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Aviur Vasiliev

"Why worry when you can be excited instead?"

0 · 369 views · located in Mejestic Cove Academy

a character in “Majestic Cove Academy”, as played by XDcakeXD


With fire spiky red hair, it is very hard not to miss him. It bursts in some shades of orange in yellow in the sun and sometimes people misunderstand, thinking that his head really is on fire. Matching his fiery hair are his amber eyes that always looks joyful and enthusiastic. The edges of his eyes are sharp so when he does look angry he looks like he could take on the world all by himself. He’s fairly muscled, and quite proud of it. Regularly he adorns a T-shirt with a long white scarf.
When one would think of Aviur, the most immediate personality trait they think of is arrogance. Always full of energy and vigor in everything he does, he is confident and likes to believe that if one puts their mind to it, anything is possible. There is not such a thing as failing there is only β€˜less’ successful and improvement. He likes to be proud of the great successes achieved and he believes that everyone else should be as well. Although his behavior may irk others into disliking him due to this, he usually has good intentions at heart.

As an optimist he constantly sees the brightness in all things, trying his best to ignore the dark and gloomy. Being gloomy never helps others or himself whereas happiness and light will help shine and guide as well give hope. However being an optimist, he tends to overlook the facts and may sometimes tell white lies to save the evil truth from getting shone on. Idealistic and usually found smiling-some would say smirking- he's like a ray of bright sunlight that can get overbearing in the heat of the moment.

Aviur Is a descendant from heroes and warriors of old, he stands by the codes of justice and serving goodness. His admiration in his old ancestors can be visibly seen through his passion in swordplay and seeing the different forms of the magical creatures around him. Luckily for them, he has no interest like his ancestors into slaying them intimidating with fear.


How long have you been at this academy?:
3 years

He likes to be friends with everyone he’s met.


The Vasiliev family is a long running family who has accomplished great tasks back in Europe. They first came from heroes that vanquished evil-the supernaturals- back in the days when they were at war with one another. They saved cities from rampaging golems and kingdoms from the ailing disease ghosts that spread sickness through a pinch with their fingers. They were highly regarded heroes that have been knighted under the royal family for centuries.

Their most common feature amongst members of the family was the amber draconic eyes that they all carried. Born from a blessing of volcanic fairies, they are Humans that will never have a dying fire in their eyes.

In a more modern day, the Vasiliev live a more a humble life, they no longer hunt monsters unless it is the occasional rabid and unbinding type. In Aviur’s case, he lives with a family of hunters out in the mountains. He is very attune with the natural world, allowing him to scavenge and build skills in survival. His family is rather normal with the occasional epic story of fighting a reptilian species in a bar fight. He is the middle son amongst his six sisters.

His reason for coming with the academy is something that even his family cannot answer.

His favorite food are apples.

So begins...

Aviur Vasiliev's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Angel Blood-Rose Character Portrait: Abigail Levitz Character Portrait: Tazuki Kaito Character Portrait: Jeong Lee Character Portrait: Billy Blackfeather
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With a small nod Jeong headed to the cafeteria with his two acquaintances.

β€œThis is my first year here,” he said quietly along the way.

He was not a very big eater but the smell of steamy fluffy pancakes made his stomach grumble as they entered the cafeteria. The cafeteria hall was full of people casually hanging about. The line for the cafeteria was long but not so long that they could not bother to wait. The cafeteria was a fairly large room with a ceiling as high as the grand hall that held the welcoming ceremony.

As he waited in line, he noticed amongst all the students in the cafeteria a particularly familiar female gobbling down food like it was her last meal. On one of the long metal benches was, he recalled, Billy Blackfeather and her elaborate feathered hair-do.

Jeong had thought about waving to her but felt as if yesterday’s conversation might have made him look a bit intruding. β€˜She probably hates me…’ he thought casting his orb like eyes forward."Why did you all come to this school?"the short boy turned his attentions back to Abigail and Tazuki.


Sunlight scratched through the curtains landing on the groggy face of a dreaming male, licking him to wake up. His body tangled with blankets in a pretzel shifted trying to block out the eager sun. Mind exhausted after yesterday’s festivities of the abundance of food and dancing. His peaceful face was like that of an innocent child, no one would want to wake him up from his beauty slumber.

Sadly, life was not one to wait.


