great Hall and now stood at the grand staircase. Feeling the arms of her friend surround her, Summer just wanted to trap her in the hug and force her to speak the truth in order to escape, but Bellona was too quick with the hug. 'Well I'll see you ever at breakfast okay? Goodnight porky.' She didn't even get out a word as Bellona scurried off towards what seemed like the Arietem common rooms.

Summer couldn't handle the idea of trying to socialize after the scene she just went through. Her own best friend couldn't even tell her what was on her mind. She quickened her pace deciding the way to avoid people was to get to her common room and shut herself off. She hadn't even seen her sister all night and for a second she was glad. She thought about finding her, but she knew she'd be around her friends. Hearing footsteps Summer let her eyes hit the ground to avoid having to actually make conversation until she felt the body of another against her's. "Watch ou-" She looked up meeting the eyes of Flint. "You've got to be kissing me." She said as she saw the owl on top of his head. "Oh my god, I meant kidding." The rose color that now filled her cheeks made her whole body fill with heat. "Hi." She tried to recover with a smile.

Îrem’s Perspective

As Priscilla hugged Îrem, she said “Hey girl!”, to which Îrem couldn’t help but give a light giggle. She acknowledge Zack as she sat down and smiled, pretending to not mind Zack’s presence, though really, Îrem could sense that Prissy wanted to say “I do” right there. Îrem didn’t quite know what to think. The trouble with being part of such a large group of friends, especially a House who’s bonds are thicker than thieves, is that oftentimes doves cry so to speak.

“Prissy, how was your summer?” Îrem asked. Prissy had been a name Îrem had used since her first year at Magus Grex, perhaps one of the few ever to use a shortened form of her girl friend’s name. Îrem, although partially robed in the dark green uniform of house Arietem, flaunted her body with her color, orange! Orange dresses, orange leggings, orange shoes, orange shawls… and when she was feeling mighty religious, orange hijabs. But she hadn’t worn one since at least her third year, a promise to herself that she would show of her own beauty until she was married or ugly.

She gave Zack an understanding wink as Prissy looked away for a quick moment, watching Lee proposition Greg Abbots for sex. Ah Lee, Îrem’s other Arietm girlfriend. That boy was adorable (although he denies he is; he also denies to be feminine, cute, sexy, or campy, all of which most girls and some guys claim he is). Poor Lee, always getting himself in trouble.

"Hey there, Arietem scum," Felix said as he played with Zack’s hair and sat down next to him. Awww how cute, Îrem thought, imagining Felix and Zack being cute little brothers. "Îrem, Priscilla,” he said, acknowledging Îrem and Prissy, “You two are both looking as lovely and noble as ever. I trust your Summers were divine. Don't tell me... Aspen? No... Cabo? No, wait... Paris? Somewhere expensive I would imagine. How have you all been?" Har har, how funny, thought Îrem.

“Haha, none of those, Feliz,” Îrem always had problems pronouncing “cks” and “x” sounds. “I went to Montana,” she giggled, knowing their surprise. “My father has a business associate who has a ranch there, we went for the Summer to get in touch with our… simple sides.” The truth is that Îrem quite enjoyed Montana, its rolling plains and all the nicest people. She enjoyed visiting the horses and the solace from the city.”

Lee’s Perspective

As Lee walked back into the Great Hall, he noticed Priscilla, Îrem, Zack, and Felix talking at the end of the Arietem table. Priscilla seemed a little uncomfortable, Zack was shining like a little school girl, Felix was grinning like a punk, and Îrem… Îrem was always a sight to see. Lee had ten minutes before he had to carry the first years to the dormitory. He decided to go sit next Îrem and make Zack, Priscilla and Felix uncomfortable.

He could see some of the third and fourth year boys brighten as he passed by; the lowerclassmen thought that he was hot shit, the upperclassmen wanted to stomp him. He cared for neither, honestly. A particularly ”enthusiastic” fourth year was sitting next to Îrem; he was a cute boy, so Lee decided to squeeze his tiny body between the two on the pretense he was going to flirt with the boy and not intrude on the others conversation.

”Hello preddy ladez; Îrem ya are so gawge’us, ya are da only wom’n who can make me straight!” Lee exclaimed. He bowed his head to the two larger boys, “Gentlemen.” Then he continued on a particularly superficial conversation with the pretty boy next to him.

Seeing Vance close to leaving the Great Hall, however, Lee shot up, startling Îrem(who was quite enjoying a particularly strong and hot batch of Turkish tea) and causing her to spill tea all over Felix(she never let herself spill anything on herself, how silly!)

"Vanz! Wait fo' me!" Lee screamed, allowing almost everyone in the room to chuckle at the young queen.

Zachariah Everett

Reposted his earlier post to actually flow with the other post

Zachariah found himself shoving through first and second year students as he tried to push through the wall of the young wizards that instead of moving, stared up at him. "Fucking young-lings." He whispered under his breath before finally making his way into the entrance of the Great Hall. He had somehow managed to be one of the last wizards to arrive at Magus Grex. He looked over himself before making his entrance into the Hall. Not bothering to speak when spoken to by members of other house's, Zach headed straight for his table of witch and wizards he could actually stand. He had noticed the lack of spots now available for the sixth year student to occupy, but the spot he found was more than perfect. He found himself across from Îrem with the rest of company being first and second year students. "Great choice." He mouthed to Îrem with a smirk on his face.

While the Headmaster spoke, Zach found himself looking up and down his table trying to spot the other members of Arietem her cared about; Vance and Priscilla. No luck as he heard final word from Headmaster Rockwell. "How is my dear, Îrem?" He spoke as he let her receive his full attention. 'Hey girl.' With the sound of her voice, Zach knew exactly who was now in the presence; Priscilla. He had managed to miss the glare he knew so well from Priscilla that had caused the first year to quickly run off to an unknown direction. He let an obvious smirk come across his face when she only acknowledge him by his name. "Priscilla." He leaned in toward the girl when he let the word out of his mouth, letting it hang for a second before leaning back into his original position. He knew she liked him, but he did enjoy her trying to hide it. He smirked at the wink he received from Îrem because he knew that she was well aware of Priscilla's crush on him.

Zach now caught himself in the middle of what would more than likely turn into a huge girl talk over the latest fashions and the boys they had met over the summer. He gave a dramatic cough before placing his hands on the table. "Seriously, do you both have to catch up on summer right now? Why not discuss more important things? Like Quodpot." He let his face fall into a very stern look before revealing his intentions. "I'm joking, ladies. Put the claws away." He laughed as he noticed the slight glare to two gave. Hearing a thump to his left, he only had time to catch a small glimpse of Felix before he felt his hair being tossed around on his head. "Thank god for more testosterone." He said as his Ferre friend placed himself next to him.

As the teasing continued from Felix, Zachariah caught sight of Vance passing the table with a nod in his direction. He didn't see any urgency in the expression on Vance's face, so Zach returned the nod before adding to the conversation. "I actually spent my entire summer at my parent's winter home alone." He hadn't had the desire to put up with his parent's parties with the other various pure-bloods, so he found his escape in the home that he knew his parents wouldn't get use out of until the middle of his school year. "It was a nice touch of solitude. Something I'm not used to.. I was close to putting together a pre-school party with everyone, but somehow I just couldn't force myself with the challenge to please that many people. Because you all know how I like to please." He said staring directly at Priscilla before laughing aloud.

Zach caught site of Lee before continuing his thoughts. "But speaking of summers, Felix. How was your's? Or should I say your's and that fiery redhead's from Vulpes?" Zach was pleased by the expression he got from Felix. "Bliss is her name, right?" Hearing Lee acknowledge him, he completely brushed it off before acting like he wasn't there. See Zach and Lee had this public dislike for each other, but considering how close they both were to Vance they became friends. They still didn't like the idea of people pinning them together as friends, so they stuck with the hate for each other in the eye's of the public.


