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Junko Enoshima

"It's sweet of you to think that I'd really care about your emotions, but I really don't."

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a character in “Mal Kriada: Born Sin”, originally authored by Monokumada, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Enoshima Junko

Other Aliases: Otonashi Ryouko; Monobear/Monokuma

Origin Series: Dangan Ronpa

Sex: Bi-gender? She identifies as male within her Monobear persona, but in normal persona, she identifies as female. She probably doesn't really care what you refer to her as, but biologically, she is female.

Birthday: Dec. 24th

Height: 169 cm (5'7)

Weight: 44 kg (97 lbs)

Hair Color: black (original); pink (dyed)

Status: Somehow Still Alive; Still Despairing

Equipment: Unknown number of Monobear dolls controlled via remote; knives stored on various places of her body

Species: Human

Appearance: Being a fashion model, Enoshima is best known for being absolutely gorgeous in terms of appearance. The first notable thing is that she has two pigtails clipped by two bear-shaped hairclips -- white on the left, black on the right. She has bright blue eyes, and pink hair -- due to dye, is such a generic color. She wears a black collar shirt with a red bow on the right side, and a tie that is far too long that is black-and-white (with a red anarchy symbol on it). She wears a short red skirt, and two black lace-up boots with red straps.

Monobear, being her alter ego, is white on one side, and black on the other, and is the height of an average plush doll. So he's quite small. He also only has one eye -- the other one is replaced with a red scar...and he has an eternal Cheshire Cat-esque grin.

History: Junko Enoshima is better known as a model of gyaru ('gal', basically punk clothing in Japan) style -- one of the most famous in the world -- and also known for being a leader of a genocidal cult.

Yes, perhaps it should be elaborated on a bit.

Since birth, Junko has found pleasure in nothing but despair (as she regretted living, feeling her own birth was a mistake). Happiness didn't come to her, she literally was incapable of feeling that emotion. What she was able to feel, however, was despair, and she grew a fascination with it, taking her loyal sister, Ikusaba Mukuro, into her strange mindset as well. Once she reached high school, she was invited to attend an academy known as Hope's Peak Academy, a prominent school for students who were best at certain talents. Junko got in for her modeling talent -- she'd graced several magazines by that point, although that's slightly-less-relevant -- and Mukuro, who had taken on a far different lifestyle, got in as the Super High School Level Mercenary. It was at that point that they were placed in the infamous class 78. The two sisters began to plan what was entitled 'The Most Despairing Incident in the History of the World', and the cult to mastermind it... 'Super High School Level Despair'.

Prior to the incident, Junko had already made a few murders, and was investigating the forms of memory-erasure with the SHSL Neurologist, Matsuda Yasuke. At that time, she successfully wiped her own mind, and for a time lived as an entirely different person -- a construct known as Ryouko Otonashi. Despite Matsuda taking care of her, and preventing her from falling into despair for a while, she eventually regained her memories, and killed him, the only person whom she, to this day, questions if she really 'loved'. But more important things were on her mind, as she took control of mascots for a nearby cafe...and turned them into her new alter-ego, Monobear.

She killed the headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy, Jin Kirigiri via Monobear (in typical dramatic fashion), while the others whom she'd recruited to her cult causing various havoc elsewhere. After killing him, she erased the memories of the students in the freshman class, to the point where they believed that it was their first day at the school again....and she sent Ikusaba, in disguise, to take her spot. After seeing that it was all a success, and that Ikusaba blended in as well as she could, Enoshima bombastically introduced herself as Monobear, claiming that 'he' was their new headmaster, and that the students were now in a dangerous 'mutual-killing game'.

As Ikusaba got straight into character, after the first murder (of Maizono Sayaka, by Kuwata Leon), she became enraged at Monobear, and Enoshima took to responding in a way unexpected to her sister: summoning an attack that she dubbed 'Spears of the Gungnir', and impaling Ikusaba, killing her, and giving the impression that 'Enoshima' was dead. That worked to her advantage nicely - you can't suspect someone who died right in front of your eyes, can you? Finally, she introduced her favorite part of the whole thing -- the school trials. With the students debating amongst themselves who did the murder, she acted as judge, jury, and...executioner (or, well, Monobear did - same thing).

Her executions were always over-the-top, taking every chance to do her murders with style...and Kuwata's execution set the tone for that. Dubbed 'Million Fungoes' by Enoshima herself, it involved Kuwata, being that he was a baseball player, being tied to a pole and being pelted to death with baseballs, his body hanging in front of the others eyes when it was all over. That set the overall tone for next trials.