Eyes snapping open at the littlest bit of sound revealed salamander eyes. His mouth opened generously for a lazy yawn. What time was it exactly? Blinking he rubbed his eyes looking towards the alarm clock. Shoot a dragon in the arse!

Scurrying to his feet, the red headed male was wide awake with energy now, flurrying into chaos with putting on clothes to taking a shower. He was gonna be late-late-late- or so he thought but the male had failed to remember that he had set his alarm clock an hour forward. As he bursted out of his room and down the hallway like a berserk pony he failed to notice the number of students in the hall way and the enormous amount past the cafeteria.

Then he saw his homeroom, the door was open and he was home free! His feet slid to the side as he turned to the door, if one looked hard enough they could see a bit of a scuff mark the male would have made on the floor with his shoes. Walking in, he felt something pop on to his head.

His vision went white and his face felt dry. Shaking his head he let loose a flurry of dusty snow inquisitively. A small sound caught his attention and he found a small piece of chalk on the ground, the ultimate culprit for his now partially white hair. He picked it up off of the ground. There were a couple of chuckles from a few students in the classroom but there were not a lot of them to his surprise.

Forgetting about the chalk he realized what he did, with his hand to his face he laughed a bit finally remembering that he had set the clock an hour faster. The red haired-partially white sat down in his regular seat by the window near one of his actually white haired classmates.

β€œHey Angel. Whatchya up to?” he asked with a lopsided grin as he tilted his head back at the girl behind me.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angel Blood-Rose Character Portrait: Abigail Levitz Character Portrait: Tazuki Kaito Character Portrait: Jeong Lee Character Portrait: Billy Blackfeather Character Portrait: Aviur Vasiliev
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While reading, her own world bringing her peace. It was spoilt by the sound of someone rushing in and set the trap off. Laughs were heard and the sound of the said person taking a seat near Angel. Not too long after that, Angel was asked a question from a person that she recognised. "Reading a book while I wait for the teacher to arrive", she answered in a small voice, only looking at him for a second before reading more of her book. Once again she had to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear as she tried to read the page.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angel Blood-Rose Character Portrait: Abigail Levitz Character Portrait: Tazuki Kaito Character Portrait: Jeong Lee Character Portrait: Billy Blackfeather Character Portrait: Aviur Vasiliev
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As the trio made it to the cafeteria, Tazuki gave a giant sniff of the air around him. The smell of sweet fluffy pancakes filled his nose causing him to smile a bit, "ah the smell of the most notorious breakfast in the world. Pancakes." Tazuki said as he got in the waiting line for the students to get their meals.

As he waited in line, he heard Jeong ask a question, "why did you all come to this school?" He looked towards Jeong before giving him his reply, "It's nothing special really, my family happened to move nearby and just enrolled me into this school. Of course I was unaware that the school had fantasies enrolled in this school which surprised me a great deal when I first heard about it, I mean I never seen such fantasies with my own eyes except in stories. But after one day I got used to it, besides we are all living beings at the end of the day." After he had finished, he felt like some sort of motivational speaker with the "wise" words at the end.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angel Blood-Rose Character Portrait: Abigail Levitz Character Portrait: Tazuki Kaito Character Portrait: Billy Blackfeather Character Portrait: Aviur Vasiliev
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"Fantasies..." Abby mumbled, raising her brow. "Oh, you mean people who aren't entirely humans. Well, we're pretty real, so we're not really fantasies, heh... Ahem. My mom got a promotion. Then I was signed here, sinse we're lion shapeshifters. They figured this academy that openly accepts not only humans, would be good for me," she said.
"We had to move from a small town called Cansburg, leaving behind many things." Abby continued and squeezed her pendant that was under her clothes. "What about you, Jeong?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angel Blood-Rose Character Portrait: Abigail Levitz Character Portrait: Tazuki Kaito Character Portrait: Jeong Lee Character Portrait: Aviur Vasiliev
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They were all willing to come to the Majestic Cove, perhaps in the end he was the only strange one. He recalled the moments his clan had objected to his attendance of this school, it was the elders against the clan leader and her followers who believed that tradition was no longer the best way to live as now a days more and more supernaturals came together in bonds. They should no longer be afraid of one another.

Jeong had indeed wanted to come to this school but ever since he arrived he felt like he had been a hindrance to his older sister. If he had just stayed quiet then perhaps his clan would not be feuding with one another right now.

β€œ I…don’t really have much of a reason…I used to be homeschooled and I wanted a change,” he said slowly to avoid unnecessary information from spewing out of his mouth.