Summer Turner

Summer hadn't planned on running into anyone on her way to the common rooms, and to run into Flint of all people made things so much harder. She successfully hide her frustration with Bellona so well that he hadn't even noticed her heavy breathing at the beginning of the conversation. Now she was leading him off from the common rooms to talk. Had she even really wanted to talk with him? Probably not because she doubted he knew about Bliss and Felix. It was only a few months and Bliss had already managed to be dating one of Flint's friends. She gave Flint's had another squeeze before glancing his way. When she looked at him, she didn't see the same Flint she did last year. It was an entirely new person who had emerged in the boy's body, and she didn't know if they was a good thing or a bad thing. She knew she would soon find out though.

She had yet to feel him give in to the offer to talk until she felt his body come up to her's. "We don't have to talk about everything. Just what's on your mind." She said giving him the faintest smile as she was still in the process of deciding where she was taking them. They seemed to be walking in a pointless direction until she knew exactly where they needed to go. She didn't bother voicing the spot because she knew Flint just wanted privacy at this point, so once she started walking she found her mind shut off from the actually person next to her. As they walked, Summer found herself mapping out the conversation once they got to the spot she knew would be perfect.

Do not bring up Bliss or Felix. Do not bring up Bliss or Felix. She repeated to herself because it seemed that subject was better for a later conversation where Flint appeared to be in a better mood. Hoot. Her eyes shot up at the owl flying ahead of them. She didn't realize she had actually been that much out of reality to jump at the small sound from the bird. She realized this was not the way she wanted their first real conversation to go; unspoken. Hearing no footsteps as the approached the library door, Summer opened it up and slipped inside. She knew most of the faculty had a meeting tonight, so no one should be in the library.

As she let go of Flint's hand, she sped up her pace just in case the librarian happened to stick back a little longer. Summer slipped in and out of shelves until she found herself in the farthest corner from the entrance. The book shelves seemed to swallow them up and it made her feel secure as she sat at the two person table against the wall. "Good enough?" She had ignored what he said so she quickly tried to come up with an answer. 'But you're gonna have to go first. I haven't gotten anything out of you, besides you wanting to date my owl, and your habit of reading lamps and tables. How are you, really?' That was right. He was asking about her. She felt herself sink into the seat before looking up at him. "I.. I'm pretty good." She lied. She never lied, not even to Flint. She placed her hands on her face before clearing her throat. "I'm awful, Flint."

She didn't know if telling him about Bliss was a good thing, but honesty was her best asset when it came to maintaining friends and what not. "Bliss and Felix are something. I don't know if it's actually considered dating yet, but they practically spent the entire summer together." Summer had revealed her crush on Felix to Flint while he was dating Bliss, so Flint knew the pain that she had to be going through. "But don't worry.. Those feelings have long passed." She looked down on her hands that she had just placed on the table. "And then Bellona is hiding something from me. Girl problems." She let out a soft laugh before smiling over at Flint. "Now it's your turn. My problems are very minor, and they have already been dealt with. Now.. What's on your mind?"

Lee’s Perspective

"Must you bring a stranger? I'm thinking you wouldn't want anyone to see my small gift. It isn't really something to be shared to other people." Bellona said, her sarcastic, cold words rolling off without any remorse or regret or want for more warmth. "Really Vance, this isn't a matter for the little boys and girls, I suppose you ought to grant this meeting some more privacy than what we have right now," She said. She played with the letter envelope with her fingers, edging the sides one by one and exposing the broken wax with the Abernathy's sigil on it. "Though if you want him to know what's in store then I guess I can't really do anything- But do you?" She asked coldly and continued to pet Fidus' small head while the Fennec fox stared at Lee with it's sharp eyes.

The truth was that Lee had no problem getting up and leaving. He would just as easily go to his own dorm, cuddle up between Stonewall and Longstreet (his wolves, not the generals), and sleep until he forgot about all the hardships of the day. But he felt an immense responsibility to Vance, and he would only move if Vance wished it.

Lee had long noticed Caden in the back, since he walked in, but that was no stupendous feat. Lee noticed boys. It was what he did. Oftentimes, friends would stop and shake their head (half in amazement) as Lee would point out otherwise unnoticeable and not-so-astonishing young men. Even after Caden’s concealment spell, Lee wondered why Bellona (the queen of mean and complete anal-retentiveness it seemed) and Vance (the snobby, paranoid prince of perfect) couldn’t notice Caden. Caden was a cute boy, but Lee knew that Caden didn’t like Lee, so he tended to avoid Caden. Lee hated internal-Arietem conflict, and there was enough of that these days.

”I need you to await me in my room, please, since apparently discretion abounds tonight. This shouldn’t take overly long, and then we’ll be able to speak,” Vance said to Lee, with a slight smile on his face and a spark in his eyes. Lee could tell that Vance was up on the ready. Lee, having been overly stoked by the chance of going to Vance’s bedchamber (a feature – single suites - of the Arietem dormitory that exemplified Arietem esteem and prestige), felt as though his dreams were finally coming to light. He had only been in Vance’s bedchamber once, and that was to bring Vance a piece of candy he had taken from a Ferre kid. Vance’s bedchamber was at the top of the tower, and probably the most ornate and lavish of all the bedchambers, with gold and silver heavily gracing every corner of suite. Now, Lee could go up there and wait in Vance’s bed, maybe Vance was finally going to declare his undying love!

The Beauregard, the unofficial head of his own family, bowed his head in obeisance to Vance and said, “Yessuh, Vanz.” With that he rushed off to the staircase. At the foot of the stairs, he heard Vance say, ”The common room is an interesting choice for a private conversation. They do call it common for a reason.” Hmm… Lee could tell that was Vance’s way of apologizing, and Lee took in his heart that Vance – at the root of his black, mysterious heart – held some amount of affection for Lee.

Stopping off at his bedchamber first, Lee opened the door (never caring to lock it – if somebody wanted to steal something, oh well he didn’t own shit, and if somebody wanted to rape him during the night while he slept, haha they better be good) and meandered on through his suite. It was simple and plain, something that most everyone would be startled at, having experienced the Beauregard’s high regard for himself and his family. The only things up on the walls were pictures of famous Beauregards, especially Pappy and Mama and General Beauregard, and various Southern heroes, and of course the Confederate flag. Above his plain bed was a crucifix, a gift from his Mama one day back in New Orleans. If it weren’t a gift, Lee would have long thrown it away, having accepted that Catholicism or any religion were just falsehoods. Lee was perhaps Arietem’s most outspoken atheist, something that pissed off many such as Îrem, and certainly had even gotten Demetrio to flare up a bit.

Gathering Stonewall and Longstreet, Lee left his room and walked up the spiral stair all the way to the top, finally reaching the golden doors with the Abernathy seal emblazoned upon them. Truly beautiful and unmistakably Vance. Lee attempted to open the door, but no budge. He tried a few spells to unlock it. No budge. Finally, he said, “Open!” to which the doors obeyed and revealed the lavishness of the Abernathy suite. There were papers and books thrown across everywhere, perhaps in Vance’s midnight frustrations, but they could never take away from the richness. Lee truly envied and admired Vance. Granted, Lee couldn’t hope to be rich when the entirety of his inheritance AND the two that held on to it were completely destroyed.

Vance’s bed, near the back, was the classical feudal lord’s bed, with rich silk sheets and velvet curtains. Pulling back some of the curtains, Lee hopped in Vance’s bed, resting the three heads of him and his two dogs upon a small pillow. Lee realized how large the bed was then. Lee had hoped all of this meant what he thought it meant…

Felix smiled and listened to their reactions to him. He quite enjoyed their company at this moment. They were always refreshing to talk to, the Arietem kids he liked. They were so different from his other friends, it was like being in a separate country, which Felix enjoyed. He also had a lot of respect for them because no doubt they got a lot of heat for being his friend....or at least friendly to him. It sort of touched his heart in a way. Most people are amazed that Zach and him are friends. Honestly, Felix was too. Zach being a crony of Vance's and he has been known to bully younger kids. Felix first met him that way, he was bullying a kid and Felix stood up for him. Neither of them backed down and it became more about them then it did about the kid. A week later, they were friends. Zach sort of falls under the whole keep your friends close and enemies closer section. He did like Zach, but it was always nice to have a friendly face among a sea a glares. Then of course there was Irem, one of the sweetest most empathetic girls he knew. On the surface, it was dumbfounding that she was in Arietem house. That fact alone is terrifying to Felix, because if she is in the house of the ambitious and underhanded, then what true Irem was she hiding? That, or Felix's training with Damian made him more paranoid than a dictator at an assassin's ball. It was probably that, either way, he liked them both a lot. Priscilla he had not spoken much too, but he knew her to not be a total stuck up pain in the ass, which is saying something.

