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Kana Mizushima

"The only person that deserves a special place in your life is someone that never made you feel like you were an option in theirs."

0 · 691 views · located in Maid Latte

a character in “Maid Sama”, originally authored by Thedoctorscompanion, as played by RolePlayGateway


"I used to think my father was a monster, then I realized he was just a man"
|{Full Name}|





Kanade Mizushima





Female 2





|{Hair Color}|

|{Eye Color}|


145 cm | 5'9"

40 Kg | 88 lbs




Numerous on upper arms and back


{β€œAn over-indulgence of anything, even something as pure as water, can intoxicate.” }
-Criss Jami

{Short Tempered|Violent|Determined|Kind|Cocky|Energetic}
Kana has a rather contradictory personality. To a stranger, she'd seem like the type of person nobody in their right mind would want to be around. Cold, bossy, rude, and overbearing are words that describe her all to well, to say the least. Her rather innocent and frail exterior do very little to express this. But after a brief conversation with her, most realize that she is not the type of person you'd want to be on their bad side. Though, by default about half the population is already on her bad side, at no fault of their own, she despises them for being a man, just like her father, who can bring nothing but pain and suffering. Deep down that hatred is a fear that it'll be a repeat of her father.

When around other girls, or her younger brother, Kana's personality totally flips. Her cold demeanor is exchanged for a more relaxed and open one. She seems to have limitless energy, radiating almost childlike glee. She is actually a very kind and caring person, this side showing through especially while taking care of her brother. Among friends she stays true to her appearance, acting immature and childish, a side she would never show to her classmates.

At the cafe Kana typically fills the role of the little sister or loli character, an alter ego far from her natural persona, but fits while with her young appearance. Although, since it is so far from her natural persona, she can have a difficult time staying in character when faced with difficult customers.

{"β€œA man with a club is a law-maker, a man to be obeyed, but not necessarily conciliated.”” }
-Jack London, Call Of The Wild

Kana didn't have a particularly happy childhood, her father was a junkie,, who abused her and her mother. Over the years she grew to despise him, while simultaneously being terrified of him. The abuse continued, even when her mother was pregnant with her younger brother. Not wanting her unborn brother to be hurt, Kana began to take most of the beatings for her mother. When Kana was 8, only a mere two months before her brother was due, her mother finally worked up the courage to move out. Her father was arrested the next day, and outside of nightmares, Kana hasn't seen him since.

It seemed like their darkest days were over, Kana's mother had a good job, her brother, Shiro, was excelling in his classes. Although, their happy lives began to crumble when their mother fell ill, it was fast, one day she was smiling and full of energy, and the next she was gone. Without her mother, Kana and Shiro were sent to live with their retired grandmother, who was unable to support the kids on their own. Not wanting to send Shiro into the system, Kana began to work at the maid cafe to help them scrape by. Not wanting it to get out, she refused to specify where she worked. As if her grandmother, or classmates knew, it would tarnish her reputation.

(Secrets may be included here.)

So begins...

Kana Mizushima's Story


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Character Portrait: Sora Azuma Character Portrait: Kana Mizushima
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Sora Azuma

"Have a good day at school, work hard" Sora murmured to her sister as they both air kissed before going their separate ways.
It wasn't the best of mornings, she'd already spent the first half shouting at her useless brother to get up for work and now she was speed walking to school with a slice of toast hanging out of her mouth.

Sora Azuma was beginning a fresh term at High school and had a great deal of work ahead of her and not just because she was Student President. You see Sora's School has only recently turned co-ed which means the majority of the student populace still consists of the male gender. When Sora first arrived it was an atrocious experience, the boys terrorized the small amount of female students with their gross stench and foul ways. The school was a zoo but since she had seized power as Student President a great deal had already changed but there was still so much more to achieve.

The first day consisted of nothing surprising. She clashed inexplicably with her Presidential partner Kana Mizushima, who looked cute but was really and ill tempered little goblin who shared her disgust of men but that appeared about all. Her student council were scrambling about like ants under a magnifying glass all day after a break from school. It was a disgrace how lazy and disorganized they had become over such a short period.

After breaking in her useless council and bashing heads with Kana, she patrolled the school halls and intimidated various individuals into fixing their uniforms and picking up their litter. A good part of the day had been reuniting with her friends at lunch and enjoying the stories they had to share about their time off even if it had made her a little sad that they had shared their time off with their families. That didn't matter though!