They had arrived at the cafeteria ladies, who were unnervingly sweet to which he was a bit shy about as one gave him a jolly smile handing him a plate of pillowy pancakes caked in syrup with a small piece of melting butter at the top of the hill of food.He looked out for a place to sit with his plate of pancakes, while waiting for Tazuki and Abigail. The hall was still packed with enough students that there were not that many good places to sit that were not caked with messy eaters.


Aviur pouted at the lack of response coming from the snow white haired girl as she had gone back to reading her book after answering his question. β€œMan, you’re so shy. I’m trying to have a proper conversation with you, ya know?” He flipped around in his seat so that he was properly facing the girl. Folding his arms on top of her desk he rested his head on his arms with the childish pout still on his face.

β€œWell is it a good book? What’s it about? Who’s you’re favorite character? What do you think?” he bombarded her with questions. Being at this school for awhile, Aviur had a thing with liking to communicate with others and it just would not cut it for him when he saw someone all by their lonesome.

Just about yesterday he ended up finding a tengu who wanted to play basketball but being new, had no one to play since everyone was at the ceremony. The red headed human decided to spend the rest of the night playing basketball with the younger teenager. Everybody needs a buddy!

Whenever someone needed help he was the one there! The human knew that he could get a bit abrasive but people who do not intrude or speak their mind are just cowards hanging back. For the past few years he has met a lot of people and has been quite determined to know the names of at least everyone in all his classes this year.

This was probably the first time he had been in the same homeroom as the white haired girl. He had seen her before in the hallways but had only recently heard of her name at the opening ceremony, speaking of which it did not seem as if he had introduced himself yet.

β€œWhoops,” he said out loud, β€œI probably sounded real rude suddenly asking about your book like that-hehe- I’m Aviur Vasiliev.” the partially chalk covered redhead grinned.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angel Blood-Rose Character Portrait: Abigail Levitz Character Portrait: Tazuki Kaito Character Portrait: Jeong Lee Character Portrait: Billy Blackfeather Character Portrait: Aviur Vasiliev
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Multitasking, the white haired girl listened to the red haired boy and read her book. Upon the moment he introduced himself as Avier Vasiliev, Angel finally answered. "Nice to meet you... I'm Angel Blood-Rose. To answer your previous questions... Yes, it is a good book. It's about these twins that grow up together facing difficult challenges in life.... My favourite character is the sister Violet because she remained strong even when things that she cherished... Was g-gone..."

She turned silent afterwards, the most that she has spoken all at once for quite some time. Angel began to shake but she took a breath and calmed down. She added in a quieter voice, "I admire your enthusiasm... My body is too weak to do certain things that may seem enjoyable".

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angel Blood-Rose Character Portrait: Abigail Levitz Character Portrait: Tazuki Kaito Character Portrait: Jeong Lee Character Portrait: Billy Blackfeather Character Portrait: Aviur Vasiliev
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Jeong followed up behind the blonde girl watching the seated female eating faster than a dead starved hyena. And for a moment he thought about where all that food went, sure she seemed to be fit and all but the rapid fire amount of food shooting into her mouth seemed almost too monstrous for even monsters.

β€œBilly?” his voice rang trying to get the attention of the hungry female with feathers and stuff in her hair. He felt almost like he was intruding the way she ate so comfortably in this hectic hall of food and noisy children and people. A second thought had popped into his head about leaving and just sitting somewhere else to eat-not because of the female in front of them but the noise and chatter-and perhaps danger.

The black haired boy wondered if the beastly Billy had even heard his voice ring out over the noise as on the far end of the room past the table they wished to have breakfast on, one group of people had excitedly laughed and cried out β€œfirst food fight of the year!” Hopefully their crude food rebellion would not spread to the rest of the cafeteria hall.


β€œHeh. Is that so?” he said slightly amused, β€œI don't like reading. But I do like stories,”he bluntly stated. It was a true fact. The boy hated staying still and staring at chains of letters and words. English was a complete bore when on paper-which was probably why he would pass those classes with a sliver. He would much rather someone tell him a story rather than reading it himself;the stories about heroes who brave dangerous journeys were his favorite out of them all.

Aviur ran a hand through his hair getting rid of most of the chalk in his hair, although rather than an apple red it was more of a dark terra cotta hue now-which would have been close enough to being normal. He leaned his head against the palm of his hand.