Irem answered him first. “Haha, none of those, Feliz,” she said in her accent. Felix thought it was adorable that she pronounced his name that way. It made him almost want to pronounce it that way. "I went to Montana,” she giggled. Felix looked a little dumfounded. "An Arietem vacationing in a back water hovel? What will people say?" Felix was of course joking, saying the sentence in a fancy Queen's British accent. “My father has a business associate who has a ranch there, we went for the Summer to get in touch with our… simple sides.” She said it as though it were stupid. He looked at Irem with a genuinely warm smile. "Hey, Ive found that simple is good. Hell, sometimes it's great. Old man Ebenezer always makes me till his farm the whole summer round and we never use magic for anything. I like it. It's good work and it will teach you things about magic that you never thought of before. Though...." Felix then eyed Zach, now answering his statement. "..this summer was different. I have to watch what I say around here. News travels fast around here, too fast." He said with a small laugh. "And to answer your question, yes. I did spend the summer with Bliss. The details are neither exciting or any business of yours Mr. Everett." He said in his usual Felixy tone. Speaking of that, I wonder what Bliss is doing right now? Probably doing something normal but making it seem extraordinary with her quirky attitude and sassy I really have it bad for her, don't I? He shook his head of those thoughts.

He was starting to feel pent up, still sort of being surrounded by Arietem kids. Also, since he spent the whole summer with Bliss, he never really got a chance to go on his usual "runs" and really stretch himself out and let himself run wild. He hadn't been in his dog form for quite sometime, and he was itching for a run. He would get his chance later, though.

Priscilla Barsotti

"Priscilla." It was the only response she got from Zack, but it was certainly more than enough for her. Especially when he leaned in towards her, and her breath caught in her throat. She had the urge to lean forward to meet him, and feel what it would be like to kiss his lips. But just as quickly he leaned back away from her, and she blinked a few times to clear her head. So much for playing hard to get. All he had to do was lean forward and look into her eyes, and her insides turned to mush. She would need to work on that.

“Prissy, how was your summer?” Priscilla thankfully turned her attention away from Zack and over to Îrem, her closest girl friend in the entire house. Sure, she enjoyed the younger girls who followed her around like little lost puppies, but every now and then she needed someone who was her equal. Îrem was not only her equal, but also everything she was not. She always liked to joke that they completed each other. They never really argued or felt the need to compete with each other, because they were so different. They were basically two halves of a whole, and that was why they made such great best friends. Her friend was the only one allowed to call her Prissy, and if anyone else ever tried, she would punch them in the nose.

Îrem's mixture of orange with the green of Arietem house didn't really mix well, but Priscilla kept her mouth shut for the sake of her friend. She was going to respond to her friend when Zack's voice chimed in first. "Seriously, do you both have to catch up on summer right now? Why not discuss more important things? Like Quodpot." Priscilla turned her head to give the gorgeous man an icy glare. She gave his leg a soft kick under the table, not really intending to hurt him. "Like I could even talk about that droll game for more than a few seconds. It's just atrocious."

"I'm joking, ladies. Put the claws away." She brought her hand up and curved her fingers to give the look of claws, and she gave a little hiss at Zack before chuckling along with him.

Before any other words were spoken, motion caught her eye and she turned her head to see Felix sliding down the table, and landed directly in front of her, next to Zack. She rolled her eyes plainly for him to see, smirking at him afterwards. She was disappointed when he tousled Zack's perfect blonde hair, but kept her mouth shut as he sat down. "Îrem, Priscilla. You two are both looking as lovely and noble as ever. I trust your summer's were divine. Don't tell me......Aspen? No.....Cabo? No, wait.......Paris? Somewhere expensive I would imagine. How have you all been?"

She raised an eyebrow at him, wondering if he knew exactly how close he had come. Îrem spoke first, however. Montana?! Priscilla thought, scoffing at the idea. She would never survive, of that she was sure. Farms and horses? Priscilla would take high end shopping and heels any day. She then turned her attention to Zack, who spoke about his summer. Solitude wasn't exactly her thing either, but to each their own. "I was close to putting together a pre-school party with everyone, but somehow I just couldn't force myself with the challenge to please that many people. Because you all know how I like to please." He stared directly at her with that statement, and she narrowed her eyes in response, definitely not amused by him. But she forced herself to smile, not letting him know he was getting under her skin. It was common knowledge how much he slept around, and yet he'd never even come to her with so much as a kiss. She was of the purest blood, and all these other girls were nothing.

While Zack was distracted, she spoke about her summer. "Good guess Felix, I was indeed in Paris. And it was absolutely divine. I met a boy, who spent his entire summer with me. Sadly, after I left, I figured the relationship couldn't continue. Either way, the vacation was beautiful and fabulous." She made herself sound happier than she was, hoping Zack would think she wasn't bothered at all.

She found it extremely interesting that Felix had spent the entire summer with Bliss. While she knew Bliss fairly well, the pairing seemed a little odd. She would have to investigate on that later. For now, she really felt the need to just get away. She stood up from the table, and stepped back. "If you will all excuse me..." was all she said before she took off down the hall. She made her way outside, taking in a few deep breaths. "Damn him for getting under my skin so easily..." she muttered to herself, feeling the urge to punch something. After a few more minutes of air, she quickly made her way over to the Commons Tower, spoke the password 'lordly lineage', and made her way into the Arietem Common Room. She plopped herself down on a couch, not really noticing the other bodies present.

Rosina Garenne

The smile had disappeared from Rose's face. It seemed as if Micah wasn't actually going to talk to her anymore. Still, the night had indeed been positive, thanks to Emerson. Whenever she thought about him, she could feel some heat come to her cheeks. He'd only talked to her a few other times in their many years, so that made it even more exciting. She did have to admit that Micah was a bit of a disappointment to her. When he'd actually made an effort to talk to her, she'd felt hopeful. Not too many guys showed an interest in her, friendly or otherwise. She knew that many girls liked to be around her because she was extremely quiet and listened to all of their problems. She didn't mind too much, friends were good to have, no matter what the other girl's intentions were.

It had to be getting late, so she mumbled something about being tired, and stood up quickly from the table, shooting away before Micah could say anything back. She took a detour from the Commons Tower to go get some fresh air in the courtyard. She was surprised to find Priscilla outside as well, without any followers or friends. Although as soon as the Arietem girl saw her, she took off. Rose found a small rock to sit on, and closed her eyes, breathing in the cool night air. "Why do feelings have to be so confusing...?" she whispered to herself, reaching her hand back to take the elastic out of her hair, letting it flow down over her shoulders. She'd practically been in love with Emerson from day one. So why did she feel so sad about Micah? It just seemed silly.

She sat outside for a little while longer, before deciding she should finally head back to the Common Room. She approached the painting that held Cervus' common room and dormitories behind it. "Plucking berries," she whispered, watching as it swung forward and she stepped through. The idea of passwords had always seemed kind of silly to her, since all the entrances were on the same floor, not far from each other. Nothing was stopping other students from overhearing. But oh well, rules were rules.