Sora dragged her bag up over her shoulder. Even though it was only the first day back she was already exhausted and still had a shift at the Maid cafe to complete. That was a secret she shared to the grave with Kana. They both held a part-time job for their own reasons.
Sora needed the job because her parents had shipped her and her sister off to live with her older brother who was as useless as could be at holding down a job. She couldn't fathom how he still managed to get jobs in the first place but apparently he was very likable at first and had an undeniable charm. Sora needed the job as it appeared she was the only reliable member of the family who could keep one!

That job was at a maid cafe. It was something that could wreak her reputation if anyone ever found out at school. Luckily Kana worked there too so they shared the destructive secret. It paid well and allowed her to keep up with her studies so she couldn't really complain.

She biked to the maid cafe and got changed ready for her shift. Sora was still yet to discover what character she was supposed to play in the team. Everyone had a place in the maid cafe and Sora wasn't sure where she belonged yet. Annoyingly Kana fitted in perfectly with her "cuteness" and had everyone eating from the palm of her hand.

Sora pulled on her stockings and stood to look in her locker mirror. She was embarrassed to look at herself. The maid costume accentuated her bust and the skirt skimmed her an inch too far above her knee. Her auburn hair was half tied up with a black bow and the rest of her hair trailed down her back in waves. She felt a little vulnerable. Shaking her head she scowled at herself and curled a bicep.

"No, lets do this Azuma! Game face on."


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Character Portrait: Sora Azuma Character Portrait: Kana Mizushima
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As always, Kana had woken up bright and early. Having finished packing her bag, and making lunch for herself and Shiro, in addition to getting him ready for school. They began the walk to Shiro's school, her little brother always staying a few steps ahead of her, skipping as he went along the sidewalk. Before they had even reached the school gates, Shiro spotted some of his friends, he quickly hugged her, saying a quick goodbye before running off to see his friends.

Turning around to head towards her own school, Kana smiled. Shiro was the only person who she really cared about. Her grandmother played a minor role in their lives, but for the most part, it was the two of them against the world. Over the break it had just been the two of them, taking him out to the park before work, and watching movies together afterwards.

Today marked the end of that though. The new term was starting, and Kana's days would be spent with the hooligans that called themselves men at Seika High. Of course she had a few friends there, the few girls that attended the school stuck together like glue for the most part. Considering there were barely any girls attending the school, it wasn't that hard. The school had only switched to co-ed a few years back, and the boys still took up almost the entire population.

She did her best to avoid talking to the boys, limiting her interactions with them to the absolute minimum. When she did though, it was rarely ever good. The student council members were slightly better, but only by a bit. It had taken less than a day for the council to become what could only be described as organized chaos. she, and her co-president Sora,were the only thing keeping the student council from complete madness. Although, a fair bit of the chaos was caused by their constant clashing. On the rare occasion they worked together they were an amazing team. More often than not, they wound up fighting about just about anything.

After what seemed like a year, the last bell finally rung. Gathering her things, Kana began to walk to her part time job. It was one of the few things she and Sora had in common, a job at a maid cafe. Neither of them dared to say it, but there was an unspoken law between them that neither of them would tell a soul. The only people she had told where it was that she worked, was Shiro, and the mother of one of his friends who walked him home from school, and she intended to keep it that way.

Although the work was embarrassing, it was easy, and paid well. Most of the employees were nice too, so it was fairly enjoyable. Arriving at the cafe, creatively named 'Maid Latte', Kana slipped in through the back door. The last thing she needed was to be seen walking into a maid cafe. Her uniform was just as she had left it the day before. It only took a minute to put on, she had done it hundreds of times now. Noticing that the evening rush was starting, Kana stepped out into the main room, greeting the first customer she saw.

"Welcome home master. How are you?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sora Azuma Character Portrait: Seiji Makatobi Character Portrait: Kana Mizushima Character Portrait: Ikari Nazukari
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Seiji had woken up that morning feeling sluggish. He rolled over to see his alarm clock notifying him it was time to get up, but he didn't want to. Seiji would've liked to sleep all day, but he knew that since today was the first day of the new semester, he better not be late. '....I guess I should get ready, wouldn't want any of the student council to chew me out..' He thought as he hopped out of bed stretching his arms into the air before showering and getting dressed.

Seiji rarely wore the jacket that belonged to the rest of his school uniform. He almost always had his white button up visible with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His tie was worn loosely, but surprisingly the rest of his outfit was sharp. Except that he always wore converse instead of the black formal shoes he was supposed to. As Seiji walked about to school, he had his jacket and bag thrown over his shoulder, glancing at the various of guys wearing identical uniforms, heading in the same direction.
Seiji lived with his mother and little sister, which he took care of both the best he could. He loved his family very dearly and because of issues with his father, Seiji passed down more love to not only family but people in general, especially girls.