Noticing her voice slowly get quieter as she talked he chortled a little, β€œmy enthusiasm is hardly something worth mentioning. Having a conversation with another person is hardly any gym exercise. You should talk with more people more often. I'm sure everyone was smitten by your sweet voice the other day at the opening ceremony,” he showed a toothy grin.

He had not been to the ceremony of course, because he had been playing basketball with the tengu but that did not mean he had not heard anything from the other students. There was a lot of food, dancing,music and the regular speeches that the boring old principal would make and then the student who had talked in front of the crowd this year, namely her. Assuming she was probably using the same voice now as she had done at the ceremony, he could imagine her saying something deep and thoughtful-perhaps even a bit personal, just a smidge.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angel Blood-Rose Character Portrait: Abigail Levitz Character Portrait: Tazuki Kaito Character Portrait: Billy Blackfeather Character Portrait: Aviur Vasiliev
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Angel only just managed to hide her small blush from behind her book because of the boy's compliment on her voice. "T-thank you... I have t-tried... Talking to other people that is b-but..." She spoke up in her small voice, however she drifted off again. Her emotion may have been completely blank but her blood red eyes turned dull and sad. The white haired girl coughed, using her hands to cover her mouth. She then took out her spare handkerchief and wiped her mouth and hands, slightly frowning as tried to hide the wiped substance from the pure white cloth back into her shorts pocket.

Giving herself a few moments, she closed her eyes, sighed, then opened them again to shyly point to another girl from the other end of the class. "I... Do not know her name but from the last five years from being in this Academy... She knows hundreds of story's... She's an Elf and can play the flute... Her birthday is in two weeks and will be lonely because most of her friends left the Acedemy or don't go here..." Once finished, Angel shyly dropped her hand and looked away before reading her book once more.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Angel Blood-Rose Character Portrait: Abigail Levitz Character Portrait: Tazuki Kaito Character Portrait: Jeong Lee Character Portrait: Billy Blackfeather
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There seemed to be a rather still silence between the four that sat at the table. Jeong looked down at the stack of thickly served pancakes with syrup on the side. Just looking at the food made him feel full, there was no way he could finish it all. With a fork and a knife he sliced through the cake fluff of food. It was delicious, he had not had pancakes before-his family only hired skilled traditional chefs rather than cooked their own food.

He had only finished half of the pancake, when a flying saucer came torpedoing it's way at him from his side vision. Automatically he ducked at the piece of flying food squished against the middle of the table. It seemed like the food fight was getting more and more rowdy. He could hear the screaming of the cafeteria ladies shrieking like banshees across the room but most of the sound was lost as students began to pick up their plates in a solo war against other students. There were pears, apples, pancakes and juice flying over their heads.

The war zone had practically spread to the entirety of the hall. The small black haired boy was no longer hungry, instead he felt the need to keep a much wary hawk eye against his surroundings as anything and everything was tossed around everywhere. β€œThis doesn't feel safe,”he stated.


Aviur sat back into his seat folding his arms behind his head he tilted his head at the girl. β€œYou know...” he lowered his voice, β€œa body is never born healthy unless you're happy.” A person who is sickly and without friends or anyone to talk to seemed like one of the worst of fates to be. Naturally he had always been healthy all his life and so was most of his family so he could not relate to the female in health much- all he knew was that it sucked.This girl though- she did not look like one peachy butterfly neither in health nor happiness.

His eyes followed the girl's finger as she pointed out a cute girl with pointed ears. Who in turn looked just like a reflection of the girl he spoke to, reserved, alone and reading. Because she sat at the back of the room, he had not noticed her when he had entered-an apologetic mistake on his part but it was not like there were two of him. Seeing Angel go back to reading her book, he was not pleased with that either. Slapping his hands against his thighs he stood up, β€œhey now. You're not getting off that easily missy.” With one hand he tugged the package of paper packed between leather bindings out of the girl's hands.