As she stepped inside, she noticed Savant and Emerson both hanging out, with a nice warm fire going in the fireplace. Feeling somehow braver than normal, she gave them both a smile and a small wave, more so towards Emerson than the other. Not feeling brave enough to speak, though, she quickly headed up the girl's dormitory steps, before coming to her landing and entering the door. She found the bed that had been hers for the previous five years, and flopped down on it gratefully. Her Siamese cat Belle hopped up onto the bed beside her, and curled up. It was empty, and she quickly changed into a comfortable pair of pajamas before climbing under the covers.

She didn't feel extremely tired yet, so she reached over to her nightstand and grabbed the book sitting on top. It was one of her favorite new series, a supernatural romance between a vampire and a werewolf. Sure, sometimes it was cheesy, but it was so lovely. She cuddled in next to her cat as she opened to about the middle, and continued where she had left off. A soft thunk sounded in the room, and she quickly walked to the window, seeing a figure standing below. She opened the window, calling down softly, 'What are you doing here?' He replied a little louder, 'I couldn't wait to see you again.' She sighed softly, a smile crossing her lips.

Her eyes looked over to the window, and she suddenly wished that someone was outside of her window, wanting to see her. Of course, no boy had ever felt that strongly for her, and she was beginning to doubt that anyone would. Everyone always told her that she was young, and love would find her when it was right. But they just didn't understand. She practically repelled boys, or was completely invisible to them. She longed to be loved. Since it wasn't happening right now, she brought her eyes back to the book, content with just reading about others' love for now.

Finn Pollack

"Why, I thought I said we were going to the astronomy tower, didn't I?" Teiver gave him a rather sweet yet sarcastic smile, before turning away from him. Finn snarled a little, aggravated that he had gone through all this just to get to the astronomy tower, when he could have just as easily taken the stairs. Either way, it was way too late now. He had no idea where the hell he was, and probably couldn't find it again if he tried. He knew she was hiding something up here, and would try to find it. He at least knew how to get in to her secret area, and could later explore it to his heart's content.

"Try your best not to break a leg." She spoke before jumping off the ledge. "Yeah, just watch yourself..." he muttered after she had leaped. He made his way forward, seeing her land a little roughly on the landing below. He wasn't scared of heights, but normally he had a broom underneath him from so high up. Thankfully, he was extremely athletic, and when he hopped off the ledge, he landed much more gracefully than she had. He stared back up behind him, trying to remember the location of the path. He knew he'd probably forget, but he did his best to burn it in to his memory. He just had to remember.

He followed the girl and her cat up the steps, before appearing in the very familiar astronomy tower. He just kind of stood in the doorway as she moved forward to the bookshelf, finding something and placing it in her bag. She then moved to a table with various charts on it, and began to sift through those. He watched her for a little bit, before clearing his throat and running his hand through his hair. "I have to admit, studying isn't really my thing, so I'm just going to take off. Nice hanging out with you..." he said, before turning around and making his way back down the steps.

He made his way through the castle over to the Commons Tower, where he spoke the password to the appropriate door, and headed inside to the Ferre Common Room. He muttered a few hey's and gave a few ways as the other housemates greeted him eagerly, some clapping him on the back, others exclaiming how excited they were about the upcoming Quodpot season. A few of the younger girls caught his eye, and they blushed and gave a few squeals as he passed by. It really was cute, and normally he just drank up all the admiration, but he wasn't in the mood for it right then.

Finn told them all he needed his rest for class tomorrow, which was actually probably true, though he normally didn't care. He made his way up to his dormitory, and pushed the door open. There on his bed sat a large cage with his favorite animal in the whole world inside. Tyto hooted happily when he saw his owner, and flapped his wings slightly. He walked over and unlocked the cage, letting the owl fly to the headboard of his bed and sit contently. He smoothed down the owl's feathers and smiled warmly. Felix hadn't gotten back yet, so he lounged on the bed, waiting for someone else to appear.

Lee’s Perspective

”What I need from you, Lee, is loyalty. I need unfailing loyalty. I need a second set of eyes in this school to keep an eye on me. To notice if someone stares too long, or is following me in a dark corridor, or anything else out of the ordinary. Can I trust you in that fashion, Lee? I know that you’ll be wondering why, but I can’t tell you more until I know more. Suffice it to say that I am in danger, and know that agreeing to help me may endanger you as well. I don’t command this of you, but I ask it, because I have to know that you’ll do everything that you can to aid me in the coming year.” That was a lot to take in from Vance. Granted, Lee was already a little thrown off guard, between his near falling asleep and his having to move his “puppy wow-wows” from the bed.

“I’m y’er huck’abu’y[huckleberry],” Lee said, cocking his head with a smile, “I mean I’m a’ways watchin’… er… out fo’ ya’ anyway.” He began to move towards the other end of the room, the door. “E’cepd, I do have one sdipulashun[stipulation]. Or radda’[rather] a chuss[choice] bedwe’n doo[two].” Turning his head ever so slightly towards Vance, he said, “Ya’ can eider dell me why ya’ll in danger and why you seem as sdiff and cold as a board, even moreso dan usual…” He giggled slightly, not expecting his second choice to be taken seriously, “or ya’ll can kiss me. Y’er choice. Eider one, I’ll give ya’ll unwavering fealdy. But tell me in the morning, godda catch some good ol’ ‘Z’s. But my door is always unlocked, if’n I don’d wake up, ya’ll can come in and tell me you what you decide. Na’mean?” With that, he popped out the door and carried himself down the stairs. On the way, he saw Îrem, as classy as always, step in through her door to sleep. As he passed by, he gave her the “I-just-took-a-chance-and-offered-my-lips-up-cuz-I’m-a-slut” face that only a girlfriend and a gayfriend could decipher. She giggled, raised her eyebrows and gave him the “Such-a-slut-but-I-love-you-anyways” face.

Lee had gotten in trouble for flirting(and defending his accent), was ripped out of alchemy class before the year even started, forgot his prefect duties, been rejected by Vance and Bellona, and now had just asked Vance for a kiss. Granted, he knew that Vance would probably choose telling Lee what was up. But either way, Lee would win. If Vance told him everything, Lee would be closer to Vance, and would have a social edge over others. If Vance decided to kiss him… well the advantage in that is obvious. The truth was, Lee didn’t really care if Vance did either, however, because Lee was gonna do it regardless. He loved Vance that much. But for now, he readied himself to dream of the lilacs and pecans back home.

Demetrio’s Perspective

Infirmaries are tricky places. It’s always a nice place to have, but it’s always a nasty place to need. Most muggle hospitals came bridled with all the whirling germs of death and decay which seemed to fester deep within the bowels of every muggle. Filled with lascerations, bites, bullet wounds, cancer and arrows to the knee, hospitals were certainly a place to dread.

Magus Grex’s infirmary was just that, except married with pixie-scratchs, centaur-stompings, giant hugs, Thestral trippings and boneless wizard wings arms. Most of the cots had been in service since at least the Civil War (though often cleaned with a particularly nasty brew of bleach and basilisk teeth), the sinks continuously rusted out (which wasn’t so much an issue as more a nuisance, being that the sinks generally shook off rust like a dog shaking off water every 5 or so minutes), and little old ladies came to and fro from one cot to another, inspecting their patients, smoking (Weasley Cigar Co. in particular) and attempting to remove wands from certain nether regions.

Demetrio had woken up in a terrible sweat, beads of human perspiration running down his forehead, back and legs, as he hung from his bed, swinging in perfectly knotted bed sheets. Blood had rushed to his head, and smoke filled his lungs, causing spins and cough fits (respectively) as he pulled himself up onto the bed, resting what little strength he could muster. How pleasant that nobody stayed with him long enough to see him wake up. Not surprising, and Demetrio didn’t expect anything more or less.


Why was he even in the infirmary in the first place. Searching his mind, rubbing his chest (and attempting to avoid any communication between hand and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Touched), little came back. He remembered a sharp pain in his leg, a snap? He threw off his sheet and gazed down at perfectly healed legs… odd. Must mean he can leave, right? No need for discharge?