Seiji walked through the school hallways and was greeted by many people, all wanting to talk and get to know him. He saw his previous friends and hung out with them on his breaks and lunch hour. Seiji loves cute things and to his enjoyment he saw an add in the newspaper recently advertising a maid cafΓ©. Although he didn't really want to be labeled as the perverts who entered the shop just to watch girls in maid uniforms, he wanted to experience it.

After school he had the add clipping with him as he searched for the cafΓ©. "Hmm..." He pondered. Seiji's sense of direction was sparse, making it difficult to find but without having too much struggle, he eventually ended up standing outside the cute building. "Maid Latte.." He repeated, reading the sign in the window. He casually opened the door to a cute maid waiting for him. She said a sweet greeting, which surprised Seiji slightly, but not as much as when he recognized the girl. "Kana Mizushima?" He cocked his head sideways curiously. "You...Work here?" He almost chuckled at the thought.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Sora Azuma Character Portrait: Seiji Makatobi Character Portrait: Kana Mizushima Character Portrait: Ikari Nazukari
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Sora Azuma

Sora placed some empty plates into the washing up machine and switched it on as she heard the front door bell jingle again. More customers, today felt busy thanks to their low staff. She straightened out her uniform before walking out into the cafe to check someone was greeting the latest customers. That's when she caught sight of Kana standing face to face with Seiji Makatobi!

"Kana Mizushima?" He cocked his head sideways curiously. "You...Work here?"

Sora flung herself backwards through the door in horror. What was he doing here?! She cowered in the safety of the back room, ignoring the strange looks she received from the cooks. What were the odds of him coming all the way to the next neighborhood and to this cafe out of all the cafes. She never pinned him as the type to visit maid cafes.

She denied herself the temptation of peering back into the cafe to see what was happening. Kana was lost to the world of public humiliation now but not Sora, she still had a chance!

"Someone needs to empty the bins" The manager suddenly called.

"I'll do it!" Sora quickly exclaimed. Snatching up the black bin liners she dragged them over to the back door and slipped outside. After she dumped them in the metal bins in the side alley she lent against the wall there and wiped her forehead. Maybe she could pretend she was feeling ill and go home.

She felt bad for Kana, but she couldn't risk both student presidents getting shot down for being maids. The humiliation, the embarrassment, the very idea of losing her hard earned reputation made her want to shrivel up and die. It will all be fine she told herself firmly. She'd go home feeling sick and Kana would just have to take one for the team.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sora Azuma Character Portrait: Seiji Makatobi Character Portrait: Kana Mizushima Character Portrait: Ikari Nazukari
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Ikari and kind-hearted? Even in another life, this assumption can never be registered as something possible. Ikari while not rotten to the core, he was still someone who didn't care about other's misery. The same as today. Like always, Ikari roamed around the night before school started again, hung out with friends and stayed up late. Somehow or another, the next morning he woke up at a woman's place who even nicely dished him breakfast. In fact, Ikari felt she was overly nice.

Then he spotted that magazine. A very old one, that seemed to have gone through decade of years seeing how worn out it was. He recognized it from its cover. Of course he recognized it, after all he had seen it in a very large quanitity. And god knows, how many he had already trashed, ripped apart and burned away in a rage that he had yet to overcome. A smile was seen on his face as he innocently branded the woman a 'whore' before he snatched away the magazine and without wasting anymore time exited the house not minding the slightest the angry shouts coming from within.

Coincidentally a neighbour titled her little head curiously outside, but Ikari gave her his charming smile which made her back away in embarassment, not noticing the content of the cursing mad woman inside the house Ikari had just left. He returned to his house, or more exact, his apartment only the rich could have. It was still very early in the morning, so Ikari had no rush and comfortably took a shower. In the whole apartment, only the sound of the shower running was heard, aside from that, silence dominated. Ikari made himself a quick sandwhich and turned on the radio. He sat on the couch and listened.

Ikari soon made his way to the school. The school was actually not far away from his apartment, but for some reason he always chose to go the roundabout way through a nearby park. He felt stares on him wherever he went, but he ignored it already being perfectly accustomed with it. For his night friends wonder, Ikari wore his uniform in a modest and model student way, yet it still didn't cover his charm the slightest. Today though, he had opened the first two buttons at the top and his jacket hanging on his shoulder, while his tie hung perfectly. It is difficult to accept that someone playful like Ikari could do his tie perfectly like that.