β€œYou're the one who pointed her out. I'm sure you two will get along like dragons and treasure since you both looked so pleased to be reading little novels. Come on then!” with his other hand he held it out to the white haired girl. β€œLet's go see what our to-be-friend elf girl is reading!”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angel Blood-Rose Character Portrait: Abigail Levitz Character Portrait: Tazuki Kaito Character Portrait: Jeong Lee Character Portrait: Billy Blackfeather Character Portrait: Aviur Vasiliev
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"H-hey!" She cried as the red head grabbed her book. "G-give it b-back!" Angel being in a slight panic tried to grab her book back. However, Aviur then told her to try and talk to the Elf girl. Immediately, the white haired turned shy, shrinking down on her seat in an attempt to possible feel smaller than she already is "...I c-can't it's not that simple when it comes to me... No matter how h-hard I try... Everyone here in this Academy h-hates me... T-Trixe even said so... 'I'm considered bad luck. A nobody' she said", Angel spoke in a small voice. Out of habit, she tried to fix the large black bow on the top of her head back into place.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angel Blood-Rose Character Portrait: Abigail Levitz Character Portrait: Tazuki Kaito Character Portrait: Jeong Lee Character Portrait: Aviur Vasiliev
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He ducked down straight away as another flying pancake came out of nowhere. A few of the teachers were starting to enter the room but the chaos grew more intense even through the noxious reprimanding of the situation. His eyes followed after Tazuki and Abigail and he scurried over like a mouse.

This however did not fair well for him as his desperate escape was halted by one of the female teachers. She was much taller than him, a giant species most likely. She hooked him around the neck and lifted him off of the ground. β€œWhere do you kids think you're going?” she glowered at the retreating group.

Jeong gagged as the woman's biceps strained the air out of him. The teachers had no mercy even to the kids who had been only caught in the crossfire. They apprehended students left and right making them stay in tightly formed groups with a supervisor teacher. The black hair male clawed at the bulging muscles strangling him. He looked to Tazuki and Abigail for perhaps a bit of help.


He was tall enough to be out of the reach of the girl's fingers; easily he passed the book to his other hand placing his other hand on his hip.

Aviur 's mouth squished together in an 'o' shape. Bullies, the usual thing that stops people from approaching others. If he recalled correctly Trixie was that popular witch girl with the punk style with coloured streaks in her hair. Her posse was also apart of this class as well. He had not seen much of her though he shared classes with a few of her friends who liked to worship the ground she walked on.

β€œYou said 'everyone in this academy hates you'? Well I don't hate you and I don't think anyone else in this room hates you as well,” his amber eyes caught the eye of his other classmates. They turned away. Aviur would like to believe that they did not hate her anyways- they were most likely afraid of Trixie, she was after all known as a prodigy witch through her species, her grades were decently high as well.

β€œCome. Come now. What's the worse that can happen?” he pointed over to the elf girl who had looked up from her reading, she gave a blank stare towards them. β€œLook she's even expecting us!” he gave a small wave to her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angel Blood-Rose Character Portrait: Abigail Levitz Character Portrait: Tazuki Kaito Character Portrait: Jeong Lee Character Portrait: Aviur Vasiliev
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The unfortunate shorter girl gave up on trying to retrieve her book. She listened to what the boy had to say and couldn't help but blush slightly as he said that he didn't hate her. Sure she did know that most people were avoiding her because them themselves were Trixie's victims. However there were a few besides the older witch's group that hated her, people that saw a side of Angel that they shouldn't have seen. The white haired girl played with her hair nervously and turned pale when she realised that the Elf girl was watching. Realising that it was no use now to back out, Angel shyly walked towards the girl. She evidently was shaking and wasn't surprised if other people could hear her heartbeat as it pounded a million miles per second. "U-umm... H-hello..." Angel whispered to the other girl, once reaching her desk.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angel Blood-Rose Character Portrait: Abigail Levitz Character Portrait: Tazuki Kaito Character Portrait: Jeong Lee Character Portrait: Aviur Vasiliev
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The teacher might not have noticed anything as she desperately tried to round up the wildly flailing students but she was also poorly sucking the life out of Jeong when something splattered against her face and body. Completely forgetting the boy she growled, a deep rumble under her throat wanting to just tear at whoever had thrown that. She saw that it was the green haired boy and would have gone straight for him when something else, also wet and sticky splattered at the back of her neck. This was barely the first month of a new semester and these kids thought it was funny to fool around.

Jeong gasped placing his hands on his own throat, thinking it might possibly collapse on it's own. He was dropped to his knees and luckily still somewhat alive. The giant muscular teacher was distracted for a few moments by the help of the food. He had just stood up when a barrage of blueberries came firing above his head. The boy was just short enough to not be hit but he had the terrible sight of seeing the teacher's face grow from red to a deep dark blue-which were not just the blueberries.