“Well… where are my clothes?” he whispered to himself as he pulled his body up to sit up straight. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught movement. Lyle!? Lyle had been sitting there the whole time, quietly to the side.

“Uh… What are you doing here, Lyle?” Demetrio asked.

Îrem’s Perspective

Îrem was enjoying an absolutely wonderful cup of Türk Kahvesi (Turkish coffee), a gritty brew of her own hands. Magic or no magic, her father would say, kahve must be made by hand. Her family had to deal with her witchiness, something they were not use to, in a fresh way. Her father, a Muslim man, and her mother, a Christian woman, had religious hesitance at first, but their love for their daughter was much stronger than any fear.

Îrem always enjoyed every morning rather early. She was up and awake by 5 o’ clock, making sure to pray and then thinking for awhile in her suite for a few hours. At 7, she would descend down the staircase, elegantly stepping ever so slightly so as not to wake the others. Thankfully, there were always other early birds.

Îrem’ bee hummingbird had woken from her pocket and came buzzing around her head. “Hello, Baba,” Îrem greeted the 2-inch companion.

Now to wait for classes, or for somebody to come and flirt.

Lee’s Perspective

Lee was startled awake by Vance’s knocking. Throwing off the sheets, Lee realized he couldn’t possibly open the door yet. Lee always slept naked.

“W’ed jus’ a minude!” Lee yelled out. Jumping from his bed, he did his morning greeting of all the generals, as he hurriedly grabbed a pair of boxers. They were solid white, tight and semi-transparent. Normally, Lee would have no problem being so salacious, but he was feeling particularly guilty this morning. He wanted to apologize to Vance.

Grabbing his school robe, he partially covered himself to open the door, “Come on in!” he yelled, perhaps startling Vance.

As he left the door open, Lee turned his back to the door, forgetting to cover his backside with his robe (still hanging in his hand against his waist). Poor Vance. Had to see Lee’s near-bare naked ass… (OOC: smh).

“I wanna say I’m sor’uh, Vance,” Lee said, staring at the ornate portrait of Stonewall (the general, not the puppy wow-wow), nervously hoping that Vance wasn’t behind him with a garrote wire. “I shuld’a been a bedduh fr’en’, and I’a still wanna help, ya’ll don’ hafda kiss me or tell me wha’s wrong. I’m a’ways y’er huck’aberry, nameen?” He waited patiently for Vance’s reply.

Demetrio’s Perspective

”And, well, I’m here because I heard about the troll-attack!” Lyle said, smiling excitedly like a little boy. “That must have been really scary, but you look like you’re okay, so maybe it wasn’t that scary. But, you’re okay, right? Because…” He sort of trailed off, seeming a little nervous, though Demetrio couldn’t quite place why. Lyle always seemed to be confident, at least to Demetrio. But Demetrio was always far and distant from anybody, so he never gave much merit to his own perception. ”Well, I was hoping you might do an interview about it? I don’t think there’s ever been a troll attack at the school before, not for years anyway, so, yeah, um, I’d really be grateful.” Demetrio smiled blankly, but in reality he was a little irritated. All Lyle ever wanted was an interview. Demetrio bit his lip. Why couldn’t Lyle understand that Demetrio didn’t talk about things like that? Why couldn’t he just joke around and accept that Demetrio would never be close to anyone?

”OH! You probably want to change,” Lyle said, nervously covering his eyes with both of his hands. Demetrio honestly gave no thought to getting dressed. The funny thing was: Demetrio wished he could walk around naked all day. As hidden as he was about his insides, he’d much rather never be hidden about his outsides. But alas, he lived amongst other people, and therefore had to follow conventions. The animals would have never asked something so ridiculous as to wear clothes. Demetrio turned his back to Lyle, though he didn’t care if Lyle was staring or not. But nobody would stare at Demetrio anyway, so it didn’t matter. He practically tore off his gown, bending over to position his feet in the holes of his boxers. Had anyone else been in the infirmary, it would have appeared to be a rather scandalous scene: Demetrio’s bare bottom facing a giddy Lyle. But Demetrio didn’t care. Demetrio was ugly, at least in his mind, and nothing scandalous could ever happen to him.

”But, yeah, what do you say Demetrio? Maybe your story can help other people avoid getting hurt, and just think, you survived a troll! That’s awesome!” Demetrio barely even remembered the troll. He just remembered that it was his fault. He should have waited or something. He should have just listened to Headmaster Rockwell. The sound of his leg cracking and falling to black... what a nightmare.

”Lyle, I just don’t know,” Demetrio said, placing his hand on Lyle’s shoulder to alert him that it was quite safe to look. ”It’s not that I don’t appreciate your interest in my health, I do, but I just don’t remember a whole lot about it. And I’m just not a big talker…”[b] Demetrio felt a little guilty. Lyle was the only soul in the entire school who consistently made an effort to get deeper. Feeling partially obligated, he sighed and pressed against Lyle’s shoulder. He pointed his face towards the door and said, “We should go eat breakfast, I’m starving. We can talk about it on the way or something. Does that sound okay? I mean, I know I’m not the prettiest girl to walk to the Main Hall, but give me a break!” Demetrio smiled and winked, attempting to pull Lyle towards the hall.

[b]Îrem’s Perspective

Unfortunately, Îrem was only half way out the commons as the drama up the stairs ensued. She was pretty darn sure it had something to do with Lee and Vance. It was best for her to check up and make sure everyone was fine.

She noticed Prissy near Lee’s door, cracking up… until of course Vance began to berate her. Îrem couldn’t quite discern Prissy’s face, but he could hear Lee start to sniffle. Vance was less tense after his little rant, stretching his hand and breathing heavily.

Getting closer, Îrem grab hold of Prissy’s arm: primarily to comfort her, and secondarily to hold her back from ripping Vance’s manly bits apart. She would have gone into Lee’s room, but she wouldn’t dare risk Vance swatting at her.

It didn’t matter, though, because Lee was speaking up anyway.

Lee’s Perspective

Lee was quite unsure of what just happened. Should he dart to find some clothes, or should he just stand and wait for Vance’s further mandates? He heard the shuffle outside the door as Îrem probably silently aided Prissy, and he watched as Vance waited for somebody to speak up, his shoulders tense and unsteady. All this... tension, to say the least, sort of reminded him of the storm. All the waiting, the chugging of events, the crackdowns. It made him deathly nervous. He didn't like it. He hated Vance for causing all this stress. He hated himself for causing all the stress. He hated Vance for being unhappy, for being so cold. It was the reason why he loved Vance so doggone much.

Just as it seemed Vance would leave, Lee barked up, “Vanz, come on in, podna. Just’a calm down, and talk about whachu ne’d me’a do. No funny bidness, from here on out. Just trus’ me and come on in. Please. I’ll ged ya a whole dozen beignets if’n ya’ll jus’ come in. Whatya say?” He needed to wait and see what Vance would say or do to make another move. He reached out his hand at Vance, attempting to lightly grab Vance's, and with the other preparing to shut the door behind them both.

Summer Turner

Summer had been busy all morning trying to get all of her books together before all the students got up, so when she realized she had been asked to meet with Simone Kass early this morning, she felt her whole day being put behind by at least a whole hour. When she touched up on the curls that she had decided to go with for a first day hairstyle, she grabbed her belongings and headed towards the Staff Tower. She let the wind play with the brown curls as she practically bounced towards Ms. Kass' office. When she finally let a soft knock give signal of her presence, she pushed open to see her Head of House smiling with a cup of coffee in hand. "Hello my dear, dear Summer. Please come in and sit." Ms. Kass placed the cup onto the far corner of her desk as she rummaged through pile after pile of paper work before pulling out a piece that had Summer's name across the top.