Eventually, the students demanded to find out who the mastermind behind the bear was, and they had a trial to figure that out....ending with two particular students, Kirigiri Kyouko (the daughter of the former headmaster, and a detective, herself), and Naegi Makoto (the ever-optimistic boy soon dubbed SHSL Hope) finding the truth, and Enoshima revealing herself dramatically. She soon expressed her frustration at Naegi in particular, revealing everything that had happened, and soon having the living students go to a vote between 'hope' and 'despair'. If even one student voted for 'despair', Naegi would be executed while the rest lived their lives confined in the academy. However, this was not the case as Naegi turned the case around to have everyone vote for hope.

Giving the students the way out, Enoshima soon felt a rush of ecstasy at her own death, thinking of it as 'the ultimate despair'. She gladly executed herself in an execution dubbed 'Super Duper Nasty Torture', where she went through all the other executions in a row, dying at the very last one. However, this was not the end of her.

What they expected was the sound of her death was not. She awoke inside the prison, finding it frustrating that she had not died after all. However, finding that she was on a prison planet, surrounded by other criminals, she took to doing what she did best: manipulating. She escaped the bloodbath with a bit of work and betrayal, standing proudly as one of the 5, and thrilled that she could survive such a bloodbath on the other end, this time. And with the decision of a multiversal tournament, she's ready to see more bloodshed, naturally. Why wouldn't she be? More despair for all!

Personality: Junko has what could be described as an erratic personality -- she has not one personality, but several, claiming that she develops them out of boredom, and every-so-often comes up with a new one. However, she does have several core personalities.

Her Monobear personality is best shown through her manipulating her plush doll. In this form, she plays the role of a chaotic, loudmouthed 'mascot character', acting as the star of the show, and pretty much being as spotlight-stealing and show-offy as possible, in addition to being cartoonish. If someone were to get through to her, she would very likely use this personality as a defense, trying to evade true contact through simply not being Junko Enoshima, but being Monobear. This is also the personality she has developed the most, and the one she is most likely to assume.

The next personality is her 'princess' personality. In this form, she is almost as loudmouthed as her Monobear persona, but far more demanding and pretentious. The best way so tell that she is in this personality is the fact that she has a small crown that she puts on her head whenever she assumes it, claiming that she needs it for 'getting into character'. If Junko were to have a true personality, it would very likely be similar to this one, being that this is the second most likely personality for her to assume.

Another would be her 'moe' personality, being deliberately cutesy-cutesy and childish to evade suspicion -- most of her other personalities are one note -- her depressed personality (illustrated by a trademark mushrooms-of-sadness headband), her punk personality (where she is more likely to swear and be loud), her informative personality (deliberately playing herself up as a fanservice-y instructor), and so on and so forth. Her true self is usually never seen, but from what can be gathered is that she is a very self-loathing person, but takes that out on others, and in fact relishes in it due to her despair fetish.

If someone were to attempt to really get through to her, they would have to evade many of her defenses, and even if they managed to do that, it would be a difficult task. She trusts no one except herself, in all actuality, so if she even stated that she remotely liked someone just a little bit, it'd be a miracle. She would evade most attempts to speak to her in caring fashion, and if she managed to gain an actual friend, she would never state anything that relatively assumed she considered anyone as that...unless they were put into danger, in which case she would jump to their aid, despite herself.

Getting her anywhere near romance would be even more of a struggle, considering that she hates herself and everyone around her, and she would very likely jump into her other personas if she were remotely pushed near liking anyone. But in the case that she did, it would be only slightly evident -- staying around the person she liked more, whether she was being verbally abusive or not, defending them when they got into any incident, and perhaps hesitating a bit and then hurriedly brushing off the question when asked the state of the relationship. She would very more likely say anything when embarrassed through her Monobear persona, since it 'wouldn't be her'.

Her mind in battle is a strategic one, being that her older sister had taught her much about weapons and that she was quite talented with such matters herself...however, her best ways to fight are through psychological warfare, as she has mastered much of psychology and can tear a person apart mentally if need be, although she claims that it's rather tiring and hardly worth the effort, and won't truly destroy someone until she absolutely needs to. Prolonging suffering is one of her favorite battle tactics, as she loves to see the faces of despair that fall upon the suffering opponents.

Powers: Great intelligence; talented roboticist; charismatic; talented in psychological warfare

Weaknesses: Overconfident; has a temper; no real superhuman abilities

Crimes for which she was Imprisoned For: Murder (repeatedly); Kidnapping; Torture (various); Vigilantism (as she sees her trials as delivering justice, in a strange way); Leader of a 'destructive cult' (SHSL Despair)

So begins...

Junko Enoshima's Story