Swallowing he jumped on to his feet, feeling the sticky syrup slow his movements on the ground. As quickly as he could muster he grabbed Abigail's wrist and ran towards the fleeing green haired elder classman.

Jeong stumbled over the chaos leaving the teacher behind who now searched for the blueberry culprit. β€œTazuki wait up!”


Aviur smugly walked up behind the timid white haired girl with his arms crossed, just in case if she suddenly decided to run. The pointed eared girl in front of them with her long slender fingers hovered over to the bookmark sitting on the desk. His eyes glinted a little at the bookmark. It was not something he had seen often, probably from the sharp eared humanoid races culture. It was of an intricate design of green and gold with floral patterns that stuck out of what looked to be a lucky charm with strands of white ribbons. Perhaps it held some magic in it as he noticed the bright rainbow gem in the center glow a soft green as she placed it into where she had left the book off.

β€œHello,” she greeted them, her voice reflected Angel's, soft spoken and quiet. There was also a lullaby like tune in her voice. β€œDo you need something?” She placed gold strands of hair behind her long ears revealing a small red jewel earring.

Giving his usual happy smile he gave Angel a small pat on her upper back. β€œThis little bird told me you played the flute so I thought we might introduce ourselves and perhaps get a chance to know each other better.” Naturally his first thoughts were how pretty the natural beings of the forest were. It was not his first time seeing an elf and every time he found one he could not be envious at their eternal graceful beauty, both men and women. They were much more lithe than humans were and they sang songs and breathed fresh air. His life was pretty isolated much like the elves although more humans tended to head towards closer to more industrial areas. They were much more pure than humans were, he could see the sunlight shine in her hair and her globular eyes that seemed to hold rivers;they were such enchanting creatures,most likely one of his favorite kind with their sparkly nature wizardry.

β€œI'm Aviur,”he introduced himself first to break some ice.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angel Blood-Rose Character Portrait: Aviur Vasiliev
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Angel felt terrified yet she kept it hidden. When Aviur started talking to the girl, it gave the white haired time to calm down and think. However it ended soon enough that her plan to make a quick escape failed. Taking a steady breath she finally responded in her small voice, "what book are you r-reading?" Her blood red eyes sparkled with curiosity, wondering on what the story could be and what adventurous imagination it holds. Again by habit, Angel sorted out her bow on her head again. She then checked her clothes nervously, seeing if there were any embarrassing food stains or left over crumbs.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angel Blood-Rose Character Portrait: Abigail Levitz Character Portrait: Tazuki Kaito Character Portrait: Jeong Lee Character Portrait: Aviur Vasiliev
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The raven haired boy released his grip on the blonde girl now that they were in the neutral zone away from the teachers who were now rounding up the students. He sighed heavily having found himself lacking in stamina, he leaned up against the wall for support. That was certainly one way to get a morning started.

The young male felt all the weight, 'literally', on his shoulders as he felt little bits of food slip down his shoulders. His oversized pant legs clung to his honey and syrup drenched shoes that made him feel sticky all over. Jeong nodded his head in agreement with Abigail, they should also hurry in getting changed as he was pretty sure that class would probably start soon.

It was not the most of pleasant memory that was now etched into his mind but it was certainly a 'different' experience. β€œI think class will start soon. I don't think we have enough time to go running back to the dorms and back,” he said looking around his surroundings. His green orbs landed a small sign, β€œI'm just going to clean myself up in the bathroom and clean my clothes during a longer break. Excuse me.” The short male started heading towards the boy's lavatory at the end of the hallway that they had turned into.


The elf looked from the red head, to the white head then back down to the cover of the book. Then after a few moments of thought, from what the red headed assumed was the elf determining on whether she would talk to them or ignore them. But even if she were to ignore them he would continue to persist. He was stubborn like that.

β€œIt's called the Last Light,” she spoke softly her fingers tracing the hard book cover. β€œI don't think it would interest you much. Not many people enjoy this book...people say it's too...tragic and unrealistic.”