Her nerves settled in as Ms. Kass read over the paper once more before looking back over towards Summer. "Please don't be nervous, dear. It's just a yearly report on how you've been progressing. I just wanted to call you in here and see how your actually summer had been. I am always suppose to have these meetings with students throughout the year, and your name just happened to be the one that was assigned to my list for Summer check-up." The fact that she was called in so early just to be asked about her summer made her ill. She didn't like that the school now tried to stay as in depth with the students business as they possibly could without forcing them all to stay at school constantly with no breaks. Summer crossed her legs before smiling towards Ms. Kass. "My summer was great." She let her hand rest on the edge of Ms. Kass' desk, running her index finger back and forth as she waited for what else the Head of Cervus would ask.

"Well, that's pretty much it. I'll just add a little more detail of things you might have did with Summer and your friends while you were out of your dad's in Maine.. Little details keep the people higher up a little quieter, if you know what I mean." The way Simone Kass always had a smile on her face made Summer angrier for some reason, so she just got up and left the office without another word. "My god!" She said out of frustration when she slammed through the doors that led to the court yard. She took a deep breath, seeing first years increase their pace towards the Great Hall. Summer's anger had only gotten worse today, but she wasn't going to let that bother her as she made her appearance in the Great Hall; finally.

It took only a few minutes for Summer to find a rather mixed group of students at the Cervus table discussing summer. Seeing her sister in the middle, she stopped herself from rolling her eyes as she put one of her Summer smiles that people always knew her by. "Bliss-" She said as she walked up beside her sister seeing Delilah, Rose, Felix from Cervus, and Flint all within the general area. "-good morning everyone. Sleep good?" She said as she found a spot near the group, digging into the various items on the table. She filled her plate before bringing her attention back towards the people near her.

Zachariah Everett

Zackariah had planned on sleeping in, but the ruckus going on outside his door was starting to annoy him. He could tell it was down the hall near Lee's room, but to him he considered that right outside his door. He laid there until he could make out the two voices speaking; Priscilla and Vance. He knew this must be an interesting conversation, so he jumped out of bed to get ready. He had just looked at his reflection in the mirror when he heard a third voice come into play; Lee. Of all people to be together, this was a great start of the year with all of his favorite people within the same area. Of course, he'd hoped Îrem would maybe pop in soon after Lee's, but never hearing her voice he got into his uniform.

As soon as Zack reached for the door, he heard the conversation take a step up into the range of being more of an argument. He stood there making out every word in the conversation. He didn't know if he should actually be listening to what was happening, but he couldn't step away from the door and the option of opening it was thrown out of the way when Vance made his next comment. But she can’t even get the boy she actually likes to notice her. It’s sad, really. Like a barker at a bazaar who can’t unload even a single vial of snake-oil. And when presented with a chance to make a formidable ally, what does she do? She lashes that serpent’s tongue yet again, makes intimations about the two of us, ludicrous though the thought might be.”

He knew that he was the one that Vance was talking about. It was common knowledge that Priscilla liked Zach, but actually going for Priscilla was something Zackariah didn't believe in. He wanted her to work for him, and he knew that would never happen now with the way Vance had belittled her. He took a deep breath, running his hand through his hair making it seem like he had never actually taken the time to get ready. "Seriously? Can't a guy get some-" He froze like he had planned to do as he swung open his bedroom door, seeing Vance walking into Lee's room, Îrem now comforting Priscilla, and Priscilla on the verge of tear. "Holy fuck. What could have possible happened this time?" He said as he marched down the hall to the group, seeing Lee practically naked in his room. "Did Lee's body really bring you to tears?" He joked trying to lighten the mood.

He didn't know what to do next because to them he didn't know a thing, but a look he shot Vance told his friend he had heard all he needed to. Al though he wasn't made at Vance, he felt for Priscilla because she didn't have the backbone at times to just take in Vance and throw it back into his face until Vance grew uninterested in the fight. "Sorry, I never caught up with the two of you." He said directing it towards Vance and Lee. "We'll talk later." He now brought his attention back to Priscilla. "I thought I apologized for being an ass last night. You can't still be mad at me." He felt like he might be pushing the whole I really didn't hear anything act a little far, but it was all worth it to not let her realize he had.

Rosina Garenne

As she was waiting for her friends to respond, she looked over past Dee and noticed that Lloyd was sitting on the other side. "Oh my gosh, I so didn't see you!" she exclaimed, immediately feeling guilty. But Rose gave her friend a big smile and a wave, hoping she wouldn't be too upset about it. Just then another presence distracted her, as Garrett plopped himself down in the midst of the many students that were sitting around her. "I'm joining Cervus House, if that's cool with everyone," he said, not really seeming to care who he sat by. She giggled quietly, shaking her head a little, before nibbling on her food more.

"Wait, wait. Don't say it... it'll come back to me... R-... Ra, no Ro-... Ro-... Rose! Bam, knew I'd get it. Oh, and hey Felix Two, hey Delilah. Cool if I crash here for a bit? I think Ivan the Terrible over there's going to light the table on fire in a bit." Her cheeks reddened as she realized he was talking to her, and she kept her eyes fixed on her food. Am I really that forgettable? she asked herself, even though she already knew the answer. Of course she was. Someone as popular as Garrett Flint couldn't even remember her name. She sighed, feeling particularly down. Until Felix grasped her hand back, and that brought a smile to her face.

Rose brought her eyes to meet his as he described his summer in Alamosa, and his house sounded wonderful. She liked nature, and figured she would especially love the cool air in the mountains of Colorado. Her heart sagged a little as he talked about visiting his parents graves. He'd been completely truthful with her about what happened, which she appreciated greatly. But it still made her sad every time she thought about it, and she constantly worried about him for multiple reasons. "It sounds really great, Felix! I'd love to visit sometime..." she chimed in. She realized she was still clutching his hand, and gave it one last reassuring squeeze before letting go.

She gracefully ate her oatmeal as she faintly heard Felix address Garrett. It was then that Delilah spoke up. “If you’re running from drama I’ve been at the center of some today. Not exactly safe here either.” She raised her eyebrows at that, staring at Dee in shock. She hadn't heard about anything, so she made a mental note to ask what had happened later. If she had to guess, it was something with Sam. The thought made her anxious. She really liked the both of them, and didn't want them to be angry at each other, forcing her to choose sides. She always preferred to stay neutral when she could. Her thoughts were practically confirmed as she followed Dee's gaze, and found Sam at the other end. Oh boy...

"Rose!" she heard for the second time that morning. She turned to find Bliss as the source, and a bright smile lit up her face. How had she not seen Bliss last night? She was one of Rose's closest friends, and someone she liked to hang out with as much as possible. She made her come out of her shell, which was something everyone was telling her was a good thing. No sooner than Bliss had gotten comfortable, her sister came strolling in as well. "Summer, it's great to see you!" she said as the girl sat down among the random group of students. They had actually drawn quite a large crowd, which made Rose slightly uncomfortable.

What was more important, though, was that she was spending time with all of her friends. Now that they were practically all together, she realized just how much she had missed them over the summer. She couldn't believe that some of them were graduating already, and that after one more year, she would be as well. She made a second mental note of the morning, determined to spend as much time as she could with everyone, since time was running out. Perhaps Bliss could somehow help her be a little more outgoing. Well, there was no time like the present.

Standing up, she murmured her goodbyes, knowing she would see most of them later anyway. She grabbed Bliss' arm and pulled her from the table, dragging her out of the Great Hall entirely. She pulled her to the side of the entryway to an unoccupied corner. "So.. I have a request for you," she said, feeling more nervous than she should. Bliss was one of her best friends, and would help her no matter what, but she felt anxious nonetheless. "I-I was hoping... well, that you could... I mean... could you like, teach me how to be more outgoing?" She tucked her hair behind her ear, staring down at the floor before bringing her eyes up to meet her friends.

Finn Pollack

Myra seemed a little tongue tied... or maybe she had a frog in her throat. Finn wouldn't really be surprised, since it was Magus Grex. Of course, he thought he remembered her being the same way the last time he'd spoken to her. He couldn't exactly remember when it had been, but he did remember her practically choking on something she was eating. He'd patted on her back until she could successfully talk again. He knew she was quiet, but honestly didn't know why she always seemed so nervous around him. He was one of the most personable people in the entire castle. He never turned anyone away, and always tried to be polite to everyone.