Soon he entered the school yard and there begun the usual school day. He talked with friends, flirted with the girls (might as well fool around a little bit) and lead a completely normal life. That is, if not for his countless fans not only from the boys side but also from the girls. Today, he actually already had to accept several confessions from freshmen newly coming to school which he naturally rejected all. It was fun to see those crocodile tears. Honestly.

He also met up with Seiji, who had told him about a certain Maid CafΓ© he wanted to go to today. Ikari wasn't really interested, so he let the guy to go there alone. Seriously, why would he go into a Maid CafΓ©? Yes, perhaps entertaining, but Ikari was honestly not interested in something like that. He would perhaps more enjoy to be a waiter there, that'd be interesting. Pranking people in the disguise of a waiter, or perhaps as a cook... that would arouse Ikari's interest. But being the customer and being served by girls he was already surrounded with even without going there? No thank you.

The day continued with him talking with friends like that until the school day finally ended. He was invited to karaoke by some girls, so he went with them. Their intention was clear, obviously, they were not restrained either. Ikari also flirted around to please them. But then, he excused himself to go buy some drinks for them. They naturally wanted to go with him, but Ikari refused saying he wanted to serve them. The thought him serving them seemed to please them all, so they waited in the karaoke room - unsuspecting that Ikari would just leave without saying anything, leaving them clueless.

Ikari yawned. Probably he was still tired from the night before, so he decided to go for a shortcut through the town to go to some girl's apartment and sleep there. But then... who would have thought that in an alleyway... "Nice hobby, Pres. Didn't know you are this kind of pervert."

... Sora Azuma, the school president he had perhaps only met fleetingly at school, would be leaning on the wall having a maid costume on. Now, wasn't this so very interesting? Ikari stepped forward, a grin played on his lips as the distance between them shrunk with every step he made.


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Character Portrait: Sora Azuma Character Portrait: Seiji Makatobi Character Portrait: Kana Mizushima Character Portrait: Ikari Nazukari
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After nearly a year of working here, Kana had become less paranoid that someone she knew would visit the cafe. After all, it's not exactly the type of place anyone who valued their reputation would even think of going to. She should have known better than to not look at who the customer was before greeting them. So there she was, standing in front of her classmate. For a brief moment, she held onto the hope that he might not recognize her, but much to her dismay, he addressed her by name a moment later.

Kana froze up. Watching out of the corner of her eye as Sora slipped back into the backroom. Well it looks like I'm alone on this one, it's not like I expected her to come to my rescue. Her mind began to run through a hundred different scenarios, and every single one of them involved her becoming the laughingstock of the school.

Her manager called out for someone to take out the garbage. As much as she wanted to leave to do it, this guy was still a customer, and her manager would kill her if she just left him. She could always call the manager and say he was harassing her, though there were far too many people in the room for her to believe that happened. After another moment of thought, she finally had an idea.

"Right this way Master." She said, grabbing his wrist and holing onto it with an iron grip as she dragged him into the backroom. She couldn't keep up an act while talking to him, and she couldn't exactly threaten him in the middle of the cafe.

When they got to the backroom she whipped around, shooting him a death glare. Doing her best to sound as intimidating as possible. She had just about everything to lose, but she'd be damned if she let him know that. "Yes, I work here. Go ahead, laugh, but don't you dare tell anyone else about this."


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Character Portrait: Sora Azuma Character Portrait: Kana Mizushima
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Seiji stood there curiously, waiting for an answer, but was surprised when Kana dragged him away. "Whoa!" He exclaimed as he followed her. Seiji listened to Kana and couldn't help but smirking slightly. "Why would I laugh at you? After all, You look really cute." Seiji smiled charmingly. He glanced around at the area and was quite amazed that she worked here.
He wouldn't have pegged her for the type to work in a maid cafΓ©, but what would he know? He's never really talked to her before.

"Why're you working here anyway? Just curious." He asked not yet promising to keep her secret. "Would it be so bad if people found out?" He questioned again, already knowing the answer. Seiji wasn't quite sure what to do. He would keep her secret, but he didn't want it to end there. Seiji wanted to get to know Kana, she seemed pretty interested, not to mention adorable.

"Hm...I think I'd really like to try and be served. Aren't I your master?" He chuckled having more fun with it than he should. Seiji leaned against a wall with his arms crossed, not intentionally smirking but it was obviously there on his face.
Seiji was also curious how long she had been working there,..Just how had he not noticed her before? That was something Seiji was wondering himself.