Tragedy was good genre, not his most favourite type as it lacked a happy heroic ending. Aviur was a more of an action and -powpow and linear easy to understand stories than people looping each other round and round.He crossed his arms allowing the two girls to converse in their book talk-once they got deep into conversation, he would slip away calling it another mission successful

He wondered if perhaps he could run to the cafeteria to get food. The human had a case of a bit of hunger pangs, though it was not noticeable now. His fiery eyes glanced over to the clock above the door. Sadly he probably would not make it in time.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angel Blood-Rose Character Portrait: Aviur Vasiliev
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Angel soon enough gathered her courage and was intrigued by the subject of books, genres and stories. Slowly, Angel began to melt out of her ice cold shell, feel her emotions beginning to flow more. But then she felt sudden pain and coughed, her shell sealing back up again. "I-I'm sorry... I m-must return to my s-seat", she said softly as she escaped back to her seat. Luckily seeing the teacher walk in only just to prepare quickly to start the first lesson of the day.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angel Blood-Rose Character Portrait: Aviur Vasiliev
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The elf looked slightly mystified at the white haired girl as she retreated back to her desk with her cough. And they were having such a nice conversation as well. Her eyes flickered over to the red headed human who was still standing at her desk looking over his shoulder to see how the other girl was holding up. Her head tilted to the male with a noticeable questioning sign.

β€œShe's just a little sick,” Aviur replied with a shrug. A gong like ring echoed through the halls catching both of their attentions. With an energetic smile he gave a wave to the girl. β€œLater.” She nodded her head in acknowledgement.

The human triumphantly strutted back to his seat. As he passed Angel's desk he placed a hand on her head and rubbed it teasingly, messing a bit with her bow. β€œGood job. I knew you could do it,although too bad about that cough. I hope it get's better.” He returned her book by placing it in front of her on the desk before returning to his seat in front of her.

The teacher drummed the sheets of paper he had on the desk, silencing the classroom as class was starting. Most of the students who had been at the school for long periods of time knew most of the teachers and staff that worked here so it is not so surprising that the students looked at one another when a new teacher came around; not to mention a handsome teacher and not some old grandma or grandpa.

β€œAlright class will now begin. I can see that most of you probably know. This will be my first year at Majestic Cove Academy. My name is Mr.Smith and I will be your English teacher.” The teacher pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose with his finger. Aviur was pretty sure that he was not the only one that broody mysterious feeling ebbing off of him. His guess at what kind of species his new teacher was either an offspring of a Succubus, Incubus or perhaps a Siren considering how low and smooth his voice is. He could see that this class would most likely one of the highest scoring in English with a teacher like that; most of the girls would probably kill to get the highest score. The other boys were probably going to have a hug self esteem drop though with this kind of guy walking around the school. It was without a doubt fascinating and hopefully this will be another good year of school.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angel Blood-Rose Character Portrait: Tazuki Kaito Character Portrait: Aviur Vasiliev
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"I guess I will see you in class as well. Anyways I better go before I'm late for class." Tazuki spoke before placing his shoes back on his feet, waving goodbye to Abigail and the proceded to run down the hallway to his class. He arrived at the class a few minutes before the teacher and took seat at the front of the class and got ready for school.

Eventually the teacher stepped in and introduced himself, he was a new English teacher. He was lucky because the old teachers would have labled him suspicious after all the pranks he has done so a new teacher had no idea what his students are like. With his thoughts now out of the way, he opened up his bag and grabbed a notebook and pencil to get prepared to take notes.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angel Blood-Rose Character Portrait: Tazuki Kaito Character Portrait: Aviur Vasiliev
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Angel frowned when Avier messed up her bow but returned to her emotionless state and nodded in response to her returned book. Quickly fixing her bow and putting the book away, she noticed a familiar guy walking in just before the teacher did. However, what caught her attention was that the teacher is new. "Hmm... Head Master... So he did manage to find a replacement", she mumbled in her quiet voice.

Again her cough returned but only for a short time. To pass the time, the white haired decided to look outside of the window which she sat next to, however listened to the teacher at the same time.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angel Blood-Rose Character Portrait: Abigail Levitz Character Portrait: Tazuki Kaito Character Portrait: Aviur Vasiliev
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Abigail could be finally recognized after she cleaned herself up in the nearest bathroom, but her clothes were still horribly stained. However, her bigger problem was going in class.
"I'm late. I should hurry... even if I don't want to!" she thought, while walking quickly trough the hallways. Showing up in the classroom in front of everyone when being late was something she wasn't looking forward to.

"G-good morning. Sorry I'm late." Abigail stuttered once she opened the door. Her red face made it clear that she wasn't comfortable with her classmates' eyes on her. Abby quickly went to an empty seat, hoping the teacher would continue the class.