“Uh, uhm, it was great. Yeah, great… Just… uh… great,” she said, almost as if she had forgotten how to speak. Regardless, he smiled and nodded. "That's very good to hear." He was still leaning on the table, particularly close to her. “But you? How about you? Your summer, that is. I mean, how was it? Your summer." He couldn't help it, and chuckled at her not being able to speak. "How was your summer?” She seemed to be fighting some kind of internal battle, but he was glad she seemed to finally be able to talk. "It was good, thanks for asking. I actually got to go to the Quodpot finals in Atlanta, so that was the highlight of the summer for me. Otherwise, just spent a lot of time at the beach." He smiled, then stood up, stretching his arms.

Finn's eyes looked over to the Ferre table quickly, and all the students still seemed to be in order. And no first years looked to be in a panic or frightened out of their minds, so he took that as a good sign, and figured he didn't need to be over there right away. "Do you mind if I sit down for a few minutes? I'm starving."

He didn't wait for an answer, and took a seat across from her. He piled a few pancakes on his plate, accompanied with more than a few slices of bacon. He drowned the pancakes in syrup, and took a few bites, moaning at the wonderful taste. "Sorry for my poor etiquette," he said, shrugging his shoulders slightly. "I really like food." That probably sounded stupid, but he didn't care. Because it was extremely true. And he didn't really have a lot of time before he was required to be somewhere else.

"So what are you most excited for this year?" he asked, taking a bite of bacon. He figured he would attempt some sort of conversation for the few minutes he'd be sitting there.

Priscilla Barsotti

She had been rather pleased with herself after her witty retort, since she hadn't expected Lee to open the door practically naked. Priscilla didn't actually think Vance was doing anything with Lee, let alone sleeping with him as she had implied. She had never seen Vance show romantic interest in anyone, boys or girls. So she highly doubted he had anything going with Lee, even though his statement about kissing was particularly interesting to hear. However, she could never have expected Vance's reaction.

She understood half of what he said at first, and was partly confused the rest of the time. Normally Vance wasn't so... honest. He was literally telling her exactly what Lee was up to, and why he had said what he did. That threw her off, as well as the fact that he seemed to be extremely upset with her. Since when did a few little pokes of fun make Vance so angry? It was almost frightening to her.

”But she can’t even get the boy she actually likes to notice her. It’s sad, really. Like a barker at a bazaar who can’t unload even a single vial of snake-oil. And when presented with a chance to make a formidable ally, what does she do? She lashes that serpent’s tongue yet again, makes intimations about the two of us, ludicrous though the thought might be.” That was the sentence that pissed her off. At that moment she didn't care if he was freaking her out, she just wanted to rip his head off. It was scary how much rage could fill her tiny body. She took a step towards him, only to feel a hand grasp her arm softly. It made her pause, and she looked behind her to find it was Îrem.

When Vance was done with his little speech, she questioned his sanity more than anything. But she was still rather pissed off at him for his rather rude comment."You're fucking crazy..." she said, staring at him with narrowed eyes. "I had agreed with you, saying we would make better allies than enemies, and then you go and pull that shit. You have most definitely just made an enemy." She wrenched free of Îrem's arm, and was about to walk away when Zack came striding toward her. Oh great, he probably heard every word... she thought, hating this situation even more. Tears came to her eyes, more out of anger and frustration than actual sadness. This was NOT the way to get Zack to fall for her.

He walked past her at first, saying something to Vance and Lee that she didn't care to listen to, then appeared before her eyes. "I thought I apologized for being an ass last night. You can't still be mad at me." Him feigning ignorance did not help to improve her mood. "Oh don't act like you didn't hear every word that was just said," she said, pushing past him. She hurried down the steps as fast as she could, and pushed out of the common room door with force. She headed for the main part of the castle, and walked into the first empty classroom she could find.

She slammed the door behind her, and walked over to the desk, giving it a large kick out of frustration. She grabbed a handful of pens and threw them against the far wall of the room, where they hit the wall with much less force than she had felt like she'd thrown them with. She sank to the floor right there, tears spilling out of her eyes and running down her cheeks. She was so angry at everyone: Vance, Zack, Lee, even Îrem. She couldn't believe everything that had just happened. While she had never hated Vance before, she most certainly did now. Something seemed different about him this year, but either way she wouldn't excuse the horrid things he'd said. Since when had making a few jokes been such a big deal? He'd done that all the time the previous year. And Zack had heard every word, even about her not being able to catch his attention.

After a few moments, she attempted to get her composure back, and wiped the tears from her face. Her makeup probably looked horrific now. Now that she had gotten her emotions out, she felt much more clear headed. Vance's words seemed less important. She knew that regardless of what he said, she could be the greatest queen bee of Magus Grex. And she most certainly could get Zack's attention. But her new number one goal would to make Vance Abernathy's world a living hell.

Myra Magaly

Why was Finn so close to her? Myra could feel the warmth of his breath on her face when he chuckled at her and her cheeks grew hotter still. She was concentrating so hard on staring at the Head Boy badge on his robes that she thought her brain might pop, if it didn't just from hearing the rumble of his chest when he chuckled. He suddenly seemed so naturally masculine to her, where had that come from? She stole a glance up at him and he did it. He smiled that smile. She smiled back. Or, at least, she tried to. Hoping against hope that her face hadn't somehow become some odd grimace she found herself watching his lips as he spoke "It was good, thanks for asking." She nodded, once. "I actually got to go to the Quodpot finals in Atlanta," No way! This is brilliant! Her life suddenly felt so much easier, this she could talk about. Myra had also gone to the finals with her father. She didn't have time to feel surprised that she and Finn had not seen each other because her mind began to buzz again about Jenkins and his winning drive down the pitch, how he'd got the ball in the pot mere seconds before it would have gone off, questions about his experience started jumping up in her head and she found herself relaxing slowly as he continued, "so that was the highlight of the summer for me. Otherwise, just spent a lot of time at the beach." The beach! They had more to talk about than she had...

Merlin's beard... he was stretching and her stomach felt like it was learning how to bounce on a trampoline for the first time. She tried desperately to maintain control of her body but couldn't and this frustrated her. Why in the world was she reacting this way? She'd have to do some research in the potions books and see if there was some sort of potion someone might have drugged her with as a practical joke. She followed his eyes as he glanced over to the Ferre table. Well, that's that then. I'm probably horribly boring and he can't get away from me. He's probably looking for Bliss or Îrem, more interesting, pretty girls... She sighed daintily as the truth of her thoughts set on her. Myra looked up at Finn, mumbling, "Well I guess I'll see you la-"

"Do you mind if I sit down for a few minutes? I'm starving." It's stopped. My heart has stopped. He wants to sit with me? Myra couldn't fathom any reason why Finn Pollack, the man every girl would want to be sitting with, was choosing to sit with her. This sparked a fear in her. Every girl... He had already sat down, so there wasn't much she could do, but she quickly surveyed the Great Hall. There were at least 4 or 5 girls at each table that were staring daggers at her, including a couple Ferre's she'd helped study before. Looks like she'd lose a couple of tutoring sessions over this...

Turning back to Finn, she watched with pleasure as he filled his plate. She didn't seem to be alone in her eating habits. Smiling daintily, she released the pinch on her hand. If he was going to be natural, she could be natural, right? She moved her un-mamed hand across the table and grabbed her own pancakes. Her heart rate was slowing down as she was able to focus on her lifelong passion: food. Then Finn moaned and her heart went for a jog. She could practically hear her blood moving with each pump. This concerned her quite a bit, humans shouldn't fluctuate between stable and internally crazed so much or so quickly in one conversation. What in the world is going on with me?! she thought as she placed a small bite of blueberry pancake in her mouth, trying to think of what to say next.

"Sorry for my poor etiquette, I really like food." She couldn't help herself, she laughed, out loud, and didn't even care.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. Have you seen my plates? I live to eat. Your passion for it just reassures me that I'm not entirely bonkers for having dreams where all I do is eat and eat and eat with no remorse." I cannot believe I just said that!! He's going to definitely think I'm a basket-case now. Off to the loony bin with this one! A clock chimed and Myra turned to look at it, classes would start soon. She told herself if she could get through the next few minutes, the next time (if there even was a "next time") that Finn talked to her, she'd be prepared. She made a mental note to make a list of possible subjects to cover if ever the handsome boy sitting across from her ever deemed her worthy enough to talk to again.

As she turned back, her golden eyes were caught by a pair of deep emerald ones. She tensed ever-so-slightly, she'd never actually made eye-contact with the boy she felt so much sympathy for before, and Vance was staring straight into hers. It seemed as though he was staring straight into her soul though, contemplating and calculating. She was surprised to find she didn't see the same sadness in them that had been there before. The sadness was there still, but it was darker, buried deeper than before. And there was something more, something different... Her chest throbbed but in a different way than when she was looking at Finn. It was the sympathy she had for him, but it was encased in fright. She turned away quickly, overwhelmed by his calculation of her, because that's what it had felt like: a wolf surveying a field of sheep, and she had been the little one in the back. She shuddered. She was truly terrified of him, and yet, now more than ever she felt as though she needed to know more about him. Like a moth drawn to the flame.

"So what are you most excited for this year?" Finn's warm voice broke into her mind and her body instantly relaxed.

"Quodpot try-outs." She stated matter-of-factly as she portioned off her next bite of pancake. Her eyes widened and she looked up quickly to see his reaction. She'd never mentioned her love of Quodpot to anyone but Melvin, Emerson and Near and the words had flown out of her mouth before she'd even gotten a chance to register that she was speaking. And to a Quodpot Captain no less. She suddenly had the urge to throw herself into a lake. Putting her elbow on the table and her hand in her chin, defeated, she blew her bangs out of her face and waited for the blow of laughter that was bound to come. Alright. That's it. Let's go find Vin and have him try to teach you how to surf again. Maybe you'll really drown this time...

Caden Wahl

A moan escaped the curtains surrounding Caden's bed.

His room's close proximity to Beauregard's room had always frustrated him, but on their first day back Lee had to remind him why. Often he heard Lee through the -rather thick- wall, the boy would often stay up late talking to 'the generals' whether they were the creepy portraits he hung on the wall or the two mangy dogs he kept around, Caden didn't care. However less frequent, but most annoying, were the scenes that the Child of the Bayou created and held out in the hall. Clearly, one was going on right now.

Sitting up, he threw his legs over the bed and moved slowly to the door. With a flick of his wrist his clothes and shower caddy floated neatly into the air as he opened the door expecting to have to carefully maneuver through several people. They were all right there, outside his door, an unusual group hanging around Lee's door and what appeared to be a tense situation. He rolled his eyes, sure that he did not want to know what caused Priscilla to run off in tears. As Vance too stormed off Caden walked passed the remaining few and bade Îrem, Zackariah and even Lee a good morning and a small bow of the head as he walked passed their surprised and hurt faces to the dormitory showers.

Bliss Turner

Bliss had not been in the mood to be in such a large crowd. It was weird for her to actually just want to be by herself today, so when she felt Rose's hand drag her off Bliss was more than relieved. "Thank you," She said to her friend as she looked around the Great Hall before exiting. "Rose, hun.." She said as they made it to the far corner that seemed to appear as a sketchy place for two girls to be standing. " something wrong?" She asked as she crossed her arms to her friend. "So.. I have a request for you." Bliss' mind went crazy at the possibilities that her friend would want, but of course Bliss was one to tease so she whispered, "Rose, it's only day one. You can't already hire me to tutor you!" She looked around. "Okay, I'll give you a discount." She said as she pushed Rose's shoulder a little.

When she saw Rose's expression turn serious she hushed down. [i]"I-I was hoping... well, that you could..."
Bliss turned her head cocked side as she placed both hands upon her hips. "Okay, you've got me worried now. Spit it out, Rose." She now hard dark ideas of what Rose could want and this more than anything scared Bliss. Of course, she knew Rose didn't have any dark magic in her life, so she had no worries when she finally continued. "I mean... could you like, teach me how to be more outgoing?" Bliss acted as if sweat was on her head as she did a playful swipe with her hand. "Oh my gosh, of course! Even though I'm sure plenty of people like the Rose you are around them. I'm just the fortunate soul to see the un-nerved side of you." She hugged her friend as she kissed her head. "You will be so outgoing by the end of the year.." She paused letting her arms fall from the hug. "...that when I leave.. You will take my place." She sighed as the moment grew sad at the thought of Bliss leaving.

"Anyways, no more sadness! Let's go inside. I still haven't seen my Felix yet.." Bliss said as she intertwined her arm with her friend's, leading back into the Great Hall. Rose was one of the few that knew about Bliss' summer with Felix. Bliss and Rose had always written letters to each other over the summer, and Rose ended up coming up to Maine for a small get together Bliss had with a few friends. That's when Rose actually saw Bliss and Felix together, and according to Rose she loved them together. (Even though they aren't technically together.) As another student opened the Great Hall doors, Bliss took this as the opportunity to slip into the hall to look for Felix. "I haven't had the opportunity to see him like I said. Last night, I ended up spending most of my night with Braelyn in the infirmary." She gave Rose the look that said that was for a later conversation.

"Do you see h-" Before she could finish, her eyes hit Felix. "He looks out of place.." She said as she dragged her friend over to the boy, letting her arm slip from Rose's when they reached the Ferre table. "Felix!" Bliss said as she slid into the spot next to him, wrapping her arms around Felix's waist. "Good morning." She said as she patted the spot across from her, signaling Rose to sit down with her.

Zackariah Everett

The minutes that had pasted since Priscilla and Vance departed had gone by so quickly that Zackariah was caught in complete confusion. "She seriously just left more angry with me than she had even originally been. What the hell?" He asked Îrem and Lee that were now the only ones in ear shot. "Lee, I think I'm going to escort Îrem to the Great Hall before breakfast is over. Don't be late for class." He said towards the boy as he placed his hand on Îrem's lower back, guiding her to the common rooms then out into the Castle. "Everybody is obviously having the worst first day in the history of first days." He joked with Îrem as he made a turn that would lead them the longer way to the Great Hall. "You seem to be in a good mood though, so I can't say that doesn't make me feel slightly better."

He was looking over the fellow Arietem girl's features when they made a turn into a corridor of empty classrooms. "How did you sleep? Because whatever you're doing I might need to start. I have the worst crack in my ne-" Zack had caught sight of Sam and that's what made him hesitate, "my neck. What could he possibly be doing out here? It's not even class time." He said as he replaced his hand on Îrem's back, bringing her closer as they approached the empty classroom. The angle Zackariah had found himself he could only see Sam in the classroom, so it would take a little maneuvering for the blond-haired Arietem boy to actually spot Priscilla. "Look what the death eaters dragged in..." He only loved how everyone told him Sam thought Zackariah to be the perfect person to be one, but Zack knew differently. "...what is a guy like you doing in the empty classrooms before classes even start? Let me guess." As his stepped towards the boy, Priscilla came into view. "Well, I'll be damned. If you wanted to fit in a little quickie before class.. At least pick a more private place." He put up a finger to the two of them, shaking his head.

When his eyes connected with Priscilla, he just smiled. "Don't fuck too many people, Pris. Then I really wouldn't want you then." He took a step back to Îrem, laughing at the situation that appeared in front of him. "I'm sorry. Let's get to the Great Hall." He said towards Îrem as he started back towards where they had originally been heading. He glanced back towards the classroom door, not caring if either had retorted. "I shouldn't have said that to her. I just made the situation worse, didn't I?" He asked Îrem as they had arrived in front of the Great Hall doors.

Summer Turner

I don't know what to do with her!